File: json-endpoints.php
<?php /* * Endpoint class definitions. Only instantiations should be in this file * file ordering matters */ $json_endpoints_dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/json-endpoints/'; //abstract endpoints require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-post-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-post-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); // v1.1 require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-comment-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-taxonomy-endpoint.php' ); // ********** // v1 // ********** require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-delete-media-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-comment-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-media-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-post-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-render-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-render-shortcode-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-shortcodes-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-render-embed-reversal-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-render-embed-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-embeds-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-site-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-taxonomies-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-taxonomy-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-comments-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-media-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-posts-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-users-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-comment-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-media-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-post-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-taxonomy-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-upload-media-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-publicize-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-sharing-buttons-endpoint.php' ); // ********** // v1.1 // ********** // Media require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-delete-media-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-media-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-media-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-media-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-upload-media-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); // Posts require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-get-post-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-list-posts-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); require_once( $json_endpoints_dir . 'class.wpcom-json-api-update-post-v1-1-endpoint.php' ); // Jetpack Only Endpoints $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/json-endpoints/jetpack/'; // This files instantiates the endpoints require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php' ); /* * Endpoint instantiations */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_GET_Site_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Information about a site ID/domain', 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'sites:X', 'allowed_if_flagged' => true, 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'context' => false, ), 'response_format' => WPCOM_JSON_API_GET_Site_Endpoint::$site_format, 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/?pretty=1', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Post_Formats_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'A list of post formats supported by a site.', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sites:X:post-formats', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/post-formats', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'context' => false, ), 'response_format' => array( 'formats' => '(array) A list of supported post formats. id => label.', ) ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Post_Types_Endpoint( array ( 'description' => 'A list of post types available for a site.', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sites:X:post-types', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/post-types', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'api_queryable' => '(bool) If true, only queryable post types are returned', ), 'response_format' => array( 'found' => '(int) The number of post types found', 'post_types' => '(array) A list of available post types', ) ) ); /* * Shortcode endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Shortcodes_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Lists shortcodes available on a site. Only for users with publishing access.", 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'shortcodes', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/shortcodes', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'response_format' => array( 'shortcodes' => '(array) A list of supported shortcodes by their handle.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/example.wordpress.com/shortcodes' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Render_Shortcode_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Render a shortcode on a site. Only for users with publishing access.", 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'shortcodes:render', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/shortcodes/render', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'shortcode' => '(string) The query-string encoded shortcode string to render. Required. Only accepts one at a time.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'shortcode' => '(string) The shortcode that was passed in for rendering.', 'result' => '(html) The rendered HTML result of the shortcode.', 'scripts' => '(array) An array of JavaScript files needed to render the shortcode. Returned in the format of <code>{ "script-slug" : { "src": "http://example.com/file.js", "extra" : "" } }</code> where extra contains any neccessary extra JS for initializing the source file and src contains the script to load. Omitted if no scripts are neccessary.', 'styles' => '(array) An array of CSS files needed to render the shortcode. Returned in the format of <code>{ "style-slug" : { "src": "http://example.com/file.css", "media" : "all" } }</code>. Omitted if no styles are neccessary.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/shortcodes/render?shortcode=%5Bgallery%20ids%3D%22729%2C732%2C731%2C720%22%5D' ) ); /* * embed endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Embeds_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Lists embeds available on a site. Only for users with publishing access.", 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'embeds', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/embeds', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'response_format' => array( 'embeds' => '(array) A list of supported embeds by their regex pattern.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/example.wordpress.com/embeds' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Render_Embed_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Render a shortcode on a site. Only for users with publishing access.", 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'embeds:render', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/embeds/render', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'embed_url' => '(string) The query-string encoded embed URL to render. Required. Only accepts one at a time.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'embed_url' => '(string) The embed_url that was passed in for rendering.', 'result' => '(html) The rendered HTML result of the embed.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/embeds/render?embed_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSQEQr7c0-dw' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Render_Embed_Reversal_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Determines if the given embed code can be reversed into a single line embed or a shortcode, and if so returns the embed or shortcode. Only for users with publishing access.", //'group' => 'sites', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'embeds:reversal', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/embeds/reversal', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'maybe_embed' => '(string) The embed code to reverse. Required. Only accepts one at a time.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'maybe_embed' => '(string) The original embed code that was passed in for rendering.', 'reversal_type' => '(string) The type of reversal. Either an embed or a shortcode.', 'render_result' => '(html) The rendered HTML result of the embed or shortcode.', 'result' => '(string) The reversed content. Either a single line embed or a shortcode.', 'scripts' => '(array) An array of JavaScript files needed to render the embed or shortcode. Returned in the format of <code>{ "script-slug" : { "src": "http://example.com/file.js", "extra" : "" } }</code> where extra contains any neccessary extra JS for initializing the source file and src contains the script to load. Omitted if no scripts are neccessary.', 'styles' => '(array) An array of CSS files needed to render the embed or shortcode. Returned in the format of <code>{ "style-slug" : { "src": "http://example.com/file.css", "media" : "all" } }</code>. Omitted if no styles are neccessary.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/shortcode-reversals/render/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'maybe_embed' => '<iframe width="480" height="302" src="http://www.ustream.tv/embed/recorded/26370522/highlight/299667?v=3&wmode=direct" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>', ) ), 'example_response' => array( 'maybe_embed' => '<iframe width="480" height="302" src="http://www.ustream.tv/embed/recorded/26370522/highlight/299667?v=3&wmode=direct" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>', 'render_result' => '<iframe src="https://www.ustream.tv/embed/recorded/26370522/highlight/299667?v=3&wmode=direct" width="480" height="302" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: 0px none transparent;"></iframe>', 'reversal_type' => 'shortcode', 'result' => '[ustream id=26370522 highlight=299667 hwaccel=1 version=3 width=480 height=302]', ), ) ); /* * Post endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Posts_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return matching Posts', //'new_version' => '1.1', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=20) The number of posts to return. Limit: 100.', 'offset' => '(int=0) 0-indexed offset.', 'page' => '(int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of posts. Takes precedence over the <code>offset</code> parameter.', 'order' => array( 'DESC' => 'Return posts in descending order. For dates, that means newest to oldest.', 'ASC' => 'Return posts in ascending order. For dates, that means oldest to newest.