File: edit_entry_handler.php
<?php /* $Id: edit_entry_handler.php,v 2008/04/22 19:07:30 umcesrjones Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; require ( 'includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class' ); $mail = new WebCalMailer; load_user_categories (); $error = ''; $do_override = false; $old_id = -1; $dateStr = translate ( 'Date XXX' ); $descStr = translate ( 'Description XXX' ); $helloStr = translate ( 'Hello, XXX.' ); // translate ( 'A new appointment has been made for you by' ) $newAppStr = translate ( 'XXX has made a new appointment.' ); $subjStr = translate ( 'Subject XXX' ); $timeStr = translate ( 'Time XXX' ); // translate ( 'An appointment has been updated by' ) $updAppStr = translate ( 'XXX has updated an appointment.' ); /* Put byday values in logical sequence. */ function sort_byday ( $a, $b ) { global $byday_values; $len_a = strlen ( $a ); $len_b = strlen ( $b ); $val_a = $byday_values[substr ( $a, -2 )]; $val_b = $byday_values[substr ( $b, -2 )]; if ( $len_a != $len_b ) return ( $len_a < $len_b ? -1 : 1 ); elseif ( $len_a == 2 ) return strcmp ( $val_a, $val_b ); else { // They start with numeric offsets. $offset_a = substr ( $a, 0, $len_a - 2 ); $offset_b = substr ( $b, 0, $len_b - 2 ); if ( $offset_a == $offset_b ) return strcmp ( $val_a, $val_b ); else // Add weight to weekday value to help sort. return strcmp ( abs ( $offset_a ) + $val_a * 10, abs ( $offset_b ) + $val_b * 10 ); } } $id = getPostValue ( 'cal_id' ); $confirm_conflicts = getPostValue ( 'confirm_conflicts' ); $override = getPostValue ( 'override' ); $override_date = getPostValue ( 'override_date' ); if ( ! empty ( $override ) && ! empty ( $override_date ) ) { // Override date specified. // User is going to create an exception to a repeating event. $do_override = true; $old_id = $id; } // Remember previous cal_goup_id if present. $parent = getPostValue ( 'parent' ); $old_id = ( empty ( $parent ) ? $old_id : $parent ); $old_status = array (); // Pass all string values through getPostValue. $cat_id = getPostValue ( 'cat_id' ); $description = getPostValue ( 'description' ); $participants = getPostValue ( 'participants' ); $entry_url = getPostValue ( 'entry_url' ); $eType = getPostValue ( 'eType' ); $location = getPostValue ( 'location' ); $name = getPostValue ( 'name' ); $reminder = getPostValue ( 'reminder' ); $reminder_type = getPostValue ( 'reminder_type' ); $reminder_hour = getPostValue ( 'reminder_hour' ); $reminder_minute = getPostValue ( 'reminder_minute' ); $reminder_day = getPostValue ( 'reminder_day' ); $reminder_month = getPostValue ( 'reminder_month' ); $reminder_year = getPostValue ( 'reminder_year' ); $rpt_type = getPostValue ( 'rpt_type' ); $rpt_hour = getPostValue ( 'rpt_hour' ); $rpt_minute = getPostValue ( 'rpt_minute' ); $rpt_ampm = getPostValue ( 'rpt_ampm' ); $rpt_day = getPostValue ( 'rpt_day' ); $rpt_month = getPostValue ( 'rpt_month' ); $rpt_year = getPostValue ( 'rpt_year' ); $rptmode = getPostValue ( 'rptmode' ); $rpt_end_use = getPostValue ( 'rpt_end_use' ); $rpt_count = getPostValue ( 'rpt_count' ); $rpt_freq = getPostValue ( 'rpt_freq' ); $weekdays_only = getPostValue ( 'weekdays_only' ); $wkst = getPostValue ( 'wkst' ); $bydayList = getPostValue ( 'bydayList' ); $bymonthdayList = getPostValue ( 'bymonthdayList' ); $bysetposList = getPostValue ( 'bysetposList' ); $bydayAll = getPostValue ( 'bydayAll' ); $byday = getPostValue ( 'byday' ); $bymonth = getPostValue ( 'bymonth' ); $bysetpos = getPostValue ( 'bysetpos' ); $bymonthday = getPostValue ( 'bymonthday' ); $byweekno = getPostValue ( 'byweekno' ); $byyearday = getPostValue ( 'byyearday' ); $exceptions = getPostValue ( 'exceptions' ); $timetype = getPostValue ( 'timetype' ); $priority = getPostValue ( 'priority' ); $access = getPostValue ( 'access' ); // entry_changed is calculated client-side with javascript $entry_changed = getPostValue ( 'entry_changed' ); $rem_action = getPostValue ( 'rem_action' ); $rem_last_sent = getPostValue ( 'rem_last_sent' ); $rem_times_sent = getPostValue ( 'rem_times_sent' ); $reminder = getPostValue ( 'reminder' ); $rem_when = getPostValue ( 'rem_when' ); $rem_days = getPostValue ( 'rem_days' ); $rem_hours = getPostValue ( 'rem_hours' ); $rem_minutes = getPostValue ( 'rem_minutes' ); $rem_before = getPostValue ( 'rem_before' ); $rem_related = getPostValue ( 'rem_related' ); $rem_rep_count = getPostValue ( 'rem_rep_count' ); $rem_rep_days = getPostValue ( 'rem_rep_days' ); $rem_rep_hours = getPostValue ( 'rem_rep_hours' ); $rem_rep_minutes = getPostValue ( 'rem_rep_minutes' ); $rem_rep_minutes = getPostValue ( 'rem_rep_minutes' ); $completed_hour = getPostValue ( 'completed_hour' ); $completed_minute = getPostValue ( 'completed_minute' ); $completed_day = getPostValue ( 'completed_day' ); $completed_month = getPostValue ( 'completed_month' ); $completed_year = getPostValue ( 'completed_year' ); $due_hour = getPostValue ( 'due_hour' ); $due_minute = getPostValue ( 'due_minute' ); $due_ampm = getPostValue ( 'due_ampm' ); $due_day = getPostValue ( 'due_day' ); $due_month = getPostValue ( 'due_month' ); $due_year = getPostValue ( 'due_year' ); $description = ( strlen ( $description ) == 0 || $description == '<br />' ? $name : $description ); // Don't allow certain HTML tags in description. // Malicious users can use meta refresh to redirect users to another // site (possibly