File: sitemap-core.php
<?php /* $Id: sitemap-core.php 935247 2014-06-19 17:13:03Z arnee $ */ //Enable for dev! Good code doesn't generate any notices... //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set("display_errors", 1); /** * Represents the status (successes and failures) of a ping process * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0b5 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus { /** * @var float $_startTime The start time of the building process */ private $startTime = 0; /** * @var float $_endTime The end time of the building process */ private $endTime = 0; /** * @var array Holding an array with the results and information of the last ping */ private $pingResults = array(); /** * @var bool If the status should be saved to the database automatically */ private $autoSave = true; /** * Constructs a new status ued for saving the ping results */ public function __construct($autoSave = true) { $this->startTime = microtime(true); $this->autoSave = $autoSave; if($autoSave) { $exists = get_option("sm_status"); if ($exists === false) add_option("sm_status", "", null, "no"); $this->Save(); } } /** * Saves the status back to the database */ public function Save() { update_option("sm_status", $this); } /** * Returns the last saved status object or null * * @return GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus */ public static function Load() { $status = @get_option("sm_status"); if(is_a($status, "GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus")) { return $status; } else return null; } /** * Ends the ping process */ public function End() { $this->endTime = microtime(true); if($this->autoSave) $this->Save(); } /** * Returns the duration of the ping process * @return int */ public function GetDuration() { return round($this->endTime - $this->startTime, 2); } /** * Returns the time when the pings were started * @return int */ public function GetStartTime() { return round($this->startTime, 2); } /** * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @param $url string The URL to ping * @param $name string The display name of the service * @return void */ public function StartPing($service, $url, $name = null) { $this->pingResults[$service] = array( 'startTime' => microtime(true), 'endTime' => 0, 'success' => false, 'url' => $url, 'name' => $name ? $name : $service ); if($this->autoSave) $this->Save(); } /** * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @param $success boolean If the ping was successful * @return void */ public function EndPing($service, $success) { $this->pingResults[$service]['endTime'] = microtime(true); $this->pingResults[$service]['success'] = $success; if($this->autoSave) $this->Save(); } /** * Returns the duration of the last ping of a specific ping service * * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @return float */ public function GetPingDuration($service) { $res = $this->pingResults[$service]; return round($res['endTime'] - $res['startTime'], 2); } /** * Returns the last result for a specific ping service * * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @return array */ public function GetPingResult($service) { return $this->pingResults[$service]['success']; } /** * Returns the URL for a specific ping service * * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @return array */ public function GetPingUrl($service) { return $this->pingResults[$service]['url']; } /** * Returns the name for a specific ping service * * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @return array */ public function GetServiceName($service) { return $this->pingResults[$service]['name']; } /** * Returns if a service was used in the last ping * * @param $service string The internal name of the ping service * @return bool */ public function UsedPingService($service) { return array_key_exists($service, $this->pingResults); } /** * Returns the services which were used in the last ping * * @return array */ public function GetUsedPingServices() { return array_keys($this->pingResults); } } /** * Represents an item in the page list * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage { /** * @var string $_url Sets the URL or the relative path to the blog dir of the page */ public $_url; /** * @var float $_priority Sets the priority of this page */ public $_priority; /** * @var string $_changeFreq Sets the chanfe frequency of the page. I want Enums! */ public $_changeFreq; /** * @var int $_lastMod Sets the lastMod date as a UNIX timestamp. */ public $_lastMod; /** * @var int $_postID Sets the post ID in case this item is a WordPress post or page */ public $_postID; /** * Initialize a new page object * * @since 3.0 * @param string $url The URL or path of the file * @param float $priority The Priority of the page 0.0 to 1.0 * @param string $changeFreq The change frequency like daily, hourly, weekly * @param int $lastMod The last mod date as a unix timestamp * @param int $postID The post ID of this page * @return GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage * */ public function __construct($url = "", $priority = 0.0, $changeFreq = "never", $lastMod = 0, $postID = 0) { $this->SetUrl($url); $this->SetProprity($priority); $this->SetChangeFreq($changeFreq); $this->SetLastMod($lastMod); $this->SetPostID($postID); } /** * Returns the URL of the page * * @return string The URL */ public function GetUrl() { return $this->_url; } /** * Sets the URL of the page * * @param string $url The new URL */ public function SetUrl($url) { $this->_url = (string) $url; } /** * Returns the priority of this page * * @return float the priority, from 0.0 to 1.0 */ public function GetPriority() { return $this->_priority; } /** * Sets the priority of the page * * @param float $priority The new priority from 0.1 to 1.0 */ public function SetProprity($priority) { $this->_priority = floatval($priority); } /** * Returns the change frequency of the page * * @return string The change frequncy like hourly, weekly, monthly etc. */ public function GetChangeFreq() { return $this->_changeFreq; } /** * Sets the change frequency of the page * * @param string $changeFreq The new change frequency */ public function SetChangeFreq($changeFreq) { $this->_changeFreq = (string) $changeFreq; } /** * Returns the last mod of the page * * @return int The lastmod value in seconds */ public function GetLastMod() { return $this->_lastMod; } /** * Sets the last mod of the page * * @param int $lastMod The lastmod of the page */ public function SetLastMod($lastMod) { $this->_lastMod = intval($lastMod); } /** * Returns the ID of the post * * @return int The post ID */ public function GetPostID() { return $this->_postID; } /** * Sets the ID of the post * * @param int $postID The new ID */ public function SetPostID($postID) { $this->_postID = intval($postID); } public function Render() { if($this->_url == "/" || empty($this->_url)) return ''; $r = ""; $r .= "\t<url>\n"; $r .= "\t\t<loc>" . $this->EscapeXML($this->_url) . "</loc>\n"; if($this->_lastMod > 0) $r .= "\t\t<lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00', $this->_lastMod) . "</lastmod>\n"; if(!empty($this->_changeFreq)) $r .