File: podpress_admin_functions.php
<?php /* License: ============================================================================== Copyright 2006 Dan Kuykendall (email : dan@kuykendall.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-107 USA */ function podPress_isAuthorized($needed = '##NOTSET##', $justChecking = false) { GLOBAL $user_level, $podPress; if($needed == '##NOTSET##') { $needed = $podPress->requiredadminrights; } if (function_exists('current_user_can')) { $result = current_user_can($needed); } else { $result = $user_level > 5; } if(!$justChecking && !$result) { die(__('Access Denied', 'podpress')); } return $result; } //this is crap function podPress_getCapName($cap) { return ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $cap)); } function podPress_DirectoriesPreview($context) { GLOBAL $wp_version; if ( TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=') AND TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.8', '<')) {// for WP 2.7.x (because the plugins_url() worked differently in WP 2.7.x) $plugins_url = plugins_url('podpress', __FILE__); } else { $plugins_url = plugins_url('', __FILE__); } echo ' <fieldset class="options">'."\n"; echo ' <legend class="podpress_directorypreview_legend">'.__('Directory Preview', 'podpress').'</legend> <a href="javascript:void(null);" id="podpress_showhide_directory_preview" class="podpress_showhide_element" onclick="podpress_showhide_adv(\'podpress_DirectoryPreviewDisplay\', true, this.id);">[ '.__('Show', 'podpress').' ]</a>'; echo ' <div id="podpress_DirectoryPreviewDisplay" style="display:none;">'."\n"; echo ' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowDirectoryPreview(\'iTunes\');"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_logo.png" border="0" alt="iTunes preview" /></a> '; /// YAHOO! Podcast is shutdown since 2007 - see, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Podcasts //echo ' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowDirectoryPreview(\'Yahoo\');"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_yahoo_logo.png" border="0" alt="Yahoo preview" /></a> '; echo ' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowDirectoryPreview(\'PodcastAlley\');"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PCA_logo.png" border="0" alt="PodcastAlley preview" /></a>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowDirectoryPreview(\'PodcastReady\');"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PodcastReady_logo.png" border="0" alt="PodcastAlley preview" /></a>'; echo ' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowDirectoryPreview(\'Blubrry\');"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_Blubrry_logo.jpg" border="0" alt="Blubrry preview" /></a>'; echo ' '."\n"; echo ' <div id="iTunesPreviewDisplay" style="border: 0;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><a href="http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGenre?id=26" target="_new">Visit this directory</a> / <a href="https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/publishPodcast" target="_new">Submit to this directory</a></div>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform" style="background-color:#8CA9CB;">'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="3">'."\n"; echo ' <b><font size="+1"><span id="iTunesBlognamePreview"></span></font></b><br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td width="1%">'."\n"; echo ' <img id="iTunesPreviewImage" width="175" height="175" alt="Podcast Image" src=""/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td align="left">'."\n"; echo ' <span id="itunesAuthorPreview" style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span style="font-size: small;">'."\n"; echo ' Category: <span id="itunesCategoryPreview"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Language: <span id="iTunesRssLanguagePreview">English</span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Total: n episodes<br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_subscribebutton.png" border="0" alt="iTunesSubscriptions" /> '."\n"; echo ' </span>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td rowspan="3" width="1%">'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_seeallpodcasts.png" border="0" alt="iTunesSeeAllPodcasts" /> '."\n"; echo ' <br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_alsosubcribedto.png" border="0" alt="iTunesAlsoSubscribeTo" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="2">'."\n"; echo ' <b><font size="+1" color="#163B6A">Podcast Description</font></b><br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span id="itunesDescriptionPreview" style="font-size: small;"></span>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#8DAACC">'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" bgcolor="#8DAACC">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td align="left">'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_l_reviews.png" border="0" alt="iTunesReviews" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td align="right">'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_iTunes_r_reviews.png" border="0" alt="iTunesReviews" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' <div id="YahooPreviewDisplay" style="display: none;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><a href="http://podcasts.yahoo.com/" target="_new">Visit this directory</a> / <a href="http://podcasts.yahoo.com/publish" target="_new">Submit to this directory</a></div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid grey;">'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="3">'."\n"; echo ' <b><font size="+1" color="#669900">Series Information: <span id="YahooBlognamePreview"></span></font></b><br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td width="1%" rowspan="2">'."\n"; echo ' <img id="YahooPreviewImage" width="175" height="175" alt="Podcast Image" src=""/><br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_yahoo_buttons.png" border="0" alt="YahooButtons" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="2">'."\n"; echo ' <span id="YahooDescriptionPreview" style="font-size: small;"></span>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td align="left">'."\n"; echo ' <font size="+1" color="#669900">Details</font><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Episodes: N<br/>'."\n"; echo ' Web Site: <font color="#2597D6">'.site_url().'</font><br/>'."\n"; echo ' RSS: <span id="YahooFeedURLPreview" style="color: #2597D6;"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Author: <span id="YahooAuthorPreview"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Language: <span id="YahooRssLanguagePreview">English</span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Copyright: --<br/>'."\n"; echo ' Published: whatever date<br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td align="left">'."\n"; echo ' <font size="+1" color="#669900">Ratings</font><br/>'."\n"; echo ' Be the first to rate!<br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <b>Rate it:</b><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_yahoo_stars.png" border="0" alt="YahooStars" /> '."\n"; echo ' <br/><font color="#2597D6">Write a Review</font><br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' <div id="PodcastAlleyPreviewDisplay" style="display: none; border: 0;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><a href="http://www.podcastalley.com/" target="_new">Visit this directory</a> / <a href="http://www.podcastalley.com/add_a_podcast.php" target="_new">Submit to this directory</a></div>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td width="5%">'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PCA_left.png" border="0" alt="PCA Left" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td width="90%">'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color:#F2F2F2;">'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td class="podPress_statscell" valign="top" width="140">'."\n"; echo ' <table class="podPress_statstable" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td class="podPress_statshead">Podcast Stats</td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td class="podPress_linkscell">'."