File: customize-loader.js
window.wp = window.wp || {}; (function( exports, $ ){ var api = wp.customize, Loader; $.extend( $.support, { history: !! ( window.history && history.pushState ), hashchange: ('onhashchange' in window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7) }); Loader = $.extend( {}, api.Events, { initialize: function() { this.body = $( document.body ); // Ensure the loader is supported. // Check for settings, postMessage support, and whether we require CORS support. if ( ! Loader.settings || ! $.support.postMessage || ( ! $.support.cors && Loader.settings.isCrossDomain ) ) { return; } this.window = $( window ); this.element = $( '<div id="customize-container" />' ).appendTo( this.body ); this.bind( 'open', this.overlay.show ); this.bind( 'close', this.overlay.hide ); $('#wpbody').on( 'click', '.load-customize', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); // Store a reference to the link that opened the customizer. Loader.link = $(this); // Load the theme. Loader.open( Loader.link.attr('href') ); }); // Add navigation listeners. if ( $.support.history ) this.window.on( 'popstate', Loader.popstate ); if ( $.support.hashchange ) { this.window.on( 'hashchange', Loader.hashchange ); this.window.triggerHandler( 'hashchange' ); } }, popstate: function( e ) { var state = e.originalEvent.state; if ( state && state.customize ) Loader.open( state.customize ); else if ( Loader.active ) Loader.close(); }, hashchange: function( e ) { var hash = window.location.toString().split('#')[1]; if ( hash && 0 === hash.indexOf( 'wp_customize=on' ) ) Loader.open( Loader.settings.url + '?' + hash ); if ( ! hash && ! $.support.history ) Loader.close(); }, open: function( src ) { var hash; if ( this.active ) return; // Load the full page on mobile devices. if ( Loader.settings.browser.mobile ) return window.location = src; this.active = true; this.body.addClass('customize-loading'); this.iframe = $( '<iframe />', { src: src }).appendTo( this.element ); this.iframe.one( 'load', this.loaded ); // Create a postMessage connection with the iframe. this.messenger = new api.Messenger({ url: src, channel: 'loader', targetWindow: this.iframe[0].contentWindow }); // Wait for the connection from the iframe before sending any postMessage events. this.messenger.bind( 'ready', function() { Loader.messenger.send( 'back' ); }); this.messenger.bind( 'close', function() { if ( $.support.history ) history.back(); else if ( $.support.hashchange ) window.location.hash = ''; else Loader.close(); }); this.messenger.bind( 'activated', function( location ) { if ( location ) window.location = location; }); hash = src.split('?')[1]; // Ensure we don't call pushState if the user hit the forward button. if ( $.support.history && window.location.href !== src ) history.pushState( { customize: src }, '', src ); else if ( ! $.support.history && $.support.hashchange && hash ) window.location.hash = 'wp_customize=on&' + hash; this.trigger( 'open' ); }, opened: function() { Loader.body.addClass( 'customize-active full-overlay-active' ); }, close: function() { if ( ! this.active ) return; this.active = false; this.trigger( 'close' ); // Return focus to link that was originally clicked. if ( this.link ) this.link.focus(); }, closed: function() { Loader.iframe.remove(); Loader.messenger.destroy(); Loader.iframe = null; Loader.messenger = null; Loader.body.removeClass( 'customize-active full-overlay-active' ).removeClass( 'customize-loading' ); }, loaded: function() { Loader.body.removeClass('customize-loading'); }, overlay: { show: function() { this.element.fadeIn( 200, Loader.opened ); }, hide: function() { this.element.fadeOut( 200, Loader.closed ); } } }); $( function() { Loader.settings = _wpCustomizeLoaderSettings; Loader.initialize(); }); // Expose the API to the world. api.Loader = Loader; })( wp, jQuery );