File: upload-js.php
<?php require_once('admin.php'); cache_javascript_headers(); ?> addLoadEvent( function() { theFileList = { currentImage: {ID: 0}, nonce: '', tab: '', postID: 0, initializeVars: function() { this.urlData = document.location.href.split('?'); this.params = this.urlData[1].toQueryParams(); this.postID = this.params['post_id']; this.tab = this.params['tab']; this.style = this.params['style']; this.ID = this.params['ID']; if ( !this.style ) this.style = 'default'; var nonceEl = $('nonce-value'); if ( nonceEl ) this.nonce = nonceEl.value; if ( this.ID ) { this.grabImageData( this.ID ); this.imageView( this.ID ); } }, initializeLinks: function() { if ( this.ID ) return; $$('a.file-link').each( function(i) { var id = i.id.split('-').pop(); i.onclick = function(e) { theFileList[ 'inline' == theFileList.style ? 'imageView' : 'editView' ](id, e); } } ); }, grabImageData: function(id) { if ( id == this.currentImage.ID ) return; var thumbEl = $('attachment-thumb-url-' + id); if ( thumbEl ) { this.currentImage.thumb = ( 0 == id ? '' : thumbEl.value ); this.currentImage.thumbBase = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-thumb-url-base-' + id).value ); } else { this.currentImage.thumb = false; } this.currentImage.src = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-url-' + id).value ); this.currentImage.srcBase = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-url-base-' + id).value ); this.currentImage.page = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-page-url-' + id).value ); this.currentImage.title = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-title-' + id).value ); this.currentImage.description = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-description-' + id).value ); var widthEl = $('attachment-width-' + id); if ( widthEl ) { this.currentImage.width = ( 0 == id ? '' : widthEl.value ); this.currentImage.height = ( 0 == id ? '' : $('attachment-height-' + id).value ); } else { this.currentImage.width = false; this.currentImage.height = false; } this.currentImage.isImage = ( 0 == id ? 0 : $('attachment-is-image-' + id).value ); this.currentImage.ID = id; }, imageView: function(id, e) { this.prepView(id); var h = ''; h += "<div id='upload-file'>" if ( this.ID ) { var params = $H(this.params); params.ID = ''; params.action = ''; h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Browse your files')); ?>' class='back'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('« Back')); ?></a>"; } else { h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Browse your files')); ?>' class='back'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('« Back')) ?></a>"; } h += "<div id='file-title'>" if ( 0 == this.currentImage.isImage ) h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Direct link to file')); ?>'>" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>"; else h += "<h2>" + this.currentImage.title + "</h2>"; h += " — <span>"; h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.editView(" + id + ");'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Edit')); ?></a>" h += "</span>"; h += '</div>' h += "<div id='upload-file-view' class='alignleft'>"; if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) { h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Direct link to file')); ?>'>"; h += "<img src='" + ( this.currentImage.thumb ? this.currentImage.thumb : this.currentImage.src ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' width='" + this.currentImage.width + "' height='" + this.currentImage.height + "' />"; h += "</a>"; } else h += ' '; h += "</div>"; h += "<form name='uploadoptions' id='uploadoptions' class='alignleft'>"; h += "<table>"; var display = []; var checked = 'display-title'; if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) { checked = 'display-full'; if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) { display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('Thumbnail')); ?></label><br />"); checked = 'display-thumb'; } display.push("<label for='display-full'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-full' value='full' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('Full size')); ?></label>"); } else if ( this.currentImage.thumb ) { display.push("<label for='display-thumb'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-thumb' value='thumb' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('Icon')); ?></label>"); } if ( display.length ) { display.push("<br /><label for='display-title'><input type='radio' name='display' id='display-title' value='title' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('Title')); ?></label>"); h += "<tr><th style='padding-bottom:.5em'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Show:')); ?></th><td style='padding-bottom:.5em'>"; $A(display).each( function(i) { h += i; } ); h += "</td></tr>"; } h += "<tr><th><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Link to:')); ?></th><td>"; h += "<label for='link-file'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-file' value='file' checked='checked'/> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('File')); ?></label><br />"; h += "<label for='link-page'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-page' value='page' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('Page')); ?></label><br />"; h += "<label for='link-none'><input type='radio' name='link' id='link-none' value='none' /> <?php echo attribute_escape(__('None')); ?></label>"; h += "</td></tr>"; h += "<tr><td colspan='2'><p class='submit'>"; h += "<input type='button' class='button' name='send' onclick='theFileList.sendToEditor(" + id + ")' value='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Send to editor »')); ?