File: view_r.php
<?php /* $Id: view_r.php,v 2008/02/17 02:26:25 cknudsen Exp $ * * Page Description: * This is the "Week by Time" and "Week by Day" view. * This view will show either a week's worth of events (type='R') * or a single day of events (type='E') * using a format with days across the top of the table and time * showing down the left side. (This is just like the standard * layout of day.php and week.php.) * However, each cell will be subdivided into * however many users are part of this view. * * Input Parameters: * id (*) - specify view id in webcal_view table * date - specify the starting date of the view. * If not specified, current date will be used. * friendly - if set to 1, then page does not include links or * trailer navigation. * (*) required field * * Comments: * The week view of this page will only show weekends if the * user has set "display weekends in week view" in their * user preferences. * * The week version of this page has the potential to contain * a large table. The layout will be skewed to try and fit this * into a page. * If you want to allow the table to grow larger than the viewable * area in the browser, set the $fit_to_window_week to be false below. * (You can do the same for the day view with $fit_to_window_day.) * * Should we make this an option when creating/updating the view? * If we did make this an option in the UI, we would need to either: * (A) add a column to the webcal_view table * (B) use different view types for this option ('E' and 'R' for * fit-to-window, 'G' and 'X' for expand?) * * Security: * Must have "allow view others" enabled ($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER) in * System Settings unless the user is an admin user ($is_admin). * If the view is not global, the user must be owner of the view. * If the view is global, and user_sees_only_his_groups is * enabled, then we remove users not in this user's groups * (except for nonuser calendars... which we allow regardless of group). */ include_once 'includes/init.php'; include_once 'includes/views.php'; $error = ''; $can_add = true; // include '+' add icons in this view? // Set this to true to allow the table to be larger than the browser's // viewable area. // Only if you have more than 7 users, would you need to set this to // false for the day view. // On the week view, 3 or more users start to // get crowded and you may want to set this to true. $fit_to_window_day = false; $fit_to_window_week = true; // This defines how wide the smallest column will be for the view $col_pixels_week = 90; // if above is true, how large is each column in table // This defines how wide the smallest column will be for the view $col_pixels_day = 150; // if above is true, how large is each column in table // Should the time of the event be displayed $show_time_day = true; $show_time_week = false; // Display abbreviated Timezone name in popup $DISPLAY_TZ = 2; // Should there always be a row for untimed/all-day events? // Normally we only show this if there are some of these events, but // if you want to be able to add an all-day event quickly, you can // double-click in one of these table cells, so it's handy to have // this row around in all cases. $show_untimed_row_always = true; view_init ( $id ); // view type 'E' = Day by Time, 'R' = Week by Time $is_day_view = ( $view_type == 'E' ); $col_pixels = ( $is_day_view ? $col_pixels_day : $col_pixels_week ); $fit_to_window = ( $is_day_view ? $fit_to_window_day : $fit_to_window_week ); $show_time = ( $is_day_view ? $show_time_day : $show_time_week ); $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly ( 'view_r.php' ); set_today ( $date ); $INC = array ( 'js/popups.php/true' ); print_header ( $INC ); $thisdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ); if ( $is_day_view ) $next = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + 1, $thisyear ); else $next = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + 7, $thisyear ); $nextyear = date ( 'Y', $next ); $nextmonth = date ( 'm', $next ); $nextday = date ( 'd', $next ); $nextdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $nextyear, $nextmonth, $nextday ); if ( $is_day_view ) $prev = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday - 1, $thisyear ); else $prev = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday - 7, $thisyear ); $prevyear = date ( 'Y', $prev ); $prevmonth = date ( 'm', $prev ); $prevday = date ( 'd', $prev ); $prevdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $prevyear, $prevmonth, $prevday ); $wkstart = get_weekday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday +1 ); $wkend = $wkstart + ( ONE_DAY * 7 ); if ( ! $fit_to_window ) $time_w = '100px'; else $time_w = '8%'; // 8% for time column // Set the day of week range (0=Sun, 6=Sat) // $start_ind = start of range // $end_ind = end of range (inclusive) if ( $is_day_view ) { $thistime = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear ); $start_ind = $end_ind = ( date ( 'w', $thistime ) - $WEEK_START + 7 ) % 7; } else { if ( $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N' ) { if ( $WEEK_START == 1 ) { $start_ind = 0; $end_ind = 4; } else { $start_ind = 1; $end_ind = 5; } } else { $start_ind = 0; $end_ind = 6; } } // Generate the column headers for each day and the unix datetime // values for each date. for ( $i = $start_ind; $i <= $end_ind; $i++ ) { $days[$i] = ( $wkstart + ONE_DAY * $i ) + ( 12 * 3600 ); $weekdays[$i] = weekday_name ( ( $i + $WEEK_START ) % 7, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS ); $header[$i] = $weekdays[$i] . '<br />' . month_name ( date ( 'm', $days[$i] ) - 1, 'M' ) . ' ' . date ( 'd', $days[$i] ); if ( empty ( $first_date ) ) $first_date = date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', $days[$i] ), '', false ); $last_date = date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', $days[$i] ), '', false ); } // The table has dates across the top and times for rows. Since we need // to spit out an entire row before we can move to the next time slot, we'll // save up all the HTML for each cell and then print it out when we're // done. $viewusers = view_get_user_list ( $id ); $viewusercnt = count ( $viewusers ); //echo "<pre>"; print_r ( $viewusers ); echo "</pre>\n"; // Make sure we have at least one user in our view. // If this is a global view, we may have removed all the users if // the current user does not have permission to view any of the // users in the view. // In theory, we whould always at least have ourselves in the view, right? if ( $viewusercnt == 0 ) { // I don't think we need to translate this. $error = 'No users for this view'; } if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) { echo print_error ( $error ); echo print_trailer (); exit; } // table_width = width in pixels of entire table // col_pixels = width of smallest column // 100 = width of time column on left of table if ( ! $fit_to_window ) { $table_width = ( $col_pixels * $viewusercnt ) * ( $end_ind - $start_ind + 1 ) + 100; } //echo "table_width=$table_width<br />\n"; // tdw is the cell width for each day if ( ! $fit_to_window ) // pixels $tdw = floor ( ( $table_width - $time_w ) / ( $end_ind - $start_ind + 1 ) ); else // % $tdw = floor ( ( 100 - $time_w ) / ( $end_ind - $start_ind + 1 ) ); $untimed_found = false; $get_unapproved = ( $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED == 'Y' ); // public access events cannot override $DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED if ( $user == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_VIEW_UNAPPROVED != 'Y' ) $get_unapproved = false; // Step through each user and load events for that user. // Store in $e_save[] (normal events) and $re_save[] (repeating events). $e_save = array (); $re_save = array (); if ( ! $fit_to_window ) $uwf = $col_pixels . 'px'; else $uwf = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $tdw / $viewusercnt ) . '%'; $uheader = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $viewusercnt; $i++ ) { /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $viewusers[$i], $wkstart, $wkend, '' ); $re_save[$i] = $repeated_events; /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access subtracting ONE_WEEK to allow cross-day events to display*/ $events = read_events ( $viewusers[$i], $wkstart - ONE_WEEK, $wkend ); $e_save[$i] = $events; user_load_variables ( $viewusers[$i], 'temp' ); $uheader .