File: _changelog.txt
Changelog 3.7.24: - Fixed a wrong META title when Front Page is a static page - Fixed the cause of messages 'Notice: register_sidebar was called incorrectly' showing - Fixed lack of a space in the <body..> when using 'HTML Inserts: Body Tag' - Fix issue in CSS where there are two ';' when there should be one Changelog 3.7.23: - Fixed an error which caused feeds to stop working - Fixed an error which caused META data not to work using Atahualpa's SEO - Fixed a condition that could cause 'Undefined index: bfa_ata_noncename' warning messages to be displayed - New screenshot size Changelog 3.7.19: - Fixed issue with the code added in 3.7.17 to show category names on <body> - it now work when the blog page is the front page. - added code to fix formatting errors when using BBPress - added code to handle captions used in galleries - bfa_meta_tags.php: Using wp_title filter Changelog 3.7.18: - Fixed issue with the code added in 3.7.16 for rotating/fading header images - added code to eliminate some php warnings when using dynamic (new) widget areas - added code to allow the 'width' for new widget area to use 'px' or '%' - changed all references of 'new widget area' to 'dynamic widget area' - atahualpa.pot was empty Changelog 3.7.17: - Fixed 'Theme is redirected when activated.' Changelog 3.7.16: - New Feature: using the '%category-linked%' option will now add a class of the category to the link - New Feature: using the '%categories-linked%' option will now add a class for each category to the link - New feature: on single post pages, the <body....> will now include the category classes of the post - New Feature/Bug Fix: when using rotating header images and fade in/out the Blog Title and tag will now remain visible - this also forces the images to be aligned 'top center' - fixed missing index's in all the default styles (atahualpa/styles) - Fixed an error where a child menu item was showing the hover color and not the parents color - Fixed some minor documentation errors in the theme options Changelog 3.7.15: - made default favicon_url value blank ("") as per new WP.org theme requirements - Replaced old tag 'fixed-width' with 'fixed-layout' - Replaced old tag 'flexible-width' with 'fluid-layout' - replaced file '_3.7.14.changelog' with 'changelog.txt' - unclosed <div class="widget widget_text">... in header.php causing W3C error if default widgets were displayed (if no custom widgets in sidebar). Changelog 3.7.14: - removed some debugging code causing a 'ladybug' favicon to show when in the backend - added 'more' processing to 'multi column/custom query' template Changelog 3.7.13: - added new 'Full width Header' option - added new 'Full width footer' option Changelog 3.7.12: - added new 'Center Top area widget' option code - added new 'Center Bottom area widget' option code - added option to specify folder to use for the logo, favicon and header images - fixed issue in 'multi column/custom query' template when using '0' - bfa_rotating_header_images.php, line 5: $files = '' -> $files = array(); - bfa_rotating_header_images.php, line 12: if($bfa_ata['images_root'] == "atahualpa") -> if($bfa_ata['images_root'] != "wp-content") - bfa_custom_comments, line 10 (Undefined Notice): if ( $post = get_post($post_id) ) -> removed - bfa_custom_comments, line 4: global $bfa_ata -> global $bfa_ata, $post Changelog 3.7.11: - fix export issue when WordPress Address and Site Address are different - fix small extension of %bar1 and %bar2 - removed depreciated code checking for multisites - added an option to change the default directory header images are stored in. You can now have separate header image folders for multisites. Changelog 3.7.10: - changed access to globals $templateURI and $homeURL to support https - changed documentation about using 'New widget areas' in the center column - get_template_directory_uri() instead of get_bloginfo in /functions/bfa_get_options.php Changelog 3.7.9: - Only excerpts shown contrary to corresponding setting. http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=18241 - Updated atahualpa.pot file - Edited style.css description - Removed references and instructions to/for ancient WP & Atahualpa versions in readme.txt - Added function to redirect to theme options after activation, in functions.php - removed log.txt file Changelog 3.7.8: - Double titles when using Yoast WP SEO: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=18174 - Issue with internal SEO options: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=18160 - Issue with print style at certain sidebar config: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=18125 - sticky.gif for sticky posts not found due to space in (default) image URL, caused by line break in /functions/bfa_theme_options.php line 2240/2241 - added new feature auto resizing of videos (embed and iframe elements), in /js.php Changelog 3.7.7: Based on http://themes.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7485#comment:2 - removed 'function_exists' for get_avatar, dynamic_sidebar, is_front_page, is_tag, wp_list_comments, wp_nav_menu, register_sidebar_widget - removed files /legacy.coments.php, /functions/bfa_body_class.php, /functions/bfa_bodyclasses.php - namespaced many functions with 'bfa_', mainly in functions.php Changelog 3.7.6: - renamed is_pagetemplate_active() to bfa_is_pagetemplate_active() - http://themes.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7404 - update the POT file - fixed and error where an index was missing effecting excerpts - fixed an error where php was put into the 'POST Container: STICKY' styling - changed the default option to include no CSS Inserts - added a documentation example of putting H1 - H6 in the CSS Inserts - fixed an error where a <!-nextpage--> was being ignored Changelog 3.7.5: - Fixed line endings in _3.7.4.changelog.txt (this file) Changelog 3.7.4: - update the POT file - Fix missing translation for some words - Fixed odd character appears in the documentation for 'Add new Widget Areas' - Fixed date-modified in post/page info items returns the date published - update the 'CrossSlide jQuery ' to version 0.6.2 - Enhancement - only load 'comment-reply.js' on pages where it is needed - Remove '<p>...</p>' surrounding footer to prevent validation errors - Make the 'Page' footer work for the archive page - Replaced functions 'eregi()' and 'ereg()' which are deprecated in php 5.3 - added a new function to allow testing for a pagetemplate - added a multi-column custom query' page template - enqueue scripts with add_action Changelog 3.7.3: - Replaced (.*) with less greedy (.*?) pattern for 'custom widgets areas' preg_replace across multiple lines, too: /functions.php, line 1013 - Replaced preg_match_all with preg_replace_callback for 'date postinfo' so that multiple items can be used, /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 191-199 - New function bfa_parse_date_callback, /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 17