File: TODO
$Id: TODO,v 1.15 2006/11/21 18:35:53 umcesrjones Exp $ Things to do as part of the WebCalendar 1.1 development cycle Com ple Description te? --- ------------------------------------- [ ] Better handling of large numbers of users (1000+). We have one user who claims the JS chokes the browser with 1000+ users when you press the "Select..." button [ ] Added cal_fullname (or cal_display_name) column to webcal_user and webcal_nonuser_cals so nonuser cals do not need to specify first and last name (since it does not usually make sense). [X] Add support for category colors [ ] Setup wizard (web-based) that would guide the admin through setting up what is now in System Settings and explain why they would want to use any particular option. It could start with primary use (Home Single User, Small Biz, Large Enterprise, Events Calendar, etc...) [ ] Add email notification for submission of new public events (ideally, multiple email recipients will be possible) [ ] Allowing nonuser public calendar to have anonymous users submit events like the public calendar does. Allow for a a list of users to receive email notifications... perhaps all users who have approve permissions on the nonuser calendar. [ ] Add all features of public calendar to nonuser public calendarr. Remove the public calendar and transition users to a public nonuser calendar as part of the upgrade process. [ ] Always have "User Access Control" enabled. We might need to work on help docs or the UI so newbiews can understand this. [ ] Update upcoming.php to support linking to an event on a nonuser public calendar. URLs need to go through nulogin.php first and use return_path to specify the event URL. [ ] Either (A) don't use any global variables or (B) rename all the global variables with a "webcalendar_" prefix. (This includes $login, $user and other variables.) Here are some other ideas for the next or perhaps later releases: [ ] Switch all the html over to a template system. Smarty seems to be the often mentioned. This will be a _lot_ of work. [ ] Admin diagnostics page that could: + tell user where php.ini is :-) + send a test mail message + help debug login problems + help debug send reminder problem [ ] Ability to support a reservation system (for either a single resource or multiple resources) as the primary use. Most likely, this would involve reserving an entire day rather than a time period. [ ] Java-based tool (web start) for monitoring and approving new public events (would run in background until new event is submitted, then popup for accept/reject) [ ] Admin tool for importing a large number of users (CSV, tab-delimeted, etc.) (Someone has contributed a patch for this.) [ ] Use SyncML to sync WebCalendar with SyncML-supported devices (PocketPC) [ ] Create Google Desktop plug-in that will allow WebCalendar events to be indexed so that they show up in Google Desktop search results. [ ] Create AJAX-based interface. The existing web service functions could be re-used for this. [ ] Don't allow the last admin user to be deleted [ ] Create an ActiveSync Service Provider that will enable MS Outlook and PocketPC users to sync with WebCalendar. Details on how to developer ActiveSync Service Providers: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wceactsy/html/ceconunderstandingserviceproviders.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wceactsy/html/cecondesignguidelinesforactivesyncsynchronizationserviceproviders.asp