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'date' => 'Order by the created time of each post.', 'modified' => 'Order by the modified time of each post.', 'title' => "Order lexicographically by the posts' titles.", 'comment_count' => 'Order by the number of comments for each post.', 'ID' => 'Order by post ID.', ), 'after' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts dated on or after the specified datetime.', 'before' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts dated on or before the specified datetime.', 'tag' => '(string) Specify the tag name or slug.', 'category' => '(string) Specify the category name or slug.', 'type' => "(string) Specify the post type. Defaults to 'post', use 'any' to query for both posts and pages. Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using the <code>rest_api_allowed_post_types</code> filter.", 'parent_id' => '(int) Returns only posts which are children of the specified post. Applies only to hierarchical post types.', 'exclude' => '(array:int|int) Excludes the specified post ID(s) from the response', 'exclude_tree' => '(int) Excludes the specified post and all of its descendents from the response. Applies only to hierarhical post types.', 'status' => array( 'publish' => 'Return only published posts.', 'private' => 'Return only private posts.', 'draft' => 'Return only draft posts.', 'pending' => 'Return only posts pending editorial approval.', 'future' => 'Return only posts scheduled for future publishing.', 'trash' => 'Return only posts in the trash.', 'any' => 'Return all posts regardless of status.', ), 'sticky' => array( 'false' => 'Post is not marked as sticky.', 'true' => 'Stick the post to the front page.', ), 'author' => "(int) Author's user ID", 'search' => '(string) Search query', 'meta_key' => '(string) Metadata key that the post should contain', 'meta_value' => '(string) Metadata value that the post should contain. Will only be applied if a `meta_key` is also given', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/?number=5&pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Posts_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return matching Posts', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=20) The number of posts to return. Limit: 100.', 'offset' => '(int=0) 0-indexed offset.', 'page' => '(int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of posts. Takes precedence over the <code>offset</code> parameter.', 'page_handle' => '(string) A page handle, returned from a previous API call as a <code>meta.next_page</code> property. This is the most efficient way to fetch the next page of results.', 'order' => array( 'DESC' => 'Return posts in descending order. For dates, that means newest to oldest.', 'ASC' => 'Return posts in ascending order. For dates, that means oldest to newest.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'date' => 'Order by the created time of each post.', 'modified' => 'Order by the modified time of each post.', 'title' => "Order lexicographically by the posts' titles.", 'comment_count' => 'Order by the number of comments for each post.', 'ID' => 'Order by post ID.', ), 'after' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts dated after the specified datetime.', 'before' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts dated before the specified datetime.', 'modified_after' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts modified after the specified datetime.', 'modified_before' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return posts modified before the specified datetime.', 'tag' => '(string) Specify the tag name or slug.', 'category' => '(string) Specify the category name or slug.', 'type' => "(string) Specify the post type. Defaults to 'post', use 'any' to query for both posts and pages. Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using the <code>rest_api_allowed_post_types</code> filter.", 'parent_id' => '(int) Returns only posts which are children of the specified post. Applies only to hierarchical post types.', 'exclude' => '(array:int|int) Excludes the specified post ID(s) from the response', 'exclude_tree' => '(int) Excludes the specified post and all of its descendents from the response. Applies only to hierarhical post types.', 'status' => '(string) Comma-separated list of statuses for which to query, including any of: "publish", "private", "draft", "pending", "future", and "trash", or simply "any". Defaults to "publish"', 'sticky' => array( 'include' => 'Sticky posts are not excluded from list.', 'exclude' => 'Stick posts excluded from list.', ), 'author' => "(int) Author's user ID", 'search' => '(string) Search query', 'meta_key' => '(string) Metadata key that the post should contain', 'meta_value' => '(string) Metadata value that the post should contain. Will only be applied if a `meta_key` is also given', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/?number=5&pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Post_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Post (by ID)', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:1', // 'new_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/7/?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Post_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Post (by ID)', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/7/?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Post_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Post (by name)', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'posts:name', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/name:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_name' => '(string) The post name (a.k.a. slug)', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/name:blogging-and-stuff?pretty=1', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Post_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Post (by slug)', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:slug', //'new_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_slug' => '(string) The post slug (a.k.a. sanitized name)', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/slug:blogging-and-stuff?pretty=1', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Post_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Post (by slug)', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:slug', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_slug' => '(string) The post slug (a.k.a. sanitized name)', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/slug:blogging-and-stuff?pretty=1', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Post_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a Post', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:new', // 'new_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( // explicitly document all input 'date' => "(ISO 8601 datetime) The post's creation time.", 'title' => '(HTML) The post title.', 'content' => '(HTML) The post content.', 'excerpt' => '(HTML) An optional post excerpt.', 'slug' => '(string) The name (slug) for the post, used in URLs.', 'author' => '(string) The username or ID for the user to assign the post to.', 'publicize' => '(array|bool) True or false if the post be publicized to external services. An array of services if we only want to publicize to a select few. Defaults to true.', 'publicize_message' => '(string) Custom message to be publicized to external services.', 'status' => array( 'publish' => 'Publish the post.', 'private' => 'Privately publish the post.', 'draft' => 'Save the post as a draft.', 'pending' => 'Mark the post as pending editorial approval.', 'auto-draft' => 'Save a placeholder for a newly created post, with no content.', ), 'sticky' => array( 'false' => 'Post is not marked as sticky.', 'true' => 'Stick the post to the front page.', ), 'password' => '(string) The plaintext password protecting the post, or, more likely, the empty string if the post is not password protected.', 'parent' => "(int) The post ID of the new post's parent.", 'type' => "(string) The post type. Defaults to 'post'. Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using the <code>rest_api_allowed_post_types</code> filter.", 'categories' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of categories (name or id)", 'tags' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of tags (name or id)", 'format' => get_post_format_strings(), 'featured_image' => "(string) The post ID of an existing attachment to set as the featured image. Pass an empty string to delete the existing image.", 'media' => "(media) An array of files to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Multiple media items will be displayed in a gallery. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. Audio and Video may also be available. See <code>allowed_file_types</code> in the options response of the site endpoint. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'title=Image' \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs for images to attach to a post. Sideloads the media in for a post.", 'metadata' => "(array) Array of metadata objects containing the following properties: `key` (metadata key), `id` (meta ID), `previous_value` (if set, the action will only occur for the provided previous value), `value` (the new value to set the meta to), `operation` (the operation to perform: `update` or `add`; defaults to `update`). All unprotected meta keys are available by default for read requests. Both unprotected and protected meta keys are avaiable for authenticated requests with proper capabilities. Protected meta keys can be made available with the <code>rest_api_allowed_public_metadata</code> filter.", 'comments_open' => "(bool) Should the post be open to comments? Defaults to the blog's preference.", 'pings_open' => "(bool) Should the post be open to comments? Defaults to the blog's preference.", 'likes_enabled' => "(bool) Should the post be open to likes? Defaults to the blog's preference.", 'sharing_enabled' => "(bool) Should sharing buttons show on this post? Defaults to true.", 'menu_order' => "(int) (Pages Only) the order pages should appear in. Use 0 to maintain alphabetical order.", ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/posts/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Hello World', 'content' => 'Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API', 'tags' => 'tests', 'categories' => 'API' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 1270, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T19:42:44+00:00", "modified": "2012-04-11T19:42:44+00:00", "title": "Hello World", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2012\/04\/11\/hello-world-3\/", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-ku", "content": "<p>Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API<\/p>\n", "excerpt": "<p>Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API<\/p>\n", "status": "publish", "sticky": false, "password": "", "parent": false, "type": "post", "comments_open": true, "pings_open": true, "likes_enabled": true, "sharing_enabled": true, "comment_count": 0, "like_count": 0, "i_like": false, "is_reblogged": false, "is_following": false, "featured_image": "", "format": "standard", "geo": false, "current_user_can": { "publish_post": true, "delete_post": true, "edit_post": true, }, "capabilities": { "publish_post": true, "delete_post": true, "edit_post": true, }, "publicize_URLs": [ ], "tags": { "tests": { "name": "tests", "slug": "tests", "description": "", "post_count": 1, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "categories": { "API": { "name": "API", "slug": "api", "description": "", "post_count": 1, "parent": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "metadata": { { "id" : 123, "key" : "test_meta_key", "value" : "test_value", } }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/replies\/", "likes": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/likes\/" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Post_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a Post', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:new', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( // explicitly document all input 'date' => "(ISO 8601 datetime) The post's creation time.", 'title' => '(HTML) The post title.', 'content' => '(HTML) The post content.', 'excerpt' => '(HTML) An optional post excerpt.', 'slug' => '(string) The name (slug) for the post, used in URLs.', 'author' => '(string) The username or ID for the user to assign the post to.', 'publicize' => '(array|bool) True or false if the post be publicized to external services. An array of services if we only want to publicize to a select few. Defaults to true.', 'publicize_message' => '(string) Custom message to be publicized to external services.', 'status' => array( 'publish' => 'Publish the post.', 'private' => 'Privately publish the post.', 'draft' => 'Save the post as a draft.', 'pending' => 'Mark the post as pending editorial approval.', 'auto-draft' => 'Save a placeholder for a newly created post, with no content.', ), 'sticky' => array( 'false' => 'Post is not marked as sticky.', 'true' => 'Stick the post to the front page.', ), 'password' => '(string) The plaintext password protecting the post, or, more likely, the empty string if the post is not password protected.', 'parent' => "(int) The post ID of the new post's parent.", 'type' => "(string) The post type. Defaults to 'post'. Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using the <code>rest_api_allowed_post_types</code> filter.", 'categories' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of categories (name or id)", 'tags' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of tags (name or id)", 'format' => get_post_format_strings(), 'featured_image' => "(string) The post ID of an existing attachment to set as the featured image. Pass an empty string to delete the existing image.", 'media' => "(media) An array of files to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Multiple media items will be displayed in a gallery. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. Audio and Video may also be available. See <code>allowed_file_types</code> in the options response of the site endpoint. Errors produced by media uploads, if any, will be in `media_errors` in the response. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'title=Image Post' \<br />--form 'media[0]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />--form 'media_attrs[0][caption]=My Great Photo' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs for images to attach to a post. Sideloads the media in for a post. Errors produced by media sideloading, if any, will be in `media_errors` in the response.", 'media_attrs' => "(array) An array of attributes (`title`, `description` and `caption`) are supported to assign to the media uploaded via the `media` or `media_urls` properties. You must use a numeric index for the keys of `media_attrs` which follow the same sequence as `media` and `media_urls`. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'title=Gallery Post' \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file1.jpg' \<br />--form 'media_urls[]=http://exapmple.com/file2.jpg' \<br /> \<br />--form 'media_attrs[0][caption]=This will be the caption for file1.jpg' \<br />--form 'media_attrs[1][title]=This will be the title for file2.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", 'metadata' => "(array) Array of metadata objects containing the following properties: `key` (metadata key), `id` (meta ID), `previous_value` (if set, the action will only occur for the provided previous value), `value` (the new value to set the meta to), `operation` (the operation to perform: `update` or `add`; defaults to `update`). All unprotected meta keys are available by default for read requests. Both unprotected and protected meta keys are avaiable for authenticated requests with proper capabilities. Protected meta keys can be made available with the <code>rest_api_allowed_public_metadata</code> filter.", 'discussion' => '(object) A hash containing one or more of the following boolean values, which default to the blog\'s discussion preferences: `comments_open`, `pings_open`', 'likes_enabled' => "(bool) Should the post be open to likes? Defaults to the blog's preference.", 'sharing_enabled' => "(bool) Should sharing buttons show on this post? Defaults to true.", 'menu_order' => "(int) (Pages Only) the order pages should appear in. Use 0 to maintain alphabetical order.", ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/30434183/posts/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Hello World', 'content' => 'Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API', 'tags' => 'tests', 'categories' => 'API' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 1270, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T19:42:44+00:00", "modified": "2012-04-11T19:42:44+00:00", "title": "Hello World", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2012\/04\/11\/hello-world-3\/", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-ku", "content": "<p>Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API<\/p>\n", "excerpt": "<p>Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API<\/p>\n", "status": "publish", "sticky": false, "password": "", "parent": false, "type": "post", "discussion": { "comments_open": true, "comment_status": "open", "pings_open": true, "ping_status": "open", "comment_count": 0 }, "likes_enabled": true, "sharing_enabled": true, "like_count": 0, "i_like": false, "is_reblogged": false, "is_following": false, "featured_image": "", "format": "standard", "geo": false, "capabilities": { "publish_post": true, "delete_post": true, "edit_post": true, }, "publicize_URLs": [ ], "tags": { "tests": { "name": "tests", "slug": "tests", "description": "", "post_count": 1, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "categories": { "API": { "name": "API", "slug": "api", "description": "", "post_count": 1, "parent": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "metadata": { { "id" : 123, "key" : "test_meta_key", "value" : "test_value", } }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/replies\/", "likes": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1270\/likes\/" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Post_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a Post', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:1:POST', // 'new_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID', ), 'request_format' => array( 'date' => "(ISO 8601 datetime) The post's creation time.", 'title' => '(HTML) The post title.', 'content' => '(HTML) The post content.', 'excerpt' => '(HTML) An optional post excerpt.', 'slug' => '(string) The name (slug) for the post, used in URLs.', 'author' => '(string) The username or ID for the user to assign the post to.', 'publicize' => '(array|bool) True or false if the post be publicized to external services. An array of services if we only want to publicize to a select few. Defaults to true.', 'publicize_message' => '(string) Custom message to be publicized to external services.', 'status' => array( 'publish' => 'Publish the post.', 'private' => 'Privately publish the post.', 'draft' => 'Save the post as a draft.', 'pending' => 'Mark the post as pending editorial approval.', ), 'sticky' => array( 'false' => 'Post is not marked as sticky.', 'true' => 'Stick the post to the front page.', ), 'password' => '(string) The plaintext password protecting the post, or, more likely, the empty string if the post is not password protected.', 'parent' => "(int) The post ID of the new post's parent.", 'categories' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of categories (name or id)", 'tags' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of tags (name or id)", 'format' => get_post_format_strings(), 'comments_open' => '(bool) Should the post be open to comments?', 'pings_open' => '(bool) Should the post be open to comments?', 'likes_enabled' => "(bool) Should the post be open to likes?", 'menu_order' => "(int) (Pages Only) the order pages should appear in. Use 0 to maintain alphabetical order.", 'sharing_enabled' => "(bool) Should sharing buttons show on this post?", 'featured_image' => "(string) The post ID of an existing attachment to set as the featured image. Pass an empty string to delete the existing image.", 'media' => "(media) An array of files to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Multiple media items will be displayed in a gallery. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. Audio and Video may also be available. See <code>allowed_file_types</code> in the options resposne of the site endpoint. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'title=Image' \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs for images to attach to a post. Sideloads the media in for a post.", 'metadata' => "(array) Array of metadata objects containing the following properties: `key` (metadata key), `id` (meta ID), `previous_value` (if set, the action will only occur for the provided previous value), `value` (the new value to set the meta to), `operation` (the operation to perform: `update` or `add`; defaults to `update`). All unprotected meta keys are available by default for read requests. Both unprotected and protected meta keys are available for authenticated requests with proper capabilities. Protected meta keys can be made available with the <code>rest_api_allowed_public_metadata</code> filter.", ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/posts/1222/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Hello World (Again)', 'content' => 'Hello. I am an edited post. I was edited by the API', 'tags' => 'tests', 'categories' => 'API' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 1222, "author": { "ID": 422, "email": false, "name": "Justin Shreve", "URL": "http:\/\/justin.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/1.gravatar.com\/avatar\/9ea5b460afb2859968095ad3afe4804b?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/justin" }, "date": "2012-04-11T15:53:52+00:00", "modified": "2012-04-11T19:44:35+00:00", "title": "Hello World (Again)", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2012\/04\/11\/hello-world-2\/", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-jI", "content": "<p>Hello. I am an edited post. I was edited by the API<\/p>\n", "excerpt": "<p>Hello. I am an edited post. I was edited by the API<\/p>\n", "status": "publish", "sticky": false, "password": "", "parent": false, "type": "post", "comments_open": true, "pings_open": true, "likes_enabled": true, "sharing_enabled": true, "comment_count": 5, "like_count": 0, "i_like": false, "is_reblogged": false, "is_following": false, "featured_image": "", "post_thumbnail": null, "format": "standard", "geo": false, "current_user_can": { "publish_post": true, "delete_post": true, "edit_post": true, }, "capabilities": { "publish_post": true, "delete_post": true, "edit_post": true, }, "publicize_URLs": [ ], "tags": { "tests": { "name": "tests", "slug": "tests", "description": "", "post_count": 2, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/tests\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "categories": { "API": { "name": "API", "slug": "api", "description": "", "post_count": 2, "parent": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/api\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } }, "metadata": { { "id" : 123, "key" : "test_meta_key", "value" : "test_value", } }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222\/replies\/", "likes": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222\/likes\/" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Post_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a Post', 'group' => 'posts', 'stat' => 'posts:1:POST', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID', ), 'request_format' => array( 'date' => "(ISO 8601 datetime) The post's creation time.", 'title' => '(HTML) The post title.', 'content' => '(HTML) The post content.', 'excerpt' => '(HTML) An optional post excerpt.', 'slug' => '(string) The name (slug) for the post, used in URLs.', 'author' => '(string) The username or ID for the user to assign the post to.', 'publicize' => '(array|bool) True or false if the post be publicized to external services. An array of services if we only want to publicize to a select few. Defaults to true.', 'publicize_message' => '(string) Custom message to be publicized to external services.', 'status' => array( 'publish' => 'Publish the post.', 'private' => 'Privately publish the post.', 'draft' => 'Save the post as a draft.', 'pending' => 'Mark the post as pending editorial approval.', ), 'sticky' => array( 'false' => 'Post is not marked as sticky.', 'true' => 'Stick the post to the front page.', ), 'password' => '(string) The plaintext password protecting the post, or, more likely, the empty string if the post is not password protected.', 'parent' => "(int) The post ID of the new post's parent.", 'categories' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of categories (name or id)", 'tags' => "(array|string) Comma separated list or array of tags (name or id)", 'format' => get_post_format_strings(), 'discussion' => '(object) A hash containing one or more of the following boolean values, which default to the blog\'s discussion preferences: `comments_open`, `pings_open`', 'likes_enabled' => "(bool) Should the post be open to likes?", 'menu_order' => "(int) (Pages Only) the order pages should appear in. Use 0 to maintain alphabetical order.", 'sharing_enabled' => "(bool) Should sharing buttons show on this post?", 'featured_image' => "(string) The post ID of an existing attachment to set as the featured image. Pass an empty string to delete the existing image.", 'media' => "(media) An array of files to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Multiple media items will be displayed in a gallery. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. Audio and Video may also be available. See <code>allowed_file_types</code> in the options resposne of the site endpoint. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'title=Image' \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs for images to attach to a post. Sideloads the media in for a post.", 'metadata' => "(array) Array of metadata objects containing the following properties: `key` (metadata key), `id` (meta ID), `previous_value` (if set, the action will only occur for the provided previous value), `value` (the new value to set the meta to), `operation` (the operation to perform: `update` or `add`; defaults to `update`). All unprotected meta keys are available by default for read requests. Both unprotected and protected meta keys are available for authenticated requests with proper capabilities. Protected meta keys can be made available with the <code>rest_api_allowed_public_metadata</code> filter.", ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/30434183/posts/1222/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Hello World (Again)', 'content' => 'Hello. I am an edited post. I was edited by the API', 'tags' => 'tests', 'categories' => 'API' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 1222, "author": { "ID": 422, "email": false, "name": "Justin Shreve", "URL": "http:\/\/justin.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/1.gravatar.com\/avatar\/9ea5b460afb2859968095ad3afe4804b?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/justin" }, "date": "2012-04-11T15:53:52+00:00", "modified": "2012-04-11T19:44:35+00:00", "title": "Hello World (Again)", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2012\/04\/11\/hello-world-2\/", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-jI", "content": "<p>Hello. I am an edited post. I was edited by the API<\/p>\n", "excerpt": "<p>Hello. I am an edited post. 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Note: If the post object is of type post or page and the trash is enabled, this request will send the post to the trash. 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"credit": "", "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": 0, "copyright": "", "focal_length": 0, "iso": 0, "shutter_speed": 0, "title": "", "orientation": 0 }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880023", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880023\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "parent": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/880022" } } } ] }', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Media_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single media item (by ID)', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d', 'deprecated' => true, 'new_version' => '1.1', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', ), 'response_format' => array( 'id' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'parent' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'link' => '(string) URL to the file', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'metadata' => '(array) Misc array of information about the file, such as exif data or sizes', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/example.wordpress.com/media/36', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Media_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single media item (by ID)', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'post_ID' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'URL' => '(string) URL to the file', 'guid' => '(string) Unique Identifier', 'file' => '(string) File name', 'extension' => '(string) File extension', 'mime_type' => '(string) File mime type', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'height' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Height of the media item', 'width' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Width of the media item', 'exif' => '(array) (Image & Audio Only) Exif (meta) information about the media item', 'videopress_guid' => '(string) (Video Only) VideoPress GUID of the video when uploaded on a blog with VideoPress', 'videopress_processing_done' => '(bool) (Video Only) If the video is Uuploaded on a blog with VideoPress, this will return the status of processing on the Video' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/opossumapi.wordpress.com/media/880165', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": "880165", "URL": "https:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "guid": "http:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "date": "2014-10-14T22:22:41+00:00", "post_ID": 0, "file": "screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "mime_type": "image\/png", "extension": "png", "title": "Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 3.22.19 PM", "caption": "", "description": "", "height": 602, "width": 764, "exif": { "aperture": 0, "credit": "", "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": 0, "copyright": "", "focal_length": 0, "iso": 0, "shutter_speed": 0, "title": "", "orientation": 0 }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } ', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Upload_Media_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Upload a new piece of media', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/new', 'deprecated' => true, 'new_version' => '1.1', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'media' => "(media) An array of media to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Accepts images (image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png) only at this time.