File: tiki-editpage.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-editpage.php,v 2006/09/03 16:32:31 ohertel Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // Initialization require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); include_once ('lib/structures/structlib.php'); include_once ('lib/notifications/notificationlib.php'); if ($feature_wiki != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_wiki"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // Anti-bot feature: if enabled, anon user must type in a code displayed in an image if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && (!$user || $user == 'anonymous') && $feature_antibot == 'y') { if((!isset($_SESSION['random_number']) || $_SESSION['random_number'] != $_REQUEST['antibotcode'])) { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("You have mistyped the anti-bot verification code; please try again.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } // Get the page from the request var or default it to HomePage if (!isset($_REQUEST["page"]) || $_REQUEST["page"] == '') { $_REQUEST['page'] = $wikilib->get_default_wiki_page(); } $page = $_REQUEST["page"]; $smarty->assign_by_ref('page', $_REQUEST["page"]); $page_ref_id = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["page_ref_id"])) { $page_ref_id = $_REQUEST["page_ref_id"]; } $smarty->assign('page_ref_id',$page_ref_id); //Is new page to be inserted into structure? if (isset($_REQUEST["current_page_id"])) { $smarty->assign('current_page_id',$_REQUEST["current_page_id"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["add_child"])) { $smarty->assign('add_child', "true"); } } function compare_import_versions($a1, $a2) { return $a1["version"] - $a2["version"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel_edit'])) { $page = urlencode($page); header("location: tiki-index.php?page=$page"); die; } if (isset($_FILES['userfile1']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile1']['tmp_name'])) { check_ticket('edit-page'); require ("lib/mail/mimelib.php"); $fp = fopen($_FILES['userfile1']['tmp_name'], "rb"); $data = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $data .= fread($fp, 8192 * 16); } fclose ($fp); $name = $_FILES['userfile1']['name']; $output = mime::decode($data); $parts = array(); parse_output($output, $parts, 0); $last_part = ''; $last_part_ver = 0; usort($parts, 'compare_import_versions'); foreach ($parts as $part) { if ($part["version"] > $last_part_ver) { $last_part_ver = $part["version"]; $last_part = $part["body"]; } if (isset($part["pagename"])) { $pagename = urldecode($part["pagename"]); $version = urldecode($part["version"]); $author = urldecode($part["author"]); $lastmodified = $part["lastmodified"]; if (isset($part["description"])) { $description = $part["description"]; } else { $description = ''; } $pageLang = isset($part["lang"])? $part["lang"]: ""; $authorid = urldecode($part["author_id"]); if (isset($part["hits"])) $hits = urldecode($part["hits"]); else $hits = 0; $ex = substr($part["body"], 0, 25); //print(strlen($part["body"])); $msg = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { if (strtolower($pagename) != 'sandbox' || $tiki_p_admin == 'y') { make_clean($description); if ($tikilib->page_exists($pagename)) { if ($feature_multilingual == 'y') { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($pagename); if ($info['lang'] != $pageLang) { include_once("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); if ($multilinguallib->updatePageLang('wiki page', $info['page_id'], $pageLang, true)){ $pageLang = $info['lang']; $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The language can't be changed as its set of translations has already this language")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } } $tikilib->update_page($pagename, $part["body"], tra('page imported'), $author, $authorid, $description, null, $pageLang); } else { $tikilib->create_page($pagename, $hits, $part["body"], $lastmodified, tra('created from import'), $author, $authorid, $description, $pageLang); } } } else { $_REQUEST["edit"] = $last_part; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { unset ($_REQUEST["save"]); if ($page_ref_id) { header ("location: tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=$page_ref_id"); } else { header ("location: tiki-index.php?page=$page"); } die; } } $wiki_up = "img/wiki_up"; if ($tikidomain) { $wiki_up.