File: audio-shortcode.js
/* jshint onevar:false */ /* global audioshortcode */ // Note: This file no longer exists on wpcom. (function($) { window.audioshortcode = { /** * Prep the audio player once the page is ready, add listeners, etc */ prep: function( player_id, files, titles, volume, loop ) { // check if the player has already been prepped, no-op if it has var container = $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-container' ); if ( container.hasClass( 'wp-as-prepped' ) ) { return; } container.addClass( 'wp-as-prepped' ); // browser doesn't support HTML5 audio, no-op if ( ! document.createElement('audio').canPlayType ) { return; } // if the browser removed the script, no-op var player = $( '#wp-as-' + player_id ).get(0); if ( typeof player === 'undefined' ) { return; } this[player_id] = []; this[player_id].i = 0; this[player_id].files = files; this[player_id].titles = titles; player.volume = volume; var type_map = { 'mp3': 'mpeg', 'wav': 'wav', 'ogg': 'ogg', 'oga': 'ogg', 'm4a': 'mp4', 'aac': 'mp4', 'webm': 'webm' }; // strip out all the files that can't be played for ( var i = this[player_id].files.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var extension = this[player_id].files[i].split( '.' ).pop(); var type = 'audio/' + type_map[extension]; if ( ! player.canPlayType( type ) ) { this.remove_track( player_id, i ); } } // bail if there are no more good files if ( 0 === this[player_id].files.length ) { return; } player.src = this[player_id].files[0]; // show the controls if there are still 2+ files remaining if ( 1 < this[player_id].files.length ) { $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-controls' ).show(); } player.addEventListener( 'error', function() { audioshortcode.remove_track( player_id, audioshortcode[player_id].i ); if ( 0 < audioshortcode[player_id].files.length ) { audioshortcode[player_id].i--; audioshortcode.next_track( player_id, false, loop ); } }, false ); player.addEventListener( 'ended', function() { audioshortcode.next_track( player_id, false, loop ); }, false ); player.addEventListener( 'play', function() { var i = audioshortcode[player_id].i; var titles = audioshortcode[player_id].titles; $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-playing' ).text( ' ' + titles[i] ); }, false ); player.addEventListener( 'pause', function() { $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-playing' ).text( '' ); }, false ); }, /** * Remove the track and update the player/controls if needed */ remove_track: function( player_id, index ) { this[player_id].files.splice( index, 1 ); this[player_id].titles.splice( index, 1 ); // get rid of player/controls if they can't be played if ( 0 === this[player_id].files.length ) { $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-container' ).html( $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-nope' ).html() ); $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-controls' ).html( '' ); } else if ( 1 === this[player_id].files.length ) { $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-controls' ).html( '' ); } }, /** * Change the src of the player, load the file, then play it */ start_track: function( player_id, file ) { var player = $( '#wp-as-' + player_id ).get(0); player.src = file; player.load(); player.play(); }, /** * Play the previous track */ prev_track: function( player_id ) { var player = $( '#wp-as-' + player_id ).get(0); var files = this[player_id].files; if ( player.paused || 0 === this[player_id].i ) { return; } player.pause(); if ( 0 < this[player_id].i ) { this[player_id].i--; this.start_track( player_id, files[this[player_id].i] ); } }, /** * Play the next track */ next_track: function( player_id, fromClick, loop ) { var player = $( '#wp-as-' + player_id ).get(0); var files = this[player_id].files; if ( fromClick && ( player.paused || files.length-1 === this[player_id].i ) ) { return; } player.pause(); if ( files.length-1 > this[player_id].i ) { this[player_id].i++; this.start_track( player_id, files[this[player_id].i] ); } else if ( loop ) { this[player_id].i = 0; this.start_track( player_id, 0 ); } else { this[player_id].i = 0; player.src = files[0]; $( '#wp-as-' + player_id + '-playing' ).text( '' ); } } }; })(jQuery);