File: styles.php
<?php /* CSS styles used in WebCalendar * * @author Craig Knudsen <cknudsen@cknudsen.com> * @copyright Craig Knudsen, <cknudsen@cknudsen.com>, http://www.k5n.us/cknudsen * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GPL * @version $Id: styles.php,v 2010/04/06 16:43:45 cknudsen Exp $ * @package WebCalendar * * HOW TO READ THIS DOCUMENT * * There are two main parts to every CSS style: 'selector' & 'declaration'. * EXAMPLE: * body { * color: red; * } * The selector in the example above is 'body', * while its declaration is 'color: red;'. * Each declaration has two parts: 'property' & 'value'. * * In the example above, there is only one declaraion ("color: red;"). * For that declaration, the PROPERTY is "color" and the VALUE is "red". * * NOTE: Each property must be followed by a colon (:), * and each value must be followed by a semi-colon (;). * * Each selector can contain multiple declarations. * EXAMPLE: * body { * background: black; * color: red; * font-size: 12px; * } * In the example above, there are three declarations: * background: black; * color: red; * font-size: 12px; * * NOTE: The declarations for a given style must be contained * within curly brackets ({ }). * * PHP VARIABLES USED TO STYLE WEBCALENDAR * * BGCOLOR - background-color for the page * CELLBG - background-color for normal cells * (not weekends, today, or any other types of cells) * FONTS - default font-family * H2COLOR - text color for text within h2 tags * MYEVENTS - text color for users' events * OTHERMONTHBG - background-color for cells that belong to other month * POPUP_BG - background-color for event popups * POPUP_FG - text color for event popups * TABLEBG - background-color for tables * (typically used when the table also has cellspacing, * thereby creating a border effect) * TEXTCOLOR - default text color * THBG - background-color for table headers * THFG - text color for table headers * TODAYCELLBG - background-color for cells that make up today's date * WEEKENDBG - background-color for cells that make up the weekend * * SOME OF THE CSS IDS AND CLASSES USED IN WEBCALENDAR * #programname - link to webcalendar site * NOTE: modifying this can make this link disappear * #viewd .main th - participants cell * #year.minical - contains ALL months * NOTE: display: block; here * keeps the caption vertically close to the day names * .dayofmonth - numerical date links in main calendars * .dayofmonth:hover - numerical date links in main calendars on hover * .entry - links to entries/events * .entry img * .layerentry img * .unapprovedentry img - event (or bullet) icon; * NOTE: must be defined AFTER the .entry, .layerentry, * and .unapprovedentry classes. * .layerentry - links to entries/events on layers * .main - most display pages use this for calendar content * .main td.hasevents - only use HASEVENTSBG if it differs from CELLBG * .minical - styles for minicalendars * .minical caption - really big number above the minicalendar in day.php * .minical th - formats the day name (i.e. Sun, Mon, etc) in minicals * .minitask - table appearing in small task window * .new - new event icon (i.e. '+' symbol) * .next img - right arrow images * .prev img - left arrow images * .printer - printer-friendly links * .standard - standard table mainly in prefs.php & admin.php * .unapprovedentry - links to unapproved entries/events * .weeknumber - week number in monthview & such * a - links that don't have a specific class must be * defined BEFORE all other link-related classes for * those classes to work. * img.color - transparent images used for visual color-selection * img.help - question mark img linking to help sections * * display: none; is unhidden by includes/print_styles.css * for printer-friendly pages and where else needed. * * PHP FUNCTION CALLS * A special function, background_css (), will allow the dynamic creation of * gradient images to be used for the background of that selector. The image * file will be created and cached (if enabled) for faster processing and the * url will be returned for inclusion into the final CSS file. * Example: background_css ( $GLOBALS['CELLBG'], 50 ); * Yields : background: #FFFFFF url( images/cache/FFFFFF-50.png ) repeat-x; * * CSS CACHING AND VIEWING * A caching scheme has been implemented to improve performance and reduce * download payloads. This file is now called from a helper file called * 'css_cacher.php'. Its function is to control cache expiration and compress * the data if possible. * * To view the current CSS definitions from your browser, simply run * http://yourserver/css_cacher.php * The resulting file will contain the color and layout preferences for the * logged in user or the default values if not logged in. * * Each page in WebCalendar is assigned a unique ID. This unique ID is * determined by taking the name of the page & removing any underscores (_). * Example: edit_entry.php * Results: <body id="editentry"> */ defined ( '_ISVALID' ) or die ( 