= "/$tikidomain"; } // Upload pictures here if (($feature_wiki_pictures == 'y') && (isset($tiki_p_upload_picture)) && ($tiki_p_upload_picture == 'y')) { if (isset($_FILES['picfile1']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['picfile1']['tmp_name'])) { $picname = $_FILES['picfile1']['name']; if (preg_match('/\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/i',$picname)) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picfile1']['tmp_name'], "$wiki_up/$picname"); chmod("$wiki_up/$picname", 0644); // seems necessary on some system (see move_uploaded_file doc on php.net } //is done in js... $_REQUEST["edit"] = $_REQUEST["edit"] . "{img src=\"img/wiki_up/$tikidomain$picname\"}"; } } /** * \brief Parsed HTML tree walker (used by HTML sucker) * * This is initial implementation (stupid... w/o any intellegence (almost :)) * It is rapidly designed version... just for test: 'can this feature be useful'. * Later it should be replaced by well designed one :) don't bash me now :) * * \param &$c array -- parsed HTML * \param &$src string -- output string * \param &$p array -- ['stack'] = closing strings stack, ['listack'] = stack of list types currently opened ['first_td'] = flag: 'is <tr> was just before this <td>' */ function walk_and_parse(&$c, &$src, &$p, $head_url ) { for ($i=0; $i <= $c["contentpos"]; $i++) { // If content type 'text' output it to destination... if ($c[$i]["type"] == "text") { if( ! preg_match( '/^\s*$/s', $c[$i]["data"] ) ) { $src .= preg_replace( '/^\s+/s', ' ', $c[$i]["data"] ); } } elseif ($c[$i]["type"] == "tag") { if ($c[$i]["data"]["type"] == "open") { // Open tag type switch ($c[$i]["data"]["name"]) { // Tags we don't want at all. case "meta": $c[$i]["content"] = ''; break; case "br": $src .= "\n"; break; case "title": $src .= "\n!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'title', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "p": $src .= "\n"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'p', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "b": $src .= '__'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'b', 'string' => '__'); break; case "i": $src .= "''"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'i', 'string' => "''"); break; case "u": $src .= "=="; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'u', 'string' => "=="); break; case "center": $src .= '::'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'center', 'string' => '::'); break; case "code": $src .= '-+'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'code', 'string' => '+-'); break; // headers detection looks like real suxx code... // but possible it run faster :) I don't know where is profiler in PHP... case "h1": $src .= "\n!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h1', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "h2": $src .= "\n!!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h2', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "h3": $src .= "\n!!!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h3', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "h4": $src .= "\n!!!!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h4', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "h5": $src .= "\n!!!!!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h5', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "h6": $src .= "\n!!!!!!"; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'h6', 'string' => "\n"); break; case "pre": $src .= '~pp~'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'pre', 'string' => '~/pp~'); break; // Table parser case "table": $src .= '||'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'table', 'string' => '||'); break; case "tr": $p['first_td'] = true; break; case "td": $src .= $p['first_td'] ? '' : '|'; $p['first_td'] = false; break; // Lists parser case "ul": $p['listack'][] = '*'; break; case "ol": $p['listack'][] = '#'; break; case "li": // Generate wiki list item according to current list depth. // (ensure '*/#' starts from begining of line) $temp_max = count($p['listack']); for ($l = ''; strlen($l) < $temp_max; $l .= end($p['listack'])); $src .