File: sitemap-loader.php
<?php /** * Loader class for the Google Sitemap Generator * * This class takes care of the sitemap plugin and tries to load the different parts as late as possible. * On normal requests, only this small class is loaded. When the sitemap needs to be rebuild, the generator itself is loaded. * The last stage is the user interface which is loaded when the administration page is requested. * * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader { /** * @var string Version of the generator in SVN */ private static $svnVersion = '$Id: sitemap-loader.php 937300 2014-06-23 18:04:11Z arnee $'; /** * Enabled the sitemap plugin with registering all required hooks * * @uses add_action Adds actions for admin menu, executing pings and handling robots.txt * @uses add_filter Adds filtes for admin menu icon and contexual help * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::CallShowPingResult() Shows the ping result on request */ public static function Enable() { //Register the sitemap creator to wordpress... add_action('admin_menu', array(__CLASS__, 'RegisterAdminPage')); //Nice icon for Admin Menu (requires Ozh Admin Drop Down Plugin) add_filter('ozh_adminmenu_icon', array(__CLASS__, 'RegisterAdminIcon')); //Additional links on the plugin page add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array(__CLASS__, 'RegisterPluginLinks'), 10, 2); //Listen to ping request add_action('sm_ping', array(__CLASS__, 'CallSendPing'), 10, 1); //Listen to daily ping add_action('sm_ping_daily', array(__CLASS__, 'CallSendPingDaily'), 10, 1); //Post is somehow changed (also publish to publish (=edit) is fired) add_action('transition_post_status', array(__CLASS__, 'SchedulePingOnStatusChange'), 9999, 3); //Robots.txt request add_action('do_robots', array(__CLASS__, 'CallDoRobots'), 100, 0); //Help topics for context sensitive help //add_filter('contextual_help_list', array(__CLASS__, 'CallHtmlShowHelpList'), 9999, 2); //Check if the result of a ping request should be shown if(!empty($_GET["sm_ping_service"])) { self::CallShowPingResult(); } //Fix rewrite rules if not already done on activation hook. This happens on network activation for example. if (get_option("sm_rewrite_done", null) != self::$svnVersion) { add_action('wp_loaded', array(__CLASS__, 'ActivateRewrite'), 9999, 1); } //Schedule daily ping if (!wp_get_schedule('sm_ping_daily')) { wp_schedule_event(time() + (60 * 60), 'daily', 'sm_ping_daily'); } } /** * Sets up the query vars and template redirect hooks * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::RegisterQueryVars * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::DoTemplateRedirect * @since 4.0 */ public static function SetupQueryVars() { add_filter('query_vars', array(__CLASS__, 'RegisterQueryVars'), 1, 1); add_filter('template_redirect', array(__CLASS__, 'DoTemplateRedirect'), 1, 0); } /** * Register the plugin specific "xml_sitemap" query var * * @since 4.0 * @param $vars Array Array of existing query_vars * @return Array An aarray containing the new query vars */ public static function RegisterQueryVars($vars) { array_push($vars, 'xml_sitemap'); return $vars; } /** * Registers the plugin specific rewrite rules * * Combined: sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.(xml|html)(.gz)?$ * * @since 4.0 * @param $wpRules Array of existing rewrite rules * @return Array An array containing the new rewrite rules */ public static function AddRewriteRules($wpRules) { $smRules = array( 'sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.xml$' => 'index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$matches[2]', 'sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.xml\.gz$' => 'index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$matches[2];zip=true', 'sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.html$' => 'index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$matches[2];html=true', 'sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.html.gz$' => 'index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$matches[2];html=true;zip=true' ); return array_merge($smRules,$wpRules); } /** * Returns the rules required for Nginx permalinks * * @return string[] */ public static function GetNginXRules() { return array( 'rewrite ^/sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.xml$ "/index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$2" last;', 'rewrite ^/sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.xml\.gz$ "/index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$2;zip=true" last;', 'rewrite ^/sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.html$ "/index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$2;html=true" last;', 'rewrite ^/sitemap(-+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\.html.gz$ "/index.php?xml_sitemap=params=$2;html=true;zip=true" last;' ); } /** * Adds the filters for wp rewrite rule adding * * @since 4.0 * @uses add_filter() */ public static function SetupRewriteHooks() { add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', array(__CLASS__, 'AddRewriteRules'), 1, 1); } /** * Flushes the rewrite rules * * @since 4.0 * @global $wp_rewrite WP_Rewrite * @uses WP_Rewrite::flush_rules() */ public static function ActivateRewrite() { /** @var $wp_rewrite WP_Rewrite */ global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(false); update_option("sm_rewrite_done", self::$svnVersion); } /** * Handled the plugin activation on installation * * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::ActivateRewrite * @since 4.0 */ public static function ActivatePlugin() { self::SetupRewriteHooks(); self::ActivateRewrite(); if(self::LoadPlugin()) { $gsg = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); if($gsg->OldFileExists()) { $gsg->DeleteOldFiles(); } } } /** * Handled the plugin deactivation * * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::ActivateRewrite * @since 4.0 */ public static function DeactivatePlugin() { delete_option("sm_rewrite_done"); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('sm_ping_daily'); } /** * Handles the plugin output on template redirection if the xml_sitemap query var is present. * * @since 4.0 */ public static function DoTemplateRedirect() { /** @var $wp_query WP_Query */ global $wp_query; if(!empty($wp_query->query_vars["xml_sitemap"])) { $wp_query->is_404 = false; $wp_query->is_feed = true; self::CallShowSitemap($wp_query->query_vars["xml_sitemap"]); } } /** * Registers the plugin in the admin menu system * * @uses add_options_page() */ public static function RegisterAdminPage() { add_options_page(__('XML-Sitemap Generator', 'sitemap'), __('XML-Sitemap', 'sitemap'), 'administrator', self::GetBaseName(), array(__CLASS__, 'CallHtmlShowOptionsPage')); } /** * Returns a nice icon for the Ozh Admin Menu if the {@param $hook} equals to the sitemap plugin * * @param string $hook The hook to compare * @return string The path to the icon */ public static function RegisterAdminIcon($hook) { if($hook == self::GetBaseName() && function_exists('plugins_url')) { return plugins_url('img/icon-arne.gif', self::GetBaseName()); } return $hook; } /** * Registers additional links for the sitemap plugin on the WP plugin configuration page * * Registers the links if the $file param equals to the sitemap plugin * @param $links Array An array with the existing links * @param $file string The file to compare to * @return string[] */ public static function RegisterPluginLinks($links, $file) { $base = self::GetBaseName(); if($file == $base) { $links[] = '<a href="options-general.php?page=' . self::GetBaseName() . '">' . __('Settings', 'sitemap') . