File: search_handler.php
<?php /* This page produces search results. * * "Advanced Search" adds the ability to search other users' calendars. * We do a number of security checks to make sure this is allowed. * * @author Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@cknudsen.com> * @copyright Craig Knudsen, <cknudsen@cknudsen.com>, http://www.k5n.us/cknudsen * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GPL * @package WebCalendar * @version $Id: search_handler.php,v 2008/04/23 20:22:55 umcesrjones Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; $error = ''; // Disable if public access and OVERRIDE_PUBLIC in use if ( $login == '__public__' && ! empty ( $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC ) && $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC == 'Y' ) { print_header (); echo print_not_auth (); print_trailer (); exit; } $keywords = getValue ( 'keywords' ); $advanced = getValue ( 'advanced' ); if ( strlen ( $keywords ) == 0 ) $error = translate ( 'You must enter one or more search keywords' ) . '.'; $matches = 0; // Determine if this user is allowed to search the calendar of other users $search_others = false; // show "Advanced Search" if ( $single_user == 'Y' ) $search_others = false; if ( $is_admin ) $search_others = true; else if ( access_is_enabled () ) $search_others = access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_ADVANCED_SEARCH ); else if ( $login != '__public__' && ! empty ( $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER ) && $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'Y' ) $search_others = true; else if ( $login == '__public__' && ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS == 'Y' ) $search_others = true; $users = getValue ( 'users' ); if ( empty ( $users ) || empty ( $users[0] ) ) $search_others = false; // Security precaution -- make sure users listed in participants list // was not hacked up to include users that they don't really have access to. if ( $search_others ) { // If user can only see users in his group, then remove users not in his group. if ( ! empty ( $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS ) && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y' && ! empty ( $GROUPS_ENABLED ) && $GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $myusers = get_my_users ( '', 'view' ); $userlookup = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $myusers ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $userlookup[$myusers[$i]['cal_login']] = 1; } $newlist = array (); $cnt = count ( $users ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( ! empty ( $userlookup[$users[$i]] ) ) $newlist[] = $users[$i]; } $users = $newlist; } // Now, use access control to remove more users :-) if ( access_is_enabled () && ! $is_admin ) { $newlist = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $users ); $i++ ) { if ( access_user_calendar ( 'view', $users[$i] ) ) { $newlist[] = $users[$i]; //echo "can access $users[$i] <br>"; } else { //echo "cannot access $users[$i] <br>"; } } $users = $newlist; } } if ( empty ( $users ) || empty ( $users[0] ) ) $search_others = false; //Get advanced filters $cat_filter = getPostValue ( 'cat_filter' ); $extra_filter = getPostValue ( 'extra_filter' ); $date_filter = getPostValue ( 'date_filter' ); $start_day = getPostValue ( 'from_day' ); $start_month = getPostValue ( 'from_month' ); $start_year = getPostValue ( 'from_year' ); if ( $start_year < 1970 ) $start_year = 1970; $end_day = getPostValue ( 'until_day' ); $end_month = getPostValue ( 'until_month' ); $end_year = getPostValue ( 'until_year' ); if ( $end_year < 1970 ) $end_year = 1970; $startDate = gmdate ( 'Ymd', gmmktime ( 0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year ) ); $endDate = gmdate ( 'Ymd', gmmktime ( 23, 59, 59, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year ) ); print_header (); echo ' <h2>' . translate ( 'Search Results' ) . '</h2>'; if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) echo print_error ( $error ); else { // *** "Phrase" feature by Steve Weyer saweyer@comcast.net 4-May-2005 // check if keywords is surrounded by quotes // an alternative might be to add a checkbox/list on search.php // to indicate Phrase or other mode via an arg // if a