= "\n$l "; break; case "font": // If color attribute present in <font> tag if (isset($c[$i]["pars"]["color"]["value"])) { $src .= '~~'.$c[$i]["pars"]["color"]["value"].':'; $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'font', 'string' => '~~'); } break; case "img": // If src attribute present in <img> tag if (isset($c[$i]["pars"]["src"]["value"])) // Note what it produce (img) not {img}! Will fix this below... if( strstr( $c[$i]["pars"]["src"]["value"], "http:" ) ) { $src .= '(img src='.$c[$i]["pars"]["src"]["value"].')'; } else { $src .= '(img src='.$head_url.$c[$i]["pars"]["src"]["value"].')'; } break; case "a": // If href attribute present in <a> tag if (isset($c[$i]["pars"]["href"]["value"])) { if( strstr( $c[$i]["pars"]["href"]["value"], "http:" ) ) { $src .= '['.$c[$i]["pars"]["href"]["value"].'|'; } else { $src .= '['.$head_url.$c[$i]["pars"]["href"]["value"].'|'; } $p['stack'][] = array('tag' => 'a', 'string' => ']'); } break; } } else { // This is close tag type. Is that smth we r waiting for? switch ($c[$i]["data"]["name"]) { case "ul": if (end($p['listack']) == '*') array_pop($p['listack']); break; case "ol": if (end($p['listack']) == '#') array_pop($p['listack']); break; default: $e = end($p['stack']); if ($c[$i]["data"]["name"] == $e['tag']) { $src .= $e['string']; array_pop($p['stack']); } break; } } } // Recursive call on tags with content... if (isset($c[$i]["content"])) { // if (substr($src, -1) != " ") $src .= " "; walk_and_parse($c[$i]["content"], $src, $p, $head_url ); } } } // Suck another page and append to the end of current include ('lib/htmlparser/htmlparser.inc'); $suck_url = isset($_REQUEST["suck_url"]) ? $_REQUEST["suck_url"] : ''; $parsehtml = isset ($_REQUEST["parsehtml"]) ? ($_REQUEST["parsehtml"] == 'on' ? 'y' : 'n') : 'n'; if (isset($_REQUEST['do_suck']) && strlen($suck_url) > 0) { // \note by zaufi // This is ugly implementation of wiki HTML import. // I think it should be plugable import/export converters with ability // to choose from edit form what converter to use for operation. // In case of import converter, it can try to guess what source // file is (using mime type from remote server response). // Of couse converters may have itsown configuration panel what should be // pluged into wiki page edit form too... (like HTML importer may have // flags 'strip HTML tags' and 'try to convert HTML to wiki' :) // At least one export filter for wiki already coded :) -- PDF exporter... $sdta = $tikilib->httprequest($suck_url); if (isset($php_errormsg) && strlen($php_errormsg)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Can't import remote HTML page")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // Need to parse HTML? if ($parsehtml == 'y') { // Read compiled (serialized) grammar $grammarfile = 'lib/htmlparser/htmlgrammar.cmp'; if (!$fp = @fopen($grammarfile,'r')) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Can't parse remote HTML page")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $grammar = unserialize(fread($fp, filesize($grammarfile))); fclose($fp); // create parser object, insert html code and parse it $htmlparser = new HtmlParser($sdta, $grammar, '', 0); $htmlparser->Parse(); // Should I try to convert HTML to wiki? $parseddata = ''; $p = array('stack' => array(), 'listack' => array(), 'first_td' => false); $head_url = preg_replace( ';[^/]*$;', '', $_REQUEST["suck_url"] ); walk_and_parse( $htmlparser->content, $parseddata, $p, $head_url ); // Is some tags still opened? (It can be if HTML not valid, but this is not reason // to produce invalid wiki :) while (count($p['stack'])) { $e = end($p['stack']); $sdta .= $e['string']; array_pop($p['stack']); } // Unclosed lists r ignored... wiki have no special start/end lists syntax.... // OK. Things remains to do: // 1) fix linked images $parseddata = preg_replace(',\[(.*)\|\(img src=(.*)\)\],mU','{img src=$2 link=$1}', $parseddata); // 2) fix remains images (not in links) $parseddata = preg_replace(',\(img src=(.*)\),mU','{img src=$1}', $parseddata); // 3) remove empty lines $parseddata = preg_replace(",[\n]+,mU","\n", $parseddata); // Reassign previous data $sdta = $parseddata; } $_REQUEST['edit'] .