File: access.php
<?php /* All functions related to user/role access privileges. * * Access is restricted in two ways: by function and by a user's calendar. * * The webcal_access_user table keeps track of when one user can view * the calendar of another user. * * The webcal_access_function table grants access to specific * WebCalendar pages for specific users. * * @author Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@cknudsen.com> * @copyright Craig Knudsen, <cknudsen@cknudsen.com>, http://www.k5n.us/cknudsen * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GPL * @version $Id: access.php,v 2008/04/21 19:45:21 umcesrjones Exp $ * @package WebCalendar */ /* The following define statements are based on this matrix PUBLIC CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE EVENT 1 8 64 = 73 TASK 2 16 128 = 146 JOURNAL 4 32 256 = 292 ---------------------------------------------- 7 56 448 = 511 */ define ( 'EVENT_WT', 73 ); define ( 'TASK_WT', 146 ); define ( 'JOURNAL_WT', 292 ); define ( 'PUBLIC_WT', 7 ); define ( 'CONF_WT', 56 ); define ( 'PRIVATE_WT', 448 ); define ( 'CAN_DOALL', 511 ); // Can access all types and levels. /*#@+ * Constants for use with cal_permissions column in webcal_access_function table. */ define ( 'ACCESS_EVENT_VIEW', 0 ); define ( 'ACCESS_EVENT_EDIT', 1 ); define ( 'ACCESS_DAY', 2 ); define ( 'ACCESS_WEEK', 3 ); define ( 'ACCESS_MONTH', 4 ); define ( 'ACCESS_YEAR', 5 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME', 6 ); define ( 'ACCESS_REPORT', 7 ); define ( 'ACCESS_VIEW', 8 ); define ( 'ACCESS_VIEW_MANAGEMENT', 9 ); define ( 'ACCESS_CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT', 10 ); define ( 'ACCESS_LAYERS', 11 ); define ( 'ACCESS_SEARCH', 12 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 13 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG', 14 ); define ( 'ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT', 15 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ACCOUNT_INFO', 16 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT', 17 ); define ( 'ACCESS_PREFERENCES', 18 ); define ( 'ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS', 19 ); define ( 'ACCESS_IMPORT', 20 ); define ( 'ACCESS_EXPORT', 21 ); define ( 'ACCESS_PUBLISH', 22 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ASSISTANTS', 23 ); define ( 'ACCESS_TRAILER', 24 ); define ( 'ACCESS_HELP', 25 ); define ( 'ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR', 26 ); define ( 'ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT', 27 ); // Note: If you modify ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS, you must add the new function // to the order[] array defined in ../access.php. define ( 'ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS', 28 ); // How many function did we define? /*#@-*/ // The following pages will be handled differently than the others since they // have different uses. For example, edit_user.php adds a user when the user is // an admin. If the user is not an admin, it updates account info. Register is // just for new users. Most of the pages have dual uses, so we will have access // checks within these files. $GLOBALS['page_lookup_ex'] = array ( 'about.php' => 1, 'colors.php' => 1, 'css_cacher.php' => 1, 'edit_template.php' => 1, 'edit_user.php' => 1, 'edit_user_handler.php' => 1, 'icons.php' => 1, 'index.php' => 1, 'js_cacher.php' => 1, 'nulogin.php' => 1, 'register.php' => 1 ); /* The following array provides a way to convert a page filename into a numeric * $ACCESS_XXX number. The array key is a regular expression. If the page * matches the regular expression, then it will use the corresponding access id. * There are some pages that have more than one use (edit_template.php is used * for editing a report and editing the custom header). These pages will be * handled differently and are listed in the $page_lookup_ex[] array. * @global array $GLOBAL['page_lookup'] * @name $page_lookup */ $GLOBALS['page_lookup'] = array ( ACCESS_EVENT_VIEW =>'(view_entry.php|select_user.php|purge.php|category*php|doc.php)', ACCESS_EVENT_EDIT =>'(_entry|list_unapproved|usersel|availability|datesel|catsel|docadd|docdel)', ACCESS_DAY => 'day.php', ACCESS_WEEK => '(week.php|week_details.php)', ACCESS_MONTH => 'month.php', ACCESS_YEAR => 'year.php', ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME => '(adminhome.php)', ACCESS_REPORT => 'report', ACCESS_VIEW => 'view_..php', ACCESS_VIEW_MANAGEMENT => '(views.php|views_edit)', ACCESS_CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT => 'category.