File: functions.php
<?php /* Most of WebCalendar's functions. * * @author Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@cknudsen.com> * @copyright Craig Knudsen, <cknudsen@cknudsen.com>, http://www.k5n.us/cknudsen * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GPL * @version $Id: functions.php,v 1.520.2.45 2010/08/15 03:14:59 cknudsen Exp $ * @package WebCalendar */ /* Functions start here. All non-function code should be above this. * * Note to developers: * Documentation is generated from the function comments below. * When adding/updating functions, please follow these conventions. * Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. :-) * * If you want your documentation to link to the db documentation, * just make sure you mention the db table name followed by "table" * on the same line. Here's an example: * Retrieve preferences from the webcal_user_pref table. */ /* Logs a debug message. * * Generally, we try not to leave calls to this function in the code. * It is used for debugging only. * * @param string $msg Text to be logged */ function do_debug ( $msg ) { // log to /tmp/webcal-debug.log // error_log ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "> $msg\n<br />", // 3, 'c:/wamp/logs/debug.txt' ); // fwrite ( $fd, date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "> $msg\n" ); // fclose ( $fd ); // 3, '/tmp/webcal-debug.log' ); // error_log ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "> $msg\n", // 2, 'sockieman:2000' ); } /* Looks for URLs in the given text, and makes them into links. * * @param string $text Input text * * @return string The text altered to have HTML links for any web links. */ function activate_urls ( $text ) { return ereg_replace ( '[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]', '<a href="\\0">\\0</a>', $text ); } /* Adds something to the activity log for an event. * * The information will be saved to the webcal_entry_log table. * * @param int $event_id Event ID * @param string $user Username of user doing this * @param string $user_cal Username of user whose calendar is affected * @param string $type Type of activity we are logging: * - LOG_APPROVE * - LOG_APPROVE_T * - LOG_ATTACHMENT * - LOG_COMMENT * - LOG_CREATE * - LOG_CREATE_T * - LOG_DELETE * - LOG_DELETE_T * - LOG_LOGIN_FAILURE * - LOG_NEWUSER_FULL * - LOG_NEWUSEREMAIL * - LOG_NOTIFICATION * - LOG_REJECT * - LOG_REJECT_T * - LOG_REMINDER * - LOG_UPDATE * - LOG_UPDATE_T * - LOG_USER_ADD * - LOG_USER_DELETE * - LOG_USER_UPDATE * @param string $text Text comment to add with activity log entry */ function activity_log ( $event_id, $user, $user_cal, $type, $text ) { $next_id = 1; if ( empty ( $type ) ) { echo translate ( 'Error Type not set for activity log!' ); // But don't exit since we may be in mid-transaction. return; } $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT MAX( cal_log_id ) FROM webcal_entry_log' ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $next_id = $row[0] + 1; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_entry_log ( cal_log_id, cal_entry_id, cal_login, cal_user_cal, cal_type, cal_date, cal_time, cal_text ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )'; if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, array ( $next_id, $event_id, $user, ( empty ( $user_cal ) ? null : $user_cal ), $type, gmdate ( 'Ymd' ), gmdate ( 'Gis' ), ( empty ( $text ) ? null : $text ) ) ) ) db_error ( true, $sql ); } /* Get the corrected timestamp after adding or subtracting ONE_HOUR * to compensate for DST. */ function add_dstfree_time ( $date, $span, $interval = 1 ) { $ctime = date ( 'G', $date ); $date += $span * $interval; $dtime = date ( 'G', $date ); if ( $ctime == $dtime ) return $date; elseif ( $ctime == 23 && $dtime == 0 ) $date -= 3600; elseif ( ( $ctime == 0 && $dtime == 23 ) || $ctime > $dtime ) $date += 3600; elseif ( $ctime < $dtime ) $date -= 3600; return $date; } /* Return the time in HHMMSS format of input time + duration * * @param string $time format "235900" * @param int $duration number of minutes * * @return string The time in HHMMSS format. */ function add_duration ( $time, $duration ) { $time = sprintf ( "%06d", $time ); $minutes = intval ( $time / 10000 ) * 60 + ( ( $time / 100 ) % 100 ) + $duration; return sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $minutes / 60, $minutes % 60 ); } /* Builds the HTML for the event label. * * @param string $can_access * @param string $time_only * * @return string The HTML for the event label */ function build_entry_label ( $event, $popupid, $can_access, $timestr, $time_only = 'N' ) { global $eventinfo, $login, $SUMMARY_LENGTH, $UAC_ENABLED, $user; $ret = ''; // Get reminders display string. $reminder = getReminders ( $event->getId (), true ); $can_access = ( $UAC_ENABLED == 'Y' ? $can_access : 0 ); $not_my_entry = ( ( $login != $user && strlen ( $user ) ) || ( $login != $event->getLogin () && strlen ( $event->getLogin () ) ) ); $sum_length = $SUMMARY_LENGTH; if ( $event->isAllDay () || $event->isUntimed () ) $sum_length += 6; $tmpAccess = $event->getAccess (); $tmpId = $event->getId (); $tmpLogin = $event->getLogin (); $tmpName = $event->getName (); $tmp_ret = htmlspecialchars ( substr ( $tmpName, 0, $sum_length ) . ( strlen ( $tmpName ) > $sum_length ? '...' : '' ) ); if ( $not_my_entry && $tmpAccess == 'R' && ! ( $can_access &PRIVATE_WT ) ) { if ( $time_only != 'Y' ) $ret = '(' . translate ( 'Private' ) . ')'; // translate ( 'This event is private' ) $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup ( $popupid, $tmpLogin, str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'private' ), translate ( 'This event is XXX.' ) ), '' ); } else if ( $not_my_entry && $tmpAccess == 'C' && ! ( $can_access &CONF_WT ) ) { if ( $time_only != 'Y' ) $ret = '(' . translate ( 'Conf.' ) . ')'; $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup ( $popupid, $tmpLogin, str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'confidential' ), translate ( 'This event is XXX.' ) ), '' ); } else if ( $can_access == 0 && $UAC_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { if ( $time_only != 'Y' ) $ret = $tmp_ret; $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup ( $popupid, $tmpLogin, '', $timestr, '', '', $tmpName, '' ); } else { if ( $time_only != 'Y' ) $ret = $tmp_ret; $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup ( $popupid, $tmpLogin, $event->getDescription (), $timestr, site_extras_for_popup ( $tmpId ), $event->getLocation (), $tmpName, $tmpId, $reminder ); } return $ret; } /* Calculates which row/slot this time represents. * * This is used in day and week views where hours of the time are separeted * into different cells in a table. * * <b>Note:</b> the global variable <var>$TIME_SLOTS</var> is used to determine * how many time slots there are and how many minutes each is. This variable * is defined user preferences (or defaulted to admin system settings). * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * @param bool $round_down Should we change 1100 to 1059? * (This will make sure a 10AM-100AM appointment just * shows up in the 10AM slow and not in the 11AM slot * also.) * * @return int The time slot index. */ function calc_time_slot ( $time, $round_down = false ) { global $TIME_SLOTS; $interval = 1440 / $TIME_SLOTS; $mins_since_midnight = time_to_minutes ( sprintf ( "%06d", $time ) ); $ret = intval ( $mins_since_midnight / $interval ); if ( $round_down && $ret * $interval == $mins_since_midnight ) $ret--; if ( $ret > $TIME_SLOTS ) $ret = $TIME_SLOTS; return $ret; } /* Checks for conflicts. * * Find overlaps between an array of dates and the other dates in the database. * * Limits on number of appointments: if enabled in System Settings * (<var>$LIMIT_APPTS</var> global variable), too many appointments can also * generate a scheduling conflict. * * @todo Update this to handle exceptions to repeating events. * * @param array $dates Array of dates in Timestamp format that is * checked for overlaps. * @param int $duration Event duration in minutes * @param int $eventstart GMT starttime timestamp * @param array $participants Array of users whose calendars are to be checked * @param string $login The current user name * @param int $id Current event id (this keeps overlaps from * wrongly checking an event against itself) * * @return Empty string for no conflicts or return the HTML of the * conflicts when one or more are found. */ function check_for_conflicts ( $dates, $duration, $eventstart, $participants, $login, $id ) { global $LIMIT_APPTS, $LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER, $repeated_events, $single_user, $single_user_login, $jumpdate; $datecnt = count ( $dates ); if ( ! $datecnt ) return false; $conflicts = ''; $count = 0; $evtcnt = $found = $query_params = array (); $partcnt = count ( $participants ); $hour = gmdate ( 'H', $eventstart ); $minute = gmdate ( 'i', $eventstart ); $allDayStr = translate ( 'All day event' ); $confidentialStr = translate ( 'Confidential' ); $exceedsStr = translate ( 'exceeds limit of XXX events per day' ); $onStr = translate ( 'on' ); $privateStr = translate ( 'Private' ); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT( weu.cal_login ), we.cal_time, we.cal_duration, we.cal_name, we.cal_id, we.cal_access, weu.cal_status, we.cal_date FROM webcal_entry we, webcal_entry_user weu WHERE we.cal_id = weu.cal_id AND ( '; for ( $i = 0; $i < $datecnt; $i++ ) { $sql .= ( $i != 0 ? ' OR ' : '' ) . 'we.cal_date = ' . gmdate ( 'Ymd', $dates[$i] ); } $sql .= ' ) AND we.cal_time >= 0 AND weu.cal_status IN ( \'A\',\'W\' ) AND ( '; if ( $single_user == 'Y' ) $participants[0] = $single_user_login; else if ( strlen ( $participants[0] ) == 0 ) // Likely called from a form with 1 user. $participants[0] = $login; for ( $i = 0; $i < $partcnt; $i++ ) { $sql .= ( $i > 0 ? ' OR ' : '' ) . 'weu.cal_login = ?'; $query_params[] = $participants[$i]; } // Make sure we don't get something past the end date of the event we're saving. $res = dbi_execute ( $sql . ' )', $query_params ); if ( $res ) { $duration1 = sprintf ( "%d", $duration ); $time1 = sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $hour, $minute ); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { // Add to an array to see if it has been found already for the next part. $found[$count++] = $row[4]; // See if events overlaps one another. if ( $row[4] != $id ) { $cntkey = $row[0] . '-' . $row[7]; $duration2 = $row[2]; $time2 = sprintf ( "%06d", $row[1] ); if ( empty ( $evtcnt[$cntkey] ) ) $evtcnt[$cntkey] = 0; else $evtcnt[$cntkey]++; $over_limit = ( $LIMIT_APPTS == 'Y' && $LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER > 0 && $evtcnt[$cntkey] >= $LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER ? 1 : 0 ); if ( $over_limit || times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) ) { $conflicts .= ' <li>'; if ( $single_user != 'Y' ) { user_load_variables ( $row[0], 'conflict_' ); $conflicts .= $GLOBALS['conflict_fullname'] . ': '; } $conflicts .= ( $row[5] == 'C' && $row[0] != $login && ! $is_assistant && ! $is_nonuser_admin // Assistants can see confidential stuff. ? '(' . $confidentialStr . ')' : ( $row[5] == 'R' && $row[0] != $login ? '( ' . $privateStr . ')' : '<a href="view_entry.php?id=' . $row[4] . ( $row[0] != $login ? '&user=' . $row[0] : '' ) . '">' . $row[3] . '</a>' ) ) . ( $duration2 == 1440 && $time2 == 0 ? ' (' . $allDayStr . ')' : ' (' . display_time ( $row[7] . $time2 ) . ( $duration2 > 0 ? '-' . display_time ( $row[7] . add_duration ( $time2, $duration2 ) ) : '' ) . ')' ) . ' ' . $onStr . ' ' . date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', date_to_epoch ( $row[7] . sprintf ( "%06d", $row[1] ) ) ) ) . ( $over_limit ? ' (' . str_replace ( 'XXX', $LIMIT_APPTS_NUMBER, $exceedsStr ) . ')' : '' ) . '</li>'; } } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else db_error ( true ); for ( $q = 0; $q < $partcnt; $q++ ) { // Read repeated events only once for a participant for performance reasons. $jumpdate = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $dates[count ( $dates )-1] ); $repeated_events = query_events ( $participants[$q], true, // This date filter is not necessary for functional reasons, but it // eliminates some of the events that couldn't possibly match. This could // be made much more complex to put more of the searching work onto the // database server, or it could be dropped all together to put the // searching work onto the client. 'AND ( we.cal_date <= ' . $jumpdate . ' AND ( wer.cal_end IS NULL OR wer.cal_end >= ' . gmdate ( 'Ymd', $dates[0] ) . ' ) )' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $datecnt; $i++ ) { $dateYmd = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $dates[$i] ); $list = get_repeating_entries ( $participants[$q], $dateYmd ); for ( $j = 0, $listcnt = count ( $list ); $j < $listcnt; $j++ ) { // OK we've narrowed it down to a day, now I just gotta check the time... // I hope this is right... $row = $list[$j]; if ( $row->getID () != $id && ! in_array ($row->getID (), $found ) && ( $row->getExtForID () == '' || $row->getExtForID () != $id ) ) { $time2 = sprintf ( "%06d", $row->getTime () ); $duration2 = $row->getDuration (); if ( times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) ) { $conflicts .= ' <li>'; if ( $single_user != 'Y' ) { user_load_variables ( $row->getLogin (), 'conflict_' ); $conflicts .= $GLOBALS['conflict_fullname'] . ': '; } $conflicts .= ( $row->getAccess () == 'C' && $row->getLogin () != $login && ! $is_assistant && ! $is_nonuser_admin // Assistants can see confidential stuff. ? '(' . $confidentialStr . ')' : ( $row->getAccess () == 'R' && $row->getLogin () != $login ? '(' . $privateStr . ')' : '<a href="view_entry.php?id=' . $row->getID () . ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ? '&user=' . $user : '' ) . '">' . $row->getName () . '</a>' ) ) . ' (' . display_time ( $row->getDate () . $time2 ) . ( $duration2 > 0 ? '-' . display_time ( $row->getDate () . add_duration ( $time2, $duration2 ) ) : '' ) . ')' . ' ' . $onStr . ' ' . date_to_str ( $dateYmd ) . '</li>'; } } } } } return $conflicts; } /* Replaces unsafe characters with HTML encoded equivalents. * * @param string $value Input text * * @return string The cleaned text. */ function clean_html ( $value ) { $value = htmlspecialchars ( $value, ENT_QUOTES ); $value = strtr ( $value, array ( '(' => '(', ')' => ')' ) ); return $value; } /* Removes non-digits from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text. */ function clean_int ( $data ) { return preg_replace ( '/\D/', '', $data ); } /* Removes whitespace from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text. */ function clean_whitespace ( $data ) { return preg_replace ( '/\s/', '', $data ); } /* Removes non-word characters from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text. */ function clean_word ( $data ) { return preg_replace ( '/\W/', '', $data ); } /* Combines the repeating and nonrepeating event arrays and sorts them * * The returned events will be sorted by time of day. * * @param array $ev Array of events * @param array $rep Array of repeating events * * @return array Array of Events. */ function combine_and_sort_events ( $ev, $rep ) { $ids = array (); // Repeating events show up in $ev and $rep. // Record their ids and don't add them to the combined array. foreach ( $rep as $obj ) { $ids[] = $obj->getID (); } foreach ( $ev as $obj ) { if ( ! in_array ( $obj->getID (), $ids ) ) $rep[] = $obj; } usort ( $rep, 'sort_events' ); return $rep; } /* Draws a daily outlook style availability grid showing events that are * approved and awaiting approval. * * @param string $date Date to show the grid for * @param array $participants Which users should be included in the grid * @param string $popup Not used * * @return string HTML to display matrix. */ function daily_matrix ( $date, $participants, $popup = '' ) { global $CELLBG, $ENTRY_SLOTS, $events, $repeated_events, $TABLEBG, $THBG, $THFG, $thismonth, $thisyear, $TIME_FORMAT, $TODAYCELLBG, $user_fullname, $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR, $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; $allAttendeesStr = translate ( 'All Attendees' ); $busy = translate ( 'Busy' ); $cnt = count ( $participants ); $dateTS = date_to_epoch ( $date ); $first_hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; $increment = intval ( 1440 / ( $ENTRY_SLOTS > 288 ? 288 : ( $ENTRY_SLOTS < 72 ? 72 : $ENTRY_SLOTS ) ) ); $last_hour = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR; $master = array (); $MouseOut = $MouseOver = $str = ''; $participant_pct = '20%'; //Use percentage. $tentative = translate ( 'Tentative' ); // translate ( 'Schedule an appointment for' ) $titleStr = ' title="' . translate ( 'Schedule an appointment for XXX.' ) . '">'; $viewMsg = translate ( 'View this entry' ); $hours = $last_hour - $first_hour; $interval = intval ( 60 / $increment ); $cell_pct = intval ( 80 / ( $hours * $interval ) ); $style_width = ( $cell_pct > 0 ? 'style="width:' . $cell_pct . '%;"' : '' ); $thismonth = date ( 'm', $dateTS ); $thisyear = date ( 'Y', $dateTS ); $cols = ( ( $hours * $interval ) + 1 ); $ret = <<<EOT <br /> <table align="center" class="matrixd" style="width:'80%';" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="matrix" colspan="{$cols}"></td> </tr> <tr> <th style="width:{$participant_pct};"> EOT; $ret .= translate ( 'Participants' ) . '</th>'; $tentative = translate ( 'Tentative' ); // translate ( 'Schedule an appointment for' ) $titleStr = ' title="' . translate ( 'Schedule an appointment for XXX.' ) . '">'; $viewMsg = translate ( 'View this entry' ); $hours = $last_hour - $first_hour; $interval = intval ( 60 / $increment ); $cell_pct = intval ( 80 / ( $hours * $interval ) ); $cols = ( ( $hours * $interval ) + 1 ); $style_width = ( $cell_pct > 0 ? 'style="width:' . $cell_pct . '%;"' : '' ); $thismonth = date ( 'm', $dateTS ); $thisyear = date ( 'Y', $dateTS ); // Build a master array containing all events for $participants. for ( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access. */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $participants[$i], $dateTS, $dateTS, '' ); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access. */ $events = read_events ( $participants[$i], $dateTS, $dateTS ); // Combine events for this date into a single array for easy processing. $ALL = array_merge ( get_repeating_entries ( $participants[$i], $date ), get_entries ( $date ) ); foreach ( $ALL as $E ) { if ( $E->getTime () == 0 ) { $duration = 60 * $hours; $time = $first_hour . '0000'; } else { $duration = $E->getDuration (); $time = date ( 'His', $E->getDateTimeTS () ); } $hour = substr ( $time, 0, 2 ); $mins = substr ( $time, 2, 2 ); // Convert cal_time to slot. $slot = $hour + substr ( $mins, 0, 1 ); // Convert cal_duration to bars. $bars = $duration / $increment; // Never replace 'A' with 'W'. for ( $q = 0; $bars > $q; $q++ ) { $slot = sprintf ( "%02.2f", $slot ); if ( strlen ( $slot ) == 4 ) $slot = '0' . $slot; // Add leading zeros. $slot = $slot . ''; // Convert to a string. if ( empty ( $master['_all_'][$slot] ) || ( $master['_all_'][$slot]['stat'] != 'A' ) ) $master['_all_'][$slot]['stat'] = $E->getStatus (); if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$slot] ) || ( $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['stat'] != 'A' ) ) { $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['stat'] = $E->getStatus (); $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['ID'] = $E->getID (); } $slot = $slot + ( $increment * .01 ); if ( $slot - ( int )$slot >= .59 ) $slot = ( int )$slot + 1; } } } for( $i = $first_hour; $i < $last_hour; $i++ ) { $hour = $i; if ( $TIME_FORMAT == '12' ) { $hour %= 12; if ( $hour == 0 ) $hour = 12; $hourfmt = '%d'; } else $hourfmt = '%02d'; $halfway = intval ( ( $interval / 2 ) -1 ); for( $j = 0; $j < $interval; $j++ ) { $inc_x_j = $increment * $j; $str .= ' <td id="C' . ( $j + 1 ) . '" class="dailymatrix" '; $tmpTitle = 'onmousedown="schedule_event( ' . $i . ',' . sprintf ( "%02d", $inc_x_j ) . ' );"' . $MouseOver . $MouseOut . str_replace ( 'XXX', sprintf ( $hourfmt, $hour ) . ':' . ( $inc_x_j <= 9 ? '0' : '' ) . $inc_x_j, $titleStr ); switch ( $j ) { case $halfway: $k = ( $hour <= 9 ? '0' : substr ( $hour, 0, 1 ) ); $str .= 'style="width:' . $cell_pct . '%; text-align:right;" ' . $tmpTitle . $k . '</td>'; break; case $halfway + 1: $k = ( $hour <= 9 ? substr ( $hour, 0, 1 ) : substr ( $hour, 1, 2 ) ); $str .= 'style="width:' . $cell_pct . '%; text-align:left;" ' . $tmpTitle . $k . '</td>'; break; default: $str .= $style_width . $tmpTitle . ' </td>'; } } } $ret .= $str . ' </tr> <tr> <td class="matrix" colspan="' . $cols . '"></td> </tr>'; // Add user _all_ to beginning of $participants array. array_unshift ( $participants, '_all_' ); // Javascript for cells. // Display each participant. for ( $i = 0; $i <= $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $participants[$i] != '_all_' ) { // Load full name of user. user_load_variables ( $participants[$i], 'user_' ); // Exchange space for to keep from breaking. $user_nospace = preg_replace ( '/\s/', ' ', $user_fullname ); } else $user_nospace = preg_replace ( '/\s/', ' ', $allAttendeesStr ); $ret .= ' <tr> <th class="row" style="width:' . $participant_pct . ';">' . $user_nospace . '</th>'; $col = 1; // Check each timebar. for ( $j = $first_hour; $j < $last_hour; $j++ ) { for ( $k = 0; $k < $interval; $k++ ) { $r = sprintf ( "%02d", $j ) . '.' . sprintf ( "%02d", ( $increment * $k ) ) . ''; $space = ' '; if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$r] ) ) { // Ignore this.. } else if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$r]['ID'] ) ) // This is the first line for 'all' users. No event here. $space = ' <span class="matrix"><img src="images/pix.gif" alt="" /></span>'; else { $tmpMast = $master[$participants[$i]][$r]['stat']; if ( strpos ( 'AW', $tmpMast ) !== false ) $space = ' <a class="matrix" href="view_entry.php?id=' . $master[$participants[$i]][$r]['ID'] . '&friendly=1"><img src="images/pix' . ( $tmpMast = 'A' ? '' : 'b' ) . '.gif" title="' . $viewMsg . '" alt="' . $viewMsg . '" /></a>'; } $ret .= ' <td class="matrixappts' . ( $k == '0' ? ' matrixledge' : '' ) . '" ' . $style_width . ( $space == ' ' ? ' ' . 'onmousedown="schedule_event( ' . $j . ',' . sprintf ( "%02d", ( $increment * $k ) ) . ' );"' . " $MouseOver $MouseOut" : '' ) . '>' . $space . '</td>'; $col++; } } $ret .= ' </tr> <tr> <td class="matrix" colspan="' . $cols . '"><img src="images/pix.gif" alt="-" /></td> </tr>'; } // End foreach participant. return $ret . <<<EOT </table><br /> <table align="center"> <tr> <td class="matrixlegend" ><img src="images/pix.gif" title="{$busy}" alt="{$busy}" />{$busy} <img src="images/pixb.gif" title="{$tentative}" alt="{$tentative}" />{$tentative}</td> </tr> </table> EOT; } /* Generate HTML for a date selection for use in a form. * * @param string $prefix Prefix to use in front of form element names * @param string $date Currently selected date (in YYYYMMDD format) * @param bool $trigger Add onchange event trigger that * calls javascript function $prefix_datechanged () * @param int $num_years Number of years to display * * @return string HTML for the selection box. */ function date_selection ( $prefix, $date, $trigger = false, $num_years = 20 ) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $trigger_str = ( empty ( $trigger ) ? '' : $prefix . 'datechanged();' ); $onchange = ( empty ( $trigger_str ) ? '' : 'onchange="$trigger_str"' ); if ( strlen ( $date ) != 8 ) $date = date ( 'Ymd' ); $thisyear = $year = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = $month = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $thisday = $day = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); if ( $thisyear - date ( 'Y' ) >= ( $num_years - 1 ) ) $num_years = $thisyear - date ( 'Y' ) + 2; $ret = ' <select name="' . $prefix . 'day" id="' . $prefix . 'day"' . $onchange . '>'; for ( $i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++ ) { $ret .= ' <option value="' . "$i\"" . ( $i == substr ( $date, 6, 2 ) ? $selected : '' ) . ">$i" . '</option>'; } $ret .= ' </select> <select name="' . $prefix . 'month"' . $onchange . '>'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i++ ) { $ret .= ' <option value="' . "$i\"" . ( $i == substr ( $date, 4, 2 ) ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . month_name ( $i - 1, 'M' ) . '</option>'; } $ret .= ' </select> <select name="' . $prefix . 'year"' . $onchange . '>'; for ( $i = -10; $i < $num_years; $i++ ) { $y = $thisyear + $i; $ret .= ' <option value="' . "$y\"" . ( $y == $thisyear ? $selected : '' ) . ">$y" . '</option>'; } return $ret . ' </select> <input type="button" name="' . $prefix . 'btn" onclick="selectDate( \'' . $prefix . 'day\',\'' . $prefix . 