= $sdta; } // Checks if a "UserPagesomething" can be edited if ($feature_wiki_userpage == 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { if(strcasecmp(substr($page,0,strlen($feature_wiki_userpage_prefix)),$feature_wiki_userpage_prefix)==0) { $name = substr($page,strlen($feature_wiki_userpage_prefix)); if(strcasecmp($user,$name)!=0 && $name != '') { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("You cannot edit this page because it is a user personal page")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } } if (strtolower($_REQUEST["page"]) == 'sandbox' && $feature_sandbox != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The SandBox is disabled")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST["comment"])) { $_REQUEST["comment"] = ''; } // Get page data $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); if(isset($info['wiki_cache'])) { $wiki_cache = $info['wiki_cache']; $smarty->assign('wiki_cache',$wiki_cache); } if ($info["flag"] == 'L' && !$wikilib->is_editable($page, $user, $info)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Cannot edit page because it is locked")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (strtolower($page) != 'sandbox') { // Permissions // if this page has at least one permission then we apply individual group/page permissions // if not then generic permissions apply if (!($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $tiki_p_admin_wiki== 'y' || $tikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $page, 'wiki page', 'tiki_p_edit') || ($wiki_creator_admin == 'y' && $user && $info['creator'] == $user))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you cannot edit this page")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } # melmut - is_html is defined here... $can_html=$feature_wiki_allowhtml == 'y' && ($tiki_p_admin||$tiki_p_use_HTML == 'y'); $is_html=false; if ($can_html) { if ((!isset($_REQUEST["edit"])&&$info['is_html'])||(isset($_REQUEST["allowhtml"]) && $_REQUEST["allowhtml"]=="on")) { $is_html=true; $_REQUEST["allowhtml"] = 'on'; } else { $_REQUEST["allowhtml"] = 'off'; } } # melmut - can_wysiwyg is set if a user can use the wysiwyg editor in html # wysiwyg is set if it should be used right now $can_wysiwyg=$feature_wysiwyg!='no'&&$can_html&&$is_html; $wysiwyg=false; if ($can_wysiwyg) { if (isset($_REQUEST['wysiwyg'])) $wysiwyg=$_REQUEST['wysiwyg']=='y'; else $wysiwyg=$feature_wysiwyg=='default'; } $smarty->assign('can_wysiwyg',$can_wysiwyg); $smarty->assign('wysiwyg',$wysiwyg); #if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { # if ($tiki_p_use_HTML != 'y') { # $_REQUEST["allowhtml"] = 'off'; # } #} //$smarty->assign('allowhtml','y'); /* if(!$user && $anonCanEdit<>'y') { header("location: tiki-index.php"); die; //$smarty->assign('msg',tra("Anonymous users cannot edit pages")); //$smarty->display("error.tpl"); //die; } */ $smarty->assign_by_ref('data', $info); $smarty->assign('footnote', ''); $smarty->assign('has_footnote', 'n'); if ($feature_wiki_footnotes == 'y') { if ($user) { $x = $wikilib->get_footnote($user, $page); $footnote = $wikilib->get_footnote($user, $page); $smarty->assign('footnote', $footnote); if ($footnote) $smarty->assign('has_footnote', 'y'); $smarty->assign('parsed_footnote', $tikilib->parse_data($footnote)); if (isset($_REQUEST['footnote'])) { check_ticket('edit-page'); $smarty->assign('parsed_footnote', $tikilib->parse_data($_REQUEST['footnote'])); $smarty->assign('footnote', $_REQUEST['footnote']); $smarty->assign('has_footnote', 'y'); if (empty($_REQUEST['footnote'])) { $wikilib->remove_footnote($user, $page); } else { $wikilib->replace_footnote($user, $page, $_REQUEST['footnote']); } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST["templateId"]) && $_REQUEST["templateId"] > 0 && !isset($_REQUEST['preview']) && !isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { $template_data = $tikilib->get_template($_REQUEST["templateId"]); $_REQUEST["edit"] = $template_data["content"].