File: reload_remotes.php
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php /* $Id: reload_remotes.php,v 2007/11/13 21:38:35 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Description: * This is a command-line script that will reload all user's remote calendars. * * Usage: * php reload_remotes.php * * Setup: * This script should be setup to run periodically on your system. * You should not run this more a once per hour for performance reasons * * To set this up in cron, add a line like the following in your crontab * to run it every hour: * 1 * * * * php /some/path/here/reload_remotes.php * Of course, change the path to where this script lives. If the * php binary is not in your $PATH, you may also need to provide * the full path to "php". * On Linux, just type crontab -e to edit your crontab. * * If you're a Windows user, you'll either need to find a cron clone * for Windows (they're out there) or use the Windows Task Scheduler. * (See docs/WebCalendar-SysAdmin.html for instructions.) * * Comments: * You will need access to the PHP binary (command-line) rather than * the module-based version that is typically installed for use with * a web server.to build as a CGI (rather than an Apache module) for * * If running this script from the command line generates PHP * warnings, you can disable error_reporting by adding * "-d error_reporting=0" to the command line: * php -d error_reporting=0 /some/path/here/tools/reload_remotes.php * *********************************************************************/ // Load include files. // If you have moved this script out of the WebCalendar directory, // which you probably should do since it would be better for security // reasons, you would need to change __WC_INCLUDEDIR to point to the // webcalendar include directory. define ( '__WC_BASEDIR', '..' ); // Points to the base WebCalendar directory // relative to current working directory. define ( '__WC_INCLUDEDIR', '../includes' ); $old_path = ini_get ( 'include_path' ); $delim = ( strstr ( $old_path, ';' ) ? ';' : ':' ); ini_set ( 'include_path', $old_path . $delim . __WC_INCLUDEDIR . $delim ); require_once __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/classes/WebCalendar.class'; $WebCalendar =& new WebCalendar ( __FILE__ ); include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/translate.php'; include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/config.php'; include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/dbi4php.php'; include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/formvars.php'; include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/functions.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeFirstPhase (); include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/' . $user_inc; include __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/xcal.php'; $WebCalendar->initializeSecondPhase (); // used for hCal parsing require_once __WC_INCLUDEDIR . '/classes/hKit/hkit.class.php'; $debug = false; // set to true to print debug info... // Establish a database connection. $c = dbi_connect ( $db_host, $db_login, $db_password, $db_database, true ); if ( ! $c ) { echo translate ( 'Error connecting to database' ) . ': ' . dbi_error (); exit; } load_global_settings (); $WebCalendar->setLanguage (); if ( $debug ) echo "<br />\n" . translate ( 'Include Path' ) . ' =' . ini_get ( 'include_path' ) . "<br />\n"; if ( $REMOTES_ENABLED == 'Y' ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT cal_login, cal_url, cal_admin FROM webcal_nonuser_cals WHERE cal_url IS NOT NULL' ); $cnt = 0; if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $data = array (); $cnt++; $calUser = $row[0]; $cal_url = $row[1]; $login = $row[2]; $overwrite = true; $type = 'remoteics'; $data = parse_ical ( $cal_url, $type ); // TODO it may be a vcs file // if ( count ( $data ) == 0 ) { // $data = parse_vcal ( $cal_url ); // } // we may be processing an hCalendar if ( count ( $data ) == 0 && function_exists ( 'simplexml_load_string' ) ) { $h = new hKit; $h->tidy_mode = 'proxy'; $result = $h->getByURL ( 'hcal', $cal_url ); $type = 'hcal'; $data = parse_hcal ( $result, $type ); } if ( count ( $data ) && empty ( $errormsg ) ) { // delete existing events if ( $debug ) echo "<br />\n" . translate ( 'Deleting events for' ) . ": $calUser<br />\n"; delete_events ( $calUser ); // import new events if ( $debug ) echo translate ( 'Importing events for' ) . ": $calUser<br />\n" . translate ( 'From' ) . ": $cal_url<br />\n"; import_data ( $data, $overwrite, $type ); if ( $debug ) echo translate ( 'Events successfully imported' ) . ": $count_suc<br /><br />\n"; } else { // we didn't receive any data and/or there was an error if ( ! empty ( $errormsg ) ) echo $errormsg . "<br />\n"; if ( count ( $data ) == 0 ) echo "<br />\n" . translate ( 'No data returned from' ) . ": $cal_url<br />\n" . translate ( 'for non-user calendar' ) . ": $calUser<br />\n"; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } if ( $cnt == 0 ) echo "<br />\n" . translate ( 'No Remote Calendars found' ); } else echo "<br />\n" . translate ( 'Remote Calendars not enabled' ); // just in case $login = ''; function delete_events ( $nid ) { // Get event ids for all events this user is a participant $events = get_users_event_ids ( $nid ); // Now count number of participants in each event... // If just 1, then save id to be deleted $delete_em = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $events ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $res = dbi_execute ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $events[$i] ) ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( $row[0] == 1 ) $delete_em[] = $events[$i]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } // Now delete events that were just for this user for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $delete_em ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_repeats_not WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_log WHERE cal_entry_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_import_data WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_site_extras WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_ext_user WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_reminders WHERE cal_id =? ', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_blob WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = ?', array ( $delete_em[$i] ) ); } // Delete user participation from events dbi_execute ( 'DELETE FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_login = ?', array ( $nid ) ); } ?>