File: category_handler.php
<?php /* $Id: category_handler.php,v 2008/03/03 20:51:33 cknudsen Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; $icon_max_size = '3000'; $icon_path = 'icons/'; /* Rename any icons associated with this cat_id. */ function renameIcon ( $id ) { global $icon_path; $bakIcon = $catIcon = $icon_path . 'cat-'; $bakIcon .= date ( 'YmdHis' ) . '.gif'; $catIcon .= $id . '.gif'; if ( file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) rename ( $catIcon, $bakIcon ); } // Does the category belong to the user? $is_my_event = false; $id = getValue ( 'id' ); $catname = getValue ( 'catname' ); $catcolor = getValue ( 'catcolor' ); $isglobal = getValue ( 'isglobal' ); $delIcon = getPostValue ( 'delIcon' ); if ( empty ( $id ) ) $is_my_event = true; // New event. else { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cat_id, cat_owner FROM webcal_categories WHERE cat_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); $is_my_event = ( $row[0] == $id && $row[1] == $login || ( empty ( $row[1] ) && $is_admin ) ); dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = db_error (); } if ( ! empty ( $_FILES['FileName'] ) ) $file = $_FILES['FileName']; // Make sure we clear $file if no file was upoaded. if ( ! empty ( $file['tmp_name'] ) && $file['tmp_name'] == 'none' ) $file = ''; if ( ! $is_my_event ) $error = print_not_auth (5); $delete = getPostValue ( 'delete' ); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! empty ( $delete ) ) { // Delete this category. if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_categories WHERE cat_id = ? AND ( cat_owner = ?' . ( $is_admin ? ' OR cat_owner IS NULL )' : ' )' ), array ( $id, $login ) ) ) { $error = db_error (); } if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_categories WHERE cat_id = ? AND ( cat_owner = ?' . ( $is_admin ? ' OR cat_owner IS NULL )' : ' )' ), array ( $id, $login ) ) ) { $error = db_error (); } // Rename any icons associated with this cat_id. renameIcon ( $id ); } else if ( empty ( $error ) ) { if ( ! empty ( $id ) ) { # Update (don't let them change global status). if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'UPDATE webcal_categories SET cat_name = ?, cat_color = ? WHERE cat_id = ?', array ( $catname, $catcolor, $id ) ) ) $error = db_error (); if ( ! empty ( $delIcon ) && $delIcon == 'Y' ) renameIcon ( $id ); } else { // Add new category. // Get new id. $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT MAX( cat_id ) FROM webcal_categories' ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); $id = $row[0] + 1; dbi_free_result ( $res ); $catowner = ( $is_admin ? ( $isglobal == 'Y' ? null : $login ) : $login ); if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_categories ( cat_id, cat_owner, cat_name, cat_color ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )', array ( $id, $catowner, $catname, $catcolor ) ) ) $error = db_error (); } else $error = db_error (); } if ( empty ( $delIcon ) && is_dir( $icon_path ) && ( ! empty ( $ENABLE_ICON_UPLOADS ) && $ENABLE_ICON_UPLOADS == 'Y' || $is_admin ) ) { // Save icon if uploaded. if ( ! empty ( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) { if ( $file['type'] == 'image/gif' && $file['size'] <= $icon_max_size ) { // $icon_props = getimagesize ( $file['tmp_name'] ); // print_r ($icon_props ); $path_parts = pathinfo ( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ); $fullIcon = $path_parts['dirname'] . '/' . $icon_path . 'cat-' . $id . '.gif'; renameIcon ( $id ); $file_result = move_uploaded_file ( $file['tmp_name'], $fullIcon ); // echo "Upload Result:" . $file_result; } else if ( $file['size'] > $icon_max_size ) $error = translate ( 'File size exceeds maximum.' ); else if ( $file['type'] != 'image/gif' ) $error = translate ( 'File is not a gif image.' ); } // Copy icon if local file specified. $urlname = getPostvalue ( 'urlname' ); if ( ! empty ( $urlname ) && file_exists ( $icon_path . $urlname ) ) copy ( $icon_path . $urlname, $icon_path . 'cat-' . $id . '.gif' ); } } if ( empty ( $error ) ) do_redirect ( 'category.php' ); print_header (); echo print_error ( $error ) . print_trailer (); ?>