File: admin.php
<?php /* $Id: admin.php,v 2008/03/08 01:11:06 cknudsen Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; include_once 'includes/date_formats.php'; if ( file_exists ( 'install/default_config.php' ) ) include_once 'install/default_config.php'; // . // Force the CSS cache to clear by incrementing webcalendar_csscache cookie. // admin.php will not use this cached CSS, but we want to make sure it's flushed. $webcalendar_csscache = 1; if ( isset ( $_COOKIE['webcalendar_csscache'] ) ) $webcalendar_csscache += $_COOKIE['webcalendar_csscache']; SetCookie ( 'webcalendar_csscache', $webcalendar_csscache ); function save_pref ( $prefs, $src ) { global $error, $my_theme; while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $prefs ) ) { if ( $src == 'post' ) { $prefix = substr ( $key, 0, 6 ); $setting = substr ( $key, 6 ); if ( $key == 'currenttab' ) continue; // . // Validate key name. Should start with "admin_" and not include // any unusual characters that might be an SQL injection attack. if ( ! preg_match ( '/admin_[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/', $key ) ) die_miserable_death ( str_replace ( 'XXX', $key, translate ( 'Invalid setting name XXX.' ) ) ); } else { $prefix = 'admin_'; $setting = $key; } if ( strlen ( $setting ) > 0 && $prefix == 'admin_' ) { if ( $setting == 'THEME' && $value != 'none' ) $my_theme = strtolower ( $value ); $setting = strtoupper ( $setting ); $sql = 'DELETE FROM webcal_config WHERE cal_setting = ?'; if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, array ( $setting ) ) ) { $error = db_error ( false, $sql ); break; } if ( strlen ( $value ) > 0 ) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_config ( cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES ( ?, ? )'; if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, array ( $setting, $value ) ) ) { $error = db_error ( false, $sql ); break; } } } } // Reload preferences so any CSS changes will take effect. load_global_settings (); load_user_preferences (); } /* Generates HTML for color chooser options in admin pages. * * NOTE: This will be merged back into function print_color_input_html * in includes/function.php when I remove the tables from pref.php. * * @param string $varname the name of the variable to display * @param string $title color description * @param string $varval the default value to display * * @return string HTML for the color selector. */ function admin_print_color_input_html ( $varname, $title, $varval = '' ) { global $prefarray, $s, $SCRIPT; static $select; $name = ''; $setting = $varval; if ( empty ( $select ) ) $select = translate ( 'Select' ) . '...'; if ( $SCRIPT == 'admin.php' ) { $name = 'admin_'; $setting = $s[$varname]; } elseif ( $SCRIPT == 'pref.php' ) { $name = 'pref_'; $setting = $prefarray[$varname]; } $name .= $varname; return ' <p><label for="' . $name . '">' . $title . ':</label><input type="text" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" size="7" maxlength="7" value="' . $setting . '" onchange="updateColor( this, \'' . $varname . '_sample\' );" /><span id="' . $varname . '_sample" style="background:' . $setting . ';"> </span><input type="button" onclick="selectColor( \'' . $name . '\', event )" value="' . $select . '" /></p>'; } $currenttab = ''; $error = ( $is_admin ? '' : print_not_auth (3) ); if ( ! empty ( $_POST ) && empty ( $error ) ) { $currenttab = getPostValue ( 'currenttab' ); $my_theme = ''; save_pref ( $_POST, 'post' ); if ( ! empty ( $my_theme ) ) { include_once 'themes/' . strtolower ( $my_theme ) . '.php'; save_pref ( $webcal_theme, 'theme' ); } } // . // Load any new config settings. Existing ones will not be affected. // This function is in the install/default_config.php file. if ( function_exists ( 'db_load_config' ) && empty ( $_POST ) ) db_load_config (); $menuthemes = $s = $themes = array (); $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_config' ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $setting = $row[0]; $s[$setting] = $value = $row[1]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // . // Get list of theme files from /themes directory. $dir = 'themes'; if ( is_dir ( $dir ) ) { if ( $dh = opendir ( $dir ) ) { while ( ( $file = readdir ( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ( strpos ( $file, '_admin.php' ) ) { $themes[0][] = strtoupper ( str_replace ( '_admin.php', '', $file ) ); $themes[1][] = strtoupper ( str_replace ( '.php', '', $file ) ); } else if ( strpos ( $file, '_pref.php' ) ) { $themes[0][] = strtolower ( str_replace ( '_pref.php', '', $file ) ); $themes[1][] = strtolower ( str_replace ( '.php', '', $file ) ); } } sort ( $themes ); closedir ( $dh ); } } // . // Get list of menu themes. $dir = 'includes/menu/themes/'; if ( is_dir ( $dir ) ) { if ( $dh = opendir ( $dir ) ) { while ( ( $file = readdir ( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' ) continue; if ( is_dir ( $dir . $file ) ) $menuthemes[] = $file; } closedir ( $dh ); } } $currenttab = getPostValue ( 'currenttab', 'settings' ); $currenttab = ( ! empty ( $currenttab) ? $currenttab : 'settings' ); $BodyX = 'onload="init_admin();showTab( \'' . $currenttab . '\' );"'; print_header ( array ( 'js/admin.php', 'js/visible.php' ), '', $BodyX ); if ( ! $error ) { // Make sure globals values passed to styles.php are for this user. // Makes the demo calendar and Page title