*php', ACCESS_LAYERS => 'layer', ACCESS_SEARCH => 'search', ACCESS_ADVANCED_SEARCH => 'search', ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG => 'activity_log.php', ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT => 'security_audit.php', ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT => '(edit.*user.*.php|nonusers.*php|group.*php|users.php)', ACCESS_ACCOUNT_INFO => '(users.php|XYZXYZ_special_case)', ACCESS_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT => '(access.*php)', ACCESS_PREFERENCES => 'pref.*php', ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS => '(admin.php|admin_handler.php|controlpanel.php)', ACCESS_IMPORT => '(import.*php|edit_remotes.php|edit_remotes_handler.php)', ACCESS_EXPORT => 'export.*php', ACCESS_PUBLISH =>'(publish.php|freebusy.php|icalclient.php|rss.php|minical.php|upcoming.php)', ACCESS_ASSISTANTS => 'assist.*php', ACCESS_TRAILER => 'trailer.*php', ACCESS_HELP => 'help_.*php', ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR => 'select_user_.*php', ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT => 'security_audit.*php', ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS => '' ); /* Is user access control enabled? * * @return bool True if user access control is enabled */ function access_is_enabled () { global $UAC_ENABLED; return ( ! empty ( $UAC_ENABLED ) && $UAC_ENABLED == 'Y' ); } /* Return the name of a specific function. * * @param int $function The function (ACCESS_DAY, etc.). * @return string The text description of the function. */ function access_get_function_description ( $function ) { switch ( $function ) { case ACCESS_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT: return translate ( 'User Access Control' ); case ACCESS_ACCOUNT_INFO: return translate ( 'Account' ); case ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG: return translate ( 'Activity Log' ); case ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT: return translate ( 'Security Audit' ); case ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME: return translate ( 'Administrative Tools' ); case ACCESS_ADVANCED_SEARCH: return translate ( 'Advanced Search' ); case ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR: return translate ( 'Another Users Calendar' ); case ACCESS_ASSISTANTS: return translate ( 'Assistants' ); case ACCESS_CATEGORY_MANAGEMENT: return translate ( 'Category Management' ); case ACCESS_DAY: return translate ( 'Day View' ); case ACCESS_EVENT_EDIT: return translate ( 'Edit Event' ); case ACCESS_EVENT_VIEW: return translate ( 'View Event' ); case ACCESS_EXPORT: return translate ( 'Export' ); case ACCESS_HELP: return translate ( 'Help' ); case ACCESS_IMPORT: return translate ( 'Import' ); case ACCESS_LAYERS: return translate ( 'Layers' ); case ACCESS_MONTH: return translate ( 'Month View' ); case ACCESS_PREFERENCES: return translate ( 'Preferences' ); case ACCESS_PUBLISH: return translate ( 'Subscribe/Publish' ); case ACCESS_REPORT: return translate ( 'Reports' ); case ACCESS_SEARCH: return translate ( 'Search' ); case ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS: return translate ( 'System Settings' ); case ACCESS_TRAILER: return translate ( 'Common Trailer' ); case ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT: return translate ( 'User Management' ); case ACCESS_VIEW: return translate ( 'Views' ); case ACCESS_VIEW_MANAGEMENT: return translate ( 'Manage Views' ); case ACCESS_WEEK: return translate ( 'Week View' ); case ACCESS_YEAR: return translate ( 'Year View' ); default: die_miserable_death ( translate ( 'Invalid function id' ) . ': ' . $function ); } } /* Load the permissions for all users. * * Settings will be stored in the global array $access_other_cals[]. * * @return array Array of permissions for viewing other calendars. * * @global array Stores permissions for viewing calendars */ function access_load_user_permissions ( $useCache = true ) { global $access_other_cals, $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC, $is_admin; // Don't run this query twice. if ( ! empty ( $access_other_cals ) && $useCache == true ) return $access_other_cals; $admin_override = ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC ) && $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC == 'Y' ); $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_other_user, cal_can_view, cal_can_edit, cal_can_approve, cal_can_email, cal_can_invite, cal_see_time_only FROM webcal_access_user' ); assert ( '$res' ); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { // TODO should we set admin_override here to apply to // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION only? // $admin_override = ( $row[1] == '__default__' && $is_admin && // ! empty ( $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC ) && $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC == 'Y' ); $key = $row[0] . '.' . $row[1]; $access_other_cals[$key] = array ( 'cal_login' => $row[0], 'cal_other_user' => $row[1], 'view' => ( $admin_override ? CAN_DOALL : $row[2] ), 'edit' => ( $admin_override ? CAN_DOALL : $row[3] ), 'approve' => ( $admin_override ? CAN_DOALL : $row[4] ), 'email' => ( $admin_override ? 