a malware site). This could be form a public submission // on an event calendar, and the admin gets sent to the malware site when // viewing the event to approve/reject it. $bannedTags = array ( 'HTML', 'HEAD', 'TITLE', 'BODY', 'SCRIPT', 'META', 'LINK', 'OBJECT', 'APPLET' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $bannedTags ); $i++ ) { if ( preg_match ( "/<\s*$bannedTags[$i]/i", $description ) ) { $error = translate('Security violation!'); } } // Pass all numeric values through getPostValue. $entry_ampm = getPostValue ( 'entry_ampm' ); $entry_hour = getPostValue ( 'entry_hour' ); $entry_minute = getPostValue ( 'entry_minute' ); $end_ampm = getPostValue ( 'end_ampm' ); $end_hour = getPostValue ( 'end_hour' ); $end_minute = getPostValue ( 'end_minute' ); $day = getPostValue ( 'day' ); $month = getPostValue ( 'month' ); $year = getPostValue ( 'year' ); // Ensure variables are not empty. if ( empty ( $eType ) ) $eType = 'event'; $percent = getPostValue ( 'percent' ); if ( empty ( $percent ) ) $percent = 0; if ( empty ( $timetype ) ) $timetype = 'T'; $duration_h = getValue ( 'duration_h' ); $duration_m = getValue ( 'duration_m' ); if ( empty ( $duration_h ) || $duration_h < 0 ) $duration_h = 0; if ( empty ( $duration_m ) || $duration_m < 0 ) $duration_m = 0; // Reminder values could be valid as 0 if ( empty ( $rem_days ) ) $rem_days = 0; if ( empty ( $rem_hours ) ) $rem_hours = 0; if ( empty ( $rem_minutes ) ) $rem_minutes = 0; if ( empty ( $rem_rep_days ) ) $rem_rep_days = 0; if ( empty ( $rem_rep_hours ) ) $rem_rep_hours = 0; if ( empty ( $rem_rep_minutes ) ) $rem_rep_minutes = 0; if ( empty ( $reminder_hour ) ) $reminder_hour = 0; if ( empty ( $reminder_minute ) ) $reminder_minute = 0; // Timed event. if ( $timetype == 'T' ) { $entry_hour += $entry_ampm; if ( $eType == 'task' ) $due_hour += $due_ampm; } // Use end times if ( $TIMED_EVT_LEN == 'E' && $eType != 'task' ) $end_hour += $end_ampm; else $end_hour = $end_minute = 0; // If "all day event" was selected, then we set the event time to be 12AM with a // duration of 24 hours. We don't actually store the "all day event" flag per se. // This method makes conflict checking much simpler. We just need to make sure // that we don't screw up the day view (which normally starts with the first // timed event). Note that if someone actually wants to create an event that // starts at midnight and lasts exactly 24 hours, it will be treated in the // same manner. // All Day Event. if ( $timetype == 'A' ) $duration_h = 24; // Untimed Event if ( $timetype == 'U' ) $duration_h = 0; if ( strpos ( 'AU', $timetype ) !== false ) $duration_m = $end_hour = $end_minute = $entry_hour = $entry_minute = 0; // Combine all values to create event start date/time. $eventstart = ( $timetype != 'T' ? gmmktime ( $entry_hour, $entry_minute, 0, $month, $day, $year ) : mktime ( $entry_hour, $entry_minute, 0, $month, $day, $year ) ); if ( $eType == 'task' ) { // Combine all values to create event due date/time - User Time. $eventdue = mktime ( $due_hour, $due_minute, 0, $due_month, $due_day, $due_year ); // Combine all values to create completed date if ( ! empty ( $completed_year ) && ! empty ( $completed_month ) && ! empty ( $completed_day ) ) $eventcomplete = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $completed_year, $completed_month, $completed_day ); } // Create event stop from event duration/end values. // Note: for any given event, either end times or durations are 0 if ( $TIMED_EVT_LEN == 'E' ) { //User might have entered midnight as an end time //if so, we need to jump to next day if ( $end_hour === 0 && $end_ampm == 0 ) $day++; $eventstophour = $end_hour + $duration_h; $eventstopmin = $end_minute + $duration_m; } else { $eventstophour = $entry_hour + $duration_h; $eventstopmin = $entry_minute + $duration_m; } $duration = 0; if ( $eType != 'task' ) { $eventstop = ( $timetype != 'T' ? gmmktime ( $eventstophour, $eventstopmin, 0, $month, $day, $year ) : mktime ( $eventstophour, $eventstopmin, 0, $month, $day, $year ) ); // Calculate event duration. if ( $timetype == 'A' ) $duration = 1440; elseif ( $timetype == 'T' ) { $duration = ( $eventstop - $eventstart ) / 60; if ( $duration < 0 ) $duration = 0; } } // Make sure this user is really allowed to edit this event. // Otherwise, someone could hand type in the URL to edit someone else's event. // Can edit if: // - new event // - user is admin // - user created event // - user is participant $can_doall = $can_edit = false; // Value may be needed later for recreating event. $user = getPostValue ( 'user' ); $old_create_by = ( empty ( $user ) ? '' : $user ); if ( empty ( $id ) ) // New event... $can_edit = true; else { // Event owner or assistant? $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_create_by FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); // Value may be needed later for recreating event. $old_create_by = $row[0]; if ( ( $row[0] == $login ) || ( ( $user == $row[0] ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ) ) ) $can_edit = true; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } if ( $is_admin ) $can_edit = true; else if ( access_is_enabled () && ! empty ( $old_create_by ) ) $can_edit = access_user_calendar ( 'edit', $old_create_by, $login ); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! $can_edit ) { // Is user a participant of that