= "\t\t<changefreq>" . $this->_changeFreq . "</changefreq>\n"; if($this->_priority !== false && $this->_priority !== "") $r .= "\t\t<priority>" . number_format($this->_priority, 1) . "</priority>\n"; $r .= "\t</url>\n"; return $r; } protected function EscapeXML($string) { return str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'), $string); } } /** * Represents an XML entry, like definitions * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry { protected $_xml; public function __construct($xml) { $this->_xml = $xml; } public function Render() { return $this->_xml; } } /** * Represents an comment * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry extends GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry { public function Render() { return "<!-- " . $this->_xml . " -->\n"; } } /** * Represents an item in the sitemap * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorSitemapEntry { /** * @var string $_url Sets the URL or the relative path to the blog dir of the page */ protected $_url; /** * @var int $_lastMod Sets the lastMod date as a UNIX timestamp. */ protected $_lastMod; /** * Returns the URL of the page * * @return string The URL */ public function GetUrl() { return $this->_url; } /** * Sets the URL of the page * * @param string $url The new URL */ public function SetUrl($url) { $this->_url = (string) $url; } /** * Returns the last mod of the page * * @return int The lastmod value in seconds */ public function GetLastMod() { return $this->_lastMod; } /** * Sets the last mod of the page * * @param int $lastMod The lastmod of the page */ public function SetLastMod($lastMod) { $this->_lastMod = intval($lastMod); } public function __construct($url = "", $lastMod = 0) { $this->SetUrl($url); $this->SetLastMod($lastMod); } public function Render() { if($this->_url == "/" || empty($this->_url)) return ''; $r = ""; $r .= "\t<sitemap>\n"; $r .= "\t\t<loc>" . $this->EscapeXML($this->_url) . "</loc>\n"; if($this->_lastMod > 0) $r .= "\t\t<lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00', $this->_lastMod) . "</lastmod>\n"; $r .= "\t</sitemap>\n"; return $r; } protected function EscapeXML($string) { return str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'), $string); } } /** * Interface for all priority providers * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ interface GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * Initializes a new priority provider * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 */ function __construct($totalComments, $totalPosts); /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated name */ static function GetName(); /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated description */ static function GetDescription(); /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @return int The calculated priority */ function GetPostPriority($postID, $commentCount); } /** * Priority Provider which calculates the priority based on the number of comments * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider implements GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of comments of all posts */ protected $_totalComments = 0; /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of posts */ protected $_totalPosts = 0; /** * Initializes a new priority provider * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 */ public function __construct($totalComments, $totalPosts) { $this->_totalComments = $totalComments; $this->_totalPosts = $totalPosts; } /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated name */ public static function GetName() { return __("Comment Count", 'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated description */ public static function GetDescription() { return __("Uses the number of comments of the post to calculate the priority", 'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @return int The calculated priority */ public function GetPostPriority($postID, $commentCount) { if($this->_totalComments > 0 && $commentCount > 0) { return round(($commentCount * 100 / $this->_totalComments) / 100, 1); } else { return 0; } } } /** * Priority Provider which calculates the priority based on the average number of comments * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByAverageProvider implements GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of comments of all posts */ protected $_totalComments = 0; /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of posts */ protected $_totalPosts = 0; /** * @var int $_average The average number of comments per post */ protected $_average = 0.0; /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated name */ public static function GetName() { return __("Comment Average", 'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @return string The translated description */ public static function GetDescription() { return __("Uses the average comment count to calculate the priority", 'sitemap'); } /** * Initializes a new priority provider which calculates the post priority based on the average number of comments * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 */ public function __construct($totalComments, $totalPosts) { $this->_totalComments = $totalComments; $this->_totalPosts = $totalPosts; if($this->_totalComments > 0 && $this->_totalPosts > 0) { $this->_average = (double) $this->_totalComments / $this->_totalPosts; } } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @return int The calculated priority */ public function GetPostPriority($postID, $commentCount) { //Do not divide by zero! if($this->_average == 0) { if($commentCount > 0) $priority = 1; else $priority = 0; } else { $priority = $commentCount / $this->_average; if($priority > 1) $priority = 1; else if($priority < 0) $priority = 0; } return round($priority, 1); } } /** * Class to generate a sitemaps.org Sitemaps compliant sitemap of a WordPress blog. * * @package sitemap * @author Arne Brachhold * @since 3.0 */ final class GoogleSitemapGenerator { /** * @var array The unserialized array with the stored options */ private $options = array(); /** * @var array The saved additional pages */ private $pages = array(); /** * @var array The values and names of the change frequencies */ private $freqNames = array(); /** * @var array A list of class names which my be called for priority calculation */ private $prioProviders = array(); /** * @var bool True if init complete (options loaded etc) */ private $isInitiated = false; /** * @var bool Defines if the sitemap building process is active at the moment */ private $isActive = false; /** * @var array Holds options like output format and compression for the current request */ private $buildOptions = array(); /** * Holds the user interface object * * @since 3.1.1 * @var GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI */ private $ui = null; /** * Defines if the simulation mode is on. In this case, data is not echoed but saved instead. * @var boolean */ private $simMode = false; /** * Holds the data if simulation mode is on * @var array */ private $simData = array("sitemaps" => array(), "content" => array()); /** * @var bool Defines if the options have been loaded */ private $optionsLoaded = false; /*************************************** CONSTRUCTION AND INITIALIZING ***************************************/ /** * Initializes a new Google Sitemap Generator * * @since 4.0 */ private function __construct() { } /** * Returns the instance of the Sitemap Generator * * @since 3.0 * @return GoogleSitemapGenerator The instance or null if not available. */ public static function GetInstance() { if(isset($GLOBALS["sm_instance"])) { return $GLOBALS["sm_instance"]; } else return null; } /** * Enables the Google Sitemap Generator and registers the WordPress hooks * * @since 3.0 */ public static function Enable() { if(!isset($GLOBALS["sm_instance"])) { $GLOBALS["sm_instance"] = new GoogleSitemapGenerator(); } } /** * Loads up the configuration and validates the prioity providers * * This method is only called if the sitemaps needs to be build or the admin page is displayed. * * @since 3.0 */ public function Initate() { if(!