File: pref.php
<?php /* $Id: pref.php,v 2008/10/25 20:05:57 cknudsen Exp $ */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; //force the css cache to clear by incrementing webcalendar_csscache cookie $webcalendar_csscache = 1; if ( isset ( $_COOKIE['webcalendar_csscache'] ) ) { $webcalendar_csscache += $_COOKIE['webcalendar_csscache']; } SetCookie ( 'webcalendar_csscache', $webcalendar_csscache ); function save_pref( $prefs, $src) { global $my_theme, $prefuser; while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $prefs ) ) { if ( $src == 'post' ) { $setting = substr ( $key, 5 ); $prefix = substr ( $key, 0, 5 ); if ( $prefix != 'pref_') continue; // validate key name. should start with "pref_" and not include // any unusual characters that might cause SQL injection if ( ! preg_match ( '/pref_[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/', $key ) ) die_miserable_death ( str_replace ( 'XXX', $key, translate ( 'Invalid setting name XXX.' ) ) ); } else { $setting = $key; $prefix = 'pref_'; } //echo "Setting = $setting, key = $key, prefix = $prefix<br />\n"; if ( strlen ( $setting ) > 0 && $prefix == 'pref_' ) { if ( $setting == 'THEME' && $value != 'none' ) $my_theme = strtolower ( $value ); $sql = 'DELETE FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ? ' . 'AND cal_setting = ?'; dbi_execute ( $sql, array ( $prefuser, $setting ) ); if ( strlen ( $value ) > 0 ) { $setting = strtoupper ( $setting ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO webcal_user_pref ' . '( cal_login, cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES ' . '( ?, ?, ? )'; if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, array ( $prefuser, $setting, $value ) ) ) { $error = 'Unable to update preference: ' . dbi_error () . '<br /><br /><span class="bold">SQL:</span>' . $sql; break; } } } } } $currenttab = ''; $public = getGetValue ('public'); $user = getGetValue ('user'); $updating_public = false; load_global_settings (); if ( $is_admin && ! empty ( $public ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { $updating_public = true; load_user_preferences ( '__public__' ); $prefuser = '__public__'; } elseif ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login && ($is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin)) { $prefuser = $user; load_user_preferences ( $user ); } else { $prefuser = $login; // Reload preferences so any css changes will take effect load_user_preferences (); } if ( ! empty ( $_POST ) && empty ( $error )) { $my_theme = ''; $currenttab = getPostValue ( 'currenttab' ); save_pref ( $_POST, 'post' ); if ( ! empty ( $my_theme ) ) { $theme = 'themes/'. $my_theme . '_pref.php'; include_once $theme; save_pref ( $webcal_theme, 'theme' ); } // Reload preferences load_user_preferences (); } if ($user != $login) $user = (($is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin) && $user) ? $user : $login; // Load categories only if editing our own calendar //if (!$user || $user == $login) load_user_categories (); load_user_categories (); // Reload preferences into $prefarray[]. // Get system settings first. $prefarray = array (); $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_config ' ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $prefarray[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } //get user settings $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $prefuser ) ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $prefarray[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } //this will force $LANGUAGE to to the current value and eliminate having //to double click the 'SAVE' buton $translation_loaded = false; reset_language ( get_pref_setting ( $login, 'LANGUAGE' ) ); //move this include here to allow proper translation include 'includes/date_formats.php'; //get list of theme files from /themes directory $themes = array (); $dir = 'themes/'; if (is_dir ($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir ($dir)) { while (($file = readdir ($dh)) !== false) { if ( strpos ( $file, '_pref.php' ) ) $themes[] = str_replace ( '_pref.php', '', $file ); } sort ( $themes ); closedir ($dh); } } //get list of menu themes $menuthemes = array (); $dir = 'includes/menu/themes/'; if ( is_dir ( $dir ) ) { if ( $dh = opendir ( $dir ) ) { while ( ( $file = readdir ( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' || $file == 'default') continue; if ( is_dir ( $dir.$file ) ) $menuthemes[] = $file; } closedir ($dh); } } //make globals values passed to styles.php are for this user //makes the demo calendar accurate $GLOBALS['BGCOLOR'] = $prefarray['BGCOLOR']; $GLOBALS['H2COLOR'] = $prefarray['H2COLOR']; $GLOBALS['MENU_THEME'] = $prefarray['MENU_THEME']; $GLOBALS['TODAYCELLBG'] = $prefarray['TODAYCELLBG']; $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] = $prefarray['TABLEBG']; $GLOBALS['TABLEBG'] = $prefarray['TABLEBG']; $GLOBALS['THBG'] = $prefarray['THBG']; $GLOBALS['CELLBG'] = $prefarray['CELLBG']; $GLOBALS['WEEKENDBG'] = $prefarray['WEEKENDBG']; $GLOBALS['OTHERMONTHBG'] = $prefarray['OTHERMONTHBG']; $GLOBALS['FONTS'] = $prefarray['FONTS']; $GLOBALS['MYEVENTS'] = $prefarray['MYEVENTS']; //determine if we can set timezones, if not don't display any options $can_set_timezone = set_env ( 'TZ', $prefarray['TIMEZONE'] ); $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd' ); $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $minutesStr = translate ( 'minutes' ); //allow css_cache to display public or NUC values @session_start (); $_SESSION['webcal_tmp_login'] = $prefuser; //Prh ... add user to edit_template to get/set correct template $openStr ="\"window.open( 'edit_template.php?type=%s&user=%s','cal_template','dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=500,width=500,outerHeight=520,outerWidth=520' );\""; $currenttab = getPostValue ( 'currenttab', 'settings' ); $currenttab = ( ! empty ( $currenttab) ? $currenttab : 'settings' ); $BodyX = 'onload="altrows(); showTab( \''. $currenttab . '\' );"'; $INC = array ('js/visible.php', 'js/pref.php'); print_header($INC, '', $BodyX); ?