File: tiki-modules.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-modules.php,v 2005/12/14 19:37:34 sylvieg Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],"tiki-modules.php")!=FALSE) { //smarty is not there - we need setup require_once('tiki-setup.php'); $smarty->assign('msg',tra("This script cannot be called directly")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } global $usermoduleslib; include_once ('lib/usermodules/usermoduleslib.php'); include_once('tiki-module_controls.php'); global $modseparateanon, $user, $userlib, $user_assigned_modules, $tiki_p_configure_modules; global $language, $modallgroups, $smarty, $tikidomain, $tikilib, $section; clearstatcache(); $now = date("U"); if ($user != 'admin') { $user_groups = $userlib->get_user_groups($user); } else { $allgroups = $userlib->list_all_groups(); $user_groups = array(); foreach ($allgroups as $grp) { $user_groups[] = $grp; } } // additional module zones added to this array will be exposed to tiki.tpl // TODO change modules user interface to enable additional zones $module_zones = array(); $module_zones['l'] = 'left_modules'; $module_zones['r'] = 'right_modules'; if ($user_assigned_modules == 'y' && $tiki_p_configure_modules == 'y' && $user && $usermoduleslib->user_has_assigned_modules($user)) { foreach ( $module_zones as $zone=>$zone_name ) { $$zone_name = $usermoduleslib->get_assigned_modules_user($user, $zone); } } else { foreach ( $module_zones as $zone=>$zone_name ) { $$zone_name = $tikilib->get_assigned_modules($zone, 'y'); } } foreach ( array('left_modules', 'right_modules') as $these_modules_name ) { // note indent missing to preserve CVS history $these_modules =& $$these_modules_name; $temp_max = count($these_modules); for ($mod_counter = 0; $mod_counter < $temp_max; $mod_counter++) { $mod_reference = &$these_modules[$mod_counter]; parse_str($mod_reference["params"], $module_params); $pass = 'y'; if (isset($module_params["lang"]) && ((gettype($module_params["lang"]) == "array" && !in_array($language, $module_params["lang"])) || (gettype($module_params["lang"]) == "string" && $module_params["lang"] != $language))) { $pass="n"; } elseif (isset($module_params['section']) && (!isset($section) || $section != $module_params['section'])) { $pass = 'n'; } elseif ($modallgroups != 'y') { if ($mod_reference["groups"]) { $module_groups = unserialize($mod_reference["groups"]); } else { $module_groups = array(); } $pass = 'n'; if ($modseparateanon !== 'y') { foreach ($module_groups as $mod_group) { if (in_array($mod_group, $user_groups)) { $pass = 'y'; break; } } } else { if(!$user) { if (in_array("Anonymous", $module_groups)) { $pass = 'y'; } } else { foreach ($module_groups as $mod_group) { if ($mod_group === "Anonymous") { continue; } if (in_array($mod_group,$user_groups)) { $pass = 'y'; break; } } } } } if ($pass == 'y') { // Commented out here too. See zaufi's note in lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_module.php // $cachefile = 'modules/cache/'; // if ($tikidomain) { $cachefile.= "$tikidomain/"; } // $cachefile.= 'mod-' . $mod_reference["name"] . '.tpl.'.$language.'.cache'; // $nocache = 'templates/modules/mod-' . $mod_reference["name"] . '.tpl.nocache'; $template = 'modules/mod-' . $mod_reference["name"] . '.tpl'; $phpfile = 'modules/mod-' . $mod_reference["name"] . '.php'; if (!$mod_reference["rows"]) { $mod_reference["rows"] = 10; } $module_rows = $mod_reference["rows"]; $smarty->assign_by_ref('module_rows',$mod_reference["rows"]); // if ((!file_exists($cachefile)) || (file_exists($nocache)) || (($now - filemtime($cachefile)) >= $mod_reference["cache_time"])) { $mod_reference["data"] = ''; $smarty->assign_by_ref('module_params', $module_params); // module code can unassign this if it wants to hide params if (file_exists($phpfile)) { include ($phpfile); } if (file_exists("templates/".$template)) { $data = $smarty->fetch($template); } else { if ($tikilib->is_user_module($mod_reference["name"])) { $info = $tikilib->get_user_module($mod_reference["name"]); $smarty->assign('user_title', tra($info["title"])); if (isset($info['parse']) && $info["parse"] == 'y') $info["data"] = $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('user_data', $info["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('user_module_name', $info["name"]); $data = $smarty->fetch('modules/user_module.tpl'); } else { $data = ''; } } $smarty->assign('module_params',array()); // ensure params not available outside current module unset($info); // clean up when done $mod_reference["data"] = $data; // if (!file_exists($nocache)) { // $fp = fopen($cachefile, "w+"); // fwrite($fp, $data, strlen($data)); // fclose ($fp); // } // } else { // $fp = fopen($cachefile, "r"); // $data = @fread($fp, filesize($cachefile)); // fclose ($fp); // $mod_reference["data"] = $data; // } } } // end for $smarty->assign_by_ref($these_modules_name, $these_modules); } // end foreach $module_nodecorations = array('decorations' => 'n'); $module_isflippable = array('flip' => 'y'); $smarty->assign('module_nodecorations', $module_nodecorations); $smarty->assign('module_isflippable', $module_isflippable); ?>