\n"; echo ' <p><span class="podPress_captionstats">GENRE: </span> <span id="PCACategoryPreview"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span class="podPress_captionstats">COMMENTS:</span> 0<br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span class="podPress_captionstats">MONTHLY VOTES:</span> 0<br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span class="podPress_captionstats">OVERALL VOTES:</span> 0<br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span class="podPress_captionstats">MEMBER: </span>1/2000<br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span class="podPress_captionstats">MONTHLY RANK:</span><br/>Not Yet Ranked<br/>'."\n"; echo ' <br/><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PCA_buttons.png" border="0" alt="PCAButtons" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td class="podPress_desccell" valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <font size="3" color="#666666"><b><span id="PCABlognamePreview"></span></b></font><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span style="color: #666666;" id="PCADescriptionPreview"></span>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td width="5%">'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PCA_right.png" border="0" alt="PCA Right" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' <div id="PodcastReadyPreviewDisplay" style="display: none;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><a href="http://www.podcastready.com/" target="_new">Visit this directory</a> / <a href="http://www.podcastready.com/channel.php?action=subscribe&feed" target="_new" id="PodcastReadyFeedURLPreview">Submit to this directory</a></div>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color:#CDE4A9">'."\n"; echo ' <tr valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <td width="200" align="center">'."\n"; echo ' <br/><img id="PodcastReadyPreviewImage" width="175" height="175" alt="Podcast Image" src=""/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PodcastReady_buttons.png" border="0" alt="PodcastReadyButtons" /><br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td>'."\n"; echo ' <br/><b><font size="+1" color="#466B90">Detail for <span id="PodcastReadyBlognamePreview"></span></font></b><br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <span id="PodcastReadyDescriptionPreview" style="font-size: small;"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <b>Filed Under:</b> <span id="PodcastReadyCategoryPreview" style="color: #466B90;"></span><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <b>Media Type:</b> MP3<br/><br/>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_PodcastReady_listeners.png" border="0" alt="PodcastReadyOtherPeople" /> '."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' <div id="BlubrryPreviewDisplay" style="display: none; border: 0;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; "><a href="http://www.blubrry.com" target="_new">Visit this community</a> / <a href="http://www.blubrry.com/accountsettings.php?page=addpodcast" target="_new">Join this community</a></div>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" style="background-color: #F2CCFF; color: #003366; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td style="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;" id="BlubrryBlognamePreview">TITLE OF PODCAST HERE</td>'."\n"; echo ' <td style="text-decoration:underline; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">Visit Podcast Home Page</td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" style="background-color: #D2E9FF; color: #003366; font-size:12px;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td valign="top" style="width:230px;">'."\n"; echo ' <table width="220" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="padding-left: 6px; padding-top: 6px;">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td width="100" height="100" align="left" valign="top"><img id="BlubrryPreviewImage" width="90" height="90" alt="Podcast Image" src=""/></td>'."\n"; echo ' <td width="120" valign="top"><div id="BlubrryAuthorPreview" style="font-weight: bold;">AUTHOR NAME</div>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_Blubrry_buttons.png" width="64" height="52" /></td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td height="28" colspan="2" valign="top" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration:underline;">Visit Podcast Home Page</td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td height="36" colspan="2" valign="top" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: black;">Current Episodes</td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="2"><div style="color:#9933D5; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">Latest Podcast Post Title</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="font-size: 12px;">The content of your post appears here. Wow your stuff looks good. Hey what if someone wants to listen, they can click on the button below.</div>'."\n"; echo ' <img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_Blubrry_buttons_episode.png" />'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' <td valign="top" style="padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px;">'."\n"; echo ' <div style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 10px;">Description</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="font-size: 12px; padding-bottom: 5px;" id="BlubrryDescriptionPreview">DESCRIPTION OF PODCAST</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="text-align:right; padding-bottom: 10px;"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_Blubrry_syndication.png" /></div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 10px;">Tags</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="padding-bottom: 10px;">mightyseek podpress awesome wordpress plugin</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 10px;">Friends</div>'."\n"; echo ' <div style="background-image:url('.$plugins_url.'/images/directoryPreview_Blubrry_friends.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: top left; height:113px;"> </div>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr>'."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </div>'."\n"; echo ' </div><!-- End: podpress_DirectoryPreviewDisplay -->'."\n"; echo '</fieldset>'."\n"; } /* Utility Functions */ function podPress_getCapList($roles = true, $kill_levels = true){ global $wp_roles; // Get Role List foreach($wp_roles->role_objects as $key => $role) { foreach($role->capabilities as $cap => $grant) { $capnames[$cap] = $cap; } } if ($caplist = get_option('caplist')) { $capnames = array_unique(array_merge($caplist, $capnames)); } $capnames = apply_filters('capabilities_list', $capnames); if(!is_array($capnames)) $capnames = array(); $capnames = array_unique($capnames); sort($capnames); //Filter out the level_x caps, they're obsolete if($kill_levels) { $capnames = array_diff($capnames, array('level_0', 'level_1', 'level_2', 'level_3', 'level_4', 'level_5', 'level_6', 'level_7', 'level_8', 'level_9', 'level_10')); } //Filter out roles if required if (!$roles) { foreach ($wp_roles->get_names() as $role) { $key = array_search($role, $capnames); if ($key !== false && $key !== null) { //array_search() returns null if not found in 4.1 unset($capnames[$key]); } } } return $capnames; } function podPress_maybe_create_table($table_name, $create_ddl) { GLOBAL $wpdb; foreach ($wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0) as $table ) { if ($table == $table_name) { return true; } } //didn't find it try to create it. $q = $wpdb->query($create_ddl); // we cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded! foreach ($wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0) as $table ) { if ($table == $table_name) { return true; } } return false; } function podPress_maybe_add_column($table_name, $column_name, $create_ddl) { GLOBAL $wpdb, $debug; foreach ( $wpdb->get_col("DESC $table_name", 0) as $column ) { if ( $debug ) { printf(__('checking %1$s == %2$s<br />', 'podpress'), $column, $column_name); } if ( $column == $column_name ) { return TRUE; } } // didn't find it try to create it. $q = $wpdb->query($create_ddl); // we cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded! foreach ( $wpdb->get_col("DESC $table_name", 0) as $column ) { if ( $column == $column_name ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function podPress_filetypes() { $options['audio_mp3'] = __('MP3 - Standard Audio (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['audio_m4a'] = __('M4A - Enhanced Audio (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['video_m4v'] = __('M4V - Video (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['audio_mp4'] = __('MP4 - Enhanced Audio (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['video_mp4'] = __('MP4 - Video (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['audio_ogg'] = __('OGG - Ogg Vorbis Audio', 'podpress'); $options['video_ogv'] = __('OGV - Ogg Theora video', 'podpress'); $options['audio_opus'] = __('OPUS - Audio', 'podpress'); $options['audio_aa'] = __('AA - Audible Encoded (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['audio_m3u'] = __('M3U - Streaming Audio', 'podpress'); $options['video_mov'] = __('MOV - Video (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['video_qt'] = __('QT - Video (iPod Compliant)', 'podpress'); $options['video_avi'] = __('AVI - Video', 'podpress'); $options['video_mpg'] = __('MPG - Video', 'podpress'); $options['video_asf'] = __('ASF - Video', 'podpress'); $options['video_wmv'] = __('WMV - Video', 'podpress'); $options['audio_wma'] = __('WMA - Audio', 'podpress'); $options['video_flv'] = __('FLV - Flash Video', 'podpress'); $options['video_swf'] = __('SWF - Flash content', 'podpress'); $options['ebook_pdf'] = __('PDF - eBook', 'podpress'); $options['ebook_epub'] = __('EPUB - eBook', 'podpress'); $options['misc_torrent'] = __('Torrent - P2P', 'podpress'); return $options; } function podPress_mediaOptions() { $options = array(); reset($options); $options = podPress_filetypes(); $options['embed_youtube'] = __('YouTube - Video', 'podpress'); $options['misc_other'] = __('??? - Other', 'podpress'); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>'."\n"; } } function podPress_videoDimensionOptions($selected='320:240') { $dimensions = array(); reset($dimensions); $dimensions_noimage = array(); reset($dimensions_noimage); $dimensions['160:120'] = '160 x 120'; $dimensions['320:240'] = '320 x 240'; $dimensions['480:320'] = '480 x 320'; $dimensions['640:480'] = '640 x 480'; $dimensions['720:540'] = '720 x 540'; $dimensions['450:252'] = '450 x 252 [16:9 - 1.78:1]'; $dimensions['480:260'] = '480 x 260 [16:9 - 1.85:1]'; $dimensions['720:405'] = '720 x 405 [16:9 - 1.78:1]'; $dimensions['720:390'] = '720 x 390 [16:9 - 1.85:1]'; echo '<optgroup label="'.__('Common Dimensions', 'podpress').'">'."\n"; foreach ($dimensions as $key => $value) { if ($key == $selected) { $selected_str =' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected_str =''; } echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected_str.'>'.$value.'</option>'."\n"; } echo '</optgroup>'."\n"; $dimensions_noimage['160:0'] = __('width: 160 px', 'podpress'); $dimensions_noimage['320:0'] = __('width: 320 px', 'podpress'); $dimensions_noimage['480:0'] = __('width: 480 px', 'podpress'); $dimensions_noimage['640:0'] = __('width: 640 px', 'podpress'); $dimensions_noimage['720:0'] = __('width: 720 px', 'podpress'); echo '<optgroup label="'.__('player without preview image', 'podpress').'">'."\n"; foreach ($dimensions_noimage as $key => $value) { if ($key == $selected) { $selected_str =' selected="selected"'; } else { $selected_str =''; } echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected_str.'>'.$value.'</option>'."\n"; } echo '</optgroup>'."\n"; } function podPress_itunesLanguageArray() { // two-letter codes from the ISO 639-2 (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/) languages list combined with the RSS language codes (http://www.rssboard.org/rss-language-codes#table) $langs = array(); $langs['ab'] = 'Abkhazian'; $langs['aa'] = 'Afar'; $langs['af'] = 'Afrikaans'; $langs['ak'] = 'Akan'; $langs['sq'] = 'Albanian'; $langs['am'] = 'Amharic'; $langs['ar'] = 'Arabic'; $langs['an'] = 'Aragonese'; $langs['hy'] = 'Armenian'; $langs['as'] = 'Assamese'; $langs['av'] = 'Avaric'; $langs['ae'] = 'Avestan'; $langs['ay'] = 'Aymara'; $langs['az'] = 'Azerbaijani'; $langs['bm'] = 'Bambara'; $langs['ba'] = 'Bashkir'; $langs['eu'] = 'Basque'; $langs['be'] = 'Belarusian'; $langs['bn'] = 'Bengali'; $langs['bh'] = 'Bihari languages'; $langs['bi'] = 'Bislama'; $langs['nb'] = htmlentities('Bokm\E5l, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokm\E5l'); $langs['bs'] = 'Bosnian'; $langs['br'] = 'Breton'; $langs['bg'] = 'Bulgarian'; $langs['my'] = 'Burmese'; $langs['ca'] = 'Catalan; Valencian'; $langs['km'] = 'Central Khmer'; $langs['ch'] = 'Chamorro'; $langs['ce'] = 'Chechen'; $langs['ny'] = 'Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja'; $langs['zh'] = 'Chinese'; $langs['zh-cn'] = 'Chinese (Simplified)'; $langs['zh-tw'] = 'Chinese (Traditional)'; $langs['cu'] = 'Church Slavic; Old Bulgarian;'; $langs['cv'] = 'Chuvash'; $langs['kw'] = 'Cornish'; $langs['co'] = 'Corsican'; $langs['cr'] = 'Cree'; $langs['hr'] = 'Croatian'; $langs['cs'] = 'Czech'; $langs['da'] = 'Danish'; $langs['dv'] = 'Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian'; $langs['nl'] = 'Dutch; Flemish'; $langs['nl-be'] = 'Dutch (Belgium)'; $langs['nl-nl'] = 'Dutch (Netherlands)'; 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Scottish Gaelic'; $langs['gl'] = 'Galician'; $langs['lg'] = 'Ganda'; $langs['ka'] = 'Georgian'; $langs['de'] = 'German'; $langs['de-at'] = 'German (Austria)'; $langs['de-de'] = 'German (Germany)'; $langs['de-li'] = 'German (Liechtenstein)'; $langs['de-lu'] = 'German (Luxembourg)'; $langs['de-ch'] = 'German (Switzerland)'; $langs['el'] = 'Greek, Modern'; $langs['gn'] = 'Guarani'; $langs['gu'] = 'Gujarati'; $langs['ht'] = 'Haitian; Haitian Creole'; $langs['ha'] = 'Hausa'; $langs['he'] = 'Hebrew'; $langs['hz'] = 'Herero'; $langs['hi'] = 'Hindi'; $langs['ho'] = 'Hiri Motu'; $langs['hu'] = 'Hungarian'; $langs['is'] = 'Icelandic'; $langs['io'] = 'Ido'; $langs['ig'] = 'Igbo'; $langs['id'] = 'Indonesian'; $langs['ia'] = 'Interlingua'; $langs['ie'] = 'Interlingue; Occidental'; $langs['iu'] = 'Inuktitut'; $langs['ik'] = 'Inupiaq'; $langs['ga'] = 'Irish'; $langs['it'] = 'Italian'; $langs['it-it'] = 'Italian (Italy)'; $langs['it-ch'] = 'Italian (Switzerland)'; $langs['ja'] = 'Japanese'; $langs['jv'] = 'Javanese'; 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} echo '>'.$value.'</option>'."\n"; } } /**************************************************************/ /* Functions for supporting the backend processor */ /**************************************************************/ /** * podPress_ResolveReDirects - function to retrieve the direct URL to the media file (follows up to 5 redirects) / It uses cURL by default since * * @package podPress * @since (unknown) * * @param string $uriFileName - the URL of the media file * * return string $uriFileName - the direct URL of the media file or nothing */ function podPress_ResolveReDirects($uriFileName) { $tries = 0; if ( TRUE == function_exists('curl_init') ) { $safety = 2; // seconds while($tries < 5) { $tries++; $aURL = parse_url($uriFileName); if ( $aURL['scheme'] != 'http' ) { return ''; } $max_time = podPress_get_max_execution_time(); $sRemoteHeaders = podPress_get_HTTP_header_via_cURL($uriFileName, $max_time, $safety); // parse headers $crlf = "\r\n"; $headers = array(); $lines = explode($crlf, $sRemoteHeaders); 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(isset($aURL['query']) ? '?' . $aURL['query'] : ''); $nPort = isset($aURL['port']) ? $aURL['port'] : 80; $fpRemote = @fsockopen($sHost, $nPort, $errno, $errstr, 30); // Make sure the socket is open if(!$fpRemote) { return; } // Request headers $sHeaders = "HEAD " . $sFilepath . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Host: ". $sHost . "\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; // Sending headers fwrite($fpRemote, $sHeaders); // Getting back the content $sRemoteHeaders = ''; while(!feof($fpRemote)) { $sRemoteHeaders .= fgets($fpRemote, 128); } // Closing the socket fclose($fpRemote); // parse headers $crlf = "\r\n"; $headers = array(); $lines = explode($crlf, $sRemoteHeaders); foreach($lines as $line) { if(($pos = strpos($line, ':')) !