File: palm_datebook.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME palm_datebook.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS Reads the events from a Palm Desktop DateBook.dat =head1 DESCRIPTION This file reads a Palm Desktop DateBook file (datebook.dat) and prints all the non-expired entries (can return all, see below) to STDOUT. It prints a pipe separated value list by default. =head1 USAGE The script is set up to be used with the webcalendar and doesn't need to be altered. If you want to use it some other way, then change the variables in the config section to suit your needs and edit the main program (bottom of script). You can uncomment the $outfile config to print to a file. The default program will not include expired events and takes 2 arguments: 1. $DateBookFileName - The name/location of the datebook.dat 2. $exc_private - If a 1 is passed private records will be skipped The following data is available in $Entry: $Entry->{RecordID} = Record ID in the Palm $Entry->{Status} = Identifies new and deleted records (status in datebook) $Entry->{Position} = Position in list? $Entry->{StartTime} = In seconds since 1970 $Entry->{EndTime} = In seconds since 1970 $Entry->{Description} = Description of event (string) $Entry->{Duration} = How long the event lasts (in minutes) $Entry->{Note} = Note (string) $Entry->{Untimed} = 1 = true 0 = false $Entry->{Private} = 1 = true 0 = false $Entry->{Category} = Short description of category (PD Version > 4.1.1) $Entry->{AlarmSet} = 1 = true 0 = false $Entry->{AlarmAdvanceAmount} = How many units in AlarmAdvanceType (-1 means not set) $Entry->{AlarmAdvanceType} = Units: (0=minutes, 1=hours, 2=days) $Entry->{Location} = Location field (PD Version > 4.1.1) $Entry->{Repeat} = Array containing repeat information (if repeat) $Entry->{Repeat}->{Interval} = 1=daily,2=weekly,3=MonthlyByDay,4=MonthlyByDate,5=Yearly $Entry->{Repeat}->{Frequency} = How often event occurs. (1=every, 2=every other,etc.) $Entry->{Repeat}->{EndTime} = When the repeat ends (In seconds since 1970) $Entry->{Repeat}->{Exceptions} = An exception to the repeat (In seconds since 1970) $Entry->{Repeat}->{RepeatDays} = For Weekly: What days to repeat on (7 characters...y or n for each day) $Entry->{Repeat}->{DayNum} = For MonthlyByDay: Day of week (1=sun,2=mon,3=tue,4=wed,5=thu,6=fri,7=sat) $Entry->{Repeat}->{WeekNum} = For MonthlyByDay: Week number (1=first,2=second,3=third,4=fourth,5=last) =head1 AUTHOR Jeff Hoover =head1 CONTRIBUTERS Eduard Martinescu - Provided patch to parse category list. =head1 NOTE Palm changed the format of the datebook.dat file in Palm Desktop 4.1.1. I _finally_ reversed engineered the file format using a hex editor. I don't know what all the new fields are for, but the script works so who cares. =cut use CGI qw (:standard); my $q = new CGI; my ($Year, $Month, $Day); my ($DATA, @Categories); # ----------------------- Config if necessary ---------------------------- my $DateBookFileName = $ARGV[0]; # The name of the file my $exc_private = $ARGV[1]; # Do we want private entries? (1 = skip private) my $inc_expired = 0; # Do we want expired entries? (1 = include expired) my $sep = "|"; # what to separate the output with #my $outfile = "/tmp/datebook_dump.txt"; # uncomment to print to file #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #================= sub ReadDateBook { #================= # ReadDateBook opens the file we passed (datebook.dat) and reads the entries. my ($FileName, $Filter) = @_; my (@Fields, @Entries, $FieldCount, $NumberOfEntries); my ($Entry, $i, $Header, $Tag); my ($NextFree, $CategoryCount, $Category, $ResourceID); my ($FieldsPerRow, $RecordIdPos, $RecordStatusPos, $RecordPlacementPos); my ($TestField, $NewFormat, $Trash); open DATEBOOK, "<".$FileName; binmode DATEBOOK; local $/ = undef; $_ = <DATEBOOK>; $GlobalPos = 0; close DATEBOOK; # First, check the initial 4 byte "tag" field. $Tag = ReadLong(); # Next, figure out what version of datebook.dat we are using. # - prior to 4.1.1 the next field was the FileName # - after 4.1.1 it is a header that says "PalmSG Database" $TestField = ReadPilotString(); $NewFormat = ($TestField eq 'PalmSG Database') ? 1 : 0; if ($NewFormat eq 1) { $Header = $TestField; $Trash = ReadLong(); $Trash = ReadLong(); $Trash = ReadByteString(12); $Trash = ReadByte(); # Number of entries ? $Trash = ReadByte(); $Trash = ReadByteString(10); $FileName = ReadPilotString(); $Trash = ReadByteString(47); } else { $FileName = $TestField; $Header = ReadPilotString(); $NextFree = ReadLong(); } # Read the category information $CategoryCount = ReadLong(); for ($i=0; $i<$CategoryCount; $i++) { $Category = ReadCategory(); $Categories[$Category->{Index}] = $Category->{ShortName} if ($Category ne 0); } $ResourceID = ReadLong(); $FieldsPerRow = ReadLong(); $RecordIdPos = ReadLong(); $RecordStatusPos = ReadLong(); $RecordPlacementPos = ReadLong(); # Read the field list. $FieldCount = ReadShort(); for ($i=0; $i<$FieldCount; $i++) {push @Fields, ReadShort();} # Figure out how many entries to read $NumberOfEntries = ReadLong() / $FieldCount; # Read the entries. for ($i=0; $i<$NumberOfEntries; $i++) { $Entry = ReadEntry($NewFormat); if ($Entry ne 0){ if (!