File: tiki-mailin-code.php
<?php // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],"tiki-mailin-code.php")!=FALSE) { //smarty is not there - we need setup require_once('tiki-setup.php'); $smarty->assign('msg',tra("This script cannot be called directly")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } include_once ('lib/mailin/mailinlib.php'); // require_once ("lib/webmail/pop3.php"); require_once ("lib/webmail/net_pop3.php"); include_once ("lib/webmail/class.rc4crypt.php"); include_once ("lib/mail/mimelib.php"); include_once ("lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php"); include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); function mailin_check_attachments(&$output, &$out, $page, $user) { global $wikilib; $cnt = 0; if (!isset($output["parts"])) return; for ($it = 0; $it < count($output["parts"]); $it++) { if (isset($output["parts"][$it]["d_parameters"]["filename"])) { $attachmentPart = $output["parts"][$it]; $fileName = $attachmentPart["d_parameters"]["filename"]; if (isset($attachmentPart["ctype_primary"])) $fileType = $attachmentPart["ctype_primary"] ."/". $attachmentPart["ctype_secondary"]; else $fileType=""; $fileData = $attachmentPart["body"]; $fileSize = strlen($fileData); $wikilib->wiki_attach_file($page, $fileName, $fileType, $fileSize, $fileData, "attached by mail", $user, ""); $cnt++; } } $out .= $cnt; $out .= " attachment(s) added<br />"; } function mailin_get_body($output) { if (isset($output['text'][0])) $body = $output["text"][0]; elseif (isset($output['parts'][0]) && isset($output['parts'][0]["text"][0])) $body = $output['parts'][0]["text"][0]; elseif (isset($output['parts'][0]) && isset($output['parts'][0]['parts'][0]) && isset($output['parts'][0]['parts'][0]["text"][0])) $body = $output['parts'][0]['parts'][0]["text"][0]; else $body = ''; return $body; } // The mailin script is used to get / set wiki pages using an email account // Get a list of ACTIVE emails accounts configured for mailin procedures $accs = $mailinlib->list_active_mailin_accounts(0, -1, 'account_desc', ''); //print ('<a href="tiki-admin_mailin.php">Admin</a><br /><br />'); $content = '<br /><br />'; // foreach account foreach ($accs['data'] as $acc) { $content .= "<b>Processing account</b><br />"; $content .= "Account :" . $acc['account'] . "<br />"; $content .= "Type :" . $acc['type'] . "<br />"; $content .= "--------------------------<br />"; //$pop3 = new POP3($acc["pop"], $acc["username"], $acc["pass"]); //$pop3->Open(); $pop3 = new Net_Pop3(); $pop3->connect($acc["pop"]); $pop3->login($acc["username"], $acc["pass"]); $mailsum = $pop3->numMsg(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $mailsum; $i++) { $aux = $pop3->getParsedHeaders($i); var_dump($aux); if (!isset($aux["From"])) $aux['From'] = $aux['Return-path']; preg_match('/<?([-!#$%&\'*+\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'*+\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'*+\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)>?/',$aux["From"],$mail); $email_from = $mail[1]; $aux["msgid"] = $i; $aux["realmsgid"] = ereg_replace("[<>]","",$aux["Message-ID"]); $message = $pop3->getMsg($i); $output = mime::decode($message); //mailin_parse_output($output, $parts, 0); $content .= "Reading a request.<br />From: " . $aux["From"] . "<br />Subject: " . $output['header']['subject'] . "<br />"; $content .= "sender email: " . $email_from . "<br />"; $aux["sender"]["user"] = $userlib->get_user_by_email($email_from); $content .= "sender user: " . $aux["sender"]["user"] . "<br />"; $cantUseMailIn = $acc["anonymous"]=='n' && empty($aux["sender"]["user"]); if($cantUseMailIn) { $content .= "Anonymous user acces denied, sending auto-reply to email address: " . $aux["From"] . "<br />"; $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setFrom($acc["account"]); $c = $tikilib->get_preference("default_mail_charset", "utf8"); $mail->setHeadCharset($c); $mail->setTextCharset($c); $l = $tikilib->get_preference("language", "en"); $mail->setSubject(tra('Tiki mail-in auto-reply', $l)); $mail->setSMTPParams($acc["smtp"], $acc["smtpPort"], '', $acc["useAuth"], $acc["username"], $acc["pass"]); $mail->setText(tra("Sorry, you can't use this feature.", $l)); $res = $mail->send(array($email_from), 'mail'); $content .= "Response sent<br />"; } else { if (empty($aux["sender"]["user"])) $aux["sender"]["user"] = $email_from; if (empty($aux["sender"]["name"])) $aux["sender"]["name"] = $email_from; if ($acc['type'] == 'article-put') { // This is used to CREATE articles $title = trim($output['header']['subject']); $msgbody = mailin_get_body($output); if ($msgbody && isset($acc['discard_after'])) { $msgbody = preg_replace("/".$acc['discard_after'].".