event? $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_id FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_login = ? AND cal_status IN ( \'W\',\'A\' )', array ( $id, $login ) ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); if ( ! empty ( $row[0] ) ) $can_edit = true; // Is participant. dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } if ( ! $can_edit && empty ( $error ) ) $error = print_not_auth (6); // CAPTCHA if ( file_exists ( 'includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php' ) && $login == '__public__' && ! empty ( $ENABLE_CAPTCHA ) && $ENABLE_CAPTCHA == 'Y' ) { if ( function_exists ( 'imagecreatetruecolor' ) ) { include_once 'includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php'; $res = captcha::check (); if ( ! $res ) $error = translate ( 'You must enter the anti-spam text on the previous page.' ); } else { // Should have seen warning on edit_entry.php, so no warning here... } } // If display of participants is disabled, set the participant list // to the event creator. This also works for single-user mode. // Basically, if no participants were selected (because there // was no selection list available in the form or because the user // refused to select any participant from the list), then we will // assume the only participant is the current user. if ( empty ( $participants[0] ) ) { $participants[0] = $login; // There might be a better way to do this, // but if Admin sets this value, WebCalendar should respect it. if ( ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_SELECTED ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_SELECTED == 'Y' ) $participants[1] = '__public__'; } if ( empty ( $DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD ) || $DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD == 'N' ) { // Process only if Expert Mode or Weekly. if ( $rpt_type == 'weekly' || ! empty ( $rptmode ) ) { $bydayAr = explode ( ',', $bydayList ); if ( ! empty ( $bydayAr ) ) { foreach ( $bydayAr as $bydayElement ) { if ( strlen ( $bydayElement ) > 2 ) $bydayAll[] = $bydayElement; } } if ( ! empty ( $bydayAll ) ) { $bydayAll = array_unique ( $bydayAll ); // Call special sort algorithm. usort ( $bydayAll, 'sort_byday' ); $byday = implode ( ',', $bydayAll ); // Strip off leading comma if present. if ( substr ( $byday, 0, 1 ) == ',' ) $byday = substr ( $byday, 1 ); } } // This allows users to select on weekdays if daily. if ( $rpt_type == 'daily' && ! empty ( $weekdays_only ) ) $byday = 'MO,TU,WE,TH,FR'; // Process only if expert mode and MonthbyDate or Yearly. if ( ( $rpt_type == 'monthlyByDate' || $rpt_type == 'yearly' ) && ! empty ( $rptmode ) ) { $bymonthdayAr = explode ( ',', $bymonthdayList ); if ( ! empty ( $bymonthdayAr ) ) { sort ( $bymonthdayAr ); $bymonthdayAr = array_unique ( $bymonthdayAr ); $bymonthday = implode ( ',', $bymonthdayAr ); } // Strip off leading comma if present. if ( substr ( $bymonthday, 0, 1 ) == ',' ) $bymonthday = substr ( $bymonthday, 1 ); } if ( $rpt_type == 'monthlyBySetPos' ) { $bysetposAr = explode ( ',', $bysetposList ); if ( ! empty ( $bysetposAr ) ) { sort ( $bysetposAr ); $bysetposAr = array_unique ( $bysetposAr ); $bysetpos = implode ( ',', $bysetposAr ); } // Strip off leading comma if present. if ( substr ( $bysetpos, 0, 1 ) == ',' ) $bysetpos = substr ( $bysetpos, 1 ); } // If expert mode not selected, // we need to set the basic value for monthlyByDay events. if ( $rpt_type == 'monthlyByDay' && empty ( $rptmode ) && empty ( $byday ) ) $byday = ceil ( $day / 7 ) . $byday_names[ date ( 'w', $eventstart ) ]; $bymonth = ( empty ( $bymonth ) ? '' : implode ( ',', $bymonth ) ); if ( ! empty ( $rpt_year ) ) { $rpt_hour += $rpt_ampm; $rpt_until = mktime ( $rpt_hour, $rpt_minute, 0, $rpt_month, $rpt_day, $rpt_year ); } $exception_list = $inclusion_list = array (); if ( empty ( $exceptions ) ) $exceptions = array (); else { foreach ( $exceptions as $exception ) { if ( substr ( $exception, 0, 1 ) == '+' ) $inclusion_list[] = substr ( $exception, 1, 8 ); else $exception_list[] = substr ( $exception, 1, 8 ); } } } // end test for $DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD // Make sure we initialize these variables. if ( empty ( $byday ) ) $byday = ''; if ( empty ( $bymonth ) ) $bymonth = ''; if ( empty ( $bymonthday ) ) $bymonthday = ''; if ( empty ( $bysetpos ) ) $bysetpos = ''; if ( empty ( $byweekno ) ) $byweekno = ''; if ( empty ( $byyearday ) ) $byyearday = ''; if ( empty ( $count ) ) $count = ''; if ( empty ( $rpt_freq ) ) $rpt_freq = 1; if ( empty ( $rpt_type ) ) $rpt_type = ''; if ( empty ( $wkst ) ) $wkst = 'MO'; // First check for any schedule conflicts. if ( empty ( $ALLOW_CONFLICT_OVERRIDE ) || $ALLOW_CONFLICT_OVERRIDE != 'Y' ) $confirm_conflicts = ''; // Security precaution. if ( $ALLOW_CONFLICTS != 'Y' && empty ( $confirm_conflicts ) && strlen ( $entry_hour ) > 0 && $timetype != 'U' && $eType != 'task' ) { $conf_until = ( empty ( $rpt_until ) ? '' : $rpt_until ); $conf_count = ( empty ( $count ) ? 999 : $count ); $dates = get_all_dates ( $eventstart, $rpt_type, $rpt_freq, array ( $bymonth, $byweekno, $byyearday, $bymonthday, $byday, $bysetpos ), $conf_count, $conf_until, $wkst, $exception_list, $inclusion_list ); // Make sure at least start date is in array. if ( empty ( $dates ) ) $dates[0] = $eventstart; // Make sure $thismonth and $thisyear are set for use in query_events (). $thismonth = $month; $thisyear = $year; $conflicts = check_for_conflicts ( $dates, $duration, $eventstart, $participants, $login, empty ( $id ) ? 