'month\',\'' . $prefix . "year','$date'" . ', event, this.form );" value="' . translate ( 'Select' ) . '..." />' . "\n"; } /* Converts a date to a timestamp. * * @param string $d Date in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHIISS format * @param bool $gmt Whether to use GMT or LOCAL * * @return int Timestamp representing, in UTC or LOCAL time. */ function date_to_epoch ( $d , $gmt=true) { if ( $d == 0 ) return 0; $dH = $di = $ds = 0; if ( strlen ( $d ) == 13 ) { // Hour value is single digit. $dH = substr ( $d, 8, 1 ); $di = substr ( $d, 9, 2 ); $ds = substr ( $d, 11, 2 ); } if ( strlen ( $d ) == 14 ) { $dH = substr ( $d, 8, 2 ); $di = substr ( $d, 10, 2 ); $ds = substr ( $d, 12, 2 ); } if ( $gmt ) return gmmktime ( $dH, $di, $ds, substr ( $d, 4, 2 ), substr ( $d, 6, 2 ), substr ( $d, 0, 4 ) ); else return mktime ( $dH, $di, $ds, substr ( $d, 4, 2 ), substr ( $d, 6, 2 ), substr ( $d, 0, 4 ) ); } /* Converts a date in YYYYMMDD format into "Friday, December 31, 1999", * "Friday, 12-31-1999" or whatever format the user prefers. * * @param string $indate Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $format Format to use for date * (default is "__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__") * @param bool $show_weekday Should the day of week also be included? * @param bool $short_months Should the abbreviated month names be used * instead of the full month names? * @param bool $forceTranslate Check to see if there is a translation for * the specified data format. If there is, then use * the translated format from the language file, but * only if $DATE_FORMAT is language-defined. * * @return string Date in the specified format. * * @global string Preferred date format * @TODO Add other date () parameters like ( j, n ) */ function date_to_str ( $indate, $format = '', $show_weekday = true, $short_months = false, $forceTranslate = false ) { global $DATE_FORMAT; if ( strlen ( $indate ) == 0 ) $indate = date ( 'Ymd' ); // If they have not set a preference yet... if ( $DATE_FORMAT == '' || $DATE_FORMAT == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT = translate ( '__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__' ); else if ( $DATE_FORMAT == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' && $forceTranslate && $format != '' && translation_exists ( $format ) ) { $format = translate ( $format ); } if ( empty ( $format ) ) $format = $DATE_FORMAT; $y = intval ( $indate / 10000 ); $m = intval ( $indate / 100 ) % 100; $d = $indate % 100; $wday = strftime ( "%w", mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y ) ); if ( $short_months ) { $month = month_name ( $m - 1, 'M' ); $weekday = weekday_name ( $wday, 'D' ); } else { $month = month_name ( $m - 1 ); $weekday = weekday_name ( $wday ); } $ret = str_replace ( '__dd__', $d, $format ); $ret = str_replace ( '__j__', intval ( $d ), $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__mm__', $m, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__mon__', $month, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__month__', $month, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__n__', sprintf ( "%02d", $m ), $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__yy__', sprintf ( "%02d", $y % 100 ), $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( '__yyyy__', $y, $ret ); return ( $show_weekday ? "$weekday, $ret" : $ret ); } /* Extracts a user's name from a session id. * * This prevents users from begin able to edit their cookies.txt file and set * the username in plain text. * * @param string $instr A hex-encoded string. "Hello" would be "678ea786a5". * * @return string The decoded string. * * @global array Array of offsets * * @see encode_string */ function decode_string ( $instr ) { global $offsets; $cntOffsets = count ( $offsets ); $orig = ''; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = strlen ( $instr ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { $orig .= chr ( ( hextoint ( substr ( $instr, $i, 1 ) ) * 16 + hextoint ( substr ( $instr, $i + 1, 1 ) ) - $offsets[ ( $i / 2 ) % $cntOffsets ] + 256 ) % 256 ); } return $orig; } /* Display a text for a single activity log entry. * * @param string $cal_type the log entry type * @param string $cal_text addiitonal text to display * * @return string HTML for one log entry. */ function display_activity_log ( $cal_type, $cal_text = '', $break = '<br/> ' ) { if ( $cal_type == LOG_APPROVE ) $ret = translate ( 'Event approved' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_APPROVE_J ) $ret = translate ( 'Journal approved' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_APPROVE_T ) $ret = translate ( 'Task approved' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_ATTACHMENT ) $ret = translate ( 'Attachment' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_COMMENT ) $ret = translate ( 'Comment' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_CREATE ) $ret = translate ( 'Event created' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_CREATE_J ) $ret = translate ( 'Journal created' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_CREATE_T ) $ret = translate ( 'Task created' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_DELETE ) $ret = translate ( 'Event deleted' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_DELETE_J ) $ret = translate ( 'Journal deleted' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_DELETE_T ) $ret = translate ( 'Task deleted' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_LOGIN_FAILURE ) $ret = translate ( 'Invalid login' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_NEWUSER_EMAIL ) $ret = translate ( 'New user via email (self registration)' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_NEWUSER_FULL ) $ret = translate ( 'New user (self registration)' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_NOTIFICATION ) $ret = translate ( 'Notification sent' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_REJECT ) $ret = translate ( 'Event rejected' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_REJECT_J ) $ret = translate ( 'Journal rejected' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_REJECT_T ) $ret = translate ( 'Task rejected' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_REMINDER ) $ret = translate ( 'Reminder sent' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_UPDATE ) $ret = translate ( 'Event updated' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_UPDATE_J ) $ret = translate ( 'Journal updated' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_UPDATE_T ) $ret = translate ( 'Task updated' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_USER_ADD ) $ret = translate ( 'Add User' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_USER_DELETE ) $ret = translate ( 'Delete User' ); elseif ( $cal_type == LOG_USER_UPDATE ) $ret = translate ( 'Edit User' ); else $ret = '???'; //fix any broken special characters $cal_text = preg_replace("/&(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+);/i", "&$1;", htmlentities ( $cal_text )); return $ret . ( empty ( $cal_text ) ? '' : $break . $cal_text ); } /* Display the <<Admin link on pages if menus are not enabled * * @param bool $break If true, include break if empty * * @return string HTML for Admin Home link * @global string (Y/N) Is the Top Menu Enabled */ function display_admin_link ( $break = true ) { global $MENU_ENABLED; $adminStr = translate ( 'Admin' ); return ( $break ? '<br />' . "\n" : '' ) . ( $MENU_ENABLED == 'N' ? '<a title="' . $adminStr . '" class="nav" href="adminhome.php">« ' . $adminStr . '</a><br /><br />' . "\n" : '' ); } /* Generate HTML to create a month display. */ function display_month ( $thismonth, $thisyear, $demo = false ) { global $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS, $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER, $login, $today, $user, $WEEK_START, $WEEKENDBG; $ret = ' <table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="month_main"> <tr>' . ( $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? ' <th class="empty"></th>' : '' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $thday = ( $i + $WEEK_START ) % 7; $ret .= ' <th' . ( is_weekend ( $thday ) ? ' class="weekend"' : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $thday, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS ) . '</th>'; } $ret .= ' </tr>'; $charset = translate ( 'charset' ); $weekStr = translate ( 'Week' ); $WKStr = translate ( 'WK' ); $wkstart = get_weekday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth ); // Generate values for first day and last day of month. $monthstart = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear ) ); $monthend = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear ) ); $monthend2 = date ( 'Ymd His', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear ) ); $todayYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $today ); for ( $i = $wkstart; date ( 'Ymd', $i + 43200 ) <= $monthend; $i += 604800 ) { $ret .= ' <tr>'; if ( $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ) { $tmp = date ( 'W', $i + 86400 ); $ret .= ' <td class="weekcell"><a title="' . $weekStr . ' ' . $tmp . '" href="' . ( $demo ? '' : 'week.php?date=' . date ( 'Ymd', $i + 86400 ) ) . ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ? '&user=' . $user : '' ) . ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? '' : '&cat_id=' . $cat_id ) . '"' . '>'; $wkStr = $WKStr . $tmp; $wkStr2 = ''; if ( $charset == 'UTF-8' ) $wkStr2 = $wkStr; else { for ( $w = 0, $cnt = strlen ( $wkStr ); $w < $cnt; $w++ ) { $wkStr2 .= substr ( $wkStr, $w, 1 ) . '<br />'; } } $ret .= $wkStr2 . '</a></td>'; } for ( $j = 0; $j < 7; $j++ ) { $date = $i + ( $j * 86400 + 43200 ); $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $date ); $dateD = date ( 'd', $date ); $thiswday = date ( 'w', $date ); $is_weekend = is_weekend ( $date ) && ( ! empty ( $WEEKENDBG ) ); $ret .= ' <td'; $currMonth = ( $dateYmd >= $monthstart && $dateYmd <= $monthend ); if ( $currMonth || ( ! empty ( $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH ) && $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH == 'Y' ) ) { $class = ( $currMonth ? ( ! $demo && $dateYmd == $todayYmd ? 'today' : ( $is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '' ) ) : 'othermonth' ); // Get events for this day. $ret_events = ''; if ( ! $demo ) $ret_events = print_date_entries ( $dateYmd, ( empty ( $user ) ? $login : $user ), false ); else { // Since we base this calendar on the current month, // the placement of the days always change so // set 3rd Thursday as "today" for the demo... if ( $dateD > 15 && $dateD < 23 && $thiswday == 4 ) { $class = 'today'; $ret_events = translate ( 'Today' ); } // ... and set 2nd Saturday and 2nd Tuesday as the demo event days. if ( $dateD > 7 && $dateD < 16 && ( $thiswday == 2 || $thiswday == 6 ) ) { $class .= ' entry hasevents'; $ret_events = translate ( 'My event text' ); } } $class = trim ( $class ); $class .= ( ! empty ( $ret_events ) && strstr ( $ret_events, 'class="entry"' ) ? ' hasevents' : '' ); $ret .= ( strlen ( $class ) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '' ) . '>' . $ret_events . '</td>'; } else $ret .= ( $is_weekend ? ' class="weekend"' : '' ) . '> </td>'; } $ret .= ' </tr>'; } return $ret . ' </table>'; } /* Generate the HTML for the navigation bar. */ function display_navigation ( $name, $show_arrows = true, $show_cats = true ) { global $cat_id, $CATEGORIES_ENABLED, $caturl, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, $DISPLAY_SM_MONTH, $DISPLAY_TASKS, $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER, $is_admin, $is_assistant, $is_nonuser_admin, $login, $nextYmd, $nowYmd, $prevYmd, $single_user, $spacer, $thisday, $thismonth, $thisyear, $user, $user_fullname, $wkend, $wkstart; if ( empty ( $name ) ) return; $nextStr = translate ( 'Next' ); $prevStr = translate ( 'Previous' ); $u_url = ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ? 'user=' . $user . '&' : '' ); $ret = ' <div class="topnav"' // Hack to prevent giant space between minicals and navigation in IE. . ( get_web_browser () == 'MSIE' ? ' style="zoom:1"' : '' ) . '>' . ( $show_arrows && ( $name != 'month' || $DISPLAY_SM_MONTH == 'N' || $DISPLAY_TASKS == 'Y' ) ? ' <a title="' . $nextStr . '" class="next" href="' . $name . '.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $nextYmd . $caturl . '"><img src="images/rightarrow.gif" alt="' . $nextStr . '" /></a> <a title="' . $prevStr . '" class="prev" href="' . $name . '.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $prevYmd . $caturl . '"><img src="images/leftarrow.gif" alt="' . $prevStr . '" /></a>' : '' ) . ' <div class="title"> <span class="date">'; if ( $name == 'day' ) $ret .= date_to_str ( $nowYmd ); elseif ( $name == 'week' ) $ret .= date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', $wkstart ), '', false ) . ' - ' . date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', $wkend - 86400 ), '', false ) . ( $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? " \n(" . translate ( 'Week' ) . ' ' . date ( 'W', $wkstart + 86400 ) . ')' : '' ); elseif ( $name == 'month' || $name == 'view_l' ) { $ret .= $spacer . date_to_str ( sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $thisyear, $thismonth ), $DATE_FORMAT_MY, false, false, true ); } return $ret . '</span> <span class="user">' // Display current calendar's user (if not in single user). . ( $single_user == 'N' ? '<br />' . $user_fullname : '' ) . ( $is_nonuser_admin || ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $user ) && $user == '__public__' ) ? '<br />-- ' . translate ( 'Admin mode' ) . ' --' : '' ) . ( $is_assistant ? '<br />-- ' . translate ( 'Assistant mode' ) . ' --' : '' ) . '</span>' . ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' && $show_cats && ( ! $user || ( $user == $login || $is_assistant ) ) ? '<br /><br />' . print_category_menu ( $name, sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ), $cat_id ) : '' ) . ' </div> </div><br />'; } /* Prints out a minicalendar for a month. * * @todo Make day.php NOT be a special case * * @param int $thismonth Number of the month to print * @param int $thisyear Number of the year * @param bool $showyear Show the year in the calendar's title? * @param bool $show_weeknums Show week numbers to the left of each row? * @param string $minical_id id attribute for the minical table * @param string $month_link URL and query string for month link that should * come before the date specification (e.g. * month.php? or view_l.php?id=7&) */ function display_small_month ( $thismonth, $thisyear, $showyear, $show_weeknums = false, $minical_id = '', $month_link = 'month.php?' ) { global $boldDays, $caturl, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH, $DISPLAY_TASKS, $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER, $get_unapproved, $login, $MINI_TARGET, // Used by minical.php $SCRIPT, $SHOW_EMPTY_WEEKENDS,//Used by year.php $thisday, // Needed for day.php $today, $use_http_auth, $user, $WEEK_START; $nextStr = translate ( 'Next' ); $prevStr = translate ( 'Previous' ); $u_url = ( $user != $login && ! empty ( $user ) ? 'user=' . $user . '&' : '' ); $weekStr = translate ( 'Week' ); // Start the minical table for each month. $ret = ' <table class="minical"' . ( $minical_id != '' ? ' id="' . $minical_id . '"' : '' ) . '>'; $monthstart = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear ) ); $monthend = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear ) ); // Determine if the week starts on Sunday or Monday. // TODO: We need to be able to start a week on ANY day. $wkstart = get_weekday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth ); if ( $SCRIPT == 'day.php' ) { $month_ago = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear ) ); $month_ahead = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear ) ); $ret .= '<caption>' . $thisday . '</caption> <thead> <tr class="monthnav"> <th colspan="' . ( $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == true ? 8 : 7 ) . '"> <a title="' . $prevStr . '" class="prev" href="day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ago . $caturl . '"><img src="images/leftarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $prevStr . '" /></a> <a title="' . $nextStr . '" class="next" href="day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ahead . $caturl . '"><img src="images/rightarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $nextStr . '" /></a>' . date_to_str ( sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1 ), ( $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__' ), false ) . ' </th> </tr>'; } elseif ( $SCRIPT == 'minical.php' ) { $month_ago = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, $thisday, $thisyear ) ); $month_ahead = date ( 'Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, $thisday, $thisyear ) ); $ret .= ' <thead> <tr class="monthnav"> <th colspan="7"> <a title="' . $prevStr . '" class="prev" href="minical.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ago . '"><img src="images/leftarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $prevStr . '" /></a> <a title="' . $nextStr . '" class="next" href="minical.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $month_ahead . '"><img src="images/rightarrowsmall.gif" alt="' . $nextStr . '" /></a>' . date_to_str ( sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1 ), ( $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__' ), false ) . ' </th> </tr>'; } else // Not day or minical script. Print the month name. $ret .= ' <caption><a href="' . $month_link . $u_url . 'year=' . $thisyear . '&month=' . $thismonth . '">' . date_to_str ( sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, 1 ), ( $showyear != '' ? $DATE_FORMAT_MY : '__month__' ), false ) . '</a></caption> <thead>'; $ret .= ' <tr>' // Print the headers to display the day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tues, etc.). // If we're showing week numbers we need an extra column. . ( $show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? ' <th class="empty"> </th>' : '' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $thday = ( $i + $WEEK_START ) % 7; $ret .= ' <th' . ( is_weekend ( $thday ) ? ' class="weekend"' : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $thday, 'D' ) . '</th>'; } // End the header row. $ret .= ' </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; for ( $i = $wkstart; date ( 'Ymd', $i ) <= $monthend; $i += 604800 ) { $tmp = $i + 172800; // 48 hours. $ret .= ' <tr>' . ( $show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? ' <td><a class="weeknumber" ' . 'title="' . $weekStr . ' ' . date ( 'W', $i + 86400 ) . '" ' . 'href="week.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . date ( 'Ymd', $tmp ) . '">(' . date ( 'W', $tmp ) . ')</a></td>' : '' ); for ( $j = 0; $j < 7; $j++ ) { // Add 12 hours just so we don't have DST problems. $date = $i + ( $j * 86400 + 43200 ); $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $date ); $hasEvents = false; $title = ''; $ret .= ' <td'; if ( $boldDays ) { $ev = get_entries ( $dateYmd, $get_unapproved, true, true ); if ( count ( $ev ) > 0 ) { $hasEvents = true; $title = $ev[0]->getName (); } else { $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved ); if ( count ( $rep ) > 0 ) { $hasEvents = true; $title = $rep[0]->getName (); } } } if ( ( $dateYmd >= $monthstart && $dateYmd <= $monthend ) || ( ! empty ( $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH ) && $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH == 'Y' ) ) { $class = // If it's a weekend. ( is_weekend ( $date ) ? 'weekend' : '' ) // If the day being viewed is today AND script = day.php. . ( $dateYmd == $thisyear . $thismonth . $thisday && $SCRIPT == 'day.php' ? ' selectedday' : '' ) // Are there any events scheduled for this date? . ( $hasEvents ? ' hasevents' : '' ); $ret .= ( $class != '' ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '' ) . ( $dateYmd == date ( 'Ymd', $today ) ? ' id="today"' : '' ) . '><a href="'; if ( $SCRIPT == 'minical.php' ) $ret .= ( $use_http_auth ? 'day.php?user=' . $user : 'nulogin.php?login=' . $user . '&return_path=day.php' ) . '&date=' . $dateYmd . '"' . ( empty ( $MINI_TARGET ) ? '' : ' target="' . $MINI_TARGET . '"' ) . ( empty ( $title ) ? '' : ' title="' . $title . '"' ); else $ret .= 'day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $dateYmd . '"'; $ret .= '>' . date ( 'j', $date ) . '</a></td>'; } else $ret .= ' class="empty' . ( ! empty ( $SHOW_EMPTY_WEEKENDS ) && is_weekend ( $date ) ? ' weekend' : '' ) . '"> </td>'; } // end for $j $ret .= ' </tr>'; } // end for $i return $ret . ' </tbody> </table>'; } /* Prints small task list for this $login user. */ function display_small_tasks ( $cat_id ) { global $caturl, $DATE_FORMAT_TASK, $eventinfo, $is_assistant, $login, $task_filter, $user; static $key = 0; if ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login && ! $is_assistant ) return false; $SORT_TASKS = 'Y'; $pri[1] = translate ( 'High' ); $pri[2] = translate ( 'Medium' ); $pri[3] = translate ( 'Low' ); $task_user = $login; $u_url = ''; if ( $user != $login && ! empty ( $user ) ) { $u_url = 'user=' . $user . '&'; $task_user = $user; } $ajax = array (); $dueSpacer = ' '; $task_cat = ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? -99 : $cat_id ); if ( $SORT_TASKS == 'Y' ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) { $ajax[$i] = ' <td class="sorter" onclick="sortTasks( ' . $i . ', ' . $task_cat . ', this )"><img src="images/up.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /></td>'; $ajax[$i + 4] = ' <td class="sorter sorterbottom" onclick="sortTasks( ' . ( $i + 4 ) . ', ' . $task_cat . ', this )"><img src="images/down.png" style="vertical-align:top" /></td>'; } } else { $dueSpacer = ' '; $ajax = array_pad ( $ajax, 8, ' <td></td>' ); } $priorityStr = translate ( 'Priority' ); $dateFormatStr = $DATE_FORMAT_TASK; $task_list = query_events ( $task_user, false, ( empty ( $task_filter ) ? '' : $task_filter ), $cat_id, true ); $row_cnt = 1; $task_html = ' <table class="minitask" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="6">' . translate ( 'TASKS' ) . '</th> <th align="right" colspan="2"><a href="edit_entry.php?' . $u_url . 'eType=task' . $caturl . '"><img src="images/new.gif" alt="+" class="new" /></a></th> </tr> <tr class="header"> <td rowspan="2" class="sorterbottom">! </td>' . $ajax[0] . ' <td rowspan="2" width="20%" class="sorterbottom">' . translate ( 'Task_Title' ) . ' </td>' . $ajax[1] . ' <td rowspan="2" class="sorterbottom">' . translate ( 'Due' ) . $dueSpacer . '</td>' . $ajax[2] . ' <td rowspan="2" class="sorterbottom">%</td>' . $ajax[3] . ' </tr> <tr class="header">' . $ajax[4] . $ajax[5] . $ajax[6] . $ajax[7] . ' </tr>'; foreach ( $task_list as $E ) { // Check UAC. $task_owner = $E->getLogin (); if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $can_access = access_user_calendar ( 'view', $task_owner, '', $E->getCalType (), $E->getAccess () ); if ( $can_access == 0 ) continue; } $cal_id = $E->getId (); // Generate popup info. $linkid = 'pop' . "$cal_id-$key"; $key++; $link = '<a href="view_entry.php?' . ( $task_owner != $login ? 'user=' . $task_owner . '&' : '' ) . 'id=' . $cal_id . '"'; $task_html .= ' <tr class="task" id="' . $linkid . '" style="background-color:' . rgb_luminance ( $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'], $E->getPriority () ) . '"> <td colspan="2">' . $link . ' title="' . $priorityStr . '">' . $E->getPriority () . '</a></td> <td class="name" colspan="2" width="50%"> ' . $link . ' title="' . translate ( 'Task Name' ) . ': ' . $E->getName () . '">' . substr ( $E->getName (), 0, 15 ) . ( strlen ( $E->getName () ) > 15 ? '...' : '' ) . '</a></td> <td colspan="2">' . $link . ' title="' . translate ( 'Task Due Date' ) . '">' . date_to_str ( $E->getDueDate (), $dateFormatStr, false, false ) . '</a>' . '</td> <td class="pct" colspan="2">' . $link . ' title="% ' . translate ( 'Completed' ) . '">' . $E->getPercent () . '</a></td> </tr>'; $row_cnt++; // Build special string to pass to popup. // TODO: Move this logic into build_entry_popup (). $eventinfo .= build_entry_popup ( 'eventinfo-' . $linkid, $E->getLogin (), $E->getDescription (), translate ( 'Due Time' ) . ':' . display_time ( '', 0, $E->getDueDateTimeTS () ) . '</dd><dd>' . translate ( 'Due Date' ) . ':' . date_to_str ( $E->getDueDate (), '', false ) . "</dd>\n<dt>" . $priorityStr . ":</dt>\n<dd>" . $E->getPriority () . '-' . $pri[ceil ( $E->getPriority () / 3 )] . "</dd>\n<dt>" . translate ( 'Percent Complete' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd>" . $E->getPercent () . '%', '', $E->getLocation (), $E->getName (), $cal_id ); } for ( $i = 7; $i > $row_cnt; $i-- ) { $task_html .= '<tr><td colspan="8" class="filler"> </td></tr>' . "\n"; } $task_html .= "</table>\n"; return $task_html; } /* Displays a time in either 12 or 24 hour format. * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * Optionally, the format can be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS * @param int $control bitwise command value * 0 default * 1 ignore_offset Do not use the timezone offset * 2 show_tzid Show abbrev TZ id ie EST after time * 4 use server's timezone * @param int $timestamp optional input time in timestamp format * @param string $format user's TIME_FORMAT when sending emails * * @return string The time in the user's timezone and preferred format. */ function display_time ( $time = '', $control = 0, $timestamp = '', $format = '' ) { global $SERVER_TIMEZONE, $TIME_FORMAT; if ( $control & 4 ) { $currentTZ = getenv ( 'TZ' ); set_env ( 'TZ', $SERVER_TIMEZONE ); } $t_format = ( empty ( $format ) ? $TIME_FORMAT : $format ); $tzid = date ( ' T' ); //Default tzid for today. if ( ! empty ( $time ) && strlen ( $time ) > 12 ) $timestamp = date_to_epoch ( $time ); if ( ! empty ( $timestamp ) ) { $time = date ( 'His', $timestamp ); $tzid = date ( ' T', $timestamp ); // $control & 1 = do not do timezone calculations if ( $control & 1 ) { $time = gmdate ( 'His', $timestamp ); $tzid = ' GMT'; } } $hour = intval ( $time / 10000 ); $min = abs ( ( $time / 100 ) % 100 ); // Prevent goofy times like 8:00 9:30 9:00 10:30 10:00. if ( $time < 0 && $min > 0 ) $hour--; while ( $hour < 0 ) { $hour += 24; } while ( $hour > 23 ) { $hour -= 24; } if ( $t_format == '12' ) { $ampm = translate ( $hour >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am' ); $hour %= 12; if ( $hour == 0 ) $hour = 12; $ret = sprintf ( "%d:%02d%s", $hour, $min, $ampm ); } else $ret = sprintf ( "%02d:%02d", $hour, $min ); if ( $control & 2 ) $ret .