File: access.php
<?php /* $Id: access.php,v 2008/04/03 15:01:50 umcesrjones Exp $ * * This page is used to manage user access rights. * * It has three different modes: * - list users to manage (no parameters) * - manage a single user's rights (just "user" parameter) * this will include which functions the user can access and * (if $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER is 'Y') which calendars thay can view/edit/approve * - update the database (form handler) * * Input Parameters: * user - specifies which user to manage, a form will be presented * that allows editing rights of this user * * access_N - where N is 0 to ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS as defined in * includes/access.php. Each should be either 'Y' or 'N'. */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; $allow_view_other = ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER ) && $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'Y' ); if ( ! access_is_enabled () ) { echo print_not_auth (1); exit; } // translate ( 'Database error' ) $dbErrStr = translate ( 'Database error XXX.' ); $defConfigStr = translate ( 'DEFAULT CONFIGURATION' ); $goStr = ' </select> <input type="submit" value="' . translate ( 'Go' ) . '" /> </form>'; $saveStr = translate ( 'Save' ); $undoStr = translate ( 'Undo' ); $saved = ''; // Are we handling the access form? // If so, do that, then redirect. // Handle function access first. if ( getPostValue ( 'auser' ) != '' && getPostValue ( 'submit' ) == $saveStr ) { $auser = getPostValue ( 'auser' ); $perm = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS; $i++ ) { $perm .= ( getPostValue ( 'access_' . $i ) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N' ); } dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_access_function WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $auser ) ); if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_access_function ( cal_login, cal_permissions ) VALUES ( ?, ? )', array ( $auser, $perm ) ) ) die_miserable_death ( str_replace ( 'XXX', dbi_error (), $dbErrStr ) ); $saved = true; } // Are we handling the other user form? If so, do that, then redirect. if ( getPostValue ( 'otheruser' ) != '' && getPostValue ( 'submit' ) == $saveStr ) { $puser = getPostValue ( 'guser' ); $pouser = getPostValue ( 'otheruser' ); if ( $allow_view_other ) { // Handle access to other users' calendars. // If user is not admin, // reverse values so they are granting access to their own calendar. if ( ! $is_admin ) list ( $puser, $pouser ) = array ( $pouser, $puser ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_access_user WHERE cal_login = ? AND cal_other_user = ?', array ( $puser, $pouser ) ); if ( empty ( $pouser ) ) break; $approve_total = $edit_total = $view_total = 0; for ( $i = 1; $i <= 256; ) { $approve_total += getPostValue ( 'a_' . $i ); $edit_total += getPostValue ( 'e_' . $i ); $view_total += getPostValue ( 'v_' . $i ); $i += $i; } $email = getPostValue ( 'email' ); $invite = getPostValue ( 'invite' ); $time = getPostValue ( 'time' ); if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_access_user ( cal_login, cal_other_user, cal_can_view, cal_can_edit, cal_can_approve, cal_can_invite, cal_can_email, cal_see_time_only ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )', array ( $puser, $pouser, ( $view_total > 0 ? $view_total : 0 ), ( $edit_total > 0 && $puser != '__public__' ? $edit_total : 0 ), ( $approve_total > 0 && $puser != '__public__' ? $approve_total : 0 ), ( strlen ( $invite ) ? $invite : 'N' ), ( strlen ( $email ) ? $email : 'N' ), ( strlen ( $time ) ? $time : 'N' ) ) ) ) { die_miserable_death ( str_replace ( 'XXX', dbi_error (), $dbErrStr ) ); } $saved = true; } } $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $guser = getPostValue ( 'guser' ); $selected = ' selected="selected"'; //if ( $guser == '__default__' ) { // $otheruser = $guser; // $user_fullname = $defConfigStr; //} else $otheruser = getPostValue ( 'otheruser' ); if ( $otheruser == '__default__' ) { $otheruser_fullname = $defConfigStr; $otheruser_login = '__default__'; } elseif ( $otheruser == '__public__' ) { $otheruser_fullname = translate ( 'Public Access' ); $otheruser_login = '__public__'; } if ( ! empty ( $otheruser ) ) { if ( $allow_view_other ) { user_load_variables ( $otheruser, 'otheruser_' ); // Turn off admin override so we see the users own settings. $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC = 'N'; // Now load all the data from webcal_access_user. $allPermissions = access_load_user_permissions ( false ); // Load default-default values if exist. if ( ! empty ( $allPermissions['__default__.