File: edit_entry.php
<?php /* $Id: edit_entry.php,v 2010/08/15 18:54:34 cknudsen Exp $ * * Description: * Presents page to edit/add an event/task/journal * * Notes: * A SysAdmin can enable HTML for event full descriptions. If one of the * supported HTML edit widgets is also installed, users can use WYSIWYG editing. * See the WebCalendar page at * http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php?topic=Add-Ons * for download and install instructions for these packages. */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; /* Generate HTML for a time selection for use in a form. * * @param string $prefix Prefix to use in front of form element names * @param string $time Currently selected time in HHMMSS * @param bool $trigger Add onchange event trigger that * calls javascript function $prefix_timechanged () * * @return string HTML for the selection box */ function time_selection ( $prefix, $time = '', $trigger = false ) { global $checked, $ENTRY_SLOTS, $selected, $TIME_FORMAT, $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; $amsel = $pmsel = $ret = ''; $trigger_str = ( $trigger ? 'onchange="' . $prefix . 'timechanged() ' : '' ); if ( ! isset ( $time ) && $time != 0 ) { $hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; $minute = 0; } else { $hour = floor ( $time / 10000 ); $minute = ( ( $time / 100 ) % 100 ) % 60; } if ( $TIME_FORMAT == '12' ) { $maxhour = 12; if ( $hour < 12 || $hour == 24 ) $amsel = $checked; else $pmsel = $checked; $hour %= 12; if ( $hour == 0 ) $hour = 12; } else { $maxhour = 24; $hour = sprintf ( "%02d", $hour ); } $minute = sprintf ( "%02d", $minute ); $ret .= ' <select ' . 'name="' . $prefix . 'hour" id="' . $prefix . 'hour" ' . $trigger_str . '>'; for ( $i = 0; $i < $maxhour; $i++ ) { $ihour = ( $TIME_FORMAT == '24' ? sprintf ( "%02d", $i ) : $i ); if ( $i == 0 && $TIME_FORMAT == '12' ) $ihour = 12; $ret .= ' <option value="' . "$i\"" . ( $ihour == $hour ? $selected : '' ) . ">$ihour" . '</option>'; } $ret .= ' </select>: <select ' . 'name="' . $prefix . 'minute" id="' . $prefix . 'minute" ' . $trigger_str . '>'; // We use $TIME_SLOTS to populate the minutes pulldown. $found = false; for ( $i = 0; $i < 60; ) { $imin = sprintf ( "%02d", $i ); $isselected = ''; if ( $imin == $minute ) { $found = true; $isselected = $selected; } $ret .= ' <option value="' . "$i\"$isselected>$imin" . '</option>'; $i += ( 1440 / $ENTRY_SLOTS ); } // We'll add an option with the exact time if not found above. return $ret . ( $found ? '' : ' <option value="' . "$minute\" $selected>$minute" . '</option>' ) . ' </select>' . ( $TIME_FORMAT == '12' ? ' <label><input type="radio" name="' . $prefix . 'ampm" id="' . $prefix . 'ampmA" value="0" ' . $amsel . ' /> ' . translate ( 'am' ) . '</label> <label><input type="radio" name="' . $prefix . 'ampm" id="' . $prefix . 'ampmP" value="12" ' . $pmsel . ' /> ' . translate ( 'pm' ) . '</label>' : ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . 'ampm" value="0" />' ); } $daysStr = translate ( 'days' ); $hoursStr = translate ( 'hours' ); $minutStr = translate ( 'minutes' ); $saveStr = translate ( 'Save' ); load_user_categories (); // Default for using tabs is enabled. if ( empty ( $EVENT_EDIT_TABS ) ) $EVENT_EDIT_TABS = 'Y'; // default $useTabs = ( $EVENT_EDIT_TABS == 'Y' ); // Make sure this is not a read-only calendar. $can_edit = false; $others_complete = 'yes'; $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $selected = ' selected="selected"'; // Public access can only add events, not edit. if ( empty ( $login ) || ( $login == '__public__' && $id > 0 ) ) $id = 0; $eType = getGetValue ( 'eType' ); if ( empty ( $eType ) ) $eType = 'event'; $copy = getValue ( 'copy', '[01]' ); $date = getValue ( 'date', '-?[0-9]+' ); $day = getValue ( 'day', '-?[0-9]+' ); $month = getValue ( 'month', '-?[0-9]+' ); $year = getValue ( 'year', '-?[0-9]+' ); if ( empty ( $date ) && empty ( $month ) ) { if ( empty ( $year ) ) $year = date ( 'Y' ); $month = date ( 'm' ); if ( empty ( $day ) ) $day = date ( 'd' ); $date = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day ); } $BodyX = 'onload="onLoad();"'; $INC = array ( 'js/edit_entry.php/false/' . $user, 'js/visible.php' ); $textareasize = '15'; // Can we use HTMLArea or FCKEditor? (Relax! That's the authors initials.) // Note: HTMLArea has been discontinued, so FCKEditor is preferred. $use_fckeditor = $use_htmlarea = false; if ( $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION == 'Y' ) { // Allow HTML in description. // If they have installed an HTML edit widget, make use of it. if ( file_exists ( 'includes/FCKeditor-2.0/fckeditor.js' ) && file_exists ( 'includes/FCKeditor-2.0/fckconfig.js' ) ) { $textareasize = '20'; $use_fckeditor = true; } else if ( file_exists ( 'includes/htmlarea/htmlarea.php' ) ) { $BodyX = 'onload="onLoad();initEditor();'; $INC[] = 'htmlarea/core.php/true'; $INC[] = 'htmlarea/htmlarea.php/true'; $use_htmlarea = true; } } $byday = $bymonth = $bymonthday = $bysetpos = $participants = array (); $exceptions = $inclusions = $reminder = array (); $byweekno = $byyearday = $catList = $catNames = $external_users = $rpt_count = ''; $create_by = $login; //This is the default per RFC2445 //We could override it and use $byday_names[$WEEK_START] $wkst = 'MO'; $real_user = ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_admin ) ) ? $user : $login; print_header ( $INC, '', $BodyX, false, false, false, true ); ob_start (); if ( $readonly == 'Y' || $is_nonuser ) $can_edit = false; else if ( ! empty ( $id ) && $id > 0 ) { // First see who has access to edit this entry. if ( $is_admin ) $can_edit = true; $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_create_by, cal_date, cal_time, cal_mod_date, cal_mod_time, cal_duration, cal_priority, cal_type, cal_access, cal_name, cal_description, cal_group_id, cal_location, cal_due_date, cal_due_time, cal_completed, cal_url FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); // If current user is creator of event, then they can edit. if ( $row[0] == $login ) $can_edit = true; $cal_date = ( ! empty ( $override ) && ! empty ( $date ) ? $date // Leave $cal_date to what was set in URL with date=YYYYMMDD. : $row[1] ); $create_by = $row[0]; if ( ( $user == $create_by ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ) ) $can_edit = true; $cal_time = sprintf ( "%06d", $row[2] ); $due_date = $row[13]; $due_time = $row[14]; $calTS = date_to_epoch ( $cal_date . $cal_time ); // Don't adjust for All Day entries. if ( $cal_time > 0 || ( $cal_time == 0 && $row[5] != 1440 ) ) { $cal_date = date ( 'Ymd', $calTS ); $cal_time = date ( 'His', $calTS ); } $hour = floor ( $cal_time / 10000 ); $minute = ( $cal_time / 100 ) % 100; $dueTS = date_to_epoch ( $due_date . $due_time ); $due_date = date ( 'Ymd', $dueTS ); $due_time = date ( 'His', $dueTS ); $due_hour = floor ( $due_time / 10000 ); $due_minute = ( $due_time / 100 ) % 100; $priority = $row[6]; $type = $row[7]; $access = $row[8]; $name = $row[9]; $description = $row[10]; $parent = $row[11]; $location = $row[12]; $completed = ( empty ( $row[15] ) ? date ( 'Ymd' ) : $row[15] ); $cal_url = $row[16]; // What kind of entry are we dealing with? if ( strpos ( 'EM', $type ) !