> <h2><?php if ( $updating_public ) echo translate ($PUBLIC_ACCESS_FULLNAME) . ' '; etranslate ( 'Preferences' ); if ( $is_nonuser_admin || ( $is_admin && substr ( $prefuser, 0, 5 ) == '_NUC_' ) ) { nonuser_load_variables ( $user, 'nonuser' ); echo '<br /><strong>-- ' . translate ( 'Admin mode' ) . ': '.$nonuserfullname." --</strong>\n"; } $qryStr = ( ! empty ( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '' ); $formaction = substr ($self, strrpos($self, '/') + 1) . $qryStr; ?> <img src="images/help.gif" alt="<?php etranslate ( 'Help' )?>" class="help" onclick="window.open( 'help_pref.php', 'cal_help', 'dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=400,width=400,innerHeight=420,outerWidth=420' );" /></h2> <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($formaction) ?>" method="post" onsubmit="return valid_form( this );" name="prefform"> <input type="hidden" name="currenttab" id="currenttab" value="<?php echo $currenttab ?>" /> <?php if ($user) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user\" value=\"$user\" />\n"; echo display_admin_link (); ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Save Preferences' )?>" name="" /> <?php if ( $updating_public ) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="public" value="1" /> <?php } /*if ( $updating_public )*/ // If user is admin of a non-user cal, and non-user cal is "public" // (meaning it is a public calendar that requires no login), then allow // the current user to modify prefs for that nonuser cal if ( $is_admin && ! $updating_public ) { if ( empty ( $public ) && ! empty ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS ) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { $public_option = '<option value="pref.php?public=1">' . translate ( 'Public Access calendar' ) . "</option>\n"; } } if ( $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y' || $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { if ( ( empty ( $user ) || $user == $login ) && ! $updating_public ) { $nulist = get_my_nonusers ( $login ); echo '<select onchange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' ."\n"; echo "<option $selected disabled=\"disabled\" value=\"\">" . translate ( 'Modify Non User Calendar Preferences') . "</option>\n"; if ( ! empty ( $public_option ) ) echo $public_option . "\n"; for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $nulist ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { echo '<option value="pref.php?user='. $nulist[$i]['cal_login']. '">' . $nulist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } else { $linktext = translate ( 'Return to My Preferences' ); echo "<a title=\"$linktext\" class=\"nav\" href=\"pref.php\">« $linktext </a>"; } } ?> <br /><br /> <!-- TABS --> <div id="tabs"> <span class="tabfor" id="tab_settings"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'settings' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Settings' )?></a></span> <?php if ( $ALLOW_USER_THEMES == 'Y' || $is_admin ) { ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_themes"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'themes' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Themes' )?></a></span> <?php } if ( $SEND_EMAIL == 'Y' ) { ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_email"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'email' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Email' )?></a></span> <?php } ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_boss"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'boss' );"><?php etranslate ( 'When I am the boss' )?></a></span> <?php if ( $PUBLISH_ENABLED == 'Y' || $RSS_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_subscribe"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'subscribe' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Subscribe/Publish' )?></a></span> <?php } if ( $ALLOW_USER_HEADER == 'Y' && ( $CUSTOM_SCRIPT == 'Y' || $CUSTOM_HEADER == 'Y' || $CUSTOM_TRAILER == 'Y' ) ) { ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_header"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'header' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Custom Scripts' )?></a></span> <?php } if ( $ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION == 'Y' ) { ?> <span class="tabbak" id="tab_colors" title="<?php etooltip ( 'colors-help' )?>"><a href="" onclick="return setTab( 'colors' );"><?php etranslate ( 'Colors' )?></a></span> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- TABS BODY --> <div id="tabscontent" style="width: 98%;"> <!