File: rss.php
<?php /* $Id: rss.php,v 2008/04/04 17:56:14 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Description: * This script is intended to be used outside of normal WebCalendar use, * as an RSS 2.0 feed to a RSS client. * * You must have "Enable RSS feed" set to "Yes" * in both System Settings and in the specific user's Preferences. * * Simply use the URL of this file as the feed address in the client. * For public user access: * http://xxxxx/aaa/rss.php * For any other user (where "joe" is the user login): * http:/xxxxxx/aaa/rss.php?user=joe * * By default (if you do not edit this file), events * will be loaded for either: * - the next 30 days * - the next 10 events * * Input parameters: * You can override settings by changing the URL parameters: * - days: number of days ahead to look for events * - cat_id: specify a category id to filter on * - repeats: output all events including all repeat instances * repeats=0 do not output repeating events (default) * repeats=1 outputs repeating events * repeats=2 outputs repeating events but suppresses display of * 2nd & subsequent occurences of daily events * - user: login name of calendar to display (instead of public user). * You must have the following System Settings configured for this: * Allow viewing other user's calendars: Yes * Public access can view others: Yes * - showdate: put the date and time (if specified in the title * of the item) in the title * * Security: * $RSS_ENABLED must be set true * $USER_RSS_ENABLED must be set true unless this is for the public user * $USER_REMOTE_ACCESS can be set as follows in pref.php * 0 = Public entries only * 1 = Public & Confidential entries only * 2 = All entries are included in the feed *USE WITH CARE * * We do not include unapproved events in the RSS feed. * * * TODO * Add other RSS 2.0 options such as media. * Add <managingEditor>: dan@spam_me.com (Dan Deletekey) */ $debug = false; include_once 'includes/translate.php'; require_once 'includes/classes/WebCalendar.class'; require_once 'includes/classes/Event.class'; require_once 'includes/classes/RptEvent.class'; $WebCalendar =& new WebCalendar ( __FILE__ ); include 'includes/formvars.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; include 'includes/config.php'; include 'includes/dbi4php.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeFirstPhase (); include 'includes/' . $user_inc; include_once 'includes/validate.php'; include 'includes/site_extras.php'; include_once 'includes/xcal.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeSecondPhase (); load_global_settings (); $WebCalendar->setLanguage (); if ( empty ( $RSS_ENABLED ) || $RSS_ENABLED != 'Y' ) { header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain' ); echo print_not_auth (28); exit; } /* Configurable settings for this file. You may change the settings below to * change the default settings. These settings will likely move into the System * Settings in the web admin interface in a future release. */ // Show the date in the title and how to format it. $date_in_title = false; //Can override with "rss.php?showdate=1|true". $showdate = getValue ( 'showdate' ); if ( ! empty ( $showdate ) ) $date_in_title = ( $showdate == 'true' || $showdate == 1 ? true : false ); $date_format = 'M jS'; //Aug 10th, 8/10 $time_format = 'g:ia'; //4:30pm, 16:30 $time_separator = ', '; //Aug 10th @ 4:30pm, Aug 10th, 4:30pm // Default time window of events to load. // Can override with "rss.php?days=60". $numDays = 30; // Max number of events to display. // Can override with "rss.php?max=20". $maxEvents = 10; // Login of calendar user to use. // '__public__' is the login name for the public user. $username = '__public__'; // Allow the URL to override the user setting such as "rss.php?user=craig". $allow_user_override = true; // Load layers. $load_layers = false; // Load just a specified category (by its id). // Leave blank to not filter on category (unless specified in URL). // Can override in URL with "rss.php?cat_id=4". $cat_id = ''; // Load all repeating events. // Can override with "rss.php?repeats=1". $allow_repeats = false; // Load show only first occurence within the given time span of daily repeating events. // Can override with "rss.php?repeats=2". $show_daily_events_only_once = false; // End configurable settings... // Set for use elsewhere as a global. $login = $username; if ( $allow_user_override ) { $u = getValue ( 'user', '[A-Za-z0-9_\.