== false ) $eType = 'event'; elseif ( strpos ( 'JO', $type ) !== false ) $eType = 'journal'; elseif ( strpos ( 'NT', $type ) !== false ) $eType = 'task'; // Public access has no access to tasks. // translate ( 'You are not authorized to edit this task' ) if ( $login == '__public__' && $eType == 'task' ) echo str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'task' ), translate ( 'You are not authorized to edit this XXX.' ) ); // Check UAC. if ( access_is_enabled () ) $can_edit = access_user_calendar ( 'edit', $create_by, $login, $type, $access ); $day = $cal_date % 100; $month = ( $cal_date / 100 ) % 100; $year = intval ( $cal_date / 10000 ); $time = $row[2]; if ( $time >= 0 ) $duration = $row[5]; else { $duration = ''; $hour = -1; } // Check for repeating event info... // but not if we're overriding a single entry of an already repeating event... // confusing, eh? if ( ! empty ( $override ) ) { $rpt_end = 0; $rpt_end_date = $cal_date; $rpt_freq = 1; $rpt_type = 'none'; } else { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_id, cal_type, cal_end, cal_endtime, cal_frequency, cal_byday, cal_bymonth, cal_bymonthday, cal_bysetpos, cal_byweekno, cal_byyearday, cal_wkst, cal_count FROM webcal_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $rpt_type = $row[1]; $rpt_end = ( $row[2] > 0 ? date_to_epoch ( $row[2] . $row[3] ) : 0 ); if ( empty ( $row[2] ) ) { $rpt_end_date = $cal_date; $rpt_end_time = $cal_time; } else { $rpt_endTS = date_to_epoch ( $row[2] . $row[3] ); $rpt_end_date = date ( 'Ymd', $rpt_endTS ); $rpt_end_time = date ( 'His', $rpt_endTS ); } $rpt_freq = $row[4]; if ( ! empty ( $row[5] ) ) $byday = explode ( ',', $row[5] ); $bydayStr = $row[5]; if ( ! empty ( $row[6] ) ) $bymonth = explode ( ',', $row[6] ); if ( ! empty ( $row[7] ) ) $bymonthday = explode ( ',', $row[7] ); $bymonthdayStr = $row[7]; if ( ! empty ( $row[8] ) ) $bysetpos = explode ( ',', $row[8] ); $bysetposStr = $row[8]; $byweekno = $row[9]; $byyearday = $row[10]; $wkst = $row[11]; $rpt_count = $row[12]; // Check to see if Weekends Only is applicable. $weekdays_only = ( $rpt_type == 'daily' && $byday == 'MO,TU,WE,TH,FR' ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_percent, cal_status FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $overall_percent[] = $row; if ( $login == $row[0] || ( $is_admin && $user == $row[0] ) ) { $task_percent = $row[1]; $task_status = $row[2]; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // Determine if Expert mode needs to be set. $expert_mode = ( count ( $byday ) || count ( $bymonth ) || count ( $bymonthday ) || count ( $bysetpos ) || isset ( $byweekno ) || isset ( $byyearday ) || isset ( $rpt_count ) ); // Get Repeat Exceptions. $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_date, cal_exdate FROM webcal_entry_repeats_not WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( $row[1] == 1 ) $exceptions[] = $row[0]; else $inclusions[] = $row[0]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } if ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $catById = get_categories_by_id ( $id, $real_user, true ); if ( ! empty ( $catById ) ) { $catNames = implode ( ', ', $catById ); $catList = implode ( ',', array_keys ( $catById ) ); } } //end CATEGORIES_ENABLED test // Get reminders. $reminder = getReminders ( $id ); $reminder_offset = ( empty ( $reminder ) ? 0 : $reminder['offset'] ); $rem_status = ( count ( $reminder )); $rem_use_date = ( ! empty ( $reminder['date'] ) ); // Get participants. $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_status FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_status IN ( \'A\', \'W\' )', array ( $id ) ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $participants[$row[0]] = 1; $selectedStatus[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // Not allowed for tasks or journals. if ( $eType == 'event' && ! empty ( $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS ) && $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS == 'Y' ) $external_users = event_get_external_users ( $id ); } else { // ########## New entry ################ $id = 0; // To avoid warnings below about use of undefined var. // We'll use $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR and $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR // as our starting and due times. $cal_time = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR . '0000'; $completed = ''; $due_hour = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR; $due_minute = $task_percent = 0; $due_time = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR . '0000'; $overall_percent = array (); // Get category if passed in URL as cat_id. $cat_id = getValue ( 'cat_id', '-?[0-9,\-]*', true ); if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cat_name FROM webcal_categories WHERE cat_id = ? AND ( cat_owner = ? OR cat_owner IS NULL )', array ( $cat_id, $real_user ) ); if ( $res ) { $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); $catNames = $row[0]; $catList = $cat_id; } } // Reminder settings. $reminder_offset = ( $REMINDER_WITH_DATE == 'N' ? $REMINDER_OFFSET : 0 ); $rem_status = ( $REMINDER_DEFAULT == 'Y' ); $rem_use_date = ( $reminder_offset == 0 && $REMINDER_WITH_DATE == 'Y' ); if ( $eType == 'task' ) $hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; // Anything other then testing for strlen breaks either hour=0 or no hour in URL. if ( strlen ( $hour ) ) $time = $hour * 100; else $hour = $time = -1; if ( ! empty ( $defusers ) ) { $tmp_ar = explode ( ',', $defusers ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $tmp_ar ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $participants[$tmp_ar[$i]] = 1; } } //Add the logged in user if none other supplied if ( count ( $participants ) == 0 ) $participants[$login] = 1; if ( $readonly == 'N' ) { // Is public allowed to add events? if ( $login == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD != 'Y' ) $can_edit = false; else $can_edit = true; } } $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd' ); $thisday = $day; $thismonth = $month; $thisyear = $year; if ( empty ( $rpt_type ) || ! $rpt_type ) $rpt_type = 'none'; // Avoid error for using undefined vars. if ( ! isset ( $hour ) && $hour != 0 ) $hour = -1; else if ( isset ( $hour ) && $hour >= 0 ) $cal_time = ( $hour * 10000 ) + ( isset ( $minute ) ? $minute * 100 : 0 ); if ( empty ( $access ) ) $access = ''; if ( empty ( $cal_url ) ) $cal_url = ''; if ( empty ( $description ) || $description == '<br />' ) $description = ''; if ( empty ( $duration ) ) $duration = 0; if ( $duration == 1440 && $time == 0 ) { $duration = $hour = $minute = ''; $allday = 'Y'; } else $allday = 'N'; if ( empty ( $location ) ) $location = ''; if ( empty ( $name ) ) $name = ''; if ( empty ( $priority ) ) $priority = 5; if ( empty ( $rpt_end_date ) ) $rpt_end_date = 0; if ( empty ( $rpt_end_time ) ) $rpt_end_time = 0; if ( empty ( $rpt_freq ) ) $rpt_freq = 0; if ( empty ( $cal_date ) ) { $cal_date = ( ! empty ( $date ) && $eType != 'task' ? $date : $dateYmd ); if ( empty ( $due_date ) ) $due_date = $dateYmd; } if ( empty ( $thisyear ) ) $thisdate = $dateYmd; else { $thisdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, empty ( $thismonth ) ? date ( 'm' ) : $thismonth, empty ( $thisday ) ? date ( 'd' ) : $thisday ); } if ( empty ( $cal_date ) || ! $cal_date ) $cal_date = $thisdate; if ( empty ( $due_date ) || ! $due_date ) $due_date = $thisdate; // Setup to display user's timezone difference if Admin or Assistant. // Even though event is stored in GMT, // an Assistant may need to know that the boss is in a different Timezone. if ( $is_assistant || $is_admin && ! empty ( $user ) ) { $tz_offset = date ( 'Z', date_to_epoch ( $cal_date . $cal_time ) ); $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting ( $user, 'TIMEZONE' ); set_env ( 'TZ', $user_TIMEZONE ); $user_tz_offset = date ( 'Z', date_to_epoch ( $cal_date . $cal_time ) ); if ( $tz_offset != $user_tz_offset ) { // Different TZ_Offset. user_load_variables ( $user, 'temp' ); $tz_diff = ( $user_tz_offset - $tz_offset ) / 3600; $abs_diff = abs ( $tz_diff ); // translate ( 'is in a different timezone than you are. Currently' ) // translate ( 'hour ahead of you' ) translate ( 'hour behind you' ) // translate ( 'hours ahead of you' ) translate ( 'hours behind you' ) // translate ( 'XXX is in a different timezone (ahead)' ) // translate ( 'XXX is in a different timezone (behind)' ) // Line breaks in translates below are to bypass update_translation.pl. $TZ_notice = str_replace ( 'XXX', array ( $tempfullname, // TODO show hh:mm instead of abs. $abs_diff . ' ' . translate ( 'hour' . ( $abs_diff == 1 ? '' : 's' ) ), translate ( 'Time entered here is based on your Timezone.' ) ), translate ( 'XXX is in a different timezone (' . ( $tz_diff > 0 ? 'ahead)' : 'behind)' ) ) ); } // Return to $login TIMEZONE. set_env ( 'TZ', $TIMEZONE ); } $eType_label = ' ( ' . translate ( $eType ) . ' )'; echo ' <h2>' . ( $id ? translate ( 'Edit Entry' ) : translate ( 'Add Entry' ) ) . $eType_label . ' <img src="images/help.gif" alt="' . translate ( 'Help' ) . '" class="help" onclick="window.open( \'help_edit_entry.php' . ( empty ( $id ) ? '?add=1' : '' ) . '\', \'cal_help\', \'dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=400,width=400,' . 'innerHeight=420,outerWidth=420\' );" /></h2>'; if ( $can_edit ) { $tabs_ar = array ( 'details', translate ( 'Details' ) ); if ( $DISABLE_PARTICIPANTS_FIELD != 'Y' ) { $tabs_ar[] = 'participants'; $tabs_ar[] = translate ( 'Participants' ); } if ( $DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD != 'Y' ) { $tabs_ar[] = 'pete'; $tabs_ar[] = translate ( 'Repeat' ); } if ( $DISABLE_REMINDER_FIELD != 'Y' ) { $tabs_ar[] = 'reminder'; $tabs_ar[] = translate ( 'Reminders' ); } $tabs = ''; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $tabs_ar ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $tabs .= ' <span class="tab' . ( $i > 0 ? 'bak' : 'for' ) . '" id="tab_' . $tabs_ar[$i] . '"><a href="#tab' . $tabs_ar[$i] . '" onclick="return showTab( \'' . $tabs_ar[$i] . '\' )">' . $tabs_ar[++$i] . '</a></span>'; } echo ' <form action="edit_entry_handler.php" method="post" name="editentryform" ' . 'id="editentryform"> <input type="hidden" name="eType" value="' . $eType . '" />' . ( ! empty ( $id ) && ( empty ( $copy ) || $copy != '1' ) ? ' <input type="hidden" name="cal_id" value="' . $id . '" />' : '' ) /* We need an additional hidden input field. */ . ' <input type="hidden" name="entry_changed" value="" />' // Are we overriding an entry from a repeating event... . ( empty ( $override ) ? '' : ' <input type="hidden" name="override" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="override_date" value="' . $cal_date . '" />' ) // If assistant, need to remember boss = user. . ( $is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin || ! empty ( $user ) ? ' <input type="hidden" name="user" value="' . $user . '" />' : '' ) // If has cal_group_id was set, need to set parent = $parent. . ( empty ( $parent ) ? '' : ' <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="' . $parent . '" />' ) . ' <!-- TABS -->' . ( $useTabs ? ' <div id="tabs">' . $tabs . ' </div>' : '' ) . ' <!-- TABS BODY -->' . ( $useTabs ? ' <div id="tabscontent"> <!-- DETAILS --> <a name="tabdetails"></a> <div id="tabscontent_details">' : ' <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Details' ) . '</legend>' ) . ' <table border="0" summary=""> <tr> <td style="width:14%;" class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'brief-description-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_brief">' . translate ( 'Brief Description' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="name" id="entry_brief" ' . 'size="25" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $name ) . '" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tooltip aligntop" title="' . tooltip ( 'full-description-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_full">' . translate ( 'Full Description' ) . ':</label></td> <td><textarea name="description" id="entry_full" rows="' . $textareasize . '" cols="50"' . '>' . htmlspecialchars ( $description ) . '</textarea></td>' . ( $use_fckeditor || $use_htmlarea ? ' </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"' : ' <td' ) . ' class="aligntop">' . ( ! empty ( $categories ) || $DISABLE_ACCESS_FIELD != 'Y' || ( $DISABLE_PRIORITY_FIELD != 'Y' ) /* New table for extra fields. */ ? ' <table border="0" width="90%" summary="">' : '' ) . ( $DISABLE_ACCESS_FIELD != 'Y' ? ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'access-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_access">' . translate ( 'Access' ) . ':</label></td> <td width="80%"> <select name="access" id="entry_access"> <option value="P"' . ( $access == 'P' || ! strlen ( $access ) ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Public' ) . '</option> <option value="R"' . ( $access == 'R' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Private' ) . '</option> <option value="C"' . ( $access == 'C' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Confidential' ) . '</option> </select> </td> </tr>' : '' ); if ( $DISABLE_PRIORITY_FIELD != 'Y' ) { echo ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'priority-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_prio">' . translate ( 'Priority' ) . ': </label></td> <td> <select name="priority" id="entry_prio">'; $pri = array ( '', translate ( 'High' ), translate ( 'Medium' ), translate ( 'Low' ) ); for ( $i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++ ) { echo ' <option value="' . $i . '"' . ( $priority == $i ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $i . '-' . $pri[ceil ( $i / 3 )] . '</option>'; } echo ' </select> </td> </tr>'; } echo ( ! empty ( $categories ) && $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' ? ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'category-help' ) . '" valign="top"> <label for="entry_categories">' . translate ( 'Category' ) . ':<br /></label> <input type="button" value="' . translate ( 'Edit' ) . '" onclick="editCats( event )" /> </td> <td valign="top"> <input readonly="readonly" type="text" name="catnames" ' . 'id="entry_categories" value="' . $catNames . '" size="30" onclick="editCats( event )"/> <input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="' . $catList . '" /> </td> </tr>' : '' ) . ( ! empty ( $categories ) || $DISABLE_ACCESS_FIELD != 'Y' || ( $DISABLE_PRIORITY_FIELD != 'Y' ) ? ' </table>' : '' ); if ( $eType == 'task' ) { // Only for tasks. $completed_visible = ( strlen ( $completed ) ? 'visible' : 'hidden' ); echo '<br /> <table border="0" summary=""> <tr id="completed"> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'completed-help' ) . '"><label for="task_percent">' . translate ( 'Date Completed' ) . ': </label></td> <td>' . date_selection ( 'completed_', $completed ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'percent-help' ) . '"><label for="task_percent">' . translate ( 'Percent Complete' ) . ': </label></td> <td> <select name="percent" id="task_percent" ' . 'onchange="completed_handler()">'; for ( $i = 0; $i < 101; $i += 10 ) { echo ' <option value="' . "$i\" " . ( $task_percent == $i ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $i . '</option>'; } echo ' </select> </td> </tr>'; if ( ! empty ( $overall_percent ) ) { echo ' <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" ' . 'cellspacing="5" summary=""> <tr> <td colspan="2">' . translate ( 'All Percentages' ) . '</td> </tr>'; $others_complete = 'yes'; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $overall_percent ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { user_load_variables ( $overall_percent[$i][0], 'percent' ); echo ' <tr> <td>' . $percentfullname . '</td> <td>' . $overall_percent[$i][1] . '</td> </tr>'; if ( $overall_percent[$i][0] != $real_user && $overall_percent[$i][1] < 100 ) $others_complete = 'no'; } echo ' </table>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="others_complete" value="' . $others_complete . '" />'; } //end tasks only echo ' </td> </tr>' . ( $DISABLE_LOCATION_FIELD != 'Y' ? ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'location-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_location">' . translate ( 'Location' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="location" ' . 'id="entry_location" size="55" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $location ) . '" /></td> </tr>' : '' ) . ( $DISABLE_URL_FIELD != 'Y' ? ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'url-help' ) . '"><label for="entry_url">' . translate ( 'URL' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="entry_url" id="entry_url" ' . 'size="100" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $cal_url ) . '" /></td> </tr>' : '' ) . ' <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'date-help' ) . '"><label>' . ( $eType == 'task' ? translate ( 'Start Date' ) : translate ( 'Date' ) ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2">' . date_selection ( '', $cal_date ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td'; if ( $eType != 'task' ) { $dur_h = intval ( $duration / 60 ); echo '> </td> <td colspan="2"> <select name="timetype" onchange="timetype_handler()"> <option value="U" ' . ( $allday != 'Y' && $hour == -1 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Untimed event' ) . '</option> <option value="T" ' . ( $allday != 'Y' && $hour >= 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Timed event' ) . '</option> <option value="A" ' . ( $allday == 'Y' ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'All day event' ) . '</option> </select> </td> </tr>' . ( empty ( $TZ_notice ) ? '' : ' <tr id="timezonenotice"> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'Time entered here is based on your Timezone.' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Timezone Offset' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2">' . $TZ_notice . '</td> </tr>' ) . ' <tr id="timeentrystart" style="visibility:hidden;"> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'time-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Time' ) . ':' . '</td> <td colspan="2">' . time_selection ( 'entry_', $cal_time ); if ( $TIMED_EVT_LEN != 'E' ) { echo ' </td> </tr> <tr id="timeentryduration" style="visibility:hidden;"> <td><span class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'duration-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Duration' ) . ': </span></td> <td colspan="2"> <input type="text" name="duration_h" id="duration_h" size="2" ' . 'maxlength="2" value="'; if ( $allday != 'Y' ) printf ( "%d", $dur_h ); echo '" />: <input type="text" name="duration_m" id="duration_m" size="2" ' . 'maxlength="2" value="'; if ( $allday != 'Y' ) printf ( "%02d", $duration - ( $dur_h * 60 ) ); echo '" /> (<label for="duration_h">' . $hoursStr . '</label>: <label for="duration_m">' . $minutStr . '</label>) </td> </tr>'; } else echo ' <span id="timeentryend" class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'end-time-help' ) . '"> - ' . time_selection ( 'end_', ( $id ? add_duration ( $cal_time, $duration ) : $cal_time ) ) . '</span> </td> </tr>'; } else { // eType == task echo ' class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'time-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Start Time' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2">' . time_selection ( 'entry_', $cal_time ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'date-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Due Date' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2">' . date_selection ( 'due_', $due_date ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'time-help' ) . '">' . translate ( 'Due Time' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2">' . time_selection ( 'due_', $due_time ) . '</td> </tr>'; } // Site-specific extra fields (see site_extras.php). // load and display any site-specific fields. if ( $id > 0 ) $extras = get_site_extra_fields ( $id ); $site_extracnt = count ( $site_extras ); echo ' </table>' . ( $site_extracnt ? ( ! empty ( $site_extras[0]['FIELDSET'] ) ? ' <div> <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Site Extras' ) . '</legend>' : '' ) . ' <table summary="">' : '' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $site_extracnt; $i++ ) { if ( $site_extras[$i] == 'FIELDSET' ) continue; $extra_name = $site_extras[$i][0]; $extra_descr = $site_extras[$i][1]; $extra_type = $site_extras[$i][2]; $extra_arg1 = $site_extras[$i][3]; $extra_arg2 = $site_extras[$i][4]; // Default value if needed. $defIdx = ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? $extra_arg2 : $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); echo ' <tr> <td class="aligntop bold">' . ( $extra_type == EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT ? '<br />' : '' ) . translate ( $extra_descr ) . ':</td> <td>'; if ( $extra_type == EXTRA_URL ) echo ' <input type="text" size="50" name="' . $extra_name . '" value="' . ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ) . '" />'; elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_EMAIL ) echo ' <input type="text" size="30" name="' . $extra_name . '" value="' . ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ) . '" />'; elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_DATE ) echo date_selection ( $extra_name, ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ) ? $cal_date : $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ) ); elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_TEXT ) { $size = ( $extra_arg1 > 0 ? $extra_arg1 : 50 ); echo ' <input type="text" size="' . $size . '" name="' . $extra_name . '" value="' . ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ) . '" />'; } elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT ) echo ' <textarea rows="' . ( $extra_arg2 > 0 ? $extra_arg2 : 5 ) . '" cols="' . ( $extra_arg1 > 0 ? $extra_arg1 : 50 ) . '" name="' . $extra_name . '">' . ( empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? '' : htmlspecialchars ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ) . '</textarea>'; elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_USER ) { // Show list of calendar users... echo ' <select name="' . $extra_name . '"> <option value="">None</option>'; $userlist = get_my_users ( get_my_users ); $usercnt = count ( $userlist ); for ( $j = 0; $j < $usercnt; $j++ ) { if ( access_is_enabled () && ! access_user_calendar ( 'view', $userlist[$j]['cal_login'] ) ) continue; // Cannot view calendar so cannot add to their cal. echo ' <option value="' . $userlist[$j]['cal_login'] . '"' . ( ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) && ( $userlist[$j]['cal_login'] == $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . $userlist[$j]['cal_fullname'] . '</option>'; } echo ' </select>'; } elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_SELECTLIST ) { // Show custom select list. $extraSelectArr = $isMultiple = $multiselect = ''; if ( is_array ( $extra_arg1 ) ) { $extra_arg1cnt = count ( $extra_arg1 ); if ( $extra_arg2 > 0 ) { $multiselect = ' multiple="multiple" size="' . min ( $extra_arg2, $extra_arg1cnt ) . '" '; $isMultiple = '[]'; if ( ! empty ( $extras ) ) $extraSelectArr = explode ( ',', $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); } echo ' <select name="' . $extra_name . $isMultiple . '"' . $multiselect . '>'; for ( $j = 0; $j < $extra_arg1cnt; $j++ ) { echo ' <option value="' . $extra_arg1[$j] . '" '; if ( ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) ) { if ( $extra_arg2 == 0 && $extra_arg1[$j] == $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ) echo $selected; else if ( $extra_arg2 > 0 && in_array ( $extra_arg1[$j], $extraSelectArr ) ) echo $selected; } else echo ( $j == 0 ? $selected : '' ); echo '>' . $extra_arg1[$j] . '</option>'; } } echo ' </select>'; } elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_RADIO ) // Show custom radio selections. echo print_radio ( $extra_name, $extra_arg1, '', $defIdx ); elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_CHECKBOX ) // Show custom checkbox option. echo print_checkbox ( array ( $extra_name, $extra_arg1, '', $defIdx ) ); echo ' </td> </tr>'; } if ( $site_extracnt ) { echo ' </table>' . ( empty ( $site_extras[0]['FIELDSET'] ) ? '' : ' </fieldset> </div>' ); } // end site-specific extra fields echo ( $useTabs ? ' </div>' : ' </fieldset>' ) . ' <!-- PARTICIPANTS -->' . ( $useTabs ? ' <a name="tabparticipants"></a> <div id="tabscontent_participants">' : ' <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Participants' ) . '</legend>' ) . ' <table>'; // . // Only ask for participants if we are multi-user. $show_participants = ( $DISABLE_PARTICIPANTS_FIELD != 'Y' ); if ( $is_admin ) $show_participants = true; if ( $login == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS != 'Y' ) $show_participants = false; if ( $single_user == 'N' && $show_participants ) { $userlist = get_my_users ( $create_by, 'invite' ); if ( $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { // Include public NUCs. $nonusers = get_my_nonusers ( $real_user, false ); $userlist = ( $NONUSER_AT_TOP == 'Y' ? array_merge ( $nonusers, $userlist ) : array_merge ( $userlist, $nonusers ) ); } $num_users = $size = 0; $usercnt = count ( $userlist ); $users = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $usercnt; $i++ ) { $l = $userlist[$i]['cal_login']; $size++; $users .= ' <option value="' . $l . '"'; if ( $id > 0 ) { if ( ! empty ( $participants[$l] ) ) $users .= $selected; } else { if ( ! empty ( $defusers ) && ! empty ( $participants[$l] ) ) // Default selection of participants was in the URL. $users .= $selected; if ( ( $l == $login && ! $is_assistant && ! $is_nonuser_admin ) || ( ! empty ( $user ) && $l == $user ) ) $users .= $selected; if ( $l == '__public__' && ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_SELECTED ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_SELECTED == 'Y' ) $users .= $selected; } $users .= '>' . $userlist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . '</option>'; } if ( $size > 50 ) $size = 15; elseif ( $size > 5 ) $size = 5; echo ' <tr title="' . tooltip ( 'participants-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltipselect"><label for="entry_part">' . translate ( 'Participants' ) . ':</label></td> <td> <select name="participants[]" id="entry_part" size="' . $size . '" multiple="multiple">' . $users . ' </select>' . ( $GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' ? ' <input type="button" onclick="selectUsers()" value="' . translate ( 'Select' ) . '..." />' : '' ) . ' <input type="button" onclick="showSchedule()" value="' . translate ( 'Availability' ) . '..." /> </td> </tr>' // External users. . ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS ) && $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_USERS == 'Y' ? ' <tr title="' . tooltip ( 'external-participants-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip aligntop"><label for="entry_extpart">' . translate ( 'External Participants' ) . ':</label></td> <td><textarea name="externalparticipants" id="entry_extpart" rows="5" ' . 'cols="40">' . $external_users . '</textarea></td> </tr>' : '' ); } echo ' </table>' . ( $useTabs ? ' </div>' : ' </fieldset>' ) . ' <!