== false) { $headers[strtolower(trim(substr($line, 0, $pos)))] = trim(substr($line, $pos+1)); } } // redirection? if(isset($headers['location'])) { $uriFileName = $headers['location']; } else { return $uriFileName; } } } return $uriFileName; } /** * podPress_getID3tags - function to retrieve the ID3 data from a media file with the help of getID3() - gets called for duration, all ID3 tags and the cover art * * @package podPress * @since (unknown) * * @param string $mediafile - the URL of the media file * @param boolean $resolved - download only the header (TRUE) or more than that (FALSE) * @param boolean $limitDownload (optional) - file size in kb to limit the amount data which should be downloaded from a remote media file (used in podPress_getCoverArt()) * @param boolean $deletetmpfile (optional) - if a tmp file should be deleted at the end of this function call (TRUE) or not (FALSE). In case this function gets called from the showid3tags() function this parameter is FALSE because there will be a second call for the cover art afterwads and the tmp file should be removed only after that call to avoid an unnecessary download. * @param boolean $tmp_download_exists (optional) - if there is a tmp file (e.g. after an download of a remote media file) then this is TRUE otherwise it is FALSE * * return array - an Array with the ID3 information or an Array which includes at least the key 'error' */ function podPress_getID3tags($mediafile, $resolved = FALSE, $limitDownload = FALSE, $deletetmpfile = TRUE, $tmp_download_exists = FALSE) { GLOBAL $podPress; if($podPress->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']) { if(substr($mediafile, 0, strlen('Podango:')) == 'Podango:') { $fileNameParts = explode(':', $mediafile); $mediafile = 'http://download.podango.com/mediatracker/555/'.$fileNameParts[3].'/'.$fileNameParts[4]; } } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - before inclusion of the getID3 library'); require_once(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/getid3/getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; if ($getID3 == false) { $fileinfo['error'] = __('Remote MP3 File could not be read. (error loading ID3 reader)', 'podpress'); return $fileinfo; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - after inclusion of the getID3 library'); if(!$resolved) { $systemFileName = $podPress->TryToFindAbsFileName($mediafile); if (FALSE === $systemFileName) { $systemFileName = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToValidWebPath($mediafile); } } else { $systemFileName = $mediafile; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - before a possible download of the media file'); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - systemFileName' . $systemFileName); $uriFileName = $systemFileName; if(TRUE === is_readable($systemFileName)) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - local file exists (uriFileName): '.$uriFileName); } else { $local_uploadURL = $podPress->uploadurl; podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - local_uploadURL: '.$local_uploadURL); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - local_uploadpath: '.$podPress->uploadpath); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - tempfilesystempath: '.$podPress->tempfilesystempath); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - tempfileurlpath: '.$podPress->tempfileurlpath); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - uriFileName: '.$uriFileName); if (FALSE !== $local_uploadURL AND FALSE !== strpos($uriFileName, $local_uploadURL)) { // then it is not a real remote file - it is only an URL to a local file // get the absolute folder of the file from the URL podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - it is a local file'); $uriFileName = $podPress->uploadpath.str_replace($local_uploadURL,'',$uriFileName); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - new uriFileName: '.$uriFileName); } else { podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - go to podPress_downloadFile'); $uriFileName = podPress_downloadFile($uriFileName, false, $limitDownload); $tmp_download_exists = TRUE; } } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - after a possible download of the media file'); $fileinfo = @$getID3->analyze( $uriFileName ); // if the first attempt to retrieve the ID3 data went wrong then try it again with a file name which is encoded to the system encoding if ( isset($fileinfo['error']) ) { // get system encoding if ( TRUE == function_exists('iconv_get_encoding') ) { $sysenc = iconv_get_encoding('internal_encoding'); } else { $sysenc = FALSE; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - iconv_get_encoding("internal_encoding")'); podPress_var_dump( $sysenc ); $blog_charset = get_bloginfo('charset'); // convert the encoding of the file name before analyzing the ID3 tags if (FALSE !== $sysenc) { if ( TRUE == function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') ) { $input_enc = mb_detect_encoding($uriFileName); podPress_var_dump(PHP_OS.' | input_enc: '.mb_detect_encoding($uriFileName).' | '.$sysenc); $fileinfo = @$getID3->analyze( iconv($input_enc, $sysenc, $uriFileName) ); } else { podPress_var_dump(PHP_OS.' | blog_charset: '.$blog_charset.' | '.$sysenc); $fileinfo = @$getID3->analyze( iconv($blog_charset, $sysenc, $uriFileName) ); } } } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - after getID3->analyze'); // log the the getID3() error message if there is one if ( isset($fileinfo['error']) ) { podPress_var_dump($fileinfo['error']); } getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($fileinfo); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - after getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments'); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - tmp_download_exists: '.var_export($tmp_download_exists, TRUE).' | deletetmpfile: '.var_export($deletetmpfile, TRUE)); if ( TRUE === $tmp_download_exists AND FALSE !== $deletetmpfile ) { // if the file has been downloaded to a local folder then delete the tempfile $unlink_result = 'nothing to unlink'; if ('' != $fileinfo['filenamepath']) { // take the folder and file from getID3 if possible podPress_unlinktmpfile($fileinfo['filenamepath']); } else { podPress_unlinktmpfile($uriFileName); } } elseif ( TRUE === $tmp_download_exists ) { $fileinfo['podpress_tmp_download_exists'] = TRUE; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - the end'); return $fileinfo; } function podPress_unlinktmpfile($filename) { $unlink_result = @unlink($filename); // If tempnam is available then tempnam creates a tempfile which has no media file extension like .mp3. But getID3 needs these extensions. // That is why tempnam (in podPress_downloadFile) is only used to get a the tmp file name and path. If the tempnam has been used then // then there are 2 files the tmp file and the tmp file with a media file name extension. The latter was removed in the step before and the next step is // to remove the tmp file which was created by tempnam in podPress_downloadFile. podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - result from unlinking the tmp file (A) - '.var_export($unlink_result, TRUE)); $ext = end(explode('.', $filename)); if ( FALSE === empty($ext) ) { $tempnam_file = substr($filename, 0, (strlen($filename)-strlen($ext)-1)); $unlink_result = @unlink($tempnam_file); } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getID3tags - result from unlinking the tmp file (B) - '.var_export($unlink_result, TRUE)); } function podPress_showID3tags($mediafile) { GLOBAL $wp_version; if (FALSE !== strpos($mediafile, 'http://www.youtube') OR FALSE !== strpos($mediafile, 'https://www.youtube')) { return ''; } if ( TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=') AND TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.8', '<')) {// for WP 2.7.x (because the plugins_url() worked differently in WP 2.7.x) $plugins_url = plugins_url('podpress', __FILE__); } else { $plugins_url = plugins_url('', __FILE__); } //~ $allowed_ext = array('mp3', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'asf', 'avi', 'mov', 'qt', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'm4a', 'wma', 'wmv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'flv', 'swf'); //~ $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $mediafile))); //~ if (TRUE == in_array($ext, $allowed_ext)) { podPress_var_dump('start of the ID3 tag retrieval - '.$mediafile); $fileinfo = podPress_getID3tags($mediafile, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); podPress_var_dump('end of the ID3 tag retrieval'); if(!is_array($fileinfo) OR FALSE == isset($fileinfo['comments']) ) { return '<div class="updated message">'.__('The file has probably no information like artist, genre, album, etc.', 'podpress').'<br /><pre class="podpress_id3tags_error">'.var_export($fileinfo, true).'</pre></div>'; } if(isset($_GET['keynum'])) { $randID = $_GET['keynum']; } else { mt_srand(crc32(microtime())); $randID = mt_rand(1, 9999); } $result .