File: class_rdf_parser.php
<?php // ################################################################################## // Title : Class Rdf_parser // Version : 1.0 // Author : Jason Diammond -repat RDF parser- // : Luis Argerich -PHP version of repat- (lrargerich@yahoo.com) // Last modification date : 06-13-2002 // Description : A port to PHP of the Repat an RDF parser. // This parser based on expat parses RDF files producing events // proper of RDF documents. // ################################################################################## // History: // 06-13-2002 : First version of this class. // 07-17-2002 Minor bugfix (Leandro Mariano Lopez) // ################################################################################## // To-Dos: // // ################################################################################## // How to use it: // Read the documentation in rdf_parser.html // ################################################################################## //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } if(defined("_class_rdf_is_included")) { // do nothing since the class is already included return; } define("_class_rdf_is_included",1); /* First we define some constants */ define("XML_NAMESPACE_URI","http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" ); define("XML_LANG","lang"); define("RDF_NAMESPACE_URI","http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" ); define("RDF_RDF","RDF"); define("RDF_DESCRIPTION","Description"); define("RDF_ID","ID"); define("RDF_ABOUT","about"); define("RDF_ABOUT_EACH","aboutEach"); define("RDF_ABOUT_EACH_PREFIX","aboutEachPrefix"); define("RDF_BAG_ID","bagID"); define("RDF_RESOURCE","resource"); define("RDF_VALUE","value"); define("RDF_PARSE_TYPE","parseType"); define("RDF_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL","Literal"); define("RDF_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE","Resource"); define("RDF_TYPE","type"); define("RDF_BAG","Bag"); define("RDF_SEQ","Seq"); define("RDF_ALT","Alt"); define("RDF_LI","li"); define("RDF_STATEMENT","Statement"); define("RDF_SUBJECT","subject"); define("RDF_PREDICATE","predicate"); define("RDF_OBJECT","object"); define("NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR",'^'); define("NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_STRING","^"); //define("FALSE",0); //define("TRUE",1); define("IN_TOP_LEVEL",0); define("IN_RDF",1); define("IN_DESCRIPTION",2); define("IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT",3); define("IN_PROPERTY_RESOURCE",4); define("IN_PROPERTY_EMPTY_RESOURCE",5); define("IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL",6); define("IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL",7); define("IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE",8); define("IN_XML",9); define("IN_UNKNOWN",10); //define("IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL",9); define("RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI",0); define("RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_DISTRIBUTED",1); define("RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_PREFIX",2); define("RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANONYMOUS",3); define("RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE",0); define("RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL",1); define("RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_XML",2); class Rdf_parser { var $rdf_parser; /* Private Methods */ function _new_element() { $e["parent"]=Array(); // Parent is a blank Array //$this->clear_element($e["parent"]); $e["state"]=0; $e["has_property_atributes"]=0; $e["has_member_attributes"]=0; $e["subject_type"]=0; $e["subject"]=''; $e["predicate"]=''; $e["ordinal"]=0; $e["members"]=0; $e["data"]=''; $e["xml_lang"]=''; $e["bag_id"]=''; $e["statements"]=0; $e["statement_id"]=''; return $e; } function _copy_element($source, &$destination ) { if( $source ) { $destination["parent"] = $source; $destination["state"] = $source["state"]; $destination["xml_lang"] = $source["xml_lang"]; } } function _clear_element(&$e) { $e["subject"]=''; $e["predicate"]=''; $e["data"]=''; $e["bag_id"]=''; $e["statement_id"]=''; if(isset($e["parent"])) { if( $e["parent"] ) { if( $e["parent"]["xml_lang"] != $e["xml_lang"] ) { $e["xml_lang"]=''; } } else { $e["xml_lang"]=''; } } else { $e["xml_lang"]=''; } //memset( e, 0, strlen( _rdf_element ) ); $e["parent"]=Array(); $e["state"]=0; $e["has_property_attributes"]=0; $e["has_member_attributes"]=0; $e["subject_type"]=0; $e["subject"]=''; $e["predicate"]=''; $e["ordinal"]=0; $e["members"]=0; $e["data"]=''; $e["xml_lang"]=''; $e["bag_id"]=''; $e["statements"]=0; $e["statement_id"]=''; } function _push_element() { if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["free"])) { $this->rdf_parser["free"]=Array(); } if(count($this->rdf_parser["free"])>0) { $e = $this->rdf_parser["free"]; if(isset($e["parent"])) { $this->rdf_parser["free"] = $e["parent"]; } else { $this->rdf_parser["free"]=$this->_new_element(); } } else { $e = $this->_new_element(); } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]=Array(); } $this->_copy_element( $this->rdf_parser["top"], $e ); $this->rdf_parser["top"] = $e; } function _pop_element() { $e = $this->rdf_parser["top"]; $this->rdf_parser["top"] = $e["parent"]; $this->_clear_element( $e ); /* if(isset($this->rdf_parser["free"])) { $e["parent"] = $this->rdf_parser["free"]; } else { $e["parent"]=0; } */ $this->rdf_parser["free"] = $e; } function _delete_elements() { } function _is_rdf_property_attribute_resource($local_name ) { return ( $local_name == RDF_TYPE ); } function _is_rdf_property_attribute_literal($local_name ) { return ( $local_name == RDF_VALUE ); } function _is_rdf_ordinal( $local_name ) { $ordinal = -1; //if($local_name{0}=='_') if( $local_name{0} == '_' ) { $ordinal = substr($local_name,1) + 1 ; } return ( $ordinal > 0 ) ? $ordinal : 0; } function _is_rdf_property_attribute( $local_name ) { return $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute_resource( $local_name ) || $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute_literal( $local_name ); } function _is_rdf_property_element( $local_name ) { return ( $local_name == RDF_TYPE ) || ( $local_name == RDF_SUBJECT ) || ( $local_name == RDF_PREDICATE ) || ( $local_name == RDF_OBJECT ) || ( $local_name == RDF_VALUE ) || ( $local_name == RDF_LI ) || ( $local_name{0} == '_' ); } function _istalnum($val) { return ereg("[A-Za-z0-9]",$val); } function _istalpha($val) { return ereg("[A-Za-z]",$val); } function _is_absolute_uri($uri ) { $result = false; $uri_p=0; if( $uri && $this->_istalpha( $uri{$uri_p} ) ) { ++$uri_p; while( ($uri_p<strlen($uri)) && ( $this->_istalnum( $uri{$uri_p} ) || ( $uri{$uri_p} == '+' ) || ( $uri{$uri_p} == '-' ) || ( $uri{$uri_p} == '.' ) ) ) { ++$uri_p; } $result = ( $uri{$uri_p} == ':' ); } return $result; } /* This function returns an associative array returning any of the various components of the URL that are present. This includes the $arr=parse_url($url) scheme - e.g. http host port user pass path query - after the question mark ? fragment - after the hashmark # */ function _parse_uri($uri,$buffer,$len,&$scheme,&$authority,&$path,&$query,&$fragment ) { $parsed=parse_url($uri); if(isset($parsed["scheme"])) { $scheme=$parsed["scheme"];} else { $scheme=''; } if(isset($parsed["host"])) { $host=$parsed["host"];} else { $host=''; } if(isset($parsed["host"])) { $authority=$parsed["host"];} else { $authority=''; } if(isset($parsed["path"])) { $path=$parsed["path"];} else { $path=''; } if(isset($parsed["query"])) { $query=$parsed["query"];} else { $query=''; } if(isset($parsed["fragment"])) { $fragment=$parsed["fragment"];} else { $fragment=''; } } function _resolve_uri_reference($base_uri,$reference_uri,&$buffer,$length ) { $base_buffer=''; $reference_buffer=''; $path_buffer=''; $buffer = ''; $this->_parse_uri($reference_uri,$reference_buffer,strlen( $reference_buffer ),$reference_scheme,$reference_authority, $reference_path,$reference_query,$reference_fragment ); if( $reference_scheme == '' && $reference_authority == '' && $reference_path == '' && $reference_query == '' ) { $buffer=$base_uri; if( $reference_fragment != '' ) { $buffer.= "#" ; $buffer.=$reference_fragment; } } else if( $reference_scheme != '' ) { $buffer=$reference_uri; } else { $this->_parse_uri( $base_uri, $base_buffer, strlen( $base_buffer ), $base_scheme, $base_authority, $base_path, $base_query, $base_fragment ); $result_scheme = $base_scheme; if( $reference_authority != '' ) { $result_authority = $reference_authority; } else { $result_authority = $base_authority; if( $reference_path != '' && ( ($reference_path{0} == '/') || ($reference_path{0} == '\\') ) ) { $result_path = $reference_path; } else { $p = ''; $result_path = $path_buffer; $path_buffer=''; $p = strstr( $base_path, '/' ); if( !$p ) { $p = strstr( $base_path, '\\' ); } if( $p ) { $path_buffer.=$base_path; //while( s <= p ) //{ // *d++ = *s++; //} //*d++ = 0; } if( $reference_path != '' ) { $path_buffer.