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-plist-faq/">' . __('FAQ', 'sitemap') . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-plist-support/">' . __('Support', 'sitemap') . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-plist-donate/">' . __('Donate', 'sitemap') . '</a>'; } return $links; } /** * @param $new_status string The new post status * @param $old_status string The old post status * @param $post WP_Post The post object */ public static function SchedulePingOnStatusChange($new_status, $old_status, $post ) { if($new_status == 'publish') { set_transient('sm_ping_post_id', $post->ID, 120); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 5, 'sm_ping'); } } /** * Invokes the HtmlShowOptionsPage method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::HtmlShowOptionsPage() */ public static function CallHtmlShowOptionsPage() { if(self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->HtmlShowOptionsPage(); } } /** * Invokes the ShowPingResult method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::ShowPingResult() */ public static function CallShowPingResult() { if(self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->ShowPingResult(); } } /** * Invokes the SendPing method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::SendPing() */ public static function CallSendPing() { if(self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->SendPing(); } } /** * Invokes the SendPingDaily method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::SendPingDaily() */ public static function CallSendPingDaily() { if (self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->SendPingDaily(); } } /** * Invokes the ShowSitemap method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::ShowSitemap() */ public static function CallShowSitemap($options) { if(self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->ShowSitemap($options); } } /** * Invokes the DoRobots method of the generator * @uses GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin() * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::DoRobots() */ public static function CallDoRobots() { if(self::LoadPlugin()) { GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance()->DoRobots(); } } /** * Displays the help links in the upper Help Section of WordPress * * @return Array The new links */ public static function CallHtmlShowHelpList() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $id = get_plugin_page_hookname(self::GetBaseName(), 'options-general.php'); if(is_object($screen) && $screen->id == $id) { /* load_plugin_textdomain('sitemap',false,dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang'); $links = array( __('Plugin Homepage', 'sitemap') => 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-help-home/', __('My Sitemaps FAQ', 'sitemap') => 'http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/sitemap-help-faq/' ); $filterVal[$id] = ''; $i = 0; foreach($links AS $text => $url) { $filterVal[$id] .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $text . '</a>' . ($i < (count($links) - 1) ? ' | ' : ''); $i++; } $screen->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'sitemap-links', 'title' => __('My Sitemaps FAQ', 'sitemap'), 'content' => '<p>' . __('dsf dsf sd f', 'sitemap') . '</p>', )); */ } //return $filterVal; } /** * Loads the actual generator class and tries to raise the memory and time limits if not already done by WP * * @uses GoogleSitemapGenerator::Enable() * @return boolean true if run successfully */ public static function LoadPlugin() { if(!class_exists("GoogleSitemapGenerator")) { $mem = abs(intval(@ini_get('memory_limit'))); if($mem && $mem < 128) { @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); } $time = abs(intval(@ini_get("max_execution_time"))); if($time != 0 && $time < 120) { @set_time_limit(120); } $path = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)); if(!file_exists($path . 'sitemap-core.php')) return false; require_once($path . 'sitemap-core.php'); } GoogleSitemapGenerator::Enable(); return true; } /** * Returns the plugin basename of the plugin (using __FILE__) * * @return string The plugin basename, "sitemap" for example */ public static function GetBaseName() { return plugin_basename(sm_GetInitFile()); } /** * Returns the name of this loader script, using sm_GetInitFile * * @return string The sm_GetInitFile value */ public static function GetPluginFile() { return sm_GetInitFile(); } /** * Returns the plugin version * * Uses the WP API to get the meta data from the top of this file (comment) * * @return string The version like 3.1.1 */ public static function GetVersion() { if(!isset($GLOBALS["sm_version"])) { if(!function_exists('get_plugin_data')) { if(file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php')) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } else return "0.ERROR"; } $data = get_plugin_data(self::GetPluginFile(), false, false); $GLOBALS["sm_version"] = $data['Version']; } return $GLOBALS["sm_version"]; } public static function GetSvnVersion() { return self::$svnVersion; } } //Enable the plugin for the init hook, but only if WP is loaded. Calling this php file directly will do nothing. if(defined('ABSPATH') && defined('WPINC')) { add_action("init", array("GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader", "Enable"), 15, 0); register_activation_hook(sm_GetInitFile(), array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'ActivatePlugin')); register_deactivation_hook(sm_GetInitFile(), array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'DeactivatePlugin')); //Set up hooks for adding permalinks, query vars. //Don't wait until init with this, since other plugins might flush the rewrite rules in init already... GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::SetupQueryVars(); GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::SetupRewriteHooks(); }