-- REPEATING INFO -->'; if ( $DISABLE_REPEATING_FIELD != 'Y' ) { echo ( $useTabs ? ' <a name="tabpete"></a> <div id="tabscontent_pete">' : ' <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Repeat' ) . '</legend>' ) . ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" summary=""> <tr> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-type-help' ) . '"><label for="rpttype">' . translate ( 'Type' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2"> <select name="rpt_type" id="rpttype" ' . 'onchange="rpttype_handler(); rpttype_weekly()"> <option value="none"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'none' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'None' ) . '</option> <option value="daily"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'daily' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Daily' ) . '</option> <option value="weekly"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'weekly' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Weekly' ) . '</option> <option value="monthlyByDay"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'monthlyByDay' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) // translate ( 'Monthly' ) translate ( 'by day' ) translate ( 'by date' ) // translate ( 'by position' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Monthly (by day)' ) . '</option> <option value="monthlyByDate"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'monthlyByDate' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Monthly (by date)' ) . '</option> <option value="monthlyBySetPos"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'monthlyBySetPos' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Monthly (by position)' ) . '</option> <option value="yearly"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'yearly' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Yearly' ) . '</option> <option value="manual"' . ( strcmp ( $rpt_type, 'manual' ) == 0 ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( 'Manual' ) . '</option> </select> <label id="rpt_mode"><input ' . 'type="checkbox" name="rptmode" id="rptmode" value="y" ' . 'onclick="rpttype_handler()" ' . ( empty ( $expert_mode ) ? '' : $checked ) . '/>' . translate ( 'Expert Mode' ) . '</label> </td> </tr> <tr id="rptenddate1" style="visibility:hidden;"> <td class="tooltip" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-end-date-help' ) . '" rowspan="3"><label for="rpt_day">' . translate ( 'Ending' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2" class="boxtop boxright boxleft"><input type="radio" ' . 'name="rpt_end_use" id="rpt_untilf" value="f" ' . ( empty ( $rpt_end ) && empty ( $rpt_count ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' onclick="toggle_until()" /><label for="rpt_untilf">' . translate ( 'Forever' ) . '</label></td> </tr> <tr id="rptenddate2" style="visibility:hidden;"> <td class="boxleft"><input type="radio" name="rpt_end_use" ' . 'id="rpt_untilu" value="u" ' . ( empty ( $rpt_end ) ? '' : $checked ) . ' onclick="toggle_until()" /> <label for="rpt_untilu">' . translate ( 'Use end date' ) . '</label></td> <td class="boxright"><span class="end_day_selection" ' . 'id="rpt_end_day_select">' . date_selection ( 'rpt_', ( $rpt_end_date ? $rpt_end_date : $cal_date ) ) . '</span><span id="rpt_until_time_date"><br />' . time_selection ( 'rpt_', $rpt_end_time ) . '</span></td> </tr> <tr id="rptenddate3" style="visibility:hidden;"> <td class="boxbottom boxleft"><input type="radio" name="rpt_end_use" ' . 'id="rpt_untilc" value="c" ' . ( empty ( $rpt_count ) ? '' : $checked ) . ' onclick="toggle_until()" /> <label for="rpt_untilc">' . translate ( 'Number of times' ) . '</label></td> <td class="boxright boxbottom"><input type="text" name="rpt_count" ' . 'id="rpt_count" size="4" maxlength="4" value="' . $rpt_count . '" /></td> </tr> <tr id="rptfreq" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-frequency-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip"><label for="entry_freq">' . translate ( 'Frequency' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2"> <input type="text" name="rpt_freq" id="entry_freq" size="4" ' . 'maxlength="4" value="' . $rpt_freq . '" /> <label id="weekdays_only"><input type="checkbox" ' . 'name="weekdays_only" value="y" ' . ( empty ( $weekdays_only ) ? '' : $checked ) . ' />' . translate ( 'Weekdays Only' ) . '</label> <span id="rptwkst"> <select name="wkst">'; for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { echo ' <option value="' . $byday_names[$i] . '" ' . ( $wkst ==$byday_names[$i] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . translate ( $byday_names[$i] ) . '</option>'; } echo ' </select> <label for="rptwkst">' . translate ( 'Week Start' ) . '</label> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr id="rptbydayextended" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-bydayextended-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip"><label>' . translate ( 'ByDay' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2" class="boxall"> <input type="hidden" name="bydayList" value="' . ( empty ( $bydayStr ) ? '' : $bydayStr ) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="bymonthdayList" value="' . ( empty ( $bymonthdayStr ) ? '' : $bymonthdayStr ) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="bysetposList" value="' . ( empty ( $bysetposStr ) ? '' : $bysetposStr ) . '" /> <table class="byxxx" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" ' . 'border="1" summary=""> <tr> <td></td>'; // Display byday extended selection. // We use BUTTONS in a triple state configuration, and store the values in // a javascript array until form submission. We then set the hidden field // bydayList to the string value of the array. for ( $rpt_byday_label = $WEEK_START; $rpt_byday_label <= ( $WEEK_START + 6); $rpt_byday_label++ ) { $rpt_byday_mod = $rpt_byday_label %7; $class = ( is_weekend ( $rpt_byday_mod ) ? ' class="weekend" ' : '' ); echo ' <th width="50px"' .