=$reference_path; } { //remove all occurrences of "./" //print($path_buffer); $path_buffer=preg_replace("/\/\.\//","/",$path_buffer); $path_buffer=preg_replace("/\/([^\/\.])*\/..$/","/",$path_buffer); while(preg_match("/\.\./",$path_buffer)) { $path_buffer=preg_replace("/\/([^\/\.]*)\/..\//","/",$path_buffer); } $path_buffer=preg_replace("/\.$/","",$path_buffer); } } } // This replaces the C pointer assignament $result_path = $path_buffer; if( $result_scheme != '' ) { $buffer=$result_scheme; $buffer.=":"; } if( $result_authority != '' ) { $buffer.="//"; $buffer.=$result_authority; } if( $result_path != '' ) { $buffer.=$result_path; } if( $reference_query != '' ) { $buffer.="?"; $buffer.=$reference_query; } if( $reference_fragment != '' ) { $buffer.="#"; $buffer.=$reference_fragment; } } } function is_valid_id($id ) { $result = false; $p = $id; $p_p=0; if( $id != '' ) { if( $this->_istalpha( $p ) || $p{0} == '_' || $p{0} == ':' ) { $result = true; while( $result != false && ( $p{++$p_p} != 0 ) ) { if( ! ( $this->_istalnum( $p{$p_p} ) || $p{$p_p} == '.' || $p{$p_p} == '-' || $p{$p_p} == '_' || $p{$p_p} == ':' ) ) { $result = false; } } } } return $result; } function _resolve_id($id,&$buffer,$length ) { $id_buffer=''; if( $this->is_valid_id( $id ) == true ) { $id_buffer="#$id"; } else { $this->report_warning( "bad ID attribute: ".$id_buffer."#_bad_ID_attribute_"); } $this->_resolve_uri_reference( $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"], $id_buffer, $buffer, $length ); } function _split_name($name, &$buffer, $len,&$namespace_uri, &$local_name ) { static $nul = 0; $buffer=$name; if( strstr( $buffer, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) ) { $cosas=explode(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR,$buffer); $namespace_uri = $cosas[0]; $local_name = $cosas[1]; } else { if( ( $buffer{ 0 } == 'x' ) && ( $buffer{ 1 } == 'm' ) && ( $buffer{ 2 } == 'l' ) && ( $buffer{ 3 } == ':' ) ) { $namespace_uri = XML_NAMESPACE_URI; $local_name = substr($buffer,4); } else { $namespace_uri = ''; $local_name = $buffer; } } } function _generate_anonymous_uri(&$buf, $len ) { $id=''; if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["anonymous_id"])) { $this->rdf_parser["anonymous_id"]=0; } $this->rdf_parser["anonymous_id"]++; $id="#genid".$this->rdf_parser["anonymous_id"]; $this->_resolve_uri_reference( $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"], $id, $buf, $len ); } function _report_statement( $subject_type, $subject, $predicate, $ordinal, $object_type, $object, $xml_lang, $bag_id, $statements, $statement_id ) { $statement_id_type = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI; $statement_id_buffer=''; $predicate_buffer=''; if( $this->rdf_parser["statement_handler"] ) { $this->rdf_parser["statement_handler"]($this->rdf_parser["user_data"],$subject_type,$subject,$predicate,$ordinal,$object_type,$object,$xml_lang ); if( $bag_id ) { if( $statements == '' ) { $this->_report_statement(RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI, $bag_id, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_TYPE, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_BAG, '', '', '', '' ); } if( ! $statement_id ) { $statement_id_type = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANONYMOUS; $this->_generate_anonymous_uri( $statement_id_buffer, strlen( $statement_id_buffer ) ); $statement_id = $statement_id_buffer; } $statements++; $predicate_buffer="RDF_NAMESPACE_URI_".$statements; $this->_report_statement( RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI, $bag_id, $predicate_buffer, $statements, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $statement_id, '', '', '', '' ); } if( $statement_id ) { // rdf:type = rdf:Statement $this->_report_statement( $statement_id_type, $statement_id, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_TYPE, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_STATEMENT, '', '', '', '' ); // rdf:subject $this->_report_statement( $statement_id_type, $statement_id, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_SUBJECT, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $subject, '', '', '', '' ); // rdf:predicate $this->_report_statement( $statement_id_type, $statement_id, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_PREDICATE, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $predicate, '', '', '', '' ); // rdf:object $this->_report_statement( $statement_id_type, $statement_id, RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_OBJECT, 0, $object_type, $object, '', '', '', '' ); } } } function _report_start_parse_type_literal() { if( $this->rdf_parser["start_parse_type_literal_handler"] ) { $this->rdf_parser["start_parse_type_literal_handler"]( $this->rdf_parser["user_data"] ); } } function _report_end_parse_type_literal() { if( $this->rdf_parser["end_parse_type_literal_handler"] ) { $this->rdf_parser["end_parse_type_literal_handler"]( $this->rdf_parser["user_data"] ); } } function _handle_property_attributes($subject_type, $subject, $attributes, $xml_lang, $bag_id, $statements ) { $i=0; $attribute=''; $predicate=''; $attribute_namespace_uri=''; $attribute_local_name=''; $attribute_value=''; $ordinal=0; for( $i = 0; isset($attributes[ $i ]); $i += 2 ) { $this->_split_name( $attributes[ $i ], $attribute, strlen( $attribute ), $attribute_namespace_uri, $attribute_local_name ); $attribute_value = $attributes[ $i + 1 ]; $predicate=$attribute_namespace_uri; $predicate.=$attribute_local_name; if( RDF_NAMESPACE_URI == $attribute_namespace_uri ) { if( $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute_literal( $attribute_local_name ) ) { $this->_report_statement( $subject_type, $subject, $predicate, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL, $attribute_value, $xml_lang, $bag_id, $statements, '' ); } else if( $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute_resource( $attribute_local_name ) ) { $this->_report_statement( $subject_type, $subject, $predicate, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $attribute_value, '', $bag_id, $statements, '' ); } else if( ( $ordinal = $this->_is_rdf_ordinal( $attribute_local_name ) ) != 0 ) { $this->_report_statement( $subject_type, $subject, $predicate, $ordinal, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL, $attribute_value, $xml_lang, $bag_id, $statements, '' ); } } else if( XML_NAMESPACE_URI == $attribute_namespace_uri ) { //do nothing } else if( $attribute_namespace_uri ) { // is it required that property attributes be in an explicit namespace? $this->_report_statement( $subject_type, $subject, $predicate, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL, $attribute_value, $xml_lang, $bag_id, $statements, '' ); } } } function _report_start_element( $name, $attributes ) { if( isset($this->rdf_parser["start_element_handler"]) ) { $this->rdf_parser["start_element_handler"]( $this->rdf_parser["user_data"], $name, $attributes ); } } function _report_end_element( $name ) { if( isset($this->rdf_parser["end_element_handler"]) ) { $this->rdf_parser["end_element_handler"]( $this->rdf_parser["user_data"], $name ); } } function _report_character_data($s,$len ) { if( isset($this->rdf_parser["character_data_handler"]) ) { $this->rdf_parser["character_data_handler"]( $this->rdf_parser["user_data"], $s, $len ); } } function _report_warning( $warning) { // rdf_parser->top->state = IN_UNKNOWN; if( isset($this->rdf_parser["warning_handler"]) ) { $this->rdf_parser["warning_handler"] ( $warning); } } function _handle_resource_element( $namespace_uri, $local_name, $attributes, $parent ) { $subjects_found = 0; $aux=$attributes; $aux2=Array(); foreach($attributes as $atkey=>$atvalue) { $aux2[]=$atkey; $aux2[]=$atvalue; } $attributes=$aux2; $id = ''; $about = ''; $about_each = ''; $about_each_prefix = ''; $bag_id = ''; $i=0; $attribute=''; $attribute_namespace_uri=''; $attribute_local_name=''; $attribute_value=''; $id_buffer=''; $type=''; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = false; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_member_attributes"] = false; // examine each attribute for the standard RDF "keywords" for( $i = 0; isset($attributes[$i]); $i += 2 ) { $this->_split_name( $attributes[ $i ], $attribute, strlen( $attribute ), $attribute_namespace_uri, $attribute_local_name ); $attribute_value = $attributes[ $i + 1 ]; // if the attribute is not in any namespace // or the attribute is in the RDF namespace if( ( $attribute_namespace_uri == '' ) || ( $attribute_namespace_uri == RDF_NAMESPACE_URI )) { if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_ID ) { $id = $attribute_value; ++$subjects_found; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_ABOUT ) { $about = $attribute_value; ++$subjects_found; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_ABOUT_EACH ) { $about_each = $attribute_value; ++$subjects_found; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_ABOUT_EACH_PREFIX ) { $about_each_prefix = $attribute_value; ++$subjects_found; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_BAG_ID) { $bag_id = $attribute_value; } else if( $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute( $attribute_local_name ) ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = true; } else if( $this->_is_rdf_ordinal( $attribute_local_name ) ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = true; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_member_attributes"] = true; } else { $this->_report_warning( "unknown or out of context rdf attribute:".