= $tzid; // Reset timezone to previous value. if ( ! empty ( $currentTZ ) ) set_env ( 'TZ', $currentTZ ); return $ret; } /* Checks for any unnaproved events. * * If any are found, display a link to the unapproved events * (where they can be approved). * * If the user is an admin user, also count up any public events. * If the user is a nonuser admin, count up events on the nonuser calendar. * * @param string $user Current user login */ function display_unapproved_events ( $user ) { global $is_admin, $is_nonuser, $login, $MENU_ENABLED, $NONUSER_ENABLED, $PUBLIC_ACCESS; static $retval; // Don't do this for public access login, // admin user must approve public events if UAC is not enabled. if ( $user == '__public__' || $is_nonuser ) return; // Don't run this more than once. if ( ! empty ( $retval[$user] ) ) return $retval[$user]; $app_user_hash = $app_users = $query_params = array (); $query_params[] = $user; $ret = ''; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( weu.cal_id ) FROM webcal_entry_user weu, webcal_entry we WHERE weu.cal_id = we.cal_id AND weu.cal_status = \'W\' AND ( weu.cal_login = ?' . ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' && $is_admin && ! access_is_enabled () ? ' OR weu.cal_login = \'__public__\'' : '' ); if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $app_user_hash[$login] = 1; $app_users[] = $login; $all = ( $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y' // TODO: Add 'approved' switch to these functions. ? array_merge ( get_my_users (), get_my_nonusers () ) : get_my_users () ); for ( $j = 0, $cnt = count ( $all ); $j < $cnt; $j++ ) { $x = $all[$j]['cal_login']; if ( access_user_calendar ( 'approve', $x ) && empty ( $app_user_hash[$x] ) ) { $app_user_hash[$x] = 1; $app_users[] = $x; } } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $app_users ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $query_params[] = $app_users[$i]; $sql .= ' OR weu.cal_login = ? '; } } else if ( $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $admincals = get_my_nonusers ( $login ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $admincals ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $query_params[] = $admincals[$i]['cal_login']; $sql .= ' OR weu.cal_login = ? '; } } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . ' )', $query_params ); if ( $rows ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( $row && $row[0] > 0 ) $ret .= ( $MENU_ENABLED == 'N' ? '<a class="nav" href="list_unapproved.php' . ( $user != $login ? '?user=' . $user . '"' : '' ) . '">' . str_replace ( 'XXX', $row[0], translate ( 'You have XXX unapproved entries' ) ) . "</a><br />\n" : // Return something that won't display in bottom menu // but still has strlen > 0. '<!--NOP-->' ); } $retval[$user] = $ret; return $ret; } /* Sends a redirect to the specified page. * The database connection is closed and execution terminates in this function. * * <b>Note:</b> MS IIS/PWS has a bug that does not allow sending a cookie and a * redirect in the same HTTP header. When we detect that the web server is IIS, * we accomplish the redirect using meta-refresh. * See the following for more info on the IIS bug: * {@link http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/9316/fid/4} * * @param string $url The page to redirect to. In theory, this should be an * absolute URL, but all browsers accept relative URLs * (like "month.php"). * * @global string Type of webserver * @global array Server variables * @global resource Database connection */ function do_redirect ( $url ) { global $_SERVER, $c, $SERVER_SOFTWARE, $SERVER_URL; // Replace any '&' with '&' since we don't want that in the HTTP header. $url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url ); if ( empty ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE ) ) $SERVER_SOFTWARE = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; // $SERVER_URL should end in '/', but we may not have it yet if we are // redirecting to the login. If not, then pull it from the database. if ( empty ( $SERVER_URL ) && ! empty ( $c ) ) { $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_value FROM webcal_config " . "WHERE cal_setting = 'SERVER_URL'" ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $SERVER_URL = $row[0]; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // If we have the server URL, then use a full URL, which is technically // required (but all browsers accept relative URLs here). // BUT, only do this if our URL does not start with '/' because then // we could end up with a URL like: // http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar/webcalendar/month.php if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) && substr ( $url, 0, 1 ) != '/' ) { $url = $SERVER_URL . $url; } //echo "<pre>"; print_r ( debug_backtrace() ); echo "\n</pre>\n"; //echo "URL: $url <br>"; exit; $meta = ''; if ( ( substr ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 5 ) == 'Micro' ) || ( substr ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 3 ) == 'WN/' ) ) $meta = ' <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $url . '" />'; else header ( 'Location: ' . $url ); echo send_doctype ( 'Redirect' ) . $meta . ' </head> <body> Redirecting to.. <a href="' . $url . '">here</a>. </body> </html>'; dbi_close ( $c ); exit; } /* Takes an input string and encode it into a slightly encoded hexval that we * can use as a session cookie. * * @param string $instr Text to encode * * @return string The encoded text. * * @global array Array of offsets * * @see decode_string */ function encode_string ( $instr ) { global $offsets; $cntOffsets = count ( $offsets ); $ret = ''; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = strlen ( $instr ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $ret .= bin2hex ( chr ( ( ord ( substr ( $instr, $i, 1 ) ) + $offsets[ $i % $cntOffsets ] ) % 256 ) ); } return $ret; } /* Check for errors and return required HTML for display * * @param string $nextURL URL the redirect to * @param bool $redirect Redirect OR popup Confirmation window * * @return string HTML to display. * * @global string $error Current error message * * @uses print_error_header */ function error_check ( $nextURL, $redirect = true ) { global $error; $ret = ''; if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) { print_header ( '', '', '', true ); $ret .= ' <h2>' . print_error ( $error ) . '</h2>'; } else { if ( $redirect ) do_redirect ( $nextURL ); $ret .= '<html> <head></head> <body onload="alert( \'' . translate ( 'Changes successfully saved', true ) . '\' ); window.parent.location.href=\'' . $nextURL . '\';">'; } return $ret . ' </body> </html>'; } /* Gets the list of external users for an event from the * webcal_entry_ext_user table in HTML format. * * @param int $event_id Event ID * @param int $use_mailto When set to 1, email address will contain an href * link with a mailto URL. * * @return string The list of external users for an event formated in HTML. */ function event_get_external_users ( $event_id, $use_mailto = 0 ) { $ret = ''; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_fullname, cal_email FROM webcal_entry_ext_user WHERE cal_id = ? ORDER by cal_fullname', array ( $event_id ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; // Remove [\d] if duplicate name. $ret .= trim ( preg_replace ( '/\[[\d]]/', '', $row[0] ) ); if ( strlen ( $row[1] ) ) { $row_one = htmlentities ( " <$row[1]>" ); $ret .= ( $use_mailto ? ' <a href="mailto:' . "$row[1]\">$row_one</a>" : $row_one ); } $ret .= "\n"; } } return $ret; } /* Fakes an email for testing purposes. * * @param string $mailto Email address to send mail to * @param string $subj Subject of email * @param string $text Email body * @param string $hdrs Other email headers * * @ignore */ function fake_mail ( $mailto, $subj, $text, $hdrs ) { echo 'To: ' . $mailto . '<br /> Subject: ' . $subj . '<br /> ' . nl2br ( $hdrs ) . '<br /> ' . nl2br ( $text ); } /* Generate activity log * * @paran int $id Event id if called from view_entry.php * @param bool $sys Display System Log ro Event Log * @param int $startid Event number to start off list * * @return string HTML to diplay log. */ function generate_activity_log ( $id = '', $sys = false, $startid = '' ) { global $GENERAL_USE_GMT, $nextpage, $PAGE_SIZE; $nextpage = ''; $size = ( $id ? 'h3' : 'h2' ); $sql_params = array (); if ( ! empty ( $id ) ) $sql_params[] = $id; $sql_params[] = $startid; $ret = "<$size>" . ( $sys ? translate ( 'System Log' ) : translate ( 'Activity Log' ) ) . ( $sys ? '' : ' <a href="rss_activity_log.php">' . '<img src="images/rss.png" width="14" height="14" alt="RSS 2.0 - ' . translate ( 'Activity Log' ) . '" border="0"/></a>' ) . "</$size>" . display_admin_link () . ' <table class="embactlog"> <tr> <th class="usr">' . translate ( 'User' ) . '</th> <th class="cal">' . translate ( 'Calendar' ) . '</th> <th class="scheduled">' . translate ( 'Date' ) . '/' . translate ( 'Time' ) . '</th>' . ( $sys || $id ? '' : ' <th class="dsc">' . translate ( 'Event' ) . '</th>' ) . ' <th class="action">' . translate ( 'Action' ) . '</th> </tr>'; $sql = 'SELECT wel.cal_login, wel.cal_user_cal, wel.cal_type, wel.cal_date, wel.cal_time, wel.cal_text, ' . ( $sys ? 'wel.cal_log_id FROM webcal_entry_log wel WHERE wel.cal_entry_id = 0' : 'we.cal_id, we.cal_name, wel.cal_log_id, we.cal_type FROM webcal_entry_log wel, webcal_entry we WHERE wel.cal_entry_id = we.cal_id' ) . ( empty ( $id ) ? '' : ' AND we.cal_id = ?' ) . ( empty ( $startid ) ? '' : ' AND wel.cal_log_id <= ?' ) . ' ORDER BY wel.cal_log_id DESC'; $res = dbi_execute ( $sql, $sql_params ); if ( $res ) { $num = 0; while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $l_login = $row[0]; $l_user = $row[1]; $l_type = $row[2]; $l_date = $row[3]; $l_time = $row[4]; $l_text = $row[5]; if ( $sys ) $l_id = $row[6]; else { $l_eid = $row[6]; $l_ename = $row[7]; $l_id = $row[8]; $l_etype = $row[9]; } $num++; if ( $num > $PAGE_SIZE ) { $nextpage = $l_id; break; } else $ret .= ' <tr' . ( $num % 2 ? ' class="odd"' : '' ) . '> <td>' . $l_login . '</td> <td>' . $l_user . '</td> <td>' . date_to_str ( $l_date ) . ' ' . display_time ( $l_date . $l_time, // Added TZ conversion ( ! empty ( $GENERAL_USE_GMT ) && $GENERAL_USE_GMT == 'Y' ? 3 : 2 ) ) . '</td> <td>' . ( ! $sys && ! $id ? '<a title="' . htmlspecialchars ( $l_ename ) . '" href="view_entry.php?id=' . $l_eid . '">' . htmlspecialchars ( $l_ename ) . '</a></td> <td>' : '' ) . display_activity_log ( $l_type, $l_text ) . '</td> </tr>'; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret . ' </table>'; } /* Generate Application Name * * @param bool $custom Allow user name to be displayed */ function generate_application_name ( $custom = true ) { global $APPLICATION_NAME, $fullname; if ( empty ( $APPLICATION_NAME ) ) $APPLICATION_NAME = 'Title'; return ( $custom && ! empty ( $fullname ) && $APPLICATION_NAME == 'myname' ? $fullname : ( $APPLICATION_NAME == 'Title' || $APPLICATION_NAME == 'myname' ? ( function_exists ( 'translate' ) ? translate ( 'Title' ) : 'Title' ) : htmlspecialchars ( $APPLICATION_NAME ) ) ); } /* Generate HTML to add Printer Friendly Link. * If called without parameter, return only the href string. * * @param string $hrefin script name * * @return string URL to printer friendly page. * * @global array SERVER * @global string SCRIPT name * @global string (Y/N) Top menu enabled */ function generate_printer_friendly ( $hrefin = '' ) { global $_SERVER, $MENU_ENABLED, $SCRIPT, $show_printer; // Set this to enable printer icon in top menu. $href = ( empty ( $href ) ? $SCRIPT : $hrefin ) . '?' . ( empty ( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ? '' : addslashes(htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ); $href .= ( substr ( $href, -1 ) == '?' ? '' : '&' ) . 'friendly=1'; $show_printer = true; if ( empty ( $hrefin ) ) // Menu will call this function without parameter. return $href; if ( $MENU_ENABLED == 'Y' ) // Return nothing if using menus. return ''; $href = str_replace ( '&', '&', $href ); $displayStr = translate ( 'Printer Friendly' ); $statusStr = translate ( 'Generate printer-friendly version' ); return <<<EOT <a title="{$statusStr}" class="printer" href="{$href}" target="cal_printer_friendly">[{$displayStr}]</a> EOT; } /* Generate Refresh Meta Tag. * * @return HTML for Meta Tag. */ function generate_refresh_meta () { global $AUTO_REFRESH, $AUTO_REFRESH_TIME, $REQUEST_URI; return ( $AUTO_REFRESH == 'Y' && ! empty ( $AUTO_REFRESH_TIME ) && ! empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) ? ' <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $AUTO_REFRESH_TIME * 60 // Convert to seconds. . '; url=' . addslashes(htmlentities($REQUEST_URI)) . '" />' : '' ); } /* Returns all the dates a specific event will fall on * accounting for the repeating. * * Any event with no end will be assigned one. * * @param int $date Initial date in raw format * @param string $rpt_type Repeating type as stored in the database * @param int $interval Interval of repetition * @param array $Byxxx Array of Byxxx values * @param int $Count Max number of events to return * @param string $Until Last day of repeat * @param string $Wkst First day of week ('MO' is default) * @param array $ex_days Array of exception dates for this event in YYYYMMDD format * @param array $inc_days Array of inclusion dates for this event in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $jump Date to short cycle loop counts to, * also makes output YYYYMMDD * * @return array Array of dates (in UNIX time format). */ function get_all_dates ( $date, $rpt_type, $interval = 1, $Byxxx = '', $Count = 999, $Until = null, $Wkst = 'MO', $ex_days = '', $inc_days = '', $jump = '' ) { global $byday_names, $byday_values, $CONFLICT_REPEAT_MONTHS; $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $date ); $hour = date ( 'H', $date ); $minute = date ( 'i', $date ); if ( $Until == null && $Count == 999 ) { // Check for $CONFLICT_REPEAT_MONTHS months into future for conflicts. $thisyear = substr ( $dateYmd, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $dateYmd, 4, 2 ) + $CONFLICT_REPEAT_MONTHS; $thisday = substr ( $dateYmd, 6, 2 ); if ( $thismonth > 12 ) { $thisyear++; $thismonth -= 12; } $realend = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); } else $realend = ( $Count != 999 ? mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2038 ) // Set $until so some ridiculous value. : $Until ); $ret = array (); $date_excluded = false; //Flag to track ical results. // Do iterative checking here. // I floored the $realend so I check it against the floored date. if ( $rpt_type && ( floor ( $date / 86400 ) * 86400 ) < $realend ) { $cdate = $date; $n = 0; $bymonth = ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[0] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[0] ): array() ); $byweekno = ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[1] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[1] ): array() ); $byyearday = ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[2] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[2] ): array() ); $bymonthday= ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[3] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[3] ): array() ); $byday = ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[4] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[4] ): array() ); $bysetpos = ( ! empty ( $Byxxx[5] ) ? explode ( ',', $Byxxx[5] ): array() ); if ( $rpt_type == 'daily' ) { // Skip to this year/month // if called from query_events and we don't need count. if ( ! empty ( $jump ) && $Count == 999 ) { while ( $cdate < $jump ) { $cdate = add_dstfree_time ( $cdate, 86400, $interval ); } } while ( $cdate <= $realend && $n <= $Count ) { // Check RRULE items. if ( get_RRULE ( $date, $cdate, $Byxxx ) ) $ret[$n++] = $cdate; $cdate = add_dstfree_time ( $cdate, 86400, $interval ); } } elseif ( $rpt_type == 'weekly' ) { $r = 0; $dow = date ( 'w', $date ); $cdate = $date - ( $dow * 86400 ); if ( ! empty ( $jump ) && $Count == 999 ) { while ( ($cdate+604800) < $jump ) { $cdate = add_dstfree_time ( $cdate, 604800, $interval ); } } while ( $cdate <= $realend && $n <= $Count ) { if ( ! empty ( $byday ) ) { $WkstDay = $byday_values[$Wkst]; for ( $i=$WkstDay; $i<=( $WkstDay + 6 ); $i++ ) { $td = $cdate + ( $i * 86400 ); $tdDay = date ( 'w', $td ); //echo $Count . ' ' . $n . ' ' .$WkstDay .'<br>'; if ( in_array ( $byday_names[$tdDay], $byday ) && $td >= $date && $td <= $realend && $n <= $Count) $ret[$n++] = $td; } } else { $td = $cdate + ( $dow * 86400 ); $cdow = date ( 'w', $td ); if ( get_RRULE ( $date, $td, $Byxxx ) && $cdow == $dow ) $ret[$n++] = $td; } // Skip to the next week in question. $cdate = add_dstfree_time ( $cdate, 604800, $interval ); } } elseif ( substr ( $rpt_type, 0, 7 ) == 'monthly' ) { $thisyear = substr ( $dateYmd, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $dateYmd, 4, 2 ); $thisday = substr ( $dateYmd, 6, 2 ); $hour = date ( 'H', $date ); $minute = date ( 'i', $date ); $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); // Skip to this year if called from query_events and we don't need count. if ( ! empty ( $jump ) && $Count == 999 ) { while ( $cdate < $jump ) { $thismonth += $interval; $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); } } $mdate = $cdate; while ( $cdate <= $realend && $n <= $Count ) { if ( ! getBymonth ( $cdate, $Byxxx[0] ) ) { //We skip this month } else { $bydayvalues = $bymonthdayvalues = $yret = array (); if ( count ( $byday ) ) $bydayvalues = get_byday ( $byday, $mdate, 'month', $date ); if ( count ( $bymonthday ) ) $bymonthdayvalues = get_bymonthday ( $bymonthday, $mdate, $date, $realend ); if ( count ( $byday ) && count ( $bymonthday ) ) { $bydaytemp = array_intersect ( $bymonthdayvalues, $bydayvalues ); $yret = array_merge ( $yret, $bydaytemp ); } elseif ( count ( $bymonthday ) ) $yret = array_merge ( $yret, $bymonthdayvalues ); elseif ( count ( $byday ) ) $yret = array_merge ( $yret, $bydayvalues ); elseif ( ! count ( $byday ) && ! count ( $bymonthday ) ) $yret[] = $cdate; // Must wait till all other BYxx are processed. if ( count ( $bysetpos ) ) { $mth = date ( 'm', $cdate ); sort ( $yret ); sort ( $bysetpos ); $setposdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $mth, 1, $thisyear ); $dim = date ( 't', $setposdate ); //Days in month. $yretcnt = count ( $yret ); $bysetposcnt = count ( $bysetpos ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $bysetposcnt; $i++ ) { if ( $bysetpos[$i] > 0 && $bysetpos[$i] <= $yretcnt ) $ret[] = $yret[$bysetpos[$i] -1]; else if ( abs ( $bysetpos[$i] ) <= $yretcnt ) $ret[] = $yret[$yretcnt + $bysetpos[$i] ]; } } else if ( ! empty ( $yret ) ) { // Add all BYxx additional dates. $yret = array_unique ( $yret ); $ret = array_merge ( $ret, $yret ); } sort ( $ret ); $n = count ( $ret ); }//end $bymonth test $thismonth += $interval; $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); $mdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear ); } //end while } elseif ( $rpt_type == 'yearly' ) { // This RRULE is VERY difficult to parse because RFC2445 doesn't // give any guidance on which BYxxx are mutually exclusive. // We will assume that: // BYMONTH, BYMONTHDAY, BYDAY go together. // BYDAY will be parsed relative to BYMONTH // if BYDAY is used without BYMONTH, // then it is relative to the current year (i.e 20MO). $thisyear = substr ( $dateYmd, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $dateYmd, 4, 2 ); $thisday = substr ( $dateYmd, 6, 2 ); $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); // Skip to this year if called from query_events and we don't need count. if ( ! empty ( $jump ) && $Count == 999 ) { $jumpY = date ( 'Y', $jump ); while ( date ( 'Y', $cdate ) < $jumpY ) { $thisyear += $interval; $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); } } while ( $cdate <= $realend && $n <= $Count ) { $yret = array (); $ycd = date ( 'Y', $cdate ); $fdoy = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $ycd ); //first day of year $fdow = date ( 'w', $fdoy ); //day of week first day of year $ldoy = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $ycd ); //last day of year $ldow = date ( 'w', $ldoy ); //day of week last day of year $dow = date ( 'w', $cdate ); //day of week $week = date ( 'W', $cdate ); //ISO 8601 number of week if ( count ( $bymonth ) ) { foreach ( $bymonth as $month ) { $mdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $month, 1, $ycd ); $bydayvalues = $bymonthdayvalues = array (); if ( count ( $byday ) ) $bydayvalues = get_byday ( $byday, $mdate, 'month', $date ); if ( count ( $bymonthday ) ) $bymonthdayvalues = get_bymonthday ( $bymonthday, $mdate, $date, $realend ); if ( count ( $byday ) && count ( $bymonthday ) ) { $bydaytemp = array_intersect ( $bymonthdayvalues, $bydayvalues ); $yret = array_merge ( $yret, $bydaytemp ); } else $yret = ( count ( $bymonthday ) ? array_merge ( $yret, $bymonthdayvalues ) : ( count ( $byday ) ? array_merge ( $yret, $bydayvalues ) : array ( mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $month, $thisday, $ycd ) ) ) ); } //end foreach bymonth } elseif ( count ( $byyearday ) ) { // end if isset bymonth foreach ( $byyearday as $yearday ) { ereg ( '([-\+]{0,1})?