$class . '><label>' . translate ( $weekday_names[$rpt_byday_mod] ) . '</label></th>'; } echo ' </tr> <tr> <th>' . translate ( 'All' ) . '</th>'; for ( $rpt_byday_single = $WEEK_START; $rpt_byday_single <= ( $WEEK_START + 6); $rpt_byday_single++ ) { $rpt_byday_mod = $rpt_byday_single %7; echo ' <td><input type="checkbox" name="bydayAll[]" id="' . $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod] . '" value="' . "$byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod]\"" . ( in_array ( $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod], $byday ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /></td>'; } echo ' </tr> <tr id="rptbydayln" style="visibility:hidden;">'; for ( $loop_ctr = 1; $loop_ctr < 6; $loop_ctr++ ) { echo ' <th><label>' . $loop_ctr . '/' . ( $loop_ctr - 6 ) . '</label></th>'; for ( $rpt_byday = $WEEK_START; $rpt_byday <= ( $WEEK_START + 6); $rpt_byday++ ) { $rpt_byday_mod = $rpt_byday %7; $buttonvalue = ( in_array ( $loop_ctr . $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod], $byday ) ? $loop_ctr . translate ( $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod] ) : ( in_array ( ( $loop_ctr - 6 ) . $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod], $byday ) ? ( $loop_ctr - 6 ) . translate ( $byday_names[$rpt_byday_mod] ) : ' ' ) ); echo ' <td><input type="button" name="byday" id="_' . $loop_ctr . $rpt_byday_mod . '" value="' . $buttonvalue . '" onclick="toggle_byday( this )" /></td>'; } echo ' </tr>'; if ( $loop_ctr < 5 ) echo ' <tr id="rptbydayln' . $loop_ctr . '" style="visibility:hidden;">'; } echo ' </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr id="rptbymonth" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-month-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip">' . translate ( 'ByMonth' ) . ': </td> <td colspan="2" class="boxall">' /* Display bymonth selection. */ . ' <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary=""> <tr>'; for ( $rpt_month = 1; $rpt_month < 13; $rpt_month++ ) { echo ' <td><label><input type="checkbox" name="bymonth[]" value="' . $rpt_month . '"' . ( in_array ( $rpt_month, $bymonth ) ? $checked : '' ) . ' /> ' . translate ( date ( 'M', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $rpt_month, 1 ) ) ) . '</label></td>' . ( $rpt_month == 6 ? ' </tr> <tr>' : '' ); } echo ' </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr id="rptbysetpos" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-bysetpos-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip" id="BySetPoslabel">' . translate ( 'BySetPos' ) . ': </td> <td colspan="2" class="boxall">' /* Display bysetpos selection. */ . ' <table class="byxxx" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" ' . 'border="1" summary=""> <tr> <td></td>'; for ( $rpt_bysetpos_label = 1; $rpt_bysetpos_label < 11; $rpt_bysetpos_label++ ) { echo ' <th width="37px"><label>' . $rpt_bysetpos_label . '</label></th>'; } echo ' </tr> <tr>'; for ( $loop_ctr = 1; $loop_ctr < 32; $loop_ctr++ ) { $buttonvalue = ( in_array ( $loop_ctr, $bysetpos ) ? ( $loop_ctr ) : ( in_array ( ( $loop_ctr -32 ), $bysetpos ) ? ( $loop_ctr -32 ) : ' ' ) ); echo ( $loop_ctr == 1 || $loop_ctr == 11 || $loop_ctr == 21 ? ' <th><label>' . $loop_ctr . '-' . ( $loop_ctr + 9 ) . '</label></th>' : '' ) . ( $loop_ctr == 31 ? ' <th><label>31</label></th>' : '' ) . ' <td><input type="button" name="bysetpos" id="bysetpos' . $loop_ctr . '" value="' . $buttonvalue . '" onclick="toggle_bysetpos( this )" /></td>' . ( $loop_ctr % 10 == 0 ? ' </tr> <tr>' : '' ); } echo ' </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr id="rptbymonthdayextended" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-bymonthdayextended-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip" id="ByMonthDaylabel">' . translate ( 'ByMonthDay' ) . ': </td> <td colspan="2" class="boxall">' /* Display bymonthday extended selection. */ . ' <table class="byxxx" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" ' . 'border="1" summary=""> <tr> <td></td>'; for ( $rpt_bymonthday_label = 1; $rpt_bymonthday_label < 11; $rpt_bymonthday_label++ ) { echo ' <th width="37px"><label>' . $rpt_bymonthday_label . '</label></th>'; } echo ' </tr> <tr>'; for ( $loop_ctr = 1; $loop_ctr < 32; $loop_ctr++ ) { $buttonvalue = ( in_array ( $loop_ctr, $bymonthday ) ? ( $loop_ctr ) : ( in_array ( ( $loop_ctr -32 ), $bymonthday ) ? ( $loop_ctr - 32 ) : ' ' ) ); echo ( $loop_ctr == 1 || $loop_ctr == 11 || $loop_ctr == 21 ? ' <th><label>' . $loop_ctr . '-' . ( $loop_ctr + 9 ) . '</label></th>' : '' ) . ( $loop_ctr == 31 ? ' <th><label>31</label></th>' : '' ) . ' <td><input type="button" name="bymonthday" id="bymonthday' . $loop_ctr . '" value="' . $buttonvalue . '" onclick="toggle_bymonthday( this )" /></td>' . ( $loop_ctr % 10 == 0 ? ' </tr> <tr>' : '' ); } echo ' </tr> </table>'; // Populate Repeat Exceptions data for later use. $excepts = ''; $exceptcnt = count ( $exceptions ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $exceptcnt; $i++ ) { $excepts .= ' <option value="-' . $exceptions[$i] . '">-' . $exceptions[$i] . '</option>'; } // Populate Repeat Inclusions data for later use $includecnt = count ( $inclusions ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $includecnt; $i++ ) { $excepts .= ' <option value="+' . $inclusions[$i] . '">+' . $inclusions[$i] . '</option>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> <tr id="rptbyweekno" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-byweekno-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip">' . translate ( 'ByWeekNo' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="byweekno" id="byweekno" ' . 'size="50" maxlength="100" value="' . $byweekno . '" /></td> </tr> <tr id="rptbyyearday" style="visibility:hidden;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-byyearday-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip">' . translate ( 'ByYearDay' ) . ':</td> <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="byyearday" id="byyearday" ' . 'size="50" maxlength="100" value="' . $byyearday . '" /></td> </tr> <tr id="rptexceptions" style="visibility:visible;" title="' . tooltip ( 'repeat-exceptions-help' ) . '"> <td class="tooltip"><label>' . translate ( 'Exclusions' ) . '/<br />' . translate ( 'Inclusions' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="2" class="boxtop boxright boxbottom boxleft"> <table border="0" width="250px" summary=""> <tr> <td colspan="2">' . date_selection ( 'except_', $rpt_end_date ? $rpt_end_date : $cal_date ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" width="100"> <label id="select_exceptions_not" style="visibility:' . ( empty ( $excepts ) ? 'visible' : 'hidden' ) . ';"></label> <select id="select_exceptions" name="exceptions[]" ' . 'multiple="multiple" style="visibility:' . ( empty ( $excepts ) ? 'hidden' : 'visible' ) . ';" size="4">' . $excepts . ' </select> </td> <td valign="top"> <input align="left" type="button" name="addException" value="' . translate ( 'Add Exception' ) . '" onclick="add_exception(0)" /><br /> <input align="left" type="button" name="addInclusion" value="' . translate ( 'Add Inclusion' ) . '" onclick="add_exception(1)" /><br /> <input align="left" type="button" name="delSelected" value="' . translate ( 'Delete Selected' ) . '" onclick="del_selected()" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>' . ( $useTabs ? ' </div> <!-- End tabscontent_pete -->' : ' </fieldset>' ); } echo ' <!