File: tiki-graph_sheet.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-graph_sheet.php,v 2005/05/03 20:02:23 lphuberdeau Exp $ // Based on tiki-galleries.php // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // Initialization require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); require_once ('lib/sheet/grid.php'); require_once ('lib/graph-engine/gd.php'); require_once ('lib/graph-engine/pdflib.php'); require_once ('lib/graph-engine/graph.pie.php'); require_once ('lib/graph-engine/graph.bar.php'); require_once ('lib/graph-engine/graph.multiline.php'); function handle_series( $serie, &$sheet ) { if( !$range = $sheet->getRange( $serie ) ) $range = explode( ', ', $serie ); if( !is_array( $range ) ) return array(); return $range; } // Various validations {{{1 // Now check permissions to access this page if ($feature_sheet != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_sheets, feature_charts"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if ($tiki_p_view_sheet != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin_sheet != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Access Denied").": feature_sheets"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // This condition will be removed when a php-based renderer will be written if( !function_exists( 'pdf_new' ) && !function_exists( 'imagepng' ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No valid renderer found. GD or PDFLib required.") ); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if( !isset( $_REQUEST['sheetId'] ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No sheet specified.") ); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // }}}1 $valid_graphs = array( 'PieChartGraphic', 'MultilineGraphic', 'MultibarGraphic', 'BarStackGraphic' ); $smarty->assign('sheetId', $_REQUEST["sheetId"]); // Individual permissions are checked because we may be trying to edit the gallery // Init smarty variables to blank values //$smarty->assign('theme',''); $info = $sheetlib->get_sheet_info( $_REQUEST["sheetId"] ); $smarty->assign('title', $info['title']); $smarty->assign('description', $info['description']); $smarty->assign('page_mode', 'form' ); // Process the insertion or modification of a gallery here $grid = &new TikiSheet; if( isset( $_REQUEST['title'] ) ) { $sheetId = $_REQUEST['sheetId']; $handler = &new TikiSheetDatabaseHandler( $sheetId ); $grid->import( $handler ); if( !in_array( $_REQUEST['graphic'], $valid_graphs ) ) die( "Unknown Graphic." ); if( !isset( $_REQUEST['renderer'] ) ) $_REQUEST['renderer'] = null; switch( $_REQUEST['renderer'] ) { case 'PNG': $renderer = &new GD_GRenderer( $_REQUEST['width'], $_REQUEST['height'], 'png' ); $ext = 'png'; break; case 'JPEG': $renderer = &new GD_GRenderer( $_REQUEST['width'], $_REQUEST['height'], 'jpg' ); $ext = 'jpg'; break; case 'PDF': $renderer = &new PDFLib_GRenderer( $_REQUEST['format'], $_REQUEST['orientation'] ); $ext = 'pdf'; break; default: $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You must select a renderer.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $graph = $_REQUEST['graphic']; $graph = new $graph; // Create Output $series = array(); foreach( $_REQUEST['series'] as $key => $value ) if( !empty( $value ) ) { $s = handle_series( $value, $grid ); if( count( $s ) > 0 ) $series[$key] = $s; } if( !$graph->setData( $series ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Invalid Series for current graphic.") ); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if( !empty( $_REQUEST['title'] ) ) $graph->setTitle( $_REQUEST['title'] ); if( isset( $_REQUEST['independant'] ) ) { $graph->setParam( 'grid-independant-location', $_REQUEST['independant'] ); $graph->setParam( 'grid-vertical-position', $_REQUEST['vertical'] ); $graph->setParam( 'grid-horizontal-position', $_REQUEST['horizontal'] ); } $graph->draw( $renderer ); $renderer->httpOutput( "graph.$ext" ); exit; } else { if( isset( $_GET['graphic'] ) && in_array( $_GET['graphic'], $valid_graphs ) ) { $graph = $_GET['graphic']; $g = new $graph; $series = array(); foreach( array_keys( $g->getRequiredSeries() ) as $s ) if( $s == 'y0' ) { $series[] = 'y0'; $series[] = 'y1'; $series[] = 'y2'; $series[] = 'y3'; $series[] = 'y4'; } else $series[] = $s; $smarty->assign( 'mode', 'param' ); $smarty->assign( 'series', $series ); $smarty->assign( 'graph', $graph ); $smarty->assign( 'renderer', $_GET['renderer'] ); if( function_exists( 'pdf_new' ) ) { $smarty->assign( 'format', $_GET['format'] ); $smarty->assign( 'orientation', $_GET['orientation'] ); } if( function_exists( 'imagepng' ) ) { $smarty->assign( 'im_width', $_GET['width'] ); $smarty->assign( 'im_height', $_GET['height'] ); } if( is_a( $g, 'GridBasedGraphic' ) ) $smarty->assign( 'showgridparam', true ); } else { $smarty->assign( 'mode', 'graph' ); $smarty->assign( 'hasgd', function_exists( 'imagepng' ) && function_exists( 'imagejpeg' ) ); $smarty->assign( 'haspdflib', function_exists( 'pdf_new' ) ); } } // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-graph-sheets.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); ?>