$attribute_local_name ); } } else if( $attribute_namespace_uri == XML_NAMESPACE_URI ) { if( $attribute_local_name == XML_LANG ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"] = $attribute_value; } } else if( $attribute_namespace_uri ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = true; } } // if no subjects were found, generate one. if( $subjects_found == 0 ) { $this->_generate_anonymous_uri( $id_buffer, strlen( $id_buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$id_buffer; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANONYMOUS; } else if( $subjects_found > 1 ) { $this->_report_warning( "ID, about, aboutEach, and aboutEachPrefix are mutually exclusive" ); return; } else if( $id ) { $this->_resolve_id( $id, $id_buffer, strlen( $id_buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$id_buffer; } else if( $about ) { $this->_resolve_uri_reference( $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"], $about, $id_buffer, strlen( $id_buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$id_buffer; } else if( $about_each ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_DISTRIBUTED; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$about_each; } else if( $about_each_prefix ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_PREFIX; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$about_each_prefix; } // if the subject is empty, assign it the document uri if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"] == '' ) { $len = 0; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$this->rdf_parser["base_uri"]; // now remove the trailing '#' $len = strlen( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]); if( $len > 0 ) { //$rdf_parser["top"]["subject"][" len - 1 "] = 0; } } if( $bag_id ) { $this->_resolve_id( $bag_id, $id_buffer, strlen( $id_buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"]=$id_buffer; } // only report the type for non-rdf:Description elements. if( ($local_name != RDF_DESCRIPTION ) || ( $namespace_uri != RDF_NAMESPACE_URI ) ) { $type=$namespace_uri; $type.=$local_name; $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"], RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.RDF_TYPE, 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $type, '', $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statements"], '' ); } // if this element is the child of some property, // report the appropriate statement. if( $parent ) { $this->_report_statement( $parent["parent"]["subject_type"], $parent["parent"]["subject"], $parent["predicate"], $parent["ordinal"], RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"], '', $parent["parent"]["bag_id"], $parent["parent"]["statements"], $parent["statement_id"] ); } if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] ) { $this->_handle_property_attributes( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"], $attributes, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statements"] ); } } function _handle_property_element( &$namespace_uri, &$local_name, &$attributes ) { $buffer=''; $i=0; $aux=$attributes; $aux2=Array(); foreach($attributes as $atkey=>$atvalue) { $aux2[]=$atkey; $aux2[]=$atvalue; } $attributes=$aux2; $attribute_namespace_uri=''; $attribute_local_name=''; $attribute_value = ''; $resource = ''; $statement_id = ''; $bag_id = ''; $parse_type = ''; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"] = 0; if( $namespace_uri == RDF_NAMESPACE_URI ) { if( ($this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"] = ( $this->_is_rdf_ordinal( $local_name ) ) != 0 ) ) { if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"] > $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["members"] ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["members"] = $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"]; } } else if( ! $this->_is_rdf_property_element( $local_name ) ) { $this->_report_warning( "unknown or out of context rdf property element: ".