<br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/media/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs to upload to the post." ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/media/new/', 'response_format' => array( 'media' => '(array) Array of uploaded media', 'errors' => '(array) Array of error messages of uploading media failures' ), ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Upload_Media_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Upload a new piece of media', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:new', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'media' => "(media) An array of media to attach to the post. To upload media, the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. Audio and Video may also be available. See <code>allowed_file_types</code> in the options response of the site endpoint.<br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/media/new'</code>", 'media_urls' => "(array) An array of URLs to upload to the post. Errors produced by media uploads, if any, will be in `media_errors` in the response.", 'attrs' => "(array) An array of attributes (`title`, `description`, `caption` and `parent_id`) are supported to assign to the media uploaded via the `media` or `media_urls` properties. You must use a numeric index for the keys of `media_attrs` which follows the same sequence as `media` and `media_urls`. <br /><br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br />" . "<code>curl \<br />--form 'media[]=@/path/to/file1.jpg' \<br />--form 'media_urls[]=http://exapmple.com/file2.jpg' \<br /> \<br />--form 'media_attrs[0][caption]=This will be the caption for file1.jpg' \<br />--form 'media_attrs[1][title]=This will be the title for file2.jpg' \<br />-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \<br />'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/123/posts/new'</code>", ), 'response_format' => array( 'media' => '(array) Array of uploaded media objects', 'errors' => '(array) Array of error messages of uploading media failures' ), ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Media_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit basic information about a media item', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1:POST', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d', 'deprecated' => true, 'new_version' => '1.1', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', ), 'request_format' => array( 'title' => '(string) The file name.', 'caption' => '(string) File caption.', 'description' => '(HTML) Description of the file.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'id' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'parent' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'link' => '(string) URL to the file', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'metadata' => '(array) Misc array of information about the file, such as exif data or sizes', ) ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Media_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit basic information about a media item', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1:POST', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', ), 'request_format' => array( 'post_ID' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'title' => '(string) The file name.', 'caption' => '(string) File caption.', 'description' => '(HTML) Description of the file.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'post_ID' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'URL' => '(string) URL to the file', 'guid' => '(string) Unique Identifier', 'file' => '(string) File name', 'extension' => '(string) File extension', 'mime_type' => '(string) File mime type', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'height' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Height of the media item', 'width' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Width of the media item', 'exif' => '(array) (Image & Audio Only) Exif (meta) information about the media item', 'videopress_guid' => '(string) (Video Only) VideoPress GUID of the video when uploaded on a blog with VideoPress', 'videopress_processing_done' => '(bool) (Video Only) If the video is Uuploaded on a blog with VideoPress, this will return the status of processing on the Video' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/opossumapi.wordpress.com/media/880165', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Updated Title' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": "880165", "URL": "https:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "guid": "http:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "date": "2014-10-14T22:22:41+00:00", "post_ID": 0, "file": "screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "mime_type": "image\/png", "extension": "png", "title": "Updated Title", "caption": "", "description": "", "height": 602, "width": 764, "exif": { "aperture": 0, "credit": "", "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": 0, "copyright": "", "focal_length": 0, "iso": 0, "shutter_speed": 0, "title": "", "orientation": 0 }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } ', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Delete_Media_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a piece of media', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d/delete', 'deprecated' => true, 'new_version' => '1.1', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The media ID', ), 'response_format' => array( 'status' => '(string) Returns deleted if the media was successfully deleted', 'id' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'parent' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'link' => '(string) URL to the file', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'metadata' => '(array) Misc array of information about the file, such as exif data or sizes', ) ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Delete_Media_v1_1_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a piece of media. Media is deleted and not trashed.', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1:delete', 'min_version' => '1.1', 'max_version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The media ID', ), 'response_format' => array( 'status' => '(string) Returns deleted if the media was successfully deleted', 'ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'post_ID' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'URL' => '(string) URL to the file', 'guid' => '(string) Unique Identifier', 'file' => '(string) File name', 'extension' => '(string) File extension', 'mime_type' => '(string) File mime type', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'height' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Height of the media item', 'width' => '(int) (Image & Video Only) Width of the media item', 'exif' => '(array) (Image & Audio Only) Exif (meta) information about the media item', 'videopress_guid' => '(string) (Video Only) VideoPress GUID of the video when uploaded on a blog with VideoPress', 'videopress_processing_done' => '(bool) (Video Only) If the video is Uuploaded on a blog with VideoPress, this will return the status of processing on the Video' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/opossumapi.wordpress.com/media/880165/delete', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "status": "deleted", "ID": "880165", "URL": "https:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "guid": "http:\/\/opossumapi.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/10\/screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "date": "2014-10-14T22:22:41+00:00", "post_ID": 0, "file": "screen-shot-2014-10-14-at-3-22-19-pm.png", "mime_type": "image\/png", "extension": "png", "title": "Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 3.22.19 PM", "caption": "", "description": "", "height": 602, "width": 764, "exif": { "aperture": 0, "credit": "", "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": 0, "copyright": "", "focal_length": 0, "iso": 0, "shutter_speed": 0, "title": "", "orientation": 0 }, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1.1\/sites\/30434183\/media\/880165\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } } ', ) ); /* * Comment endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Comments_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return recent Comments', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'comments', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/comments/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/comments/?number=5&pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Comments_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return recent Comments for a Post', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'posts:1:replies', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d/replies/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/posts/7/replies/?number=5&pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Comment_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Return a single Comment', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'comments:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/comments/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$comment_ID' => '(int) The comment ID' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/comments/11/?