([0-9]{1,3})', $yearday, $match ); if ( $match[1] == '-' && ( $cdate >= $date ) ) $yret[] = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, 12, 31 - $match[2] - 1, $thisyear ); else if ( ( $n <= $Count ) && ( $cdate >= $date ) ) $yret[] = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, 1, $match[2], $thisyear ); } } elseif ( count ( $byweekno ) ) { $wkst_date = ( $Wkst == 'SU' ? $cdate + 86400 : $cdate ); if ( count ( $byday ) ) $bydayvalues = get_byday ( $byday, $cdate, 'year', $date ); if ( in_array ( $week, $byweekno ) ) { if ( count ( $bydayvalues ) ) { foreach ( $bydayvalues as $bydayvalue ) { if ( $week == date ( 'W', $bydayvalue ) ) $yret[] = $bydayvalue; } } else $yret[] = $cdate; } } elseif ( count ( $byday ) ) { $bydayvalues = get_byday ( $byday, $cdate, 'year', $date ); if ( ! empty ( $bydayvalues ) ) $yret = array_merge ( $yret, $bydayvalues ); } else // No Byxx rules apply. $ret[] = $cdate; // Must wait till all other BYxx are processed. if ( count ( $bysetpos ) ) { sort ( $yret ); for ( $i = 0, $bysetposcnt = count ( $bysetpos ); $i < $bysetposcnt; $i++ ) { $ret[] = ( $bysetpos[$i] > 0 ? $yret[$bysetpos[$i] -1] : $yret[count ( $yret ) + $bysetpos[$i] ] ); } } else if ( ! empty ( $yret ) ) { // Add all BYxx additional dates. $yret = array_unique ( $yret ); $ret = array_merge ( $ret, $yret ); } sort ( $ret ); $n = count ( $ret ); $thisyear += $interval; $cdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); } } //end if rpt_type } if ( ! empty ( $ex_days ) ) { foreach ( $ex_days as $ex_day ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $ret ); $i < $cnt;$i++ ) { if ( isset ( $ret[$i] ) && date ( 'Ymd', $ret[$i] ) == substr ( $ex_day, 0, 8 ) ) unset ( $ret[$i] ); } // Remove any unset elements. sort ( $ret ); } } if ( ! empty ( $inc_days ) ) { foreach ( $inc_days as $inc_day ) { $ret[] = strtotime ( $inc_day ); } } // Remove any unset elements. sort ( $ret ); // We want results in YYYYMMDD format. if ( ! empty ( $jump ) ) { for ( $i = 0, $retcnt = count ( $ret ); $i < $retcnt;$i++ ) { if ( isset ( $ret[$i] ) ) $ret[$i] = date ( 'Ymd', $ret[$i] ); } } return $ret; } /* Rule out days by using the Byxxx values * @param integer $date Timestamp of initial day * @param integer $cdate Timestamp of day in question * @param array $Byxxx Byxxx array * */ function get_RRULE ( $date, $cdate, $Byxxx ) { $ret0 = getBymonth ( $cdate, $Byxxx[0] ); $ret1 = getByweekno ( $cdate, $Byxxx[1] ); $ret2 = getByyearday ( $cdate, $Byxxx[2] ); $ret3 = getBymonthday( $cdate, $Byxxx[3] ); $ret4 = getByday( $cdate, $Byxxx[4], 'daily', $date ); return ( $ret0 & $ret1 & $ret2 & $ret3 & $ret4 ); } function getBymonth ( $cdate, $bymonth ) { if ( empty ( $bymonth ) ) return true; return ( in_array ( date ( 'n', $cdate ), explode ( ',', $bymonth ) ) ); } function getByweekno ( $cdate, $byweekno ) { if ( empty ( $byweekno ) ) return true; return ( in_array ( date ( 'W', $cdate ), explode ( ',', $byweekno ) ) ); } function getByyearday ( $cdate, $byyearday ) { if ( empty ( $byyearday ) ) return true; $byyearday = explode ( ',', $byyearday ); $doy = date ( 'z', $cdate ); //day of year $diy = date ( 'L', $cdate ) + 365; //days in year $diyReverse = $doy - $diy -1; return ( in_array ( $doy, $byyearday ) || in_array ( $diyReverse, $byyearday ) ); } function getBymonthday( $cdate, $bymonthday ) { if ( empty ( $bymonthday ) ) return true; $dom = date ( 'j', $cdate ); //day of month $dim = date ( 't', $cdate ); //days in month $dimReverse = $dom - $dim -1; return ( in_array ( $dom, $bymonthday ) || in_array ( $dimReverse, $bymonthday ) ); } function getByday ( $cdate, $byday, $type, $date ) { if ( empty ( $byday ) ) return true; $bydayvalues = get_byday ( explode ( ',',$byday ), $cdate, $type, $date ); return( in_array ( $cdate, $bydayvalues ) ); } /* Get the dates the correspond to the byday values. * * @param array $byday ByDay values to process (MO,TU,-1MO,20MO...) * @param string $cdate First day of target search (Unix timestamp) * @param string $type Month, Year, Week (default = month) * @param string $date First day of event (Unix timestamp) * * @return array Dates that match ByDay (YYYYMMDD format). */ function get_byday ( $byday, $cdate, $type = 'month', $date ) { global $byday_names, $byday_values; if ( empty ( $byday ) ) return; $ret = array (); $hour = date ( 'H', $cdate ); $minute = date ( 'i', $cdate ); $mth = date ( 'm', $cdate ); $yr = date ( 'Y', $cdate ); if ( $type == 'month' ) { $ditype = date ( 't', $cdate ); //Days in month. $fday = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $mth, 1, $yr ); //First day of month. $lday = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $mth + 1, 0, $yr ); //Last day of month. $month = $mth; } elseif ( $type == 'year' ) { $ditype = date ( 'L', $cdate ) + 365; //Days in year. $fday = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $yr ); //First day of year. $lday = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $yr ); //Last day of year. $month = 1; } elseif ( $type == 'daily' ) { $fday = $lday = $cdate; $month = $mth; } else // We'll see if this is needed. return; $fdow = date ( 'w', $fday ); //Day of week first day of $type. $ldow = date ( 'w', $lday ); //Day of week last day of $type foreach ( $byday as $day ) { $byxxxDay = ''; $dayTxt = substr ( $day, -2, 2 ); $dayOffset = substr_replace ( $day, '', -2, 2 ); $dowOffset = ( ( -1 * $byday_values[$dayTxt] ) + 7 ) % 7; //SU=0, MO=6, TU=5... if ( is_numeric ( $dayOffset ) && $dayOffset > 0 ) { // Offset from beginning of $type. $dayOffsetDays = ( ( $dayOffset - 1 ) * 7 ); //1 = 0, 2 = 7, 3 = 14... $forwardOffset = $byday_values[$dayTxt] - $fdow; if ( $forwardOffset < 0 ) $forwardOffset += 7; $domOffset = ( 1 + $forwardOffset + $dayOffsetDays ); if ( $domOffset <= $ditype ) { $byxxxDay = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $month, $domOffset, $yr ); if ( $mth == date ( 'm', $byxxxDay ) && $byxxxDay > $date ) $ret[] = $byxxxDay; } } else if ( is_numeric ( $dayOffset ) ) { // Offset from end of $type. $dayOffsetDays = ( ( $dayOffset + 1 ) * 7 ); //-1 = 0, -2 = 7, -3 = 14... $byxxxDay = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $month + 1, ( 0 - ( ( $ldow + $dowOffset ) % 7 ) + $dayOffsetDays ), $yr ); if ( $mth == date ( 'm', $byxxxDay ) && $byxxxDay > $date ) $ret[] = $byxxxDay; } else { if ( $type == 'daily' ) { if ( ( date ( 'w', $cdate ) == $byday_values[$dayTxt] ) && $cdate > $date ) $ret[] = $cdate; } else { for ( $i = 1; $i <= $ditype; $i++ ) { $loopdate = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $month, $i, $yr ); if ( ( date ( 'w', $loopdate ) == $byday_values[$dayTxt] ) && $loopdate > $date ) { $ret[] = $loopdate; $i += 6; //Skip to next week. } } } } } return $ret; } /* Get the dates the correspond to the bymonthday values. * * @param array $bymonthday ByMonthDay values to process (1,2,-1,-2...) * @param string $cdate First day of target search (Unix timestamp) * @param string $date First day of event (Unix timestamp) * @param string $realend Last day of event (Unix timestamp) * * @return array Dates that match ByMonthDay (YYYYMMDD format). */ function get_bymonthday ( $bymonthday, $cdate, $date, $realend ) { if ( empty ( $bymonthday ) ) return; $ret = array (); $dateYmHi = date ( 'YmHi', $cdate ); $dim = date ( 't', $cdate ); //Days in month. $yr = substr ( $dateYmHi, 0, 4 ); $mth = substr ( $dateYmHi, 4, 2 ); $hour = substr ( $dateYmHi, 6, 2 ); $minute = substr ( $dateYmHi, 8, 2 ); foreach ( $bymonthday as $monthday ) { $byxxxDay = mktime ( $hour, $minute, 0, $mth, ( $monthday > 0 ? $monthday : $dim + $monthday + 1 ), $yr ); if ( $byxxxDay > $date ) $ret[] = $byxxxDay; } return $ret; } /* Get categories for a given event id * Global categories are changed to negative numbers * * @param int $id Id of event * @param string $user normally this is $login * @param bool $asterisk Include '*' if Global * * @return array Array containing category names. */ function get_categories_by_id ( $id, $user, $asterisk = false ) { global $login; if ( empty ( $id ) ) return false; $categories = array (); $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT wc.cat_name, wc.cat_id, wec.cat_owner FROM webcal_categories wc, webcal_entry_categories wec WHERE wec.cal_id = ? AND wec.cat_id = wc.cat_id AND ( wec.cat_owner = ? OR wec.cat_owner IS NULL ) ORDER BY wec.cat_order', array ( $id, ( empty ( $user ) ? $login : $user ) ) ); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $categories[ ( empty ( $row[2] ) ? - $row[1] : $row[1] ) ] = $row[0] . ( $asterisk && empty ( $row[2] ) ? '*' : '' ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); return $categories; } /* Gets all the events for a specific date. * * Events are retreived from the array of pre-loaded events * (which was loaded all at once to improve performance). * * The returned events will be sorted by time of day. * * @param string $date Date to get events for in YYYYMMDD format * in user's timezone * @param bool $get_unapproved Load unapproved events? * * @return array Array of Events. */ function get_entries ( $date, $get_unapproved = true ) { global $events; $ret = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $events ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $event_date = $events[$i]->getDateTimeAdjusted (); if ( ! $get_unapproved && $events[$i]->getStatus () == 'W' ) continue; if ( $events[$i]->isAllDay () || $events[$i]->isUntimed () ) { if ( $events[$i]->getDate () == $date ) $ret[] = $events[$i]; } else { if ( $event_date == $date ) $ret[] = $events[$i]; } } return $ret; } /* Gets the last page stored using {@link remember_this_view ()}. * * @return string The URL of the last view or an empty string if it cannot be * determined. * * @global array Cookies */ function get_last_view ( $clear=true ) { $val = ( isset ( $_COOKIE['webcalendar_last_view'] ) ? str_replace ( '&', '&', $_COOKIE['webcalendar_last_view'] ) : '' ); if ( $clear ) SetCookie ( 'webcalendar_last_view', '', 0 ); return $val; } /* Gets a list of nonusers. * * If groups are enabled, this will restrict the list of nonusers to only those * that are in the same group(s) as the user (unless the user is an admin) or * the nonuser is a public calendar. We allow admin users to see all users * because they can also edit someone else's events (so they may need access to * users who are not in the same groups). * * If user access control is enabled, then we also check to see if this * user is allowed to view each nonuser's calendar. If not, then that nonuser * is not included in the list. * * @return array Array of nonusers, where each element in the array is an array * with the following keys: * - cal_login * - cal_lastname * - cal_firstname * - cal_is_public */ function get_my_nonusers ( $user = '', $add_public = false, $reason = 'invite' ) { global $GROUPS_ENABLED, $is_admin, $is_nonuser, $is_nonuser_admin, $login, $my_nonuser_array, $my_user_array, $PUBLIC_ACCESS, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME, $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS, $USER_SORT_ORDER; $this_user = ( empty ( $user ) ? $login : $user ); // Return the global variable (cached). if ( ! empty ( $my_nonuser_array[$this_user . $add_public] ) && is_array ( $my_nonuser_array ) ) return $my_nonuser_array[$this_user . $add_public]; $u = get_nonuser_cals (); if ( $GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y' && ! $is_admin ) { // Get current user's groups. $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_group_id FROM webcal_group_user WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $this_user ) ); $groups = $ret = $u_byname = array (); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $groups[] = $row[0]; } } $groupcnt = count ( $groups ); // Nonuser (public) can only see themself (unless access control is on). if ( $is_nonuser && ! access_is_enabled () ) return array ( $this_user ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $u ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $u_byname[$u[$i]['cal_login']] = $u[$i]; } if ( $groupcnt == 0 ) { // Eek. User is in no groups... Return only themselves. if ( isset ( $u_byname[$this_user] ) ) $ret[] = $u_byname[$this_user]; $my_nonuser_array[$this_user . $add_public] = $ret; return $ret; } // Get other members of current users' groups. $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT( wnc.cal_login ), cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_is_public FROM webcal_group_user wgu, webcal_nonuser_cals wnc WHERE ' . ( $add_public ? 'wnc.cal_is_public = \'Y\' OR ' : '' ) . ' cal_admin = ? OR ( wgu.cal_login = wnc.cal_login AND cal_group_id '; if ( $groupcnt == 1 ) $sql .= '= ? )'; else { // Build count ( $groups ) placeholders separated with commas. $placeholders = ''; for ( $p_i = 0; $p_i < $groupcnt; $p_i++ ) { $placeholders .= ( $p_i == 0 ) ? '?' : ', ?'; } $sql .= "IN ( $placeholders ) )"; } // Add $this_user to beginning of query params. array_unshift ( $groups, $this_user ); $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . ' ORDER BY ' . ( empty ( $USER_SORT_ORDER ) ? '' : "$USER_SORT_ORDER" ), $groups ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; if ( isset ( $u_byname[$row[0]] ) ) $ret[] = $u_byname[$row[0]]; } } } else // Groups not enabled... return all nonusers. $ret = $u; // We add Public Access if $add_public= true. // Admin already sees all users. if ( ! $is_admin && $add_public && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { $pa = user_get_users ( true ); array_unshift ( $ret, $pa[0] ); } // If user access control enabled, // remove any nonusers that this user does not have required access. if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $newlist = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $ret ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $can_list = access_user_calendar ( $reason, $ret[$i]['cal_login'], $this_user ); if ( $can_list == 'Y' || $can_list > 0 ) $newlist[] = $ret[$i]; } $ret = $newlist; } $my_nonuser_array[$this_user . $add_public] = $ret; return $ret; } /* Gets a list of users. * * If groups are enabled, this will restrict the list to only those users who * are in the same group(s) as this user (unless the user is an admin). We allow * admin users to see all users because they can also edit someone else's events * (so they may need access to users who are not in the same groups). * * If user access control is enabled, then we also check to see if this * user is allowed to view each user's calendar. If not, then that user * is not included in the list. * * @return array Array of users, where each element in the array is an array * with the following keys: * - cal_login * - cal_lastname * - cal_firstname * - cal_is_admin * - cal_email * - cal_password * - cal_fullname */ function get_my_users ( $user = '', $reason = 'invite' ) { global $GROUPS_ENABLED, $is_admin, $is_nonuser, $is_nonuser_admin, $login, $my_user_array, $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS, $USER_SORT_ORDER; $this_user = ( empty ( $user ) ? $login : $user ); // Return the global variable (cached). if ( ! empty ( $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason] ) && is_array ( $my_user_array ) ) return $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason]; if ( $GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y' && ! $is_admin ) { // Get groups with current user as member. $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_group_id FROM webcal_group_user WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $this_user ) ); $groups = $ret = $u_byname = array (); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $groups[] = $row[0]; } } $groupcnt = count ( $groups ); // Nonuser (public) can only see themself (unless access control is on). if ( $is_nonuser && ! access_is_enabled () ) return array ( $this_user ); $u = user_get_users (); if ( $is_nonuser_admin ) $u = array_merge ( get_my_nonusers (), $u ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $u ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $u_byname[$u[$i]['cal_login']] = $u[$i]; } if ( $groupcnt == 0 ) { // Eek. User is in no groups... Return only themselves. if ( isset ( $u_byname[$this_user] ) ) $ret[] = $u_byname[$this_user]; $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason] = $ret; return $ret; } // Get other members of users' groups. $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(webcal_group_user.cal_login), cal_lastname, cal_firstname FROM webcal_group_user LEFT JOIN webcal_user ON webcal_group_user.cal_login = webcal_user.cal_login WHERE cal_group_id '; if ( $groupcnt == 1 ) $sql .= '= ?'; else { // Build count ( $groups ) placeholders separated with commas. $placeholders = ''; for ( $p_i = 0; $p_i < $groupcnt; $p_i++ ) { $placeholders .= ( $p_i == 0 ) ? '?' : ', ?'; } $sql .= "IN ( $placeholders )"; } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . ' ORDER BY ' . ( empty ( $USER_SORT_ORDER ) ? '' : "$USER_SORT_ORDER, " ) . 'webcal_group_user.cal_login', $groups ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; if ( isset ( $u_byname[$row[0]] ) ) $ret[] = $u_byname[$row[0]]; } } } else // Groups not enabled... return all users. $ret = user_get_users (); // If user access control enabled, // remove any users that this user does not have required access. if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $newlist = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $ret ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $can_list = access_user_calendar ( $reason, $ret[$i]['cal_login'], $this_user ); if ( $can_list == 'Y' || $can_list > 0 ) $newlist[] = $ret[$i]; } $ret = $newlist; } $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason] = $ret; return $ret; } /* Gets a list of nonuser calendars and return info in an array. * * @param string $user Login of admin of the nonuser calendars * @param bool $remote Return only remote calendar records * * @return array Array of nonuser cals, where each is an array with the * following fields: * - <var>cal_login</var> * - <var>cal_lastname</var> * - <var>cal_firstname</var> * - <var>cal_admin</var> * - <var>cal_fullname</var> * - <var>cal_is_public</var> */ function get_nonuser_cals ( $user = '', $remote = false ) { global $is_admin, $USER_SORT_ORDER; $count = 0; $query_params = $ret = array (); $sql = 'SELECT cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_admin, cal_is_public, cal_url FROM webcal_nonuser_cals WHERE cal_url IS ' . ( $remote == false ? '' : 'NOT ' ) . 'NULL '; if ( $user != '' ) { $sql .= 'AND cal_admin = ? '; $query_params[] = $user; } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . 'ORDER BY ' . ( empty ( $USER_SORT_ORDER ) ? '' : "$USER_SORT_ORDER, " ) . 'cal_login', $query_params ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $ret[$count++] = array ( 'cal_login' => $row[0], 'cal_lastname' => $row[1], 'cal_firstname' => $row[2], 'cal_admin' => $row[3], 'cal_is_public' => $row[4], 'cal_url' => $row[5], 'cal_fullname' => ( strlen ( $row[1] . $row[2] ) ? "$row[2] $row[1]" : $row[0] ) ); } } // If user access control enabled, // remove any users that this user does not have 'view' access to. if ( access_is_enabled () && ! $is_admin ) { $newlist = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $ret ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( access_user_calendar ( 'view', $ret[$i]['cal_login'] ) ) $newlist[] = $ret[$i]; } $ret = $newlist; } return $ret; } /* Gets the list of active plugins. * * Should be called after * {@link load_global_settings ()} and {@link load_user_preferences ()}. * * @internal cek: Ignored since I am not sure this will ever be used... * * @return array Active plugins * * @ignore */ function get_plugin_list ( $include_disabled = false ) { global $error; // First get list of available plugins. $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_setting FROM webcal_config WHERE cal_setting LIKE \'%.plugin_status\' ' . ( ! $include_disabled ? 'AND cal_value = \'Y\' ' : '' ) . 'ORDER BY cal_setting' ); $plugins = array (); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $e = explode ( '.', $row[0] ); if ( $e[0] != '' ) $plugins[] = $e[0]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else $error = db_error ( true ); if ( count ( $plugins ) == 0 ) $plugins[] = 'webcalendar'; return $plugins; } /* Gets a preference setting for the specified user. * * If no value is found in the database, * then the system default setting will be returned. * * @param string $user User login we are getting preference for * @param string $setting Name of the setting * @param stirng $defaultSetting Value to return if no value foun * in the database * * @return string The value found in the webcal_user_pref table for the * specified setting or the sytem default if no user settings * was found. */ function get_pref_setting ( $user, $setting, $defaultValue='' ) { $ret = $defaultValue; // Set default. if ( ! isset ( $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting] ) ) { // This could happen if the current user has not saved any prefs yet. if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) ) { $ret = $GLOBALS[$setting]; } } else { if ( isset ( $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting] ) ) $ret = $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting]; } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ? AND cal_setting = ?', array ( $user, $setting ) ); if ( $rows ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( $row && ! empty ( $row[0] ) ) $ret = $row[0]; } return $ret; } /* Gets user's preferred view. * * The user's preferred view is stored in the $STARTVIEW global variable. * This is loaded from the user preferences (or system settings * if there are no user prefererences.) * * @param string $indate Date to pass to preferred view in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $args Arguments to include in the URL (such as "user=joe") * * @return string URL of the user's preferred view. */ function get_preferred_view ( $indate = '', $args = '' ) { global $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER, $is_admin, $STARTVIEW, $thisdate, $views; // We want user's to set their pref on first login. if ( empty ( $STARTVIEW ) ) return false; $url = $STARTVIEW; // We used to just store "month" in $STARTVIEW without the ".php". // This is just to prevent users from getting a "404 not found" // if they have not updated their preferences. $url .= ( ! strpos ( $STARTVIEW, '.php' ) ? '.php' : '' ); // Prevent endless looping // if preferred view is custom and viewing others is not allowed. if ( substr ( $url, 0, 5 ) == 'view_' && $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'N' && ! $is_admin ) $url = 'month.php'; if ( ! access_can_view_page ( $url ) ) { if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_DAY ) ) $url = 'day.php'; else if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_MONTH ) ) $url = 'month.php'; else if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_WEEK ) ) $url = 'week.php'; // At this point, this user cannot access the view set in their preferences // (and they cannot update their preferences), and they cannot view any of // the standard day/month/week/year pages. All that's left is either // a custom view that was created by them, or a global view. if ( count ( $views ) > 0 ) $url = $views[0]['url']; } $url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url ); $url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url ); $xdate = ( empty ( $indate ) ? $thisdate : $indate ); $url .= ( empty ( $xdate ) ? '' : ( strstr ( $url, '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . 'date=' . $xdate ); $url .= ( empty ( $args ) ? '' : ( strstr ( $url, '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . $args ); return $url; } /* Gets all the repeating events for the specified date. * * <b>Note:</b> * The global variable <var>$repeated_events</var> needs to be * set by calling {@link read_repeated_events ()} first. * * @param string $user Username * @param string $date Date to get events for in YYYYMMDD format * @param bool $get_unapproved Include unapproved events in results? * * @return mixed The query result resource on queries (which can then be * passed to {@link dbi_fetch_row ()} to obtain the results), or * true/false on insert or delete queries. * * @global array Array of {@link RepeatingEvent}s * retreived using {@link read_repeated_events ()} */ function get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved = true ) { global $repeated_events; $n = 0; $ret = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $repeated_events ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( ( $repeated_events[$i]->getStatus () == 'A' || $get_unapproved ) && in_array ( $dateYmd, $repeated_events[$i]->getRepeatAllDates () ) ) $ret[$n++] = $repeated_events[$i]; } return $ret; } /* Gets all the tasks for a specific date. * * Events are retreived from the array of pre-loaded tasks * (which was loaded all at once to improve performance). * * The returned tasks will be sorted by time of day. * * @param string $date Date to get tasks for in YYYYMMDD format * @param bool $get_unapproved Load unapproved events? * * @return array Array of Tasks. */ function get_tasks ( $date, $get_unapproved = true ) { global $tasks; $ret = array (); $today = date ( 'Ymd' ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $tasks ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { // In case of data corruption (or some other bug...). if ( empty ( $tasks[$i] ) || $tasks[$i]->getID () == '' || ( ! $get_unapproved && $tasks[$i]->getStatus () == 'W' ) ) continue; $due_date = date ( 'Ymd', $tasks[$i]->getDueDateTimeTS () ); // Make overdue tasks float to today. if ( ( $date == $today && $due_date < $today ) || $due_date == $date ) $ret[] = $tasks[$i]; } return $ret; } /* Get plugins available to the current user. * * Do this by getting a list of all plugins that are not disabled by the * administrator and make sure this user has not disabled any of them. * * It's done this was so that when an admin adds a new plugin, * it shows up on each users system automatically (until they disable it). * * @return array Plugins available to current user. * * @ignore */ function get_user_plugin_list () { $ret = array (); $all_plugins = get_plugin_list (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $all_plugins ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $GLOBALS[$all_plugins[$i] . '.disabled'] != 'N' ) $ret[] = $all_plugins[$i]; } return $ret; } /* Get event ids for all events this user is a participant. * * @param string $user User to retrieve event ids */ function get_users_event_ids ( $user ) { $events = array (); $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT we.cal_id FROM webcal_entry we, webcal_entry_user weu WHERE we.cal_id = weu.cal_id AND weu.cal_login = ?', array ( $user ) ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $events[] = $row[0]; } } return $events; } /* Identify user's browser. * * Returned value will be one of: * - "Mozilla/5" = Mozilla (open source Mozilla 5.0) * - "Mozilla/[3,4]" = Netscape (3.X, 4.X) * - "MSIE 4" = MSIE (4.X) * * @return string String identifying browser. * * @ignore */ function get_web_browser () { $agent = getenv ( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ); if ( ereg ( 'MSIE [0-9]', $agent ) ) return 'MSIE'; if ( ereg ( 'Mozilla/[234]', $agent ) ) return 'Netscape'; if ( ereg ( 'Mozilla/[5678]', $agent ) ) return 'Mozilla'; return 'Unknown'; } /* Gets the previous weekday of the week containing the specified date. * * If the date specified is a Sunday, then that date is returned. * * @param int $year Year * @param int $month Month (1-12) * @param int $day Day (1-31) * * @return int The date (in UNIX timestamp format). */ function get_weekday_before ( $year, $month, $day = 2 ) { global $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS, $WEEK_START, $weekday_names; // Construct string like 'last Sun'. $laststr = 'last ' . $weekday_names[$WEEK_START]; // We default day=2 so if the 1ast is Sunday or Monday it will return the 1st. $newdate = strtotime ( $laststr, mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ) + $GLOBALS['tzOffset'] ); // Check DST and adjust newdate. while ( date ( 'w', $newdate ) == date ( 'w', $newdate + 86400 ) ) { $newdate += 3600; } return $newdate; } /* Get the moonphases for a given year and month. * * Will only work if optional moon_phases.php file exists in includes folder. * * @param int $year Year in YYYY format * @param int $month Month in m format Jan =1 * * @return array $key = phase name, $val = Ymd value. * * @global string (Y/N) Display Moon Phases */ function getMoonPhases ( $year, $month ) { global $DISPLAY_MOON_PHASES; static $moons; if ( empty ( $DISPLAY_MOON_PHASES ) || $DISPLAY_MOON_PHASES == 'N' ) return false; if ( empty ( $moons ) && file_exists ( 'includes/moon_phases.php' ) ) { include_once ( 'includes/moon_phases.php' ); $moons = calculateMoonPhases ( $year, $month ); } return $moons; } /* Calculate event rollover to next day and add partial event as needed. * * Create a cloned event on the fly as needed to display in next day slot. * The event times will be adjusted so that the total of all times will * equal the total time of the original event. This function will get called * recursively until all time has been accounted for. * * @param mixed $item Event Object * @param int $i Current count of event array * @param bool $parent flag to keep track of the original event object * * $global array $result Array of events * @global string (Y/N) Do we want to use cross day display * @staticvar int $realEndTS The true end of the original event * @staticvar string $originalDate The start date of the original event * @staticvar mixed $originalItem The original event object */ function getOverLap ( $item, $i, $parent = true ) { global $DISABLE_CROSSDAY_EVENTS, $result; static $originalDate, $originalItem, $realEndTS; if ( $DISABLE_CROSSDAY_EVENTS == 'Y' ) return false; $lt = localtime ( $item->getDateTimeTS () ); $recurse = 0; $midnight = gmmktime ( - ( date ( 'Z', $item->getDateTimeTS () ) / 3600 ), 0, 0, $lt[4] + 1, $lt[3] + 1, 1900 + $lt[5] ); if ( $parent ) { $realEndTS = $item->getEndDateTimeTS (); $originalDate = $item->getDate (); $originalItem = $item; } $new_duration = ( $realEndTS - $midnight ) / 60; if ( $new_duration > 1440 ) { $new_duration = 1439; $recurse = 1; } if ( $realEndTS > $midnight ) { $result[$i] = clone ( $originalItem ); $result[$i]->setClone ( $originalDate ); $result[$i]->setDuration ( $new_duration ); $result[$i]->setTime ( gmdate ( 'G0000', $midnight ) ); $result[$i]->setDate ( gmdate ( 'Ymd', $midnight ) ); $result[$i]->setName ( $originalItem->getName () . ' (' . translate ( 'cont.' ) . ')' ); $i++; if ( $parent ) $item->setDuration ( ( ( $midnight - $item->getDateTimeTS () ) / 60 ) -1 ); } // Call this function recursively until duration < ONE_DAY. if ( $recurse == 1 ) getOverLap ( $result[$i -1], $i, false ); } /* Hack to implement clone () for php4.x. * * @param mixed Event object * * @return mixed Clone of the original object. */ if ( version_compare ( phpversion (), '5.0' ) < 0 ) { eval ( ' function clone ($item) { return $item; } ' ); } /* Get the reminder data for a given entry id. * * @param int $id cal_id of requested entry * @param bool $display if true, will create a displayable string * * @return string $str string to display Reminder value. * @return array $reminder */ function getReminders ( $id, $display = false ) { $reminder = array (); $str = ''; // Get reminders. $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_id, cal_date, cal_offset, cal_related, cal_before, cal_repeats, cal_duration, cal_action, cal_last_sent, cal_times_sent FROM webcal_reminders WHERE cal_id = ? ORDER BY cal_date, cal_offset, cal_last_sent', array ( $id ) ); if ( $rows ) { $rowcnt = count ( $rows ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $rowcnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $reminder['id'] = $row[0]; if ( $row[1] != 0 ) { $reminder['timestamp'] = $row[1]; $reminder['date'] = date ( 'Ymd', $row[1] ); $reminder['time'] = date ( 'His', $row[1] ); } $reminder['offset'] = $row[2]; $reminder['related'] = $row[3]; $reminder['before'] = $row[4]; $reminder['repeats'] = $row[5]; $reminder['duration'] = $row[6]; $reminder['action'] = $row[7]; $reminder['last_sent'] = $row[8]; $reminder['times_sent'] = $row[9]; } // Create display string if needed in user's timezone. if ( ! empty ( $reminder ) && $display == true ) { $str .= translate ( 'Yes' ) . ' - '; if ( ! empty ( $reminder['date'] ) ) $str .= date ( 'Ymd', $reminder['timestamp'] ); else { // Must be an offset even if zero. $d = $h = $minutes = 0; if ( $reminder['offset'] > 0 ) { $minutes = $reminder['offset']; $d = intval ( $minutes / (24*60) ); $minutes -= ( $d * (24*60) ); $h = intval ( $minutes / 60 ); $minutes -= ( $h * 60 ); } /* Let tools/update_translations.pl see these. translate ( 'after' ) translate ( 'before' ) translate ( 'end' ) translate ( 'start' ) translate ( 'day' ) translate ( 'days' ) translate ( 'hour' ) translate ( 'hours' ) translate ( 'minute' ) translate ( 'minutes' ) */ $str .= $d . ' ' . translate ( 'day' . ( $d == 1 ? '' : 's' ) ) . ' ' . $h . ' ' . translate ( 'hour' . ( $h = 1 ? '' : 's' ) ) . ' ' . $minutes . ' ' . translate ( 'minute' . ( $minutes == 1 ? '' : 's' ) ) . ' ' . translate ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y' ? 'before' : 'after' ) . ' ' . translate ( $reminder['related'] == 'S' ? 'start' : 'end' ); } return $str; } } return $reminder; } /* Remove :00 from times based on $DISPLAY_MINUTES value. * * @param string $timestr time value to shorten * * @global string (Y/N) Display 00 if on the hour */ function getShortTime ( $timestr ) { global $DISPLAY_MINUTES; return ( empty ( $DISPLAY_MINUTES ) || $DISPLAY_MINUTES == 'N' ? preg_replace ( '/(:00)/', '', $timestr ) : $timestr ); } /* Converts from Gregorian Year-Month-Day to ISO YearNumber-WeekNumber-WeekDay. * * @internal JGH borrowed gregorianToISO from PEAR Date_Calc Class and added * * $GLOBALS['WEEK_START'] (change noted) * * @param int $day Day of month * @param int $month Number of month * @param int $year Year * * @return string Date in ISO YearNumber-WeekNumber-WeekDay format. * * @ignore */ function gregorianToISO ( $day, $month, $year ) { global $WEEK_START; $mnth = array ( 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 ); $y_isleap = isLeapYear ( $year ); $day_of_year_number = $day + $mnth[$month - 1]; if ( $y_isleap && $month > 2 ) $day_of_year_number++; // Find Jan 1 weekday (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). $yy = ( $year - 1 ) % 100; $jan1_weekday = 1 + intval ( ( ( ( ( ( $year - 1 ) - $yy / 100 ) % 4 ) * 5 ) + $yy + intval ( $yy / 4 ) ) % 7 ); // JGH added next if/else to compensate for week begins on Sunday. if ( ! $WEEK_START ) { if ( $jan1_weekday < 7 ) $jan1_weekday++; elseif ( $jan1_weekday == 7 ) $jan1_weekday = 1; } // Weekday for year-month-day. $weekday = 1 + intval ( ( $day_of_year_number + ( $jan1_weekday - 1 ) - 1 ) % 7 ); $yearnumber = $year; // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52. if ( $day_of_year_number <= ( 8 - $jan1_weekday ) && $jan1_weekday > 4 ) { $weeknumber = ( $jan1_weekday == 5 || ( $jan1_weekday == 6 && isLeapYear ( $year - 1 ) ) ? 53 : 52 ); $yearnumber--; } // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1. if ( $yearnumber == $year ) { $i = 365; if ( $y_isleap ) $i++; if ( ( $i - $day_of_year_number ) < ( 4 - $weekday ) ) { $weeknumber = 1; $yearnumber++; } } // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53. if ( $yearnumber == $year ) { $weeknumber = intval ( ( $day_of_year_number + ( 7 - $weekday ) + ( $jan1_weekday - 1 ) ) / 7 ); if ( $jan1_weekday > 4 ) $weeknumber--; } // Put it all together. if ( $weeknumber < 10 ) $weeknumber = '0' . $weeknumber; return "{$yearnumber}-{$weeknumber}-{$weekday}"; } /* Converts a hexadecimal digit to an integer. * * @param string $val Hexadecimal digit * * @return int Equivalent integer in base-10 * * @ignore */ function hextoint ( $val ) { if ( empty ( $val ) ) return 0; switch ( strtoupper ( $val ) ) { case '0': return 0; case '1': return 1; case '2': return 2; case '3': return 3; case '4': return 4; case '5': return 5; case '6': return 6; case '7': return 7; case '8': return 8; case '9': return 9; case 'A': return 10; case 'B': return 11; case 'C': return 12; case 'D': return 13; case 'E': return 14; case 'F': return 15; } return 0; } /* Generates the HTML for an icon to add a new event. * * @param string $date Date for new event in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $hour Hour of day (0-23) * @param int $minute Minute of the hour (0-59) * @param string $user Participant to initially select for new event * * @return string The HTML for the add event icon. */ function html_for_add_icon ( $date = 0, $hour = '', $minute = '', $user = '' ) { global $cat_id, $login, $readonly; static $newEntryStr; if ( $readonly == 'Y' ) return ''; if ( empty ( $newEntryStr ) ) $newEntryStr = translate ( 'New Entry' ); if ( $minute < 0 ) { $hour = $hour -1; $minute = abs ( $minute ); } return ' <a title="' . $newEntryStr . '" href="edit_entry.php?' . ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ? 'user=' . $user . '&' : '' ) . 'date=' . $date . ( strlen ( $hour ) > 0 ? '&hour=' . $hour : '' ) . ( $minute > 0 ? '&minute=' . $minute : '' ) . ( empty ( $user ) ? '' : '&defusers=' . $user ) . ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? '' : '&cat_id=' . $cat_id ) . '"><img src="images/new.gif" class="new" alt="' . $newEntryStr . '" /></a>'; } /* Generates the HTML for an event to be viewed in the day-at-glance (day.php). * * The HTML will be stored in an array (global variable $hour_arr) * indexed on the event's starting hour. * * @param Event $event The event * @param string $date Date of event in YYYYMMDD format */ function html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $event, $date ) { global $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION, $categories, $DISPLAY_DESC_PRINT_DAY, $DISPLAY_END_TIMES, $first_slot, $hour_arr, $last_slot, $layers, $login, $PHP_SELF, $rowspan, $rowspan_arr, $user; static $key = 0; $can_access = CAN_DOALL; $end_timestr = $popup_timestr = ''; $getCalTypeName = $event->getCalTypeName (); $getCat = abs ( $event->getCategory () ); $getClone = $event->getClone (); $getDesc = $event->getDescription (); $getLogin = $event->getLogin (); $getPri = $event->getPriority (); $id = $event->getID (); $ind = 9999; $isAllDay = $event->isAllDay (); $linkid = "pop$id-$key"; $name = $event->getName (); $time = $event->getTime (); $time_only = 'N'; $view_text = translate ( 'View this event' ); $catIcon = 'icons/cat-' . $getCat . '.gif'; $key++; if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $can_access = access_user_calendar ( 'view', $getLogin, '', $event->getCalType (), $event->getAccess () ); $time_only = access_user_calendar ( 'time', $getLogin ); if ( $getCalTypeName == 'task' && $can_access == 0 ) return false; } else { $not_my_entry = ( ( $login != $user && strlen ( $user ) ) || ( $login != $event->getLogin () && strlen ( $event->getLogin () ) ) ); $can_access = ( $not_my_entry && $event->getAccess () != 'P' ? 0 : $can_access ); } // If TZ_OFFSET make this event before the start of the day or // after the end of the day, adjust the time slot accordingly. if ( ! $event->isUntimed () && ! $isAllDay && $getCalTypeName != 'task' ) { $tz_time = date ( 'His', $event->getDateTimeTS () ); $ind = calc_time_slot ( $tz_time ); if ( $ind < $first_slot ) $first_slot = $ind; $tz_time2 = date ( 'His', $event->getEndDateTimeTS () ); $ind2 = calc_time_slot ( $tz_time2 ); if ( $ind2 > $last_slot ) $last_slot = $ind2; } if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$ind] ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] = ''; $class = ( $login != $getLogin && strlen ( $getLogin ) ? 'layer' : ( $event->getStatus () == 'W' ? 'unapproved' : '' ) ) . 'entry'; // If we are looking at a view, then always use "entry". if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_m.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_t.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_v.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_w.php' ) ) $class = 'entry'; if ( $getCat > 0 && file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) { $catAlt = translate ( 'Category' ) . ': ' . $categories[$getCat]['cat_name']; $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<img src="' . $catIcon . '" alt="' . $catAlt . '" title="' . $catAlt . '" />'; } if ( $getCalTypeName == 'task' ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<img src="images/task.gif" class="bullet" alt="*" /> '; $view_text = translate ( 'View this task' ); } $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<a title="' . $view_text . '" class="' . $class . '" id="' . $linkid . '" ' // Make sure clones have parents URL date. . ( $can_access != 0 && $time_only != 'Y' ? 'href="view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&date=' . ( $getClone ? $getClone : $date ) . ( strlen ( $GLOBALS['user'] ) > 0 ? '&user=' . $GLOBALS['user'] : ( $class == 'layerentry' ? '&user=' . $getLogin : '' ) ) . '"' : '' ) . '>' . ( $getPri == 3 ? '<strong>' : '' ); if ( $login != $getLogin && strlen ( $getLogin ) ) { if ( $layers ) { foreach ( $layers as $layer ) { if ( $layer['cal_layeruser'] == $getLogin ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<span style="color:' . $layer['cal_color'] . ';">'; $in_span = true; } } } // Check to see if Category Colors are set. } else if ( ! empty ( $categories[$getCat]['cat_color'] ) ) { $cat_color = $categories[$getCat]['cat_color']; if ( $cat_color != '#000000' ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<span style="color:' . $cat_color . ';">'; $in_span = true; } } if ( $isAllDay ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= '[' . translate ( 'All day event' ) . '] '; else if ( $time >= 0 && ! $isAllDay && $getCalTypeName != 'task' ) { $end_timestr = '-' . display_time ( $event->getEndDateTime () ); $popup_timestr = display_time ( $event->getDatetime () ); $hour_arr[$ind] .= '[' . $popup_timestr; if ( $event->getDuration () > 0 ) { $popup_timestr .= $end_timestr; if ( $DISPLAY_END_TIMES == 'Y' ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= $end_timestr; // Which slot is end time in? take one off so we don't // show 11:00-12:00 as taking up both 11 and 12 slots. $end_time = date ( 'His', $event->getEndDateTimeTS () ); // This fixes the improper display if an event ends at or after midnight. if ( $end_time < $tz_time ) $end_time += 240000; $endind = calc_time_slot ( $end_time, true ); $rowspan = ( $endind == $ind ? 0 : $endind - $ind + 1 ); if ( ! isset ( $rowspan_arr[$ind] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = 0; if ( $rowspan > $rowspan_arr[$ind] && $rowspan > 1 ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = $rowspan; } $hour_arr[$ind] .= '] '; } $hour_arr[$ind] .= build_entry_label ( $event, 'eventinfo-' . $linkid, $can_access, $popup_timestr, $time_only ) . ( $getPri == 3 ? '</strong>' : '' ) . '</a>' . ( $DISPLAY_DESC_PRINT_DAY == 'Y' && $can_access ? ' <dl class="desc"> <dt>' . translate ( 'Description' ) . ':</dt> <dd>' . ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION ) && $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION == 'Y' ? $getDesc : strip_tags ( $getDesc ) ) . '</dd> </dl>' : '' ) . "<br />\n"; } /* Generates the HTML for an event to be viewed in the week-at-glance (week.php). * * The HTML will be stored in an array (global variable $hour_arr) * indexed on the event's starting hour. * * @param Event $event The event * @param string $date Date for which we're printing (in YYYYMMDD format) * @param string $override_class If set, then this is the class to use * @param bool $show_time If enabled, then event time is displayed */ function html_for_event_week_at_a_glance ( $event, $date, $override_class = '', $show_time = true ) { global $categories, $DISPLAY_ICONS, $DISPLAY_TZ, $eventinfo, $first_slot, $hour_arr, $is_assistant, $is_nonuser_admin, $last_slot, $layers, $login, $PHP_SELF, $rowspan, $rowspan_arr, $TIME_SPACER, $user; static $key = 0; $can_access = CAN_DOALL; $catAlt = $href = $timestr = ''; $getCalTypeName = $event->getCalTypeName (); $getCat = abs ( $event->getCategory () ); $getClone = $event->getClone (); $getDatetime = $event->getDatetime (); $getLoginStr = $event->getLogin (); $getPri = $event->getPriority (); $id = $event->getID (); $ind = 9999; $isAllDay = $event->isAllDay (); $isUntime = $event->isUntimed (); $linkid = "pop$id-$key"; $name = $event->getName (); $time_only = 'N'; $title = '<a title="'; $catIcon = 'icons/cat-' . $getCat . '.gif'; $key++; if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $can_access = access_user_calendar ( 'view', $getLoginStr, '', $event->getCalType (), $event->getAccess () ); $time_only = access_user_calendar ( 'time', $getLoginStr ); if ( $getCalTypeName == 'task' && $can_access == 0 ) return false; } // Figure out which time slot it goes in. Put tasks in with AllDay and Untimed. if ( ! $isUntime && ! $isAllDay && $getCalTypeName != 'task' ) { $tz_time = date ( 'His', $event->getDateTimeTS () ); $ind = calc_time_slot ( $tz_time ); if ( $ind < $first_slot ) $first_slot = $ind; if ( $ind > $last_slot ) $last_slot = $ind; } $class = ( $login != $getLoginStr && strlen ( $getLoginStr ) ? 'layer' : ( $event->getStatus () == 'W' ? 'unapproved' : '' ) ) . 'entry'; // If we are looking at a view, then always use "entry". if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_m.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_r.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_t.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_v.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_w.php' ) ) $class = 'entry'; if ( ! empty ( $override_class ) ) $class .= ' ' . $override_class; // Avoid PHP warning for undefined array index. if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$ind] ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] = ''; if ( $getCat > 0 && file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) { $catAlt = translate ( 'Category' ) . ': ' . $categories[$getCat]['cat_name']; $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<img src="' . $catIcon . '" alt="' . $catAlt . '" title="' . $catAlt . '" />'; } // Build entry link if UAC permits viewing. if ( $can_access != 0 && $time_only != 'Y' ) { // Make sure clones have parents URL date. $href = 'href="view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&date=' . ( $getClone ? $getClone : $date ); if ( $getCalTypeName == 'task' ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<img src="images/task.gif" class="bullet" alt="*" /> '; $title .= translate ( 'View this task' ); } else { // Must be event. if ( $isAllDay || $isUntime && $catAlt == '' ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<img src="images/circle.gif" class="bullet" alt="*" /> '; $title .= translate ( 'View this event' ); } } $hour_arr[$ind] .= $title . '" class="' . $class . '" id="' . $linkid . '" ' . $href . ( strlen ( $GLOBALS['user'] ) > 0 ? '&user=' . $GLOBALS['user'] : ( $class == 'layerentry' ? '&user=' . $getLoginStr : '' ) ) . '">' . ( $getPri == 3 ? '<strong>' : '' ); if ( $login != $getLoginStr && strlen ( $getLoginStr ) ) { if ( $layers ) { foreach ( $layers as $layer ) { if ( $layer['cal_layeruser'] == $getLoginStr ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<span style="color:' . $layer['cal_color'] . ';">'; $in_span = true; } } } // Check to see if Category Colors are set. } else if ( ! empty ( $categories[$getCat]['cat_color'] ) ) { $cat_color = $categories[$getCat]['cat_color']; if ( $cat_color != '#000000' ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= '<span style="color:' . $cat_color . ';">'; $in_span = true; } } if ( $isAllDay ) { $timestr = translate ( 'All day event' ); // Set start cell of all-day event to beginning of work hours. if ( empty ( $rowspan_arr[$first_slot] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$first_slot] = 0; // Avoid warning below. // We'll skip tasks here as well. } else if ( $event->getTime () >= 0 && $getCalTypeName != 'task' ) { if ( $show_time ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= display_time ( $getDatetime ) . ( $time_only == 'Y' ? '' : $TIME_SPACER ); $timestr = display_time ( $getDatetime ); if ( $event->getDuration () > 0 ) { $end_time = date ( 'His', $event->getEndDateTimeTS () ); $timestr .= '-' . display_time ( $event->getEndDateTime (), $DISPLAY_TZ ); // This fixes the improper display if an event ends at or after midnight. if ( $end_time < $tz_time ) $end_time += 240000; } else $end_time = 0; if ( empty ( $rowspan_arr[$ind] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = 0; // Avoid warning below. // Which slot is end time in? take one off so we don't // show 11:00-12:00 as taking up both 11 and 12 slots. $endind = calc_time_slot ( $end_time, true ); $rowspan = ( $endind == $ind ? 0 : $endind - $ind + 1 ); if ( $rowspan > $rowspan_arr[$ind] && $rowspan > 1 ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = $rowspan; } $hour_arr[$ind] .= build_entry_label ( $event, 'eventinfo-' . $linkid, $can_access, $timestr, $time_only ) . ( empty ( $in_span ) ? '' : '</span>' )// End color span. . ( $getPri == 3 ? '</strong>' : '' ) . '</a>' // . ( $DISPLAY_ICONS == 'Y' ? icon_text ( $id, true, true ) : '' ) . "<br />\n"; } /* Converts HTML entities in 8bit. * * <b>Note:</b> Only supported for PHP4 (not PHP3). * * @param string $html HTML text * * @return string The converted text. */ function html_to_8bits ( $html ) { return ( floor ( phpversion () ) < 4 ? $html : strtr ( $html, array_flip ( get_html_translation_table ( HTML_ENTITIES ) ) ) ); } /* Generates the HTML for an add/edit/delete icon. * * This function is not yet used. Some of the places that will call it have to * be updated to also get the event owner so we know if the current user has * access to edit and delete. * * @param int $id Event ID * @param bool $can_edit Can this user edit this event? * @param bool $can_delete Can this user delete this event? * * @return HTML for add/edit/delete icon. * * @ignore */ function icon_text ( $id, $can_edit, $can_delete ) { global $is_admin, $readonly; $deleteStr = translate ( 'Delete entry' ); $editEntryStr = translate ( 'Edit entry' ); $viewEntryStr = translate ( 'View this entry' ); return ' <a title="' . $viewEntryStr . '" href="view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="images/view.gif" alt="' . $viewEntryStr . '" class="icon_text" /></a>' . ( $can_edit && $readonly == 'N' ? ' <a title="' . $editEntryStr . '" href="edit_entry.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="images/edit.gif" alt="' . $editEntryStr . '" class="icon_text" /></a>' : '' ) . ( $can_delete && ( $readonly == 'N' || $is_admin ) ? ' <a title="' . $deleteStr . '" href="del_entry.php?id=' . $id . '" onclick="return confirm( \'' . str_replace ( 'XXX', translate ( 'entry' ), translate ( 'Are you sure you want to delete this XXX?' ) ) . ' ' . translate ( 'This will delete this entry for all users.' ) . '\' );"><img src="images/delete.gif" alt="' . $deleteStr . '" class="icon_text" /></a>' : '' ); } /* Determine if date is a weekend * * @param int $date Timestamp of subject date OR a weekday number 0-6 * * @return bool True = Date is weekend */ function is_weekend ( $date ) { global $WEEKEND_START; // We can't test for empty because $date may equal 0. if ( ! strlen ( $date ) ) return false; if ( ! isset ( $WEEKEND_START ) ) $WEEKEND_START = 6; // We may have been passed a weekday 0-6. if ( $date < 7 ) return ( $date == $WEEKEND_START % 7 || $date == ( $WEEKEND_START + 1 ) % 7 ); // We were passed a timestamp. $wday = date ( 'w', $date ); return ( $wday == $WEEKEND_START % 7 || $wday == ( $WEEKEND_START + 1 ) % 7 ); } /* Is this a leap year? * * @internal JGH Borrowed isLeapYear from PEAR Date_Calc Class * * @param int $year Year * * @return bool True for a leap year, else false. * * @ignore */ function isLeapYear ( $year = '' ) { if ( empty ( $year ) ) $year = strftime ( '%Y', time () ); if ( strlen ( $year ) != 4 || preg_match ( '/\D/', $year ) ) return false; return ( ( $year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0 ) || $year % 400 == 0 ); } /* Loads default system settings (which can be updated via admin.php). * * System settings are stored in the webcal_config table. * * <b>Note:</b> If the setting for <var>server_url</var> is not set, * the value will be calculated and stored in the database. * * @global string User's login name * @global bool Readonly * @global string HTTP hostname * @global int Server's port number * @global string Request string * @global array Server variables */ function load_global_settings () { global $_SERVER, $APPLICATION_NAME, $FONTS, $HTTP_HOST, $LANGUAGE, $REQUEST_URI, $SERVER_PORT, $SERVER_URL; // Note: When running from the command line (send_reminders.php), // these variables are (obviously) not set. // TODO: This type of checking should be moved to a central location // like init.php. if ( isset ( $_SERVER ) && is_array ( $_SERVER ) ) { if ( empty ( $HTTP_HOST ) && isset ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) $HTTP_HOST = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ( empty ( $SERVER_PORT ) && isset ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) ) $SERVER_PORT = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $arr = explode ( '/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . $arr[count ( $arr )-1]; if ( isset ( $_SERVER['argv'][0] ) && $_SERVER['argv'][0] != '' ) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?' . $_SERVER['argv'][0]; } if ( empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) && isset ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Hack to fix up IIS. if ( isset ( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) && strstr ( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS' ) && isset ( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ) ) $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_config' ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $setting = $row[0]; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value = $row[1]; } // Set SERVER TIMEZONE. if ( empty ( $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] ) ) $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] = $GLOBALS['SERVER_TIMEZONE']; set_env ( 'TZ', $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] ); date_default_timezone_set ( $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] ); // If app name not set.... default to "Title". This gets translated later // since this function is typically called before translate.php is included. // Note: We usually use translate ( $APPLICATION_NAME ) instead of // translate ( 'Title' ). if ( empty ( $APPLICATION_NAME ) ) $APPLICATION_NAME = 'Title'; if ( empty ( $SERVER_URL ) && ( ! empty ( $HTTP_HOST ) && ! empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) ) ) { $ptr = strrpos ( $REQUEST_URI, '/' ); if ( $ptr > 0 ) { $SERVER_URL = 'http://' . $HTTP_HOST . ( ! empty ( $SERVER_PORT ) && $SERVER_PORT != 80 ? ':' . $SERVER_PORT : '' ) . substr ( $REQUEST_URI, 0, $ptr + 1 ); dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_config ( cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES ( ?, ? )', array ( 'SERVER_URL', $SERVER_URL ) ); } } // If no font settings, then set default. if ( empty ( $FONTS ) ) $FONTS = ( $LANGUAGE == 'Japanese' ? 