File: edit-category-form.php
<?php /** * Edit category form for inclusion in administration panels. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ // don't load directly if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) die('-1'); if ( !current_user_can('manage_categories') ) wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to edit categories for this blog.')); /** * @var object */ if ( ! isset( $category ) ) $category = (object) array(); /** * @ignore * @since 2.7 * @internal Used to prevent errors in page when no category is being edited. * * @param object $category */ function _fill_empty_category(&$category) { if ( ! isset( $category->name ) ) $category->name = ''; if ( ! isset( $category->slug ) ) $category->slug = ''; if ( ! isset( $category->parent ) ) $category->parent = ''; if ( ! isset( $category->description ) ) $category->description = ''; } do_action('edit_category_form_pre', $category); _fill_empty_category($category); ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php _e('Edit Category'); ?></h2> <div id="ajax-response"></div> <form name="editcat" id="editcat" method="post" action="categories.php" class="validate"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="editedcat" /> <input type="hidden" name="cat_ID" value="<?php echo esc_attr($category->term_id) ?>" /> <?php wp_original_referer_field(true, 'previous'); wp_nonce_field('update-category_' . $cat_ID); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="cat_name"><?php _e('Category Name') ?></label></th> <td><input name="cat_name" id="cat_name" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($category->name); ?>" size="40" aria-required="true" /><br /> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="category_nicename"><?php _e('Category Slug') ?></label></th> <td><input name="category_nicename" id="category_nicename" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr(apply_filters('editable_slug', $category->slug)); ?>" size="40" /><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'); ?></span></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="category_parent"><?php _e('Category Parent') ?></label></th> <td> <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array('hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => 'category_parent', 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $category->parent, 'exclude' => $category->term_id, 'hierarchical' => true, 'show_option_none' => __('None'))); ?><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional.'); ?></span> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="category_description"><?php _e('Description') ?></label></th> <td><textarea name="category_description" id="category_description" rows="5" cols="50" style="width: 97%;"><?php echo esc_html($category->description); ?></textarea><br /> <span class="description"><?php _e('The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'); ?></span></td> </tr> <?php do_action('edit_category_form_fields', $category); ?> </table> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Update Category'); ?>" /></p> <?php do_action('edit_category_form', $category); ?> </form> </div>