File: podcasting-feed.php
<?php /** * Handles the Podcasting feed * @author Spiral Web Consulting */ class PodcastingFeed { /** * Starts the Podcasting feed */ function PodcastingFeed() { add_action('init', array($this, 'init')); } /** * Actions and filters to hook in after init **/ function init() { # Add the podcasting feed type add_feed('podcast', array($this, 'do_feed_podcast')); # Add the podcast feed add_filter('query_vars', array($this, 'queryVars')); add_filter('posts_join', array($this, 'feedJoin')); add_filter('posts_where', array($this, 'feedWhere')); add_filter('posts_groupby', array($this, 'feedGroupby')); add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'addFeedDiscovery')); add_action('template_redirect', array($this, 'preventFeedburner'), -10); # Add podcasting information to feeds add_action('rss2_ns', array($this, 'addItunesXML')); add_filter('option_blogname', array($this, 'blognameFilter')); add_filter('option_blogdescription', array($this, 'blogdescriptionFilter')); add_action('rss2_head', array($this, 'addItunesFeed')); add_filter('rss_enclosure', array($this, 'removeEnclosures')); add_action('rss2_item', array($this, 'addItunesItem')); } /** * Create the podcast feed type */ function do_feed_podcast($withcomments) { global $wp_query; $wp_query->get_posts(); do_feed_rss2($withcomments); } /** * Adds the format option to the query vars */ function queryVars($vars) { $vars[] = 'format'; return $vars; } /** * The SQL join information for the feed */ function feedJoin($join) { global $wpdb; if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} pod_meta ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = pod_meta.post_id"; $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} pod_rel ON (pod_meta.meta_id = pod_rel.object_id)"; $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} pod_tax ON (pod_rel.term_taxonomy_id = pod_tax.term_taxonomy_id)"; $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->terms} pod_terms ON (pod_tax.term_id = pod_terms.term_id)"; } return $join; } /** * The SQL where information needed for the feed */ function feedWhere($where) { global $wpdb; if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { $podcast_format = ( '' == get_query_var('format') ) ? 'default-format' : get_query_var('format'); $where .= " AND pod_meta.meta_key = 'enclosure'"; $where .= " AND pod_terms.slug = '{$podcast_format}'"; } return $where; } /** * The SQL groupby information needed for the feed */ function feedGroupby($groupby) { global $wpdb; if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) $groupby = "{$wpdb->posts}.ID"; return $groupby; } /** * Adds auto-discovery functionality to the Podcasting feed */ function addFeedDiscovery() { global $wp_rewrite; $podcast_url = ($wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) ? '/feed/podcast/' : '/?feed=podcast'; $podcast_url = get_option('home') . $podcast_url; echo ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Podcast: ' . htmlentities(stripslashes(get_option('pod_title')), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . '" href="' . $podcast_url . '" />' . "\n"; // Formats $pod_formats = get_terms('podcast_format', 'get=all'); if ( is_array($pod_formats) && count($pod_formats) > 0 ) { foreach ($pod_formats as $pod_format) { if ( 'default-format' != $pod_format->slug ) { $podcast_format_url = ($wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) ? $podcast_url . "?format=$pod_format->slug" : $podcast_url . "&format=$pod_format->slug"; echo ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Podcast: ' . htmlentities(stripslashes(get_option('pod_title'))) . " ($pod_format->name)" . '" href="' . $podcast_format_url . '" />' . "\n"; } } } } /** * Prevents the podcasting feed from being redirected by Feedburner */ function preventFeedburner() { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) remove_action('template_redirect', 'ol_feed_redirect'); } /** * Add iTunes' XML information to the feed */ function addItunesXML() { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { echo 'xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"'; } } /** * Change the feed title for podcasting feeds */ function blognameFilter($title) { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { $podcast_format = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('format'), 'podcast_format'); $title = $this->getOption('pod_title'); // This causes the image title to mismatch - which casuses a validation error // but we will keep it for different name in iTunes if ( 'default-format' != get_query_var('format') && '' != get_query_var('format') && !empty($podcast_format) ) $title .= " ($podcast_format->name)"; } return $title; } /** * Change the feed tagline */ function blogdescriptionFilter($tagline) { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) $tagline = $this->getOption('pod_tagline'); return $tagline; } /** * Adds the main iTunes feed information */ function addItunesFeed() { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { // iTunes summary if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_summary') ) echo '<itunes:summary>' . $this->flatTextEncode(get_option('pod_itunes_summary')) . '</itunes:summary>' . "\n "; // iTunes subtitle if ( '' != get_option('pod_tagline') ) echo '<itunes:subtitle>' . $this->flatTextEncode(get_option('pod_tagline')) . '</itunes:subtitle>' . "\n "; // iTunes author if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_author') ) echo '<itunes:author>' . $this->getOption('pod_itunes_author') . '</itunes:author>' . "\n "; // iTunes image if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_image') ) { echo '<itunes:image href="' . stripslashes(get_option('pod_itunes_image')) . '" />' . "\n "; echo '<image><url>' . stripslashes(get_option('pod_itunes_image')) . '</url><title>' . $this->getOption('pod_title') . '</title><link>' . get_option('home') . '</link></image>' . "\n "; } // iTunes categories for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $pod_cat_option = 'pod_itunes_cat' . $i; if ( '' != get_option($pod_cat_option) ) { $pod_category = explode('||', htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(get_option($pod_cat_option)))); if ( $pod_category[1] ) { echo '<itunes:category text="' . $pod_category[0] . '">' . "\n "; echo '<itunes:category text="' . $pod_category[1] . '" />' . "\n "; echo '</itunes:category>' . "\n "; } else echo '<itunes:category text="' . $pod_category[0] . '" />' . "\n "; } } // iTunes keywords if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_keywords') ) echo '<itunes:keywords>' . $this->getOption('pod_itunes_keywords') . '</itunes:keywords>' . "\n "; // iTunes new feed url (used to move podcast feed) if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_new-feed-url') ) echo '<itunes:new-feed-url>' . $this->getOption('pod_itunes_new-feed-url') . '</itunes:new-feed-url>' . "\n "; // iTunes explicit if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_explicit') ) echo '<itunes:explicit>' . get_option('pod_itunes_explicit') . '</itunes:explicit>' . "\n "; else echo '<itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>' . "\n "; // iTunes owner information if ( ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_ownername') ) || ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_owneremail') ) ) { echo '<itunes:owner>' . "\n "; if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_ownername') ) echo ' <itunes:name>' . $this->getOption('pod_itunes_ownername') . '</itunes:name>' . "\n "; if ( '' != get_option('pod_itunes_owneremail') ) echo ' <itunes:email>' . $this->getOption('pod_itunes_owneremail') . '</itunes:email>' . "\n "; echo '</itunes:owner>' . "\n "; } } } // podcasting_add_itunes_feed() /** * Remove enclosures from other podcasting formats */ function removeEnclosures($enclosure) { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { $podcast_format = ( '' == get_query_var('format') ) ? 'default-format' : get_query_var('format'); $enclosures = get_post_custom_values('enclosure'); $podcast_urlformats = array(); // Check if the enclosure should be displayed foreach ($enclosures as $enclose) { $enclose = explode("\n", $enclose); $enclosure_itunes = unserialize($enclose[3]); $enclosure_url = explode('"', $enclosure); if ( ( $enclosure_url[1] == trim(htmlspecialchars($enclose[0])) ) && ( $enclosure_itunes['format'] == $podcast_format ) ) return $enclosure; } } else return $enclosure; } /** * Add the iTunes information to feed items */ function addItunesItem() { if ( 'podcast' == get_query_var('feed') ) { $podcast_format = ( '' == get_query_var('format') ) ? 'default-format' : get_query_var('format'); $enclosures = get_post_custom_values('enclosure'); foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) { $enclosure_itunes = explode("\n", $enclosure); $enclosure_itunes = unserialize($enclosure_itunes[3]); if ($enclosure_itunes['format'] == $podcast_format) break; } // iTunes summary $itunes_summary = ""; $summaries = get_post_custom_values('itunes_summary'); if(!empty($summaries)) { foreach ($summaries as $summary) { $itunes_summary = $summary; } } if($itunes_summary == "") { ob_start(); the_content(); $itunes_summary = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $itunes_summary = $this->limitStringLength($this->flatTextEncode(strip_tags($itunes_summary)), 4000); echo '<itunes:summary>' . $itunes_summary . '</itunes:summary>' . "\n"; // iTunes subtitle ob_start(); the_excerpt_rss(); $itunes_subtitle = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $itunes_subtitle = $this->limitStringLength($this->flatTextEncode($itunes_subtitle), 255); echo '<itunes:subtitle>' . $itunes_subtitle . '</itunes:subtitle>' . "\n"; // iTunes author if ( '' != $enclosure_itunes['author'] ) echo '<itunes:author>' . $this->utf8Encode($enclosure_itunes['author']) . '</itunes:author>' . "\n"; // iTunes duration if ( '' != $enclosure_itunes['length'] ) echo '<itunes:duration>' . $this->utf8Encode($enclosure_itunes['length']) . '</itunes:duration>' . "\n"; // iTunes keywords if ( '' != $enclosure_itunes['keywords'] ) echo '<itunes:keywords>' . $this->utf8Encode($enclosure_itunes['keywords']) . '</itunes:keywords>' . "\n"; // iTunes explicit if ( '' != $enclosure_itunes['explicit'] ) echo '<itunes:explicit>' . $enclosure_itunes['explicit'] . '</itunes:explicit>' . "\n"; } } // podcasting_add_itunes_item() /** * Limit the length of a string * @param string - the string to limit * @param limit - the number of characters to limit by * @return the limited string */ function limitStringLength($string, $limit) { if ( strlen($string) > $limit ) $string = substr($string, 0, strrpos(substr($string, 0, $limit-6), ' ')) . ' [...]'; return $string; } /** * Retrieves an iTunes feed value and formats it for the feed * * @param value - the WordPress option to retrieve * @return formatted data for itunes (UTF8) * @author Ronald Heft **/ function getOption($value) { return $this->utf8Encode(get_option($value)); } /** * Encode data in UTF8 * * @param value - the data to format * @return utf8 formatted data * @author Ronald Heft **/ function utf8Encode($value) { return utf8_encode(remove_accents(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value)))); } /** * Encode specific iTunes fields to flat text * * **/ function flatTextEncode($value) { if( DB_CHARSET != 'utf8' ) // Check if the string is UTF-8 $value = utf8_encode($value); // If it is not, convert to UTF-8 then decode it... // Code added to solve issue with KimiliFlashEmbed plugin and also remove the shortcode for the WP Audio Player // 99.9% of the time this code will not be necessary $value = preg_replace("/\[(kml_(flash|swf)embed|audio\:)\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?(\]|$)/isu", '', $value); if(version_compare("5", phpversion(), ">")) $value = preg_replace( '/ /ui' , ' ', $value); // Best we can do for PHP4 else $value = @html_entity_decode($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // Remove any additional entities such as $value = preg_replace( '/&/ui' , '&', $value); // Best we can do for PHP4. precaution in case it didn't get removed from function above. return wp_specialchars( $value ); } } # Start the feed $podcasting_feed = new PodcastingFeed(); ?>