'Osaka, ' : '' ) . 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'; } /* Loads nonuser preferences from the webcal_user_pref table * if on a nonuser admin page. * * @param string $nonuser Login name for nonuser calendar */ function load_nonuser_preferences ( $nonuser ) { global $DATE_FORMAT, $DATE_FORMAT_MD, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, $prefarray; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $nonuser ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $setting = $row[0]; $value = $row[1]; // $sys_setting = 'sys_' . $setting; // save system defaults // ** Don't override ones set by load_user_prefs. if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) && empty ( $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting] ) ) $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting] = $GLOBALS[$setting]; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $prefarray[$setting] = $value; } } // reset_language ( empty ( $LANGUAGE) || $LANGUAGE != 'none' // ? $LANGUAGE : $browser_lang ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT ) || $DATE_FORMAT == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT = translate ( '__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__' ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT_MY ) || $DATE_FORMAT_MY == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT_MY = translate ( '__month__ __yyyy__' ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT_MD ) || $DATE_FORMAT_MD == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT_MD = translate ( '__month__ __dd__' ); } /* Returns a custom header, stylesheet or tailer. * * The data will be loaded from the webcal_user_template table. * If the global variable $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_HEADER is set to 'Y', * then we load an external file using include. * This can have serious security issues since a * malicous user could open up /etc/passwd. * * @param string $login Current user login * @param string $type type of template * ('H' = header, 'S' = stylesheet, 'T' = trailer) */ function load_template ( $login, $type ) { global $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_HEADER, $ALLOW_USER_HEADER; $found = false; $ret = ''; // First, check for a user-specific template. $sql = 'SELECT cal_template_text FROM webcal_user_template WHERE cal_type = ? and cal_login = '; if ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_USER_HEADER ) && $ALLOW_USER_HEADER == 'Y' ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . '?', array ( $type, $login ) ); if ( $rows && ! empty ( $rows[0] ) ) { $row = $rows[0]; $ret .= $row[0]; $found = true; } } // If no user-specific template, check for the system template. if ( ! $found ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . '\'__system__\'', array ( $type ) ); if ( $rows && ! empty ( $rows[0] ) ) { $row = $rows[0]; $ret .= $row[0]; $found = true; } } // If still not found, the check the old location (WebCalendar 1.0 and before). if ( ! $found ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_template_text FROM webcal_report_template WHERE cal_template_type = ? and cal_report_id = 0', array ( $type ) ); if ( $rows && ! empty ( $rows[0] ) ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( ! empty ( $row ) ) { $ret .= $row[0]; $found = true; } } } // Strip leading and trailing white spaces in file name cnadidate $file = preg_replace ('/^\s*/', '', $ret); $file = preg_replace ('/\s*$/', '', $file); if ( $found && ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_HEADER ) && $ALLOW_EXTERNAL_HEADER == 'Y' ) && file_exists ( $file ) ) { ob_start (); include "$file"; $ret = ob_get_contents (); ob_end_clean (); } return $ret; } /* Loads current user's category info and stuff it into category global variable. * * @param string $ex_global Don't include global categories ('' or '1') */ function load_user_categories ( $ex_global = '' ) { global $categories, $CATEGORIES_ENABLED, $is_admin, $is_assistant, $login, $user; $categories = array (); // These are default values. $categories[0]['cat_name'] = translate ( 'All' ); $categories[-1]['cat_name'] = translate ( 'None' ); if ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $query_params = array (); $query_params[] = ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_admin ) ? $user : $login ); $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_owner, cat_color FROM webcal_categories WHERE ( cat_owner = ? ) ' . ( $ex_global == '' ? 'OR ( cat_owner IS NULL ) ORDER BY cat_owner,' : 'ORDER BY' ) . ' cat_name', $query_params ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $categories[$row[0]] = array ( 'cat_name' => $row[1], 'cat_owner' => $row[2], 'cat_color' => ( empty ( $row[3] ) ? '#000000' : $row[3] ) ); } } } } /* Loads current user's layer info into layer global variable. * * If the system setting <var>$ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER</var> is not set to 'Y', then * we ignore all layer functionality. If <var>$force</var> is 0, we only load * layers if the current user preferences have layers turned on. * * @param string $user Username of user to load layers for * @param int $force If set to 1, then load layers for this user even if * user preferences have layers turned off. */ function load_user_layers ( $user = '', $force = 0 ) { global $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER, $layers, $LAYERS_STATUS, $login; if ( $user == '' ) $user = $login; $layers = array (); if ( empty ( $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER ) || $ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER != 'Y' ) return; // Not allowed to view others' calendars, so cannot use layers. if ( $force || ( ! empty ( $LAYERS_STATUS ) && $LAYERS_STATUS != 'N' ) ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_layerid, cal_layeruser, cal_color, cal_dups FROM webcal_user_layers WHERE cal_login = ? ORDER BY cal_layerid', array ( $user ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $layers[$row[0]] = array ( 'cal_layerid' => $row[0], 'cal_layeruser' => $row[1], 'cal_color' => $row[2], 'cal_dups' => $row[3] ); } } } } /* Loads the current user's preferences as global variables * from the webcal_user_pref table. * * Also loads the list of views for this user * (not really a preference, but this is a convenient place to put this...) * * <b>Notes:</b> * - If <var>$ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION</var> is set to 'N', then we ignore any * color preferences. * - Other default values will also be set if the user has not saved a * preference and no global value has been set by the administrator in the * system settings. */ function load_user_preferences ( $guest = '' ) { global $ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION, $browser, $DATE_FORMAT, $DATE_FORMAT_MD, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, $DATE_FORMAT_TASK, $has_boss, $is_assistant, $is_nonuser, $is_nonuser_admin, $lang_file, $LANGUAGE, $login, $prefarray, $user, $views; $browser = get_web_browser (); $browser_lang = get_browser_language (); $colors = array ( 'BGCOLOR' => 1, 'CELLBG' => 1, 'H2COLOR' => 1, 'HASEVENTSBG' => 1, 'MYEVENTS' => 1, 'OTHERMONTHBG' => 1, 'POPUP_BG' => 1, 'POPUP_FG' => 1, 'TABLEBG' => 1, 'TEXTCOLOR' => 1, 'THBG' => 1, 'THFG' => 1, 'TODAYCELLBG' => 1, 'WEEKENDBG' => 1, 'WEEKNUMBER' => 1, ); $lang_found = false; $prefarray = array (); // Allow __public__ pref to be used if logging in or user not validated. $tmp_login = ( empty ( $guest ) ? $login : ( $guest == 'guest' ? '__public__' : $guest ) ); $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $tmp_login ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $setting = $row[0]; $value = $row[1]; if ( $setting == 'LANGUAGE' ) $lang_found = true; if ( $ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION == 'N' && isset ( $colors[$setting] ) ) continue; // $sys_setting = 'sys_' . $setting; // Save system defaults. if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) ) $GLOBALS['sys_' . $setting] = $GLOBALS[$setting]; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $prefarray[$setting] = $value; } } // Set users timezone. if ( isset ( $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] ) ) set_env ( 'TZ', $GLOBALS['TIMEZONE'] ); // Get views for this user and global views. // If NUC and not authorized by UAC, disallow global views. $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_view_id, cal_name, cal_view_type, cal_is_global, cal_owner FROM webcal_view WHERE cal_owner = ? ' . ( $is_nonuser && ( ! access_is_enabled () || ( access_is_enabled () && ! access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_VIEW, $guest ) ) ) ? '' : ' OR cal_is_global = \'Y\' ' ) . 'ORDER BY cal_name', array ( $tmp_login ) ); if ( $rows ) { $views = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $url = 'view_'; if ( $row[2] == 'E' ) $url .= 'r.php?'; elseif ( $row[2] == 'S' ) $url .= 't.php?'; elseif ( $row[2] == 'T' ) $url .= 't.php?'; else $url .= strtolower ( $row[2] ) . '.php?'; $v = array ( 'cal_view_id' => $row[0], 'cal_name' => $row[1], 'cal_view_type' => $row[2], 'cal_is_global' => $row[3], 'cal_owner' => $row[4], 'url' => $url . 'id=' . $row[0] ); $views[] = $v; } } // If user has not set a language preference and admin has not specified a // language, then use their browser settings to figure it out // and save it in the database for future use (email reminders). $lang = 'none'; if ( ! $lang_found && strlen ( $tmp_login ) && $tmp_login != '__public__' ) { if ( $LANGUAGE == 'none' ) $lang = $browser_lang; dbi_execute ( 'INSERT INTO webcal_user_pref ( cal_login, cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )', array ( $tmp_login, 'LANGUAGE', $lang ) ); } reset_language ( ! empty ( $LANGUAGE ) && $LANGUAGE != 'none' ? $LANGUAGE : $browser_lang ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT ) || $DATE_FORMAT == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT = translate ( '__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__' ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT_MY ) || $DATE_FORMAT_MY == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT_MY = translate ( '__month__ __yyyy__' ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT_MD ) || $DATE_FORMAT_MD == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT_MD = translate ( '__month__ __dd__' ); if ( empty ( $DATE_FORMAT_TASK ) || $DATE_FORMAT_TASK == 'LANGUAGE_DEFINED' ) $DATE_FORMAT_TASK = translate ( '__mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__' ); $has_boss = user_has_boss ( $tmp_login ); $is_assistant = ( empty ( $user ) ? false : user_is_assistant ( $tmp_login, $user ) ); $is_nonuser_admin = ( $user ? user_is_nonuser_admin ( $tmp_login, $user ) : false ); // if ( $is_nonuser_admin ) load_nonuser_preferences ($user); } /* Returns the either the full name or the abbreviation of the specified month. * * @param int $m Number of the month (0-11) * @param string $format 'F' = full, 'M' = abbreviation * * @return string The name of the specified month. */ function month_name ( $m, $format = 'F' ) { global $lang; static $local_lang, $month_names, $monthshort_names; //. // We may have switched languages. if ( $local_lang != $lang ) $month_names = $monthshort_names = array (); $local_lang = $lang; if ( empty ( $month_names[0] ) || empty ( $monthshort_names[0] ) ) { $month_names = array ( translate ( 'January' ), translate ( 'February' ), translate ( 'March' ), translate ( 'April' ), translate ( 'May_' ), // needs to be different than "May", translate ( 'June' ), translate ( 'July' ), translate ( 'August' ), translate ( 'September' ), translate ( 'October' ), translate ( 'November' ), translate ( 'December' ) ); $monthshort_names = array ( translate ( 'Jan' ), translate ( 'Feb' ), translate ( 'Mar' ), translate ( 'Apr' ), translate ( 'May' ), translate ( 'Jun' ), translate ( 'Jul' ), translate ( 'Aug' ), translate ( 'Sep' ), translate ( 'Oct' ), translate ( 'Nov' ), translate ( 'Dec' ) ); } if ( $m >= 0 && $m < 12 ) return ( $format == 'F' ? $month_names[$m] : $monthshort_names[$m] ); return translate ( 'unknown-month' ) . " ($m)"; } /* Loads nonuser variables (login, firstname, etc.). * * The following variables will be set: * - <var>login</var> * - <var>firstname</var> * - <var>lastname</var> * - <var>fullname</var> * - <var>admin</var> * - <var>email</var> * * @param string $login Login name of nonuser calendar * @param string $prefix Prefix to use for variables that will be set. * For example, if prefix is "temp_", then the login will * be stored in the <var>$temp_login</var> global variable. */ function nonuser_load_variables ( $login, $prefix ) { global $error, $nuloadtmp_email; $ret = false; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_admin, cal_is_public, cal_url FROM webcal_nonuser_cals WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $login ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'fullname'] = ( strlen ( $row[1] ) || strlen ( $row[2] ) ? "$row[2] $row[1]" : $row[0] ); $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'login'] = $row[0]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'lastname'] = $row[1]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'firstname'] = $row[2]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'admin'] = $row[3]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'is_public'] = $row[4]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'url'] = $row[5]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'is_admin'] = false; $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'is_nonuser'] = true; // We need the email address for the admin. user_load_variables ( $row[3], 'nuloadtmp_' ); $GLOBALS[$prefix . 'email'] = $nuloadtmp_email; $ret = true; } } return $ret; } /* Prints dropdown HTML for categories. * * @param string $form The page to submit data to (without .php) * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $cat_id Category id that should be pre-selected */ function print_category_menu ( $form, $date = '', $cat_id = '' ) { global $categories, $login, $user, $CATEGORIES_ENABLED; if ( empty ( $CATEGORIES_ENABLED ) || $CATEGORIES_ENABLED == 'N' ) return false; $catStr = translate ( 'Category' ); $printerStr = ''; $ret = ' <form action="' . $form . '.php" method="get" name="SelectCategory" ' . 'class="categories">' . ( empty ( $date ) ? '' : ' <input type="hidden" name="' . ( $form != 'year' ? 'date' : 'year' ) . '" value="' . $date . '" />' ) . ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ? ' <input type="hidden" name="user" value="' . $user . '" />' : '' ) . $catStr . ': <select name="cat_id" onchange="document.SelectCategory.submit()">'; // 'None' and 'All' are added during load_user_categories if ( is_array ( $categories ) ) { foreach ( $categories as $K => $V ) { if ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ? $user : $login ) || empty ( $categories[$K]['cat_owner'] ) ) { $ret .= ' <option value="' . $K . '"'; if ( $cat_id == $K ) { $printerStr .= ' <span id="cat">' . $catStr . ': ' . $categories[$K]['cat_name'] . '</span>'; $ret .= ' selected="selected"'; } $ret .= ">{$V['cat_name']}</option>"; } } } return $ret . ' </select> </form>' // This is used for Printer Friendly view. . $printerStr; } /* Generates HTML to for checkbox form controls. * * @param array $vals (name, value, display, setting) * @param string $id the id of the control * @param string $onchange javascript function to call if needed * * @return string HTML for the checkbox control. */ function print_checkbox ( $vals, $id = '', $onchange = '' ) { global $prefarray, $s, $SCRIPT; static $checked, $No, $Yes; $setting = ( empty ( $vals[3] ) ? $vals[0] : $vals[3] ); $variable = $vals[0]; $hidden = ''; if ( ! empty ( $id ) && $id = 'dito' ) $id = $vals[0]; if ( empty ( $checked ) ) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $No = translate ( 'No' ); $Yes = translate ( 'Yes' ); } if ( $SCRIPT == 'admin.php' ) { $setting = $s[$vals[0]]; $variable = 'admin_' . $vals[0]; $hidden = ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $variable . '" value="N" />'; } if ( $SCRIPT == 'pref.php' ) { $setting = $prefarray[$vals[0]]; $variable = 'pref_' . $vals[0]; $hidden = ' <input type="hidden" name="' . $variable . '" value="N" />'; } return $hidden . ' <label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $variable . '" value="' . $vals[1] . '" ' . ( empty ( $id ) ? '' : 'id="' . $id . '" ' ) . ( $setting == $vals[1] ? $checked : '' ) . ( empty ( $onchange ) ? '' : ' onchange="' . $onchange . '()"' ) . ' /> ' . $vals[2] . '</label>'; } /* Generates HTML for color chooser options in admin and pref pages. * * @param string $varname the name of the variable to display * @param string $title color description * @param string $varval the default value to display * * @return string HTML for the color selector. */ function print_color_input_html ( $varname, $title, $varval = '' ) { global $prefarray, $s, $SCRIPT; static $select; $name = ''; $setting = $varval; if ( empty ( $select ) ) $select = translate ( 'Select' ) . '...'; if ( $SCRIPT == 'admin.php' ) { $name = 'admin_'; $setting = $s[$varname]; } elseif ( $SCRIPT == 'pref.php' ) { $name = 'pref_'; $setting = $prefarray[$varname]; } $name .= $varname; return ' <p><label for="' . $name . '">' . $title . ':</label><input type="text" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" size="7" maxlength="7" value="' . $setting . '" onchange="updateColor( this, \'' . $varname . '_sample\' );" /><span class="sample" id="' . $varname . '_sample" style="background:' . $setting . ';"> </span><input type="button" onclick="selectColor( \'' . $name . '\', event )" value="' . $select . '" /></p>'; } /* Prints all the calendar entries for the specified user for the specified date. * * If we are displaying data from someone other than * the logged in user, then check the access permission of the entry. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $user Username * @param bool $ssi Is this being called from week_ssi.php? */ function print_date_entries ( $date, $user, $ssi = false ) { global $cat_id, $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID, $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED, $events, $is_admin, $is_nonuser, $login, $PUBLIC_ACCESS, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD, $readonly, $tasks, $WEEK_START; static $newEntryStr; if ( empty ( $newEntryStr ) ) $newEntryStr = translate ( 'New Entry' ); $cnt = 0; $get_unapproved = ( $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED == 'Y' ); $moons = getMoonPhases ( substr ( $date, 0, 4 ), substr ( $date, 4, 2 ) ); $ret = ''; $can_add = ( $readonly == 'N' || $is_admin ); if ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD != 'Y' && $login == '__public__' ) $can_add = false; if ( $readonly == 'Y' ) $can_add = false; if ( $is_nonuser ) $can_add = false; if ( ! $ssi ) { /* translate ( 'First Quarter Moon') translate ( 'Full Moon' ) translate ( 'Last Quarter Moon') translate ( 'New Moon' ) */ $userCatStr = ( strcmp ( $user, $login ) ? 'user=' . $user . '&' : '' ) . ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? '' : 'cat_id=' . $cat_id . '&' ); if ( ! empty ( $moons[$date] ) ) $tmp = $moons[$date]; $moon_title = ( empty ( $tmp ) ? '' : translate ( ucfirst ( $tmp ) . ( strpos ( 'fullnew', $tmp ) !== false ? '' : ' Quarter' ) . ' Moon' ) ); $ret = ( $can_add ? ' <a title="' . $newEntryStr . '" href="edit_entry.php?' . $userCatStr . 'date=' . $date . '"><img src="images/new.gif" alt="' . $newEntryStr . '" class="new" /></a>' : '' ) . ' <a class="dayofmonth" href="day.php?' . $userCatStr . 'date=' . $date . '">' . substr ( $date, 6, 2 ) . '</a>' . ( empty ( $tmp ) ? '' : '<img src="images/' . $tmp . 'moon.gif" title="' . $moon_title . '" alt="' . $moon_title . '" />' ) . "<br />\n"; $cnt++; } // Get, combime and sort the events for this date. $ev = combine_and_sort_events ( // Get all the non-repeating events. get_entries ( $date, $get_unapproved ), // Get all the repeating events. get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved ) ); // If wanted, get all due tasks for this date. if ( ( empty ( $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID ) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == 'Y' ) && ( $date >= date ( 'Ymd' ) ) ) $ev = combine_and_sort_events ( $ev, get_tasks ( $date, $get_unapproved ) ); for ( $i = 0, $evCnt = count ( $ev ); $i < $evCnt; $i++ ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]->getStatus () == 'A' ) { $ret .= print_entry ( $ev[$i], $date ); $cnt++; } } if ( $cnt == 0 ) $ret .= ' '; // So the table cell has at least something. return $ret; } /* Prints all the calendar entries for the specified user * for the specified date in day-at-a-glance format. * * If we are displaying data from someone other than * the logged in user, then check the access permission of the entry. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $user Username of calendar */ function print_day_at_a_glance ( $date, $user, $can_add = 0 ) { global $CELLBG, $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID, $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED, $first_slot, $hour_arr, $last_slot, $rowspan, $rowspan_arr, $TABLEBG, $THBG, $THFG, $TIME_SLOTS, $today, $TODAYCELLBG, $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR, $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; if ( empty ( $TIME_SLOTS ) ) return translate ( 'Error TIME_SLOTS undefined!' ) . "<br />\n"; $get_unapproved = ( $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED == 'Y' ); // Get, combine and sort the events for this date. $ev = combine_and_sort_events ( get_entries ( $date, $get_unapproved ), // Get static non-repeating events. get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date )// Get all the repeating events. ); if ( $date >= date ( 'Ymd' ) && ( empty ( $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID ) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == 'Y' ) ) $ev = combine_and_sort_events ( $ev, get_tasks ( $date, $get_unapproved ) // Get all due tasks. ); $hour_arr = $rowspan_arr = array (); $interval = 1440 / $TIME_SLOTS; // Number of minutes per slot $first_slot = intval ( ( $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR * 60 ) / $interval ); $last_slot = intval ( ( $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR * 60 ) / $interval ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $ev ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]->getStatus () == 'A' ) html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $ev[$i], $date ); } $last_row = -1; $ret = ''; $rowspan = 0; // Squish events that use the same cell into the same cell. // For example, an event from 8:00-9:15 and another from 9:30-9:45 both // want to show up in the 8:00-9:59 cell. for ( $i = ( $first_slot < 0 ? $first_slot : 0 ); $i < $TIME_SLOTS; $i++ ) { if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { $diff_start_time = $i - $last_row; if ( ! empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) ) { if ( $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 && ( $rowspan_arr[$i] + ( $diff_start_time ) > $rowspan_arr[$last_row] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$last_row] = ( $rowspan_arr[$i] + ( $diff_start_time ) ); $rowspan += ( $rowspan_arr[$i] - 1 ); } else $rowspan_arr[$last_row] += $rowspan_arr[$i]; // This will move entries apart that appear in one field, // yet start on different hours. for ( $u = $diff_start_time; $u > 0; $u-- ) { $hour_arr[$last_row] .= "<br />\n"; } $hour_arr[$last_row] .= $hour_arr[$i]; $hour_arr[$i] = ''; $rowspan_arr[$i] = 0; } $rowspan--; } else if ( ! empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) && $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 ) { $last_row = $i; $rowspan = $rowspan_arr[$i]; } } $ret .