File: comments.php
<?php if ( function_exists('wp_list_comments') ) : // new comments.php stuff // password check if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) die (__('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!', 'ahimsa')); if ( post_password_required() ) { print ' <p class="nocomments">' . __('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.', 'ahimsa') . '</p>'; return; } if ( have_comments() ) : ?> <fieldset id='comments'> <legend> <?php comments_number( __('No Responses', 'ahimsa'), __('One Response', 'ahimsa'), '% ' . __('Responses', 'ahimsa'));?> </legend> <!-- The below is to workaround what seems to be a bug in Safari. Without it, the 'comments' container fieldset (above) is overlapped by the first comment fieldset. --> <ul> <?php wp_list_comments('type=all&style=ul&callback=custom_comment'); ?> </ul> <br clear='all' /> <div class="postmetadata"> <?php previous_comments_link('<span class="capsule actbubble" style="float: left;">' . '« ' . __('previous', 'ahimsa') . '</span>'); next_comments_link('<span class="capsule actbubble" style="float: right;">' . __('next', 'ahimsa') . ' »</span>'); ?> <br clear='all'/> </div> </fieldset> <?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?> <?php if ('open' == $post->comment_status) : // If comments are open, but there are no comments. else : // comments are closed ?> <!-- If comments are closed. --> <span class='capsule nocomments'><?php _e('Comments are closed', 'ahimsa'); ?></span> <br/> <br/> <?php endif; endif; else : // old WP < 2.7 include_once("comments-old.php"); endif; // WP 2.7 check (old vs new style of comments) ?> <?php if('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?> <div id='respond'> <fieldset id='responsebox'> <legend><?php _e('Leave a Reply', 'ahimsa'); ?></legend> <?php if( get_option('comment_registration') && !$user_ID ) : ?> <p> <?php $loginlink = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . the_permalink(); printf(__("You must be <a href='%s'>logged in</a> to post a comment.</p>", 'ahimsa'), $loginlink); ?> <?php else : ?> <form action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" id="commentform"> <?php if( $user_ID ) : ?> <p> <?php $profile_url = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/profile.php'; printf(__("Logged in as <a href='%s'>%s</a>", 'ahimsa'), $profile_url, $user_identity); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-login.php?action=logout" title="<?php _e('Log out of this account', 'ahimsa'); ?>"> <?php _e('Logout', 'ahimsa'); ?> »</a> </p> <?php else : ?> <p> <input type="text" name="author" id="author" class='inptext' value="<?php echo $comment_author; ?>" size="22" tabindex="1" /> <label for="author"><small> <?php _e('Name', 'ahimsa'); if($req) _e("(required)", 'ahimsa'); ?> </small> </label> </p> <p> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class='inptext' value="<?php echo $comment_author_email; ?>" size="22" tabindex="2" /> <label for="email"><small> <?php _e('Mail (will not be published)', 'ahimsa'); if($req) _e("(required)", 'ahimsa'); ?> </small></label> </p> <p> <input type="text" name="url" id="url" class='inptext' value="<?php echo $comment_author_url; ?>" size="22" tabindex="3" /> <label for="url"><small><?php _e('Website', 'ahimsa'); ?></small></label></p> <?php endif; ?> <p><textarea name="comment" id="replytext" rows="20" tabindex="4"></textarea></p> <div id='commenthint'> <small> <?php _e('<strong>XHTML</strong>: You can use these tags:', 'ahimsa'); ?> <code><?php echo allowed_tags(); ?></code> </small> </div> <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class='capsule actbubble' tabindex="5" value="<?php _e('Submit Comment', 'ahimsa'); ?>" /> <?php if ( function_exists('comment_id_fields') ) : // WP > 2.7 comment_id_fields(); ?> <div id="cancel-comment-reply"> <small><?php cancel_comment_reply_link() ?></small> </div> <?php else : ?> <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?> </form> <?php endif; // If registration required and not logged in ?> </fieldset> </div> <?php endif; // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head ?>