'You cannot access this file directly!' ); // If called directly from a script, // this will wrap the CSS with the proper mimetype tags. $end_style = ''; if ( ! empty ( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) && ! preg_match ( '/css_cacher.php/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ) { echo '<style type="text/css"> '; $end_style = ' </style> '; } echo ' body { margin:2px; background:' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . ( empty ( $GLOBALS['BGIMAGE'] ) ? '' : ' url( ' . $GLOBALS['BGIMAGE'] . ' ) ' . $GLOBALS['BGREPEAT'] ) . '; color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; font-family:' . $GLOBALS['FONTS'] . '; } a { color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color:#0000ff; } abbr { cursor:help; } div { border:0; } h2 { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-size:20px; } h3 { font-size:18px; } fieldset { width:96%; } label { font-weight:bold; font-size:11px; } p, input, select { font-size:12px; } textarea { font-size:12px; overflow:auto; } table { border:0; border-spacing:0; } th { font-size:13px; padding:0; background:' . $GLOBALS['THBG'] . '; color:' . $GLOBALS['THFG'] . '; } td { font-size:11px; } ul, ul a { font-size:12px; } .main { clear:both; width:100%; border-right:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-bottom:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; } .main th { width:14%; border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['THBG'], 15 ) . ' vertical-align:top; } .main th.weekend { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['THBG'], 15 ) . ' } .main td { width:14%; border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['CELLBG'], 100 ) . ' vertical-align:top; } .main td.weekend { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['WEEKENDBG'], 100 ) . ' }' . ( $GLOBALS['HASEVENTSBG'] != $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] ? ' .main td.hasevents { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['HASEVENTSBG'], 100 ) . ' }' : '' ) . ' .main td.othermonth { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['OTHERMONTHBG'], 100 ) . ' } .main td.today { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['TODAYCELLBG'], 100 ) . ' } .underline { text-decoration:underline; } .cursoradd a { cursor:pointer; } #tabs, #tabscontent { position:relative; width:96%; } #tabscontent { margin:-1px 2px; border:2px groove #C0C0C0; padding:.5em; background:#F8F8FF; z-index:50; } .tabfor, .tabbak { margin:0 0 0 .1em; border:2px ridge #C0C0C0; border-bottom:2px solid #F8F8FF; padding:.2em .2em .1em; position:relative; -moz-border-radius:.75em .75em 0 0; } .tabfor a, .tabbak a { font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; } .tabfor a { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; } .tabbak a { color:#909090; } .tabfor { background:#F8F8FF; z-index:51; } .tabbak { background:#E0E0E0; z-index:49; } #editnonusers, #editremotes, #editremoteshandler, #edituser, #groupedit, #viewsedit { background:#F8F8FF; } #cat, #day dl.desc, #grpiframe, #nonusersiframe, #remotesiframe, #tabscontent_boss, #tabscontent_colors, #tabscontent_email, #tabscontent_groups, #tabscontent_header, #tabscontent_nonuser, #tabscontent_nonusers, #tabscontent_other, #tabscontent_participants, #tabscontent_pete, #tabscontent_public, #tabscontent_reminder, #tabscontent_remotes, #tabscontent_sched, #tabscontent_subscribe, #tabscontent_themes, #tabscontent_uac, #useriframe, #viewiframe' . ( $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N' ? ', #viewt .main tr.weekend, .main td.weekend, .main th.weekend, .minical td.weekend, .minical th.weekend' : '' ) . ' { display:none; } #tabscontent_colors p span, .sample { margin:0 1px; border-style:groove; padding:0 8px; } .weeknumber { color:' . $GLOBALS['WEEKNUMBER'] . '; font-size:10px; text-decoration:none; } img { border:0; } img.color { width:15px; height:15px; } #cat { font-size:18px; } #dateselector, #trailer { margin:0; padding:0; } #dateselector form { float:left; width:33%; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:25px;' . ( $MENU_ENABLED == 'N' ? ' border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . ';' : '' ) . ' padding-top:5px; } #dateselector label, #trailer label { margin:0; padding:0; } #monthform { clear:left; margin-bottom:0; } #weekform { margin-bottom:0; text-align:center; } #weekmenu, #monthmenu, #yearmenu { margin-bottom:0; font-size:9px; text-align:right; } #yearform { clear:right; margin-bottom:0; text-align:right; } #menu { clear:both; } #menu, #menu a, .prefix, .printer { font-size:14px; } .prefix { font-weight:bold; } a#programname { margin-top:10px; font-size:10px; } .printer { clear:both; width:15ex; color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; text-decoration:none; display:block; } .new { float:right; } .unapprovedentry { padding-right:3px; color:#800000; /* Remove comments to set unapproved in italics. font-style:italic; */ font-size:12px; text-decoration:none; } .nounapproved { font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; } #listunapproved .odd { background:' . $GLOBALS['TODAYCELLBG'] . '; } .entry, .layerentry { padding-right:3px; font-size:12px; text-decoration:none; } .layerentry { color:#006060; } .entry { color:' . $GLOBALS['MYEVENTS'] . '; } .entry img, .layerentry img, .unapprovedentry img { margin-right:2px; margin-left:2px; } .dayofmonth { border:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-width:0 1px 1px 0; padding:0 2px 0 3px; color:' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; vertical-align:top; } .dayofmonth:hover { border-right:1px solid #0000ff; border-bottom:1px solid #0000ff; color:#0000ff; } .next img, #activitylog .next { float:right; } .prev img, #activitylog .prev { float:left; } .next img, .prev img { margin-top:7px; margin-right:3px; } #activitylog .next, #activitylog .prev { border:0; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; } #day .next img, #day .prev img { margin-top:37px; } #day .monthnav .next img, #day .monthnav .prev img { margin:0; } .dailymatrix { background:' . $GLOBALS['THBG'] . '; cursor:pointer; font-size:12px; text-align:right; text-decoration:none; } .dailymatrix:hover { background:#cfc; } td.matrixappts { width:0%; background:' . $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] . '; cursor:pointer; text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; } td.matrixappts:hover { background:#cfc; } td.matrix { height:1px; background:#000; } .matrix img { width:100%; height:1px; } a.matrix img { width:100%; height:8px; } .matrixd { margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; border-right:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; } .matrixledge { border-left:1px solid #000; } .matrixlegend { margin-top:25px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; border:1px solid #000; padding:5px; background:#ffffff; text-align:center; } .matrixlegend img { width:10px; height:10px; } .nav { color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; font-size:14px; text-decoration:none; } .popup { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; border:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['POPUP_FG'] . '; padding:3px; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['POPUP_BG'], 200 ) . ' color:' . $GLOBALS['POPUP_FG'] . '; font-size:12px; text-decoration:none; visibility:hidden; z-index:20; -moz-border-radius:6px; } .popup dl, .popup dt { margin:0; padding:0; } .popup dt { font-weight:bold; } .popup dd { margin-left:20px; } .tooltip, .tooltipselect { cursor:help; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px; text-decoration:none; } .tooltip { width:120px; } .tooltipselect { vertical-align:top; } .user, .categories { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-size:18px; text-align:center; } .asstmode { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; } .help { font-weight:bold; vertical-align:top; } .helpbody { margin-bottom:1em; font-weight:normal; vertical-align:top; } .helpbody div { border:1px solid #000; } .helpbody label { font-size:1.1em; vertical-align:top; } .helpbody p { margin:1em; } .helplist { border:0; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.2em; text-align:center; } .helplist a { font-weight:normal; text-decoration:underline; } .helplist a.current { font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } #helpbug form { margin-bottom:1em; } #helpbug label { clear:left; float:left; width:32%; } #helpbug p { margin:0 1em; } img.help { cursor:help; } .sample { text-align: left; width: 16px; } .standard { border:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; background:' . $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] . '; font-size:12px; } .standard th { border-bottom:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; padding:0; font-size:18px; } /* style for week hover highlight */ tr.highlight td { background-color:#ffffb0 !important; } .minical { margin:0 0 5px 0; border-collapse:collapse; font-size:10px; } .minical caption a { color:' . $GLOBALS['CAPTIONS'] . '; font-weight:bold; } .minical caption a:hover { color:#0000ff; } .minical th { border:0 solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; padding:0 2px; } .minical th, .minical td.empty { background:' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; text-align:center; } .minical th.empty { background:transparent; } .minical td { background:' . $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] . '; border:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; padding:0 2px; } .minical td a { margin:0; padding:3px; text-align:center; display:block; } .minical td.weekend, #editentry th.weekend { background:' . $GLOBALS['WEEKENDBG'] . '; } .minical td#today { background:' . $GLOBALS['TODAYCELLBG'] . '; } .minical td.hasevents { font-weight:bold; } .minitask { width:98%; margin-left:1px; border:1px solid #000; } .minitask tr.header th, .minitask tr.header td { border-bottom:2px solid #000; padding:0; background:' . $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] . '; font-size:12px; text-align:center; } .minitask tr.header td { margin:0; border-bottom:0; text-align:right; } .sorter { margin:0; border-bottom:0px; cursor:pointer; text-align:left !important; } .sorterbottom { border-bottom:1px solid #000 !important; } .minitask td { border-bottom:1px solid #000; padding:0; color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; font-size:12px; text-align:center; } .minitask td.filler { border-bottom:0; padding:0; } .task { color:' . $GLOBALS['TEXTCOLOR'] . '; } #admin table, #pref table { vertical-align:top; } #admin input, #admin select, #pref input, #pref select { margin:0 3px; } #admin .main td, #pref .main td { height:30px; } #admin .main td, #admin .main th, #pref .main td, #pref .main th { font-size:12px; } #admin .empty, #pref .empty { border-top:transparent; border-left:transparent; } #admin .main td.weekcell, #pref .main td.weekcell { margin:0; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['THBG'], 50 ) . ' color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; vertical-align:middle; } #admin .main th.weekcell, #pref .main th.weekcell { background:transparent; } #admin .main td.empty, #admin .main td.weekcell, #admin .main th.empty, #admin .main th.weekcell, #pref .main td.empty, #pref .main td.weekcell, #pref .main th.empty, #pref .main th.weekcell { width:1%; } #admin #tabscontent p, #pref #tabscontent p { padding:0 .25em; clear:both; } #admin #tabscontent p label, #pref #tabscontent p label { clear:both; float:left; width:25%; margin:0; } #admin #tabscontent_colors p, #pref #tabscontent_colors p, #admin #tabscontent_colors p label, #pref #tabscontent_colors p label { clear:none; } #admin #saver { clear:both; margin-top:1em; } #example_month { float:right; width:45%; margin:3em 1em 0; background:' . $BGCOLOR . '; } #example_month p { color:' . $H2COLOR . '; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; } #pref .tooltip{ width:175px; vertical-align:top; } #minicalendar table { width:' . ( empty ( $GLOBALS['MINICALWIDTH'] ) ? '160px' : $GLOBALS['MINICALWIDTH'] ) . '; } #minicalendar td, #minicalendar th { font-size:' . ( empty ( $GLOBALS['MINICALFONT'] ) ? '11px' : $GLOBALS['MINICALFONT'] ) . '; } .embactlog { width:100%; border-right:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-bottom:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-spacing:0; } .embactlog tr { background:#FFF; } .embactlog .odd { background:#EEE; } .embactlog th { width:14%; border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-bottom:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; padding:1px 3px; } .embactlog th.action, .embactlog th.cal, .embactlog th.usr { width:7%; } .embactlog td { border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; padding:1px 3px; } #day div.minicalcontainer { border:1px solid #000; padding:3px; vertical-align:top; } #day table.minical { margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; } #day .minical caption { margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; background:' . $GLOBALS['THBG'] . '; color:' . $GLOBALS['THFG'] . '; font-weight:bold; font-size:47px; } #day .minical td.selectedday { border:2px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; } #day .monthnav th { border:0; padding:3px; text-align:center; } .menuhref { font-size:12px; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; } #datesel td.field { font-size:12px; } .glance { width:100%; border-right:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-bottom:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; } .glance th.empty { border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; background:' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; } .glance th.row { width:14%; height:40px; border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; vertical-align:middle; } .glance td { border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; padding-left:3px; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['CELLBG'], 50 ) . ' vertical-align:top; } #day .glance td { width:86%; height:40px; } #day dl.desc { margin:0; padding:0; } #day dl.desc dt { font-weight:bold; } #day dl.desc dd { margin:0; padding-left:20px; } #year #monthgrid td { padding:0 5px; vertical-align:top; } #year .minical tr { vertical-align:top; } #viewm .main, #viewr .main, #viewt .main, #viewv .main, #week .main { border-collapse:collapse; } #pref .main th, #viewv .main th, #viewl .main th, #month .main th { width:14%; } #vieww .main th, #week .main th { width:12%; } #viewr th.small { background:none; font-size:8px; } #viewd .main th { border-right:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; padding:1px; } a.weekcell { color:' . $GLOBALS['WEEKNUMBER'] . '; } #pref .main th.weekcell, #viewl .main th.empty, #day .main