= '<table class="the-list-x widefat podpress_id3tag_details_table">'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr class="alternate">'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Artist', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagArtist">'.(!empty($fileinfo['comments']['artist'][0]) ? htmlentities($fileinfo['comments']['artist'][0]) : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Album', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagAlbum">'.(!empty($fileinfo['comments']['album'][0]) ? htmlentities($fileinfo['comments']['album'][0]) : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr class="alternate">'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Title', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagTitle">'.(!empty($fileinfo['comments']['title'][0]) ? htmlentities($fileinfo['comments']['title'][0]) : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Description', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagDescription">'.(!empty($fileinfo['comments']['comment'][0]) ? htmlentities($fileinfo['comments']['comment'][0]) : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr class="alternate">'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Genre', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagGenre">'.(!empty($fileinfo['comments']['genre'][0]) ? htmlentities($fileinfo['comments']['genre'][0]) : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <th>'.__('Length', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagLength">'.(!empty($fileinfo['playtime_string']) ? $fileinfo['playtime_string'] : ' ').'</span></td>'."\n"; $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= ' <tr class="alternate">'."\n"; if ( defined('NONCE_KEY') AND is_string(constant('NONCE_KEY')) AND '' != trim(constant('NONCE_KEY')) ) { $nonce = wp_create_nonce(NONCE_KEY); } else { $nonce = wp_create_nonce('Af|F07*wC7g-+OX$;|Z5;R@Pi]ZgoU|Zex8=`?mO-Mdvu+WC6l=6<O^2d~+~U3MM'); } // The # + time() in the URL of the covert art should make the server show always the current image and not a cached version. if ( isset($fileinfo['podpress_tmp_download_exists']) AND TRUE === $fileinfo['podpress_tmp_download_exists'] ) { $result .= ' <th>'.__('Cover Art', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagCoverArt"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/podpress_backend.php?action=id3image&filename='.rawurlencode($fileinfo['filenamepath']).'&tmpdownloadexists=yes&_ajax_nonce=' . $nonce . '#'.time().'" alt="" /></span></td>'."\n"; podPress_var_dump('podPress_showID3tags - podpress_tmp_download_exists = TRUE'); } else { $result .= ' <th>'.__('Cover Art', 'podpress').'</th><td><span id="podPressMedia_'.$randID.'_tagCoverArt"><img src="'.$plugins_url.'/podpress_backend.php?action=id3image&filename='.rawurlencode($fileinfo['filenamepath']).'&tmpdownloadexists=no&_ajax_nonce=' . $nonce . '#'.time().'" alt="" /></span></td>'."\n"; podPress_var_dump('podPress_showID3tags - podpress_tmp_download_exists = FALSE'); } $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; //~ $result .= ' <tr>'."\n"; //~ $result .= ' <th>The getID3() output:</th><td><pre class="podpress_id3tags_error">'.var_export($fileinfo, true).'</pre></td>'."\n"; //~ $result .= ' </tr>'."\n"; $result .= '</table>'."\n"; return $result; //~ } else { //~ return __('unknown', 'podpress'); //~ } } function podPress_getCoverArt($mediafile, $tmp_download_exists = FALSE) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - start'); if ( TRUE === $tmp_download_exists ) { // if the local file is a tmp file of a download then delete it after retrieving the cover art $fileinfo = podPress_getID3tags($mediafile, TRUE, 500000, TRUE, TRUE); } else { $fileinfo = podPress_getID3tags($mediafile, TRUE, 500000, TRUE, FALSE); } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - after getid3tags'); if ( isset($fileinfo['id3v2']['APIC'][0]) ) { $ref = $fileinfo['id3v2']['APIC'][0]; if ( (FALSE == isset($ref['image_mime']) OR (isset($ref['image_mime']) AND empty($ref['image_mime']))) AND isset($ref['mime']) ) { $ref['image_mime'] = $ref['mime']; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - (id3v2 - APIC) '. $ref['image_mime']); } elseif ( isset($fileinfo['id3v2']['PIC'][0]) ) { $ref = $fileinfo['id3v2']['PIC'][0]; if ( (FALSE == isset($ref['image_mime']) OR (isset($ref['image_mime']) AND empty($ref['image_mime']))) AND isset($ref['mime']) ) { $ref['image_mime'] = $ref['mime']; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - (id3v2 - PIC) '. $ref['image_mime']); } elseif ( isset($fileinfo['comments']['artwork'][0]) ) { $ref['data'] = $fileinfo['comments']['artwork'][0]; podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - (m4a comments) '. $ref['image_mime']); } elseif ( isset($fileinfo['tags']['quicktime']['artwork'][0]) ) { $ref['data'] = $fileinfo['tags']['quicktime']['artwork'][0]; podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - (m4a tags) '. $ref['image_mime']); } else { $ref['image_mime'] = 'image/png'; $ref['datalength'] = @filesize('images/powered_by_podpress.png'); $ref['data'] = @file_get_contents('images/powered_by_podpress.png'); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - (default image) '. $ref['image_mime']); } header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // some day in the past header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT', false, 200); if ( isset($ref['image_mime']) AND FALSE == empty($ref['image_mime']) ) { header('Content-type: '.$ref['image_mime']); } if ( isset($ref['datalength']) AND FALSE == empty($ref['datalength']) ) { header('Content-Length: '.$ref['datalength']); } //set_time_limit(0); echo $ref['data']; podPress_var_dump('podPress_getCoverArt - end'); } function podPress_getDuration($mediafile) { GLOBAL $podPress; if($podPress->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']) { if(substr($mediafile, 0, strlen('Podango:')) == 'Podango:') { $fileNameParts = explode(':', $mediafile); $mediafile = 'http://download.podango.com/mediatracker/555/'.$fileNameParts[3].'/'.$fileNameParts[4]; } } $allowed_ext = array('mp3', 'ogg', 'opus', 'ogv', 'avi', 'mov', 'qt', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'm4a', 'wma', 'wmv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'flv', 'swf'); $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $mediafile))); if (TRUE == in_array($ext, $allowed_ext)) { podPress_var_dump('start of the duration retrieval'); $systemFileName = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToSystemPath($mediafile); if(file_exists($systemFileName)) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_getDuration - is local file: '.$systemFileName); $uriFileName = $systemFileName; } else { $systemFileName = $podPress->TryToFindAbsFileName($mediafile); if(FALSE !== $systemFileName) { $uriFileName = $systemFileName; } else { $uriFileName = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToValidWebPath($mediafile); } } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getDuration - file: '.$uriFileName); $fileinfo = podPress_getID3tags($uriFileName, TRUE); podPress_var_dump('podPress_getDuration - playtime_string: '.$fileinfo['playtime_string']); podPress_var_dump('end of the duration retrieval'); return trim($fileinfo['playtime_string']); } else { return __('UNKNOWN', 'podpress'); } } /** * podPress_downloadFile - downloads the header a part or the whole file from a remote server (to give getID3() the chance to retrieve the ID3 information like duration etc.) * * @package podPress * @since (unknown) * * @param string $uriFileName - the URL of the media file * @param boolean $getHeaders - download only the header (TRUE) or more than that (FALSE) * @param numeric $limitDownload - file size in kb to limit the amount data which should be downloaded from a remote media file (used in podPress_getCoverArt()) * * return mixed - the full HTTP response header or the file name of the downloaded file */ function podPress_downloadFile($uriFileName, $getHeaders = false, $limitDownload = false) { GLOBAL $podPress; $max_time = podPress_get_max_execution_time(); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - time limit: '.$max_time); $safety = 2; // seconds $aborttimelimit = FALSE; $aborthttperror = FALSE; $start_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime())); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - given URL: '.