File: security_audit.php
<?php /* $Id: security_audit.php,v 2008/04/11 18:16:34 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Description: * This page will take look for possible security issues with * this installation of WebCalendar. * * Input Parameters: * None * * Security: * User must be an admin user * AND, if user access control is enabled, they must have access to * 'Security Audit'. */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; if ( ! $is_admin || ( access_is_enabled () && ! access_can_access_function ( ACCESS_SECURITY_AUDIT ) ) ) die_miserable_death ( print_not_auth () ); $phpinfo = getGetValue ( 'phpinfo' ); if ( $phpinfo == '1' ) { print_header ( '', '', '', true ); phpinfo (); print_trailer ( false, true, true ); exit; } clearstatcache(); print_header (); ?> <h2><?php etranslate('Security Audit');?></h2> <ul id="securityAuditNotes"> <li><?php etranslate('The information below lists potential issues with your WebCalendar installation that could be modified to make your installation more secure.');?></li> <li><?php etranslate ( 'For questions about any WebCalendar security issue, please use the WebCalendar forums hosted on SourceForge.net.' );?> <a href="https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=3870" target="_blank"><img src="docs/newwin.gif" alt="SourceForge.net" border="0"></a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="window.open( 'security_audit.php?phpinfo=1', 'phpinfo', 'dependent,menubar,scrollbars,height=500,width=600,innerHeight=520,outerWidth=620' );" /><?php etranslate("View your current PHP settings");?></a> </li> </ul> <table id="securityAudit" border="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr><th><?php etranslate('Security Issue');?></th> <th><?php etranslate('Status');?></th> <th><?php etranslate('Details');?></th></tr> <?php // Make sure they aren't still using the default admin username/password $isOk = ( user_valid_login ( 'admin', 'admin' ) == false ); $help = translate ( 'You should change the password of the default admin user.' ); print_issue ( translate('Default admin user password'), $isOk, $help ); // Is the main directory still writable? // just see if we get an error trying to append to it. $wcDir = '.'; $wcName = 'WebCalendar toplevel director'; if ( preg_match ( '/(.*).security_audit.php/', __FILE__, $matches ) ) { $wcDir = $matches[1] . '\\'; $wcName = basename ( $wcDir ); } $isOk = ! is__writable ( $wcDir ); $help = translate ( 'The following item should not be writable' ) . ':<br/><tt>' . htmlentities ( $wcDir ) . '</tt>'; print_issue ( translate('File permissions') . ': ' . $wcName, $isOk, $help ); // Is the includes directory still writable? // just see if we get an error trying to append to it. $isOk = ! is__writable ( 'includes' ); $help = translate ( 'The following item should not be writable' ) . ':<br/><tt>' . get_wc_path ( 'includes' ) . '</tt>'; print_issue ( translate('File permissions') . ': includes', $isOk, $help ); // Is the includes/settings.php file still writable? // Unfortunately, some of the PHP file permissions calls have bugss, so // just see if we get an error trying to append to it. $fd = @fopen ( 'includes/settings.php', 'a+b' ); $isOk = true; $help = translate ( 'The following item should not be writable' ) . ': <br/><tt>' . get_wc_path ( 'includes/settings.php' ) . '</tt>'; if ( $fd > 0 ) { // Error: should not be allowed to write! fclose ( $fd ); $isOk = false; } print_issue ( translate('File permissions') . ': includes/settings.php', $isOk, $help ); // If email or reminders are not enabled, tell them to remove the file if ( $SEND_EMAIL != 'Y' ) { // Reminders are disabled! $isOk = ( ! file_exists ( 'tools/send_reminders.php' ) ); $help = translate ( 'Because you have email disabled, you should remove this file.' ); print_issue ( translate('File exists') . ': tools/send_reminders.php', $isOk, $help ); } else { // Is tools/send_reminders.php in the 'standard' location $isOk = ! ( file_exists ( 'tools/send_reminders.php' ) ); $help = translate ( 'If you are not using this file, remove it. Otherwise, it should be moved to a different location.' ) . '<br/><tt>' . get_wc_path ( 'tools/send_reminders.php' ) . '</tt>'; print_issue ( translate('File location') . ': tools/send_reminders.php', $isOk, $help ); } // Is UAC enabled $isOk = access_is_enabled (); $help = translate ( 'You may want