File: Changelog.txt
2015-04-04 12:13 donncha * readme.txt: Updated changelog 2015-04-04 12:12 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php: Make sure we log the actual message in the debug log. 2015-04-04 12:00 donncha * Changelog.txt: Updated changelog 2015-04-04 11:55 donncha * readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Bump version to 1.4.4 and update changelog 2015-04-04 11:47 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php, wp-cache-phase2.php: Don't use print_r to view GET variables as it causes a fatal PHP error in the output buffer handler. Props webaware https://wordpress.org/support/topic/print_r-debug-messages-break-pages-with-query-args?replies=2 2015-04-03 16:51 donncha * Changelog.txt: Updated changelog 2015-04-03 16:44 donncha * readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Bump version to 1.4.3, update changelog, and add link to GIT repo. 2015-04-03 15:37 donncha * wp-cache.php: Escape the contents of the cache list to avoid surprises. Props Marc Montpas from Sucuri. 2014-12-18 10:55 jeherve * readme.txt: Bump testing to 4.1 2014-10-10 14:07 kraftbj * plugins/jetpack.php, wp-cache-phase1.php, wp-cache-phase2.php, wp-cache.php: Removing variable checks since wp_cache_debug does it already. Ref: https://github.com/Automattic/wp-super-cache/pull/15 2014-10-10 14:06 kraftbj * readme.txt: Catch up to SVN 2014-10-10 14:06 kraftbj * readme.txt: Add Jetpack to mobile FAQ. 2014-09-04 14:16 kraftbj * readme.txt: Bumped testing to 4.0 2014-08-11 19:06 donncha * plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php: Because without a h we'd have time keeping. Fixed a typo. 2014-08-11 18:44 donncha * plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php: Added cronology of a request 2014-08-11 18:22 donncha * plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php: Fixed the safety function in the first example test function 2014-08-08 16:27 donncha * Changelog.txt, readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Bump version to 1.4.2 and update changelog 2014-08-08 13:07 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php: Just in case the local modified time of a file is 0, disable the "last modified time" check. 2014-08-08 11:32 donncha * plugins/domain-mapping.php: Check if HTTPS exists before checking it's value to avoid warnings 2014-08-08 11:24 donncha * wp-cache.php: Replace wpdb->escape with esc_sql() as it's deprecated. 2014-08-08 11:21 donncha * wp-cache-phase2.php: Make sure $wp_cache_no_cache_for_get, $wp_cache_object_cache, $wp_cache_request_uri are visible to the OB callback to avoid warnings and fix functionality 2014-08-07 14:00 donncha * Changelog.txt, readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Updated changelog, documentation, bumped version number to 1.4.1 and tested version. 2014-08-07 12:45 donncha * wp-cache.php: Removed author information 2014-08-06 12:41 kraftbj * plugins/awaitingmoderation.php, plugins/badbehaviour.php, plugins/domain-mapping.php, plugins/jetpack.php, plugins/searchengine.php, plugins/wptouch.php, wp-cache.php: PR #13: Added .button-primary and .button-secondary classes to and removed »'s from buttons throughout the admin for consistency. Ref: https://github.com/Automattic/wp-super-cache/pull/13 Props: rcowles 2014-08-05 20:00 kraftbj * ossdl-cdn.php, readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Fix bad merge. 2014-08-05 19:56 kraftbj * readme.txt: Add Jetpack to mobile FAQ. 2014-08-05 19:56 kraftbj * wp-cache.php: Remove CDN Sync Tools. No longer in WP.org repo 2014-08-05 19:55 kraftbj * ossdl-cdn.php, readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Update wordpress.org/extend URLs 2014-08-05 12:42 donncha * wp-cache.php: Fix to avoid an XSS in the settings page. Props Simon Waters, Surevine Limited. 