File: jp.js
/* global wp, jetpackL10n, jQuery */ (function( $, modules, currentVersion, jetpackL10n ) { /////////////////////////////////////// // INIT /////////////////////////////////////// var originPoint; $( document ).ready(function () { initEvents(); filterModules( 'introduced' ); loadModules(); updateModuleCount(); }); /////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////// function closeShadeToggle() { // Clicking outside modal, or close X closes modal $( '.shade, .modal .close' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.shade, .modal' ).hide(); $( '.manage-right' ).removeClass( 'show' ); originPoint.focus(); $( '.modal' )[0].removeAttribute( 'tabindex' ); return false; }); $( window ).on( 'keydown', function( e ) { // If pressing ESC close the modal if ( 27 === e.keyCode ) { $( '.shade, .modal' ).hide(); $( '.manage-right' ).removeClass( 'show' ); originPoint.focus(); $( '.modal' )[0].removeAttribute( 'tabindex' ); } }); } function filterModules( prop ) { // Mapping prior to sorting improves performance by over 50% var map = [], result = [], val = '', i, length; // create the map for ( i = 0, length = modules.length; i < length; i++ ) { // Prep value if ( 'name' === prop ) { val = modules[i][prop].toLowerCase(); } else { val = parseInt( modules[i][prop].replace( '0:', '' ) * 10, 10 ); } map.push( { index: i, value: val }); } // sort the map map.sort(function( a, b ) { if ( 'name' === prop ) { return a.value > b.value ? 1 : -1; } else { return b.value > a.value ? 1 : -1; } }); // copy values in right order for ( i = 0, length = map.length; i < length; i++ ) { result.push( modules[map[i].index] ); result[i].index = i; // make sure we set the index to the right order } // Replace old object, with newly sorted object modules = result; // If all modules are already showing, make sure they stay expanded if ( ! $( '.load-more' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { $( '.module' ).fadeIn(); } } function filterModulesByCategory() { var categories, c, i, catId; // First alphabatize the modules filterModules( 'name' ); // Add category containers $( '.modules' ).html( wp.template( 'category' )( {} ) ); // Loop through adding sections for each category for ( i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { // Get categories categories = modules[i].module_tags; // Loop through each individual category for ( c = 0; c < categories.length; c++ ) { // Add modules to the correct categories catId = 'category-' + categories[c].toLowerCase().replace( '.', '' ).replace( / /g, '-' ); $( '.' + catId + ' .clear' ).before( wp.template( 'mod' )( modules[i] ) ); } } recalculateModuleHeights(); initModalEvents(); } function initEvents () { // DOPS toggle $( '#a8c-service-toggle, .dops-close' ).click(function() { $( '.a8c-dops' ).toggleClass( 'show' ); $( '#a8c-service-toggle .genericon' ).toggleClass( 'genericon-downarrow' ).toggleClass( 'genericon-uparrow' ); return false; }); // Load more $( '.load-more' ).click(function() { showAllModules(); return false; }); // Module filtering $( '#newest, #category, #alphabetical' ).on( 'click', function () { var $this = $( this ), prop = $this.data( 'filter' ); // Reset selected filter $( '.jp-filter a' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $this.addClass( 'selected' ); if ( 'cat' === prop ) { filterModulesByCategory(); } else { // Rearrange modules filterModules( prop ); // Reload the DOM based on this new sort order loadModules(); } showAllModules(); return false; }); // Search modules $( '#jetpack-search' ).on( 'keyup search', function() { var term = $( this ).val(); searchModules( term ); }); // prevent the form from $( '#module-search' ).on( 'submit', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }); // Modal events $( document ).ready(function () { initModalEvents(); }); // Debounce the resize event var pauseResize = false; window.onresize = function() { if ( !pauseResize ) { pauseResize = true; recalculateModuleHeights(); setTimeout(function () { pauseResize = false; }, 100 ); } }; // Close shade toggle closeShadeToggle(); // Show specific category of modules $( '.showFilter a' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.showFilter a' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $( this ).addClass( 'active' ); // TODO Do sorting here return false; }); } function initModalEvents() { var $modal = $( '.modal' ); $( '.module, .feature a, .configs a' ).on( 'click keypress', function (e) { // Only show modal on enter when keypress recorded (accessibility) if ( e.keyCode && 13 !== e.keyCode ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); $( '.shade' ).show(); // Show loading message on init $modal.html( wp.template( 'modalLoading' )( {} ) ).fadeIn(); // Load & populate with content var $this = $( this ), index = $this.data( 'index' ), name = $this.data( 'name' ); $modal.empty().html( wp.template( 'modal' )( $.extend( modules[index], { name: name } ) ) ); // Save the focused element, then shift focus to the modal window. originPoint = this; $modal[0].setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' ); $modal.focus(); closeShadeToggle(); // Modal header links $( '.modal header li a.title' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.modal header li a.title' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $( this ).addClass( 'active' ); return false; }); }); } function loadModules() { var html = '', featuredModules = [], featuredModulesIndex, i; if ( $( '.configure' ).length !== 0 ) { // Config page for ( i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { html += wp.template( 'modconfig' )( modules[i] ); } $( 'table tbody' ).html( html ); } else { // Array of featured modules $( '.feature a.f-img' ).each(function() { featuredModules.push($( this ).data( 'module' )); }); // About page for ( i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { if ( currentVersion.indexOf( modules[i].introduced ) === 0 ) { modules[i]['new'] = true; } // Add data-index to featured modules featuredModulesIndex = featuredModules.indexOf( modules[i].module ); if ( featuredModulesIndex > -1 ) { $( '.feature' ).eq( featuredModulesIndex ).find( 'a' ).data( 'index', i ); } modules[i].index = i; html += wp.template( 'mod' )( modules[i] ); } $( '.modules' ).html( html ); recalculateModuleHeights(); initModalEvents(); } } function recalculateModuleHeights () { // Resize module heights based on screen resolution var module = $( '.module, .jp-support-column-left .widget-text' ), tallest = 0, thisHeight; // Remove heights module.css( 'height', 'auto' ); // Determine new height module.each(function() { thisHeight = $( this ).outerHeight(); if ( thisHeight > tallest ) { tallest = thisHeight; } }); // Apply new height module.css( 'height', tallest + 'px' ); } function searchModules( term ) { var html = '', i, lowercaseDesc, lowercaseName, lowercaseTerm; for ( i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { lowercaseDesc = modules[i].description.toLowerCase(); lowercaseName = modules[i].name.toLowerCase(); lowercaseTerm = term.toLowerCase(); if ( lowercaseName.indexOf( lowercaseTerm ) !== -1 || lowercaseDesc.indexOf( lowercaseTerm ) !== -1 ) { html += wp.template( 'mod' )( modules[i] ); } $( '.modules' ).html( html ); } if ( '' === html ) { $( '.modules' ).text( jetpackL10n.no_modules_found.replace( '{term}', term ) ); } recalculateModuleHeights(); initModalEvents(); } function showAllModules() { $( '.module' ).fadeIn(); $( '.load-more' ).hide(); } function updateModuleCount () { $( '.load-more' ).text( jetpackL10n.view_all_features ); } })( jQuery, jetpackL10n.modules, jetpackL10n.currentVersion, jetpackL10n );