File: module.audio.dts.php
<?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> // // available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net // // or http://www.getid3.org // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // See readme.txt for more details // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // module.audio.dts.php // // module for analyzing DTS Audio files // // dependencies: NONE // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class getid3_dts { function getid3_dts(&$fd, &$ThisFileInfo) { // Specs taken from "DTS Coherent Acoustics;Core and Extensions, ETSI TS 102 114 V1.2.1 (2002-12)" // (http://pda.etsi.org/pda/queryform.asp) // With thanks to Gambit <macteam@users.sourceforge.net> http://mac.sourceforge.net/atl/ $ThisFileInfo['fileformat'] = 'dts'; fseek($fd, $ThisFileInfo['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET); $DTSheader = fread($fd, 16); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['magic'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($DTSheader, 0, 4)); if ($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['magic'] != 0x7FFE8001) { $ThisFileInfo['error'][] = 'Expecting "0x7FFE8001" at offset '.$ThisFileInfo['avdataoffset'].', found "0x'.str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['magic'])), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).'"'; unset($ThisFileInfo['fileformat']); unset($ThisFileInfo['dts']); return false; } $fhBS = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin(substr($DTSheader, 4, 12)); $bsOffset = 0; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['frame_type'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['deficit_samples'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 5)); $bsOffset += 5; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['crc_present'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['pcm_sample_blocks'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 7)); $bsOffset += 7; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['frame_byte_size'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 14)); $bsOffset += 14; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['channel_arrangement'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 6)); $bsOffset += 6; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['sample_frequency'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 4)); $bsOffset += 4; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bitrate'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 5)); $bsOffset += 5; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['embedded_downmix'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['dynamicrange'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['timestamp'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['auxdata'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['hdcd'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['extension_audio'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 3)); $bsOffset += 3; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['extended_coding'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['audio_sync_insertion'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['lfe_effects'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 2)); $bsOffset += 2; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['predictor_history'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; if ($ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['crc_present']) { $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['crc16'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 16)); $bsOffset += 16; } $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['mri_perfect_reconst'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['encoder_soft_version'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 4)); $bsOffset += 4; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['copy_history'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 2)); $bsOffset += 2; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bits_per_sample'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 2)); $bsOffset += 2; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['surround_es'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['front_sum_diff'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['surround_sum_diff'] = (bool) bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 1)); $bsOffset += 1; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['dialog_normalization'] = bindec(substr($fhBS, $bsOffset, 4)); $bsOffset += 4; $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bitrate'] = $this->DTSbitrateLookup($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bitrate']); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bits_per_sample'] = $this->DTSbitPerSampleLookup($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bits_per_sample']); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['sample_rate'] = $this->DTSsampleRateLookup($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['sample_frequency']); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['dialog_normalization'] = $this->DTSdialogNormalization($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['dialog_normalization'], $ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['encoder_soft_version']); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['lossless'] = (($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bitrate'] == 31) ? true : false); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bitrate_mode'] = (($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['bitrate'] == 30) ? 'vbr' : 'cbr'); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['channels'] = $this->DTSnumChannelsLookup($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['channel_arrangement']); $ThisFileInfo['dts']['channel_arrangement'] = $this->DTSchannelArrangementLookup($ThisFileInfo['dts']['raw']['channel_arrangement']); $ThisFileInfo['audio']['dataformat'] = 'dts'; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['lossless'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['flags']['lossless']; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bitrate_mode']; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bits_per_sample']; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['sample_rate'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['sample_rate']; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['channels'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['channels']; $ThisFileInfo['audio']['bitrate'] = $ThisFileInfo['dts']['bitrate']; if (isset($ThisFileInfo['avdataend'])) { $ThisFileInfo['playtime_seconds'] = ($ThisFileInfo['avdataend'] - $ThisFileInfo['avdataoffset']) / ($ThisFileInfo['dts']['bitrate'] / 8); } return true; } function DTSbitrateLookup($index) { $DTSbitrateLookup = array( 0 => 32000, 1 => 56000, 2 => 64000, 3 => 96000, 4 => 112000, 5 => 128000, 6 => 192000, 7 => 224000, 8 => 256000, 9 => 320000, 10 => 384000, 11 => 448000, 12 => 512000, 13 => 576000, 14 => 640000, 15 => 768000, 16 => 960000, 17 => 1024000, 18 => 1152000, 19 => 1280000, 20 => 1344000, 21 => 1408000, 22 => 1411200, 23 => 1472000, 24 => 1536000, 25 => 1920000, 26 => 2048000, 27 => 3072000, 28 => 3840000, 29 => 'open', 30 => 'variable', 31 => 'lossless' ); return (isset($DTSbitrateLookup[$index]) ? $DTSbitrateLookup[$index] : false); } function DTSsampleRateLookup($index) { $DTSsampleRateLookup = array( 0 => 'invalid', 1 => 8000, 2 => 16000, 3 => 32000, 4 => 'invalid', 5 => 'invalid', 6 => 11025, 7 => 22050, 8 => 44100, 9 => 'invalid', 10 => 'invalid', 11 => 12000, 12 => 24000, 13 => 48000, 14 => 'invalid', 15 => 'invalid' ); return (isset($DTSsampleRateLookup[$index]) ? $DTSsampleRateLookup[$index] : false); } function DTSbitPerSampleLookup($index) { $DTSbitPerSampleLookup = array( 0 => 16, 1 => 20, 2 => 24, 3 => 24, ); return (isset($DTSbitPerSampleLookup[$index]) ? $DTSbitPerSampleLookup[$index] : false); } function DTSnumChannelsLookup($index) { switch ($index) { case 0: return 1; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return 2; break; case 5: case 6: return 3; break; case 7: case 8: return 4; break; case 9: return 5; break; case 10: case 11: case 12: return 6; break; case 13: return 7; break; case 14: case 15: return 8; break; } return false; } function DTSchannelArrangementLookup($index) { $DTSchannelArrangementLookup = array( 0 => 'A', 1 => 'A + B (dual mono)', 2 => 'L + R (stereo)', 3 => '(L+R) + (L-R) (sum-difference)', 4 => 'LT + RT (left and right total)', 5 => 'C + L + R', 6 => 'L + R + S', 7 => 'C + L + R + S', 8 => 'L + R + SL + SR', 9 => 'C + L + R + SL + SR', 10 => 'CL + CR + L + R + SL + SR', 11 => 'C + L + R+ LR + RR + OV', 12 => 'CF + CR + LF + RF + LR + RR', 13 => 'CL + C + CR + L + R + SL + SR', 14 => 'CL + CR + L + R + SL1 + SL2 + SR1 + SR2', 15 => 'CL + C+ CR + L + R + SL + S + SR', ); return (isset($DTSchannelArrangementLookup[$index]) ? $DTSchannelArrangementLookup[$index] : 'user-defined'); } function DTSdialogNormalization($index, $version) { switch ($version) { case 7: return 0 - $index; break; case 6: return 0 - 16 - $index; break; } return false; } } ?>