-- DETAILS --> <div id="tabscontent_settings"> <fieldset> <legend><?php etranslate ('Language')?></legend> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ("language-help");?>"> <label for="pref_lang"><?php etranslate ( 'Language' )?>:</label></td><td> <select name="pref_LANGUAGE" id="pref_lang"> <?php define_languages (); //load the language list reset ( $languages ); while ( list ( $key, $val ) = each ( $languages ) ) { // Don't allow users to select browser-defined. We want them to pick // a language so that when we send reminders (done without the benefit // of a browser-preferred language), we'll know which language to use. // DO let them select browser-defined for the public user or NUC. if ( $key != 'Browser-defined' || $updating_public || $is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin ) { echo '<option value="' . $val . '"'; if ( $val == $prefarray['LANGUAGE'] ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $key . "</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> <br /> <?php echo translate ( 'Your browser default language is' ) . ' ' . translate ( get_browser_language ( true ) ) . '.'; ?> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php etranslate ('Date and Time')?></legend> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <?php if ( $can_set_timezone == true ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'tz-help' )?>"> <label for="pref_TIMEZONE"><?php etranslate ( 'Timezone Selection' )?>:</label></td><td> <?php if ( empty ( $prefarray['TIMEZONE'] ) ) $prefarray['TIMEZONE'] = $SERVER_TIMEZONE; echo print_timezone_select_html ( 'pref_', $prefarray['TIMEZONE']); ?> </td></tr> <?php } //end $can_set_timezone ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'date-format-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Date format' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_DATE_FORMAT"> <?php for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { echo '<option value="' . $datestyles[$i] . '"'; if ( $prefarray['DATE_FORMAT'] == $datestyles[$i] ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $datestyles[$i + 1] . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <?php echo date_to_str ( $dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT, false, false );?> <br /> <select name="pref_DATE_FORMAT_MY"> <?php for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_my ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { echo '<option value="' . $datestyles_my[$i] . '"'; if ( $prefarray['DATE_FORMAT_MY'] == $datestyles_my[$i] ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $datestyles_my[$i + 1] . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <?php echo date_to_str ( $dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, false, false );?> <br /> <select name="pref_DATE_FORMAT_MD"> <?php for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_md ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { echo '<option value="' . $datestyles_md[$i] . '"'; if ( $prefarray['DATE_FORMAT_MD'] == $datestyles_md[$i] ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $datestyles_md[$i + 1] . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <?php echo date_to_str ( $dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT_MD, false, false );?> <br /> <select name="pref_DATE_FORMAT_TASK"> <?php for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $datestyles_task ); $i < $cnt; $i += 2 ) { echo '<option value="' . $datestyles_task[$i] . '"'; if ( $prefarray['DATE_FORMAT_TASK'] == $datestyles_task[$i] ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $datestyles_task[$i + 1] . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <?php echo translate ( 'Small Task Date' ) . ' ' . date_to_str ( $dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT_TASK, false, false );?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'time-format-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Time format' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'TIME_FORMAT', array ( '12'=>translate ( '12 hour' ), '24'=>translate ( '24 hour' ) ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-week-starts-on' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Week starts on' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_WEEK_START" id="pref_WEEK_START"> <?php for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { echo "<option value=\"$i\"" . ( $i == $prefarray['WEEK_START'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $i ) . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-weekend-starts-on' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Weekend starts on' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_WEEKEND_START" id="pref_WEEKEND_START"> <?php for ( $i = -1; $i < 6; $i++ ) { $j = ( $i == -1 ? 6 : $i ); //make sure start with Saturday echo "<option value=\"$j\"" . ( $j == $prefarray['WEEKEND_START'] ? $selected : '' ) . '>' . weekday_name ( $j ) . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'work-hours-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Work hours' )?>:</td><td> <label for="pref_starthr"><?php etranslate ( 'From' )?