$this->isInitiated) { load_plugin_textdomain('sitemap',false,dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang'); $this->freqNames = array( "always" => __("Always", "sitemap"), "hourly" => __("Hourly", "sitemap"), "daily" => __("Daily", "sitemap"), "weekly" => __("Weekly", "sitemap"), "monthly" => __("Monthly", "sitemap"), "yearly" => __("Yearly", "sitemap"), "never" => __("Never", "sitemap") ); $this->LoadOptions(); $this->LoadPages(); //Register our own priority providers add_filter("sm_add_prio_provider", array($this, 'AddDefaultPrioProviders')); //Let other plugins register their providers $r = apply_filters("sm_add_prio_provider", $this->prioProviders); //Check if no plugin return null if($r != null) $this->prioProviders = $r; $this->ValidatePrioProviders(); $this->isInitiated = true; } } /*************************************** VERSION AND LINK HELPERS ***************************************/ /** * Returns the version of the generator * * @since 3.0 * @return int The version */ public static function GetVersion() { return GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetVersion(); } /** * Returns the SVN version of the generator * * @since 4.0 * @return string The SVN version string */ public static function GetSvnVersion() { return GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetSvnVersion(); } /** * Returns a link pointing to a specific page of the authors website * * @since 3.0 * @param $redir string The to link to * @return string The full url */ public static function GetRedirectLink($redir) { return trailingslashit("http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/" . $redir); } /** * Returns a link pointing back to the plugin page in WordPress * * @since 3.0 * @return string The full url */ public static function GetBackLink() { global $wp_version; $url = admin_url("options-general.php?page=" . GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetBaseName()); return $url; } /** * Converts a mysql datetime value into a unix timestamp * @param $mysqlDateTime string The timestamp in the mysql datetime format * @return int The time in seconds */ public static function GetTimestampFromMySql($mysqlDateTime) { list($date, $hours) = explode(' ', $mysqlDateTime); list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date); list($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $hours); return mktime(intval($hour), intval($min), intval($sec), intval($month), intval($day), intval($year)); } /*************************************** SIMPLE GETTERS ***************************************/ /** * Returns the names for the frequency values * @return array */ public function GetFreqNames() { return $this->freqNames; } /** * Returns if the blog is running in multi site mode * @since 4.0 * @return bool */ public function IsMultiSite() { return (function_exists("is_multisite") && is_multisite()); } /** * Returns if the sitemap building process is currently active * * @since 3.0 * @return bool true if active */ public function IsActive() { $inst = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); return ($inst != null && $inst->isActive); } /** * Returns if the compressed sitemap was activated * * @since 3.0b8 * @return true if compressed */ public function IsGzipEnabled() { return (function_exists("gzwrite") && $this->GetOption('b_autozip')); } /** * Returns if the XML Dom and XSLT functions are enabled * * @since 4.0b1 * @return true if compressed */ public function IsXslEnabled() { return (class_exists("DomDocument") && class_exists("XSLTProcessor")); } /** * Returns if Nginx is used as the server software * @since 4.0.3 * * @return bool */ function IsNginx() { if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) && stristr( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx' ) !== false ) { return true; } return false; } /*************************************** TAXONOMIES AND CUSTOM POST TYPES ***************************************/ /** * Returns if this version of WordPress supports the new taxonomy system * * @since 3.0b8 * @return true if supported */ public function IsTaxonomySupported() { return (function_exists("get_taxonomy") && function_exists("get_terms") && function_exists("get_taxonomies")); } /** * Returns the list of custom taxonomies. These are basically all taxonomies without categories and post tags * * @since 3.1.7 * @return array Array of names of user-defined taxonomies */ public function GetCustomTaxonomies() { $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array("public" => 1)); return array_diff($taxonomies, array("category", "post_tag", "nav_menu", "link_category", "post_format")); } /** * Returns if this version of WordPress supports custom post types * * @since 3.2.5 * @return true if supported */ public function IsCustomPostTypesSupported() { return (function_exists("get_post_types") && function_exists("register_post_type")); } /** * Returns the list of custom post types. These are all custom post types except post, page and attachment * * @since 3.2.5 * @return array Array of custom post types as per get_post_types */ public function GetCustomPostTypes() { $post_types = get_post_types(array("public" => 1)); $post_types = array_diff($post_types, array("post", "page", "attachment")); return $post_types; } /** * Returns the list of active post types, built-in and custom ones. * * @since 4.0b5 * @return array Array of custom post types as per get_post_types */ public function GetActivePostTypes() { $cacheKey = __CLASS__ . "::GetActivePostTypes"; $activePostTypes = wp_cache_get($cacheKey,'sitemap'); if($activePostTypes === false) { $allPostTypes = get_post_types(); $enabledPostTypes = $this->GetOption('in_customtypes'); if($this->GetOption("in_posts")) $enabledPostTypes[] = "post"; if($this->GetOption("in_pages")) $enabledPostTypes[] = "page"; $activePostTypes = array(); foreach($enabledPostTypes AS $postType) { if(!empty($postType) && in_array($postType, $allPostTypes)) { $activePostTypes[] = $postType; } } wp_cache_set($cacheKey, $activePostTypes, 'sitemap', 20); } return $activePostTypes; } /** * Returns an array with all excluded post IDs * * @since 4.0b11 * @return int[] Array with excluded post IDs */ public function GetExcludedPostIDs() { $excludes = (array)$this->GetOption('b_exclude'); //Exclude front page page if defined if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page' && get_option('page_on_front')) { $excludes[] = get_option('page_on_front'); return $excludes; } return array_filter(array_map('intval',$excludes),array($this,'IsGreaterZero')); } /** * Returns an array with all excluded category IDs. * * @since 4.0b11 * @return int[] Array with excluded category IDs */ public function GetExcludedCategoryIDs() { $exclCats = (array)$this->GetOption("b_exclude_cats"); return array_filter(array_map('intval',$exclCats),array($this,'IsGreaterZero')); } /*************************************** PRIORITY PROVIDERS ***************************************/ /** * Returns the list of PriorityProviders * @return array */ public function GetPrioProviders() { return $this->prioProviders; } /** * Adds the default Priority Providers to the provider list * * @since 3.0 * @param $providers * @return array */ public function AddDefaultPrioProviders($providers) { array_push($providers, "GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider"); array_push($providers, "GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByAverageProvider"); if(class_exists("ak_popularity_contest")) { array_push($providers, "GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByPopularityContestProvider"); } return $providers; } /** * Validates all given Priority Providers by checking them for required methods and existence * * @since 3.0 */ private function ValidatePrioProviders() { $validProviders = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->prioProviders); $i++) { if(class_exists($this->prioProviders[$i])) { if(class_implements($this->prioProviders[$i], "GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase")) { array_push($validProviders, $this->prioProviders[$i]); } } } $this->prioProviders = $validProviders; if(!$this->GetOption("b_prio_provider")) { if(!in_array($this->GetOption("b_prio_provider"), $this->prioProviders, true)) { $this->SetOption("b_prio_provider", ""); } } } /*************************************** COMMENT HANDLING FOR PRIO. PROVIDERS ***************************************/ /** * Retrieves the number of comments of a post in a asso. array * The key is the postID, the value the number of comments * * @since 3.0 * @return array An array with postIDs and their comment count */ public function GetComments() { /** @var $wpdb wpdb */ global $wpdb; $comments = array(); //Query comments and add them into the array $commentRes = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `comment_post_ID` as `post_id`, COUNT(comment_ID) as `comment_count` FROM `" . $wpdb->comments . "` WHERE `comment_approved`='1' GROUP BY `comment_post_ID`"); if($commentRes) { foreach($commentRes as $comment) { $comments[$comment->post_id] = $comment->comment_count; } } return $comments; } /** * Calculates the full number of comments from an sm_getComments() generated array * * @since 3.0 * @param $comments array The Array with posts and c0mment count * @see sm_getComments * @return int The full number of comments */ public function GetCommentCount($comments) { $commentCount = 0; foreach($comments AS $k => $v) { $commentCount += $v; } return $commentCount; } /*************************************** OPTION HANDLING ***************************************/ /** * Sets up the default configuration * * @since 3.0 */ public function InitOptions() { $this->options = array(); $this->options["sm_b_prio_provider"] = "GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider"; //Provider for automatic priority calculation $this->options["sm_b_ping"] = true; //Auto ping Google $this->options["sm_b_stats"] = false; //Send anonymous stats $this->options["sm_b_pingmsn"] = true; //Auto ping MSN $this->options["sm_b_autozip"] = true; //Try to gzip the output $this->options["sm_b_memory"] = ''; //Set Memory Limit (e.g. 16M) $this->options["sm_b_time"] = -1; //Set time limit in seconds, 0 for unlimited, -1 for disabled $this->options["sm_b_style_default"] = true; //Use default style $this->options["sm_b_style"] = ''; //Include a stylesheet in the XML $this->options["sm_b_baseurl"] = ''; //The base URL of the sitemap $this->options["sm_b_robots"] = true; //Add sitemap location to WordPress' virtual robots.txt file $this->options["sm_b_html"] = true; //Include a link to a html version of the sitemap in the XML sitemap $this->options["sm_b_exclude"] = array(); //List of post / page IDs to exclude $this->options["sm_b_exclude_cats"] = array(); //List of post / page IDs to exclude $this->options["sm_in_home"] = true; //Include homepage $this->options["sm_in_posts"] = true; //Include posts $this->options["sm_in_posts_sub"] = false; //Include post pages (<!--nextpage--> tag) $this->options["sm_in_pages"] = true; //Include static pages $this->options["sm_in_cats"] = false; //Include categories $this->options["sm_in_arch"] = false; //Include archives $this->options["sm_in_auth"] = false; //Include author pages $this->options["sm_in_tags"] = false; //Include tag pages $this->options["sm_in_tax"] = array(); //Include additional taxonomies $this->options["sm_in_customtypes"] = array(); //Include custom post types $this->options["sm_in_lastmod"] = true; //Include the last modification date $this->options["sm_cf_home"] = "daily"; //Change frequency of the homepage $this->options["sm_cf_posts"] = "monthly"; //Change frequency of posts $this->options["sm_cf_pages"] = "weekly"; //Change frequency of static pages $this->options["sm_cf_cats"] = "weekly"; //Change frequency of categories $this->options["sm_cf_auth"] = "weekly"; //Change frequency of author pages $this->options["sm_cf_arch_curr"] = "daily"; //Change frequency of the current archive (this month) $this->options["sm_cf_arch_old"] = "yearly"; //Change frequency of older archives $this->options["sm_cf_tags"] = "weekly"; //Change frequency of tags $this->options["sm_pr_home"] = 1.0; //Priority of the homepage $this->options["sm_pr_posts"] = 0.6; //Priority of posts (if auto prio is disabled) $this->options["sm_pr_posts_min"] = 0.2; //Minimum Priority of posts, even if autocalc is enabled $this->options["sm_pr_pages"] = 0.6; //Priority of static pages $this->options["sm_pr_cats"] = 0.3; //Priority of categories $this->options["sm_pr_arch"] = 0.3; //Priority of archives $this->options["sm_pr_auth"] = 0.3; //Priority of author pages $this->options["sm_pr_tags"] = 0.3; //Priority of tags $this->options["sm_i_donated"] = false; //Did you donate? Thank you! :) $this->options["sm_i_hide_donated"] = false; //And hide the thank you.. $this->options["sm_i_install_date"] = time(); //The installation date $this->options["sm_i_hide_note"] = false; //Hide the note which appears after 30 days $this->options["sm_i_hide_works"] = false; //Hide the "works?" message which appears after 15 days $this->options["sm_i_hide_donors"] = false; //Hide the list of donations $this->options["sm_i_hash"] = substr(sha1(sha1(get_bloginfo('url'))),0,20); //Partial hash for GA stats, NOT identifiable! $this->options["sm_i_lastping"] = 0; //When was the last ping $this->options["sm_i_supportfeed"] = true; //shows the support feed $this->options["sm_i_supportfeed_cache"] = 0; //Last refresh of support feed } /** * Loads the configuration from the database * * @since 3.0 */ private function LoadOptions() { if($this->optionsLoaded) return; $this->InitOptions(); //Delete the options cache. This is unfortunately required for some hosts, //but it is not that bad since it will only clear the options and only if a //sitemap is actually served or the sitemap admin page is requested. wp_cache_delete('alloptions', 'options'); //First init default values, then overwrite it with stored values so we can add default //values with an update which get stored by the next edit. $storedOptions = get_option("sm_options"); if($storedOptions && is_array($storedOptions)) { foreach($storedOptions AS $k => $v) { if(array_key_exists($k,$this->options)) $this->options[$k] = $v; } } else update_option("sm_options", $this->options); //First time use, store default values $this->optionsLoaded = true; } /** * Returns the option value for the given key * * @since 3.0 * @param $key string The Configuration Key * @return mixed The value */ public function GetOption($key) { $key = "sm_" . $key; if(array_key_exists($key, $this->options)) { return $this->options[$key]; } else return null; } public function GetOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * Sets an option to a new value * * @since 3.0 * @param $key string The configuration key * @param $value mixed The new object */ public function SetOption($key, $value) { if(strpos($key, "sm_") !== 0) $key = "sm_" . $key; $this->options[$key] = $value; } /** * Saves the options back to the database * * @since 3.0 * @return bool true on success */ public function SaveOptions() { $oldvalue = get_option("sm_options"); if($oldvalue == $this->options) { return true; } else return update_option("sm_options", $this->options); } /** * Returns the additional pages * @since 4.0 * @return GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage[] */ function GetPages() { return $this->pages; } /** * Returns the additional pages * @since 4.0 * @param array $pages */ function SetPages(array $pages) { $this->pages = $pages; } /** * Loads the stored pages from the database * * @since 3.0 */ private function LoadPages() { /** @var $wpdb wpdb */ global $wpdb; $needsUpdate = false; $pagesString = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'sm_cpages'"); //Class sm_page was renamed with 3.0 -> rename it in serialized value for compatibility if(!empty($pagesString) && strpos($pagesString, "sm_page") !== false) { $pagesString = str_replace("O:7:\"sm_page\"", "O:26:\"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage\"", $pagesString); $needsUpdate = true; } if(!empty($pagesString)) { $storedpages = unserialize($pagesString); $this->pages = $storedpages; } else { $this->pages = array(); } if($needsUpdate) $this->SavePages(); } /** * Saved the additional pages back to the database * * @since 3.0 * @return true on success */ public function SavePages() { $oldvalue = get_option("sm_cpages"); if($oldvalue == $this->pages) { return true; } else { delete_option("sm_cpages"); //Add the option, Note the autoload=false because when the autoload happens, our class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage doesn't exist add_option("sm_cpages", $this->pages, null, "no"); return true; } } /*************************************** URL AND PATH FUNCTIONS ***************************************/ /** * Returns the URL to the directory where the plugin file is located * @since 3.0b5 * @return string The URL to the plugin directory */ public function GetPluginUrl() { $url = trailingslashit(plugins_url("", __FILE__)); return $url; } /** * Returns the path to the directory where the plugin file is located * @since 3.0b5 * @return string The path to the plugin directory */ public function GetPluginPath() { $path = dirname(__FILE__); return trailingslashit(str_replace("\\", "/", $path)); } /** * Returns the URL to default XSLT style if it exists * @since 3.0b5 * @return string The URL to the default stylesheet, empty string if not available. */ public function GetDefaultStyle() { $p = $this->GetPluginPath(); if(file_exists($p . "sitemap.xsl")) { $url = $this->GetPluginUrl(); //If called over the admin area using HTTPS, the stylesheet would also be https url, even if the blog frontend is not. if(substr(get_bloginfo('url'), 0, 5) != "https" && substr($url, 0, 5) == "https") $url = "http" . substr($url, 5); return $url . 'sitemap.xsl'; } return ''; } /** * Returns of Permalinks are used * * @return bool */ public function IsUsingPermalinks() { /** @var $wp_rewrite WP_Rewrite */ global $wp_rewrite; return $wp_rewrite->using_mod_rewrite_permalinks(); } /** * Returns the URL for the sitemap file * * @since 3.0 * @param string $type * @param string $params * @param array $buildOptions * @return string The URL to the Sitemap file */ public function GetXmlUrl($type = "", $params = "", $buildOptions = array()) { $pl = $this->IsUsingPermalinks(); $options = ""; if(!empty($type)) { $options .= $type; if(!empty($params)) { $options .= "-" . $params; } } $buildOptions = array_merge($this->buildOptions, $buildOptions); $html = (isset($buildOptions["html"]) ? $buildOptions["html"] : false); $zip = (isset($buildOptions["zip"]) ? $buildOptions["zip"] : false); $baseURL = get_bloginfo('url'); //Manual override for root URL $baseUrlSettings = $this->GetOption('b_baseurl'); if(!empty($baseUrlSettings)) $baseURL = $baseUrlSettings; else if(defined("SM_BASE_URL") && SM_BASE_URL) $baseURL = SM_BASE_URL; if($pl) { return trailingslashit($baseURL) . "sitemap" . ($options ? "-" . $options : "") . ($html ? ".html" : ".xml") . ($zip? ".gz" : ""); } else { return trailingslashit($baseURL) . "index.php?xml_sitemap=params=" . $options . ($html ? ";html=true" : "") . ($zip? ";zip=true" : ""); } } /** * Returns if there is still an old sitemap file in the blog directory * * @return Boolean True if a sitemap file still exists */ public function OldFileExists() { $path = trailingslashit(get_home_path()); return (file_exists($path . "sitemap.xml") || file_exists($path . "sitemap.xml.gz")); } /** * Renames old sitemap files in the blog directory from previous versions of this plugin * @return bool True on success */ public function DeleteOldFiles() { $path = trailingslashit(get_home_path()); $res = true; if(file_exists($f = $path . "sitemap.xml")) if(!rename($f, $path . "sitemap.backup.xml")) $res = false; if(file_exists($f = $path . "sitemap.xml.gz")) if(!rename($f, $path . "sitemap.backup.xml.gz")) $res = false; return $res; } /*************************************** SITEMAP SIMULATION ***************************************/ /** * Simulates the building of the sitemap index file. * * @see GoogleSitemapGenerator::SimulateSitemap * @since 4.0 * @return array The data of the sitemap index file */ public function SimulateIndex() { $this->simMode = true; require_once(trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)) . "sitemap-builder.php"); do_action("sm_build_index", $this); $this->simMode = false; $r = $this->simData["sitemaps"]; $this->ClearSimData("sitemaps"); return $r; } /** * Simulates the building of the sitemap file. * * @see GoogleSitemapGenerator::SimulateIndex * @since 4.0 * @param $type string The type of the sitemap * @param $params string Additional parameters for this type * @return array The data of the sitemap file */ public function SimulateSitemap($type, $params) { $this->simMode = true; require_once(trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)) . "sitemap-builder.php"); do_action("sm_build_content", $this, $type, $params); $this->simMode = false; $r = $this->simData["content"]; $this->ClearSimData("content"); return $r; } /** * Clears the data of the simulation * * @param string $what Defines what to clear, either both, sitemaps or content * @see GoogleSitemapGenerator::SimulateIndex * @see GoogleSitemapGenerator::SimulateSitemap * @since 4.0 */ public function ClearSimData($what) { if($what == "both" || $what == "sitemaps") { $this->simData["sitemaps"] = array(); } if($what == "both" || $what == "content") { $this->simData["content"] = array(); } } /** * Returns the first caller outside of this __CLASS__ * @param array $trace The backtrace * @return array The caller information */ private function GetExternalBacktrace($trace) { $caller = null; foreach($trace AS $b) { if($b["class"] != __CLASS__) { $caller = $b; break; } } return $caller; } /*************************************** SITEMAP BUILDING ***************************************/ /** * Shows the sitemap. Main entry point from HTTP * @param string $options Options for the sitemap. What type, what parameters. * @since 4.0 */ public function ShowSitemap($options) { $startTime = microtime(true); $startQueries = $GLOBALS["wpdb"]->num_queries; $startMemory = memory_get_peak_usage(true); //Raise memory and time limits if($this->GetOption("b_memory") != '') { @ini_set("memory_limit", $this->GetOption("b_memory")); } if($this->GetOption("b_time") != -1) { @set_time_limit($this->GetOption("b_time")); } do_action("sm_init", $this); $this->isActive = true; $parsedOptions = array(); $options = explode(";", $options); foreach($options AS $k) { $kv = explode("=", $k); $parsedOptions[$kv[0]] = @$kv[1]; } $options = $parsedOptions; $this->buildOptions = $options; //Do not index the actual XML pages, only process them. //This avoids that the XML sitemaps show up in the search results. if(!headers_sent()) header('X-Robots-Tag: noindex', true, 200); $this->Initate(); $html = (isset($options["html"]) ? $options["html"] : false) && $this->IsXslEnabled(); if($html && !$this->GetOption('b_html')) { $GLOBALS['wp_query']->is_404 = true; return; } //Don't zip if anything happened before which could break the output or if the client does not support gzip. //If there are already other output filters, there might be some content on another //filter level already, which we can't detect. Zipping then would lead to invalid content. $pack = (isset($options['zip']) ? $options['zip'] : $this->GetOption('b_autozip')); if( empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) //No encoding support || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'],'gzip') === false //or no gzip || !$this->IsGzipEnabled() //No PHP gzip support || headers_sent() //Headers already sent || ob_get_contents() //there was already some output... || in_array('ob_gzhandler', ob_list_handlers()) //Some other plugin (or PHP) is already gzipping || $this->GetPhpIniBoolean(ini_get("zlib.output_compression")) //Zlib compression in php.ini enabled || ob_get_level() > (!$this->GetPhpIniBoolean(ini_get("output_buffering"))?0:1) //Another output buffer (beside of the default one) is already active || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_VARNISH']) && is_numeric($_SERVER['HTTP_X_VARNISH'])) //Behind a Varnish proxy ) $pack = false; $packed = false; if($pack) $packed = @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); $builders = array('sitemap-builder.php'); foreach($builders AS $b) { $f = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)) . $b; if(file_exists($f)) require_once($f); } if($html) { ob_start(); } else { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); } if(empty($options["params"]) || $options["params"] == "index") { $this->BuildSitemapHeader("index"); do_action('sm_build_index', $this); $this->BuildSitemapFooter("index"); $this->AddEndCommend($startTime, $startQueries, $startMemory); } else { $allParams = $options["params"]; $type = $params = null; if(strpos($allParams, "-") !== false) { $type = substr($allParams, 0, strpos($allParams, "-")); $params = substr($allParams, strpos($allParams, "-") + 1); } else { $type = $allParams; } $this->BuildSitemapHeader("sitemap"); do_action("sm_build_content", $this, $type, $params); $this->BuildSitemapFooter("sitemap"); $this->AddEndCommend($startTime, $startQueries, $startMemory); } if($html) { $xmlSource = ob_get_clean(); // Load the XML source $xml = new DOMDocument; $xml->loadXML($xmlSource); $xsl = new DOMDocument; $xsl->load($this->GetPluginPath() . "sitemap.xsl"); // Configure the transformer $proc = new XSLTProcessor; $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules $domTranObj = $proc->transformToDoc($xml); // this will also output doctype and comments at top level foreach($domTranObj->childNodes as $node) echo $domTranObj->saveXML($node) . "\n"; } if($packed) ob_end_flush(); $this->isActive = false; exit; } /** * Generates the header for the sitemap with XML declarations, stylesheet and so on. * * @since 4.0 * @param string $format The format, either sitemap for a sitemap or index for the sitemap index */ private function BuildSitemapHeader($format) { if(!in_array($format, array("sitemap", "index"))) $format = "sitemap"; $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"' . '?' . '>')); $styleSheet = ($this->GetDefaultStyle() && $this->GetOption('b_style_default') === true ? $this->GetDefaultStyle() : $this->GetOption('b_style')); if(!empty($styleSheet)) { $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('<' . '?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' . $styleSheet . '"?' . '>')); } $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("sitemap-generator-url=\"http://www.arnebrachhold.de\" sitemap-generator-version=\"" . $this->GetVersion() . "\"")); $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("generated-on=\"" . date(get_option("date_format") . " " . get_option("time_format")) . "\"")); switch($format) { case "sitemap": $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('<urlset xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">')); break; case "index": $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('<sitemapindex xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/siteindex.