th.empty, #month .main th.empty{ width:1%; border-top:0; border-left:0; background:transparent; } #pref .main td.weekcell, #viewl .main td.weekcell, #month .main td.weekcell { width:1%; margin:0; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['THBG'], 50 ) . ' color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-size:12px; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; vertical-align:middle; } #pref .main td.empty, #pref .main th.empty { width:1%; border-top-color:transparent; border-left-color:transparent; } #pref .main td.weekcell, #pref .main th.weekcell { width:1%; } #viewv .main th.empty, #viewm .main th.empty, #vieww .main th.empty, #viewr .main th.empty, #week .main th.empty { width:5%; border-top:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; border-left:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] . '; background:none; background:transparent; } #week .main th.row { width:5%; height:40px; vertical-align:top; } #viewt.main { margin:0; padding:0; } #vieww .main th.row, #viewv .main th.row, #viewm .main th.row, #viewt .main th { width:10%; vertical-align:top; } #viewt .main th.weekend { ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['WEEKENDBG'], 15 ) . ' } #viewv .main th.row { padding:0 5px; text-align:left; } #viewd .main th.row { border-right-width:0; text-align:left; } #viewr th.row { height:40px; vertical-align:top; } #vieww .main th.today, #viewm .main th.today, #viewv .main th.today { width:10%; } #pref .main th.today, #viewr .main th.today, #week .main th.today { width:14%; } #viewr .main th a, #week .main th a, #weekdetails .main th a { color:' . $GLOBALS['THFG'] . '; } #viewr .main th a:hover, #week .main th a:hover, #weekdetails .main th a:hover { color:#0000ff; } #year .minical td { text-align:center; vertical-align:top; } #pref .main td { height:30px; font-size:12px; } #viewl .main td, #month .main td { height:75px; font-size:12px; /*overflow:auto;*/ table-layout:fixed; vertical-align:top; } #vieww .main td, #week .main td, #viewr .main td, #viewm .main td, #viewv .main td { font-size:12px; padding-left:3px; }' . ( $DISPLAY_TASKS != 'Y' ? ' #month #prevmonth,' : '' ) . ' #viewl #prevmonth { float:left; }' . ( $DISPLAY_TASKS != 'Y' ? ' #month #nextmonth,' : '' ) . ' #viewl #nextmonth { float:right; } #month .minical caption, #viewl .minical caption { margin-left:4ex; } #year .minical { display:block; } #year .minical caption { margin:0 auto; } #viewl .minical, #month .minical { margin:0 4px; border:0; } .topnav { border:0; } .title { width:99%; text-align:center; } #day .title { margin-top:3px; text-align:center; } #day .title .date, .title .date { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-weight:bold; font-size:24px; text-align:center; } .title .titleweek { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-size:20px; } .title .viewname, #day .title .user, .title .user { color:' . $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] . '; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; text-align:center; } #weekdetails .main { width:90%; } #weekdetails .main th { width:100%; padding:2px; } #weekdetails .main td { height:75px; } #viewt table.timebar { width:100%; border-collapse:collapse; } #viewt td.timebar { width:90%; background:#ffffff; color:#909090; font-size:10px; text-align:center; } #viewt .yardstick td { padding:0; border:1px solid #909090; } #viewt td.entry { padding:0; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['THBG'], 10 ) . ' } #viewt table.timebar a { text-align:inherit !important; } #viewt table.timebar td { width: 1%; } .viewnav { width:99%; border:0; } #login { margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:50px; } #register table, #login table { border:1px solid ' . $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] . '; ' . background_css ( $GLOBALS['CELLBG'], 200 ) . ' font-size:12px; } .cookies { font-size:13px; } .strikethrough { text-decoration:line-through; } .pub { background:#80FF80; text-align:center; } .conf { background:#FFFF80; text-align:center; } .priv { background:#FF5050; text-align:center; } .boxtop { border-top:1px solid #808080; } .boxright { border-right:1px solid #808080; } .boxbottom { border-bottom:1px solid #808080; } .boxleft { border-left:1px solid #808080; } .boxall { border:1px solid #808080; padding-left:3px; } .leftpadded { padding-left:50px; text-align:left; } .location { font-size:10px; } .byxxx th, .byxxx td { text-align:center; } .icon_text { width:10px; height:10px; border:0; } .minitask td.pct, .alignright { text-align:right; } .minitask td.name, .alignleft { text-align:left; } .aligncenter { text-align:center; } .aligntop { vertical-align:top; } .bold { font-weight:bold; } #about { background-image:url( images/kn5.jpg ); background-repeat:no-repeat; } #about p { margin:1px; color:#303030; } #scroller { position:absolute; width:100%; } .alt { background:' . $CELLBG . 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