0 : $id ); } //end check for any schedule conflicts if ( empty ( $error ) && ! empty ( $conflicts ) ) $error = translate ( 'The following conflicts with the suggested time' ) . ': <ul>$conflicts</ul>'; $msg = ''; if ( empty ( $error ) ) { $newevent = true; // Now add the entries. if ( empty ( $id ) || $do_override ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT MAX(cal_id) FROM webcal_entry' ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); $id = $row[0] + 1; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $id = 1; } else { $newevent = false; // Save old values of participants. $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_status, cal_percent FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? ', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { for ( $i = 0; $tmprow = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); $i++ ) { $old_status[$tmprow[0]] = $tmprow[1]; $old_percent[$tmprow[0]] = $tmprow[2]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); if ( empty ( $error ) ) { dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_ext_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_site_extras WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); } $newevent = false; } if ( $do_override ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_repeats_not ( cal_id, cal_date, cal_exdate ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )', array ( $old_id, $override_date, 1 ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } $query_params = array (); $query_params[] = $id; if ( $old_id > 0 ) $query_params[] = $old_id; $query_params[] = ( empty ( $old_create_by ) ? $login : $old_create_by ); $query_params[] = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ); $query_params[] = ( ( strlen ( $entry_hour ) > 0 && $timetype != 'U' ) ? gmdate ( 'His', $eventstart ) : '-1' ); if ( ! empty ( $eventcomplete ) ) $query_params[] = $eventcomplete; // Just set $eventdue to something. $eventdue = ( empty ( $eventdue ) ? $eventstart : $eventdue ); $query_params[] = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $eventdue ); $query_params[] = gmdate ( 'His', $eventdue ); $query_params[] = gmdate ( 'Ymd' ); $query_params[] = gmdate ( 'Gis' ); $query_params[] = sprintf ( "%d", $duration ); $query_params[] = ( empty ( $priority ) ? '5' : sprintf ( "%d", $priority ) ); $query_params[] = ( empty ( $access ) ? 'P' : $access ); $tmpRpt = ( ! empty ( $rpt_type ) && $rpt_type != 'none' ); if ( $eType == 'event' ) $query_params[] = ( $tmpRpt ? 'M' : 'E' ); elseif ( $eType == 'journal' ) $query_params[] = ( $tmpRpt ? 'O' : 'J' ); elseif ( $eType == 'task' ) $query_params[] = ( $tmpRpt ? 'N' : 'T' ); $query_params[] = ( strlen ( $name ) == 0 ? 'Unnamed Event' : $name ); $query_params[] = $description; if ( ! empty ( $location ) ) $query_params[] = $location; if ( ! empty ( $entry_url ) ) $query_params[] = $entry_url; if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry ( cal_id, ' . ( $old_id > 0 ? ' cal_group_id, ' : '' ) . 'cal_create_by, cal_date, cal_time, ' . ( empty ( $eventcomplete ) ? '' : 'cal_completed, ' ) . 'cal_due_date, cal_due_time, cal_mod_date, cal_mod_time, cal_duration, ' . 'cal_priority, cal_access, cal_type, cal_name, cal_description ' . ( empty ( $location ) ? '' : ',cal_location ' ) . ( empty ( $entry_url ) ? '' : ',cal_url ' ) . ' ) VALUES ( ?, ' . ( $old_id > 0 ? '?, ' : '' ) . '?, ?, ?, ' . ( empty ( $eventcomplete ) ? '' : '?, ' ) . '?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ' . ( empty ( $location ) ? '' : ',? ' ) . ( empty ( $entry_url ) ? '' : ',? ' ) . ')', $query_params ) ) { $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } // Log add/update. if ( $eType == 'task' ) { $log_c = LOG_CREATE_T; $log_u = LOG_UPDATE_T; } elseif ( $eType == 'journal' ) { $log_c = LOG_CREATE_J; $log_u = LOG_UPDATE_J; } else { $log_c = LOG_CREATE; $log_u = LOG_UPDATE; } activity_log ( $id, $login, ( $is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login ), $newevent ? $log_c : $log_u, '' ); if ( $single_user == 'Y' ) $participants[0] = $single_user_login; // Add categories. $cat_owner = ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_admin ) ) ? $user : $login; dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_categories WHERE cal_id = ? AND ( cat_owner = ? OR cat_owner IS NULL )', array ( $id, $cat_owner ) ); if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) { $categories = explode ( ',', $cat_id ); $categorycnt = count ( $categories ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $categorycnt; $i++ ) { $names = $values = array (); $names[] = 'cal_id'; $values[] = $id; $names[] = 'cat_id'; $values[] = abs ( $categories[$i] ); // We set cat_id negative in form if global. if ( $categories[$i] > 0 ) { $names[] = 'cat_owner'; $values[] = $cat_owner; $names[] = 'cat_order'; $values[] = ( $i + 1 ); } else { $names[] = 'cat_order'; $values[] = 99; // Forces global categories to appear at the end of lists. } // Build the variable placeholders - comma-separated question marks. $placeholders = ''; $valuecnt = count ( $values ); for ( $v_i = 0; $v_i < $valuecnt; $v_i++ ) { $placeholders .