File: podpress_admin_podango_class.php
<?php /* License: ============================================================================== Copyright 2006 Dan Kuykendall (email : dan@kuykendall.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-107 USA */ class podPressAdmin_class extends podPress_class { function podPressAdmin_class() { $this->podPress_class(); return; } /*************************************************************/ /* Functions for editing and saving posts */ /*************************************************************/ function settings_podango_edit() { GLOBAL $wpdb, $wp_rewrite; podPress_isAuthorized(); if (isset($_GET['updated']) && $_GET['updated'] == 'true') { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>'. __('Settings Saved', 'podpress').'</p></div>'; } echo '<div class="wrap">'."\n"; echo ' <h2>'.__('Podango Options', 'podpress').' <a href="http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress/#download" target="_new"><img src="http://www.mightyseek.com/podpress_downloads/versioncheck.php?current='.PODPRESS_VERSION.'" alt="'.__('Checking for updates... Failed.', 'podpress').'" border="0" /></a></h2>'."\n"; echo ' <form method="post">'."\n"; echo ' <fieldset class="options">'."\n"; echo ' <legend>'.__('Podango Integration', 'podpress').' <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowHideRow(\'podangoIntegrationHelp\');">(?)</a></legend>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="enablePodangoIntegration">'.__('Enable Podango Integration', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; if(!$this->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']){ $showPodangoOptions = 'style="display: none;"'; } echo ' <td>'."\n"; echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="enablePodangoIntegration" id="enablePodangoIntegration" '; if($this->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } echo " onclick=\"javascript: podPressShowHideRow('podangoUserKeyWrapper'); podPressShowHideRow('podangoPassKeyWrapper'); podPressShowHideRow('podangoDefaultPodcastWrapper'); podPressShowHideRow('podangoTranscribeWrapper');\" />\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr id="podangoUserKeyWrapper" '.$showPodangoOptions.'>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangoUserKey">'.__('User Access Key', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td><input name="podangoUserKey" id="podangoUserKey" size="30" type="text" value="'.htmlentities($this->settings['podangoUserKey']).'"> <a href="http://www.podango.com/podcasts/api_setup.php">Can be found here</a></td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr id="podangoPassKeyWrapper" '.$showPodangoOptions.'>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangoPassKey">'.__('Pass Key', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td><input name="podangoPassKey" id="podangoPassKey" size="30" type="text" value="'.htmlentities($this->settings['podangoPassKey']).'"> <a href="http://www.podango.com/podcasts/api_setup.php">Can be found here</a></td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr id="podangoDefaultPodcastWrapper" '.$showPodangoOptions.'>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangoDefaultPodcast">'.__('Default Podcast', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td>'."\n"; $podangoPodcastList = array(0=>array('title'=>'Save Options to update this list')); if($this->settings['enablePodangoIntegration']){ $podangoPodcastList = $this->podangoAPI->GetPodcasts(true); if(count($podangoPodcastList) == 0) { $podangoPodcastList = array(0=>array('title'=>'Could not find your Podcast/Channel')); } } echo ' <select name="podangoDefaultPodcast" id="podangoDefaultPodcast">'."\n"; echo ' <option value="##ALL##" '; if($this->settings['podangoDefaultPodcast'] == '##ALL##') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>Enable them all on this site</option>'."\n"; foreach ($podangoPodcastList as $k=>$v) { echo ' <option value="'.$k.'" '; if($this->settings['podangoDefaultPodcast'] == $k) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>'.$v['Title'].'</option>'."\n"; } echo ' </select>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr id="podangoTranscribeWrapper" '.$showPodangoOptions.'>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangoDefaultTranscribe">'.__('Transcribe', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td>'."\n"; echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="podangoDefaultTranscribe" id="podangoDefaultTranscribe" '; if($this->settings['podangoDefaultTranscribe']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } echo "/> Transcriptions cost $1.00/minute, and currently are deducted from your ad earnings.