accurate. $GLOBALS['APPLICATION_NAME'] = $s['APPLICATION_NAME']; $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] = $s['BGCOLOR']; $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] = $s['CELLBG']; $GLOBALS['FONTS'] = $s['FONTS']; $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] = $s['H2COLOR']; $GLOBALS['HASEVENTSBG'] = $s['HASEVENTSBG']; $GLOBALS['MENU_THEME'] = $s['MENU_THEME']; $GLOBALS['MYEVENTS'] = $s['MYEVENTS']; $GLOBALS['OTHERMONTHBG'] = $s['OTHERMONTHBG']; $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] = $s['TABLEBG']; $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] = $s['TEXTCOLOR']; $GLOBALS['THBG'] = $s['THBG']; $GLOBALS['THFG'] = $s['THFG']; $GLOBALS['TODAYCELLBG'] = $s['TODAYCELLBG']; $GLOBALS['WEEKENDBG'] = $s['WEEKENDBG']; $GLOBALS['WEEKNUMBER'] = $s['WEEKNUMBER']; define_languages (); // Load the language list. reset ( $languages ); $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $select = translate ( 'Select' ) . '...'; // . // Allow css_cache of webcal_config values. @session_start (); $_SESSION['webcal_tmp_login'] = 'blahblahblah'; $editStr = '<input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Edit' ) . "...\" onclick=\"window.open( 'edit_template.php?type=%s','cal_template','" . 'dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=500,width=500,outerHeight=520,' . 'outerWidth=520\' );" name="" />'; $choices = array ( 'day.php', 'week.php', 'month.php', 'year.php' ); $choices_text = array ( translate ( 'Day' ), translate ( 'Week' ), translate ( 'Month' ), translate ( 'Year' ) ); $bottomStr = translate ( 'Bottom' ); $topStr = translate ( 'Top' ); $anyoneStr = translate ( 'Anyone' ); $partyStr = translate ( 'Participant' ); $saveStr = translate ( 'Save' ); $option = ' <option value="'; $color_sets = $datestyle_md = $datestyle_my = $datestyle_tk = ''; $datestyle_ymd = $lang_list = $menu_theme_list = $prefer_vu = ''; $start_wk_on = $start_wkend_on = $tabs = $theme_list = $user_vu = ''; $work_hr_end = $work_hr_start = ''; // . // This should be easier to add more tabs if needed. $tabs_ar = array ( // . 'settings', translate ( 'Settings' ), 'public', translate ( 'Public Access' ), 'uac', translate ( 'User Access Control' ), 'groups', translate ( 'Groups' ), 'nonuser', translate ( 'NonUser Calendars' ), 'other', translate ( 'Other' ), 'email', translate ( 'Email' ), 'colors', translate ( 'Colors' ) ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $tabs_ar ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $tabs .= ' <span class="tab' . ( $i > 0 ? 'bak' : 'for' ) . '" id="tab_' . $tabs_ar[$i] . '"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( \'' . $tabs_ar[$i] . '\' )">' . $tabs_ar[++$i] . '</a></span>'; } // Move the loops here and combine a few. while ( list ( $key, $val ) = each ( $languages ) ) { $lang_list .= $option . $val . '"' . ( $val == $s['LANGUAGE'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $key . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $themes[0] ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $theme_list .= $option . $themes[1][$i] . '">' . $themes[0][$i] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { $datestyle_ymd .= $option . $datestyles[$i] . '"' . ( $s['DATE_FORMAT'] == $datestyles[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $datestyles[$i + 1] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_my ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { $datestyle_my .= $option . $datestyles_my[$i] . '"' . ( $s['DATE_FORMAT_MY'] == $datestyles_my[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $datestyles_my[$i + 1] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_md ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { $datestyle_md .= $option . $datestyles_md[$i] . '"' . ( $s['DATE_FORMAT_MD'] == $datestyles_md[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $datestyles_md[$i + 1] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_task ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { $datestyle_tk .= $option . $datestyles_task[$i] . '"' . ( $s['DATE_FORMAT_TASK'] == $datestyles_task[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $datestyles_task[$i + 1] . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $start_wk_on .= $option . "$i\"" . ( $i == $s['WEEK_START'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $i ) . '</option>'; $j = ( $i == 0 ? 6 : $i - 1 ); // Make sure to start with Saturday. $start_wkend_on .= $option . "$j\"" . ( $j == $s['WEEKEND_START'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $j ) . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++ ) { $tmp = display_time ( $i * 10000, 1 ); $work_hr_start .= $option . "$i\"" . ( $i == $s['WORK_DAY_START_HOUR'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $tmp . '</option>'; $work_hr_end .= $option . "$i\"" . ( $i == $s['WORK_DAY_END_HOUR'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $tmp . '</option>'; } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $choices ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $prefer_vu .= $option . $choices[$i] . '"' . ( $s['STARTVIEW'] == $choices[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $choices_text[$i] . '</option>'; } // Allow user to select a view also. for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $views ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $views[$i]['cal_is_global'] != 'Y' ) continue; $xurl = $views[$i]['url']; $xurl_strip = str_replace ( '&', '&', $xurl ); $user_vu .= $option . $xurl . '"' . ( $s['STARTVIEW'] == $xurl_strip ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $views[$i]['cal_name'] . '</option>'; } foreach ( $menuthemes as $menutheme ) { $menu_theme_list .= $option . $menutheme . '"' . ( $s['MENU_THEME'] == $menutheme ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $menutheme . '</option>'; } foreach ( array ( // Document color choices. 