File: tiki-admin_include_textarea.php
<?php // Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } $plugins = array(); foreach( $tikilib->plugin_get_list() as $name ) { $info = $tikilib->plugin_info( $name ); if( isset( $info['prefs'] ) && is_array( $info['prefs'] ) && count( $info['prefs'] ) > 0 ) $plugins[$name] = $info; } $smarty->assign( 'plugins', $plugins ); if (isset($_REQUEST["textareasetup"]) && (!isset($_COOKIE['tab']) || $_COOKIE['tab'] != 3)) { // tab=3 is plugins alias tab (TODO improve) ask_ticket('admin-inc-textarea'); $pref_toggles = array( "feature_antibot", "feature_hotwords", "feature_hotwords_nw", "feature_dynamic_content", "feature_filegals_manager", "feature_use_quoteplugin", "feature_comments_post_as_anonymous", "feature_smileys", "popupLinks", "feature_autolinks", "quicktags_over_textarea", "feature_wiki_protect_email", "feature_wiki_ext_icon", "feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting", "feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br", "feature_wiki_monosp", "wiki_edit_plugin", ); foreach ($pref_toggles as $toggle) { simple_set_toggle ($toggle); } foreach( $plugins as $key => $info ) { $key_inline = 'wikiplugininline_' . $key; $key = 'wikiplugin_' . $key; if( in_array( $key, $info['prefs'] ) ) { simple_set_toggle( $key ); if( !isset( $info['inline'] ) || !$info['inline'] ) { simple_set_toggle( $key_inline ); } } } $pref_simple_values = array( "default_rows_textarea_wiki", "default_rows_textarea_comment", "default_rows_textarea_forum", "default_rows_textarea_forumthread", "feature_wiki_tables", ); foreach ($pref_simple_values as $svitem) { simple_set_value ($svitem); } foreach( glob( 'temp/cache/wikiplugin_*' ) as $file ) unlink( $file ); } // from tiki-admin_include_textarea.php global $tikilib; $pluginsAlias = $tikilib->plugin_get_list( false, true ); $pluginsReal = $tikilib->plugin_get_list( true, false ); if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $areanames = array( 'editwiki', 'editpost', 'editpost2', 'blogedit', 'faqans', 'body', 'description', 'trackerDescription' ); foreach ($tikilib->list_languages() as $tlang) { foreach ($areanames as $an) { $cachetag = 'plugindesc' . $tlang['value'] . $an; $cachelib->invalidate($cachetag); } } if( isset( $_POST['enable'] ) ) { if( ! is_array( $_POST['enabled'] ) ) $_POST['enabled'] = array(); foreach( $pluginsAlias as $name ) { $tikilib->set_preference( "wikiplugin_$name", in_array( $name, $_POST['enabled'] ) ? 'y' : 'n' ); } foreach( glob( 'temp/cache/wikiplugin_*' ) as $file ) unlink( $file ); } if( isset( $_POST['textareasetup'] ) && ! in_array($_POST['plugin_alias'], $pluginsReal) && isset($_REQUEST["plugin_alias"]) && (!isset($_COOKIE['tab']) || $_COOKIE['tab'] == 3)) { // tab=3 is plugins alias tab (TODO improve) $info = array( 'implementation' => $_POST['implementation'], 'description' => array( 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'prefs' => array(), 'validate' => $_POST['validate'], 'filter' => $_POST['filter'], 'inline' => isset( $_POST['inline'] ), 'params' => array(), ), 'body' => array( 'input' => isset($_POST['ignorebody']) ? 'ignore' : 'use', 'default' => $_POST['defaultbody'], 'params' => array(), ), 'params' => array( ), ); if( ! empty( $_POST['body'] ) ) { $info['description']['body'] = $_POST['body']; } if( $_POST['validate'] == 'none' ) { unset( $info['description']['validate'] ); } if( empty($_POST['prefs']) ) $temp = array( "wikiplugin_{$_POST['plugin_alias']}" ); else $temp =explode( ',', $_POST['prefs'] ); $info['description']['prefs'] = $temp; if( isset($_POST['input']) ) { foreach( $_POST['input'] as $param ) { if( !empty( $param['token'] ) && !empty($param['name']) ) { $info['description']['params'][ $param['token'] ] = array( 'required' => isset($param['required']), 'safe' => isset($param['safe']), 'name' => $param['name'], 'description' => $param['description'], 'filter' => $param['filter'], ); } } } if( isset($_POST['bodyparam']) ) { foreach( $_POST['bodyparam'] as $param ) { if( !empty( $param['token'] ) ) { $info['body']['params'][ $param['token'] ] = array( 'input' => $param['input'], 'encoding' => $param['encoding'], 'default' => $param['default'], ); } } } if( isset($_POST['sparams']) ) { foreach( $_POST['sparams'] as $detail ) { if( ! empty($detail['token']) ) { $info['params'][$detail['token']] = $detail['default']; } } } if( isset($_POST['cparams']) ) { foreach( $_POST['cparams'] as $detail ) { if( ! empty($detail['token']) ) { $info['params'][$detail['token']] = array( 'pattern' => $detail['pattern'], 'params' => array(), ); foreach( $detail['params'] as $param ) { if( !empty( $param['token'] ) ) { $info['params'][$detail['token']]['params'][ $param['token'] ] = array( 'input' => $param['input'], 'encoding' => $param['encoding'], 'default' => $param['default'], ); } } } } } $tikilib->plugin_alias_store( $_POST['plugin_alias'], $info ); if( ! in_array( $_POST['plugin_alias'], $pluginsAlias ) ) $pluginAlias[] = $_POST['plugins']; foreach( glob( 'temp/cache/wikiplugin_*' ) as $file ) unlink( $file ); } } if( isset($_REQUEST['plugin_alias']) && $pluginInfo = $tikilib->plugin_alias_info($_REQUEST['plugin_alias']) ) { // Add an extra empty parameter to create new ones $pluginInfo['description']['params']['__NEW__'] = array( 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'required' => '', 'safe' => '', ); $pluginInfo['body']['params']['__NEW__'] = array( 'encoding' => '', 'input' => '', 'default' => '', ); $pluginInfo['params']['__NEW__'] = array( 'pattern' => '', 'params' => array(), ); foreach( $pluginInfo['params'] as &$p ) if( is_array( $p ) ) $p['params']['__NEW__'] = array( 'encoding' => '', 'input' => '', 'default' => '', ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_admin', $pluginInfo ); } else { $smarty->assign( 'plugin_admin', array() ); } $smarty->assign( 'plugins_alias', $pluginsAlias ); $smarty->assign( 'plugins_real', $pluginsReal ); ?>