$local_name ); return; } } $buffer=$namespace_uri; if( ( $namespace_uri == RDF_NAMESPACE_URI ) && ( $local_name == RDF_LI ) ) { //$ordinal=''; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["members"]++; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"] = $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["members"]; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"]=$this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"]; //$ordinal{ 0 } = '_' ; $buffer.='_'.$this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"]; } else { $buffer.=$local_name; } $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"]=$buffer; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = false; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_member_attributes"] = false; for( $i = 0; isset($attributes[$i]); $i += 2 ) { $this->_split_name( $attributes[$i], $buffer, strlen( $buffer ), $attribute_namespace_uri, $attribute_local_name ); $attribute_value = $attributes[$i + 1]; // if the attribute is not in any namespace // or the attribute is in the RDF namespace if( ( $attribute_namespace_uri == '' ) || ( $attribute_namespace_uri == RDF_NAMESPACE_URI ) ) { if( ( $attribute_local_name == RDF_ID ) ) { $statement_id = $attribute_value; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_PARSE_TYPE ) { $parse_type = $attribute_value; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_RESOURCE ) { $resource = $attribute_value; } else if( $attribute_local_name == RDF_BAG_ID ) { $bag_id = $attribute_value; } else if( $this->_is_rdf_property_attribute( $attribute_local_name ) ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = true; } else { $this->_report_warning( "unknown rdf attribute: ".$attribute_local_name ); return; } } else if( $attribute_namespace_uri == XML_NAMESPACE_URI ) { if( $attribute_local_name == XML_LANG ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"] = $attribute_value; } } else if( $attribute_namespace_uri ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] = true; } } // this isn't allowed by the M&S but I think it should be if( $statement_id && $resource ) { $this->_report_warning( "rdf:ID and rdf:resource are mutually exclusive" ); return; } if( $statement_id ) { $this->_resolve_id($statement_id, $buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statement_id"]=$buffer; } if( $parse_type ) { if( $resource ) { $this->_report_warning( "property elements with rdf:parseType do not allow rdf:resource" ); return; } if( $bag_id ) { $this->_report_warning( "property elements with rdf:parseType do not allow rdf:bagID" ); return; } if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] ) { $this->_report_warning( "property elements with rdf:parseType do not allow property attributes"); return; } if( $attribute_value == RDF_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE ) { $this->_generate_anonymous_uri( $buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); // since we are sure that this is now a resource property we can report it $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"], 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $buffer, '', $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"], $statement_id ); $this->_push_element( ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject_type"] = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANONYMOUS; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["subject"]=$buffer; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"]=''; } else { $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"], 0, RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_XML, '', '', $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"], $statement_id ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL; $this->_report_start_parse_type_literal(); } } else if( $resource || $bag_id || $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] ) { if( $resource != '' ) { $subject_type = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_URI; $this->_resolve_uri_reference( $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"], $resource, $buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); } else { $subject_type = RDF_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANONYMOUS; $this->_generate_anonymous_uri( buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); } $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_EMPTY_RESOURCE; // since we are sure that this is now a resource property we can report it. $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"], RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $buffer, '', $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"], '' ); // should we allow IDs? if( $bag_id ) { $this->_resolve_id( $bag_id, $buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"]=$buffer; } if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["has_property_attributes"] ) { $this->_handle_property_attributes( $subject_type, $buffer, $attributes, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statements"] ); } } } function _start_element_handler($parser, $name, $attributes ) { $buffer=''; $namespace_uri=''; $local_name=''; /* if( rdf_parser->top != '' && rdf_parser->top->state != IN_TOP_LEVEL ) { ++rdf_parser->anonymous_id; } */ $this->_push_element(); $this->_split_name( $name, $buffer, strlen( $buffer ), $namespace_uri, $local_name ); switch( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] ) { case IN_TOP_LEVEL: if( RDF_NAMESPACE_URI.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_STRING.RDF_RDF == $name ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_RDF; } else { $this->_report_start_element( $name, $attributes ); } break; case IN_RDF: $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_DESCRIPTION; $this->_handle_resource_element( $namespace_uri, $local_name, $attributes, '' ); break; case IN_DESCRIPTION: case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE: $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT; $this->_handle_property_element( $namespace_uri, $local_name, $attributes ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT: /* if we're in a property with an unknown object type and we encounter an element, the object must be a resource, */ $this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"]=''; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_RESOURCE; $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_DESCRIPTION; $this->_handle_resource_element( $namespace_uri, $local_name, $attributes, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"] ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL: $this->_report_warning( "no markup allowed in literals" ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL: $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_XML; /* fall through */ case IN_XML: $this->_report_start_element( $name, $attributes ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_RESOURCE: $this->_report_warning( "only one element allowed inside a property element" ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_EMPTY_RESOURCE: $this->_report_warning( "no content allowed in property with rdf:resource, rdf:bagID, or property attributes" ); break; case IN_UNKNOWN: break; } } /* this is only called when we're in the IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT state. the only time we won't know what type of object a statement has is when we encounter property statements without property attributes or content: <foo:property /> <foo:property ></foo:property> <foo:property> </foo:property> notice that the state doesn't switch to IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL when there is only whitespace between the start and end tags. this isn't a very useful statement since the object is anonymous and can't have any statements with it as the subject but it is allowed. */ function _end_empty_resource_property() { $buffer=''; $this->_generate_anonymous_uri($buffer, strlen( $buffer ) ); $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"], RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE, $buffer, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statement_id"] ); } /* property elements with text only as content set the state to IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL. as character data is received from expat, it is saved in a buffer and reported when the end tag is received. */ function _end_literal_property() { if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["statement_id"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statement_id"]=''; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"]=''; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"]=''; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"]=''; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"]=0; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"]=''; } if(!isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"])) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"]=0; } $this->_report_statement( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject_type"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["subject"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["predicate"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["ordinal"], RDF_OBJECT_TYPE_LITERAL, $this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["xml_lang"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["bag_id"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["parent"]["statements"], $this->rdf_parser["top"]["statement_id"] ); } function _end_element_handler( $parser, $name ) { switch( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] ) { case IN_TOP_LEVEL: /* fall through */ case IN_XML: $this->_report_end_element( $name ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT: $this->_end_empty_resource_property(); break; case IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL: $this->_end_literal_property( ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE: $this->_pop_element( ); break; case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL: $this->_report_end_parse_type_literal(); break; case IN_RDF: case IN_DESCRIPTION: case IN_PROPERTY_RESOURCE: case IN_PROPERTY_EMPTY_RESOURCE: case IN_UNKNOWN: break; } $this->_pop_element(); } function _character_data_handler( $parser,$s) { $len=strlen($s); switch( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] ) { case IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL: case IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT: if( isset($this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"]) ) { $n = strlen( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"] ); $this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"].= $s; } else { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["data"]=$s; } if( $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] == IN_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_OBJECT ) { /* look for non-whitespace */ for( $i = 0; (( $i < $len ) && ( ereg(" |\n|\t",$s{ $i }) )); $i++ ); $i++; /* if we found non-whitespace, this is a literal */ if( $i < $len ) { $this->rdf_parser["top"]["state"] = IN_PROPERTY_LITERAL; } } break; case IN_TOP_LEVEL: case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_LITERAL: case IN_XML: $this->_report_character_data( $s, strlen($s) ); break; case IN_RDF: case IN_DESCRIPTION: case IN_PROPERTY_RESOURCE: case IN_PROPERTY_EMPTY_RESOURCE: case IN_PROPERTY_PARSE_TYPE_RESOURCE: case IN_UNKNOWN: break; } } /* public functions */ function rdf_parser_create( $encoding ) { $parser = xml_parser_create_ns( $encoding, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR ); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"] = $parser; xml_set_object($this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"], $this); xml_set_element_handler( $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"], "_start_element_handler", "_end_element_handler" ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"], "_character_data_handler" ); return $this->rdf_parser; } function rdf_parser_free( ) { $z=3; // xml_parser_free( $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"] ); $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"]=''; $this->_delete_elements( $this->rdf_parser ); unset( $this->rdf_parser ); } function rdf_set_user_data( &$user_data ) { $this->rdf_parser["user_data"] = &$user_data; } function rdf_get_user_data( ) { return ( $this->rdf_parser["$user_data"] ); } function rdf_set_statement_handler($handler ) { $this->rdf_parser["statement_handler"] = $handler; } function rdf_set_parse_type_literal_handler($start,$end ) { $this->rdf_parser["start_parse_type_literal_handler"] = $start; $this->rdf_parser["end_parse_type_literal_handler"] = $end; } function rdf_set_element_handler($start,$end) { $this->rdf_parser["_start_element_handler"] = $start; $this->rdf_parser["_end_element_handler"] = $end; } function rdf_set_character_data_handler( $handler) { $this->rdf_parser["_character_data_handler"] = $handler; } function rdf_set_warning_handler($handler ) { $this->rdf_parser["warning_handler"] = $handler; } function rdf_parse( $s, $len, $is_final ) { return XML_Parse( $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"], $s, $is_final ); } function rdf_get_xml_parser() { return ( $this->rdf_parser["xml_parser"]); } function rdf_set_base($base ) { //tcscpy( buffer, base ); /* if( buffer[" tcslen( buffer ) - 1 "] != T( '#' ) ) { tcscat( buffer, T( "#" ) ); } */ /* check for out of memory */ $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"]=$base; return 0; } function rdf_get_base() { return $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"]; } function rdf_resolve_uri($uri_reference,&$buffer) { _resolve_uri_reference( $this->rdf_parser["base_uri"], $uri_reference, $buffer, strlen($buffer) ); } } ?>