*$/s", "", $msgbody); } $heading = $msgbody; $topicId = $acc['article_topicId']; $user = $aux['sender']['user']; $authorName = $user; $body = ''; $publishDate = date('U'); $expireDate = mktime (0,0,0,date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")+1); $subId = 0; $type = $acc['article_type']; $useImage = 'n'; $image_x = ''; $image_y = ''; $imgname = ''; $imgsize = ''; $imgtype = ''; $imgdata = ''; $topline = ''; $subtitle = ''; $linkto = ''; $image_caption = ''; $lang = ''; $rating = 7; $isfloat = 'n'; global $artlib; if (!is_object($artlib)) { include_once('lib/articles/artlib.php'); } $subid = $artlib->replace_submission($title, $authorName, $topicId, $useImage, $imgname, $imgsize, $imgtype, $imgdata, $heading, $body, $publishDate, $expireDate, $user, $subId, $image_x, $image_y, $type, $topline, $subtitle, $linkto, $image_caption, $lang, $rating, $isfloat); global $tiki_p_autoapprove_submission; if ($tiki_p_autoapprove_submission == 'y') { $artlib->approve_submission($subid); $content .= "Article: $title has been submitted<br />"; } else { $content .= "Article: $title has been created<br />"; } } else { if ($acc['type'] == 'wiki') { $p_page = trim($aux['Subject']); $parts = explode(':', $p_page); if (!isset($parts[1])) { $parts[1] = $parts[0]; $parts[0] = 'GET'; } $method = $parts[0]; $page = $parts[1]; } else { $page = trim($aux['Subject']); } if ($acc['type'] == 'wiki-get' || ($acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "GET")) { // A wiki-get account sends a copy of the page to the sender // and also sends the source of the page $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setFrom($acc["account"]); $c = $tikilib->get_preference("default_mail_charset", "utf8"); $mail->setHeadCharset($c); $mail->setHtmlCharset($c); $mail->setTextCharset($c); $mail->setSMTPParams($acc["smtp"], $acc["smtpPort"], '', $acc["useAuth"], $acc["username"], $acc["pass"]); if ($tikilib->page_exists($page)) { $mail->setSubject($page); $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); $data = $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"]); $mail->addAttachment($info['data'], 'source.txt', 'plain/txt'); $mail->setHTML($data, strip_tags($data)); } else { $l = $tikilib->get_preference("language", "en"); $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($l, "mail/mailin_reply_subject.tpl"); $mail->setSubject($mail_data.$page); } $res = $mail->send(array($email_from), 'mail'); $content .= "Response sent<br />"; } elseif ($acc['type'] == 'wiki-put' || ($acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "PUT")) { // This is used to UPDATE wiki pages $body = mailin_get_body($output); if (isset($acc['discard_after']) && $body) { $body = preg_replace("/".$acc['discard_after'].".*$/s", "", $body); } if (!empty($body)) { if (!$tikilib->page_exists($page)) { $content .= "Page: $page has been created<br />"; $tikilib->create_page($page, 0, $body, date('U'), "Created from " . $acc["account"], $aux["sender"]["user"], '', ''); } else { $tikilib->update_page($page, $body, "Created from " . $acc["account"], $aux["sender"]["user"], '', ''); $content .= "Page: $page has been updated"; } } mailin_check_attachments($output, $content, $page, $aux["sender"]["user"]); } elseif ($acc['type'] == 'wiki-append' || $acc['type'] == 'wiki-prepend' || ($acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "APPEND") || ($acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "PREPEND")) { // This is used to UPDATE wiki pages $body = mailin_get_body($output); if ($body && isset($acc['discard_after'])) { $body = preg_replace("/".$acc['discard_after'].".*$/s", "", $body); } if (isset($body)) { if (!$tikilib->page_exists($page)) { $content .= "Page: $page has been created<br />"; $tikilib->create_page($page, 0, $body, date('U'), "Created from " . $acc["account"], $aux["sender"]["user"], '', ''); } else { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); if ($acc['type'] == 'wiki-append' || $acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "APPEND") $body = $info['data'] . $body; else $body = $body . $info['data']; $tikilib->update_page($page, $body, "Updated from " . $acc["account"], $aux["sender"]["user"], '', ''); $content .= "Page: $page has been updated"; } } mailin_check_attachments($output, $content, $page, $aux["sender"]["user"]); } else { $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setFrom($acc["account"]); $c = $tikilib->get_preference("default_mail_charset", "utf8"); $mail->setHeadCharset($c); $mail->setTextCharset($c); $l = $tikilib->get_preference("language", "en"); $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($l, "mail/mailin_help_subject.tpl"); $mail->setSubject($mail_data); $mail->setSMTPParams($acc["smtp"], $acc["smtpPort"], '', $acc["useAuth"], $acc["username"], $acc["pass"]); $smarty->assign('subject', $output['header']['subject']); $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($l, "mail/mailin_help.tpl"); $mail->setText($mail_data); $res = $mail->send(array($email_from), 'mail'); } } }//end if($cantUseMailIn) // Remove the email from the pop3 server $pop3->deleteMsg($i); }//end for ($i = 1; $i <= $mailsum; $i++) $pop3->disconnect(); //echo $content; }//end foreach ($accs['data'] as $acc) { ?>