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">')); break; } } /** * Generates the footer for the sitemap with XML ending tag * * @since 4.0 * @param string $format The format, either sitemap for a sitemap or index for the sitemap index */ private function BuildSitemapFooter($format) { if(!in_array($format, array("sitemap", "index"))) $format = "sitemap"; switch($format) { case "sitemap": $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('</urlset>')); break; case "index": $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('</sitemapindex>')); break; } } /** * Adds information about time and memory usage to the sitemap * * @since 4.0 * @param float $startTime The microtime of the start * @param int $startQueries * @param int $startMemory * */ private function AddEndCommend($startTime, $startQueries = 0, $startMemory = 0) { if(defined("WP_DEBUG") && WP_DEBUG) { echo "<!-- "; if(defined('SAVEQUERIES') && SAVEQUERIES) { echo '<pre>'; var_dump($GLOBALS['wpdb']->queries); echo '</pre>'; $total = 0; foreach($GLOBALS['wpdb']->queries as $q) { $total += $q[1]; } echo '<h4>Total Query Time</h4>'; echo '<pre>' . count($GLOBALS['wpdb']->queries) . ' queries in ' . round($total, 2) . ' seconds.</pre>'; } else { echo '<p>Please edit wp-db.inc.php in wp-includes and set SAVEQUERIES to true if you want to see the queries.</p>'; } echo " --> "; } $endTime = microtime(true); $endTime = round($endTime - $startTime, 2); $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Request ID: " . md5(microtime()) . "; Queries for sitemap: " . ($GLOBALS["wpdb"]->num_queries - $startQueries) . "; Total queries: " . $GLOBALS["wpdb"]->num_queries . "; Seconds: $endTime; Memory for sitemap: " . ((memory_get_peak_usage(true) - $startMemory) / 1024 / 1024) . "MB" . "; Total memory: " . (memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024) . "MB")); } /** * Adds the sitemap to the virtual robots.txt file * This function is executed by WordPress with the do_robots hook * * @since 3.1.2 */ public function DoRobots() { $this->Initate(); if($this->GetOption('b_robots') === true) { $smUrl = $this->GetXmlUrl(); echo "\nSitemap: " . $smUrl . "\n"; } } /*************************************** SITEMAP CONTENT BUILDING ***************************************/ /** * Outputs an element in the sitemap * * @since 3.0 * @param $page GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry The element */ public function AddElement($page) { if(empty($page)) return; echo $page->Render(); } /** * Adds a url to the sitemap. You can use this method or call AddElement directly. * * @since 3.0 * @param $loc string The location (url) of the page * @param $lastMod int The last Modification time as a UNIX timestamp * @param $changeFreq string The change frequenty of the page, Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". * @param $priority float The priority of the page, between 0.0 and 1.0 * @param $postID int The post ID in case this is a post or page * @see AddElement * @return string The URL node */ public function AddUrl($loc, $lastMod = 0, $changeFreq = "monthly", $priority = 0.5, $postID = 0) { //Strip out the last modification time if activated if($this->GetOption('in_lastmod') === false) $lastMod = 0; $page = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage($loc, $priority, $changeFreq, $lastMod, $postID); do_action('sm_addurl', $page); if($this->simMode) { $caller = $this->GetExternalBacktrace(debug_backtrace()); $this->simData["content"][] = array( "data" => $page, "caller" => $caller ); } else { $this->AddElement($page); } } /** * Add a sitemap entry to the index file * @param $type * @param string $params * @param int $lastMod */ public function AddSitemap($type, $params = "", $lastMod = 0) { $url = $this->GetXmlUrl($type, $params); $sitemap = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorSitemapEntry($url, $lastMod); do_action('sm_addsitemap', $sitemap); if($this->simMode) { $caller = $this->GetExternalBacktrace(debug_backtrace()); $this->simData["sitemaps"][] = array("data" => $sitemap, "type" => $type, "params" => $params, "caller" => $caller); } else { $this->AddElement($sitemap); } } /*************************************** PINGS ***************************************/ /** * Sends the pings to the search engines * * @return GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus The status object */ public function SendPing() { $this->LoadOptions(); $pingUrl = $this->GetXmlUrl(); $result = $this->ExecutePing($pingUrl, true); $postID = get_transient('sm_ping_post_id'); if($postID) { require_once(trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)) . "sitemap-builder.php"); $urls = array(); $urls = apply_filters('sm_sitemap_for_post',$urls, $this, $postID); if(is_array($urls) && count($urls)>0) { foreach($urls AS $url) $this->ExecutePing($url, false); } delete_transient('sm_ping_post_id'); } return $result; } /** * @param $pingUrl string The Sitemap URL to ping * @param bool $updateStatus If the global ping status should be updated * * @return \GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus */ protected function ExecutePing($pingUrl, $updateStatus = true) { $status = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus($updateStatus); if ($pingUrl) { $pings = array(); if ($this->GetOption("b_ping")) { $pings["google"] = array( "name" => "Google", "url" => "http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=%s", "check" => "successfully" ); } if ($this->GetOption("b_pingmsn")) { $pings["bing"] = array( "name" => "Bing", "url" => "http://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=%s", "check" => " " // No way to check, response is IP-language-based :-( ); } foreach ($pings AS $serviceId => $service) { $url = str_replace("%s", urlencode($pingUrl), $service["url"]); $status->StartPing($serviceId, $url, $service["name"]); $pingres = $this->RemoteOpen($url); if ($pingres === null || $pingres === false || strpos($pingres, $service["check"]) === false) { $status->EndPing($serviceId, false); trigger_error("Failed to ping $serviceId: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pingres)), E_USER_NOTICE); } else { $status->EndPing($serviceId, true); } } $this->SetOption('i_lastping', time()); $this->SaveOptions(); } $status->End(); return $status; } /** * Tries to ping a specific service showing as much as debug output as possible * @since 4.1 * @return array */ public function SendPingAll() { $this->LoadOptions(); $sitemaps = $this->SimulateIndex(); $urls = array(); $urls[] = $this->GetXmlUrl(); foreach($sitemaps AS $sitemap) { /** @var $s GoogleSitemapGeneratorSitemapEntry */ $s = $sitemap["data"]; $urls[] = $s->GetUrl(); } $results = array(); $first = true; foreach($urls AS $url) { $status = @$this->ExecutePing($url, $first); $results[] = array("sitemap"=> $url, "status" => $status); $first = false; } return $results; } /** * Tries to ping a specific service showing as much as debug output as possible * @since 3.1.9 * @return null */ public function ShowPingResult() { check_admin_referer('sitemap'); if(!current_user_can("administrator")) { echo '<p>Please log in as admin</p>'; return; } $service = !empty($_GET["sm_ping_service"]) ? $_GET["sm_ping_service"] : null; $status = GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus::Load(); if(!