File: edit_report_handler.php
<?php /* $Id: edit_report_handler.php,v 2010/08/15 18:54:34 cknudsen Exp $ * * Page Description: * This page will handle the form submission from edit_report.php * and either add, update or delete a report. * * Input Parameters: * report_id (optional) - the report id of the report to edit. * If blank, user is adding a new report. * public (optional) - If set to '1' and user is an admin user, * then we are creating a report for the public user. * report_name * report_user * is_global (Y or N) * include_header (Y or N) * time_range * cat_id * allow_nav * include_empty * show_in_trailer * delete (if 'delete' button pressed) * page_template * day_template * event_template * * Security: * Same as in edit_report.php... * If system setting $REPORTS_ENABLED is set to anything other than 'Y', * then don't allow access to this page. * If $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER is 'N', then do not allow selection of participants. * Can only delete/edit an event if you are the creator of the event * or you are an admin user. */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; load_user_categories (); $error = ( empty ( $REPORTS_ENABLED ) || $REPORTS_ENABLED != 'Y' ? print_not_auth (12) : '' ); $report_id = getValue ( 'report_id', '-?[0-9]+', true ); $public = getPostValue ( 'public' ); $report_name = getPostValue ( 'report_name' ); $report_user = getPostValue ( 'report_user' ); $time_range = getPostValue ( 'time_range' ); $cat_id = getValue ( 'cat_id', '-?[0-9,\-]*', true ); $page_template = getPostValue ( 'page_template' ); $day_template = getPostValue ( 'day_template' ); $event_template = getPostValue ( 'event_template' ); $delete = getPostValue ( 'delete' ); $updating_public = ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $public ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ); if ( $single_user == 'Y' || $DISABLE_PARTICIPANTS_FIELD == 'Y' ) $report_user = ''; if ( ! $is_admin ) $is_global = 'N'; $adding_report = ( empty ( $report_id ) || $report_id <= 0 ); // Check permissions. // Can only edit/delete if you created the event or you are an admin. if ( empty ( $error ) && $single_user != 'N' && ! empty ( $report_id ) && $report_id > 0 && ! $is_admin ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_report WHERE report_id = ?', array ( $report_id ) ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( $row[0] != $login ) $error = print_not_auth (5); } else $error = str_replace ( 'XXX', $report_id, translate ( 'No such report id XXX.' ) ); dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = db_error (); } // Validate templates to make sure the required variables are found. // Page template must include ${days}. if ( empty ( $error ) ) { $errStr = ' <p>' . translate ( 'Error' ) . ' ['; // translate ( 'Variable N not found' ) $noVarXXX = ']: ' . translate ( 'Variable XXX not found.' ) . '</p>'; if ( ! strstr ( $page_template, '${days}' ) ) $error .= $errStr . translate ( 'Page template' ) . str_replace ( 'XXX', '${days}', $noVarXXX ); // Day template must include ${events}. if ( ! strstr ( $day_template, '${events}' ) ) $error .= $errStr . translate ( 'Day template' ) . str_replace ( 'XXX', '${events}', $noVarXXX ); // Event template must include ${name}. if ( ! strstr ( $event_template, '${name}' ) ) $error .= $errStr . translate ( 'Event template' ) . str_replace ( 'XXX', '${name}', $noVarXXX ); } $delete = getPostValue ( 'delete' ); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! empty ( $report_id ) && ! empty ( $delete ) ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_report_template WHERE cal_report_id = ?', array ( $report_id ) ) ) $error = db_error (); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_report WHERE cal_report_id = ?', array ( $report_id ) ) ) $error = db_error (); // Send back to main report listing page. if ( empty ( $error ) ) do_redirect ( 'report.php' ); } if ( empty ( $error ) ) { if ( empty ( $report_name ) || trim ( $report_name ) == '' ) $report_name = translate ( 'Unnamed Report' ); $names = array ( 'cal_login', 'cal_update_date', 'cal_report_type', 'cal_report_name', 'cal_user', 'cal_include_header', 'cal_time_range', 'cal_cat_id', 'cal_allow_nav', 'cal_include_empty', 'cal_is_global', 'cal_show_in_trailer' ); $values = array ( ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $login ), date ( 'Ymd' ), 'html', $report_name, ( ! $is_admin || empty ( $report_user ) ? null : $report_user ), ( empty ( $include_header ) || $include_header != 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y' ), ( isset ( $time_range ) ? $time_range : 11 ), ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? null : $cat_id ), ( empty ( $allow_nav ) || $allow_nav != 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y' ), ( empty ( $include_empty ) || $include_empty != 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y' ), ( empty ( $is_global ) || $is_global != 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y' ), ( empty ( $show_in_trailer ) || $show_in_trailer != 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y' ) ); if ( $adding_report ) { $newid = 1; $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT MAX( cal_report_id ) FROM webcal_report' ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $newid = $row[0] + 1; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } $names[] = 'cal_report_id'; $values[] = $newid; $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_report ( '; $sql_v = ''; $namecnt = count ( $names ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $namecnt; $i++ ) { $sql .= ( $i > 0 ? ', ' : '' ) . $names[$i]; $sql_v .= ( $i > 0 ? ', ' : '' ) . '?'; } $sql .= ' ) VALUES ( ' . $sql_v . ' )'; $report_id = $newid; } else { $sql = 'UPDATE webcal_report SET '; $namecnt = count ( $names ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $namecnt; $i++ ) { $sql .= ( $i > 0 ? ', ' : '' ) . "$names[$i] = ?"; } $sql .= ' WHERE cal_report_id = ?'; $values[] = $report_id; // Push the $report_id to $values. } } if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( $sql, $values ) ) $error = db_error (); if ( empty ( $error ) ) { if ( ! $adding_report ) { if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_report_template WHERE cal_report_id = ?', array ( $report_id ) ) ) $error = db_error (); } $ins_sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_report_template ( cal_report_id, cal_template_type, cal_template_text ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )'; if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( $ins_sql, array ( $report_id, 'D', $day_template ) ) ) $error = db_error (); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( $ins_sql, array ( $report_id, 'E', $event_template ) ) ) $error = db_error (); if ( empty ( $error ) && ! dbi_execute ( $ins_sql, array ( $report_id, 'P', $page_template ) ) ) $error = db_error (); } if ( empty ( $error ) ) { do_redirect ( 'report.php' . ( $updating_public ? '?public=1' : '' ) ); exit; } print_header (); echo print_error ( $error ) . print_trailer (); ?>