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Comment_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a Comment on a Post', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'posts:1:replies:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/posts/%d/replies/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$post_ID' => '(int) The post ID' ), 'request_format' => array( // explicitly document all input 'content' => '(HTML) The comment text.', // @todo Should we open this up to unauthenticated requests too? // 'author' => '(author object) The author of the comment.', ), 'pass_wpcom_user_details' => true, 'can_use_user_details_instead_of_blog_membership' => true, 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/posts/1222/replies/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'content' => 'Your reply is very interesting. This is a reply.' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 9, "post": { "ID": 1222, "type": "post", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222" }, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T18:09:41+00:00", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2012\/04\/11\/hello-world-2\/#comment-9", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-jI%23comment-9", "content": "<p>Your reply is very interesting. This is a reply.<\/p>\n", "status": "approved", "parent": { "ID":8, "type": "comment", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/8" }, "type": "comment", "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/9", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/9\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "post": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1222", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/9\/replies\/" } } }', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Comment_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a Comment as a reply to another Comment', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'comments:1:replies:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/comments/%d/replies/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$comment_ID' => '(int) The comment ID' ), 'request_format' => array( 'content' => '(HTML) The comment text.', // @todo Should we open this up to unauthenticated requests too? // 'author' => '(author object) The author of the comment.', ), 'pass_wpcom_user_details' => true, 'can_use_user_details_instead_of_blog_membership' => true, 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/comments/8/replies/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'content' => 'This reply is very interesting. This is editing a comment reply via the API.', ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 13, "post": { "ID": 1, "type": "post", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1" }, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T20:16:28+00:00", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2011\/12\/13\/hello-world\/#comment-13", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-1%23comment-13", "content": "<p>This reply is very interesting. This is editing a comment reply via the API.<\/p>\n", "status": "approved", "parent": { "ID": 1, "type": "comment", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/1" }, "type": "comment", "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "post": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/replies\/" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Comment_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a Comment', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'comments:1:POST', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/comments/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$comment_ID' => '(int) The comment ID' ), 'request_format' => array( 'date' => "(ISO 8601 datetime) The comment's creation time.", 'content' => '(HTML) The comment text.', 'status' => array( 'approved' => 'Approve the comment.', 'unapproved' => 'Remove the comment from public view and send it to the moderation queue.', 'spam' => 'Mark the comment as spam.', 'unspam' => 'Unmark the comment as spam. Will attempt to set it to the previous status.', 'trash' => 'Send a comment to the trash if trashing is enabled (see constant: EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS).', 'untrash' => 'Untrash a comment. Only works when the comment is in the trash.', ), ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/comments/8/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'content' => 'This reply is now edited via the API.', 'status' => 'approved', ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 13, "post": { "ID": 1, "type": "post", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1" }, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T20:16:28+00:00", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2011\/12\/13\/hello-world\/#comment-13", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-1%23comment-13", "content": "<p>This reply is very interesting. This is editing a comment reply via the API.<\/p>\n", "status": "approved", "parent": { "ID": 1, "type": "comment", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/1" }, "type": "comment", "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "post": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/replies\/" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Comment_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a Comment', 'group' => 'comments', 'stat' => 'comments:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/comments/%d/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$comment_ID' => '(int) The comment ID' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/comments/8/delete/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "ID": 13, "post": { "ID": 1, "type": "post", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1" }, "author": { "ID": 18342963, "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, "date": "2012-04-11T20:16:28+00:00", "URL": "http:\/\/opossumapi.wordpress.com\/2011\/12\/13\/hello-world\/#comment-13", "short_URL": "http:\/\/wp.me\/p23HjV-1%23comment-13", "content": "<p>This reply is very interesting. This is editing a comment reply via the API.<\/p>\n", "status": "deleted", "parent": { "ID": 1, "type": "comment", "link": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/1" }, "type": "comment", "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183", "post": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/posts\/1", "replies": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/comments\/13\/replies\/" } } }' ) ); /** * Taxonomy Management Endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Returns information on a single Category', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'categories:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/categories/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$category' => '(string) The category slug' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/categories/slug:community?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Taxonomies_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Returns a list of a site's categories", 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'categories', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/categories', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain' ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=100) The number of categories to return. Limit: 1000.', 'offset' => '(int=0) 0-indexed offset.', 'page' => '(int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of categories. Takes precedence over the <code>offset</code> parameter.', 'order' => array( 'ASC' => 'Return categories in ascending order.', 'DESC' => 'Return categories in decending order.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'name' => 'Order by the name of each category.', 'count' => 'Order by the number of posts in each category.', ), ), 'response_format' => array( 'found' => '(int) The number of categories returned.', 'categories' => '(array) Array of category objects.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/categories?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Taxonomies_Endpoint( array( 'description' => "Returns a list of a site's tags", 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'tags', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/tags', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain' ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=100) The number of tags to return. Limit: 1000.', 'offset' => '(int=0) 0-indexed offset.', 'page' => '(int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of tags. Takes precedence over the <code>offset</code> parameter.', 'order' => array( 'ASC' => 'Return tags in ascending order.', 'DESC' => 'Return tags in decending order.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'name' => 'Order by the name of each tag.', 'count' => 'Order by the number of posts in each tag.', ), ), 'response_format' => array( 'found' => '(int) The number of tags returned.', 'tags' => '(array) Array of tag objects.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/tags?