'Y' : $row[5] ), 'invite' => ( $admin_override ? 'Y' : $row[6] ), 'time' => ( $admin_override ? 'N' : $row[7] ) ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); return $access_other_cals; } /* Returns a list of calendar logins that the specified user * is able to view the calendar of. * * @param string $user User login * * @return array An array of logins */ function access_get_viewable_users ( $user ) { global $access_other_cals, $login; $ret = array (); if ( empty ( $user ) ) $user = $login; if ( empty ( $access_other_cals ) ) access_load_user_permissions (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $access_other_cals ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( preg_match ( "/" . $user . "\. (\S+)/", $access_other_cals[$i], $matches ) ) $ret[] = $matches[1]; } return $ret; } /* Returns the row of the webcal_access_function table for the the specified user. * * If no entry is found for the specified user, then look up the user * '__default__'. If still no info found, then return some default values. * * @param string $user User login * * @return bool True if successful * * @global bool Is the current user an administrator? */ function access_load_user_functions ( $user ) { global $is_admin; static $permissions; if ( ! empty ( $permissions[$user] ) ) return $permissions[$user]; $ret = ''; $rets = array (); $users = array ( $user, '__default__' ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $users ); $i < $cnt && empty ( $ret ); $i++ ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_permissions FROM webcal_access_function WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $users[$i] ) ); assert ( '$res' ); if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $rets[$users[$i]] = $row[0]; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // If still no setting found, then assume access to everything // if an admin user, otherwise access to all non-admin functions. if ( ! empty ( $rets[$user] ) ) $ret = $rets[$user]; else if ( ! empty ( $rets['__default__'] ) ) $ret = $rets['__default__']; else { for ( $i = 0; $i < ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS; $i++ ) { $ret .= get_default_function_access ( $i, $user ); } } // do_debug ( $user . " " . $ret); $permissions[$user] = $ret; return $ret; } /* Load permissions for the specified user. * * @param string $user User login * * @return bool True if successful * * @global string * @global bool Is the current user an administrator? */ function access_init ( $user = '' ) { global $access_user, $is_admin, $login; if ( empty ( $user ) && ! empty ( $login ) ) $user = $login; assert ( '! empty ( $user )' ); $access_user = access_load_user_functions ( $user ); return true; } /* Check to see if a user can access the specified page * (or the current page if no page is specified). * * @param int $function Functionality to check access to * @param string $user User login * * @return bool True if user can access the function * * @global string Username of the currently logged-in user */ function access_can_access_function ( $function, $user = '' ) { global $login; if ( ! access_is_enabled () ) return true; if ( empty ( $user ) && ! empty ( $login ) ) $user = $login; assert ( '! empty ( $user )' ); assert ( 'isset ( $function )' ); $access = access_load_user_functions ( $user ); // echo $function . ' ' . $access . '<br />'; $yesno = substr ( $access, $function, 1 ); if ( empty ( $yesno ) ) $yesno = get_default_function_access ( $function, $user ); // echo "yesno = $yesno<br />\n"; assert ( '! empty ( $yesno )' ); return ( $yesno == 'Y' ); } /* Check to see if a user can access the specified page * (or the current page if no page is specified). * * @param string $page Page to check access to. * @param string $user User login. * * @return bool True if user can access the page. * * @global string $access_user The user we're trying to access. * @global