$Filter or &$Filter($Entry)){push @Entries, $Entry;} } } return @Entries; } #============== sub ReadEntry { #============== # ReadPalmEntry reads a single entry from the datebook, stores it in a local # hash, and returns a reference to that hash. The reference can safely # be stored in an array for later use. my ($NewFormat) = @_; my (%Entry, $Trash); if ($NewFormat eq 1) { $Entry{RecordID} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Position} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Status} = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); # field counter $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Category} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Private} = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{StartTime} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{EndTime} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Description} = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Note} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Untimed} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmSet} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmAdvanceAmount} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmAdvanceType} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Repeat} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Location} = ReadPilotField(); # new location field $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); $Trash = ReadPilotField(); } else { $Entry{RecordID} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Status} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Position} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{StartTime} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{EndTime} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Description} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Duration} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Note} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Untimed} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Private} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Category} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmSet} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmAdvanceAmount} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{AlarmAdvanceType} = ReadPilotField(); $Entry{Repeat} = ReadPilotField(); } #Should return as -1 if not set, but is returning as 4294967295 $Entry{AlarmAdvanceAmount} = "-1" if ($Entry{AlarmAdvanceAmount} eq '4294967295'); # Remove Crap from the DateBook5 Application $Entry{Note} = '' if ($Entry{Note} =~ /^\#\#[fcdxX\@]/); # Filter single quotes, \n\r $Entry{Description} = &filter_quotes($Entry{Description}); $Entry{Note} = &filter_quotes($Entry{Note}); # Calculate duration in minutes $Entry{Duration} = ($Entry{EndTime} - $Entry{StartTime}) / 60; # Get category text $Entry{Category} = $Categories[$Entry{Category}] if ($Entry{Category} > 0); # Skip private records if $exc_private if (($exc_private) && ($Entry{Private} == 1)) { return 0; # Skip Record if not in Palm (no RecordID) } elsif ($Entry{RecordID} == 0){ return 0; # Skip Record if marked for deletion (4=delete, 128=sync'd:delete+archive, 129=Not sync'd:delete+archive) } elsif (($Entry{Status} == 128) || ($Entry{Status} == 129) || ($Entry{Status} == 4)){ return 0; # Skip events that are past endtime (except repeats that aren't expired) unless $inc_expired } elsif (($Entry{EndTime} < time()) && (!$Entry{Repeat}) && (!$inc_expired)){ return 0; } elsif (($Entry{Repeat}) && ($Entry{Repeat}{EndTime} < time())&& ($Entry{Repeat}{EndTime} != 0) && (!$inc_expired)){ return 0; } else { #print $Entry{RecordID} . "\n"; return \%Entry; } } #=================== sub ReadPilotField { #=================== # ReadPilotField returns a single field from the datebook file. my ($Type, $N, $sun, $mon, $tue, $wed, $thu, $fri, $sat); my ($i, $DatesToSkip, $Repeat, $Interval, $Frequency, $Duration, $Position, $EndTime, $exceptions, @E); my (%RA); $Type = ReadLong(); if ($Type == 1 or $Type == 3 or $Type == 6) { return ReadLong(); } elsif ($Type == 5) { ReadLong(); # Skip the long of all zeroes return ReadPilotString(); } elsif ($Type == 8) { $DatesToSkip = ReadShort(); for ($i=1; $i<=$DatesToSkip; $i++) {$exceptions .= ReadLong().":";} chop $exceptions; $Repeat = ReadShort(); if ($Repeat == 0xFFFF) { ReadShort(); $Skip = ReadShort(); SkipBytes($Skip); } elsif ($Repeat and $Repeat != 0x8001) { #($Repeat == 0x1a40 or $Repeat == 0xb3c0 or $Repeat == 0xe750) # print " DEBUG: Repeat is $Repeat\n"; # ReadLong(); } if ($Repeat) { $Interval = ReadLong(); $Frequency = ReadLong(); $EndTime = ReadLong(); if ($EndTime eq 1956542399) { # No EndTime $EndTime = ''; } ReadLong(); $DayNum = ReadLong(); if ($Interval == 2) { $Position = ReadByte(); } elsif ($Interval == 3) { $Position = ReadLong(); } elsif ($Interval == 5) { $Position = ReadLong(); } else { $Position == 0; } # Build the Repeat array to return $RA{Interval} = $Interval; $RA{Frequency} = $Frequency; $RA{EndTime} = $EndTime; if ($exceptions){ $RA{Exceptions} = $exceptions;} if ($Interval == 2) { # Weekly repeat # $Position is an integer that tells what days