>' />"; h += "</p></td></tr></table>"; h += "</form>"; h += "</div>"; new Insertion.Top('upload-content', h); var displayEl = $(checked); if ( displayEl ) displayEl.checked = true; if (e) Event.stop(e); return false; }, editView: function(id, e) { this.prepView(id); var h = ''; var action = 'upload.php?style=' + this.style + '&tab=upload'; if ( this.postID ) action += '&post_id=' + this.postID; h += "<form id='upload-file' method='post' action='" + action + "'>"; if ( this.ID ) { var params = $H(this.params); params.ID = ''; params.action = ''; h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Browse your files')); ?>' class='back'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('« Back')); ?></a>"; } else { h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Browse your files')); ?>' class='back'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('« Back')); ?></a>"; } h += "<div id='file-title'>" if ( 0 == this.currentImage.isImage ) h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Direct link to file')); ?>'>" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>"; else h += "<h2>" + this.currentImage.title + "</h2>"; h += " — <span>"; h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.imageView(" + id + ");'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Insert')); ?></a>" h += "</span>"; h += '</div>' h += "<div id='upload-file-view' class='alignleft'>"; if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) { h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Direct link to file')); ?>'>"; h += "<img src='" + ( this.currentImage.thumb ? this.currentImage.thumb : this.currentImage.src ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' width='" + this.currentImage.width + "' height='" + this.currentImage.height + "' />"; h += "</a>"; } else h += ' '; h += "</div>"; h += "<table><col /><col class='widefat' /><tr>" h += "<th scope='row'><label for='url'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('URL')); ?></label></th>"; h += "<td><input type='text' id='url' class='readonly' value='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' readonly='readonly' /></td>"; h += "</tr><tr>"; h += "<th scope='row'><label for='post_title'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Title')); ?></label></th>"; h += "<td><input type='text' id='post_title' name='post_title' value='" + this.currentImage.title + "' /></td>"; h += "</tr><tr>"; h += "<th scope='row'><label for='post_content'><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Description')); ?></label></th>"; h += "<td><textarea name='post_content' id='post_content'>" + this.currentImage.description + "</textarea></td>"; h += "</tr><tr id='buttons' class='submit'><td colspan='2'><input type='button' id='delete' name='delete' class='delete alignleft' value='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Delete File')); ?>' onclick='theFileList.deleteFile(" + id + ");' />"; h += "<input type='hidden' name='from_tab' value='" + this.tab + "' />"; h += "<input type='hidden' name='action' id='action-value' value='save' />"; h += "<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='" + id + "' />"; h += "<input type='hidden' name='_wpnonce' value='" + this.nonce + "' />"; h += "<div class='submit'><input type='submit' value='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Save »')); ?>' /></div>"; h += "</td></tr></table></form>"; new Insertion.Top('upload-content', h); if (e) Event.stop(e); return false; }, prepView: function(id) { this.cancelView( true ); var filesEl = $('upload-files'); if ( filesEl ) filesEl.hide(); var navEl = $('current-tab-nav'); if ( navEl ) navEl.hide(); this.grabImageData(id); }, cancelView: function( prep ) { if ( !prep ) { var filesEl = $('upload-files'); if ( filesEl ) Element.show(filesEl); var navEl = $('current-tab-nav'); if ( navEl ) Element.show(navEl); } if ( !this.ID ) this.grabImageData(0); var div = $('upload-file'); if ( div ) Element.remove(div); return false; }, sendToEditor: function(id) { this.grabImageData(id); var link = ''; var display = ''; var h = ''; link = $A(document.forms.uploadoptions.elements.link).detect( function(i) { return i.checked; } ).value; displayEl = $A(document.forms.uploadoptions.elements.display).detect( function(i) { return i.checked; } ) if ( displayEl ) display = displayEl.value; else if ( 1 == this.currentImage.isImage ) display = 'full'; if ( 'none' != link ) h += "<a href='" + ( 'file' == link ? ( this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src ) : ( this.currentImage.page + "' rel='attachment wp-att-" + this.currentImage.ID ) ) + "' title='" + this.currentImage.title + "'>"; if ( display && 'title' != display ) h += "<img src='" + ( 'thumb' == display ? ( this.currentImage.thumbBase + this.currentImage.thumb ) : ( this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src ) ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' />"; else h += this.currentImage.title; if ( 'none' != link ) h += "</a>"; var win = window.opener ? window.opener : window.dialogArguments; if ( !win ) win = top; tinyMCE = win.tinyMCE; if ( typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content') ) { tinyMCE.selectedInstance.getWin().focus(); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h); } else win.edInsertContent(win.edCanvas, h); if ( !this.ID ) this.cancelView(); return false; }, deleteFile: function(id) { if ( confirm("<?php printf(js_escape(__("Are you sure you want to delete the file '%s'?\nClick ok to delete or cancel to go back.")), '" + this.currentImage.title + "'); ?>") ) { $('action-value').value = 'delete'; $('upload-file').submit(); return true; } return false; } }; theFileList.initializeVars(); theFileList.initializeLinks(); } );