= '?,'; } $placeholders = preg_replace ( '/,$/', '', $placeholders ); // Remove trailing ','. if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_categories ( ' . implode ( ', ', $names ) . ' ) VALUES ( ' . $placeholders . ' )', $values ) ) { $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); break; } } } // Add site extras. $site_extracnt = count ( $site_extras ); $extra_email_data = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $site_extracnt && empty ( $error ); $i++ ) { if ( $site_extras[$i] == 'FIELDSET' ) continue; $extra_name = $site_extras[$i][0]; $extra_type = $site_extras[$i][2]; $extra_arg1 = $site_extras[$i][3]; $extra_arg2 = $site_extras[$i][4]; if ( ! empty ( $site_extras[$i][5] ) ) $extra_email = $site_extras[$i][5] & EXTRA_DISPLAY_EMAIL; //$value = $$extra_name; $value = getPostValue ( $extra_name ); // echo "Looking for $extra_name... value = " . $value . " ... type = " . // $extra_type . "<br />\n"; $sql = ''; $query_params = array (); if ( strlen ( $extra_name ) || $extra_type == EXTRA_DATE ) { if ( $extra_type == EXTRA_URL || $extra_type == EXTRA_EMAIL || $extra_type == EXTRA_TEXT || $extra_type == EXTRA_USER || $extra_type == EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT || $extra_type == EXTRA_SELECTLIST || $extra_type == EXTRA_RADIO || $extra_type == EXTRA_CHECKBOX ) { // We were passed an array instead of a string. if ( $extra_type == EXTRA_SELECTLIST && $extra_arg2 > 0 ) $value = implode ( ',', $value ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_site_extras ( cal_id, cal_name, cal_type, cal_data ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )'; $query_params = array ( $id, $extra_name, $extra_type, $value ); if ( ! empty ( $extra_email ) ) { $value = ( $extra_type == EXTRA_RADIO ? $extra_arg1[$value] : $value ); $extra_email_data .= $extra_name . ': ' . $value . "\n"; } } else if ( $extra_type == EXTRA_DATE ) { $dname = getPostValue ( $extra_name . 'day' ); $mname = getPostValue ( $extra_name . 'month' ); $yname = getPostValue ( $extra_name . 'year' ); $edate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $yname, $mname, $dname ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_site_extras ( cal_id, cal_name, cal_type, cal_date ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )'; $query_params = array ( $id, $extra_name, $extra_type, $edate ); if ( ! empty ( $extra_email ) ) $extra_email_data .= $extra_name . ': ' . $edate . "\n"; } } if ( strlen ( $sql ) && empty ( $error ) ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, $query_params ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } } //end for site_extras loop // Process reminder. if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_reminders WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); if ( $DISABLE_REMINDER_FIELD != 'Y' && $reminder == true ) { if ( empty ( $rem_before ) ) $rem_before = 'Y'; if ( empty ( $rem_last_sent ) ) $rem_last_sent = '0'; if ( empty ( $rem_related ) ) $rem_related = 'S'; $reminder_date = $reminder_duration = $reminder_offset = $reminder_repeats = 0; if ( $rem_when == 'Y' ) { // Use date. $reminder_hour += $reminder_ampm; $reminder_date = mktime ( $reminder_hour, $reminder_minute, 0, $reminder_month, $reminder_day, $reminder_year ); } else // Use offset. $reminder_offset = ( $rem_days * 1440 ) + ( $rem_hours * 60 ) + $rem_minutes; if ( $rem_rep_count > 0 ) { $reminder_repeats = $rem_rep_count; $reminder_duration = ( $rem_rep_days * 1440 ) + ( $rem_rep_hours * 60 ) + $rem_rep_minutes; } if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_reminders ( cal_id, cal_date, cal_offset, cal_related, cal_before, cal_repeats, cal_duration, cal_action, cal_last_sent, cal_times_sent ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )', array ( $id, $reminder_date, $reminder_offset, $rem_related, $rem_before, $reminder_repeats, $reminder_duration, $rem_action, $rem_last_sent, $rem_times_sent ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } // Clearly, we want to delete the old repeats, before inserting new... if ( empty ( $error ) ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_repeats_not WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); // Add repeating info. if ( ! empty ( $rpt_type ) && strlen ( $rpt_type ) && $rpt_type != 'none' ) { $freq = ( $rpt_freq ? $rpt_freq : 1 ); $names = $values = array (); $names[] = 'cal_id'; $values[] = $id; $names[] = 'cal_type'; $values[] = $rpt_type; $names[] = 'cal_frequency'; $values[] = $freq; if ( ! empty ( $bymonth ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_bymonth'; $values[] = $bymonth; } if ( ! empty ( $bymonthday ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_bymonthday'; $values[] = $bymonthday; } if ( ! empty ( $byday ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_byday'; $values[] = $byday; } if ( ! empty ( $bysetpos ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_bysetpos'; $values[] = $bysetpos; } if ( ! empty ( $byweekno ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_byweekno'; $values[] = $byweekno; } if ( ! empty ( $byyearday ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_byyearday'; $values[] = $byyearday; } if ( ! empty ( $wkst ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_wkst'; $values[] = $wkst; } if ( ! empty ( $rpt_count ) && is_numeric ( $rpt_count ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_count'; $values[] = $rpt_count; } if ( ! empty ( $rpt_until ) ) { $names[] = 'cal_end'; $values[] = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $rpt_until ); $names[] = 'cal_endtime'; $values[] = gmdate ( 'His', $rpt_until ); } $placeholders = ''; $valuecnt = count ( $values ); for ( $v_i = 0; $v_i < $valuecnt; $v_i++ ) { $placeholders .