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Returns information on a single Tag', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'tags:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/tags/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$tag' => '(string) The tag slug' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/tags/slug:wordpresscom?pretty=1' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a new Category', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'categories:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/categories/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) Name of the category', 'description' => '(string) A description of the category', 'parent' => '(id) ID of the parent category', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/categories/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'name' => 'Puppies', ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "name": "Puppies", "slug": "puppies", "description": "", "post_count": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/puppies", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/puppies\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a new Tag', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'tags:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/tags/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) Name of the tag', 'description' => '(string) A description of the tag', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/tags/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'name' => 'Kitties' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "name": "Kitties", "slug": "kitties", "description": "", "post_count": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/kitties", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/kitties\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a Tag', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'tags:1:POST', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/tags/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$tag' => '(string) The tag slug', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) Name of the tag', 'description' => '(string) A description of the tag', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/tags/slug:testing-tag', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'description' => 'Kitties are awesome!' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "name": "testing tag", "slug": "testing-tag", "description": "Kitties are awesome!", "post_count": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/testing-tag", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/tags\/testing-tag\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a Category', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'categories:1:POST', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/categories/slug:%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$category' => '(string) The category slug', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) Name of the category', 'description' => '(string) A description of the category', 'parent' => '(id) ID of the parent category', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/categories/slug:testing-category', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'description' => 'Puppies are great!' ) ), 'example_response' => ' { "name": "testing category", "slug": "testing-category", "description": "Puppies are great!", "post_count": 0, "parent": 0, "meta": { "links": { "self": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/testing-category", "help": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183\/categories\/testing-category\/help", "site": "https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/sites\/30434183" } } }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a Category', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'categories:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/categories/slug:%s/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$category' => '(string) The category slug', ), 'response_format' => array( 'slug' => '(string) The slug of the deleted category', 'success' => '(bool) Was the operation successful?', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/categories/slug:some-category-name/delete', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "slug": "some-category-name", "success": "true" }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Taxonomy_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a Tag', 'group' => 'taxonomy', 'stat' => 'tags:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/tags/slug:%s/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$tag' => '(string) The tag slug', ), 'response_format' => array( 'slug' => '(string) The slug of the deleted tag', 'success' => '(bool) Was the operation successful?', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/tags/slug:some-tag-name/delete', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "slug": "some-tag-name", "success": "true" }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Users_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'List the Users of a blog', 'group' => 'users', 'stat' => 'users:list', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/users', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=20) Limit the total number of authors returned.', 'offset' => '(int=0) The first n authors to be skipped in the returned array.', 'order' => array( 'DESC' => 'Return authors in descending order.', 'ASC' => 'Return authors in ascending order.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'ID' => 'Order by ID (default).', 'login' => 'Order by username.', 'nicename' => "Order by nicename.", 'email' => 'Order by author email address.', 'url' => 'Order by author URL.', 'registered' => 'Order by registered date.', 'display_name' => 'Order by display name.', 'post_count' => 'Order by number of posts published.', ), 'authors_only' => "(bool) Set to true to fetch authors only", 'type' => "(string) Specify the post type to query authors for. Only works when combined with the `authors_only` flag. Defaults to 'post'. Post types besides post and page need to be whitelisted using the <code>rest_api_allowed_post_types</code> filter.", ), 'response_format' => array( 'found' => '(int) The total number of authors found that match the request (ignoring limits and offsets).', 'authors' => '(array:author) Array of author objects.', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/users', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "found": 1, "users": [ { "ID": 18342963, "login": "binarysmash" "email": false, "name": "binarysmash", "URL": "http:\/\/binarysmash.wordpress.com", "avatar_URL": "http:\/\/0.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a178ebb1731d432338e6bb0158720fcc?s=96&d=identicon&r=G", "profile_URL": "http:\/\/en.gravatar.com\/binarysmash" }, ] }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Detailed settings information about a site ID/domain', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sites:X', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/settings', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'context' => false, ), 'response_format' => WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_Endpoint::$site_format, 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/settings?pretty=1', ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Site_Settings_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Update settings information for a site ID/domain', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sites:X', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/settings', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'blogname' => '(string) blog name', 'blogdescription' => '(string) blog description', 'default_pingback_flag' => '(bool) notify blogs linked from article', 'default_ping_status' => '(bool) allow link notifications from other blogs', 'default_comment_status' => '(bool) allow comments on new articles', 'blog_public' => '(string) site visibility; -1: private, 0: discourage search engines, 1: allow search engines', 'jetpack_sync_non_public_post_stati' => '(bool) allow sync of post and pages with non-public posts stati', 'jetpack_relatedposts_enabled' => '(bool) enable related posts', 'jetpack_relatedposts_show_headline' => '(bool) show headline in related posts', 'jetpack_relatedposts_show_thumbnails' => '(bool) show thumbnails in related posts', 'infinite_scroll' => '(bool) support infinite scroll of posts', 'default_category' => '(int) default post category', 'default_post_format' => '(string) default post format', 'require_name_email' => '(bool) comment author must fill out name and email', 'comment_registration' => '(bool) user must be registered and logged in to comment', 'close_comments_for_old_posts' => '(bool) automatically close comments on old posts', 'close_comments_days_old' => '(int) age at which to close comments', 'thread_comments' => '(bool) enable threaded comments', 'thread_comments_depth' => '(int) depth to thread comments', 'page_comments' => '(bool) break comments into pages', 'comments_per_page' => '(int) number of comments to display per page', 'default_comments_page' => '(string) newest|oldest which page of comments to display first', 'comment_order' => '(string) asc|desc order to display comments within page', 'comments_notify' => '(bool) email me when someone comments', 'moderation_notify' => '(bool) email me when a comment is helf for moderation', 'social_notifications_like' => '(bool) email me when someone likes my post', 'social_notifications_reblog' => '(bool) email me when someone reblogs my post', 'social_notifications_subscribe' => '(bool) email me when someone follows my blog', 'comment_moderation' => '(bool) comments must be manually approved', 'comment_whitelist' => '(bool) comment author must have a previously approved comment', 'comment_max_links' => '(int) hold comment if it contains X or more links', 'moderation_keys' => '(string) words or phrases that trigger comment moderation, one per line', 'blacklist_keys' => '(string) words or phrases that mark comment spam, one per line', 'lang_id' => '(int) ID for language blog is written in', 'wga' => '(array) Google Analytics Settings', 'disabled_likes' => '(bool) Likes are not globally enabled and are turned on per post', 'disabled_reblogs' => '(bool) Reblogs are not shown on posts', 'jetpack_comment_likes_enabled' => '(bool) Comment likes are enabled for all comments', 'sharing_button_style' => '(string) Style to use for sharing buttons (icon-text, icon, text, or official)', 'sharing_label' => '(string) Label to use for sharing buttons, e.g. "Share this:"', 'sharing_show' => '(string|array:string) Post type or array of types where sharing buttons are to be displayed', 'sharing_open_links' => '(string) Link target for sharing buttons (same or new)', ), 'response_format' => array( 'updated' => '(array)' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/settings?pretty=1', ) ); /** * Publicize Endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Connections_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'A list of a site\'s current Publicize connections to third-party services for the current user (personal or shared).', 'group' => 'Publicize', 'stat' => 'connections', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/connections/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'service' => "(string) Get Publicize connections for a specific service only. Default is 'all' but you can enter 'facebook', 'twitter', etc." ), 'response_format' => array( 'connections' => '(array:object) List of Publicize connections' ) ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Connection_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Returns information about a specific Publicize connection.', 'group' => 'Publicize', 'stat' => 'connections:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/connections/%d', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$connection_id' => '(int) The ID of the Publicize connection', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) Identifier for the Publicize connection', 'token_ID' => '(int) Identifier for the Keyring token', 'conn_ID' => '(int) Identifier for the Publicize connection', 'site_ID' => '(int) Identifier for the Site', 'user_ID' => '(int) Identifier for the Publicize connection user, or 0 if the connection is shared', 'shared' => '(bool) Whether this connection is specific to the current user, or a shared one for the site.', 'service' => '(string) An identifier for the type of service (facebook, linkedin, path, tumblr, etc)', 'label' => '(string) Formatted nicename for the service.', 'issued' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) When the conncetion was created', 'expires' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) When the connection expires and needs to be refreshed', 'external_ID' => '(string) An identifier for the user on the third-party service', 'external_name' => '(string) Usually a username or login name.', 'external_display' => '(string) How the user prefers their name to be displayed on the third-party service.', 'URL' => '(string|null) URL to the user\'s profile. NULL if there is no URL to link to.', 'status' => '(string) The current status of the connection. "ok" for connections with no problems, and "broken" for connections that need fixed.', 'refresh_url' => '(string) The URL to refresh a token if it is broken.', 'meta' => '(object) Extra and optional meta data for the current Publicize connection', ) ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Delete_Connection_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a publicize connection', 'group' => 'Publicize', 'stat' => 'connections:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/connections/%d/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$connection_id' => 'The ID of the connection', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) Identifier for the connection', 'deleted' => '(bool) Confirmation that the connection has been removed' ) ) ); /** * Sharing Button Endpoints */ new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Sharing_Buttons_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'A list of a site\'s sharing buttons', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sharing-buttons', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/sharing-buttons/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'enabled_only' => '(bool) If true, only enabled sharing buttons are included in the response', 'visibility' => '(string) The type of enabled sharing buttons to filter by, either "visible" or "hidden"', ), 'response_format' => array( 'found' => '(int) The total number of sharing buttons found that match the request.', 'sharing_buttons' => '(array:object) Array of sharing button objects', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/sharing-buttons/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "found": 1, "sharing_buttons": [ { "ID": "facebook", "name": "Facebook" "shortname": "facebook", "custom": false, "enabled": true, "visibility": "visible", "genericon": "\\f204" } ] }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Sharing_Button_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Returns information about a single sharing button', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sharing-buttons:1', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$button_id' => '(string) The button ID', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) Sharing button ID', 'name' => '(string) Sharing button name, used as a label on the button itself', 'shortname' => '(string) A generated short name for the sharing button', 'URL' => '(string) The URL pattern defined for a custom sharing button', 'icon' => '(string) URL to the 16x16 icon defined for a custom sharing button', 'genericon' => '(string) Icon character in Genericons icon set', 'custom' => '(bool) Whether the button is a user-created custom sharing button', 'enabled' => '(bool) Whether the button is currently enabled for the site', 'visibility' => '(string) If enabled, the current visibility of the sharing button, either "visible" or "hidden"', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/sharing-buttons/facebook', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "ID": "facebook", "name": "Facebook" "shortname": "facebook", "custom": false, "enabled": true, "visibility": "visible", "genericon": "\\f204" }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Sharing_Button_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Create a new custom sharing button', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sharing-buttons:new', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/sharing-buttons/new', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) The name for your custom sharing button, used as a label on the button itself', 'URL' => '(string) The URL to use for share links, including optional placeholders (%post_title%, %post_url%, %post_full_url%, %post_excerpt%, %post_tags%)', 'icon' => '(string) The full URL to a 16x16 icon to display on the sharing button', 'enabled' => '(bool) Whether the button is currently enabled for the site', 'visibility' => '(string) If enabled, the visibility of the sharing button, either "visible" (default) or "hidden"', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) Sharing button ID', 'name' => '(string) Sharing button name, used as a label on the button itself', 'shortname' => '(string) A generated short name for the sharing button', 'URL' => '(string) The URL pattern defined for a custom sharing button', 'icon' => '(string) URL to the 16x16 icon defined for a custom sharing button', 'genericon' => '(string) Icon character in Genericons icon set', 'custom' => '(bool) Whether the button is a user-created custom sharing button', 'enabled' => '(bool) Whether the button is currently enabled for the site', 'visibility' => '(string) If enabled, the current visibility of the sharing button, either "visible" or "hidden"', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/sharing-buttons/new/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'name' => 'Custom', 'URL' => 'https://www.wordpress.com/%post_name%', 'icon' => 'https://en.wordpress.com/i/stats-icon.gif', 'enabled' => true, 'visibility' => 'visible' ) ), 'example_response' => '{ "ID": "custom-123456789", "name": "Custom" "shortname": "ustom", "url": "https://www.wordpress.com/%post_name%", "icon": "https://en.wordpress.com/i/stats-icon.gif", "custom": true, "enabled": true, "visibility": "visible" }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Sharing_Button_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Edit a sharing button', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sharing-buttons:1:POST', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$button_id' => '(string) The button ID', ), 'request_format' => array( 'name' => '(string) Only if a custom sharing button, a new name used as a label on the button itself', 'URL' => '(string) Only if a custom sharing button, the URL to use for share links, including optional placeholders (%post_title%, %post_url%, %post_full_url%, %post_excerpt%, %post_tags%)', 'icon' => '(string) Only if a custom sharing button, the full URL to a 16x16 icon to display on the sharing button', 'enabled' => '(bool) Whether the button is currently enabled for the site', 'visibility' => '(string) If enabled, the visibility of the sharing button, either "visible" (default) or "hidden"', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) Sharing button ID', 'name' => '(string) Sharing button name, used as a label on the button itself', 'shortname' => '(string) A generated short name for the sharing button', 'URL' => '(string) The URL pattern defined for a custom sharing button', 'icon' => '(string) URL to the 16x16 icon defined for a custom sharing button', 'genericon' => '(string) Icon character in Genericons icon set', 'custom' => '(bool) Whether the button is a user-created custom sharing button', 'enabled' => '(bool) Whether the button is currently enabled for the site', 'visibility' => '(string) If enabled, the current visibility of the sharing button, either "visible" or "hidden"', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/sharing-buttons/custom-123456789/', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'enabled' => false, ) ), 'example_response' => '{ "ID": "custom-123456789", "name": "Custom" "shortname": "ustom", "custom": true, "enabled": false, "icon": "https://en.wordpress.com/i/stats-icon.gif", "url": "https://www.wordpress.com/%post_name%" }' ) ); new WPCOM_JSON_API_Delete_Sharing_Button_Endpoint( array( 'description' => 'Delete a custom sharing button', 'group' => '__do_not_document', 'stat' => 'sharing-buttons:1:delete', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s/delete', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain', '$button_id' => '(string) The button ID', ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) The ID of the deleted sharing button', 'success' => '(bool) Confirmation that the sharing button has been removed' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/30434183/sharing-buttons/custom-123456789/delete', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), ), 'example_response' => '{ "ID": "custom-123456789", "success": "true" }' ) );