of the week # to repeat on. (sun=1,mon=2,tue=4,wed=8,thu=16,fri=32,sat=64) # The numbers are added together to give a unique integer. # We will break it down since the WebCalendar doesn't use this format. $N = $Position; # Check for Saturday if ($N - 64 >= 0) { $sat = 'y'; $N -= 64; } else { $sat = 'n'; } # Check for Friday if ($N - 32 >= 0) { $fri = 'y'; $N -= 32; } else { $fri = 'n'; } # Check for Thursday if ($N - 16 >= 0) { $thu = 'y'; $N -= 16; } else { $thu = 'n'; } # Check for Wednesday if ($N - 8 >= 0) { $wed = 'y'; $N -= 8; } else { $wed = 'n'; } # Check for Tuesday if ($N - 4 >= 0) { $tue = 'y'; $N -= 4; } else { $tue = 'n'; } # Check for Monday if ($N - 2 >= 0) { $mon = 'y'; $N -= 2; } else { $mon = 'n'; } # Check for Sunday if ($N - 1 >= 0) { $sun = 'y'; $N -= 1; } else { $sun = 'n'; } $RA{RepeatDays} = $sun.$mon.$tue.$wed.$thu.$fri.$sat; } elsif ($Interval == 3) { # Monthlybyday repeat $RA{DayNum} = $DayNum + 1; # Day of week (1=sun,2=mon,3=tue,4=wed,5=thu,6=fri,7=sat) $RA{WeekNum} = $Position + 1; # Week number (1=first,2=second,3=third,4=fourth,5=last) } return \%RA; } else { return 0; # No repeat } } elsif ($Type == 64 or $Type == 65 or $Type == 66) { # 0x4000 0x4100 0x4200 return ReadLong(); } else { print STDERR "There's a problem with this pilot field of type $Type\n"; exit; #return undef; } } #=================== sub ReadByteString { #=================== # ReadByteString reads the number of bytes passed to it as a parameter # and returns it as a character string. my ($Count) = @_; $GlobalPos += $Count; return substr ($_, $GlobalPos-$Count, $Count); } #==================== sub ReadPilotString { #==================== # ReadPilotString reads a pilot formatted string, which is a size (one # byte, unless the byte is 0xFF, then it's the two bytes after the 0xFF), # followed by that many bytes, and returns a Perl string. my ($String) = ""; my ($Length, $i); $Length = unpack ('C', substr ($_, $GlobalPos, 1)); $GlobalPos++; if ($Length == 255) { $Length = ReadShort(); } $GlobalPos += $Length; return substr ($_, $GlobalPos-$Length, $Length); } #============== sub SkipBytes { #============== # SkipBytes is just like ReadByteString, except it throws away the data, # rather than returning it. my ($Count) = @_; $GlobalPos += $Count; } #============= sub ReadByte { #============= # ReadByte reads a single byte, and returns it as an integer. $GlobalPos++; return unpack ('C', substr($_, $GlobalPos-1, 1)); } #============== sub ReadShort { #============== # ReadShort reads two bytes, and returns them as an integer (low order # byte is the first one read). $GlobalPos+=2; return unpack ('S', substr($_, $GlobalPos-2, 2)); } #============= sub ReadLong { #============= # ReadLong reads four bytes, and returns them as an integer (low order # byte is the first one read). $GlobalPos+=4; return unpack ('L', substr($_, $GlobalPos-4, 4)); } #==================== sub ByDateAscending { #==================== # Sort records by StartTime return $a->{StartTime} <=> $b->{StartTime}; } #================== sub filter_quotes { #================== # Filter newline/return my $temp = $_[0]; # $temp =~ s/'/\\'/g; $temp =~ s/\n|\r/ /g; # Remove newline return ($temp); } #================= sub ReadCategory { #================= # ReadCategory reads a single category entry from the datebook, # stores it in a local hash, and returns a reference to that hash. # The reference can safely be stored in an array for later use. my (%Entry); $Entry{Index} = ReadLong(); $Entry{CategoryID} = ReadLong(); $Entry{DirtyFlag} = ReadLong(); $Entry{LongName} = ReadPilotString(); $Entry{ShortName} = filter_quotes(ReadPilotString()); return \%Entry; } #----------------------------- Main Program ------------------------------- foreach $Entry (sort ByDateAscending ReadDateBook($DateBookFileName)) { $DATA .= $Entry->{RecordID}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{StartTime}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{EndTime}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Description}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Duration}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Note}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Untimed}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Private}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Category}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{AlarmSet}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{AlarmAdvanceAmount}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{AlarmAdvanceType}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{Interval}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{Frequency}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{EndTime}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{Exceptions}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{RepeatDays}. $sep; # $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{DayNum}. $sep; $DATA .= $Entry->{Repeat}->{WeekNum}. $sep; $DATA .= "\n"; } if ($outfile) { die "Couldn't open $outfile: $!" if ((open OUT, ">$outfile") eq undef); flock (OUT, 2);print OUT $DATA;flock (OUT, 8);close OUT; } else { print STDOUT $DATA; } exit;