$_REQUEST["edit"]; $_REQUEST["preview"] = 1; $smarty->assign("templateId", $_REQUEST["templateId"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["categId"]) && $_REQUEST["categId"] > 0) { $categs = split("\+",$_REQUEST["categId"]); $smarty->assign('categIds',$categs); $smarty->assign('categIdstr',$_REQUEST["categId"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["ratingId"]) && $_REQUEST["ratingId"] > 0) { $smarty->assign("poll_template",$_REQUEST["ratingId"]); } if(isset($_REQUEST["edit"])) { if ($is_html) { $edit_data = $_REQUEST["edit"]; } else { $edit_data = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["edit"]); } } else { if (isset($info["data"])) { $edit_data = $info["data"]; } else { $edit_data = ''; } } if (isset($wiki_feature_copyrights) && $wiki_feature_copyrights == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['copyrightTitle'])) { $smarty->assign('copyrightTitle', $_REQUEST["copyrightTitle"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST['copyrightYear'])) { $smarty->assign('copyrightYear', $_REQUEST["copyrightYear"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST['copyrightAuthors'])) { $smarty->assign('copyrightAuthors', $_REQUEST["copyrightAuthors"]); } } $smarty->assign('commentdata', ''); if (isset($_REQUEST["comment"])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('commentdata', $_REQUEST["comment"]); } if (isset($info["description"])) { $smarty->assign('description', $info["description"]); $description = $info["description"]; } else { $smarty->assign('description', ''); $description = ''; } if(isset($_REQUEST["description"])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('description',$_REQUEST["description"]); $description = $_REQUEST["description"]; } if($is_html) { $smarty->assign('allowhtml','y'); } else { $smarty->assign('allowhtml','n'); } if (isset($_REQUEST["lang"])) { if ($feature_multilingual == 'y' && isset($info["lang"]) && $info['lang'] != $_REQUEST["lang"]) { include_once("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); if ($multilinguallib->updatePageLang('wiki page', $info['page_id'], $_REQUEST["lang"], true)) { $pageLang = $info['lang']; $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The language can't be changed as its set of translations has already this language")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } $pageLang = $_REQUEST["lang"]; } elseif (isset($info["lang"])) { $pageLang = $info["lang"]; } else { $pageLang = ""; } $smarty->assign('lang', $pageLang); $smarty->assign('pagedata',htmldecode($edit_data)); // apply the optional post edit filters before preview if(isset($_REQUEST["preview"]) || ($wiki_spellcheck == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST["spellcheck"]) && $_REQUEST["spellcheck"] == 'on')) { $parsed = $tikilib->apply_postedit_handlers($edit_data); $parsed = $tikilib->parse_data($parsed,$is_html); } else { $parsed = ""; } /* SPELLCHECKING INITIAL ATTEMPT */ //This nice function does all the job! if ($wiki_spellcheck == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST["spellcheck"]) && $_REQUEST["spellcheck"] == 'on') { $parsed = $tikilib->spellcheckreplace($edit_data, $parsed, $language, 'editwiki'); $smarty->assign('spellcheck', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('spellcheck', 'n'); } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('parsed', $parsed); $smarty->assign('preview',0); // If we are in preview mode then preview it! if(isset($_REQUEST["preview"])) { $smarty->assign('preview',1); } function htmldecode($string) { $string = strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES))); $string = preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/me", "chr('\\1')", $string); return $string; } function parse_output(&$obj, &$parts,$i) { if(!empty($obj['parts'])) { for($i=0; $i<count($obj['parts']); $i++) parse_output($obj['parts'][$i], $parts,$i); }else{ switch($obj['type']) { case 'application/x-tikiwiki': $aux["body"] = $obj['body']; $ccc=$obj['header']["content-type"]; $items = split(';',$ccc); foreach($items as $item) { $portions = split('=',$item); if(isset($portions[0])&&isset($portions[1])) { $aux[trim($portions[0])]=trim($portions[1]); } } $parts[]=$aux; } } } // Pro // Check if the page has changed $cat_type='wiki page'; $cat_objid = $_REQUEST["page"]; if (isset($_REQUEST["save"]) && (strtolower($_REQUEST['page']) != 'sandbox' || $tiki_p_admin == 'y')) { check_ticket('edit-page'); // Check if all Request values are delivered, and if not, set them // to avoid error messages. This can happen if some features are // disabled