File: moon_phases.php
<?php /* $Id: moon_phases.php,v 2007/08/06 02:28:32 cknudsen Exp $ * * Calculate the moonphases for a given year and month. * * Code borrowed from http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=830&single=1 * Modified to accept month parameter and return 1 month of moon phases * and return array in Ymd format. * Converted from Basic by Roger W. Sinnot, Sky & Telescope, March 1985. * Converted from javascript by Are Pedersen 2002 * Javascript found at http://www.stellafane.com/moon_phase/moon_phase.htm * * Required gif images to be present in the images folder. * newmoon.gif, fullmoon.gif, firstmoon.gif, lastmoon.gif * * @param int $year Year in YYYY format * @param int $month Month in m format Jan =1 * * #returns array $key = phase name, $val = Ymd value */ function calculateMoonPhases ( $year, $month = 1 ) { $s = ''; // Formatted Output String. $U = false; $K0 = intval ( ( $year - 1900 ) * 12.3685 ) + ( $month - 1 ); $R1 = 3.14159265 / 180; $T = ( $year - 1899.5 ) / 100; $T2 = $T * $T; $T3 = $T * $T * $T; $J0 = 2415020 + 29 * $K0; $F0 = ( ( 0.0001178 * $T2 - 0.000000155 * $T3 ) + ( 0.75933 + 0.53058868 * $K0 ) - ( 0.000837 * $T + 0.000335 * $T2 ) ); $M0 = $K0 * 0.08084821133; $M0 = ( ( 360 * ( $M0 - intval ( $M0 ) ) + 359.2242 ) - ( 0.0000333 * $T2 ) - ( 0.00000347 * $T3 ) ); $M1 = $K0 * 0.07171366128; $M1 = ( ( 360 * ( $M1 - intval ( $M1 ) ) + 306.0253 ) + ( 0.0107306 * $T2 ) + ( 0.00001236 * $T3 ) ); $B1 = $K0 * 0.08519585128; $B1 = ( ( 360 * ( $B1 - intval ( $B1 ) ) + 21.2964 ) - ( 0.0016528 * $T2 ) - ( 0.00000239 * $T3 ) ); for ( $K9 = 0; $K9 < 7; $K9 += 0.5 ) { $J = $J0 + 14 * $K9; $K = $K9 / 2; $B6 = ( $B1 + $K * 390.67050646 ) * $R1; $M5 = ( $M0 + $K * 29.10535608 ) * $R1; $M6 = ( $M1 + $K * 385.81691806 ) * $R1; $F = ( ( $F0 + 0.765294 * $K9 ) - ( 0.4068 * sin ( $M6 ) ) + ( ( 0.1734 - 0.000393 * $T ) * sin ( $M5 ) ) + ( 0.0161 * sin ( 2 * $M6 ) ) + ( 0.0104 * sin ( 2 * $B6 ) ) - ( 0.0074 * sin ( $M5 - $M6 ) ) - ( 0.0051 * sin ( $M5 + $M6 ) ) + ( 0.0021 * sin ( 2 * $M5 ) ) + ( 0.0010 * sin ( 2 * $B6 - $M6 ) ) + ( 0.5 / 1440 ) ); $J += intval ( $F ); $F -= intval ( $F ); //. // Convert from JD to Calendar Date. $julian = $J + round ( $F ); $s = ( function_exists ( 'jdtogregorian' ) ? date ( 'Ymd', strtotime ( jdtogregorian ( $julian ) ) ) : jd_to_greg ( $julian ) ); // . // half K if ( ( $K9 - floor ( $K9 ) ) > 0 ) $phases[$s] = ( $U ? 'first' : 'last' ); else { $phases[$s] = ( $U ? 'full' : 'new' ); $U = ! $U; } } // Next return $phases; } //End MoonPhase // . // Function borrowed from http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.jdtogregorian.php // Used if calendar functions are not compiled in php. function jd_to_greg ( $julian ) { $julian -= 1721119; $calc1 = 4 * $julian - 1; $year = floor ( $calc1 / 146097 ); $julian = floor ( $calc1 - 146097 * $year ); $day = floor ( $julian / 4 ); $calc2 = 4 * $day + 3; $julian = floor ( $calc2 / 1461 ); $day = $calc2 - 1461 * $julian; $day = floor ( ( $day + 4 ) / 4 ); $calc3 = 5 * $day - 3; $month = floor ( $calc3 / 153 ); $day = $calc3 - 153 * $month; $day = floor ( ( $day + 5 ) / 5 ); $year = 100 * $year + $julian; if ( $month < 10 ) $month += 3; else { $month -= 9; $year++; } return sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day ); } ?>