'BGCOLOR' => translate ( 'Document background' ), 'H2COLOR' => translate ( 'Document title' ), 'TEXTCOLOR' => translate ( 'Document text' ), 'MYEVENTS' => translate ( 'My event text' ), 'TABLEBG' => translate ( 'Table grid color' ), 'THBG' => translate ( 'Table header background' ), 'THFG' => translate ( 'Table header text' ), 'CELLBG' => translate ( 'Table cell background' ), 'TODAYCELLBG' => translate ( 'Table cell background for current day' ), 'HASEVENTSBG' => translate ( 'Table cell background for days with events' ), 'WEEKENDBG' => translate ( 'Table cell background for weekends' ), 'OTHERMONTHBG' => translate ( 'Table cell background for other month' ), 'WEEKNUMBER' => translate ( 'Week number color' ), 'POPUP_BG' => translate ( 'Event popup background' ), 'POPUP_FG' => translate ( 'Event popup text' ) ) as $k => $v ) { $color_sets .= admin_print_color_input_html ( $k, $v ); } set_today ( date ( 'Ymd' ) ); ob_start (); echo ' <h2>' . translate ( 'System Settings' ) . '<img src="images/help.gif" alt="' . translate ( 'Help' ) . '" class="help" onclick="window.open( \'help_admin.php\', \'cal_help\', ' . '\'dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=400,width=400,innerHeight=420,' . 'outerWidth=420\' );" /></h2> <form action="admin.php" method="post" onsubmit="return valid_form( this );"' . ' name="prefform">' . display_admin_link () . ' <input type="hidden" name="currenttab" id="currenttab" value="' . $currenttab . '" /> <input type="submit" value="' . $saveStr . '" name="" /><br /><br /> <!-- TABS --> <div id="tabs">' . $tabs . ' </div> <!-- TABS BODY --> <div id="tabscontent"> <!-- DETAILS --> <div id="tabscontent_settings"> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'System options' ) . '</legend> <p><label for="admin_APPLICATION_NAME" title="' . tooltip ( 'app-name-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Application Name' ) . ':</label> <input type="text" size="40" name="admin_APPLICATION_NAME" ' . 'id="admin_APPLICATION_NAME" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $s['APPLICATION_NAME'] ) . '" />' . ( $s['APPLICATION_NAME'] == 'Title' /* translate ( 'Translated Name' ) */ ? str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'Title' ), translate ( 'Translated Name (XXX)' ) ) : '' ) . '</p> <p><label for="admin_SERVER_URL" title="' . tooltip ( 'server-url-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Server URL' ) . ':</label> <input type="text" size="70" name="admin_SERVER_URL" ' . 'id="admin_SERVER_URL" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $s['SERVER_URL'] ) . '" /></p> <p><label for="admin_HOME_LINK" title="' . tooltip ( 'home-url-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Home URL' ) . ':</label> <input type="text" size="40" name="admin_HOME_LINK" ' . 'id="admin_HOME_LINK" value="' . ( empty ( $s['HOME_LINK'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $s['HOME_LINK'] ) ) . '" /></p> <p><label for="admin_LANGUAGE" title="' . tooltip ( 'language-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Language' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_LANGUAGE" id="admin_LANGUAGE">' . $lang_list . ' </select>'/* translate ( 'Your browser default language is' ) */ . str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( get_browser_language ( true ) ), translate ( 'Your browser default language is XXX.' ) ) . '</p> <p><label>' . translate ( 'Allow user to use themes' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_USER_THEMES' ) . '</p> <p><label for="admin_THEME" title="' . tooltip ( 'themes-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Themes' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_THEME" id="admin_THEME"> <option disabled="disabled">' . translate ( 'AVAILABLE THEMES' ) . '</option>' /* Always use 'none' as default so we don't overwrite manual settings. */ . $option . 'none"' . $selected . '>' . translate ( 'None' ) . '</option>' . $theme_list . ' </select><input type="button" name="preview" value="' . translate ( 'Preview' ) . '" onclick="return showPreview()" /> </p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Site customization' ) . '</legend> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'custom-script-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Custom script/stylesheet' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'CUSTOM_SCRIPT' ); printf ( $editStr, 'S' ); echo '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'custom-header-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Custom header' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'CUSTOM_HEADER' ); printf ( $editStr, 'H' ); echo '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'custom-trailer-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Custom trailer' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'CUSTOM_TRAILER' ); printf ( $editStr, 'T' ); echo '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'enable-external-header-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow external file for header/script/trailer' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_EXTERNAL_HEADER' ) . '</p> <p><label>' . translate ( 'Allow user to override header/trailer' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_USER_HEADER' ) . '</p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Date and Time' ) . '</legend>' /* Determine if we can set timezones. If not don't display any options. */ . ( set_env ( 'TZ', $s['SERVER_TIMEZONE'] ) ? ' <p><label