=@,\-]+', true ); if ( ! empty ( $u ) ) { if ( $u == 'public' ) $u = '__public__'; // We also set $login since some functions assume that it is set.. $login = $username = $u; } } load_user_preferences (); // public entries only $allow_access = array ( 'P' ); // . // Determine what remote access has been set up by user. // This will only be used if $username is not __public__. if ( isset ( $USER_REMOTE_ACCESS ) && $username != '__public__' ) { if ( $USER_REMOTE_ACCESS > 0 ) // plus confidential $allow_access[] = 'C'; if ( $USER_REMOTE_ACCESS == 2 ) // plus private $allow_access[] = 'R'; } user_load_variables ( $login, 'rss_' ); $creator = ( $username == '__public__' ) ? 'Public' : $rss_fullname; if ( $username != '__public__' && ( empty ( $USER_RSS_ENABLED ) || $USER_RSS_ENABLED != 'Y' ) ) { header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain' ); echo print_not_auth (29); exit; } $cat_id = ''; if ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $x = getValue ( 'cat_id', '-?[0-9]+', true ); if ( ! empty ( $x ) ) { load_user_categories (); $cat_id = $x; $category = $categories[$cat_id]['cat_name']; } } if ( $load_layers ) load_user_layers ( $username ); // Calculate date range. $date = getValue ( 'date', '-?[0-9]+', true ); if ( empty ( $date ) || strlen ( $date ) != 8 ) // If no date specified, start with today. $date = date ( 'Ymd' ); $thisyear = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $thisday = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); $startTime = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); $x = getValue ( 'days', '-?[0-9]+', true ); if ( ! empty ( $x ) ) $numDays = $x; // Don't let a malicious user specify more than 365 days. if ( $numDays > 365 ) $numDays = 365; $x = getValue ( 'max', '-?[0-9]+', true ); if ( ! empty ( $x ) ) $maxEvents = $x; // Don't let a malicious user specify more than 100 events. if ( $maxEvents > 100 ) $maxEvents = 100; $x = getValue ( 'repeats', '-?[0-9]+', true ); if ( ! empty ( $x ) ) { $allow_repeats = $x; if ( $x == 2 ) $show_daily_events_only_once = true; } $endTime = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + $numDays -1, $thisyear ); $endDate = date ( 'Ymd', $endTime ); /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quicker access */ if ( $allow_repeats == true ) $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $username, $startTime, $endTime, $cat_id ); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */ $events = read_events ( $username, $startTime, $endTime, $cat_id ); $charset = ( empty ( $LANGUAGE ) ? 'iso-8859-1' : translate ( 'charset' ) ); // This should work ok with RSS, may need to hardcode fallback value. $lang = languageToAbbrev ( $LANGUAGE == 'Browser-defined' || $LANGUAGE == 'none' ? $lang : $LANGUAGE ); if ( $lang == 'en' ) $lang = 'en-us'; //the RSS 2.0 default. $appStr = generate_application_name (); ob_start (); // header ( 'Content-type: application/rss+xml'); header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' ); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?