$uriFileName); $uriFileName = podPress_ResolveReDirects($uriFileName); if ( FALSE === function_exists('curl_init') ) { $aURL = parse_url($uriFileName); if ( $aURL['scheme'] != 'http' ) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - returning - not a http:// URL : '.var_export($aURL, TRUE)); return; } $sHost = $aURL['host']; $sFilepath = (isset($aURL['path']) ? $aURL['path'] : '/') . (isset($aURL['query']) ? '?' . $aURL['query'] : ''); // mask white spaces in the file name $sFilepath = str_replace(' ', '%20', $sFilepath); $nPort = isset($aURL['port']) ? $aURL['port'] : 80; if ( function_exists('fsockopen') ) { $fpRemote = @fsockopen($sHost, $nPort, $errno, $errstr, 30); } else { $fpRemote = FALSE; return FALSE; } if ( TRUE === $getHeaders ) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - get only the header'); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - ' . $sHost . $sFilepath); $sHeaders = "HEAD " . $sFilepath . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Host: ". $sHost . "\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; podPress_var_dump($sHeaders); // Sending headers fwrite($fpRemote, $sHeaders); // Getting back the header information $header = ''; $line = ''; $continue = true; $soFar = 0; // Processing the server answer (header) line by line while(!feof($fpRemote) && $continue) { $line = fgets($fpRemote, 1024); $soFar = $soFar+1024; if ($limitDownload !== false && $soFar > $limitDownload) { $continue = false; } $header .= $line; } // Closing the socket fclose($fpRemote); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - (header) before return'); podPress_var_dump($header); return $header; } else { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - download the file'); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - ' . $sHost . $sFilepath); $sHeaders = "GET " . $sFilepath . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Host: ". $sHost . "\r\n"; $sHeaders .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; // Sending headers fwrite($fpRemote, $sHeaders); // determine a temp folder and temp file name $ext = podPress_getFileExt($uriFileName); $pos = strpos($ext, '?'); if($pos) { $ext = substr($ext, 0, $pos); } // Trying to write into the servers temp folder. The temp file has to have the media files extension. Because getID3 does not work without it. $localtempfilename = @tempnam('/tmp', 'getID3').'.'.$ext; if (FALSE == $localtempfilename OR '.'.$ext == $localtempfilename) { // If it is not possible to get the temp folder via tempnam() then try to write into the temp folder of podPress $podPress->checkWritableTempFileDir(); $localtempfilename = $podPress->tempfilesystempath.'/podpress_tmp.'.$ext; } if (!$fp_local = @fopen($localtempfilename, 'wb')) { // if it is not possible to open a temp file then return // Closing the socket fclose($fpRemote); return ''; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - (file) localtempfilename: '.$localtempfilename); // Getting back header + content $continue = true; $is_body = false; $soFar = 0; $line = ""; $trimmed_line = ""; $step_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime())); // Processing the server answer (header + content) line by line while( !feof($fpRemote) && $continue ) { $line = fgets($fpRemote, 1024); $soFar = $soFar+1024; // some times the answer of the remote server contains a HTTP header which should not be a part of the temp file // after the HTTP should always be a empty line which is followed by the remote file - see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4 if ($is_body) { if($limitDownload !== false && $soFar > $limitDownload) { $continue = false; } // write the content of the remote file into the temp file fwrite($fp_local, $line); } else { $trimmed_line = Trim($line); // contol the first line (chunk) of the header information if ($soFar <= 1024) { // check the HTTP status number $HTTP_result = preg_match('/HTTP\/[0-9].[0-9] ([1-5][0-9][0-9])/', $trimmed_line, $headerMatches); // If the HTTP status is not 200 then something with the filename (or URL) was not ok or something on the server was wrong. if (isset($headerMatches[1]) AND '200' != $headerMatches[1]) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - aborting - HTTP status: ' . $headerMatches[1]); $aborthttperror = TRUE; $continue = FALSE; } } if ( FALSE !== empty($trimmed_line) ) { // if the line is empty then the last line of the HTTP header of the server answer and the file content begins $is_body = true; } } $step_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime())); if (($step_time - $start_time) >= ($max_time-$safety)) { $continue = FALSE; $aborttimelimit = TRUE; podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - aborting download because of a time limit'); } } // Closing the temp file fclose($fp_local); // Closing the socket fclose($fpRemote); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - (file) before return'); // return the name of the temp file return $localtempfilename; } } else { if ( TRUE === $getHeaders ) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - curl_init is available | getHeaders = true'); return podPress_get_HTTP_header_via_cURL($uriFileName, $max_time, $safety); } else { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - curl_init is available | getHeaders = false'); // determine a temp folder and temp file name $ext = podPress_getFileExt($uriFileName); $pos = strpos($ext, '?'); if($pos) { $ext = substr($ext, 0, $pos); } // Trying to write into the servers temp folder. The temp file has to have the media files extension. Because getID3 does not work without it. $localtempfilename = @tempnam('/tmp', 'getID3').'.'.$ext; if (FALSE == $localtempfilename OR '.'.$ext == $localtempfilename) { // If it is not possible to get the temp folder via tempnam() then try to write into the temp folder of podPress $podPress->checkWritableTempFileDir(); $localtempfilename = $podPress->tempfilesystempath.'/podpress_tmp.'.$ext; } if (!$fp_local = @fopen($localtempfilename, 'wb')) { // if it is not possible to open a temp file then return podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - (file) it is not possible to open a temp file'); return ''; } podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - (file) localtempfilename: '.$localtempfilename); // starting cURL $ch = curl_init($uriFileName); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - cURL HTTP code:'); podPress_var_dump( curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) ); // make sure we get the header curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); // make it a http GET request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE); // add useragent curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13'); if ( FALSE !== $limitDownload ) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - download only that part: 0-'.$limitDownload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RANGE, '0-'.$limitDownload); } // Do not put the response into a variable. (Put it into a file.) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, FALSE); // the target file (handle) for the download curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp_local); // The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL to wait for a connection. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, min(10, $max_time-$safety)); // The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, ($max_time-$safety)); // Tell curl to stop when it encounters an error curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE); @curl_exec($ch); // If the HTTP status is not 200 then something with the filename (or URL) was not ok or something on the server was wrong. $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ( '200' != $http_code ) { podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - aborting - HTTP status: ' . $http_code); } // Check if any error occured if ( !curl_errno($ch) ) { $bytes = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); $total_time = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME); podPress_var_dump('File size: ' . $bytes . ' bytes'); podPress_var_dump('Took ' . $total_time . ' seconds to send a request to ' . $url); //clearstatcache(); } @curl_close($ch); // Closing the temp file fclose($fp_local); return $localtempfilename; } } } function podPress_getFileSize($mediafile) { GLOBAL $podPress; podPress_var_dump('start of the file size retrieval'); if($podPress->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']) { if(substr($mediafile, 0, strlen('Podango:')) == 'Podango:') { $fileNameParts = explode(':', $mediafile); $mediafile = 'http://download.podango.com/mediatracker/555/'.