for="admin_SERVER_TIMEZONE" title="' . tooltip ( 'tz-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Server Timezone Selection' ) . ':</label>' . print_timezone_select_html ( 'admin_', $s['SERVER_TIMEZONE'] ) . '</p>' : '' ) . ' <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-general-use-gmt-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display Common Use Date/Times as GMT' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'GENERAL_USE_GMT' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'date-format-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Date format' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_DATE_FORMAT">' . $datestyle_ymd . ' </select>' . $choices_text[2] . ' ' . $choices_text[0] . ' ' . $choices_text[3] . '</p> <p><label> </label> <select name="admin_DATE_FORMAT_MY">' . $datestyle_my . ' </select>' . $choices_text[2] . ' ' . $choices_text[3] . '</p> <p><label> </label> <select name="admin_DATE_FORMAT_MD">' . $datestyle_md . ' </select>' . $choices_text[2] . ' ' . $choices_text[0] . '</p> <p><label> </label> <select name="admin_DATE_FORMAT_TASK">' . $datestyle_tk . ' </select>' . translate ( 'Small Task Date' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-week-starts-on' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Week starts on' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_WEEK_START" id="admin_WEEK_START">' . $start_wk_on . ' </select></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-weekend-starts-on' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Weekend starts on' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_WEEKEND_START" id="admin_WEEKEND_START">' . $start_wkend_on . ' </select></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'time-format-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Time format' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'TIME_FORMAT', array ( '12' => translate ( '12 hour' ), '24' => translate ( '24 hour' ) ) ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'timed-evt-len-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Specify timed event length by' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'TIMED_EVT_LEN', array ( 'D' => translate ( 'Duration' ), 'E' => translate ( 'End Time' ) ) ) . '</p> <p><label for="admin_WORK_DAY_START_HOUR" title="' . tooltip ( 'work-hours-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Work hours' ) . ':</label>' . translate ( 'From' ) . ' <select name="admin_WORK_DAY_START_HOUR" id="admin_WORK_DAY_START_HOUR">' . $work_hr_start . ' </select>' . translate ( 'to' ) . ' <select name="admin_WORK_DAY_END_HOUR" id="admin_WORK_DAY_END_HOUR">' . $work_hr_end . ' </select></p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Appearance' ) . '</legend> <p><label for="admin_STARTVIEW" title="' . tooltip ( 'preferred-view-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Preferred view' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_STARTVIEW" id="admin_STARTVIEW">' . $prefer_vu . $user_vu . ' </select></p> <p><label>' . translate ( 'Allow top menu' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'MENU_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <p><label>' . translate ( 'Date Selectors position' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'MENU_DATE_TOP', array ( 'Y' => $topStr, 'N' => $bottomStr ) ) . '</p> <p><label for="admin_MENU_THEME" title="' . tooltip ( 'menu-themes-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Menu theme' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_MENU_THEME" id="admin_MENU_THEME">' . $option . 'none"' . $selected . '>' . translate ( 'None' ) . '</option>' . $menu_theme_list . ' </select></p> <p><label for="admin_FONTS" title="' . tooltip ( 'fonts-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Fonts' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="40" name="admin_FONTS" id="admin_FONTS" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $s['FONTS'] ) . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-sm_month-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display small months' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_SM_MONTH' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-weekends-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display weekends' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_WEEKENDS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-long-daynames-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display long day names' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-alldays-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display all days in month view' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-week-number-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display week number' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-desc-print-day-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display description in printer day view' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_DESC_PRINT_DAY' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'yearly-shows-events-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display days with events in bold in month and year views' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-minutes-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display 00 minutes always' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_MINUTES' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-end-times-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display end times on