File: freebusy.php
<?php /* $Id: freebusy.php,v 2007/11/12 15:40:31 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Description: * Creates the iCal free/busy schedule a single user. * Free/busy schedules are specified in the iCal RFC 2445. * * Input parameters: * URL should be the form of /xxx/freebusy.php/username.ifb * or /xxx/freebusy.php?user=username * Some servers seem to have problem with username.ifb version. * If so, they should user the second form. * * Notes: * For now, we use a date range of the start of the current * month and include one year from there. * Rather arbitrary, eh??? * * To read the iCal specification: * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt * * WebCalendar does not use freebusy info for scheduling right now. * But, this may change in the future. * * We might want to cache this type of information after a calendar is updated. * This would make conflict checking much faster, * particularly for events with many participants. * * Developers/Debugging: * You can test this script from the command line if you have the command-line PHP. * Create a symbolic link with a valid username, * and then invoke the PHP command using the link as a parameter: * ln -s freebusy.php cknudsen.ifb * php cknudsen.ifb * * Security: * Users do need to enable "Enable FreeBusy publishing" in their * preferences or this page will generate a "You are not authorized" * error message. * * If $FREEBUSY_ENABLED is not 'Y' (set in each user' Preferences), do not allow. */ include 'includes/translate.php'; require_once 'includes/classes/WebCalendar.class'; require_once 'includes/classes/Event.class'; require_once 'includes/classes/RptEvent.class'; $WebCalendar =& new WebCalendar ( __FILE__ ); include 'includes/config.php'; include 'includes/dbi4php.php'; include 'includes/formvars.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeFirstPhase (); include 'includes/' . $user_inc; include 'includes/validate.php'; include 'includes/site_extras.php'; include 'includes/xcal.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeSecondPhase (); // Calculate username. // If using http_auth, use those credentials. if ( $use_http_auth && empty ( $user ) ) $user = $login; if ( empty ( $user ) ) { $arr = explode ( '/', $PHP_SELF ); $user = $arr[count ( $arr )-1]; # Remove any trailing ".ifb" in user name. $user = preg_replace ( '/\.[iI][fF][bB]$/', '', $user ); } if ( $user == 'public' ) $user = '__public__'; load_global_settings (); // Load user preferences (to get the DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED and // FREEBUSY_ENABLED pref for this user). $login = $user; load_user_preferences (); $WebCalendar->setLanguage (); // Load user name, etc. user_load_variables ( $user, 'publish_' ); if ( empty ( $FREEBUSY_ENABLED ) || $FREEBUSY_ENABLED != 'Y' ) { header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain' ); echo 'user=' . $user . "\n" . print_not_auth (19); exit; } // Make sure they specified a username. $no_user = translate ( 'No user specified.' ); if ( empty ( $user ) ) die_miserable_death ( $no_user ); $get_unapproved = false; $datem = date ( 'm' ); $dateY = date ( 'Y' ); // Start date is beginning of this month. $startdate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $datem, 0, $dateY ); // End date is one year from now. // Seems kind of arbitrary, eh? $enddate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $datem, 1, $dateY + 1 ); /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quicker access. */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $user, $startdate, $enddate, '' ); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access. */ $events = read_events ( $user, $startdate, $enddate ); // Loop from start date until we reach end date... $event_text = ''; for ( $d = $startdate; $d <= $enddate; $d += 86400 ) { $dYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $d ); $ev = get_entries ( $dYmd, $get_unapproved ); $evcnt = count ( $ev ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $evcnt; $i++ ) { $event_text .= fb_export_time ( $dYmd, $ev[$i]->getDuration (), $ev[$i]->getTime (), 'ical' ); } $revents = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dYmd, $get_unapproved ); $recnt = count ( $revents ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $recnt; $i++ ) { $event_text .= fb_export_time ( $dYmd, $revents[$i]->getDuration (), $revents[$i]->getTime (), 'ical' ); } } header ( 'Content-Type: text/calendar' ); header ( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $login . '.ifb"' ); echo 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' . "\r\n" . 'X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:' . str_replace ( ',', '\\,', ( empty ( $publish_fullname ) ? $user : translate ( $publish_fullname ) ) ) . "\r\n" . generate_prodid () . 'VERSION:2.0' . "\r\n" . 'METHOD:PUBLISH' . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:VFREEBUSY' . "\r\n" . 'DTSTART:' . export_get_utc_date ( date ( 'Ymd', $startdate ), 0 ) . "\r\n" . 'DTEND:' . export_get_utc_date ( date ( 'Ymd', $enddate ), '235959' ) . "\r\n" . $event_text . 'URL:' . $GLOBALS['SERVER_URL'] . 'freebusy.php/' . $user . '.ifb' . "\r\n" . 'END:VFREEBUSY' . "\r\n" . 'END:VCALENDAR' . "\r\n"; exit; ?>