-- REMINDER INFO -->'; if ( $DISABLE_REMINDER_FIELD != 'Y' ) { $rem_minutes = $reminder_offset; // Will be specified in total minutes. $rem_days = intval ( $rem_minutes / 1440 ); $rem_minutes -= ( $rem_days * 1440 ); $rem_hours = intval ( $rem_minutes / 60 ); $rem_minutes -= ( $rem_hours * 60 ); $rem_before = ( empty ( $reminder['before'] ) || $reminder['before'] == 'Y' ); $rem_related = ( empty ( $reminder['related'] ) || $reminder['related'] == 'S' ); // Reminder Repeats. $rem_rep_count = ( isset ( $reminder['repeats'] ) ? $reminder['repeats'] : 0 ); $rem_rep_minutes = ( isset ( $reminder['duration'] ) ? $reminder['duration'] : 0 ); // Will be specified in total minutes. $rem_rep_days = intval ( $rem_rep_minutes / 1440 ); $rem_rep_minutes -= ( $rem_rep_days * 1440 ); $rem_rep_hours = intval ( $rem_rep_minutes / 60 ); $rem_rep_minutes -= ( $rem_rep_hours * 60 ); echo ( $useTabs ? ' <a name="tabreminder"></a> <div id="tabscontent_reminder">' : ' <fieldset> <legend>' . translate ( 'Reminders' ) . '</legend>' ) . ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" summary=""> <thead> <tr> <td class="tooltip"><label>' . translate ( 'Send Reminder' ) . ':</label></td> <td colspan="3"> <input type="hidden" name="rem_action" value="' . ( empty ( $reminder['action'] ) ? 'EMAIL' : $reminder['action'] ) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="rem_last_sent" value="' . ( empty ( $reminder['last_sent'] ) ? 0 : $reminder['last_sent'] ) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="rem_times_sent" value="' . ( empty ( $reminder['times_sent'] ) ? 0 : $reminder['times_sent'] ) . '" /> <label><input type="radio" name="reminder" ' . 'id="reminderYes" value="1"' . ( $rem_status ? $checked : '' ) . ' onclick="toggle_reminders()" />' . translate ( 'Yes' ) . '</label> <label><input type="radio" name="reminder" ' . 'id="reminderNo" value="0"' . ( $rem_status ? '' : $checked ) . ' onclick="toggle_reminders()" />' . translate ( 'No' ) . '</label> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="reminder_when"> <tr> <td class="tooltip" rowspan="6"><label>' . translate ( 'When' ) . ':</label></td> <td class="boxtop boxleft" width="20%"><label><input type="radio" ' . 'name="rem_when" id="rem_when_date" value="Y" ' . ( $rem_use_date ? $checked : '' ) . ' onclick="toggle_rem_when()" />' . translate ( 'Use Date/Time' ) . ' </label></td> <td class="boxtop boxright" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2">' . date_selection ( 'reminder_', ( empty ( $reminder['date'] ) ? $cal_date : $reminder['date'] ) ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxleft"> </td> <td class="boxright" colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap">' . time_selection ( 'reminder_', ( empty ( $reminder['time'] ) ? $cal_time : $reminder['time'] ) ) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxright boxleft" height="20px" colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxleft"><label><input type="radio" name="rem_when" ' . 'id="rem_when_offset" value="N" ' . ( $rem_use_date ? '' : $checked ) . ' onclick="toggle_rem_when()" />' . translate ( 'Use Offset' ) . ' </label></td> <td class="boxright" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2"> <label><input type="text" size="2" name="rem_days" value="' . $rem_days . '" />' . $daysStr . '</label> <label><input type="text" size="2" name="rem_hours" ' . 'value="' .$rem_hours . '" />' . $hoursStr . '</label> <label><input type="text" size="2" name="rem_minutes" value="' . $rem_minutes . '" />' . $minutStr . '</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxleft"> </td> <td><label><input type="radio" name="rem_before" ' . 'id="rem_beforeY" value="Y"' . ( $rem_before ? $checked : '' ) . ' />' . translate ( 'Before' ) . '</label> </td> <td class="boxright"><label><input type="radio" name="rem_before" ' . 'id="rem_beforeN" value="N"' . ( $rem_before ? '' : $checked ) . ' />' . translate ( 'After' ) . '</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="boxbottom boxleft"> </td> <td class="boxbottom"><label><input type="radio" ' . 'name="rem_related" id="rem_relatedS" value="S"' . ( $rem_related ? $checked : '' ) . ' />' . translate ( 'Start' ) . '</label> </td> <td class="boxright boxbottom"><label><input type="radio" ' . 'name="rem_related" id="rem_relatedE" value="E"' . ( $rem_related ? '' : $checked ) . ' />' . translate ( 'End/Due' ) . '</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody id="reminder_repeat"> <tr> <td class="tooltip" rowspan="2"><label>' . translate ( 'Repeat' ) . ':</label></td> <td class="boxtop boxleft"> <label>' . translate ( 'Times' ) . '</label></td> <td class="boxtop boxright" colspan="2"><input type="text" ' . 'size="2" name="rem_rep_count" value="' . $rem_rep_count . '" onchange="toggle_rem_rep();" /></td> </tr> <tr id="rem_repeats"> <td class="boxbottom boxleft"> <label>' . translate ( 'Every' ) . '</label></td> <td class="boxbottom boxright" colspan="2"> <label><input type="text" size="2" name="rem_rep_days" value="' . $rem_rep_days . '" />' . $daysStr . '</label> <input type="text" size="2" name="rem_rep_hours" value="' . $rem_rep_hours . '" /><label>' . $hoursStr . '</label> <input type="text" size="2" name="rem_rep_minutes" value="' . $rem_rep_minutes . '" /><label>' . $minutStr . '</label> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>' . ( $useTabs ? ' </div> <!-- End tabscontent_pete -->' : ' </fieldset>' ); } if ( file_exists ( 'includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php' ) && $login == '__public__' && ! empty ( $ENABLE_CAPTCHA ) && $ENABLE_CAPTCHA == 'Y' ) { if ( function_exists ( 'imagecreatetruecolor' ) ) { include_once 'includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php'; echo captcha::form (); } else etranslate ( 'CAPTCHA Warning' ); } echo ' </div> <!-- End tabscontent -->'; echo ' <table summary=""> <tr> <td> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- <![CDATA[ document.writeln ( \'<input type="button" value="' . $saveStr . '" onclick="validate_and_submit()" />\' ) //]]> --> </script> <noscript><input type="submit" value="' . $saveStr . '" /></noscript> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="participant_list" value="" />' // This bit should be moved to a webcal_fckconfig.js file. // Then the current FCKEditor SVN version would probably work. . ( $use_fckeditor ? ' <script type="text/javascript" ' . 'src="includes/FCKeditor-2.0/fckeditor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myFCKeditor = new FCKeditor ( \'description\' ); myFCKeditor.BasePath = \'includes/FCKeditor-2.0/\'; myFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = \'Medium\'; myFCKeditor.Config[\'SkinPath\'] = \'./skins/office2003/\'; myFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea (); </script>' : '' ) . ' </form>'; if ( $id > 0 && ( $login == $create_by || $single_user == 'Y' || $is_admin ) ) echo ' <a href="del_entry.php?id=' . $id . '" onclick="return confirm( \'' . str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'entry' ), translate ( 'Are you sure you want to delete this XXX?' ) ) . '\' );">' . translate ( 'Delete entry' ) . '</a><br />'; } else // translate ( 'You are not authorized to edit this entry.' ) echo str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'entry' ), translate ( 'You are not authorized to edit this XXX.' ) ); // end if ( $can_edit ) ob_end_flush (); echo print_trailer (); ?>