File: podango-api.php
<?php class PodangoAPI { var $serviceUrl = 'http://www.podango.com/api/'; var $fileUploader = 'http://www.podango.com/podcasts/file_upload.php'; var $mediaTrackerURL = 'http://download.podango.com/mediatracker/'; var $responseCode; var $responseString; var $parsed_xml; var $accessKey; var $secretKey; var $defaultPodcast = '##ALL##'; var $defaultTranscribe = 0; function PodangoAPI($accessKey, $secretKey) { $this->accessKey = $accessKey; $this->secretKey = $secretKey; } /*************************************************************/ /* Functions for managing the users podcasts */ /*************************************************************/ function GetPodcasts($onlyBasics = false) { $this->_GetPodcasts('##ALL##', $onlyBasics); return $this->_ParsePodcasts($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['User']['_c']['Podcast']); } function GetPodcast($podcastId, $onlyBasics = false) { $this->_GetPodcasts($podcastId); $result = $this->_ParsePodcasts($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['Podcast'], $onlyBasics); return $result[$podcastId]; } function CreatePodcast($title, $description) { $params = array(); $params['Title'] = $title; $params['Description'] = $description; $result = $this->_call('podcast/', 'PUT', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function UpdatePodcast($podcastId, $title, $description) { $params = array(); $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; $params['Title'] = $title; $params['Description'] = $description; $result = $this->_call('podcast/', 'POST', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) return false; return true; } function DeletePodcast($podcastId) { $params = array(); $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; $result = $this->_call('podcast/', 'DELETE', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function _GetPodcasts($podcastId = '##NOTSET##') { $params = array(); if($podcastId == '##NOTSET##') { $podcastId = $this->defaultPodcast; } if($podcastId != '##ALL##') { $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; } $result = $this->_call('podcast/', 'GET', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } /*************************************************************/ /* Functions for managing the users episodes */ /*************************************************************/ function GetEpisodes($requireFileURI = false) { $this->_GetEpisodes(); $podcasts = $this->_ParsePodcasts($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['User']['_c']['Podcast']); foreach($podcasts as $podcast) { foreach ($podcast['Episode'] as $episode) { if(!$requireFileURI || !empty($episode['FileURI'])) { $result[$episode['ID']] = $episode; $result[$episode['ID']]['Podcast'] = $podcast['ID']; } } } return $result; } function GetEpisode($episodeId) { $this->_GetEpisodes($episodeId); $result = $this->_ParseEpisode($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['Podcast']['_c']); return $result[$episodeId]; } function CreateEpisode($podcastId, $title, $description, $transcript = '', $mediafile = '', $transcribe = '') { $params = array(); $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; $params['Title'] = $title; $params['Description'] = $description; if(!empty($transcript)) { $params['Transcript'] = $transcript; } if(!empty($mediaFileId)) { $params['MediaFileId'] = $mediaFileId; } if(empty($transcribe)) { $params['Transcribe'] = $this->defaultTranscribe; } else { $params['Transcribe'] = $transcribe; } $result = $this->_call('episode/', 'PUT', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return $this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['Podcast']['_c']['Episode']['_c']['ID']['_v']; } function UpdateEpisode($episodeId, $title, $description, $transcript = '', $mediaFileId = '', $transcribe = '') { $params = array(); $params['EpisodeID'] = $episodeId; $params['Title'] = $title; $params['Description'] = $description; if(!empty($transcript)) { $params['Transcript'] = $transcript; } if(!empty($mediaFileId)) { $params['MediaFileId'] = $mediaFileId; } if(empty($transcribe)) { $params['Transcribe'] = $this->defaultTranscribe; } else { $params['Transcribe'] = $transcribe; } $result = $this->_call('episode/', 'PUT', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function DeleteEpisode($episodeId) { $params = array(); $params['EpisodeID'] = $episodeId; $files = array(); $result = $this->_call('episode/', 'DELETE', $params, $files); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function _GetEpisodes($episodeId = '##NOTSET##') { $params = array(); if($podcastId == '##NOTSET##') { $podcastId = $this->defaultPodcast; } if($episodeId != '##ALL##') { $params['EpisodeID'] = $episodeId; } $result = $this->_call('episode/', 'GET', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } /*************************************************************/ /* Functions for managing the users media files */ /*************************************************************/ function GetMediaFiles($podcastId = '##NOTSET##') { if($podcastId == '##NOTSET##') { $podcastId = $this->defaultPodcast; } $this->_GetMediaFiles($podcastId); if(isset($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['User']['_c']['Podcast'])) { $podcasts = $this->_ParsePodcasts($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['User']['_c']['Podcast']); } else { $podcasts = $this->_ParsePodcasts($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['Podcast']); } foreach($podcasts as $podcast) { foreach ($podcast['MediaFile'] as $mediaFile) { $result[$mediaFile['ID']] = $mediaFile; $result[$mediaFile['ID']]['Podcast'] = $podcast['ID']; } } return $result; } function GetMediaFile($mediaFileId) { // temp solution while I work out some other bugs $result = $this->GetMediaFiles(); return array($mediaFileId=>$result[$mediaFileId]); // Heres a start at the more correct implementation $this->_GetMediaFiles('##NOTSET##'); $result = $this->_ParseEpisode($this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['Podcast']['_c']); return $result[$episodeId]; } function GetMediaFileID($podcastId, $fileName) { $params = array(); $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; $params['FileName'] = $fileName; $result = $this->_call('media_file/', 'GET', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return $this->parsed_xml['Response']['_c']['User']['_c']['Podcast']['_c']['MediaFile']['_c']['ID']['_v']; } /* Not yet implemented function CreateMediaFile($podcastId, $mediafile) { $filename = basename($filePath); $params = array(); $params['EpisodeID'] = $episodeId; $params['Filename'] = $filename; $fsize = filesize($filePath); $readStream = new PodangoStreamReader(); $readStream->readHandle = fopen($filePath, "r"); $this->_putObjectStream($params, 'media_file/', array($readStream, "stream_function"), "binary/octet-stream", $fsize); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function UpdateMediaFile($mediaFileId, $content) { $params = array(); $params['MediaFileId'] = $mediaFileId; if ($filename != "") { $filename = basename($filename); $params['Filename'] = $filename; } $result = $this->_call('media_file/', 'PUT', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } */ function DeleteMediaFile($mediaFileId) { $params = array(); $params['MediaFileId'] = $mediaFileId; $result = $this->_call('media_file/', 'DELETE', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } function _GetMediaFiles($podcastId = '##NOTSET##') { $params = array(); if($podcastId == '##NOTSET##') { $podcastId = $this->defaultPodcast; } if($podcastId != '##ALL##') { $params['PodcastID'] = $podcastId; } $result = $this->_call('media_file/', 'GET', $params); if ($this->responseCode != 200) { return false; } return true; } /*************************************************************/ /* Parsing functions to handle the API responses */ /*************************************************************/ function _ParsePodcasts($input, $onlyBasics = false) { $result = array(); if (is_array($input)) { if (isset($input['_c'])) { $input[] = $input; } foreach ($input as $podcast) { if (isset($podcast['_a']['ID'])) { $id = $podcast['_a']['ID']; } else { $id = $podcast['_c']['ID']['_v']; } if(!empty($id)) { $result[$id] = array(); $result[$id]['ID'] = $id; if(isset($podcast['_c']['Title'])) { $result[$id]['Title'] = $podcast['_c']['Title']['_v']; } if(isset($podcast['_c']['Description'])) { $result[$id]['Description'] = $podcast['_c']['Description']['_v']; } if(isset($podcast['_c']['RSSFeed'])) { $result[$id]['RSSFeed'] = $podcast['_c']['RSSFeed']['_v']; } if(isset($podcast['_c']['Keywords'])) { $result[$id]['Keywords'] = $podcast['_c']['Keywords']['_v']; } if(isset($podcast['_c']['Explicit'])) { $result[$id]['Explicit'] = $podcast['_c']['Explicit']['_v']; } if(!