= '?,'; } $placeholders = preg_replace ( '/,$/', '', $placeholders ); // Remove trailing ','. $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_repeats ( ' . implode ( ', ', $names ) . ' ) VALUES ( ' . $placeholders . ' )'; dbi_execute ( $sql, $values ); $msg .= '<span class="bold">SQL:</span> ' . $sql . '<br /><br />'; } //end add repeating info // We manually created exceptions. This can be done without repeats. if ( ! empty ( $exceptions ) ) { $exceptcnt = count ( $exceptions ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $exceptcnt; $i++ ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_repeats_not ( cal_id, cal_date, cal_exdate ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )', array ( $id, substr ( $exceptions[$i], 1, 8 ), ( ( substr ( $exceptions[$i], 0, 1 ) == '+' ) ? 0 : 1 ) ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); } } //end exceptions } // EMAIL PROCESSING $partcnt = count ( $participants ); $from = $login_email; if ( empty ( $from ) && ! empty ( $EMAIL_FALLBACK_FROM ) ) $from = $EMAIL_FALLBACK_FROM; // Check if participants have been removed and send out emails. if ( ! $newevent && count ( $old_status ) > 0 ) { while ( list ( $old_participant, $dummy ) = each ( $old_status ) ) { $found_flag = false; for ( $i = 0; $i < $partcnt; $i++ ) { if ( $participants[$i] == $old_participant ) { $found_flag = true; break; } } // Check UAC. $can_email = 'Y'; if ( access_is_enabled () ) $can_email = access_user_calendar ( 'email', $old_participant, $login ); $is_nonuser_admin = user_is_nonuser_admin ( $login, $old_participant ); // Don't send mail if we are editing a non-user calendar and we are the admin. if ( !$found_flag && !$is_nonuser_admin && $can_email == 'Y' ) { // Only send mail if their email address is filled in. $do_send = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'EMAIL_EVENT_DELETED' ); $htmlmail = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'EMAIL_HTML' ); $t_format = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'TIME_FORMAT' ); $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'TIMEZONE' ); set_env ( 'TZ', $user_TIMEZONE ); $user_language = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'LANGUAGE' ); user_load_variables ( $old_participant, 'temp' ); if ( $old_participant != $login && ! empty ( $tempemail ) && $do_send == 'Y' && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N' ) { reset_language ( empty ( $user_language ) || ( $user_language == 'none' ) ? $LANGUAGE : $user_language ); $fmtdate = ( $timetype == 'T' ? date ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ) : gmdate ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ) ); $msg = str_replace ( 'XXX', $tempfullname, $helloStr ) . "\n\n" // translate ( 'An appointment has been canceled for you by' ) . str_replace ( 'XXX', $login_fullname, translate ( 'XXX has canceled an appointment.' ) ) . "\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $name, $subjStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $description, $descStr ) . "\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', date_to_str ( $fmtdate ), $dateStr ) . "\n" // Apply user's GMT offset and display their TZID. . ( $timetype != 'T' ? '' : str_replace ( 'XXX', display_time ( '', 2, $eventstart, $t_format ), $timeStr . "\n\n\n" ) ); // Add URL to event, if we can figure it out. if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { // DON'T change & to & here. Email will handle it. $url = $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&em=1'; if ( $htmlmail == 'Y' ) $url = activate_urls ( $url ); $msg .= $url . "\n\n"; } $wantsAttach = get_pref_setting ( $old_participant, 'EMAIL_ATTACH_ICS', 'N' ); $attachId = ( $wantsAttach == 'Y' ? $id : '' ); $mail->WC_Send ( $login_fullname, $tempemail, $tempfullname, $name, $msg, $htmlmail, $from, $attachId ); activity_log ( $id, $login, $old_participant, LOG_NOTIFICATION, translate ( 'User removed from participants list.' ) ); } } } } $send_own = get_pref_setting ( $login, 'EMAIL_EVENT_CREATE' ); // Now add participants and send out notifications. for ( $i = 0; $i < $partcnt; $i++ ) { // Is the person adding the nonuser calendar admin? $is_nonuser_admin = user_is_nonuser_admin ( $login, $participants[$i] ); // If public access, require approval unless // $PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL is set to 'N' if ( $login == '__public__' ) { $status = ( ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL == 'N' ? 'A' // No approval needed. : 'W' // Approval required. ); // Percent will always be 0 for Public $new_percent = 0; } else if ( ! $newevent ) { // Keep the old status if no email will be sent. $send_user_mail = ( empty ( $old_status[$participants[$i]] ) || $entry_changed ); $tmp_status = ( ! empty ( $old_status[$participants[$i]] ) && ! $send_user_mail ? $old_status[$participants[$i]] : 'W' ); $status = ( $participants[$i] != $login && boss_must_approve_event ( $login, $participants[$i] ) && $REQUIRE_APPROVALS == 'Y' && ! $is_nonuser_admin ? $tmp_status : 'A' ); // Set percentage to old_percent if not owner. $tmp_percent = ( empty ( $old_percent[$participants[$i]] ) ? 