= "<th class=\"small\" width=\"$uwf\" style=\"width:$uwf;\">" . $tempfullname . "</th>\n"; //echo "$viewusers[$i]: loaded " . count ( $events ) . " events<br />\n"; } $num_users = $viewusercnt; // $TIME_SLOTS is set in both admin system settings and user preferences. if ( empty ( $TIME_SLOTS ) ) $TIME_SLOTS = 24; $interval = 1440 / $TIME_SLOTS; $first_slot = (int)( ( ( $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR ) * 60 ) / $interval ); $last_slot = (int)( ( ( $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR ) * 60 ) / $interval ); ?> <div style="width:99%;"> <a title="<?php etranslate ( 'Previous' )?>" class="prev" href="view_r.php?id=<?php echo $id?>&date=<?php echo $prevdate?>"><img src="images/leftarrow.gif" alt="<?php etranslate ( 'Previous' )?>" /></a> <a title="<?php etranslate ( 'Next' )?>" class="next" href="view_r.php?id=<?php echo $id?>&date=<?php echo $nextdate?>"><img src="images/rightarrow.gif" class="prevnext" alt="<?php etranslate ( 'Next' )?>" /></a> <div class="title"> <span class="date"><?php if ( $is_day_view ) { echo date_to_str ( date ( 'Ymd', $thistime ), false ); } else { echo $first_date . " - " . $last_date; } ?></span><br /> <span class="viewname"><?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $view_name ) ?></span> <?php if ( $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ) { echo "<br />\n<span class=\"titleweek\">(" . translate ( 'Week' ) . ' ' . date('W', $wkstart + ONE_DAY ) . ')</span>'; } ?> </div></div><br /> <?php $help = ( $can_add ? 'title="' . translate ( 'Double-click on empty cell to add new entry' ) . '"' : '' ); if ( ! $fit_to_window ) { ?> <table <?php echo $help;?> class="main" style="width:<?php echo $table_width;?>px;" width="<?php echo $table_width;?>"> <?php } else { ?> <table <?php echo $help;?> class="main" width="100%"> <?php } ?> <!-- table header --> <tr><th class="empty" width="<?php echo $time_w;?>" style="width:<?php echo $time_w;?>;"> </th> <?php // heading row that displays day of week and date if ( ! $fit_to_window ) $tdwf = ( $col_pixels * $viewusercnt ) . 'px'; else $tdwf = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $tdw ) . "%"; $todayYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $today ); for ( $i = $start_ind; $i <= $end_ind; $i++ ) { if ( is_weekend ( $days[$i] ) && $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N' ) continue; if ( $todayYmd == date ( 'Ymd', $days[$i] ) ) $class = 'class="today"'; else if ( is_weekend ( $days[$i] ) ) $class = 'class="weekend"'; else $class = ''; echo '<th ' . $class . ' style="width:' . $tdwf . ';" colspan="' . $num_users . '">' . $header[$i] . "</th>\n"; } ?> </tr> <tr><th class="empty" width="<?php echo $time_w;?>" style="width:<?php echo $time_w;?>;"> </th> <?php for ( $i = $start_ind; $i <= $end_ind; $i++ ) { echo $uheader; } ?> </tr> <!-- end table header --> <?php // We need to store all the events and where they go before we begin // printing any output. $all_day = array (); //<long-winded-explanation> // We loop through the events once checking for the start time. If we // find a start time before the normal work hours, we will reset $first_slot // to this new time. We do this in a separate loop because all-day events // will assume a start time slot of the beginning of normal work hours. // So, if there is an all-day event on Monday, it might use the first_slot // that represents 8am only to find an event on Thu has a time of 7am which // would change the first_slot value. There is then a gap above the all-day // event. //</long-winded-explanation> $am_part = array (); // am I a participant array for ( $d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++ ) { for ( $u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++ ) { $untimed = array (); $user = $viewusers[$u]; $events = $e_save[$u]; $repeated_events = $re_save[$u]; // get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $days[$d] ); $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd ); $repcnt = count ( $rep ); for ( $j = 0; $j < $repcnt; $j++ ) { if ( ! isset ( $am_part[$rep[$j]->getID ()] ) ) { $am_part[$rep[$j]->getID ()] = user_is_participant ( $rep[$j]->getID (), $login ); } if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$j]->getStatus () == 'A' ) { if ( $rep[$j]->getDuration () > 0 && $rep[$j]->getDuration () != 1440 ) { $slot = calc_time_slot ( $rep[$j]->getTime (), false ); if ( $slot < $first_slot ) { $first_slot = $slot; } } } } $ev = get_entries ( $dateYmd, $get_unapproved, 1, 1); $evcnt = count ( $ev ); for ( $j = 0; $j < $evcnt; $j++ ) { if ( ! isset ( $am_part[$ev[$j]->getID ()] ) ) { $am_part[$ev[$j]->getID ()] = user_is_participant ( $ev[$j]->getID (), $login ); } if ( $ev[$j]->getDuration () > 0 && $ev[$j]->getDuration () != 1440 ) { $slot = calc_time_slot ( $ev[$j]->getTime (), false ); if ( $slot < $first_slot ) { $first_slot = $slot; } } } } } for ( $d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++ ) { for ( $u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++ ) { $untimed = array (); $user = $viewusers[$u]; $events = $e_save[$u]; $repeated_events = $re_save[$u]; // get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $days[$d] ); $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd ); $cur_rep = 0; // Get static non-repeating events $ev = get_entries ( $dateYmd, $get_unapproved, 1, 1 ); $hour_arr = array (); $rowspan_arr = array (); $evcnt = count ( $ev ); $repcnt = count ( $rep ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $evcnt; $i++ ) { // print out any repeating events that are before this one... while ( $cur_rep < $repcnt && $rep[$cur_rep]->getTime () < $ev[$i]->getTime () ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]->getStatus () == 'A' ) { if ( $rep[$cur_rep]->getDuration () == 1440 ) $all_day[$d] = 1; html_for_event_week_at_a_glance ( $rep[$cur_rep], $dateYmd, 'small', $show_time ); } $cur_rep++; } if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]->getStatus () == 'A' ) { if ( $ev[$i]->getDuration () == 1440 ) $all_day[$d] = 1; html_for_event_week_at_a_glance ( $ev[$i], $dateYmd, 'small', $show_time ); //echo "Found event date=$dateYmd name='$viewname'<br />\n"; //print_r ( $rowspan_arr ); } } // print out any remaining repeating events while ( $cur_rep < $repcnt ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]->getStatus () == 'A' ) { if ( $rep[$cur_rep]->getDuration () == 1440 ) $all_day[$d] = 1; html_for_event_week_at_a_glance ( $rep[$cur_rep], $dateYmd, 'small', $show_time ); } $cur_rep++; } // squish events that use the same cell into the same cell. // For example, an event from 8:00-9:15 and another from 9:30-9:45 both // want to show up in the 8:00-9:59 cell. $rowspan = 0; $last_row = -1; for ( $i = 0; $i < $TIME_SLOTS; $i++ ) { if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { if ( !empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { if ( $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 ) { $rowspan_arr[$last_row] += ( $rowspan_arr[$i] - 1 ); $rowspan += ( $rowspan_arr[$i] - 1 ); } else $rowspan_arr[$last_row] += $rowspan_arr[$i]; // this will move entries apart that appear in one field, // yet start on different hours $start_time = $i; $diff_start_time = $start_time - $last_row; for ( $x = $diff_start_time; $x > 0; $x-- ) $hour_arr[$last_row] .= "<br />\n"; $hour_arr[$last_row] .= $hour_arr[$i]; $hour_arr[$i] = ''; $rowspan_arr[$i] = 0; } $rowspan--; } else if ( !empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) && $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 ) { $rowspan = $rowspan_arr[$i]; $last_row = $i; } } // now save the output... if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[9999] ) && strlen ( $hour_arr[9999] ) ) { $untimed[$d] = $hour_arr[9999]; $untimed_found = true; } $save_hour_arr[$u][$d] = $hour_arr; $save_rowspan_arr[$u][$d] = $rowspan_arr; $save_untimed[$u][$d] = $untimed; } } // untimed events first if ( $untimed_found || $show_untimed_row_always ) { echo '<tr><th class="empty" width="' .