$onlyBasics) { if(isset($podcast['_c']['Episode'])) { $result[$id]['Episode'] = $this->_ParseEpisodes($podcast['_c']['Episode']); } if(isset($podcast['_c']['MediaFile'])) { $result[$id]['MediaFile'] = $this->_ParseMediaFiles($podcast['_c']['MediaFile']); } } } } } return $result; } function _ParseEpisodes($input) { if (is_array($input)) { if (isset($input['_c'])) { $input[] = $input; } return $this->_ParseEpisode($input); } return array(); } function _ParseEpisode($input) { $result = array(); if (is_array($input)) { if (isset($input['_c'])) { $input[] = $input; } foreach ($input as $episode) { if (isset($episode['_a']['ID'])) { $id = $episode['_a']['ID']; } else { $id = $episode['_c']['ID']['_v']; } if(!empty($id)) { $result[$id]['ID'] = $id; if(isset($episode['_c']['Title'])) { $result[$id]['Title'] = $episode['_c']['Title']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['Date'])) { $result[$id]['Date'] = $episode['_c']['Date']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['Description'])) { $result[$id]['Description'] = $episode['_c']['Description']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['Transcript'])) { $result[$id]['Transcript'] = $episode['_c']['Transcript']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['MediaFileId'])) { $result[$id]['MediaFileId'] = $episode['_c']['MediaFileId']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['FileURI']) && $episode['_c']['FileURI']['_v'] != 'sucksforyou-no-url') { $result[$id]['FileURI'] = $episode['_c']['FileURI']['_v']; $result[$id]['Filename'] = basename($episode['_c']['FileURI']['_v']); } if(isset($episode['_c']['Length'])) { $result[$id]['Length'] = $episode['_c']['Length']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['FileSize'])) { $result[$id]['FileSize'] = $episode['_c']['FileSize']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['ImageURI'])) { $result[$id]['ImageURI'] = $episode['_c']['ImageURI']['_v']; } if(isset($episode['_c']['Status'])) { $result[$id]['Status'] = $episode['_c']['Status']['_v']; } } } } return $result; } function _ParseMediaFiles($input) { if (is_array($input)) { if (isset($input['_c'])) { $input[] = $input; } return $this->_ParseMediaFile($input); } return array(); } function _ParseMediaFile($input) { $result = array(); if (is_array($input)) { if (isset($input['_c'])) { $input[] = $input; } foreach ($input as $mediaFile) { if (isset($mediaFile['_a']['ID'])) { $id = $mediaFile['_a']['ID']; } else { $id = $mediaFile['_c']['ID']['_v']; } if(!empty($id)) { $result[$id]['ID'] = $id; if(isset($mediaFile['_c']['Filename'])) { $result[$id]['Filename'] = $mediaFile['_c']['Filename']['_v']; } if(isset($mediaFile['_c']['FileURI'])) { $result[$id]['FileURI'] = $mediaFile['_c']['FileURI']['_v']; } if(empty($result[$id]['Filename'])) { $result[$id]['Filename'] = basename($result[$id]['FileURI']); } if(isset($mediaFile['_c']['ByteSize'])) { $result[$id]['ByteSize'] = $mediaFile['_c']['ByteSize']['_v']; } if(isset($mediaFile['_c']['Episode']['_c']['ID'])) { $result[$id]['EpisodeID'] = $mediaFile['_c']['Episode']['_c']['ID']['_v']; } if(isset($mediaFile['_c']['Episode']['_c']['Title'])) { $result[$id]['EpisodeTitle'] = $mediaFile['_c']['Episode']['_c']['Title']['_v']; } } } } return $result; } /*************************************************************/ /* Functions to handle the actual API calls */ /*************************************************************/ function _call($URIFolder, $method, $params, $files = '##NOTSET##') { if (!isset($params)) { $params = array(); } if ($files == '##NOTSET##') { $files = array(); } $timestamp = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); $stringToSign = $method.