0 : $old_percent[$participants[$i]] ); // TODO: This logic needs work. $new_percent = ( $participants[$i] != $login ? $tmp_percent : $percent ); // If user is admin and this event was previously approved for public, // keep it as approved even though date/time may have changed. // This goes against stricter security, but it confuses users to have // to re-approve events they already approved. if ( $participants[$i] == '__public__' && $is_admin && ( empty ( $old_status['__public__'] ) || $old_status['__public__'] == 'A' ) ) $status = 'A'; } else { // New Event. $send_user_mail = true; $status = ( $participants[$i] != $login && boss_must_approve_event ( $login, $participants[$i] ) && $REQUIRE_APPROVALS == 'Y' && ! $is_nonuser_admin ? 'W' : 'A' ); $new_percent = ( $participants[$i] != $login ? 0 : $percent ); // If admin, no need to approve Public Access Events if ( $participants[$i] == '__public__' && $is_admin ) $status = 'A'; } //end new/old event // Some users report that they get an error on duplicate keys // on the following add... As a safety measure, delete any // existing entry with the id. Ignore the result. dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_login = ?', array ( $id, $participants[$i] ) ); if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_percent ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )', array ( $id, $participants[$i], $status, $new_percent ) ) ) { $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); break; } else { // Check UAC. $can_email = 'Y'; if ( access_is_enabled () ) $can_email = access_user_calendar ( 'email', $participants[$i], $login ); // Don't send mail if we are editing a non-user calendar and we are the admin. if ( !$is_nonuser_admin && $can_email == 'Y' ) { // Only send mail if their email address is filled in. $do_send = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], $newevent ? 'EMAIL_EVENT_ADDED' : 'EMAIL_EVENT_UPDATED' ); $htmlmail = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], 'EMAIL_HTML' ); $t_format = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], 'TIME_FORMAT' ); $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], 'TIMEZONE' ); set_env ( 'TZ', $user_TIMEZONE ); $user_language = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], 'LANGUAGE' ); user_load_variables ( $participants[$i], 'temp' ); if ( boss_must_be_notified ( $login, $participants[$i] ) && ! empty ( $tempemail ) && $do_send == 'Y' && $send_user_mail && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N' ) { // We send to creator if they want it. if ( $send_own != 'Y' && ( $participants[$i] == $login ) ) continue; reset_language ( empty ( $user_language ) || ( $user_language == 'none' ) ? $LANGUAGE : $user_language ); $fmtdate = ( $timetype == 'T' ? date ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ): gmdate ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ) ); $msg = str_replace ( 'XXX', $tempfullname, $helloStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $login_fullname, ( $newevent || ( empty ( $old_status[$participants[$i]] ) ) ? $newAppStr : $updAppStr ) ) . "\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $name, $subjStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $description, $descStr ) . "\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', date_to_str ( $fmtdate ), $dateStr ) . "\n" // Apply user's GMT offset and display their TZID . ( $timetype != 'T' ? '' : str_replace ( 'XXX', display_time ( '', 2, $eventstart, $t_format ), $timeStr ) . "\n" ) // Add Site Extra Date if permitted. . $extra_email_data // translate ( 'Please look on' ) // translate ( 'to accept or reject this appointment' ) // translate ( 'to view this appointment' ) . str_replace ( 'XXX', generate_application_name (), ( $REQUIRE_APPROVALS == 'Y' ? translate ( 'Please look on XXX to accept or reject this appointment.' ) : translate ( 'Please look on XXX to view this appointment.' ) ) ); // Add URL to event, if we can figure it out. if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { // DON'T change & to & here. Email will handle it. $url = $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&em=1'; if ( $htmlmail == 'Y' ) $url = activate_urls ( $url ); $msg .= "\n\n" . $url; } $wantsAttach = get_pref_setting ( $participants[$i], 'EMAIL_ATTACH_ICS', 'N' ); $attachId = ( $wantsAttach == 'Y' ? $id : '' ); // Use WebCalMailer class. $mail->WC_Send ( $login_fullname, $tempemail, $tempfullname, $name, $msg, $htmlmail, $from, $attachId ); activity_log ( $id, $login, $participants[$i], LOG_NOTIFICATION, '' ); } } } } //end for loop participants // Add external participants. $ext_emails = $ext_names = $matches = array (); $ext_count = 0; $externalparticipants = getPostValue ( 'externalparticipants' ); if ( $single_user == 'N' && ! empty ( $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS ) && $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS == 'Y' && ! empty ( $externalparticipants ) ) { $lines = explode ( "\n", $externalparticipants ); if ( ! is_array ( $lines ) ) $lines = array ( $externalparticipants ); if ( is_array ( $lines ) ) { $linecnt = count ( $lines ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $linecnt; $i++ ) { $ext_words = explode ( ' ', $lines[$i] ); if ( ! is_array ( $ext_words ) ) $ext_words = array ( $lines[$i] ); if ( is_array ( $ext_words ) ) { $ext_wordscnt = count ( $ext_words ); $ext_emails[$ext_count] = $ext_names[$ext_count] = ''; for ( $j = 0; $j < $ext_wordscnt; $j++ ) { // Use regexp matching to pull email address out. $ext_words[$j] = chop ( $ext_words[$j] ); // Remove \r if there is one. if ( preg_match ( '/<?