></label> <select name="pref_WORK_DAY_START_HOUR" id="pref_starthr"> <?php for ( $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++ ) { echo "<option value=\"$i\"" . ( $i == $prefarray['WORK_DAY_START_HOUR'] ? $selected :'' ) . ">" . display_time ( $i * 10000, 1 ) . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <label for="pref_endhr"><?php etranslate ( 'to' )?></label> <select name="pref_WORK_DAY_END_HOUR" id="pref_endhr"> <?php for ( $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++ ) { echo "<option value=\"$i\"" . ( $i == $prefarray['WORK_DAY_END_HOUR'] ? $selected : '' ) . ">" . display_time ( $i * 10000, 1 ) . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php etranslate ('Appearance')?></legend> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'preferred-view-help' );?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Preferred view' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_STARTVIEW"> <?php // For backwards compatibility. We used to store without the .php extension if ( $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == 'month' || $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == 'day' || $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == 'week' || $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == 'year' ) $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] .= '.php'; $choices = array (); $choices_text = array (); if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_DAY, $user ) ) { $choices[] = 'day.php'; $choices_text[] = translate ( 'Day' ); } if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_WEEK, $user ) ) { $choices[] = 'week.php'; $choices_text[] = translate ( 'Week' ); } if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_MONTH, $user ) ) { $choices[] = 'month.php'; $choices_text[] = translate ( 'Month' ); } if ( access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_YEAR, $user ) ) { $choices[] = 'year.php'; $choices_text[] = translate ( 'Year' ); } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $choices ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { echo '<option value="' . $choices[$i] . '" '; if ( $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == $choices[$i] ) echo $selected; echo ' >' . htmlspecialchars ( $choices_text[$i] ) . "</option>\n"; } // Allow user to select a view also for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $views ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { if ( $views[$i]['cal_owner'] != $user && $views[$i]['cal_is_global'] != 'Y' ) continue; $xurl = $views[$i]['url']; echo '<option value="'; echo $xurl . '" '; $xurl_strip = str_replace ( '&', '&', $xurl ); if ( $prefarray['STARTVIEW'] == $xurl_strip ) echo $selected; echo '>' . htmlspecialchars ( $views[$i]['cal_name'] ) . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'fonts-help' )?>"> <label for="pref_font"><?php etranslate ( 'Fonts')?>:</label></td><td> <input type="text" size="40" name="pref_FONTS" id="pref_font" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $prefarray['FONTS'] );?>" /> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-sm_month-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display small months' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_SM_MONTH' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-weekends-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display weekends' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_WEEKENDS' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-long-daynames-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display long day names' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ("display-minutes-help")?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display 00 minutes always' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_MINUTES' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ("display-end-times-help")?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display end times on calendars' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_END_TIMES' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-alldays-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display all days in month view' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-week-number-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display week number' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-tasks-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display small task list' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_TASKS' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-tasks-in-grid-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display tasks in Calendars' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'lunar-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display Lunar Phases in month view' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_MOON_PHASES' ) ?> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php etranslate ('Events')?></legend> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-unapproved-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display unapproved' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'timed-evt-len-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Specify timed event length by' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'TIMED_EVT_LEN', array ( 'D'=>translate ( 'Duration' ), 'E'=>translate ( 'End Time' ) ) ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $categories ) ) { ?