File: tiki-upload_file.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-upload_file.php,v 2006/09/03 16:32:32 ohertel Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // Initialization require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/filegals/filegallib.php'); if ($feature_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_file_galleries"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // Now check permissions to access this page if ($tiki_p_upload_files != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you cannot upload files")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $foo1 = str_replace("tiki-upload_file", "tiki-download_file", $foo["path"]); $smarty->assign('url_browse', $tikilib->httpPrefix(). $foo1); if (!isset($_REQUEST["description"])) $_REQUEST["description"] = ''; $smarty->assign('show', 'n'); if (isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) $editFileId = $_REQUEST['fileId']; $editFile = false; if (!empty($editFileId)) { $fileInfo = $filegallib->get_file_info($editFileId); if (empty($fileInfo) || $fileInfo == null || $fileInfo['galleryId'] != $_REQUEST['galleryId']) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Could not find the file requested")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['name'])) $fileInfo['name']=$_REQUEST['name']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['description'])) $fileInfo['description']=$_REQUEST['description']; $smarty->assign('fileInfo',$fileInfo); $smarty->assign('editFileId',$editFileId); $editFile = true; } // Process an upload here if (isset($_REQUEST["upload"])) { check_ticket('upload-file'); // Check here if it is an upload or an URL $smarty->assign('individual', 'n'); if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($_REQUEST["galleryId"], 'file gallery')) { $smarty->assign('individual', 'y'); if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { // Now get all the permissions that are set for this type of permissions 'file gallery' $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', 'file galleries'); foreach ($perms["data"] as $perm) { $permName = $perm["permName"]; if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $_REQUEST["galleryId"], 'file gallery', $permName)) { $$permName = 'y'; $smarty->assign("$permName", 'y'); } else { $$permName = 'n'; $smarty->assign("$permName", 'n'); } } } } if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries == 'y') { $tiki_p_upload_files = 'y'; } if ($tiki_p_upload_files != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you cannot upload files")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $gal_info = $tikilib->get_file_gallery($_REQUEST["galleryId"]); // Check the user to be admin or owner or the gallery is public if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y' && (!$user || $user != $gal_info["user"]) && $gal_info["public"] != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you can upload files but not to this file gallery")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $error_msg = ''; $errors = array(); $uploads = array(); $didFileReplace = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { // We process here file uploads if (isset($_FILES["userfile$i"]) && !empty($_FILES["userfile$i"]['name'])) { // Were there any problems with the upload? If so, report here. if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile$i"]['tmp_name'])) { $errors[] = tra('Upload was not successful').': '.FileGalLib::convert_error_to_string($_FILES["userfile$i"]['error']); continue; } // Check the name if (!empty($fgal_match_regex)) { if (!preg_match("/$fgal_match_regex/", $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name'], $reqs)) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)'). ': ' . $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']; } } if (!empty($fgal_nmatch_regex)) { if (preg_match("/$fgal_nmatch_regex/", $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name'], $reqs)) { $errors[] = tra('Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)'). ': ' . $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']; } } $name = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']; if (isset($_REQUEST["isbatch"]) && $_REQUEST["isbatch"] == 'on' && substr($name, strlen($name) - 3) == 'zip') { if ($tiki_p_batch_upload_files == 'y') { $filegallib->process_batch_file_upload($_REQUEST["galleryId"], $_FILES["userfile$i"]['tmp_name'], $user, $_REQUEST["description"]); header ("location: tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=" . $_REQUEST["galleryId"]); } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('No permission to upload zipped file packages')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } $file_name = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']; $file_tmp_name = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['tmp_name']; $tmp_dest = $tmpDir . "/" . $file_name.".tmp"; if (!move_uploaded_file($file_tmp_name, $tmp_dest)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Errors detected')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die(); } $fp = fopen($tmp_dest, "rb"); if (!$fp) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot read file'); } $data = ''; $fhash = ''; if ($fgal_use_db == 'n') { $fhash = md5($name = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']); $fhash = md5(uniqid($fhash)); @$fw = fopen($fgal_use_dir . $fhash, "wb"); if (!$fw) { $errors[] = tra('Cannot write to this file:').$fgal_use_dir.$fhash; } } while (!feof($fp)) { if ($fgal_use_db == 'y') { $data .= fread($fp, 8192 * 16); } else { $data = fread($fp, 8192 * 16); fwrite($fw, $data); } } fclose ($fp); // remove file after copying it to the right location or database @unlink ($tmp_dest); if ($fgal_use_db == 'n') { fclose ($fw); $data = ''; } $size = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['size']; $name = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['name']; $type = $_FILES["userfile$i"]['type']; if (count($errors)) { break; } if ($fgal_use_db == 'y') { if (!isset($data) || strlen($data) < 1) { $errors[] = tra('Upload was not successful'). ': ' . $name; } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $_REQUEST['name'] = $name; if (isset($data)) { if ($editFile) { $fileId = $filegallib->replace_file($editFileId, $_REQUEST["name"], $_REQUEST["description"], $name, $data, $size, $type, $user, $fhash); $didFileReplace = true; } else $fileId = $filegallib->insert_file($_REQUEST["galleryId"], $_REQUEST["name"], $_REQUEST["description"], $name, $data, $size, $type, $user, $fhash); if (!$fileId) { $errors[] = tra('Upload was not successful'). ': ' . $name; if ($fgal_use_db == 'n') { @unlink($fgal_use_dir . $fhash); } } if (count($errors) == 0) { $aux['name'] = $name; $aux['size'] = $size; $aux['fileId'] = $fileId; $uploads[] = $aux; } } } } if ($editFile && !$didFileReplace) { $filegallib->update_file($editFileId, $_REQUEST["name"], $_REQUEST["description"],$user); $fileChangedMessage = tra('File update was successful').': '.$_REQUEST['name']; $smarty->assign('fileChangedMessage',$fileChangedMessage); } $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign('uploads', $uploads); } // Get the list of galleries to display the select box in the template if (isset($_REQUEST["galleryId"])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleryId', $_REQUEST["galleryId"]); } else { $smarty->assign('galleryId', ''); } if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { $galleries = $tikilib->list_visible_file_galleries(0, -1, 'lastModif_desc', $user, ''); } else { $galleries = $filegallib->list_file_galleries(0, -1, 'lastModif_desc', $user, ''); } $temp_max = count($galleries["data"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual"] = 'y'; if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_view_file_gallery"] = 'y'; } else { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_view_file_gallery"] = 'n'; } if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_upload_files')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_upload_files"] = 'y'; } else { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_upload_files"] = 'n'; } if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_download_files')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_download_files"] = 'y'; } else { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_download_files"] = 'n'; } if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_create_file_galleries')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_create_file_galleries"] = 'y'; } else { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_create_file_galleries"] = 'n'; } if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleries["data"][$i]["galleryId"], 'file gallery', 'tiki_p_admin_file_galleries')) { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_create_file_galleries"] = 'y'; $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_download_files"] = 'y'; $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_upload_files"] = 'y'; $galleries["data"][$i]["individual_tiki_p_view_file_gallery"] = 'y'; } } else { $galleries["data"][$i]["individual"] = 'n'; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleries', $galleries["data"]); $section = 'file_galleries'; include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); ask_ticket('upload-file'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-upload_file.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); ?>