$status) die("No build status yet. Write something first."); $url = null; $services = $status->GetUsedPingServices(); if(!in_array($service, $services)) die("Invalid service"); $url = $status->GetPingUrl($service); if(empty($url)) die("Invalid ping url"); echo '<html><head><title>Ping Test</title>'; if(function_exists('wp_admin_css')) wp_admin_css('css/global', true); echo '</head><body><h1>Ping Test</h1>'; echo '<p>Trying to ping: <a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>. The sections below should give you an idea whats going on.</p>'; //Try to get as much as debug / error output as possible $errLevel = error_reporting(E_ALL); $errDisplay = ini_set("display_errors", 1); if(!defined('WP_DEBUG')) define('WP_DEBUG', true); echo '<h2>Errors, Warnings, Notices:</h2>'; if(WP_DEBUG == false) echo "<i>WP_DEBUG was set to false somewhere before. You might not see all debug information until you remove this declaration!</i><br />"; if(ini_get("display_errors") != 1) echo "<i>Your display_errors setting currently prevents the plugin from showing errors here. Please check your webserver logfile instead.</i><br />"; $res = $this->RemoteOpen($url); echo '<h2>Result (text only):</h2>'; echo wp_kses($res, array('a' => array('href' => array()), 'p' => array(), 'ul' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'li' => array())); echo '<h2>Result (HTML):</h2>'; echo htmlspecialchars($res); //Revert back old values error_reporting($errLevel); ini_set("display_errors", $errDisplay); echo '</body></html>'; exit; } /** * Opens a remote file using the WordPress API * @since 3.0 * @param $url string The URL to open * @param $method string get or post * @param $postData array An array with key=>value paris * @param $timeout int Timeout for the request, by default 10 * @return mixed False on error, the body of the response on success */ public static function RemoteOpen($url, $method = 'get', $postData = null, $timeout = 10) { $options = array(); $options['timeout'] = $timeout; if($method == 'get') { $response = wp_remote_get($url, $options); } else { $response = wp_remote_post($url, array_merge($options, array('body' => $postData))); } if(is_wp_error($response)) { $errs = $response->get_error_messages(); $errs = htmlspecialchars(implode('; ', $errs)); trigger_error('WP HTTP API Web Request failed: ' . $errs, E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } return $response['body']; } /** * Sends anonymous statistics (disabled by default) */ private function SendStats() { global $wp_version, $wpdb; $postCount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} p WHERE p.post_status='publish'"); //Send simple post count statistic to get an idea in which direction this plugin should be optimized //Only a rough number is required, so we are rounding things up if($postCount <=5) $postCount = 5; else if($postCount < 25) $postCount = 10; else if($postCount < 35) $postCount = 25; else if($postCount < 75) $postCount = 50; else if($postCount < 125) $postCount = 100; else if($postCount < 2000) $postCount = round($postCount / 200) * 200; else if($postCount < 10000) $postCount = round($postCount / 1000) * 1000; else $postCount = round($postCount / 10000) * 10000; $postData = array( "v" => 1, "tid" => "UA-65990-26", "cid" => $this->GetOption('i_hash'), "aip" => 1, //Anonymize "t" => "event", "ec" => "ping", "ea" => "auto", "ev" => 1, "cd1" => $wp_version, "cd2" => $this->GetVersion(), "cd3" => PHP_VERSION, "cd4" => $postCount, "ul" => get_bloginfo('language'), ); $this->RemoteOpen('http://www.google-analytics.com/collect', 'post', $postData); } /** * Returns the number of seconds the support feed should be cached (1 week) * * @return int The number of seconds */ public static function GetSupportFeedCacheLifetime() { return 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; } /** * Returns the SimplePie instance of the support feed * The feed is cached for one week * * @return SimplePie|WP_Error */ public function GetSupportFeed() { $callBack = array(__CLASS__,"GetSupportFeedCacheLifetime"); //Extend cache lifetime so we don't request the feed to often add_filter( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime' , $callBack); $result = fetch_feed(SM_SUPPORTFEED_URL); remove_filter( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime' , $callBack ); return $result; } /** * Handles daily ping */ public function SendPingDaily() { $this->LoadOptions(); $blogUpdate = strtotime(get_lastpostdate('blog')); $lastPing = $this->GetOption('i_lastping'); $yesterday = time() - (60 * 60 * 24); if($blogUpdate >= $yesterday && ($lastPing==0 || $lastPing <= $yesterday)) { $this->SendPing(); } //Send statistics if enabled (disabled by default) if($this->GetOption('b_stats')) { $this->SendStats(); } //Cache the support feed so there is no delay when loading the user interface if($this->GetOption('i_supportfeed')) { $last = $this->GetOption('i_supportfeed_cache'); if($last <= (time() - $this->GetSupportFeedCacheLifetime())) { $supportFeed = $this->GetSupportFeed(); if (!is_wp_error($supportFeed) && $supportFeed) { $this->SetOption('i_supportfeed_cache',time()); $this->SaveOptions(); } } } } /*************************************** USER INTERFACE ***************************************/ /** * Includes the user interface class and initializes it * * @since 3.1.1 * @see GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI * @return GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI */ private function GetUI() { if($this->ui === null) { $className = 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI'; $fileName = 'sitemap-ui.php'; if(!class_exists($className)) { $path = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)); if(!file_exists($path . $fileName)) return false; require_once($path . $fileName); } $this->ui = new $className($this); } return $this->ui; } /** * Shows the option page of the plugin. Before 3.1.1, this function was basically the UI, afterwards the UI was outsourced to another class * * @see GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI * @since 3.0 * @return bool */ public function HtmlShowOptionsPage() { $ui = $this->GetUI(); if($ui) { $ui->HtmlShowOptionsPage(); return true; } return false; } /*************************************** HELPERS ***************************************/ /** * Returns if the given value is greater than zero * * @param $value int The value to check * @since 4.0b10 * @return bool True if greater than zero */ public function IsGreaterZero($value) { return ($value > 0); } /** * Converts the various possible php.ini values for true and false to boolean * * @param $value string The value from ini_get * * @return bool The converted value */ public function GetPhpIniBoolean($value) { if (is_string($value)) { switch (strtolower($value)) { case '+': case '1': case 'y': case 'on': case 'yes': case 'true': case 'enabled': return true; case '-': case '0': case 'n': case 'no': case 'off': case 'false': case 'disabled': return false; } } return (boolean) $value; } }