$fileNameParts[3].'/'.$fileNameParts[4]; } } podPress_var_dump('podPress_getFileSize - media file: '.$mediafile); $systemFileName = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToSystemPath($mediafile); if(file_exists($systemFileName)) { $filesize = filesize($systemFileName); podPress_var_dump('end of the file size retrieval - (local file) file size: '.$filesize); return $filesize; } // if it is a remote file then get the file size from the header information: $uriFileName = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToValidWebPath($mediafile); // Request only the HTTP header (second parameter is TRUE) $sRemoteHeaders = podPress_downloadFile($uriFileName, TRUE); // check the HTTP status number $HTTP_result = preg_match('/HTTP\/[0-9].[0-9] ([1-5][0-9][0-9])/', $sRemoteHeaders, $headerMatches); // If the HTTP status is not 200 then something with the filename (or URL) was not ok or something on the server was wrong. It is possible that the HTTP header contain in such cases sometimes a content-length. But if the status is not 200 then is most likely not the length of the media file. if (isset($headerMatches[1]) AND '200' != $headerMatches[1]) { podPress_var_dump('end of the file size retrieval - unable to retrieve the file size - '. $HTTP_result . ' - ' . $headerMatches[0]); return; } else { // Parsing the headers preg_match('/Content-Length:\s([0-9].+?)\s/', $sRemoteHeaders, $aMatches); if ( isset($aMatches[1]) ) { podPress_var_dump('end of the file size retrieval - file size: '.$aMatches[1]); return (int)$aMatches[1]; } else { podPress_var_dump('end of the file size retrieval - unable to retrieve the file size'); return; } } } /** * podPress_get_HTTP_header_via_cURL - returns HTTP header of a file or an empty string * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $uriFileName - the URL of the media file * @param int $max_time - max. execution time ins seconds * @param int $safety - number of seconds which should be subtracted from the $max_time value * * @return str $header - the response from the server (the HTTP header) */ function podPress_get_HTTP_header_via_cURL($uriFileName='', $max_time=10, $safety=0) { if ( FALSE === empty($uriFileName) ) { $header=''; $ch = curl_init($uriFileName); // make sure we get the header curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); // make it a http HEAD request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); // add useragent curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13'); //Tell curl to write the response to a variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); // The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL to wait for a connection. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, min(10, $max_time-$safety)); // The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, ($max_time-$safety)); // Tell curl to stop when it encounters an error curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE); $header = curl_exec($ch); podPress_var_dump('podPress_downloadFile - cURL HTTP code: ' . var_export(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), TRUE)); // Check if any error occured if ( !curl_errno($ch) ) { $bytes = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); $total_time = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME); podPress_var_dump('File size: ' . $bytes . ' bytes'); podPress_var_dump('Took ' . $total_time . ' seconds to send a request to ' . $url); //clearstatcache(); } @curl_close($ch); podPress_var_dump($header); return $header; } else { return ''; } } /** * podPress_get_max_execution_time - returns the maximal execution time of a PHP script (takes server process limits into account / only the PHP limit) * * @package podPress * @since * * @return str $max_time */ function podPress_get_max_execution_time() { // some downloads may hit time limits -> lets find out these limits, stop the process a moment before and return an error message // search for PHP time limits $max_execution_time = intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')); podPress_var_dump('podPress_get_max_execution_time - max_execution_time: '.$max_execution_time); // get the OS type on the server $hairstick = php_uname(); $is_windows = stristr( $hairstick, 'win' ); // search for CPU time limits if (FALSE === $is_windows) { @exec('ulimit -t', $output) or $output[0] = 10; $int_output = intval($output[0]); podPress_var_dump('podPress_get_max_execution_time - ulimit -t: '. $output[0].' - (int): '.$int_output); if (is_string($output[0]) AND 10 > $int_output) { $max_time = max(($safety+2), $max_execution_time); // if max_execution_time is somehow weird small } else { $max_time = min(intval($output[0]), $max_execution_time); // if the CPU limit is bigger than 10 then take the max. of the CPU limit and the max_execution_time } } else { $max_time = $max_execution_time; // on Windows systems } return $max_time; } /** * podPress_var_dump - writes a variable into a log file in the podPress folder (helper function - only for development purposes) * * @package podPress * @since 8.8.5 RC 2 * * @param mixed $var */ if ( !function_exists('podPress_var_dump') ) { function podPress_var_dump($var) { if ( defined( 'PODPRESS_DEBUG_LOG' ) AND TRUE === constant( 'PODPRESS_DEBUG_LOG' ) ) { $returnmsg = ''; // write the out put to the log file $filename = PODPRESS_DIR.'/podpress_log.dat'; if ( is_file($filename) ) { $result = @chmod($filename, 0777); if (FALSE === $result) { return sprintf(__('This PHP script has not the permission to use chmod (or chown) for the %1$s file.', 'podpress'), $filename); } if ( (filesize($filename)/1024) > 100 ) { // delete the Logfile if it is bigger than 100 kByte $result = @unlink($filename); if (FALSE === $result) { $returnmsg = sprintf(' '.__('This PHP script has not the permission to delete the %1$s file (unlink).', 'podpress'), $filename); } } } $handle = @fopen($filename, "a"); if ( FALSE !== $handle ) { //@fputs($handle, '['.date('j.m.Y - H:i:s', time()).'] '.var_export($var, TRUE)."\n"); @fputs($handle, '['.date('j.m.Y - H:i:s').'] '.var_export($var, TRUE)."\n"); $status = @fclose($handle); $returnmsg .= ''; } else { $returnmsg .= sprintf(__('This PHP script has not the permission to use create or open the %1$s file for writing (fopen).', 'podpress'), $filename); } if ( is_file($filename) ) { $result = @chmod($filename, 0644); if (FALSE === $result) { $returnmsg = sprintf(' '.__('This PHP script has not the permission to use chmod (or chown) for the %1$s file.', 'podpress'), $filename); } } return $returnmsg; } } } /** podPress_get_real_url - demasks an URL which is masked with the podPress stats scheme * @package podPress * @since beta 5 * @param mixed $url - the masked url * @param mixed $print - print (TRUE) or return the result (FALSE) * @return string - the real URL */ function podPress_get_real_url($url, $count = TRUE, $print = TRUE) { $requested = parse_url($url); $requested = $requested['path']; $realURL = 'false'; $pos = 0; if ( $pos = strpos($requested, 'podpress_trac') ) { if ( $pos == 0 ) { $pos = strpos($requested, 'podpress_trac'); } $pos = $pos+14; if ( substr($requested, $pos, 1) == '/' ) { $pos = $pos+1; } $requested = substr($requested, $pos); $parts = explode('/', $requested); if ( count($parts) == 4 ) { $postID = $parts[1]; $mediaNum = $parts[2]; $filename = rawurlencode($parts[3]); $method = $parts[0]; $allowedMethods = array('feed', 'play', 'web'); $realSysPath = false; $statID = false; if ( in_array($method, $allowedMethods) && is_numeric($postID) && is_numeric($mediaNum) ) { $mediaFiles = podPress_get_post_meta($postID, '_podPressMedia', true); if (isset($mediaFiles[$mediaNum]) ) { if ( $mediaFiles[$mediaNum]['URI'] == urldecode($filename) ) { $realURL = $filename; } elseif ( podPress_getFileName($mediaFiles[$mediaNum]['URI']) == urldecode($filename) ) { $realURL = $mediaFiles[$mediaNum]['URI']; } elseif ( podPress_getFileName($mediaFiles[$mediaNum]['URI_torrent']) == urldecode($filename) ) { $realURL = $mediaFiles[$mediaNum]['URI_torrent']; } } } if ( TRUE === $count ) { $badextensions = array('.smi', '.jpg', '.png', '.gif'); if ($filename && !in_array(strtolower(substr($filename, -4)), $badextensions)) { global $podPress; podPress_StatCounter($postID, $filename, $method); if ( $podPress->settings['statLogging'] == 'Full' || $podPress->settings['statLogging'] == 'FullPlus' ) { $statID = podPress_StatCollector($postID, $filename, $method); } } } //~ $realSysPath = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToSystemPath(str_replace('%20', ' ', $realURL)); //~ if (FALSE === $realSysPath) { //~ $realSysPath = $podPress->TryToFindAbsFileName(str_replace('%20', ' ', $realURL)); //~ } //~ $realURL = $podPress->convertPodcastFileNameToValidWebPath($realURL); //~ if ($podPress->settings['enable3rdPartyStats'] == 'PodTrac') { //~ $realURL = str_replace(array('ftp://', 'http://', 'https://'), '', $realURL); //~ $realURL = $podPress->podtrac_url.