> <tr><td> <label for="pref_cat"><?php etranslate ( 'Default Category' )?>:</label></td><td> <select name="pref_CATEGORY_VIEW" id="pref_cat"> <?php if ( ! empty ( $categories ) ) { foreach ( $categories as $K => $V ){ echo "<option value=\"$K\""; if ( ! empty ( $prefarray['CATEGORY_VIEW'] ) && $prefarray['CATEGORY_VIEW'] == $K ) echo $selected; echo ">{$V['cat_name']}</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </td></tr> <?php } //end if (! empty ($categories ) ) ?> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'crossday-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Disable Cross-Day Events' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISABLE_CROSSDAY_EVENTS' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display-desc-print-day-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Display description in printer day view' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_DESC_PRINT_DAY' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'entry-interval-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Entry interval' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_ENTRY_SLOTS"> <option value="24" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "24" ) echo $selected?>>1 <?php etranslate ( 'hour' )?></option> <option value="48" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "48" ) echo $selected?>>30 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="72" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "72" ) echo $selected?>>20 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="96" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "96" ) echo $selected?>>15 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="144" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "144" ) echo $selected?>>10 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="288" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "288" ) echo $selected?>>5 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="1440" <?php if ( $prefarray['ENTRY_SLOTS'] == "1440" ) echo $selected?>>1 <?php etranslate ( 'minute' )?></option> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'time-interval-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Time interval' )?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_TIME_SLOTS"> <option value="24" <?php if ( $prefarray['TIME_SLOTS'] == "24" ) echo $selected?>>1 <?php etranslate ( 'hour' )?></option> <option value="48" <?php if ( $prefarray['TIME_SLOTS'] == "48" ) echo $selected?>>30 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="72" <?php if ( $prefarray['TIME_SLOTS'] == "72" ) echo $selected?>>20 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="96" <?php if ( $prefarray['TIME_SLOTS'] == "96" ) echo $selected?>>15 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> <option value="144" <?php if ( $prefarray['TIME_SLOTS'] == "144" ) echo $selected?>>10 <?php echo $minutesStr ?></option> </select> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php etranslate ('Miscellaneous')?></legend> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'auto-refresh-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Auto-refresh calendars' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'AUTO_REFRESH' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'auto-refresh-time-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Auto-refresh time' )?>:</td><td> <input type="text" name="pref_AUTO_REFRESH_TIME" size="4" value="<?php echo ( empty ( $prefarray['AUTO_REFRESH_TIME'] ) ? 0 : $prefarray['AUTO_REFRESH_TIME'] ); ?>" /> <?php etranslate ( 'minutes' )?> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> </div> <!-- END SETTINGS --> <?php if ( $ALLOW_USER_THEMES == 'Y' || $is_admin ) { ?> <div id="tabscontent_themes"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="35%"> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'theme-reload-help' );?>"colspan="3"><?php etranslate ( 'Page may need to be reloaded for new Theme to take effect' )?></td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'themes-help' );?>"> <label for="pref_THEME"><?php etranslate ( 'Themes' )?>:</label></td><td> <select name="pref_THEME" id="pref_THEME"> <?php echo "<option value=\"none\" disabled=\"disabled\" $selected>" . translate ( 'AVAILABLE THEMES' ) . "</option>\n"; //always use 'none' as default so we don't overwrite manual settings // echo '<option value="none"' . $selected . translate ( 'None' ) . "</option>\n"; foreach ( $themes as $theme ) { echo '<option value="' . $theme . '">' . $theme . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select></td><td> <input type="button" name="preview" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Preview' ) ?>" onclick="return showPreview()" /> </td></tr> <?php if ( $MENU_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'menu-themes-help' );?>"> <label for="pref_MENU_THEME"><?php etranslate ( 'Menu theme' )?>:</label></td><td> <select name="pref_MENU_THEME" id="pref_MENU_THEME"> <?php echo '<option value="default" ' . ($prefarray['MENU_THEME'] == 'default' ? $selected : '' ) . ">default</option>\n"; foreach ( $menuthemes as $menutheme ) { echo '<option value="' . $menutheme . '"'; if ($prefarray['MENU_THEME'] == $menutheme ) echo $selected; echo '>' . $menutheme . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <?php } //end Menu enabled test ?> </table> </div> <!-- END THEMES --> <?php } if ( ! $updating_public ) { if ( $SEND_EMAIL == 'Y' ) { ?> <div id="tabscontent_email"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <tr><td class="tooltip"> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-format');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Email format preference' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_HTML', array ( 'Y'=> translate ( 'HTML' ), 'N'=>translate ( 'Plain Text' ) ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-include-ics');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Include iCalendar attachments' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_ATTACH_ICS', '', '', 0 ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-reminders-help');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Event reminders' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_REMINDER' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-added');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Events added to my calendar' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_ADDED' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-updated');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Events updated on my calendar' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_UPDATED' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-deleted');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Events removed from my calendar' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_DELETED' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-rejected');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Event rejected by participant' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_REJECTED' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip('email-event-create');?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Event that I create' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_EVENT_CREATE' ) ?> </td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- END EMAIL --> <?php } ?> <div id="tabscontent_boss"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <?php if ( $SEND_EMAIL == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltip"><?php etranslate ( 'Email me event notification' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'EMAIL_ASSISTANT_EVENTS' ) ?> </td></tr> <?php } //end email ?> <tr><td class="tooltip"><?php etranslate ( 'I want to approve events' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'APPROVE_ASSISTANT_EVENT' ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'display_byproxy-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Display if created by Assistant' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'DISPLAY_CREATED_BYPROXY' ) ?> </td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- END BOSS --> <?php } /* if ( ! $updating_public ) */ ?> <div id="tabscontent_subscribe"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <?php if ( $PUBLISH_ENABLED == 'Y' || $RSS_ENABLED == 'Y') { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'allow-view-subscriptions-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Allow remote viewing of' ); $publish_access = ( empty ( $prefarray['USER_REMOTE_ACCESS'] ) ? 0 : $prefarray['USER_REMOTE_ACCESS'] ); ?>:</td><td> <select name="pref_USER_REMOTE_ACCESS"> <option value="0" <?php echo ( $publish_access == '0' ? $selected : '' ) . ' >' . translate ( 'Public' ) . ' ' . translate ( 'entries' )?></option> <option value="1" <?php echo ( $publish_access == '1' ? $selected : '' ) . ' >' . translate ( 'Public' ) . ' & ' . translate ( 'Confidential' ) . ' ' . translate ( 'entries' )?></option> <option value="2" <?php echo ( $publish_access == '2' ? $selected : '' ) . ' >' . translate ( 'All' ) . ' ' . translate ( 'entries' )?></option> </select> </td></tr> <?php } if ( $PUBLISH_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'allow-remote-subscriptions-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Allow remote subscriptions' )?>:</td><td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'USER_PUBLISH_ENABLED' ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'remote-subscriptions-url-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'URL' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'publish.php/' . ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $user ) . '.ics'; echo "<br />\n"; echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'publish.php?user=' . ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $user ); ?></td></tr> <?php } /* $SERVER_URL */ ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'allow-remote-publishing-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Allow remote publishing' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'USER_PUBLISH_RW_ENABLED' ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'remote-publishing-url-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'URL' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'icalclient.php'; ?