> <rss version="2.0" xml:lang="' . $lang . '"> <channel> <title><![CDATA[' . $appStr . ']]></title> <link>' . $SERVER_URL . '</link> <description><![CDATA[' . $appStr . ']]></description> <language>' . $lang . '</language> <generator>:"http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php?v=' . $PROGRAM_VERSION . '"</generator> <image> <title><![CDATA[' . $appStr . ']]></title> <link>' . $SERVER_URL . '</link> <url>http://www.k5n.us/k5n_small.gif</url> </image>'; $endtimeYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $endTime ); $numEvents = 0; $reventIds = array (); for ( $i = $startTime; date ( 'Ymd', $i ) <= $endtimeYmd && $numEvents < $maxEvents; $i += 86400 ) { $d = date ( 'Ymd', $i ); $eventIds = array (); $pubDate = gmdate ( 'D, d M Y', $i ); $entries = get_entries ( $d, false ); $rentries = get_repeating_entries ( $username, $d ); $entrycnt = count ( $entries ); $rentrycnt = count ( $rentries ); if ( $debug ) echo ' countentries==' . $entrycnt . ' ' . $rentrycnt . ' '; if ( $entrycnt > 0 || $rentrycnt > 0 ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $entrycnt && $numEvents < $maxEvents; $j++ ) { // Prevent non-Public events from feeding if ( in_array ( $entries[$j]->getAccess (), $allow_access ) ) { $eventIds[] = $entries[$j]->getID (); $unixtime = $entries[$j]->getDateTimeTS (); $dateinfo = ( $date_in_title ? date ( $date_format, $unixtime ) . ( $entries[$j]->isTimed () ? $time_separator . date ( $time_format, $unixtime ) : '' ) . ' ' : '' ); echo ' <item> <title><![CDATA[' . $dateinfo . $entries[$j]->getName () . ']]></title> <link>' . $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $entries[$j]->getID () . '&friendly=1&rssuser=' . $login . '&date=' . $d . '</link> <description><![CDATA[' . $entries[$j]->getDescription () . ']]></description>' . ( empty ( $category ) ? '' : ' <category><![CDATA[' . $category . ']]></category>' ) // . '<creator><![CDATA[' . $creator . ']]></creator>' /* RSS 2.0 date format Wed, 02 Oct 2002 13:00:00 GMT */. ' <pubDate>' . gmdate ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', $unixtime ) . ' GMT</pubDate> <guid>' . $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $entries[$j]->getID () . '&friendly=1&rssuser=' . $login . '&date=' . $d . '</guid> </item>'; $numEvents++; } } for ( $j = 0; $j < $rentrycnt && $numEvents < $maxEvents; $j++ ) { // To allow repeated daily entries to be suppressed. Step below is // necessary because 1st occurence of repeating events shows up in // $entries AND $rentries & we suppress display of it in $rentries. if ( in_array ( $rentries[$j]->getID (), $eventIds ) && $rentries[$j]->getrepeatType () == 'daily' ) $reventIds[] = $rentries[$j]->getID (); // Prevent non-Public events from feeding. // Prevent a repeating event from displaying if the original event has // already been displayed; prevent 2nd & later recurrence of daily events // from displaying if that option has been selected. if ( ! in_array ( $rentries[$j]->getID (), $eventIds ) && ( ! $show_daily_events_only_once || ! in_array ( $rentries[$j]->getID (), $reventIds ) ) && ( in_array ( $rentries[$j]->getAccess (), $allow_access ) ) ) { // Show repeating events only once. if ( $rentries[$j]->getrepeatType () == 'daily' ) $reventIds[] = $rentries[$j]->getID (); echo ' <item>'; $unixtime = $rentries[$j]->getDateTimeTS (); $dateinfo = ( $date_in_title == true ? date ( $date_format, $i ) . ( $rentries[$j]->isAllDay () || $rentries[$j]->isUntimed () ? $time_separator . date ( $time_format, $unixtime ) : '' ) . ' ' : '' ); echo ' <title><![CDATA[' . $dateinfo . $rentries[$j]->getName () . ']]></title> <link>' . $SERVER_URL . "view_entry.php?id=" . $rentries[$j]->getID () . '&friendly=1&rssuser=' . $login . '&date=' . $d . '</link> <description><![CDATA[' . $rentries[$j]->getDescription () . ']]></description>' . ( empty ( $category ) ? '' : ' <category><![CDATA[' . $category . ']]></category>' ) // . '<creator><![CDATA[' . $creator . ']]></creator>' . ' <pubDate>' . $pubDate . ' ' . gmdate ( 'H:i:s', $unixtime ) . ' GMT</pubDate> <guid>' . $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' . $rentries[$j]->getID () . '&friendly=1&rssuser=' . $login . '&date=' . $d . '</guid> </item>'; $numEvents++; } } } } echo ' </channel> </rss>'; ob_end_flush (); // Clear login...just in case. $login = ''; exit; ?>