File: edit_user.php
<?php /* $Id: edit_user.php,v 2008/04/21 19:18:16 umcesrjones Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; $error = ''; if ( ! $is_admin ) $user = $login; // cannot edit public user. if ( $user == '__public__' ) $user = $login; // don't allow them to create new users if it's not allowed if ( empty ( $user ) ) { // asking to create a new user if ( ! $is_admin ) { // must be admin... if ( ! access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT ) ) { $error = print_not_auth (15); } } if ( ! $admin_can_add_user ) { // if adding users is not allowed... $error = print_not_auth (16); } } else { // User is editing their account info if ( ! access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ACCOUNT_INFO ) ) $error = print_not_auth (17); } $disableCustom = true; $INC = array ('js/edit_user.php/false'); print_header ( $INC, '', '', $disableCustom, '', true, false ); if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) { echo print_error ( $error ); } else { ?> <table> <tr><td style="vertical-align:top; width:50%;"> <h2><?php if ( ! empty ( $user ) ) { user_load_variables ( $user, 'u' ); echo translate ( 'Edit User' ); } else { echo translate ( 'Add User' ); } ?></h2> <form action="edit_user_handler.php" name="edituser" method="post" onsubmit="return valid_form( this );"> <input type="hidden" name="formtype" value="edituser" /> <?php if ( empty ( $user ) ) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" />' . "\n"; } ?> <table> <tr><td> <label for="username"><?php etranslate ( 'Username' )?>:</label></td><td> <?php if ( ! empty ( $user ) ) { if ( $is_admin ) echo $user . '<input name="user" type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $user ) . "\" />\n"; else echo $user; } else { echo '<input type="text" name="user" id="username" size="25" onchange="check_name();" maxlength="25" />' . "\n"; } ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="ufirstname"><?php etranslate ( 'First Name' )?>:</label></td><td> <input type="text" name="ufirstname" id="ufirstname" size="20" value="<?php echo empty ( $ufirstname ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $ufirstname );?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="ulastname"><?php etranslate ( 'Last Name' )?>:</label></td><td> <input type="text" name="ulastname" id="ulastname" size="20" value="<?php echo empty ( $ulastname ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $ulastname );?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="uemail"><?php etranslate ( 'E-mail address' )?>:</label></td><td> <input type="text" name="uemail" id="uemail" size="20" value="<?php echo empty ( $uemail ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $uemail );?>" onchange="check_uemail();" /> </td></tr> <?php if ( empty ( $user ) && ! $use_http_auth && $user_can_update_password ) { ?> <tr><td> <label for="pass1"><?php etranslate ( 'Password' )?>:</label></td><td> <input name="upassword1" id="pass1" size="15" value="" type="password" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="pass2"><?php etranslate ( 'Password' )?> (<?php etranslate ( 'again' )?>):</label></td><td> <input name="upassword2" id="pass2" size="15" value="" type="password" /> </td></tr> <?php } // An admin can't change their own Admin or Enabled status if ( $is_admin && ( empty ( $user ) || ( $user != $login ) ) ) { ?> <tr><td class="bold"> <?php etranslate ( 'Admin' )?>:</td><td> <?php $defIdx = ( ! empty ( $uis_admin ) && $uis_admin == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N' ); echo print_radio ( 'uis_admin', '', '', $defIdx ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $admin_can_disable_user ) && $admin_can_disable_user = true ) { ?> <tr><td class="bold"> <?php etranslate ( 'Enabled' )?>:</td><td> <?php $defIdx = ( ! empty ( $uenabled ) && $uenabled == 'N' ? 'N' : 'Y' ); echo print_radio ( 'uenabled', '', '', $defIdx ) ?> </td></tr> <?php }else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="uenabled" value="Y" /> <?php } //end test $admin_can_disable_user ?> <?php } else if ( $is_admin ) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="uis_admin" value="Y" /> <input type="hidden" name="u_enabled" value="Y" /> <?php } //end if ($is_admin ) ?> <tr><td colspan="2"> <?php if ( $DEMO_MODE == 'Y' ) { ?> <input type="button" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Save' )?>" onclick="alert('<?php etranslate ( 'Disabled for demo', true)?>')" /> <?php if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $user ) ) { ?> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Delete' )?>" onclick="alert('<?php etranslate ( 'Disabled for demo', true)?>')" /> <?php } //end if ( $DEMO_MODE == 'Y' ) } else { ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Save' )?>" /> <?php if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ) { if ( $admin_can_delete_user ) ?> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Delete' )?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'user' ), translate ( 'Are you sure you want to delete this XXX?' ) ) ?>')" /> <?php } } ?> </td></tr> </table> </form> <?php if ( ! empty ( $user ) && ! $use_http_auth && ( $user_can_update_password ) ) { ?> </td><td> </td> <td class="aligntop"> <h2><?php etranslate ( 'Change Password' )?></h2> <form action="edit_user_handler.php" method="post" onsubmit="return valid_form2( this );"> <input type="hidden" name="formtype" value="setpassword" /> <?php if ( $is_admin ) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php echo $user;?>" /> <?php } ?> <table> <tr><td> <label for="newpass1"><?php etranslate ( 'New Password' )?>:</label></td><td> <input name="upassword1" id="newpass1" type="password" size="15" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="newpass2"><?php etranslate ( 'New Password' )?> (<?php etranslate ( 'again' )?>):</label></td><td> <input name="upassword2" id="newpass2" type="password" size="15" /> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <?php if ( $DEMO_MODE == 'Y' ) { ?> <input type="button" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Set Password' )?>" onclick="alert('<?php etranslate ( 'Disabled for demo', true)?>')" /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Set Password' )?>" /> <?php } ?> </td></tr> </table> </form> <?php } ?> </td></tr></table> <?php } echo print_trailer ( false, true, true ); ?>