$realURL; //~ } elseif( strtolower($podPress->settings['enable3rdPartyStats']) == 'blubrry' && !empty($podPress->settings['statBluBrryProgramKeyword'])) { //~ $realURL = str_replace('http://', '', $realURL); //~ $realURL = $podPress->blubrry_url.$podPress->settings['statBluBrryProgramKeyword'].'/'.$realURL; //~ } } } if ( TRUE === $print ) { echo $realURL; } else { return $realURL; } } /** * podpress_showadminmessage - prints the upgrade message * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $message - the text of the message * @param bool $errormsg (optional) - if true then use the error message scheme */ function podpress_showmessage($message, $errormsg = FALSE) { if ($errormsg) { echo '<div id="message" class="error">'; } else { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">'; } echo '<p>'.$message.'</p></div>'; } /** * podpress_showadminmessages_onupgrade - shows messages in the admin area after anplugin upgrade has happened * * @package podPress * @since */ function podpress_showadminmessages_onupgrade() { Global $podPress; // show to the message only to those who can administer the podPress settings if (current_user_can($podPress->requiredadminrights)) { $upgrade_status = get_option('_podPress_upgrade'); if ( is_array($upgrade_status) ) { $i = 0; $visible_messages = Array(); foreach ($upgrade_status AS $message) { $i++; if ( isset($message['msg']) AND FALSE === empty($message['msg']) AND (FALSE === is_array($message['condition']) OR (TRUE === is_array($message['condition']) AND isset($podPress->settings[$message['condition']['key']]) AND $message['condition']['value'] === $podPress->settings[$message['condition']['key']])) ) { if ( empty($visible_messages) OR FALSE === in_array($message['msg'], $visible_messages) ) { $visible_messages[] = $message['msg']; if ( isset($message['msgtype']) AND 'error' === $message['msgtype'] ) { // use the error frame for the message (red) podpress_showmessage($message['msg'], TRUE); } else { // use the default frame for the message (yellow) podpress_showmessage($message['msg']); } } } } } } } /** * podpress_delete_upgrade_status - deletes a certain upgrade status (message and action). All status actions and message are in an array in the option '_podPress_upgrade' * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $status_key - each value of the '_podPress_upgrade' array is an array with an 'action' and a 'msg'. The $status_key is the value (the name) of 'action'. * * @return bool */ function podpress_delete_upgrade_status($status_key = '') { if ( FALSE === empty($status_key) ) { $upgrade_status = get_option('_podPress_upgrade'); // $upgrade_status has this structure: array(0 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...'), 1 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...'), ...); if ( is_array($upgrade_status) ) { $new_upgrade_status = Array(); foreach ($upgrade_status as $status) { if ( isset($status['action']) AND $status_key != $status['action'] ) { $new_upgrade_status[] = $status; } } // if there is no further upgrade_status then delete the whole option if ( FALSE === empty($new_upgrade_status) ) { return update_option('_podPress_upgrade', $new_upgrade_status); } else { return delete_option('_podPress_upgrade'); } } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } /** * podpress_isset_upgrade_status - check whether there is a certain action in the option '_podPress_upgrade' * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $status_key - each value of the '_podPress_upgrade' array is an array with an 'action' and a 'msg'. The $status_key is the value (the name) of 'action'. * * @return bool */ function podpress_isset_upgrade_status($status_key = '') { if ( FALSE === empty($status_key) ) { $upgrade_status = get_option('_podPress_upgrade'); // $upgrade_status has this structure: array(0 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), 1 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), ...); if ( is_array($upgrade_status) ) { GLOBAL $podPress; $action_exists = FALSE; foreach ($upgrade_status as $status) { if ( isset($status['action']) AND $status_key == $status['action'] AND (FALSE === is_array($status['condition']) OR (TRUE === is_array($status['condition']) AND isset($podPress->settings[$status['condition']['key']]) AND $status['condition']['value'] === $podPress->settings[$status['condition']['key']])) ) { $action_exists = TRUE; break; } } return $action_exists; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } /** * podpress_add_upgrade_status - adds a certain action in the option '_podPress_upgrade' * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $status_key - each value of the '_podPress_upgrade' array is an array with an 'action' and a 'msg'. The $status_key is the value (the name) of 'action'. * @param str $msg - the message which should be displayed on the admin pages * @param str $msgtype - type of the message; is used to determine the style of the frame and the text of message * @param array $condition - condition under which the message should be displayed (e.g. only while the statistic feature is enabled). It has to be an array with structure Array('key' => '...', 'value' => '...',) or maybe FALSE. The condition is only to check against podPress_config values. key should be a key in podPress_config ($podPress) and value the value you want to check. * * @return bool */ function podpress_add_upgrade_status($status_key = '', $msg = '', $msgtype = '', $condition = FALSE) { if ( FALSE === empty($status_key) AND FALSE === empty($msg) ) { if ( empty($msgtype) ) { $msgtype = 'warning'; } $upgrade_status = get_option('_podPress_upgrade'); // $upgrade_status has this structure: array(0 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), 1 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), ...); if ( is_array($upgrade_status) ) { $action_exists = FALSE; $i = 0; foreach ($upgrade_status as $status) { if ( isset($status['action']) AND $status_key == $status['action'] ) { $action_exists = TRUE; break; } $i++; } if ( FALSE === $action_exists ) { if ( isset($condition['key']) AND isset($condition['value']) AND FALSE === empty($condition['key']) ) { $upgrade_status[] = Array('action' => $status_key, 'msg' => $msg, 'msgtype' => $msgtype, 'condition' => Array('key' => $condition['key'], 'value' => $condition['value'])); } else { $upgrade_status[] = Array('action' => $status_key, 'msg' => $msg, 'msgtype' => $msgtype); } $result = update_option( '_podPress_upgrade', $upgrade_status ); return $result; } else { return FALSE; } } else { if ( isset($condition['key']) AND isset($condition['value']) AND FALSE === empty($condition['key']) ) { $upgrade_status[] = Array('action' => $status_key, 'msg' => $msg, 'msgtype' => $msgtype, 'condition' => Array('key' => $condition['key'], 'value' => $condition['value'])); } else { $upgrade_status[] = Array('action' => $status_key, 'msg' => $msg, 'msgtype' => $msgtype); } $result = update_option( '_podPress_upgrade', $upgrade_status ); return $result; } } else { return FALSE; } } /** * podpress_get_upgrade_status - returns the data of a certain upgrade status * * @package podPress * @since * * @param str $status_key - each value of the '_podPress_upgrade' array is an array with an 'action' and a 'msg'. The $status_key is the value (the name) of 'action'. * * @return misc - bool or array */ function podpress_get_upgrade_status($status_key = '') { if ( FALSE === empty($status_key) ) { $upgrade_status = get_option('_podPress_upgrade'); // $upgrade_status has this structure: array(0 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), 1 => array('action' => '...', 'msg' => '...', 'condition' => Array() ), ...); if ( is_array($upgrade_status) ) { $action_exists = FALSE; $i = 0; foreach ($upgrade_status as $status) { if ( isset($status['action']) AND $status_key == $status['action'] ) { $action_exists = TRUE; break; } $i++; } return $upgrade_status[($i)]; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } ?>