if(!isset($_REQUEST["description"])) $_REQUEST["description"]=''; if(!isset($_REQUEST["comment"])) $_REQUEST["comment"]=''; if(!isset($_REQUEST["lang"])) $_REQUEST["lang"]=''; if(isset($_REQUEST['wiki_cache'])) { $wikilib->set_page_cache($_REQUEST['page'],$_REQUEST['wiki_cache']); } include_once("lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php"); $cat_desc = ($feature_wiki_description == 'y') ? substr($_REQUEST["description"],0,200) : ''; $cat_name = $_REQUEST["page"]; $cat_href="tiki-index.php?page=".urlencode($cat_objid); include_once("categorize.php"); include_once("poll_categorize.php"); if ((($feature_wiki_description == 'y') && (md5($info["description"]) != md5($_REQUEST["description"]))) || (md5($info["data"]) != md5($_REQUEST["edit"])) || $info["lang"] != $_REQUEST["lang"] || $info["is_html"] != $is_html) { $page = $_REQUEST["page"]; if($is_html) { $edit = $_REQUEST["edit"]; } else { // $edit = strip_tags($_REQUEST["edit"]); $edit = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['edit']); } // add permisions here otherwise return error! if(isset($wiki_feature_copyrights) && $wiki_feature_copyrights == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['copyrightTitle']) && isset($_REQUEST['copyrightYear']) && isset($_REQUEST['copyrightAuthors']) && !empty($_REQUEST['copyrightYear']) && !empty($_REQUEST['copyrightTitle']) ) { include_once("lib/copyrights/copyrightslib.php"); $copyrightslib = new CopyrightsLib($dbTiki); $copyrightYear = $_REQUEST['copyrightYear']; $copyrightTitle = $_REQUEST['copyrightTitle']; $copyrightAuthors = $_REQUEST['copyrightAuthors']; $copyrightslib->add_copyright($page,$copyrightTitle,$copyrightYear,$copyrightAuthors,$user); } // Parse $edit and eliminate image references to external URIs (make them internal) $edit = $imagegallib->capture_images($edit); // apply the optional page edit filters before data storage $edit = $tikilib->apply_postedit_handlers($edit); // If page exists if(!$tikilib->page_exists($_REQUEST["page"])) { // Extract links and update the page $links = $tikilib->get_links($_REQUEST["edit"]); /* $notcachedlinks = $tikilib->get_links_nocache($_REQUEST["edit"]); $cachedlinks = array_diff($links, $notcachedlinks); $tikilib->cache_links($cachedlinks); */ $t = date("U"); $tikilib->create_page($_REQUEST["page"], 0, $edit, $t, $_REQUEST["comment"],$user,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$description, $pageLang, $is_html); if ($wiki_watch_author == 'y') { $tikilib->add_user_watch($user,"wiki_page_changed",$_REQUEST["page"],'wiki page',$page,"tiki-index.php?page=$page"); } } else { $links = $tikilib->get_links($edit); /* $tikilib->cache_links($links); */ if(isset($_REQUEST['isminor'])&&$_REQUEST['isminor']=='on') { $minor=true; } else { $minor=false; } $tikilib->update_page($_REQUEST["page"],$edit,$_REQUEST["comment"],$user,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$description,$minor,$pageLang, $is_html); } } //Page may have been inserted from a structure page view if (isset($_REQUEST['current_page_id']) ) { $page_info = $structlib->s_get_page_info($_REQUEST['current_page_id']); if (isset($_REQUEST["add_child"]) ) { //Insert page after last child of current page $subpages = $structlib->s_get_pages($_REQUEST["current_page_id"]); $max = count($subpages); $last_child_ref_id = null; if ($max != 0) { $last_child = $subpages[$max - 1]; $last_child_ref_id = $last_child["page_ref_id"]; } $page_ref_id = $structlib->s_create_page($_REQUEST['current_page_id'], $last_child_ref_id, $_REQUEST["page"], ''); } else { //Insert page after current page $page_ref_id = $structlib->s_create_page($page_info["parent_id"], $_REQUEST['current_page_id'], $_REQUEST["page"], ''); } //Criss Holman added the if containing this code of which I don't know the use, but a check before the permissions copy //is definitely needed in case someone has tiki_p_edit/tiki_p_admin_wiki in a page belonging to a structure. chealer if ($tikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $_REQUEST["page"],'wiki page', 'tiki_p_admin_wiki', 'tiki_p_admin_categories')) $userlib->copy_object_permissions($page_info["pageName"], $_REQUEST["page"],'wiki page'); } $page = urlencode($page); if ($page_ref_id) { header("location: tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=$page_ref_id"); } else { header("location: tiki-index.php?page=$page"); 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