$timestamp.$this->accessKey; // Add Actions //$params['Action'] = $action; $params['Version'] = '2007-01-15'; $params['AccessKey'] = $this->accessKey; $params['Authorization'] = $this->_constructSig($stringToSign); $params['Timestamp'] = $timestamp; $request = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { $request .= $name . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } $this->_pchop($request); $req = & new PodangoHTTPRequest($this->serviceUrl.$URIFolder); $req->setMethod($method); $req->setQueryString($request); $this->responseString = $req->DownloadToString(); $this->responseCode = $req->getResponseCode(); $this->parsed_xml = $this->_getParsedXMLString($this->responseString); } function _hex2b64($str) { $raw = ''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i+=2) { $raw .= chr(hexdec(substr($str, $i, 2))); } return base64_encode($raw); } function _constructSig($str) { return $this->_hex2b64($this->_cryptHMAC($this->secretKey, $str)); } /** * implementation of Perl's "chop" function */ function _pchop($string) { if (is_array($string)) { foreach($string as $i => $val) { $endchar = $this->_pchop($string[$i]); } } else { $endchar = substr("$string", strlen("$string") - 1, 1); $string = substr("$string", 0, -1); } return $endchar; } function _putObjectStream($params, $URIFolder, $streamFunction, $contentType, $contentLength) { $timestamp = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); $stringToSign = 'PUT'.$timestamp.$this->accessKey; $params['Version'] = '2007-01-15'; $params['AccessKey'] = $this->accessKey; $params['Authorization'] = $this->_constructSig($stringToSign); $params['Timestamp'] = $timestamp; $request = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { $request .= $name . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } $this->_pchop($request); $curl_inst = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 300); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 180); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, $streamFunction); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_URL, $this->serviceUrl.$URIFolder.'?'.$request); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); curl_setopt ($curl_inst, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD, $contentLength); $header[] = "Date: $timestamp"; $header[] = "Content-Type: $contentType"; $header[] = "Content-Length: $contentLength"; $header[] = "Expect: "; $header[] = "Transfer-Encoding: "; curl_setopt($curl_inst, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($curl_inst, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $this->responseString = curl_exec ($curl_inst); $this->responseCode = curl_getinfo($curl_inst, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $this->parsed_xml = $this->_getParsedXMLString($this->responseString); curl_close($curl_inst); } /* function to generate HMAC hash */ function _cryptHMAC($key, $data) { $func = 'sha1'; $pack = 'H40'; if (strlen($key) > 64) { $key = pack($pack, $func($key)); } if (strlen($key) < 64) { $key = str_pad($key, 64, chr(0)); } $ipad = (substr($key, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)); $opad = (substr($key, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64)); return $func($opad . pack($pack, $func($ipad . $data))); } // _Internal: Remove recursion in result array function _del_p($ary) { foreach ($ary as $k=>$v) { if ($k==='_p') { unset($ary[$k]); } elseif (is_array($ary[$k])) { $this->_del_p($ary[$k]); } } } function _getParsedXMLString($xml) { /*Format XML->Array _c - children _v - value _a - attributes */ $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); $mnary=array(); $ary=&$mnary; foreach ($vals as $r) { $t=$r['tag']; if ($r['type']=='open') { if (isset($ary[$t])) { if (isset($ary[$t][0])) { $ary[$t][]=array(); } else { $ary[$t]=array($ary[$t], array()); } $cv=&$ary[$t][count($ary[$t])-1]; } else $cv=&$ary[$t]; if (isset($r['attributes'])) { foreach ($r['attributes'] as $k=>$v) { $cv['_a'][$k]=$v; } } $cv['_c']=array(); $cv['_c']['_p']=&$ary; $ary=&$cv['_c']; } elseif ($r['type']=='complete') { if (isset($ary[$t])) { // same as open if (isset($ary[$t][0])) $ary[$t][]=array(); else $ary[$t]=array($ary[$t], array()); $cv=&$ary[$t][count($ary[$t])-1]; } else $cv=&$ary[$t]; { if (isset($r['attributes'])) { foreach ($r['attributes'] as $k=>$v) $cv['_a'][$k]=$v; } $cv['_v']=(isset($r['value']) ? $r['value'] : ''); } } elseif ($r['type']=='close') { $ary=&$ary['_p']; } } $this->_del_p($mnary); return $mnary; } } /*************************************************************/ /* Support classes for specific tasks */ /*************************************************************/ class PodangoStreamReader { var $readHandle; function stream_function($handle, $fd, $length) { return fread($this->readHandle, $length); } } class PodangoHTTPRequest { var $_fp; // HTTP socket var $_url; // full URL var $_method; // HTTP method var $_host; // HTTP host var $_protocol; // protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) var $_uri; // request URI var $_port; // port var $_GET_params; var $_POST_params; var $_raw_request; var $_headers; // constructor function PodangoHTTPRequest($url) { $this->_url = $url; $this->_scan_url(); } function setMethod($method) { $this->_method = $method; } function setQueryString($str) { $this->_GET_params = $str; } function setPostData($str) { $this->_POST_params = $str; } function getResponseCode() { $pos = strpos($this->_headers['status'], ' '); return substr($this->_headers['status'], $pos+1, 3); } // scan url function _scan_url() { $req = $this->_url; $pos = strpos($req, '://'); $this->_protocol = strtolower(substr($req, 0, $pos)); $req = substr($req, $pos+3); $pos = strpos($req, '/'); if($pos === false) { $pos = strlen($req); } $host = substr($req, 0, $pos); if(strpos($host, ':') !== false) { list($this->_host, $this->_port) = explode(':', $host); } else { $this->_host = $host; $this->_port = ($this->_protocol == 'https') ? 443 : 80; } $this->_uri = substr($req, $pos); if($this->_uri == '') { $this->_uri = '/'; } } function parse_http_headers(){ if($this->_raw_header === false){ return false; } $this->_raw_header = str_replace("\r","",$this->_raw_header); $headers = explode("\n",$this->_raw_header); foreach($headers as $value){ $header = explode(": ",$value); if($header[0] && !$header[1]){ $headerdata['status'] = $header[0]; } elseif($header[0] && $header[1]) { $headerdata[$header[0]] = $header[1]; } } $this->_headers = $headerdata; return $this->_headers; } // download URL to string function DownloadToString() { $crlf = "\r\n"; // generate request $this->_raw_request = $this->_method.' '.$this->_uri; if(!empty($this->_GET_params)) { $this->_raw_request .= '?'.$this->_GET_params; } $this->_raw_request .= ' HTTP/1.0'.$crlf.'Host: '.$this->_host.$crlf.$crlf; if(!empty($this->_POST_params)) { $this->_raw_request .= '?'.$this->_GET_params; } // fetch $this->_fp = fsockopen(($this->_protocol == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : '') . $this->_host, $this->_port); fwrite($this->_fp, $this->_raw_request); while(is_resource($this->_fp) && $this->_fp && !feof($this->_fp)) { $response .= fread($this->_fp, 1024); } fclose($this->_fp); // split header and body $pos = strpos($response, $crlf . $crlf); if($pos === false) { return($response); } $this->_raw_header = substr($response, 0, $pos); $body = substr($response, $pos + 2 * strlen($crlf)); // parse headers $headers = array(); $lines = explode($crlf, $this->_raw_header); foreach($lines as $line) { if(($pos = strpos($line, ':')) !== false) { $headers[strtolower(trim(substr($line, 0, $pos)))] = trim(substr($line, $pos+1)); } } $this->_headers = $this->parse_http_headers(); // redirection? if(isset($headers['location'])) { if(substr($headers['location'],0,1) == '/') { $headers['location'] = $this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . $headers['location']; } $http = new PodangoHTTPRequest($headers['location']); return($http->DownloadToString()); } else { return($body); } } }