\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+>?/', $ext_words[$j], $matches ) ) { $ext_emails[$ext_count] = $matches[0]; $ext_emails[$ext_count] = preg_replace ( '/[<>]/', '', $ext_emails[$ext_count] ); } else { if ( strlen ( $ext_names[$ext_count] ) ) $ext_names[$ext_count] .= ' '; $ext_names[$ext_count] .= $ext_words[$j]; } } // Test for duplicate Names. if ( $i > 0 ) { for ( $k = $i - 1; $k > 0; $k-- ) { if ( $ext_names[$i] == $ext_names[$k] ) $ext_names[$i] .= "[$k]"; } } if ( strlen ( $ext_emails[$ext_count] ) && empty ( $ext_names[$ext_count] ) ) $ext_names[$ext_count] = $ext_emails[$ext_count]; $ext_count++; } } } } // Send notification if enabled. if ( is_array ( $ext_names ) && is_array ( $ext_emails ) ) { $ext_namescnt = count ( $ext_names ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $ext_namescnt; $i++ ) { if ( strlen ( $ext_names[$i] ) ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_ext_user ( cal_id, cal_fullname, cal_email ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )', array ( $id, $ext_names[$i], ( strlen ( $ext_emails[$i] ) ? $ext_emails[$i] : null ) ) ) ) $error = $dberror . dbi_error (); // Send mail notification if enabled. // TODO: Move this code into a function... if ( $EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATIONS == 'Y' && $SEND_EMAIL != 'N' && strlen ( $ext_emails[$i] ) > 0 ) { if ( ( ! $newevent && isset ( $EXTERNAL_UPDATES ) && $EXTERNAL_UPDATES == 'Y' ) || $newevent ) { $fmtdate = ( $timetype == 'T' ? date ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ) : gmdate ( 'Ymd', $eventstart ) ); // Strip [\d] from duplicate Names before emailing. $ext_names[$i] = trim ( preg_replace ( '/\[[\d]]/', '', $ext_names[$i] ) ); $msg = str_replace ( 'XXX', $ext_names[$i], $helloStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $login_fullname, ( $newevent ? $newAppStr : $updAppStr ) ) . "\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $name, $subjStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', $description, $descStr ) . "\n\n" . str_replace ( 'XXX', date_to_str ( $fmtdate ), $dateStr ) . "\n" . ( $timetype == 'T' ? str_replace ( 'XXX', display_time ( '', ( ! empty ( $GENERAL_USE_GMT ) && $GENERAL_USE_GMT == 'Y' ? 3 // Do not apply TZ offset & display TZID, which is GMT. : 6 // Display time in server's timezone. ), $eventstart ), $timeStr ) : '' ) // Add Site Extra Date if permitted. . $extra_email_data; // Don't send HTML to external adresses. // Always attach iCalendar file to external users $mail->WC_Send ( $login_fullname, $ext_emails[$i], $ext_names[$i], $name, $msg, 'N', $from, $id ); } } } } } //end external mail } //end empty error // If we were editing this event, then go back to the last view (day, month, week). // If this is a new event, // then go to the preferred view for the date range where this event was added. if ( empty ( $error ) && empty ( $mailerError ) ) { $return_view = get_last_view (); if ( ! empty ( $return_view ) ) do_redirect ( $return_view ); else { $xdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day ); $user_args = ( empty ( $user ) ? '' : 'user=' . $user ); send_to_preferred_view ( $xdate, $user_args ); } } if ( ! empty ( $conflicts ) ) { print_header (); ob_start (); echo ' <h2>' . translate ( 'Scheduling Conflict' ) . '</h2> ' . translate ( 'Your suggested time of' ) . ' <span class="bold">'; if ( $timetype == 'A' ) etranslate ( 'All day event' ); else { $time = sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $entry_hour, $entry_minute ); // Pass the adjusted timestamp in case the date changed due to GMT offset. echo display_time ( '', 0, $eventstart ); if ( $duration > 0 ) echo '-' . display_time ( '', 0, $eventstart + ( $duration * 60 ) ); } echo '</span> ' . translate ( 'conflicts with the following existing calendar entries' ) . ': <ul>' . $conflicts . ' </ul> ' // User can confirm conflicts. . '<form name="confirm" method="post">'; foreach ( $_POST as $xkey => $xval ) { if ( is_array ( $xval ) ) { $xkey .= "[]"; foreach ( $xval as $ykey => $yval ) { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc () ) $yval = stripslashes ( $yval ); // $yval = htmlentities ( $yval ); echo ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $xkey . '" value="' . $yval . '" />'; } } else { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc () ) $xval = stripslashes ( $xval ); // $xval = htmlentities ( $xval ); echo ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $xkey . '" value="' . $xval . '" />'; } } echo ' <table> <tr>' // Allow them to override a conflict if server settings allow it. . ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_CONFLICT_OVERRIDE ) && $ALLOW_CONFLICT_OVERRIDE == 'Y' ? ' <td><input type="submit" name="confirm_conflicts" value="' . translate ( 'Save' ) . '" /></td>' : '' ) . ' <td><input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Cancel' ) . '" onclick="history.back()" /><td> </tr> </table> </form>'; ob_end_flush (); } else // Process errors. $mail->MailError ( $mailerError, $error ); ?>