File: view_l.php
<?php /* $Id: view_l.php,v 2007/10/11 20:18:24 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Page Description: * This page will display the month "view" with all users's events on the same * calendar. (The other month "view" displays each user calendar in a separate * column, side-by-side.) This view gives you the same effect as enabling layers, * but with layers you can only have one configuration of users. * * Input Parameters: * id (*) - specify view id in webcal_view table * date - specify the starting date of the view. * If not specified, current date will be used. * friendly - if set to 1, then page does not include links or trailer navigation. * (*) required field * * Security: * Must have "allow view others" enabled ($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER) in System Settings * unless the user is an admin user ($is_admin). If the view is not global, the * user must be owner of the view. If the view is global, then and * user_sees_only_his_groups is enabled, then we remove users not in this user's * groups (except for nonuser calendars... which we allow regardless of group). */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; include_once 'includes/views.php'; view_init ( $id ); $error = $printerStr = $unapprovedStr = ''; if ( empty ( $friendly ) ) { $unapprovedStr = display_unapproved_events ( $is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login ); $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly ( 'month.php' ); } set_today ( $date ); print_header ( array ( 'js/popups.php/true' ), '<script src="includes/js/weekHover.js" type="text/javascript"></script>' ); $trailerStr = print_trailer (); $next = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear ); $nextyear = date ( 'Y', $next ); $nextmonth = date ( 'm', $next ); $nextdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $nextyear, $nextmonth ); $nextYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $next ); $prev = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear ); $prevyear = date ( 'Y', $prev ); $prevmonth = date ( 'm', $prev ); $prevdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $prevyear, $prevmonth ); $prevYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $prev ); if ( ! empty ( $BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR ) && $BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR == 'Y' ) { $boldDays = true; $startdate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 0, $thisyear ); $enddate = mktime ( 23, 59, 59, $thismonth + 2, 0, $thisyear ); } else { $boldDays = false; $startdate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 0, $thisyear ); $enddate = mktime ( 23, 59, 59, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear ); } $thisdate = date ( 'Ymd', $startdate ); // . // Get users in this view. $viewusers = view_get_user_list ( $id ); if ( count ( $viewusers ) == 0 ) // This could happen if user_sees_only_his_groups = Y and // this user is not a member of any group assigned to this view. $error = translate ( 'No users for this view' ); if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) { echo print_error ( $error ) . print_trailer (); exit; } $e_save = $re_save = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $viewusers ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $viewusers[$i], $startdate, $enddate, '' ); $re_save = array_merge ( $re_save, $repeated_events ); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */ $events = read_events ( $viewusers[$i], $startdate, $enddate ); $e_save = array_merge ( $e_save, $events ); } $events = $repeated_events = array (); for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $e_save ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $should_add = 1; for ( $j = 0, $cnt_j = count ( $events ); $j < $cnt_j && $should_add; $j++ ) { if ( ! $e_save[$i]->getClone () && $e_save[$i]->getID () == $events[$j]->getID () ) $should_add = 0; } if ( $should_add ) array_push ( $events, $e_save[$i] ); } for ( $i = 0, $cnt = count ( $re_save ); $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $should_add = 1; for ( $j = 0, $cnt_j = count ( $repeated_events ); $j < $cnt_j && $should_add; $j++ ) { if ( ! $re_save[$i]->getClone () && $re_save[$i]->getID () == $repeated_events[$j]->getID () ) $should_add = 0; } if ( $should_add ) array_push ( $repeated_events, $re_save[$i] ); } if ( $DISPLAY_SM_MONTH != 'N' ) { $prevMonth = display_small_month ( $prevmonth, $prevyear, true, true, 'prevmonth', 'view_l.php?id=' . $id . '&' ); $nextMonth = display_small_month ( $nextmonth, $nextyear, true, true, 'nextmonth', 'view_l.php?id=' . $id . '&' ); $navStr = display_navigation ( 'view_l', false, false ); } else $navStr = display_navigation ( 'view_l', true, false ); $monthStr = display_month ( $thismonth, $thisyear ); $eventinfo = ( empty ( $eventinfo ) ? '' : $eventinfo ); echo <<<EOT <div class="title"> <div class="minical"> {$prevMonth}{$nextMonth} </div> {$navStr} <span class="viewname"><br />{$view_name}</span> </div> <br /> {$monthStr} {$eventinfo} {$unapprovedStr} {$printerStr} {$trailerStr} EOT;