File: adminhome.php
<?php /* $Id: adminhome.php,v 2008/03/07 13:36:38 cknudsen Exp $ Page Description: Serves as the home page for administrative functions. Input Parameters: None Security: Users will see different options available on this page. */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; define ( 'COLUMNS', 3 ); print_header ( '', ' <style type="text/css"> table.admin, .admin td a { background:' . $CELLBG . ' } table.admin { border:1px solid #000; padding:5px } table.admin td { padding:20px } table.admin td, .admin td a { text-align:center } .admin td a { border:1px solid #EEE; border-color:#EEE #777 #777 #EEE; padding:10px } .admin td a:hover { border-color:#777 #EEE #EEE #777 background:#AAA; } </style> ' ); $assistStr = translate ( 'Assistants' ); $prefStr = translate ( 'Preferences' ); $names = $links = array (); /* Disabled for now...will move to menu when working properly if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) && access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Control Panel' ); $links[] = 'controlpanel.php'; } */ if ( $is_nonuser_admin ) { if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_PREFERENCES ) ) { $names[] = $prefStr; $links[] = 'pref.php?user=' . $user; } if ( $single_user != 'Y' ) { if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ASSISTANTS ) ) { $names[] = $assistStr; $links[] = 'assistant_edit.php?user=' . $user; } } } else { if ( ( $is_admin && ! access_is_enabled () ) || ( access_is_enabled () && access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS ) ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'System Settings' ); $links[] = 'admin.php'; } if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_PREFERENCES ) ) { $names[] = $prefStr; $links[] = 'pref.php'; } $names[] = ( $is_admin ? translate ( 'Users' ) : translate ( 'Account' ) ); $links[] = 'users.php'; if ( access_is_enabled () && access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'User Access Control' ); $links[] = 'access.php'; } if ( $single_user != 'Y' ) { if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ASSISTANTS ) ) { $names[] = $assistStr; $links[] = 'assistant_edit.php'; } } if ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Categories' ); $links[] = 'category.php'; } } if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_VIEW_MANAGEMENT ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Views' ); $links[] = 'views.php'; } if ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_LAYERS ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Layers' ); $links[] = 'layers.php'; } if ( $REPORTS_ENABLED == 'Y' && ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_REPORT ) ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Reports' ); $links[] = 'report.php'; } if ( $is_admin ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Delete Events' ); $links[] = 'purge.php'; } /* This Activity Log link shows ALL activity for ALL events, so you really need to be an admin user for this. Enabling "Activity Log" in UAC just gives you access to the log for your _own_ events or other events you have access to. */ if ( $is_admin && ( ! access_is_enabled () || access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG ) ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Activity Log' ); $links[] = 'activity_log.php'; $names[] = translate ( 'System Log' ); $links[] = 'activity_log.php?system=1'; } if ( ( $is_admin || ! access_is_enabled () ) || ( access_is_enabled && access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT ) ) ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Security Audit' ); $links[] = 'security_audit.php'; } if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Public Preferences' ); $links[] = 'pref.php?public=1'; } if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD == 'Y' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL == 'Y' ) { $names[] = translate ( 'Unapproved Public Events' ); $links[] = 'list_unapproved.php?user=__public__'; } } echo ' <h2>' . translate ( 'Administrative Tools' ) . '</h2> <table class="admin">'; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $names ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { echo ( $i % COLUMNS == 0 ? ' <tr>' : '' ) . ' <td>' . ( ! empty ( $links[$i] ) ? '<a href="' . $links[$i] . '">' : '' ) . $names[$i] . ( ! empty ( $links[$i] ) ? '</a>' : '' ) . '</td>' . ( $i % COLUMNS == COLUMNS - 1 ? ' </tr>' : '' ); } if ( $i % COLUMNS != 0 ) { while ( $i % COLUMNS != 0 ) { echo ' <td> </td>'; $i++; } } echo ' </tr> </table> ' . print_trailer (); ?>