></td></tr> <?php } /* $SERVER_URL */ } /* $PUBLISH_ENABLED */ if ( $RSS_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'rss-enabled-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Enable RSS feed' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'USER_RSS_ENABLED' ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'rss-feed-url-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'URL' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'rss.php?user=' . ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $user ); ?></td></tr> <?php } /* $SERVER_URL */ } /* $RSS_ENABLED */ ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'freebusy-enabled-help' )?>"><?php etranslate ( 'Enable FreeBusy publishing' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo print_radio ( 'FREEBUSY_ENABLED' ) ?> </td></tr> <?php if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_URL ) ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltipselect" title="<?php etooltip ( 'freebusy-url-help' )?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'URL' )?>:</td> <td> <?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'freebusy.php/' . ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $user ) . '.ifb'; echo "<br />\n"; echo htmlspecialchars ( $SERVER_URL ) . 'freebusy.php?user=' . ( $updating_public ? '__public__' : $user ); ?></td></tr> <?php } /* $SERVER_URL */ ?> </table> </div> <!-- END SUBSCRIBE --> <?php if ( $ALLOW_USER_HEADER == 'Y' ) { ?> <div id="tabscontent_header"> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <?php if ( $CUSTOM_SCRIPT == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'custom-script-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Custom script/stylesheet' )?>:</td><td> <input type="button" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Edit' );?>..." onclick=<?php printf ( $openStr, 'S',$prefuser ) ?> name="" /> </td></tr> <?php } if ( $CUSTOM_HEADER == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'custom-header-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Custom header' )?>:</td><td> <input type="button" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Edit' );?>..." onclick=<?php printf ( $openStr, 'H',$prefuser ) ?> name="" /> </td></tr> <?php } if ( $CUSTOM_TRAILER == 'Y' ) { ?> <tr><td class="tooltip" title="<?php etooltip ( 'custom-trailer-help' );?>"> <?php etranslate ( 'Custom trailer' )?>:</td><td> <input type="button" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Edit' );?>..." onclick=<?php printf ( $openStr, 'T',$prefuser ) ?> name="" /> </td></tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <!-- END HEADER --> <?php } // if $ALLOW_USER_HEADER ?> <!-- BEGIN COLORS --> <?php if ( $ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION == 'Y' ) { ?> <div id="tabscontent_colors"> <table width="100%"> <tr class="ignore"><td class="aligntop"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'BGCOLOR', translate ( 'Document background' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'H2COLOR', translate ( 'Document title' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'TEXTCOLOR', translate ( 'Document text' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'MYEVENTS', translate ( 'My event text' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'TABLEBG', translate ( 'Table grid color' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'THBG', translate ( 'Table header background' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'THFG', translate ( 'Table header text' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'CELLBG', translate ( 'Table cell background' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'TODAYCELLBG', translate ( 'Table cell background for current day' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'HASEVENTSBG', translate ( 'Table cell background for days with events' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'WEEKENDBG', translate ( 'Table cell background for weekends' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'OTHERMONTHBG', translate ( 'Table cell background for other month' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'WEEKNUMBER', translate ( 'Table cell background for other month' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'POPUP_BG', translate ( 'Event popup background' ) ) ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo print_color_input_html ( 'POPUP_FG', translate ( 'Event popup text' ) ) ?> </td></tr> </table> </td><td class="aligncenter aligntop"> <br /> <!-- BEGIN EXAMPLE MONTH --> <table style="width:90%; background-color:<?php echo $BGCOLOR?>"><tr> <td width="1%" rowspan="3"> </td> <td style="text-align:center; color:<?php echo $H2COLOR?>; font-weight:bold;"><?php echo date_to_str ( $dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT_MY, false );?></td> <td width="1%" rowspan="3"> </td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $BGCOLOR?>"> <?php set_today( $dateYmd ); echo display_month ( date ( 'm' ), date( 'Y' ), true ); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END EXAMPLE MONTH --> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- END COLORS --> <?php } // if $ALLOW_COLOR_CUSTOMIZATION ?> </div> <!-- END TABS --> <br /><br /> <div> <input type="submit" value="<?php etranslate ( 'Save Preferences' )?>" name="" /> <br /><br /> </div> </form> <?php echo print_trailer (); ?>