to consider enabling User Access Control to set user privileges.' ); print_issue ( translate('System Settings') . ': ' . translate('User Access Control'), $isOk, $help ); // If Public Access enabled, make sure approvals are on if ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y' ) { $isOk = ( $PUBLIC_ACCESS_CAN_ADD != 'Y' || $PUBLIC_ACCESS_ADD_NEEDS_APPROVAL == 'Y' ); $help = translate ( 'It is recommended that public event submissions be approved' ); print_issue ( translate('System Settings') . ': ' . translate('Public access new events require approval'), $isOk, $help ); $isOk = $ENABLE_CAPTCHA == 'Y'; $help = translate ( 'CAPTCHA is recommended to guard againt automated event submissions.' ); print_issue ( translate('System Settings') . ': ' . translate('Require CAPTCHA validation for public access new events'), $isOk, $help ); } // See if db cache directory is subdirectory of WebCalendar $isOk = true; $help = translate ( 'The database cache directory should be in a directory that cannot be accessed with a URL.' ); if ( ! empty ( $settings['db_cachedir'] ) && $wcDir != '.' ) { $cache = str_replace ( '\\', '/', $settings['db_cachedir'] ); $wcDir = str_replace ( "\\", '/', $wcDir ); if ( strncmp ( $cache, $wcDir, strlen ( $wcDir ) ) == 0 && strlen ( $wcDir ) < strlen ( $cache ) ) { // Using a webcalendar subdirectory for db cache $isOk = false; } } print_issue ( translate('Database cache directory location'), $isOk, $help ); // Check for magic quotes. // Recommended setting is off. // See: http://us.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php $help = translate ( 'The recommended setting for magic quotes is Off.' ); $isOk = ( get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 0 ); print_issue ( translate('PHP setting') . ': magic_quotes_gpc', $isOk, $help ); // Check for register globals // Recommended setting is off. $help = translate ( 'The recommended setting for register_globals is Off.' ); $isOk = ( ini_get ( 'register_globals' ) == 0 ); print_issue ( translate('PHP setting') . ': register_globals', $isOk, $help ); // Check for allow_url_fopen // Recommended setting is off when remote calendars are not enabled $help = translate ( 'The recommended setting for allow_url_fopen is Off when remote calendars are not enabled.' ); $isOk = ( ini_get ( 'allow_url_fopen' ) == 0 || $REMOTES_ENABLED == 'Y' ); print_issue ( translate('PHP setting') . ': allow_url_fopen', $isOk, $help ); // Check for allow_url_include // Recommended setting is Off $help = translate ( 'The recommended setting for allow_url_include is Off.' ); $isOk = ( ini_get ( 'allow_url_include' ) == 0 ); print_issue ( translate('PHP setting') . ': allow_url_include', $isOk, $help ); echo "</table>\n"; echo print_trailer (); echo "<!-- done -->\n"; exit; /* functions ... */ function print_issue ( $description, $isOk, $help ) { global $count; if ( empty ( $count ) ) $count = 0; if ( $isOk ) { $img = '<img src="images/ok.gif" alt="Ok" width="16" height="16"/>'; $help = ''; } else { $img = '<img src="images/error.gif" alt="Warning" width="16" height="16"/>'; } if ( $count++ % 2 == 0 ) $class = 'odd'; else $class = 'even'; echo '<tr><td class="' . $class . '">' . $description . '</td><td class="' . $class . '">' . $img . '</td>' . '<td class="' . $class . '">' . $help . "</td></tr>\n"; } /* Get the full path to a file located in the webcalendar directory. */ function get_wc_path ( $filename ) { if ( preg_match ( '/(.*)security_audit.php/', __FILE__, $matches ) ) { $fileLoc = $matches[1] . $filename; return $fileLoc; } else // Oops. This file is not named security_audit.php die_miserable_death ( 'Crap! Someone renamed security_audit.php' ); } function is__writable($path) { //will work in despite of Windows ACLs bug //NOTE: use a trailing slash for folders!!! //see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=27609 //see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30931 if ($path{strlen($path)-1}=='/') // recursively return a temporary file path return is__writable($path.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp'); else if (@is_dir($path)) return is__writable($path.'/'.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp'); // check tmp file for read/write capabilities $rm = @file_exists($path); $f = @fopen($path, 'a'); if ($f===false) return false; @fclose($f); if (!$rm) @unlink($path); return true; } ?>