calendars' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_END_TIMES' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-view-add-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Include add event link in views' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ADD_LINK_IN_VIEWS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'lunar-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display Lunar Phases in month view' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_MOON_PHASES' ) . '</p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Restrictions' ) . '</legend> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-view-other-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow viewing other users calendars' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'require-approvals-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Require event approvals' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'REQUIRE_APPROVALS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-unapproved-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display unapproved' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'conflict-check-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Check for event conflicts' ) . ':</label>' /* This control is logically reversed. */ . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_CONFLICTS', array ( 'N' => translate ( 'Yes' ), 'Y' => translate ( 'No' ) ) ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'conflict-months-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Conflict checking months' ) . ':</label> <input type="text" size="3" ' . 'name="admin_CONFLICT_REPEAT_MONTHS" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $s['CONFLICT_REPEAT_MONTHS'] ) . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'conflict-check-override-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow users to override conflicts' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_CONFLICT_OVERRIDE' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'limit-appts-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Limit number of timed events per day' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'LIMIT_APPTS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'limit-appts-number-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Maximum timed events per day' ) . ':</label> <input type="text" size="3" name="admin_LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $s['LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER'] ) . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'crossday-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Cross-Day Events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_CROSSDAY_EVENTS' ) . '</p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Events' ) . '</legend> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-location-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Location field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_LOCATION_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-url-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable URL field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_URL_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-priority-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Priority field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_PRIORITY_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-access-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Access field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_ACCESS_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-participants-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Participants field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_PARTICIPANTS_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-repeating-field-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Repeating field' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-html-description-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow HTML in Description' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION' ) . '</p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Popups' ) . '</legend> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'disable-popups-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Disable Pop-Ups' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISABLE_POPUPS', '', 'popup_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="pop"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'popup-includes-siteextras-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display Site Extras in popup' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'SITE_EXTRAS_IN_POPUP' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'popup-includes-participants-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display Participants in popup' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP' ) . '</p> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Miscellaneous' ) . '</legend> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'remember-last-login-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Remember last login' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'REMEMBER_LAST_LOGIN' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'summary_length-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Brief Description Length' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="3" name="admin_SUMMARY_LENGTH" value="' . $s['SUMMARY_LENGTH'] . '" /></p> <p><label for="admin_USER_SORT_ORDER" title="' . tooltip ( 'user_sort-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'User Sort Order' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_USER_SORT_ORDER" id="admin_USER_SORT_ORDER">' . $option . 