File: podpress_backend.php
<?php /* License: ============================================================================== Copyright 2006 Dan Kuykendall (email : dan@kuykendall.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-107 USA */ if ( isset($_GET['action']) OR isset($_POST['action']) ) { if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) { // everything is normal // determine the root folder of the WP blog and the one above this folder $podpress_abspath_parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'wp-content', __FILE__); $podpress_abspath = $podpress_abspath_parts[0]; $podpress_abspath_parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $podpress_abspath); $podpress_nr_parts = count($podpress_abspath_parts); $i = 0; $podpress_abspath = ''; $podpress_path_above_of_WP = ''; foreach ($podpress_abspath_parts as $podpress_abspath_part) { if ( $i < $podpress_nr_parts and FALSE === empty($podpress_abspath_part) ) { $podpress_abspath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $podpress_abspath_part; if ( $i < ($podpress_nr_parts-1) ) { $podpress_path_above_of_WP .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $podpress_abspath_part; } } $i++; } // if the first part includes a double point then it is maybe a drive letter and no folder name if ( FALSE !== stripos($podpress_abspath_parts[0], ':') ) { if (FALSE !== stripos( php_uname(), 'win' )) { $podpress_abspath = ltrim($podpress_abspath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $podpress_path_above_of_WP = ltrim($podpress_path_above_of_WP, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } } define('WP_USE_THEMES', false); // require the wp-config.php and make all the WP functions, constants and variables available if ( TRUE === is_readable($podpress_abspath.'/wp-config.php') ) { require_once($podpress_abspath.'/wp-config.php'); } elseif( TRUE === is_readable($podpress_path_above_of_WP.'/wp-config.php') ) { require_once($podpress_path_above_of_WP.'/wp-config.php'); } else { die('Error: could not find wp-config.php.'); } require_once(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/podpress_admin_functions.php'); $customThemeFile = ABSPATH.'/wp-content/themes/'.get_option('template').'/podpress_theme.php'; if ( FALSE === file_exists($customThemeFile) ) { $customThemeFile = ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/podpress_theme.php'; } if ( FALSE == isset($_GET['action']) OR TRUE == empty($_GET['action']) ) { $action_param = strtolower($_POST['action']); podpress_var_dump('podpress_backend.php - param filename: '.var_export(stripslashes($_POST['filename']), TRUE)); } else { $action_param = strtolower($_GET['action']); podpress_var_dump('podpress_backend.php - param filename: '.var_export(stripslashes($_GET['filename']), TRUE)); } if ( defined('NONCE_KEY') AND is_string(constant('NONCE_KEY')) AND '' != trim(constant('NONCE_KEY')) ) { $nonce_key = constant('NONCE_KEY'); } else { $nonce_key = 'Af|F07*wC7g-+OX$;|Z5;R@Pi]ZgoU|Zex8=`?mO-Mdvu+WC6l=6<O^2d~+~U3MM'; } switch( $action_param ) { case 'getrealurl' : if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { podPress_get_real_url($_POST['url']); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'size': if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { podPress_isAuthorized('edit_posts'); echo trim( podPress_getFileSize( stripslashes($_POST['filename']) ) ); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'duration': if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { podPress_isAuthorized('edit_posts'); echo trim( podPress_getDuration( stripslashes($_POST['filename']) ) ); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'id3tags': if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { podPress_isAuthorized('edit_posts'); echo podPress_showID3tags( stripslashes($_POST['filename']) ); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'id3image': if ( isset($_GET['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { podPress_isAuthorized('edit_posts'); if ( isset($_GET['tmpdownloadexists']) AND 'yes' === $_GET['tmpdownloadexists'] ) { podPress_getCoverArt( stripslashes($_GET['filename']), TRUE ); } else { podPress_getCoverArt( stripslashes($_GET['filename']), FALSE ); } } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'upgradeaction' : if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { require_once(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/podpress_upgrade_functions.php'); podPress_upgrade_via_ajax($_POST['upgr_process_nr'], $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'curnrofrows' : // is an upgrade action if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { require_once(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/podpress_upgrade_functions.php'); podPress_current_nr_of_rows($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'], 'false', $_POST['upgr_process_nr'], 'ajax'); } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'printupgradeform' : // is an upgrade action if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { require_once(ABSPATH.PLUGINDIR.'/podpress/podpress_upgrade_functions.php'); if ( isset($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table']) AND ('stats' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'] OR 'statcounts' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table']) ) { if ( isset($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']) AND ('false' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit'] OR 'true' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']) ) { podPress_print_upgrade_form($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'], $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']); } else { podPress_print_upgrade_form($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'], 'false'); } } else { if ( isset($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']) AND ('false' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit'] OR 'true' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']) ) { podPress_print_upgrade_form('statcounts', $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['isinit']); } else { podPress_print_upgrade_form('statcounts', 'false'); } } } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'finishupgradeaction' : // is an upgrade action if ( isset($_POST['_ajax_nonce']) AND TRUE == function_exists('wp_verify_nonce') AND TRUE == wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_ajax_nonce'], $nonce_key) ) { if ( isset($_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table']) AND ('stats' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'] OR 'statcounts' == $_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table']) ) { podpress_delete_upgrade_status('podpress_update_'.$_POST['podpress_upgr_misc']['table'].'_table'); } else { die('Error: correct parameter is missing.'); } } else { die('Error: Security check failed.'); } break; case 'streamfile': //~ podPress_isAuthorized(); //~ Header("Content-Type: ".$podPress->contentType."; charset=".$podPress->encoding."; filename=".basename($filename)); //~ Header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".basename($filename)); //~ break; default: die('Error: parameters are missing.'); break; } } else { die('Error: some essential things are missing.'); } } ?>