string $PHP_SELF The page currently being viewed by the user. * @global string $login The username of the currently logged-in user. * @global array $page_lookup Rules for access. * @global array $page_lookup_ex Exceptions to our rules. * @global bool $is_admin Is the currently logged-in user an administrator? */ function access_can_view_page ( $page = '', $user = '' ) { global $access_user, $is_admin, $login, $page_lookup, $page_lookup_ex, $PHP_SELF; if ( ! access_is_enabled () ) return true; if ( empty ( $user ) && ! empty ( $login ) ) $user = $login; assert ( '! empty ( $user )' ); if ( empty ( $page ) && ! empty ( $PHP_SELF ) ) $page = $PHP_SELF; assert ( '! empty ( $page )' ); $page = basename ( $page ); // Handle special cases for publish.php and freebusy.php. if ( substr ( $page, -3 ) == 'ics' ) $page = 'publish.php'; if ( substr ( $page, -3 ) == 'ifb' ) $page = 'freebusy.php'; // First, check list of exceptions to our rules. if ( ! empty ( $page_lookup_ex[$page] ) ) return true; for ( $i = 0; $i <= ACCESS_NUMBER_FUNCTIONS; $i++ ) { if ( ! empty ( $page_lookup[$i] ) && preg_match ( "/$page_lookup[$i]/", $page ) ) $page_id = $i; } //echo "page_id = $page_id<br />page = $page<br />\n"; // If the specified user is the currently logged in user, then we have already // loaded this user's access, stored in the global variable $access_user. $access = ( ! empty ( $login ) && $user == $login && ! empty ( $access_user ) ? $access_user : // User is not the user logged in. Need to load info from db now. access_load_user_functions ( $user ) ); assert ( '! empty ( $access )' ); // If we did not find a page id, then this is also a WebCalendar bug. // (Someone needs to add another entry in the $page_lookup[] array.) $yesno = substr ( $access, $page_id, 1 ); // No setting found. Use default values. if ( empty ( $yesno ) ) $yesno = get_default_function_access ( $page_id, $user ); //echo "yesno = $yesno<br />\n"; assert ( '! empty ( $yesno )' ); return ( $yesno == 'Y' ); } function get_default_function_access ( $page_id, $user ) { global $user_is_admin; user_load_variables ( $user, 'user_' ); switch ( $page_id ) { case ACCESS_ACTIVITY_LOG: case ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT: case ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME: case ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS: case ACCESS_USER_MANAGEMENT: return ( ! empty ( $user_is_admin ) && $user_is_admin == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N' ); break; default: return 'Y'; break; } } function access_user_calendar ( $cal_can_xxx = '', $other_user, $cur_user = '', $type = '', $access = '' ) { global $access_other_cals, $access_users, $login, $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC, $is_admin; $admin_override = ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC ) && $ADMIN_OVERRIDE_UAC == 'Y' ); if ( $admin_override ) return ( $cal_can_xxx == 'email' || $cal_can_xxx == 'invite' ? 'Y' : CAN_DOALL ); $access_wt = $ret = $type_wt = 0; if ( empty ( $cur_user ) && empty ( $login ) ) $cur_user = '__public__'; if ( empty ( $cur_user ) && ! empty ( $login ) ) $cur_user = $login; if ( $cur_user == $other_user ) { if ( $login == '__public__' && $cal_can_xxx == 'approve' ) return 'N'; return ( $cal_can_xxx == 'email' || $cal_can_xxx == 'invite' ? 'Y' : CAN_DOALL ); } assert ( '! empty ( $other_user )' ); assert ( '! empty ( $cur_user )' ); if ( empty ( $access_other_cals ) ) access_load_user_permissions (); $key1 = $cur_user . '.' . $other_user; $key2 = $cur_user . '.__default__'; $key3 = '__default__.' . $other_user; $key4 = '__default__.__default__'; if ( isset ( $access_other_cals[$key1][$cal_can_xxx] ) ) $ret = $access_other_cals[$key1][$cal_can_xxx]; else if ( isset ( $access_other_cals[$key2][$cal_can_xxx] ) ) $ret = $access_other_cals[$key2][$cal_can_xxx]; else if ( isset ( $access_other_cals[$key3][$cal_can_xxx] ) ) $ret = $access_other_cals[$key3][$cal_can_xxx]; else if ( isset ( $access_other_cals[$key4][$cal_can_xxx] ) ) $ret = $access_other_cals[$key4][$cal_can_xxx]; // Check type and access levels. if ( ! empty ( $access ) && ! empty ( $type ) ) { if ( $access == 'C' ) $access_wt = CONF_WT; if ( $access == 'P' ) $access_wt = PUBLIC_WT; if ( $access == 'R' ) $access_wt = PRIVATE_WT; if ( $type == 'E' || $type == 'M' ) $type_wt = EVENT_WT; if ( $type == 'J' || $type == 'O' ) $type_wt = JOURNAL_WT; if ( $type == 'T' || $type == 'N' ) $type_wt = TASK_WT; $total_wt = $type_wt & $access_wt; $ret = ( $ret &$total_wt ? $ret : 0 ); } return $ret; } ?>