= ' <table class="main glance" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' . ( empty ( $hour_arr[9999] ) ? '' : ' <tr> <th class="empty"> </th> <td class="hasevents">' . $hour_arr[9999] . '</td> </tr>' ); $rowspan = 0; for ( $i = $first_slot; $i <= $last_slot; $i++ ) { $time_h = intval ( ( $i * $interval ) / 60 ); $time_m = ( $i * $interval ) % 60; $addIcon = ( $can_add ? html_for_add_icon ( $date, $time_h, $time_m, $user ) : '' ); $ret .= ' <tr> <th class="row">' . display_time ( ( $time_h * 100 + $time_m ) * 100 ) . '</th>'; if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { // This might mean there's an overlap, or it could mean one event // ends at 11:15 and another starts at 11:30. if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) $ret .= ' <td class="hasevents">' . $addIcon . $hour_arr[$i] . '</td>'; $rowspan--; } else { $ret .= ' <td '; if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) $ret .= ( $date == date ( 'Ymd', $today ) ? ' class="today"' : '' ) . '>' . ( $can_add ? $addIcon : ' ' ); else { $rowspan = ( empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) ? '' : $rowspan_arr[$i] ); $ret .= ( $rowspan > 1 ? 'rowspan="' . $rowspan . '"' : '' ) . 'class="hasevents">' . $addIcon . $hour_arr[$i]; } $ret .= '</td>'; } $ret .= ' </tr>'; } return $ret . ' </table>'; } /* Prints the HTML for one event in the month view. * * @param Event $event The event * @param string $date The data for which we're printing (YYYYMMDD) * * @staticvar int Used to ensure all event popups have a unique id. * * @uses build_entry_popup */ function print_entry ( $event, $date ) { global $categories, $DISPLAY_END_TIMES, $DISPLAY_LOCATION, $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID, $eventinfo, $is_assistant, $is_nonuser_admin, $layers, $login, $PHP_SELF, $TIME_SPACER, $user; static $key = 0; static $viewEventStr, $viewTaskStr; if ( empty ( $viewEventStr ) ) { $viewEventStr = translate ( 'View this event' ); $viewTaskStr = translate ( 'View this task' ); } $catIcon = $in_span = $padding = $popup_timestr = $ret = $timestr = ''; $cal_type = $event->getCalTypeName (); $loginStr = $event->getLogin (); if ( access_is_enabled () ) { $can_access = access_user_calendar ( 'view', $loginStr, '', $event->getCalType (), $event->getAccess () ); $time_only = access_user_calendar ( 'time', $loginStr ); if ( $cal_type == 'task' && $can_access == 0 ) return false; } else { $can_access = CAN_DOALL; $time_only = 'N'; } // No need to display if show time only and not a timed event. if ( $time_only == 'Y' && ! $event->Istimed () ) return false; $class = ( $login != $loginStr && strlen ( $loginStr ) ? 'layer' : ( $event->getStatus () == 'W' ? 'unapproved' : '' ) ) . 'entry'; // If we are looking at a view, then always use "entry". if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_m.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_t.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_v.php' ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, 'view_w.php' ) ) $class = 'entry'; if ( $event->getPriority () < 4 ) $ret .= '<strong>'; $cloneStr = $event->getClone (); $id = $event->getID (); $linkid = 'pop' . "$id-$key"; $name = $event->getName (); $view_text = ( $cal_type == 'task' ? $viewTaskStr : $viewEventStr ); $key++; // Build entry link if UAC permits viewing. if ( $can_access != 0 && $time_only != 'Y' ) { // Make sure clones have parents URL date. $href = 'href="view_entry.php?id=' . $id . '&date=' . ( $cloneStr ? $cloneStr : $date ) . ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ? '&user=' . $user : ( $class == 'layerentry' ? '&user=' . $loginStr : '' ) ) . '"'; $title = ' title="' . $view_text . '" '; } else $href = $title = ''; $ret .= ' <a ' . $title . ' class="' . $class . '" id="' . "$linkid\" $href" . '><img src="'; $catNum = abs ( $event->getCategory () ); $icon = $cal_type . '.gif'; if ( $catNum > 0 ) { $catIcon = 'icons/cat-' . $catNum . '.gif'; if ( ! file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) $catIcon = ''; } if ( empty ( $catIcon ) ) $ret .= 'images/' . $icon . '" class="bullet" alt="' . $view_text . '" width="5" height="7" />'; else { // Use category icon. $catAlt = ( empty ( $categories[$catNum] ) ? '' : translate ( 'Category' ) . ': ' . $categories[$catNum]['cat_name'] ); $ret .= $catIcon . '" alt="' . $catAlt . '" title="' . "$catAlt\" />"; } if ( $login != $loginStr && strlen ( $loginStr ) ) { if ( $layers ) { foreach ( $layers as $layer ) { if ( $layer['cal_layeruser'] == $loginStr ) { $in_span = true; $ret .= ( '<span style="color:' . $layer['cal_color'] . ';">' ); } } } // Check to see if Category Colors are set. } else if ( ! empty ( $categories[$catNum]['cat_color'] ) ) { $cat_color = $categories[$catNum]['cat_color']; if ( $cat_color != '#000000' ) { $in_span = true; $ret .= ( '<span style="color:' . $cat_color . ';">' ); } } if ( $event->isAllDay () ) $timestr = $popup_timestr = translate ( 'All day event' ); else if ( ! $event->isUntimed () ) { $timestr = $popup_timestr = display_time ( $event->getDateTime () ); if ( $event->getDuration () > 0 ) $popup_timestr .= ' - ' . display_time ( $event->getEndDateTime () ); if ( $DISPLAY_END_TIMES == 'Y' ) $timestr = $popup_timestr; if ( $cal_type == 'event' ) $ret .= getShortTime ( $timestr ) . ( $time_only == 'Y' ? '' : $TIME_SPACER ); } return $ret . build_entry_label ( $event, 'eventinfo-' . $linkid, $can_access, $popup_timestr, $time_only ) // Added to allow a small location to be displayed if wanted. . ( ! empty ( $location ) && ! empty ( $DISPLAY_LOCATION ) && $DISPLAY_LOCATION == 'Y' ? '<br /><span class="location">(' . htmlspecialchars ( $location ) . ')</span>' : '' ) . ( $in_span == true ? '</span>' : '' ) . '</a>' . ( $event->getPriority () < 4 ? '</strong>' : '' ) // end font-weight span . '<br />'; } /* Generate standardized error message * * @param string $error Message to display * @param bool $full Include extra text in display * * @return string HTML to display error. * * @uses print_error_header */ function print_error ( $error, $full = false ) { return print_error_header () . ( $full ? translate ( 'The following error occurred' ) . ':' : '' ) . ' <blockquote>' . $error . '</blockquote>'; } /* An h2 header error message. */ function print_error_header () { return ' <h2>' . translate ( 'Error' ) . '</h2>'; } /* Generate standardized Not Authorized message * * @param int $errno Optional Error number to display * @param bool $full Include ERROR title * * @return string HTML to display notice. * * @uses print_error_header */ function print_not_auth ( $errno='', $full = false ) { global $settings; return ( $full ? print_error_header () : '' ) . '!!!' . translate ( 'You are not authorized.' ) . ( ! empty ( $settings['mode'] ) && $settings['mode'] == 'dev' ? ' ' . $errno : '' ) . "\n"; } /* Generates HTML for radio buttons. * * @param string $variable the name of the variable to display * @param array $vals the value and display variables * if empty ( Yes/No options will be displayed ) * @param string $onclick javascript function to call if needed * @param string $defIdx default array index to select * @param string $sep HTML value between radio options ( ,<br />) * * @return string HTML for the radio control. */ function print_radio ( $variable, $vals = '', $onclick = '', $defIdx = '', $sep = ' ' ) { global $prefarray, $s, $SCRIPT; static $checked, $No, $Yes; $ret = ''; $setting = $defIdx; if ( empty ( $checked ) ) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $No = translate ( 'No' ); $Yes = translate ( 'Yes' ); } if ( empty ( $vals ) ) $vals = array ( 'Y' => $Yes, 'N' => $No ); if ( $SCRIPT == 'admin.php' ) { if ( ! empty ( $s[$variable] ) ) $setting = $s[$variable]; $variable = 'admin_' . $variable; } if ( $SCRIPT == 'pref.php' ) { if ( ! empty ( $prefarray[$variable] ) ) $setting = $prefarray[$variable]; $variable = 'pref_' . $variable; } $onclickStr = ( empty ( $onclick ) ? '' : ' onclick="' . $onclick . '()"' ); foreach ( $vals as $K => $V ) { $ret .= ' <input type="radio" name="' . $variable . '" value="' . $K . '"' . ( $setting == $K ? $checked : '' ) . $onclickStr . ' />' . $V; } return $ret; } /* Generate standardized Success message. * * @param bool $saved * * @return string HTML to display error. */ function print_success ( $saved ) { return ( $saved ? ' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- <![CDATA[ alert ( \'' . translate ( 'Changes successfully saved', true ) . '\' ); //]]> --> </script>' : '' ); } /* Prints Timezone select for use on forms * * @param string $prefix Prefix for select control's name * @param string $tz Current timezone of logged in user * * @return string $ret HTML for select control. */ function print_timezone_select_html ( $prefix, $tz ) { $ret = ''; // Allows different SETTING names between SERVER and USER. if ( $prefix == 'admin_' ) $prefix .= 'SERVER_'; // We may be using php 4.x on Windows, so we can't use set_env () to // adjust the user's TIMEZONE. We'll need to reply on the old fashioned // way of using $tz_offset from the server's timezone. $can_setTZ = ( substr ( $tz, 0, 11 ) == 'WebCalendar' ? false : true ); $old_TZ = getenv ( 'TZ' ); set_env ( 'TZ', 'America/New_York' ); $tmp_timezone = date ( 'T' ); set_env ( 'TZ', $old_TZ ); // Don't change this to date (). // if ( date ( 'T' ) == 'Ame' || ! $can_setTZ ) { //We have a problem!! if ( 0 ) { // Ignore this code for now. $tz_value = ( ! $can_setTZ ? substr ( $tz, 12 ) : 0 ); $ret = ' <select name="' . $prefix . 'TIMEZONE" id="' . $prefix . 'TIMEZONE">'; $text_add = translate ( 'Add N hours to' ); $text_sub = translate ( 'Subtract N hours from' ); for ( $i = -12; $i <= 13; $i++ ) { $ret .= ' <option value="WebCalendar/' . $i . '"' . ( $tz_value == $i ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . ( $i < 0 ? str_replace ( 'N', - $i, $text_sub ) : ( $i == 0 ? translate ( 'same as' ) : str_replace ( 'N', $i, $text_add ) ) ) . '</option>'; } $ret .= ' </select> ' . translate ( 'server time' ); } else { // This installation supports TZ env. // Import Timezone name. This file will not normally be available // on windows platforms, so we'll just include it with WebCalendar. $tz_file = 'includes/zone.tab'; if ( ! $fd = @fopen ( $tz_file, 'r', false ) ) return str_replace ( 'XXX', $tz_file, translate ( 'Cannot read timezone file XXX.' ) ); else { while ( ( $data = fgets ( $fd, 1000 ) ) !== false ) { if ( ( substr ( trim ( $data ), 0, 1 ) == '#' ) || strlen ( $data ) <= 2 ) continue; else { $data = trim ( $data, strrchr ( $data, '#' ) ); $data = preg_split ( '/[\s,]+/', trim ( $data ) ); $timezones[] = $data[2]; } } fclose ( $fd ); } sort ( $timezones ); $ret = ' <select name="' . $prefix . 'TIMEZONE" id="' . $prefix . 'TIMEZONE">'; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $timezones ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $ret .= ' <option value="' . $timezones[$i] . '"' . ( $timezones[$i] == $tz ? ' selected="selected" ' : '' ) . '>' . unhtmlentities ( $timezones[$i] ) . '</option>'; } // translate ( 'Your current GMT offset is' ) $ret .= ' </select> ' . str_replace (' XXX ', ' ' . date ( 'Z' ) / 3600 . ' ', translate ( 'Your current GMT offset is XXX hours.' ) ); } return $ret; } /* Reads events visible to a user. * * Includes layers and possibly public access if enabled. * NOTE: The values for the global variables $thisyear and $thismonth * MUST be set! (This will determine how far in the future to caclulate * repeating event dates.) * * @param string $user Username * @param bool $want_repeated Get repeating events? * @param string $date_filter SQL phrase starting with AND, to be appended to * the WHERE clause. May be empty string. * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on. May be empty. * @param bool $is_task Used to restrict results to events OR tasks * * @return array Array of Events sorted by time of day. */ function query_events ( $user, $want_repeated, $date_filter, $cat_id = '', $is_task = false ) { global $db_connection_info, $jumpdate, $layers, $login, $max_until, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_VISIBLE, $result, $thismonth, $thisyear; global $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC, $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_TEXT; // New multiple categories requires some checking to see if this cat_id is // valid for this cal_id. It could be done with nested SQL, // but that may not work for all databases. This might be quicker also. $catlist = $cloneRepeats = $layers_byuser = $result = array (); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT( cal_id ) FROM webcal_entry_categories '; // None was selected...return only events without categories. if ( $cat_id == -1 ) $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql, array () ); elseif ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) { $cat_array = explode ( ',', $cat_id ); $placeholders = ''; for ( $p_i = 0, $cnt = count ( $cat_array ); $p_i < $cnt; $p_i++ ) { $placeholders .= ( $p_i == 0 ) ? '?' : ', ?'; } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . 'WHERE cat_id IN ( ' . $placeholders . ' )', $cat_array ); } if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) { // $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql, array ( $cat_id ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $catlist[$i] = $row[0]; } } } $catlistcnt = count ( $catlist ); $query_params = array (); $sql = 'SELECT we.cal_name, we.cal_description, we.cal_date, we.cal_time, we.cal_id, we.cal_ext_for_id, we.cal_priority, we.cal_access, we.cal_duration, weu.cal_status, we.cal_create_by, weu.cal_login, we.cal_type, we.cal_location, we.cal_url, we.cal_due_date, we.cal_due_time, weu.cal_percent, we.cal_mod_date, we.cal_mod_time ' . ( $want_repeated ? ', wer.cal_type, wer.cal_end, wer.cal_frequency, wer.cal_days, wer.cal_bymonth, wer.cal_bymonthday, wer.cal_byday, wer.cal_bysetpos, wer.cal_byweekno, wer.cal_byyearday, wer.cal_wkst, wer.cal_count, wer.cal_endtime FROM webcal_entry we, webcal_entry_repeats wer, webcal_entry_user weu WHERE we.cal_id = wer.cal_id AND ' : 'FROM webcal_entry we, webcal_entry_user weu WHERE ' ) . 'we.cal_id = weu.cal_id AND weu.cal_status IN ( \'A\',\'W\' ) '; if ( $catlistcnt > 0 ) { $placeholders = ''; for ( $p_i = 0; $p_i < $catlistcnt; $p_i++ ) { $placeholders .= ( $p_i == 0 ) ? '?' : ', ?'; $query_params[] = $catlist[$p_i]; } if ( $cat_id > 0 ) $sql .= 'AND we.cal_id IN ( ' . $placeholders . ' ) '; elseif ( $cat_id == -1 ) // Eliminate events with categories. $sql .= 'AND we.cal_id NOT IN ( ' . $placeholders . ' ) '; } else if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) // Force no rows to be returned. No matching entries in category. $sql .= 'AND 1 = 0 '; $sql .= 'AND we.cal_type IN ' . ( $is_task == false ? '( \'E\',\'M\' ) ' : '( \'N\',\'T\' ) AND ( we.cal_completed IS NULL ) ' ) . ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ? 'AND ( weu.cal_login = ? ' : '' ); $query_params[] = $user; if ( $user == $login && strlen ( $user ) > 0 && $layers ) { foreach ( $layers as $layer ) { $layeruser = $layer['cal_layeruser']; $sql .= 'OR weu.cal_login = ? '; $query_params[] = $layeruser; // While we are parsing the whole layers array, build ourselves // a new array that will help when we have to check for dups. $layers_byuser[$layeruser] = $layer['cal_dups']; } } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( $sql . ( $user == $login && strlen ( $user ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_DEFAULT_VISIBLE == 'Y' ? 'OR weu.cal_login = \'__public__\' ' : '' ) . ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ? ') ' : '' ) . $date_filter // Now order the results by time, then name if not tasks. . ( ! $is_task ? ' ORDER BY we.cal_time, we.cal_name' : '' ), $query_params ); if ( $rows ) { $i = 0; $checkdup_id = $first_i_this_id = -1; for ( $ii = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $ii < $cnt; $ii++ ) { $row = $rows[$ii]; if ( $row[9] == 'D' || $row[9] == 'R' ) continue; // Don't show deleted/rejected ones. // Get primary category for this event, used for icon and color. $categories = get_categories_by_id ( $row[4], $user ); $cat_keys = array_keys ( $categories ); $primary_cat = ( empty ( $cat_keys[0] ) ? '' : $cat_keys[0] ); if ( $login == '__public__' && ! empty ( $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC ) && $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC == 'Y' ) { $evt_name = $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_TEXT; $evt_descr = $OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_TEXT; } else { $evt_name = $row[0]; $evt_descr = $row[1]; } if ( $want_repeated && ! empty ( $row[20] ) ) // row[20] = cal_type $item =& new RepeatingEvent ( $evt_name, $evt_descr, $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5], $row[6], $row[7], $row[8], $row[9], $row[10], $primary_cat, $row[11], $row[12], $row[13], $row[14], $row[15], $row[16], $row[17], $row[18], $row[19], $row[20], $row[21], $row[22], $row[23], $row[24], $row[25], $row[26], $row[27], $row[28], $row[29], $row[30], $row[31], $row[32], array (), array (), array () ); else $item =& new Event ( $evt_name, $evt_descr, $row[2], $row[3], $row[4], $row[5], $row[6], $row[7], $row[8], $row[9], $row[10], $primary_cat, $row[11], $row[12], $row[13], $row[14], $row[15], $row[16], $row[17], $row[18], $row[19] ); if ( $item->getID () != $checkdup_id ) { $checkdup_id = $item->getID (); $first_i_this_id = $i; } if ( $item->getLogin () == $user ) { // Insert this one before all other ones with this ID. array_splice ( $result, $first_i_this_id, 0, array ( $item ) ); $i++; if ( $first_i_this_id + 1 < $i ) { // There's another one with the same ID as the one we inserted. // Check for dup and if so, delete it. $other_item = $result[$first_i_this_id + 1]; if ( ! empty ( $layers_byuser[$other_item->getLogin ()] ) && $layers_byuser[$other_item->getLogin ()] == 'N' ) { // NOTE: array_splice requires PHP4 array_splice ( $result, $first_i_this_id + 1, 1 ); $i--; } } } else { if ( $i == $first_i_this_id || ( ! empty ( $layers_byuser[$item->getLogin ()] ) && $layers_byuser[$item->getLogin ()] != 'N' ) ) // This item either is the first one with its ID, or allows dups. // Add it to the end of the array. $result [$i++] = $item; } // Does event go past midnight? if ( date ( 'Ymd', $item->getDateTimeTS () ) != date ( 'Ymd', $item->getEndDateTimeTS () ) && ! $item->isAllDay () && $item->getCalTypeName () == 'event' ) { getOverLap ( $item, $i, true ); $i = count ( $result ); } } } if ( $want_repeated ) { // Now load event exceptions/inclusions and store as array. // TODO: Allow passing this max_until as param in case we create // a custom report that shows N years of events. if ( empty ( $max_until ) ) $max_until = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 2, 1, $thisyear ); for ( $i = 0, $resultcnt = count ( $result ); $i < $resultcnt; $i++ ) { if ( $result[$i]->getID () != '' ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_date, cal_exdate FROM webcal_entry_repeats_not WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $result[$i]->getID () ) ); for ( $ii = 0, $rowcnt = count ( $rows ); $ii < $rowcnt; $ii++ ) { $row = $rows[$ii]; // If this is not a clone, add exception date. if ( ! $result[$i]->getClone () ) $except_date = $row[0]; if ( $row[1] == 1 ) $result[$i]->addRepeatException ( $except_date, $result[$i]->getID () ); else $result[$i]->addRepeatInclusion ( $except_date ); } // Get all dates for this event. // If clone, we'll get the dates from parent later. if ( ! $result[$i]->getClone () ) { $until = ( $result[$i]->getRepeatEndDateTimeTS () ? $result[$i]->getRepeatEndDateTimeTS () : // Make sure all January dates will appear in small calendars. $max_until ); // Try to minimize the repeat search by shortening // until if BySetPos is not used. if ( ! $result[$i]->getRepeatBySetPos () && $until > $max_until ) $until = $max_until; $rpt_count = 999; //Some BIG number. // End date... for year view and some reports we need whole year... // So, let's do up to 365 days after current month. // TODO: Add this end time as a parameter in case someone creates // a custom report that asks for N years of events. // $jump = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth -1, 1, $thisyear); if ( $result[$i]->getRepeatCount () ) $rpt_count = $result[$i]->getRepeatCount () -1; $date = $result[$i]->getDateTimeTS (); if ( $result[$i]->isAllDay () || $result[$i]->isUntimed () ) $date += 43200; //A simple hack to prevent DST problems. // TODO get this to work // C heck if this event id has been cached. // $file = ''; // if ( ! empty ( $db_connection_info['cachedir'] ) ){ // $hash = md5 ( $result[$i]->getId () . $until . $jump ); // $file = $db_connection_info['cachedir'] . '/' . $hash . '.dat'; // } // if ( file_exists ( $file ) ) { // $dates = unserialize ( file_get_contents ( $file ) ); // } else { $dates = get_all_dates ( $date, $result[$i]->getRepeatType (), $result[$i]->getRepeatFrequency (), array ($result[$i]->getRepeatByMonth (), $result[$i]->getRepeatByWeekNo (), $result[$i]->getRepeatByYearDay (), $result[$i]->getRepeatByMonthDay (), $result[$i]->getRepeatByDay (), $result[$i]->getRepeatBySetPos () ), $rpt_count, $until, $result[$i]->getRepeatWkst (), $result[$i]->getRepeatExceptions (), $result[$i]->getRepeatInclusions (), $jumpdate ); $result[$i]->addRepeatAllDates ( $dates ); // Serialize and save in cache for later use. // if ( ! empty ( $db_connection_info['cachedir'] ) ) { // $fd = @fopen ( $file, 'w+b', false ); // if ( empty ( $fd ) ) { // dbi_fatal_error ( "Cache error: could not write file $file" ); // } // fwrite ( $fd, serialize ( $dates ) ); // fclose ( $fd ); // chmod ( $file, 0666 ); // } // } } else { // Process clones if any. if ( count ( $result[$i-1]->getRepeatAllDates () ) > 0 ) { $parentRepeats = $result[$i-1]->getRepeatAllDates (); $cloneRepeats = array(); for ( $j = 0, $parentRepeatscnt = count ( $parentRepeats ); $j < $parentRepeatscnt; $j++ ) { $cloneRepeats[] = gmdate ( 'Ymd', date_to_epoch ( $parentRepeats[$j] ) + ONE_DAY ); } $result[$i]->addRepeatAllDates ( $cloneRepeats ); } } } } } return $result; } /* Reads all the events for a user for the specified range of dates. * * This is only called once per page request to improve performance. All the * events get loaded into the array <var>$events</var> sorted by time of day * (not date). * * @param string $user Username * @param string $startdate Start date range, inclusive (in timestamp format) * in user's timezone * @param string $enddate End date range, inclusive (in timestamp format) * in user's timezone * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on * * @return array Array of Events * * @uses query_events */ function read_events ( $user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id = '' ) { global $layers, $login; // Shift date/times to UTC. $start_date = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $startdate ); $end_date = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $enddate ); return query_events ( $user, false, ' AND ( ( we.cal_date >= ' . $start_date . ' AND we.cal_date <= ' . $end_date . ' AND we.cal_time = -1 ) OR ( we.cal_date > ' . $start_date . ' AND we.cal_date < ' . $end_date . ' ) OR ( we.cal_date = ' . $start_date . ' AND we.cal_time >= ' . gmdate ( 'His', $startdate ) . ' ) OR ( we.cal_date = ' . $end_date . ' AND we.cal_time <= ' . gmdate ( 'His', $enddate ) . ' ) )', $cat_id ); } /* Reads all the repeated events for a user. * * This is only called once per page request to improve performance. * All the events get loaded into the array <var>$repeated_events</var> * sorted by time of day (not date). * * This will load all the repeated events into memory. * * <b>Notes:</b> * - To get which events repeat on a specific date, use * {@link get_repeating_entries ()}. * - To get all the dates that one specific event repeats on, call * {@link get_all_dates ()}. * * @param string $user Username * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on (May be empty) * @param int $date Cutoff date for repeating event cal_end in timestamp * format (may be empty) * * @return array Array of RepeatingEvents sorted by time of day. * * @uses query_events */ function read_repeated_events ( $user, $date = '', $enddate = '', $cat_id = '' ) { global $jumpdate, $layers, $login, $max_until; // This date should help speed up things // by eliminating events that won't display anyway. $jumpdate = $date; $max_until = $enddate + 86400; if ( $date != '' ) $date = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $date ); return query_events ( $user, true, ( $date != '' ? 