\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr id="podangoIntegrationHelp" style="display: none;">'."\n"; echo ' <td colspan="2">'; echo ' podPress users can gain additional functionality when used in combination with Podango hosting.<br/>'."\n"; echo ' Letm e count the ways<br/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </fieldset>'."\n"; echo ' <input type="hidden" name="podPress_submitted" value="podango" />'."\n"; echo ' <p class="submit"> '."\n"; echo ' <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="'.__('Update Options', 'podpress').' »" /> '."\n"; echo ' </p> '."\n"; echo ' </form> '."\n"; if(true) { echo ' <form method="post">'."\n"; echo ' <fieldset class="options">'."\n"; echo ' <legend>'.__('Migration Process', 'podpress').'</legend>'."\n"; echo ' <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform">'."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangdoMigration">'.__('Re-reference all media files to the podango hosted version.', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="podangdoMigration" id="podangdoMigration"/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' <tr>'."\n"; echo ' <th width="33%" valign="top"><label for="podangoUnMigration">'.__('Remove Podango references from all media files to local URL.', 'podpress').':</label></th>'."\n"; echo ' <td valign="top">'."\n"; echo ' <input type="checkbox" name="podangoUnMigration" id="podangoUnMigration"/>'."\n"; echo ' </td>'."\n"; echo ' </tr> '."\n"; echo ' </table>'."\n"; echo ' </fieldset>'."\n"; echo ' <input type="hidden" name="podPress_submitted" value="podango" />'."\n"; echo ' <p class="submit"> '."\n"; echo ' <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="'.__('Update Options', 'podpress').' »" /> '."\n"; echo ' </p> '."\n"; echo ' </form> '."\n"; } echo '</div>'."\n"; } function settings_podango_save() { GLOBAL $wpdb; if(function_exists('wp_cache_flush')) { wp_cache_flush(); } if(isset($_POST['podangdoMigration'])) { $podangoMediaFiles = $this->podangoAPI->GetMediaFiles(); if(is_array($podangoMediaFiles) && !empty($podangoMediaFiles)) { foreach ($podangoMediaFiles as $v) { if(!empty($v['EpisodeID'])) { $pmf[$v['Filename']] = array('EpisodeID'=>$v['EpisodeID'], 'ID'=>$v['ID']); } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_podPressMedia'"; $metadata = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if($metadata) { $posts2convert = array(); foreach ($metadata as $v) { $save = false; $v->meta_value = unserialize($v->meta_value); foreach ($v->meta_value as $k=>$subv) { $fn = podpress_getfilename($subv['URI']); if(isset($pmf[$fn])) { $v->meta_value[$k]['URI'] = 'Podango:'.$this->settings['podangoDefaultPodcast'].':'.$pmf[$fn]['ID'].':'.$pmf[$fn]['EpisodeID'].':'.$fn; $save = true; } } if($save) { $v->meta_value = serialize($v->meta_value); $sql = "update ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta set meta_value = '".$v->meta_value."' where meta_id=".$v->meta_id; $wpdb->query($sql); } } } } } elseif(isset($_POST['podangoUnMigration'])) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_podPressMedia'"; $metadata = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if($metadata) { $posts2convert = array(); foreach ($metadata as $v) { $save = false; $v->meta_value = unserialize($v->meta_value); foreach ($v->meta_value as $k=>$subv) { $fn = podpress_getfilename($subv['URI']); if(isset($fn)) { $pos = strrpos($fn, ':'); $v->meta_value[$k]['URI'] = substr($fn, $pos); $save = true; } } if($save) { $v->meta_value = serialize($v->meta_value); $sql = "update ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta set meta_value = '".$v->meta_value."' where meta_id=".$v->meta_id; $wpdb->query($sql); } } } } else { if(isset($_post['enablepodangointegration'])) { $this->settings['enablepodangointegration'] = true; } else { $this->settings['enablepodangointegration'] = false; } if(isset($_POST['podangoUserKey'])) { $this->settings['podangoUserKey'] = $_POST['podangoUserKey']; } if(isset($_POST['podangoPassKey'])) { $this->settings['podangoPassKey'] = $_POST['podangoPassKey']; } if(isset($_POST['podangoDefaultPodcast']) && $_POST['podangoDefaultPodcast'] !== 0) { $this->settings['podangoDefaultPodcast'] = $_POST['podangoDefaultPodcast']; } if(isset($_POST['podangoDefaultTranscribe'])) { $this->settings['podangoDefaultTranscribe'] = true; } else { $this->settings['podangoDefaultTranscribe'] = false; } delete_option('podPress_config'); podPress_add_option('podPress_config', $this->settings); } $location = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=podpress/podpress_podango.php&updated=true'; header('Location: '.$location); exit; } } ?>