phrase, use (after removing quotes) rather than split into words // also add query (keywords) to "match results" heading near end // e.g., search_handler.php?keywords=%22Location:%20Arts%20and%20Crafts%22 // begin Phrase modification $klen = strlen ( $keywords ); $phrasedelim = "\\\""; $plen = strlen ( $phrasedelim ); if ( substr ( $keywords, 0, $plen ) == $phrasedelim && substr ( $keywords, $klen - $plen ) == $phrasedelim ) { $phrase = substr ( $keywords, $plen, $klen - ( $plen * 2 ) ); $words = array ( $phrase ); } else // original (default) behavior $words = explode ( ' ', $keywords ); // end Phrase modification $order = 'DESC'; $word_cnt = count ( $words ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $word_cnt; $i++ ) { $sql_params = array (); // Note: we only search approved/waiting events (not deleted). $sql = 'SELECT we.cal_id, we.cal_name, we.cal_date, weu.cal_login ' . ( ! empty ( $extra_filter ) ? ', wse.cal_data ' : '' ) . 'FROM webcal_entry_user weu LEFT JOIN webcal_entry we ' . ( ! empty ( $cat_filter ) ? ', webcal_entry_categories wec ' : '') . ( ! empty ( $extra_filter ) ? ', webcal_site_extras wse ' : '') . 'ON weu.cal_id = we.cal_id WHERE weu.cal_status in ( \'A\',\'W\' ) AND weu.cal_login IN ( ?'; if ( $search_others ) { if ( empty ( $users[0] ) ) $sql_params[0] = $users[0] = $login; $user_cnt = count ( $users ); for ( $j = 0; $j < $user_cnt; $j++ ) { if ( $j > 0 ) $sql .= ', ?'; $sql_params[] = $users[$j]; } } else $sql_params[] = $login; $sql .= ' ) '; if ( $search_others ) { // Don't search confidential entries of other users. $sql .= 'AND ( weu.cal_login = ? OR ( weu.cal_login != ? AND we.cal_access = \'P\' ) ) '; $sql_params[] = $login; $sql_params[] = $login; } // We get an error using mssql trying to read text column as varchar. // This workaround seems to fix it up ROJ // but, will only search the first 1kb of the description. $sql .= 'AND ( UPPER( we.cal_name ) LIKE UPPER( ? ) OR UPPER( ' . ( strcmp ( $GLOBALS['db_type'], 'mssql' ) == 0 ? 'CAST ( we.cal_description AS varchar (1024) )' : 'we.cal_description' ) . ' ) LIKE UPPER( ? ) '; $sql_params[] = '%' . $words[$i] . '%'; $sql_params[] = '%' . $words[$i] . '%'; //process advanced filters if ( ! empty ( $extra_filter ) ) { $sql .= ' OR wse.cal_data LIKE UPPER( ? )'; $sql_params[] = '%' . $words[$i] . '%'; } //close AND statement from above $sql .= ')'; if ( ! empty ( $cat_filter ) ) { $sql .= ' AND wec.cat_id = ? AND we.cal_id = wec.cal_id '; $sql_params[] = $cat_filter; } if ( ! empty ( $extra_filter ) ) $sql .= ' AND we.cal_id = wse.cal_id '; if ( ! empty ( $date_filter ) ) { if ( $date_filter == 1 ) { //Past entries $sql .= 'AND we.cal_date < ? '; $sql_params[] = date ( 'Ymd' ); } if ( $date_filter == 2 ) {//Upcoming entries $sql .= 'AND we.cal_date >= ? '; $sql_params[] = date ( 'Ymd' ); $order = 'ASC'; } if ( $date_filter == 3 ) {//Use Date Range $sql .= 'AND ( we.cal_date >= ? AND we.cal_date <= ? )'; $sql_params[] = $startDate; $sql_params[] = $endDate; } } $res = dbi_execute ( $sql . ' ORDER BY we.cal_date ' . $order . ', we.cal_name', $sql_params ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $info[$matches]['id'] = $row[0]; $info[$matches]['text'] = $row[1] . ' ( ' . date_to_str ( $row[2] ) . ' )'; $info[$matches]['user'] = $row[3]; $matches++; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } ob_start (); echo ' <p><strong>'; if ( $matches > 0 ) { // Let update_translation.pl pick up translations. // translate ( 'match found' ) translate ( 'matches found' ) echo $matches . ' ' . translate ( // line break to bypass update_translation.pl here. 'match' . ( $matches == 1 ? '' : 'es' ) . ' found' ); } else echo translate ( 'No matches found' ); echo ": " . htmlentities ( $keywords ) . '</strong>.</p>'; // now sort by number of hits if ( empty ( $error ) ) { echo ' <ul>'; foreach ( $info as $result ) { echo ' <li><a class="nav" href="view_entry.php?id=' . $result['id'] . '&user=' . $result['user'] . '">' . $result['text'] . '</a></li>'; } echo ' </ul>'; } echo ' <form action="search.php' . ( ! empty ( $advanced ) ? '?adv=1' : '' ) . '" style="margin-left: 13px;" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . translate ( 'New Search' ) . '" /></form>'; ob_end_flush (); echo print_trailer (); ?>