'cal_lastname, cal_firstname" ' . ( $s['USER_SORT_ORDER'] == 'cal_lastname, cal_firstname' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Lastname, Firstname' ) . '</option>' . $option . 'cal_firstname, cal_lastname" ' . ( $s['USER_SORT_ORDER'] == 'cal_firstname, cal_lastname' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Firstname, Lastname' ) . '</option> </select></p> </fieldset> </div> <!-- END SETTINGS --> <!-- BEGIN PUBLIC ACCESS --> <div id="tabscontent_public"> <p><label title=" ' . tooltip ( 'allow-public-access-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow public access' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS', '', 'public_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="pa"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-default-visible' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access visible by default' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_VISIBLE' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-default-selected' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access is default participant' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_SELECTED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-view-others-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access can view other users' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-can-add-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access can add events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-add-requires-approval-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access new events require approval' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-sees-participants-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Public access can view participants' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_PART' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-override-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Override event name/description for public access' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'OVERRIDE_PUBLIC' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-override-text-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Text to display to public access' ) . ':</label><input name="admin_OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_TEXT" value="' . $s['OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_TEXT'] . '" size="25" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'public-access-captcha-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Require CAPTCHA validation for public access new events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ENABLE_CAPTCHA' ) . '</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <!-- BEGIN USER ACCESS CONTROL --> <p id="tabscontent_uac"><label title="' . tooltip ( 'uac-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'User Access Control enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UAC_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <!-- BEGIN GROUPS --> <div id="tabscontent_groups"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'groups-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Groups enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'GROUPS_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'user-sees-his-group-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'User sees only his groups' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS' ) . '</p> </div> <!-- BEGIN NONUSER --> <div id="tabscontent_nonuser"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'nonuser-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Nonuser enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'NONUSER_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'nonuser-list-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Nonuser list' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'NONUSER_AT_TOP', array ( 'Y' => $topStr, 'N' => $bottomStr ) ) . '</p> </div> <div id="tabscontent_other"> <!-- BEGIN UPCOMING EVENTS --> <fieldset><legend>' . translate('Upcoming Events') . '</legend> ' . htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'upcoming.php<br/> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_EVENTS', '', '', 'N' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-allow-override' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow user override' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_ALLOW_OVR', '', '', 'N' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-display-caticons' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display category icons' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_DISPLAY_CAT_ICONS', '', '', 'Y' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-display-layers' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display layers' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_DISPLAY_LAYERS', '', '', 'N' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-display-links' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display links to events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_DISPLAY_LINKS', '', '', 'Y' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'upcoming-events-display-popups' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display event popups' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'UPCOMING_DISPLAY_POPUPS', '', '', 'Y' ) . '</p> </fieldset> <!