__default__'] ) ) $op = $allPermissions['__default__.__default__']; if ( $is_admin ) { // Load user-default values if exist. if ( ! empty ( $allPermissions[ $guser . '.__default__' ] ) ) $op = $allPermissions[ $guser . '.__default__' ]; // Load user-otheruser values if exist. if ( ! empty ( $allPermissions[ $guser . '.' . $otheruser ] ) ) $op = $allPermissions[ $guser . '.' . $otheruser ]; } else { // Load defualt-user values if exist. if ( ! empty ( $allPermissions['__default__.' . $guser] ) ) $op = $allPermissions['__default__.' . $guser ]; // Load otheruser-user values if exist. if ( ! empty ( $allPermissions[$otheruser . '.' . $guser] ) ) $op = $allPermissions[$otheruser . '.' . $guser]; } } } print_header ( '', '', ( ! empty ( $op['time'] ) && $op['time'] == 'Y' ? 'onload="enableAll( true );"' : '' ) ); echo print_success ( $saved ); if ( ! empty ( $guser ) && $is_admin ) user_load_variables ( $guser, 'user_' ); ob_start (); if ( $is_admin ) { $adminStr = translate ( 'Admin' ); $userlist = get_my_users (); $nonuserlist = get_nonuser_cals (); // If we are here... we must need to print out a list of users. echo ' <h2>' . translate ( 'User Access Control' ) . ( ! empty ( $user_fullname ) ? ': ' . $user_fullname : '' ) . '</h2> ' . display_admin_link ( false ) . ' <form action="access.php" method="post" name="SelectUser"> <select name="guser" onchange="document.SelectUser.submit()">' // Add a DEFAULT CONFIGURATION to be used as a mask. . ' <option value="__default__"' . ( $guser == '__default__' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $defConfigStr . '</option>'; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $userlist ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { echo ' <option value="' . $userlist[$i]['cal_login'] . '"' . ( $guser == $userlist[$i]['cal_login'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $userlist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $nonuserlist ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { echo ' <option value="' . $nonuserlist[$i]['cal_login'] . '"' . ( $guser == $nonuserlist[$i]['cal_login'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $nonuserlist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . ' ' . ( $nonuserlist[$i]['cal_is_public'] == 'Y' ? '*' : '' ) . '</option>'; } echo $goStr; } //end admin $guser != default test if ( ! empty ( $guser ) || ! $is_admin ) { if ( $is_admin ) { // Present a page to allow editing a user's rights. $access = access_load_user_functions ( $guser ); $div = ceil ( ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS / 4 ); // We can reorder the display of user rights here. $order = array ( 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ); // Make sure that we have defined all the types of // access defined in access.php assert ( count($order) == ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS +1 ); echo ' <div class="boxall" style="margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px;"> <form action="access.php" method="post" name="accessform"> <input type="hidden" name="auser" value="' . $guser . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="guser" value="' . $guser . '" /> <table border="0" cellspacing="10"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top">'; for ( $i = 0; $i < ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS; $i++ ) { // Public access and NUCs can never use some of these functions. $show = true; if ( $guser == '__public__' || substr ( $guser, 0, 5 ) == $NONUSER_PREFIX ) { switch ( $order[$i] ) { case ACCESS_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT: case ACCESS_ACCOUNT_INFO: case ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG: case ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME: case ACCESS_ASSISTANTS: case ACCESS_CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT: case ACCESS_IMPORT: case ACCESS_PREFERENCES: case ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS: case ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT: case ACCESS_VIEW_MANAGEMENT: case ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT: // Skip these... $show = false; break; } } if ( $show ) echo print_checkbox ( array ( 'access_' . $order[$i], 'Y', access_get_function_description ( $order[$i] ), substr ( $access, $order[$i], 1 ) ), 'dito' ) . '<br />'; if ( ( $i + 1 ) % $div == 0 ) echo ' </td> <td valign="top">'; } echo ' </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <input type="submit" value="' . $undoStr . '" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $saveStr . '" /> </form> </div>'; $pagetitle = translate ( 'Allow Access to Other Users Calendar' ); } else { // Get list of users that this user can see (may depend on group settings) // along with all nonuser calendars. // if ( $guser != '__default__' ) { $guser = $login; $pagetitle = translate ( 'Grant This User Access to My Calendar' ); } // if ( $guser == '__default__' ) { // $userlist = array ( '__default__' ); // $otheruser = $otheruser_login = '__default__'; // $otheruser_fullname = $defConfigStr; // } else if ( $allow_view_other ) { $userlist = get_list_of_users ( $guser ); echo ' <h2 style="margin-bottom: 2px;">' . $pagetitle . '</h2> <form action="access.php" method="post" name="SelectOther"> <input type="hidden" name="guser" value="' . $guser . '" /> <select name="otheruser" onchange="document.SelectOther.submit()">' // Add a DEFAULT CONFIGURATION to be used as a mask. . ' <option value="__default__"' . ( $otheruser == '__default__' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $defConfigStr . '</option>'; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $userlist ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $userlist[$i]['cal_login'] != $guser ) echo ' <option value="' . $userlist[$i]['cal_login'] . '"' . ( ! empty ( $otheruser ) && $otheruser == $userlist[$i]['cal_login'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $userlist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . '</option>'; } echo $goStr; } } if ( ! empty ( $otheruser ) ) { if ( $allow_view_other ) { $typeStr = translate ( 'Type' ); echo ' <form action="access.php" method="post" name="EditOther"> <input type="hidden" name="guser" value="' . $guser . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="otheruser" value="' . $otheruser . '" /><br /> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="boxleft boxtop boxbottom" width=' . ( $guser == '__public__' ? '"60%" align="center">' . translate ( 'Calendar' ) . '</th> <th class="boxtop boxbottom" width="20%">' . $typeStr . '</th> <th class="boxtop boxbottom boxright" colspan="3" width="20%">' . translate ( 'View Event' ) : '"25%">' . $otheruser_fullname . '</th> <th class="boxtop boxbottom" width="15%">' . $typeStr . '</th> <th width="15%" colspan="3" class="boxtop boxbottom">' . translate ( 'View' ) . '</th> <th width="15%" colspan="3" class="boxtop boxbottom">' . translate ( 'Edit' ) . '</th> <th width="15%" colspan="3" class="boxtop boxright boxbottom">' . translate ( 'Approve/Reject' ) ) . '</th> </tr>'; $access_type = array ( '', translate ( 'Events' ), translate ( 'Tasks' ), '', translate ( 'Journals' ) ); for ( $j = 1; $j < 5; $j++ ) { $bottomedge = ''; if ( $j == 3 ) continue; echo ' <tr> <td class="boxleft leftpadded' . ( $j > 3 ? ' boxbottom' : '' ) . '"><input type="checkbox" value="Y" name='; if ( $j == 1 ) echo '"invite"' . ( ! empty ( $op['invite'] ) && $op['invite'] == 'N' ? '' : $checked ) . ' />' . translate ( 'Can Invite' ); elseif ( $j == 2 ) echo '"email"' . ( ! empty ( $op['email'] ) && $op['email'] == 'N' ? '' : $checked ) . ' />' . translate ( 'Can Email' ); else { echo '"time"' . ( ! empty ( $op['time'] ) && $op['time'] == 'Y' ? $checked : '' ) . ' onclick="enableAll( this.checked );" />' . translate ( 'Can See Time Only' ); $bottomedge = 'boxbottom'; } echo '</td> <td align="center" class="boxleft ' . $bottomedge . '">' . $access_type[$j] . '</td> <td align="center" class="boxleft pub ' . $bottomedge . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $j . '" name="v_' . $j . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['view'] ) && ( $op['view'] & $j ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="conf ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 8 . '" name="v_' . $j * 8 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['view'] ) && ( $op['view'] & ( $j * 8 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="priv ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 64 . '" name="v_' . $j * 64 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['view'] ) && ( $op['view'] & ( $j * 64 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td>' . ( $guser != '__public__' ? ' <td align="center" class="boxleft pub ' . $bottomedge . '"><input ' . 'type="checkbox" value="' . $j . '" name="e_' . $j . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['edit'] ) && ( $op['edit'] & $j ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="conf ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 8 . '" name="e_' . $j * 8 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['edit'] ) && ( $op['edit'] & ( $j * 8 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="priv ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 64 . '" name="e_' . $j * 64 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['edit'] ) && ( $op['edit'] & ( $j * 64 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td align="center" class="boxleft pub ' . $bottomedge . '"><input ' . 'type="checkbox" value="' . $j . '" name="a_' . $j . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['approve'] ) && ( $op['approve'] & $j ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="conf ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 8 . '" name="a_' . $j * 8 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['approve'] ) && ( $op['approve'] & ( $j * 8 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td> <td class="boxright priv ' . $bottomedge . '"><input type="checkbox" value="' . $j * 64 . '" name="a_' . $j * 64 . '"' . ( ! empty ( $op['approve'] ) && ( $op['approve'] & ( $j * 64 ) ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td>' : '' ) . ' </tr>'; } echo ' <tr> <td colspan="2" class="boxleft alignright">' . ( $otheruser != '__default__' && $otheruser != '__public__' ? ' <input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Assistant' ) . '" onclick="selectAll(63);" /> ' : '' ) . ' <input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Select All' ) . '" onclick="selectAll(256);" /> <input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Clear All' ) . '" onclick="selectAll(0);" /> </td> <td colspan="9" class="boxright"> <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td class="pub">' . translate ( 'Public' ) . '</td> <td class="conf">' . translate ( 'Confidential' ) . '</td> <td class="priv">' . translate ( 'Private' ) . '</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>'; } echo ' <tr> <td colspan="11" class="boxleft boxbottom boxright"> <input type="submit" value="' . $undoStr . '" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $saveStr . '" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form>'; ob_end_flush (); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- <![CDATA[ function selectAll ( limit ) { if ( limit == 0 ) document.EditOther.time.checked = false; document.EditOther.email.checked = document.EditOther.invite.checked = ( limit != 0 ) for ( i = 1; i <= 256; ) { var aname = 'a_' + i, ename = 'e_' + i, vname = 'v_' + i; document.forms['EditOther'].elements[vname].checked = (i <= limit); if (document.forms['EditOther'].elements[ename]) document.forms['EditOther'].elements[ename].checked = (i <= limit); if (document.forms['EditOther'].elements[aname]) document.forms['EditOther'].elements[aname].checked = (i <= limit); i = parseInt(i+i); } } function enableAll ( on ) { for ( i = 1; i <= 256; ) { var aname = 'a_' + i, ename = 'e_' + i, vname = 'v_' + i; document.forms['EditOther'].elements[vname].disabled = on; if (document.forms['EditOther'].elements[ename]) document.forms['EditOther'].elements[ename].disabled = on; if (document.forms['EditOther'].elements[aname]) document.forms['EditOther'].elements[aname].disabled = on; i = parseInt(i+i); } } //]]> --> </script> <?php } echo print_trailer (); // Get the list of users that the specified user can see. function get_list_of_users ( $user ) { global $is_admin, $is_nonuser_admin; //Let Admins userlist be returnd if ( $user == '__default__' ) $user = ''; $u = get_my_users ( $user, 'view' ); if ( $is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin ) { // Get public NUCs also. $nonusers = get_my_nonusers ( $user, true ); $u = array_merge ( $nonusers, $u ); } return $u; } ?>