2014-08-04 22:04 kraftbj * ossdl-cdn.php: Remove reference to CDN Sync. Plugin no longer in repo. 2014-07-31 21:09 kraftbj * readme.txt: Add Jetpack to mobile FAQ. 2014-07-31 21:09 kraftbj * wp-cache.php: Remove CDN Sync Tools. No longer in WP.org repo 2014-07-31 21:08 kraftbj * ossdl-cdn.php, readme.txt, wp-cache-phase1.php, wp-cache.php: Update wordpress.org/extend URLs 2014-07-31 21:08 kraftbj * plugins/awaitingmoderation.php, plugins/badbehaviour.php, plugins/domain-mapping.php, plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php, plugins/jetpack.php, plugins/searchengine.php, plugins/wptouch.php: Trim whitespace 2014-07-31 21:07 kraftbj * wp-cache-config-sample.php, wp-cache-phase1.php, wp-cache.php: Trim whitespace 2014-07-31 21:06 kraftbj * wp-cache.php: Admin: Add clear to h3 to pretify Recommended Links title 2014-07-31 20:51 donncha * wp-cache-phase2.php: Make sure these are global so the function knows about them. Props JoHenton and richardmtl http://wordpress.org/support/topic/notices-appearing-above-site-pages-how-do-i-get-rid-of-them?replies=2 2014-04-17 16:21 donncha * readme.txt: Bump tested version to 3.9 2014-03-11 17:58 donncha * wp-cache.php: Fix undefined variables warnings. Ref: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-super-cache-lot-of-undefined-variables-and-couple-of-warnings?replies=4 2014-03-07 18:00 donncha * plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php: Better comments and rearrange example scripts 2014-03-05 12:37 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php: HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE isn't always defined, so check first. http://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-index-http_if_modified_since?replies=1 2014-03-05 11:54 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php, wp-cache-phase2.php: Don't check "do not cache" conditions until after page buffer has been filled. Ref: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-dynamic-cache-tags-are-not-replaced-because-of-wp_cache_phase2-conditions 2014-03-04 17:26 donncha * wp-cache-phase2.php: Added the function wp_cache_maybe_dynamic() to run buffer through the dynamic cache filter if callback returned early. Ref: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-dynamic-cache-tags-are-not-replaced-because-of-wp_cache_phase2-conditions?replies=1 2014-03-04 16:27 donncha * wp-cache-phase1.php: Hide any warnings from this opendir() as it somehow fails occasionally. 2014-02-25 17:48 donncha * wp-cache.php: Clear the cache for the current blog only, don't want to mess with other multisite blogs 2014-02-25 16:24 donncha * readme.txt: Bump tested version to current WP version 2013-11-29 15:34 donncha * wp-cache-phase2.php: Check that $post is an object as this function is used for more than just post changes. http://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-switching-themes?replies=2 2013-11-12 09:55 donncha * advanced-cache.php: Don't show the "advanced-cache.php warning" when the plugin isn't loaded, props RobertHarm, http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-super-cache-breaks-leaflet-maps-marker-plugin 2013-10-25 14:37 donncha * wp-cache.php: Define $disable_supercache_htaccess_warning if not set to avoid PHP warnings, ref: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/just-a-few-notices-non-critical?replies=1, props @mattV 2013-10-25 14:33 donncha * wp-cache-base.php: Avoid a PHP warning if $base is not set. Ref: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/just-a-few-notices-non-critical?replies=1 2013-10-25 09:29 donncha * wp-cache.php: Only display the WPCACHEHOME warning if WP_CACHE is defined and true. Warning won't show until settings page loaded that WP_CACHE added to wp-config.php 2013-10-24 11:23 donncha * wp-cache.php: Add trailing slashes to the admin bar path, to fix the path when no trailing slash is used. Props @gonperesgmailcom http://wordpress.org/support/topic/fixed-delete-individual-pages-from-cache?replies=2 2013-10-23 10:56 donncha * readme.txt, wp-cache.php: Bump version to 1.4 and tested version to 3.6.1