File: index.php
<?php /******************************************************************************************/ /* This enables very simple feed caching, which cuts down on major server processor load. */ /* From database my server would take 0.406738 to 0.511147 seconds to generate the feed */ /* From cache file my server would take 0.000579 to 0.000593 seconds to generate the feed */ /* As you can see, this is a MAJOR difference. */ /******************************************************************************************/ /* Version 1.2 */ /* */ /* CONFIG VALUES - START */ /* $podPressFeedCacheDir - Set this to a dir that your web server is able to write */ /* files in. */ /* */ /* $podPressFeedCacheTTL - Set this to however long (in seconds) you want your */ /* feed to cache for. */ /* 60 = 1min, 3600 = 1hr, 21600 = 6hrs, */ /* 43200 = 12hrs, 86400 = 24hrs, 604800 = 1week, etc etc etc */ /******************************************************************************************/ $podPressUploadsDir = getcwd().'/wp-content/uploads'; $podPressFeedCacheDir = $podPressUploadsDir.'/podpress_temp'; $podPressFeedCacheTTL = 3600; /******************************************************************************************/ /* CONFIG VALUES - END */ /******************************************************************************************/ $podPressFeedCacheProcess = false; if(isset($_GET['feed'])) { $podPressFeedCacheProcess = true; $podPressFeedCache = $_GET['feed']; if(isset($_GET['category_name'])) { $podPressFeedCache .= '_'.$_GET['category_name']; } elseif(isset($_GET['cat'])) { $podPressFeedCache .= '_cat'.$_GET['cat']; } elseif(isset($_GET['p'])) { $podPressFeedCache .= '_p'.$_GET['p']; } } elseif(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/feed') !== false) { $podPressFeedCacheProcess = true; /******************************************************************************************/ /* start - customize if needed - this may need to be customized for your environment */ /******************************************************************************************/ $x = substr(str_replace('/feed', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 1); if(empty($x)) { $podPressFeedCache = 'rss2'; } else { $podPressFeedCache = str_replace('/', '_', $x); } /******************************************************************************************/ /* end - customize if needed */ /******************************************************************************************/ } if($podPressFeedCacheProcess == true) { $podPress_continue = true; if(!is_writable($podPressUploadsDir)) { $podPress_continue = false; } elseif(!is_writable($podPressFeedCacheDir)) { if(!mkdir($podPressFeedCacheDir, 0700)) { if(!is_writable($podPressFeedCacheDir)) { $podPress_continue = false; } } } if($podPress_continue) { function podPressFeedCache($buffer) { GLOBAL $podPressFeedCache; $goodfeed = false; if(substr($buffer, 0, 5) == '<?xml') { if ($handle = fopen($podPressFeedCache, 'w')) { fwrite($handle, $buffer); fclose($handle); } } return $buffer; } $podPressFeedCache = $podPressFeedCacheDir.'/feedcache_'.$podPressFeedCache.'.xml'; $currenttime = mktime(); if(@file_exists($podPressFeedCache) && @filemtime($podPressFeedCache)+$podPressFeedCacheTTL > $currenttime && @filesize($podPressFeedCache) > 10) { header('X-FromPodPressCache: true', true); header('Content-type: text/xml;', true); readfile ($podPressFeedCache); exit; } else { header('X-FromPodPressCache: false', true); ob_start('podPressFeedCache'); define('WP_USE_THEMES', true); require('./wp-blog-header.php'); exit; } } else { header('X-FromPodPressCache: na', true); } } else { header('X-FromPodPressCache: na', true); } /* Original WordPress code */ define('WP_USE_THEMES', true); require('./wp-blog-header.php'); ?>