'AND ( wer.cal_end >= ' . $date . ' OR wer.cal_end IS NULL )' : '' ), $cat_id ); } /* Reads all the tasks for a user with due date within the specified date range. * * This is only called once per page request to improve performance. * All the tasks get loaded into the array <var>$tasks</var> sorted by * time of day (not date). * * @param string $user Username * @param string $duedate End date range, inclusive (in timestamp format) * in user's timezone * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on * * @return array Array of Tasks * * @uses query_events */ function read_tasks ( $user, $duedate, $cat_id = '' ) { $due_date = gmdate ( 'Ymd', $duedate ); return query_events ( $user, false, ' AND ( ( we.cal_due_date <= ' . $due_date . ' ) OR ( we.cal_due_date = ' . $due_date . ' AND we.cal_due_time <= ' . gmdate ( 'His', $duedate ) . ' ) )', $cat_id, true ); } /* Generates a cookie that saves the last calendar view. * * Cookie is based on the current <var>$REQUEST_URI</var>. * * We save this cookie so we can return to this same page after a user * edits/deletes/etc an event. * * @param bool $view Determine if we are using a view_x.php file * * @global string Request string */ function remember_this_view ( $view = false ) { global $REQUEST_URI; if ( empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) ) $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // If called from init, only process script named "view_x.php. if ( $view == true && ! strstr ( $REQUEST_URI, 'view_' ) ) return; // Do not use anything with "friendly" in the URI. if ( strstr ( $REQUEST_URI, 'friendly=' ) ) return; SetCookie ( 'webcalendar_last_view', $REQUEST_URI ); } /* This just sends the DOCTYPE used in a lot of places in the code. * * @param string lang */ function send_doctype ( $doc_title = '' ) { global $charset, $lang, $LANGUAGE; $lang = ( empty ( $LANGUAGE ) ? '' : languageToAbbrev ( $LANGUAGE ) ); if ( empty ( $lang ) ) $lang = 'en'; $charset = ( empty ( $LANGUAGE ) ? 'iso-8859-1' : translate ( 'charset' ) ); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?' . '> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . $lang . '" lang="' . $lang . '"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '" />' . ( empty ( $doc_title ) ? '' : ' <title>' . $doc_title . '</title>' ); } /* Sends an HTTP login request to the browser and stops execution. * * @global string name of language file * @global string Application Name * */ function send_http_login () { global $lang_file; if ( strlen ( $lang_file ) ) { $not_authorized = print_not_auth (); $title = translate ( 'Title' ); $unauthorized = translate ( 'Unauthorized' ); } else { $not_authorized = 'You are not authorized.'; $title = 'WebCalendar'; $unauthorized = 'Unauthorized'; } header ( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . "$title\"" ); header ( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' ); echo send_doctype ( $unauthorized ) . ' </head> <body> <h2>' . $title . '</h2> ' . $not_authorized . ' </body> </html>'; exit; } /* Sends HTTP headers that tell the browser not to cache this page. * * Different browsers use different mechanisms for this, * so a series of HTTP header directives are sent. * * <b>Note:</b> This function needs to be called before any HTML output is sent * to the browser. */ function send_no_cache_header () { header ( 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' ); header ( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' ); header ( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); header ( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); } /* Sends a redirect to the user's preferred view. * * The user's preferred view is stored in the $STARTVIEW global variable. * This is loaded from the user preferences (or system settings * if there are no user prefererences.) * * @param string $indate Date to pass to preferred view in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $args Arguments to include in the URL (such as "user=joe") */ function send_to_preferred_view ( $indate = '', $args = '' ) { do_redirect ( get_preferred_view ( $indate, $args ) ); } /* Set an environment variable if system allows it. * * @param string $val name of environment variable * @param string $setting value to assign * * @return bool true = success false = not allowed. */ function set_env ( $val, $setting ) { global $tzOffset; $can_setTZ = ( substr ( $setting, 0, 11 ) == 'WebCalendar' ? false : true ); $ret = false; // Test if safe_mode is enabled. // If so, we then check safe_mode_allowed_env_vars for $val. if ( ini_get ( 'safe_mode' ) ) { $allowed_vars = explode ( ',', ini_get ( 'safe_mode_allowed_env_vars' ) ); if ( in_array ( $val, $allowed_vars ) ) $ret = true; } else $ret = true; // We can't set TZ env on php 4.0 windows, // so the setting should already contain 'WebCalendar/xx'. if ( $ret == true && $can_setTZ ) putenv ( $val . '=' . $setting ); if ( $val == 'TZ' ) { $tzOffset = ( ! $can_setTZ ? substr ( $setting, 12 ) * 3600 : 0 ); // Some say this is required to properly init timezone changes. mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1970 ); } return $ret; } /* Determines what the day is and sets it globally. * All times are in the user's timezone * * The following global variables will be set: * - <var>$thisyear</var> * - <var>$thismonth</var> * - <var>$thisday</var> * - <var>$thisdate</var> * - <var>$today</var> * * @param string $date The date in YYYYMMDD format */ function set_today ( $date = '' ) { global $day, $month, $thisdate, $thisday, $thismonth, $thisyear, $today, $year; $today = mktime (); if ( empty ( $date ) ) { $thisyear = ( empty ( $year ) ? date ( 'Y', $today ) : $year ); $thismonth = ( empty ( $month ) ? date ( 'm', $today ) : $month ); $thisday = ( empty ( $day ) ? date ( 'd', $today ) : $day ); } else { $thisyear = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $thisday = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); } $thisdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ); } /* Sorts the combined event arrays by timestamp then name. * * <b>Note:</b> This is a user-defined comparison function for usort (). * * @params passed automatically by usort, don't pass them in your call */ function sort_events ( $a, $b ) { // Handle untimed events first. if ( $a->isUntimed () || $b->isUntimed () ) return strnatcmp ( $b->isUntimed (), $a->isUntimed () ); $retval = strnatcmp ( display_time ( '', 0, $a->getDateTimeTS (), 24 ), display_time ( '', 0, $b->getDateTimeTS (), 24 ) ); return ( $retval ? $retval : strnatcmp ( $a->getName (), $b->getName () ) ); } /* Sorts the combined event arrays by timestamp then name (case insensitive). * * <b>Note:</b> This is a user-defined comparison function for usort (). * * @params passed automatically by usort, don't pass them in your call. */ function sort_events_insensitive ( $a, $b ) { $retval = strnatcmp ( display_time ( '', 0, $a->getDateTimeTS (), 24 ), display_time ( '', 0, $b->getDateTimeTS (), 24 ) ); return ( $retval ? $retval : strnatcmp ( strtolower ( $a->getName () ), strtolower ( $b->getName () ) ) ); } /* Sort user array based on $USER_SORT_ORDER. * <b>Note:</b> This is a user-defined comparison function for usort () * that will be called from user-xxx.php. * @TODO: Move to user.php along with migration to user.class. * * @params passed automatically by usort, don't pass them in your call. */ function sort_users ( $a, $b ) { global $USER_SORT_ORDER; $first = strnatcmp ( strtolower ( $a['cal_firstname'] ), strtolower ( $b['cal_firstname'] ) ); $last = strnatcmp ( strtolower ( $a['cal_lastname'] ), strtolower ( $b['cal_lastname'] ) ); return ( ( empty ( $USER_SORT_ORDER ) ? 'cal_lastname, cal_firstname,' : "$USER_SORT_ORDER," ) == 'cal_lastname, cal_firstname,' ? ( empty ( $last ) ? $first : $last ) : ( empty ( $first ) ? $last : $first ) ); } /* Converts a time format HHMMSS (like 130000 for 1PM) * into number of minutes past midnight. * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * * @return int The number of minutes since midnight. */ function time_to_minutes ( $time ) { return intval ( $time / 10000 ) * 60 + intval ( ( $time / 100 ) % 100 ); } /* Checks to see if two events overlap. * * @param string $time1 Time 1 in HHMMSS format * @param int $duration1 Duration 1 in minutes * @param string $time2 Time 2 in HHMMSS format * @param int $duration2 Duration 2 in minutes * * @return bool True if the two times overlap, false if they do not. */ function times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) { $hour1 = intval ( $time1 / 10000 ); $min1 = ( $time1 / 100 ) % 100; $hour2 = intval ( $time2 / 10000 ); $min2 = ( $time2 / 100 ) % 100; // Convert to minutes since midnight and // remove 1 minute from duration so 9AM-10AM will not conflict with 10AM-11AM. if ( $duration1 > 0 ) $duration1 -= 1; if ( $duration2 > 0 ) $duration2 -= 1; $tmins1start = $hour1 * 60 + $min1; $tmins1end = $tmins1start + $duration1; $tmins2start = $hour2 * 60 + $min2; $tmins2end = $tmins2start + $duration2; return ( ( $tmins1start >= $tmins2end ) || ( $tmins2start >= $tmins1end ) ? false : true ); } /* Updates event status and logs activity * * @param string $status A,D,R,W to set cal_status * @param string $user user to apply changes to * @param int $id event id * @param string $type event type for logging * * @global string logged in user * @global string current error message */ function update_status ( $status, $user, $id, $type = 'E' ) { global $error, $login; if ( empty ( $status ) ) return; $log_type = ''; switch ( $type ) { case 'N': case 'T': $log_type = '_T'; break; case 'J': case 'O': $log_type = '_J'; } switch ( $status ) { case 'A': $log_type = constant ( 'LOG_APPROVE' . $log_type ); // translate ( 'Error approving event' ) $error_msg = translate ( 'Error approving event XXX.' ); break; case 'D': $log_type = constant ( 'LOG_DELETE' . $log_type ); // translate ( 'Error deleting event' ) $error_msg = translate ( 'Error deleting event XXX.' ); break; case 'R': $log_type = constant ( 'LOG_REJECT' . $log_type ); // translate ( 'Error rejecting event' ) $error_msg = translate ( 'Error rejecting event XXX.' ); } if ( ! dbi_execute ( 'UPDATE webcal_entry_user SET cal_status = ? WHERE cal_login = ? AND cal_id = ?', array ( $status, $user, $id ) ) ) $error = str_replace ( 'XXX', dbi_error (), $error_msg ); else activity_log ( $id, $login, $user, $log_type, '' ); } /* Checks the webcal_nonuser_cals table to determine if the user is the * administrator for the nonuser calendar. * * @param string $login Login of user that is the potential administrator * @param string $nonuser Login name for nonuser calendar * * @return bool True if the user is the administrator for the nonuser calendar. */ function user_is_nonuser_admin ( $login, $nonuser ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_admin FROM webcal_nonuser_cals WHERE cal_login = ? AND cal_admin = ?', array ( $nonuser, $login ) ); return ( $rows && ! empty ( $rows[0] ) ); } /* Determine if the specified user is a participant in the event. * User must have status 'A' or 'W'. * * @param int $id event id * @param string $user user login */ function user_is_participant ( $id, $user ) { $ret = false; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT COUNT( cal_id ) FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_login = ? AND cal_status IN ( \'A\',\'W\' )', array ( $id, $user ) ); if ( ! $rows ) die_miserable_death ( str_replace ( 'XXX', dbi_error (), translate ( 'Database error XXX.' ) ) ); if ( ! empty ( $rows[0] ) ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( ! empty ( $row ) ) $ret = ( $row[0] > 0 ); } return $ret; } /* Checks to see if user's IP in in the IP Domain * specified by the /includes/blacklist.php file * * @return bool Is user's IP in required domain? * * @see /includes/blacklist.php * @todo: There has to be a way to vastly improve on this logic. */ function validate_domain () { global $SELF_REGISTRATION_BLACKLIST; if ( empty ( $SELF_REGISTRATION_BLACKLIST ) || $SELF_REGISTRATION_BLACKLIST == 'N' ) return true; $allow_true = $deny_true = array (); $ip_authorized = false; $rmt_long = ip2long ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); $fd = @fopen ( 'includes/blacklist.php', 'rb', false ); if ( ! empty ( $fd ) ) { // We don't use fgets () since it seems to have problems with Mac-formatted // text files. // Instead, we read in the entire file, then split the lines manually. $data = ''; while ( ! feof ( $fd ) ) { $data .= fgets ( $fd, 4096 ); } fclose ( $fd ); // Replace any combination of carriage return (\r) and new line (\n) // with a single new line. $data = preg_replace ( "/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $data ); // Split the data into lines. $blacklistLines = explode ( "\n", $data ); for ( $n = 0, $cnt = count ( $blacklistLines ); $n < $cnt; $n++ ) { $buffer = trim ( $blacklistLines[$n], "\r\n " ); if ( preg_match ( '/^#/', $buffer ) ) continue; if ( preg_match ( '/(\S+):\s*(\S+):\s*(\S+)/', $buffer, $matches ) ) { $permission = $matches[1]; $black_long = ip2long ( $matches[2] ); $mask = ip2long ( $matches[3] ); if ( $matches[2] == '' ) $black_long = $rmt_long; if ( ( $black_long & $mask ) == ( $rmt_long & $mask ) ) { if ( $permission == 'deny' ) $deny_true[] = true; elseif ( $permission == 'allow' ) $allow_true[] = true; } } } $ip_authorized = ( count ( $deny_true ) && ! count ( $allow_true ) ? false : true ); } return $ip_authorized; } /* Returns either the full name or the abbreviation of the day. * * @param int $w Number of the day in the week (0=Sun,...,6=Sat) * @param string $format 'l' (lowercase L) = Full, 'D' = abbreviation. * * @return string The weekday name ("Sunday" or "Sun") */ function weekday_name ( $w, $format = 'l' ) { global $lang; static $local_lang, $week_names, $weekday_names; // We may have switched languages. if ( $local_lang != $lang ) $week_names = $weekday_names = array (); $local_lang = $lang; // We may pass $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS as $format. if ( $format == 'N' ) $format = 'D'; if ( $format == 'Y' ) $format = 'l'; if ( empty ( $weekday_names[0] ) || empty ( $week_names[0] ) ) { $weekday_names = array ( translate ( 'Sunday' ), translate ( 'Monday' ), translate ( 'Tuesday' ), translate ( 'Wednesday' ), translate ( 'Thursday' ), translate ( 'Friday' ), translate ( 'Saturday' ) ); $week_names = array ( translate ( 'Sun' ), translate ( 'Mon' ), translate ( 'Tue' ), translate ( 'Wed' ), translate ( 'Thu' ), translate ( 'Fri' ), translate ( 'Sat' ) ); } if ( $w >= 0 && $w < 7 ) return ( $format == 'l' ? $weekday_names[$w] : $week_names[$w] ); return translate ( 'unknown-weekday' ) . " ($w)"; } /* **************************************************************************** * Functions for getting information about boss and their assistants. * **************************************************************************** */ /* Checks the boss user preferences to see if the boss must approve events * added to their calendar. * * @param string $assistant Assistant login * @param string $boss Boss login * * @return bool True if the boss must approve new events. */ function boss_must_approve_event ( $assistant, $boss ) { if ( user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) ) return ( get_pref_setting ( $boss, 'APPROVE_ASSISTANT_EVENT' ) == 'Y' ? true : false ); return true; } /* Checks the boss user preferences to see if the boss wants to be notified via * email on changes to their calendar. * * @param string $assistant Assistant login * @param string $boss Boss login * * @return bool True if the boss wants email notifications. */ function boss_must_be_notified ( $assistant, $boss ) { if ( user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) ) return ( get_pref_setting ( $boss, 'EMAIL_ASSISTANT_EVENTS' ) == 'Y' ? true : false ); return true; } /* Is this user an assistant of this boss? * * @param string $assistant Login of potential assistant * @param string $boss Login of potential boss * * @return bool True or false. */ function user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) { if ( empty ( $boss ) ) return false; $ret = false; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT * FROM webcal_asst WHERE cal_assistant = ? AND cal_boss = ?', array ( $assistant, $boss ) ); if ( $rows ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( ! empty ( $row[0] ) ) $ret = true; } return $ret; } /* Gets a list of an assistant's boss from the webcal_asst table. * * @param string $assistant Login of assistant * * @return array Array of bosses, * where each boss is an array with the following fields: * - <var>cal_login</var> * - <var>cal_fullname</var> */ function user_get_boss_list ( $assistant ) { global $bosstemp_fullname; $count = 0; $ret = array (); $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_boss FROM webcal_asst WHERE cal_assistant = ?', array ( $assistant ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; user_load_variables ( $row[0], 'bosstemp_' ); $ret[$count++] = array ( 'cal_login' => $row[0], 'cal_fullname' => $bosstemp_fullname ); } } return $ret; } /* Is this user an assistant? * * @param string $assistant Login for user * * @return bool true if the user is an assistant to one or more bosses. */ function user_has_boss ( $assistant ) { $ret = false; $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT * FROM webcal_asst WHERE cal_assistant = ?', array ( $assistant ) ); if ( $rows ) { $row = $rows[0]; if ( ! empty ( $row[0] ) ) $ret = true; } return $ret; } /* **************************************************************************** * Functions to handle site_extras * **************************************************************************** */ /* Builds the HTML for the entry popup. * * @param string $popupid CSS id to use for event popup * @param string $user Username of user the event pertains to * @param string $description Event description * @param string $time Time of the event * (already formatted in a display format) * @param string $site_extras HTML for any site_extras for this event * * @return string The HTML for the event popup. */ function build_entry_popup ( $popupid, $user, $description = '', $time, $site_extras = '', $location = '', $name = '', $id = '', $reminder = '' ) { global $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION, $DISABLE_POPUPS, $login, $PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP, $popup_fullnames, $popuptemp_fullname, $PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_PART, $SUMMARY_LENGTH, $tempfullname; if ( ! empty ( $DISABLE_POPUPS ) && $DISABLE_POPUPS == 'Y' ) return; // Restrict info if time only set. $details = true; if ( function_exists ( 'access_is_enabled' ) && access_is_enabled () && $user != $login ) { $time_only = access_user_calendar ( 'time', $user ); $details = ( $time_only == 'N' ? 1 : 0 ); } $ret = '<dl id="' . $popupid . '" class="popup">' . "\n"; if ( empty ( $popup_fullnames ) ) $popup_fullnames = array (); $partList = array (); if ( $details && $id != '' && ! empty ( $PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP ) && $PARTICIPANTS_IN_POPUP == 'Y' && ! ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_PART == 'N' && $login == '__public__' ) ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_status FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_status IN ( \'A\',\'W\' )', array ( $id ) ); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $participants[] = $row; } } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $participants ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { user_load_variables ( $participants[$i][0], 'temp' ); $partList[] = $tempfullname . ' ' . ( $participants[$i][1] == 'W' ? '(?)' : '' ); } $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_fullname FROM webcal_entry_ext_user WHERE cal_id = ? ORDER by cal_fullname', array ( $id ) ); if ( $rows ) { $extStr = translate ( 'External User' ); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; $partList[] = $row[0] . ' (' . $extStr . ')'; } } } if ( $user != $login ) { if ( empty ( $popup_fullnames[$user] ) ) { user_load_variables ( $user, 'popuptemp_' ); $popup_fullnames[$user] = $popuptemp_fullname; } $ret .= '<dt>' . translate ( 'User' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd>$popup_fullnames[$user]</dd>\n"; } $ret .= ( $SUMMARY_LENGTH < 80 && strlen ( $name ) && $details ? '<dt>' . htmlspecialchars ( substr ( $name, 0, 40 ) ) . "</dt>\n" : '' ) . ( strlen ( $time ) ? '<dt>' . translate ( 'Time' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd>$time</dd>\n" : '' ) . ( ! empty ( $location ) && $details ? '<dt>' . translate ( 'Location' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd> $location</dd>\n" : '' ) . ( ! empty ( $reminder ) && $details ? '<dt>' . translate ( 'Send Reminder' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd> $reminder</dd>\n" : '' ); if ( ! empty ( $partList ) && $details ) { $ret .= '<dt>' . translate ( 'Participants' ) . ":</dt>\n"; foreach ( $partList as $parts ) { $ret .= "<dd> $parts</dd>\n"; } } if ( ! empty ( $description ) && $details ) { $ret .= '<dt>' . translate ( 'Description' ) . ":</dt>\n<dd>"; if ( ! empty ( $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION ) && $ALLOW_HTML_DESCRIPTION == 'Y' ) { // Replace &s and decode special characters. $str = unhtmlentities ( str_replace ( '&amp;', '&', str_replace ( '&', '&', $description ) ) ); // If there is no HTML found, then go ahead and replace // the line breaks ("\n") with the HTML break ("<br />"). $ret .= ( strstr ( $str, '<' ) && strstr ( $str, '>' ) ? $str : nl2br ( $str ) ); } else // HTML not allowed in description, escape everything. $ret .= nl2br ( htmlspecialchars ( $description ) ); $ret .= "</dd>\n"; } //if $description return $ret . ( empty ( $site_extras ) ? '' : $site_extras ) . "</dl>\n"; } /* Formats site_extras for display according to their type. * * This will return an array containing formatted extras indexed on their * unique names. Each formatted extra is another array containing two * indices: 'name' and 'data', which hold the name of the site_extra and the * formatted data, respectively. So, to access the name and data of an extra * uniquely name 'Reminder', you would access * <var>$array['Reminder']['name']</var> and * <var>$array['Reminder']['data']</var> * * @param array $extras Array of site_extras for an event as returned by * {@link get_site_extra_fields ()} * @param int $filter CONSTANT 'view settings' values from site_extras.php * * @return array Array of formatted extras. */ function format_site_extras ( $extras, $filter = '' ) { global $site_extras; if ( empty ( $site_extras ) || empty ( $extras ) ) return; $ret = array (); $extra_view = 1; foreach ( $site_extras as $site_extra ) { $data = ''; $extra_name = $site_extra[0]; $extra_desc = $site_extra[1]; $extra_type = $site_extra[2]; $extra_arg1 = $site_extra[3]; $extra_arg2 = $site_extra[4]; if ( ! empty ( $site_extra[5] ) && ! empty ( $filter ) ) $extra_view = $site_extra[5] & $filter; if ( ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name] ) && ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_name'] ) && ! empty ( $extra_view ) ) { $name = translate ( $extra_desc ); if ( $extra_type == EXTRA_DATE ) { if ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] > 0 ) $data = date_to_str ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ); } elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_TEXT || $extra_type == EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT ) $data = nl2br ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); elseif ( $extra_type == EXTRA_RADIO && ! empty ( $extra_arg1[$extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']] ) ) $data .= $extra_arg1[$extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']]; else $data .= $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']; $ret[$extra_name] = array ( 'name' => $name, 'data' => $data ); } } return $ret; } /* Gets any site-specific fields for an entry that are stored in the database * in the webcal_site_extras table. * * @param int $eventid Event ID * * @return array Array with the keys as follows: * - <var>cal_name</var> * - <var>cal_type</var> * - <var>cal_date</var> * - <var>cal_remind</var> * - <var>cal_data</var> */ function get_site_extra_fields ( $eventid ) { $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows ( 'SELECT cal_name, cal_type, cal_date, cal_remind, cal_data FROM webcal_site_extras WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $eventid ) ); $extras = array (); if ( $rows ) { for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $rows ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $row = $rows[$i]; // Save by cal_name (e.g. "URL"). $extras[$row[0]] = array ( 'cal_name' => $row[0], 'cal_type' => $row[1], 'cal_date' => $row[2], 'cal_remind' => $row[3], 'cal_data' => $row[4] ); } } return $extras; } /* Extract the names of all site_extras. * * @param int $filter CONSTANT 'view setting' from site_extras.php * * @return array Array of site_extras names. */ function get_site_extras_names ( $filter = '' ) { global $site_extras; $ret = array (); foreach ( $site_extras as $extra ) { if ( $extra == 'FIELDSET' || ( ! empty ( $extra[5] ) && ! empty ( $filter ) && ! ( $extra[5] & $filter ) ) ) continue; $ret[] = $extra[0]; } return $ret; } /* Generates the HTML used in an event popup for the site_extras fields. * * @param int $id Event ID * * @return string The HTML to be used within the event popup for any site_extra * fields found for the specified event. */ function site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) { global $SITE_EXTRAS_IN_POPUP; if ( $SITE_EXTRAS_IN_POPUP != 'Y' ) return ''; $extras = format_site_extras ( get_site_extra_fields ( $id ), EXTRA_DISPLAY_POPUP ); if ( empty ( $extras ) ) return ''; $ret = ''; foreach ( $extras as $extra ) { $ret .= '<dt>' . $extra['name'] . ":</dt>\n<dd>" . $extra['data'] . "</dd>\n"; } return $ret; } ?>