-- BEGIN REPORTS --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'reports-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Reports enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'REPORTS_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <!-- BEGIN PUBLISHING --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'subscriptions-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow remote subscriptions' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'PUBLISH_ENABLED' ) . '</p>' /* Determine if allow_url_fopen is enabled. */ . ( preg_match ( '/(On|1|true|yes)/i', ini_get ( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) ? ' <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'remotes-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow remote calendars' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'REMOTES_ENABLED' ) . '</p>' : '' ) . ' <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'rss-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Enable RSS feed' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'RSS_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <!-- BEGIN CATEGORIES --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'categories-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Categories enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'CATEGORIES_ENABLED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'icon_upload-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Category Icon Upload enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ENABLE_ICON_UPLOADS' ) . '' . ( ! is_dir ( 'icons/' ) /* translate ( 'Requires' ) translate ( 'folder to exist' ) */ ? str_replace ( 'XXX', 'icons', translate ( '(Requires XXX folder to exist.)' ) ) : '' ) . '</p> <!-- DISPLAY TASK PREFERENCES --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-tasks-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display small task list' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_TASKS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'display-tasks-in-grid-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Display tasks in Calendars' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID' ) . '</p> <!-- BEGIN EXT PARTICIPANTS --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-external-users-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow external users' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS', '', 'eu_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="eu"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'external-can-receive-notification-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'External users can receive email notifications' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATIONS' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'external-can-receive-reminder-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'External users can receive email reminders' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EXTERNAL_REMINDERS' ) . '</p> </div> <!-- BEGIN SELF REGISTRATION --> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-self-registration-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow self-registration' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_SELF_REGISTRATION', '', 'sr_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="sr"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'use-blacklist-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Restrict self-registration to blacklist' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'SELF_REGISTRATION_BLACKLIST' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-self-registration-full-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Use self-registration email notifications' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'SELF_REGISTRATION_FULL' ) . '</p><br /> </div> <!-- TODO add account aging feature. --> <!-- BEGIN ATTACHMENTS/COMMENTS --> <div><p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-attachment-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow file attachments to events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_ATTACH', '', 'attach_handler' ) . '</p><p id="at1" style="margin-left:25%"><strong>Note: </strong>' . translate ( 'Admin and owner can always add attachments if enabled.' ) . '<br />' . print_checkbox ( array ( 'ALLOW_ATTACH_PART', 'Y', $partyStr ) ) . print_checkbox ( array ( 'ALLOW_ATTACH_ANY', 'Y', $anyoneStr ) ) . '</p><br/><p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'allow-comments-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Allow comments to events' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_COMMENTS', '', 'comment_handler' ) . '</p><p id="com1" style="margin-left:25%"><strong>Note: </strong>' . translate ( 'Admin and owner can always add comments if enabled.' ) . '<br />' . print_checkbox ( array ( 'ALLOW_COMMENTS_PART', 'Y', $partyStr ) ) . print_checkbox ( array ( 'ALLOW_COMMENTS_ANY', 'Y', $anyoneStr ) ) . '</p><br /></div></div> <!-- BEGIN EMAIL --> <div id="tabscontent_email"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-enabled-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Email enabled' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'SEND_EMAIL', '', 'email_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="em"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-default-sender' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Default sender address' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="30" name="admin_EMAIL_FALLBACK_FROM" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $EMAIL_FALLBACK_FROM ) . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-mailer' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Email Mailer' ) . ':</label> <select name="admin_EMAIL_MAILER" onchange="email_handler()">' . $option . 'smtp" ' . ( $s['EMAIL_MAILER'] == 'smtp' ? $selected : '' ) . '>SMTP</option>' . $option . 'mail" ' . ( $s['EMAIL_MAILER'] == 'mail' ? $selected : '' ) . '>PHP mail</option>' . $option . 'sendmail" ' . ( $s['EMAIL_MAILER'] == 'sendmail' ? $selected : '' ) . '>sendmail</option> </select></p> <div id="em_smtp"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-smtp-host' ) . '">' . translate ( 'SMTP Host name(s)' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="50" name="admin_SMTP_HOST" value="' . $s['SMTP_HOST'] . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-smtp-port' ) . '">' . translate ( 'SMTP Port Number' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="4" name="admin_SMTP_PORT" value="' . $s['SMTP_PORT'] . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-smtp-auth' ) . '">' . translate ( 'SMTP Authentication' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'SMTP_AUTH', '', 'email_handler' ) . '</p> <div id="em_auth"> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-smtp-username' ) . '">' . translate ( 'SMTP Username' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="30" name="admin_SMTP_USERNAME" value="' . ( empty ( $s['SMTP_USERNAME'] ) ? '' : $s['SMTP_USERNAME'] ) . '" /></p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-smtp-password' ) . '">' . translate ( 'SMTP Password' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="30" name="admin_SMTP_PASSWORD" value="' . ( empty ( $s['SMTP_PASSWORD'] ) ? '' : $s['SMTP_PASSWORD'] ) . '" /></p> </div> </div> <p class="bold">' . translate ( 'Default user settings' ) . ':</p>' . "<blockquote id=\"default-user-settings\">\n" . '<p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-format' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Email format preference' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_HTML', array ( 'Y'=> translate ( 'HTML' ), 'N'=>translate ( 'Plain Text' ) ) ) . '</p>' . '<p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-include-ics' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Include iCalendar attachments' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_ATTACH_ICS' ) . '</p>' . '<p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-reminders-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Event reminders' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_REMINDER' ) . '</p>' . '<p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-added' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Events added to my calendar' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_ADDED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-updated' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Events updated on my calendar' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_UPDATED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-deleted' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Events removed from my calendar' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_DELETED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-rejected' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Event rejected by participant' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_REJECTED' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'email-event-create' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Event that I create' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_CREATE' ) . '</p> </blockquote> </div> </div> <!-- BEGIN COLORS --> <div id="tabscontent_colors"> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Color options' ) . '</legend> <!-- BEGIN EXAMPLE MONTH --> <div style="float:right; width:45%; margin:0; background:' . $BGCOLOR . '"> <p class="bold" style="text-align:center; color:' . $H2COLOR . ';">' . date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd' ), $DATE_FORMAT_MY, false ) . '</p>' . display_month ( date ( 'm' ), date ( 'Y' ), true ) . ' </div> <!-- END EXAMPLE MONTH --> <p><label>' . translate ( 'Allow user to customize colors' ) . ':</label>' . print_radio ( 'ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION' ) . '</p> <p><label title="' . tooltip ( 'gradient-colors' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Enable gradient images for background colors' ) . ':</label>' . ( function_exists ( 'imagepng' ) || function_exists ( 'imagegif' ) ? print_radio ( 'ENABLE_GRADIENTS' ) : translate ( 'Not available' ) ) . '</p><br />' . $color_sets . ' </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Background Image options' ) . '</legend> <p><label for="admin_BGIMAGE" title="' . tooltip ( 'bgimage-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Background Image' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="75" name="admin_BGIMAGE" id="admin_BGIMAGE" value="' . ( empty ( $s['BGIMAGE'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $s['BGIMAGE'] ) ) . '" /></p> <p><label for="admin_BGREPEAT" title="' . tooltip ( 'bgrepeat-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Background Repeat' ) . ':</label><input type="text" size="30" name="admin_BGREPEAT" id="admin_BGREPEAT" value="' . ( empty ( $s['BGREPEAT'] ) ? '' : $s['BGREPEAT'] ) . '" /></p> </fieldset> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"> <input type="submit" value="' . $saveStr . '" name="" /> </div> </form>'; ob_end_flush (); } else // if $error echo print_error ( $error, true ); echo print_trailer (); ?>