$time_w. '" style="width:' . $time_w . ';"> </th>' . "\n"; for ( $d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++ ) { $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $days[$d] ); $is_weekend = is_weekend ( $days[$d] ); if ( $is_weekend && $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N' ) continue; if ( $dateYmd == $todayYmd ) $class .= 'class="today"'; else if ( $is_weekend ) $class .= 'class="weekend"'; else $class = ''; for ( $u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++ ) { $untimed = $save_untimed[$u][$d]; // Unset class from above if needed. if ( $class == 'class="hasevents"' ) $class = ''; // Use the class 'hasevents' for any hour block that has events // in it. if ( !empty ( $untimed[$d] ) && strlen ( $untimed[$d] ) ) { $class = 'class="hasevents"'; } echo "<td $class "; if ( $can_add ) { echo " ondblclick=\"dblclick( '$dateYmd', '$viewusers[$u]' )\""; } echo '>'; if ( !empty ( $untimed[$d] ) && strlen ( $untimed[$d] ) ) { echo $untimed[$d]; } else { echo ' '; } echo "</td>\n"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } $rowspan_day = array (); for ( $u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++ ) { for ( $d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++ ) $rowspan_day[$u][$d] = 0; } for ( $i = $first_slot; $i <= $last_slot; $i++ ) { $time_h = ( int ) ( ( $i * $interval ) / 60 ); $time_m = ( $i * $interval ) % 60; $time = display_time ( ( $time_h * 100 + $time_m ) * 100, 1 ); echo "<tr>\n<th valign=\"top\" class=\"row\" width=\"$time_w" . '">' . $time . "</th>\n"; //echo "<tr>\n<th valign=\"top\">" . $time . "</th>\n"; for ( $d = $start_ind; $d <= $end_ind; $d++ ) { $dateYmd = date ( 'Ymd', $days[$d] ); for ( $u = 0; $u < $viewusercnt; $u++ ) { $hour_arr = $save_hour_arr[$u][$d]; $rowspan_arr = $save_rowspan_arr[$u][$d]; $is_weekend = is_weekend ( $days[$d] ); if ( $dateYmd == $todayYmd ) $class .= 'class="today"'; else if ( $is_weekend ) $class .= 'class="weekend"'; else $class = ''; // Use the class 'hasevents' for any hour block that has events // in it. if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) && strlen ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { $class = 'class="hasevents"'; } if ( $rowspan_day[$u][$d] > 1 ) { // this might mean there's an overlap, or it could mean one event // ends at 11:15 and another starts at 11:30. if ( !empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { echo "<td $class>" . $hour_arr[$i]. "</td>\n"; } $rowspan_day[$u][$d]--; } else { if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { echo "<td $class "; if ( $can_add ) { echo " ondblclick=\"dblclick( '$dateYmd', " . "'$viewusers[$u]', '$time_h', '$time_m' )\""; } echo '>'; //if ( $can_add ) { //if user can add events... // echo html_for_add_icon ( $dateYmd, // $time_h, $time_m, $user ); //..then echo the add event icon //} echo " </td>\n"; } else { $rowspan_day[$u][$d] = $save_rowspan_arr[$u][$d][$i]; if ( $rowspan_day[$u][$d] > 1 ) { echo "<td $class "; echo ' rowspan="' . $rowspan_day[$u][$d] . '"'; if ( $can_add ) { echo " ondblclick=\"dblclick( '$dateYmd', " . "'$user', '$time_h', '$time_m' )\""; } echo '>'; //if ( $can_add ) { // echo html_for_add_icon ( $dateYmd, $time_h, // $time_m, $user ); //} echo $hour_arr[$i]."</td>\n"; } else { echo "<td $class "; if ( $can_add ) { echo " ondblclick=\"dblclick( '$dateYmd', " . "'$user', '$time_h', '$time_m' )\""; } echo '>'; //if ( $can_add ) { // echo html_for_add_icon ( $dateYmd, $time_h, // $time_m, $user ); //} echo $hour_arr[$i]."</td>\n"; } } } } } echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> </table> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- <![CDATA[ function dblclick ( date, name, hour, minute ) { if ( ! minute ) minute = 0; if ( hour ){ time = "&hour=" + hour + "&minute=" + minute; } else { time = "&duration=1440"; } var url = 'edit_entry.php?date=' + date + '&defusers=' + name + time; window.location.href = url; } //]]> --> </script> <?php $user = ''; // reset if ( ! empty ( $eventinfo ) ) echo $eventinfo; echo $printerStr; echo print_trailer (); ?>