File: js.php
<?php if ( isset($bfa_ata_preview) OR $bfa_ata['javascript_external'] == "Inline" OR ( isset($bfa_ata_debug) AND $bfa_ata['allow_debug'] == "Yes" ) ) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; } else { header("Content-type: application/x-javascript"); } // Currently not used. Enable in bfa_theme_options as well /* if ( $bfa_ata['javascript_compress'] == "Yes" AND !( $bfa_ata_debug == 1 AND $bfa_ata['allow_debug'] == "Yes" ) ) { ob_start("bfa_compress_js"); } */ function bfa_compress_js($buffer) { /* remove comments */ $buffer = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $buffer); /* remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */ $buffer = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", " ", " ", " "), '', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(": ", " :"), ":", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(" {", "{ "), "{", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(" }", "} "), "}", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(" (", "( "), "(", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(" )", ") "), ")", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(", ", " ,"), ",", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array("; ", " ;"), ";", $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array("= ", " ="), "=", $buffer); return $buffer; } # if (function_exists('sociable_html')) { # include (WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/sociable/wists.js'); # } ?> //<![CDATA[ <?php if (strpos($bfa_ata['configure_header'],'%image')!== FALSE AND $bfa_ata['header_image_javascript'] != "0" AND $bfa_ata['crossslide_fade'] == "0") { ?> var HeaderImages = new Array(<?php echo implode(",", bfa_rotating_header_images()); ?>); var t; var j = 0 var p = HeaderImages.length <?php if ($bfa_ata['header_image_javascript_preload'] == "Yes") { ?> var PreLoadImages = new Array() for (i = 0; i < p; i++){ PreLoadImages[i] = new Image() PreLoadImages[i].src = HeaderImages[i] } <?php } ?> function RotateHeaderImages(){ if (document.body){ HeaderImageContainer = document.getElementById('imagecontainer'); HeaderImageContainer.style.background = 'url(' + HeaderImages[j] + ') <?php echo $bfa_ata['headerimage_alignment']; ?> no-repeat'; j = j + 1 if (j > (p-1)) j=0 t = setTimeout('RotateHeaderImages()', <?php echo $bfa_ata['header_image_javascript']; ?>000) } } window.onload = RotateHeaderImages; <?php } ?> /* JQUERY */ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ <?php if ( $bfa_ata['animate_page_menu_bar'] == "Yes" AND strpos($bfa_ata['configure_header'],'%page')!== FALSE ) { ?> jQuery("#rmenu2 li.rMenu-expand").hover(function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').css({"display":"block","position":"absolute"}); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first li').css({"display":"none"}).slideDown(500); },function() { jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').css("display","block"); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first li').css("display","block").slideUp(300); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').slideUp(300); }); <?php } ?> <?php if ( $bfa_ata['animate_cat_menu_bar'] == "Yes" AND strpos($bfa_ata['configure_header'],'%cat')!== FALSE ) { ?> jQuery("#rmenu li.rMenu-expand").hover(function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').css({"display":"block","position":"absolute"}); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first li').css({"display":"none"}).slideDown(500); },function() { jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').css("display","block"); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first li').css("display","block").slideUp(300); jQuery(this).find('ul.rMenu-ver:first').slideUp(300); }); <?php } ?> <?php if (strpos($bfa_ata['configure_header'],'%image')!== FALSE AND $bfa_ata['header_image_javascript'] != "0" AND $bfa_ata['crossslide_fade'] != "0") { ?> jQuery('div#imagecontainer') .crossSlide({sleep: <?php echo $bfa_ata['header_image_javascript']; ?>,fade: <?php echo $bfa_ata['crossslide_fade']; ?>},[ { src: <?php echo implode( " },\n{ src: ", bfa_rotating_header_images() ); ?> } ]); /* .crossSlide({fade: <?php echo $bfa_ata['crossslide_fade']; ?>},[ <?php echo "{ src: " . implode( ", from: '40% 40%', to: '60% 60%', time: 3 },\n{ src: ", bfa_rotating_header_images() ) . ", from: '40% 40%', to: '60% 60%', time: 3 }\n ]);"; ?> */ <?php } ?> /* jQuery('ul#rmenu').superfish(); */ /* jQuery('ul#rmenu').superfish().find('ul').bgIframe({opacity:false}); */ /* For IE6 */ if (jQuery.browser.msie && /MSIE 6\.0/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && !/MSIE 7\.0/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && !/MSIE 8\.0/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { /* Max-width for images in IE6 */ var centerwidth = jQuery("td#middle").width(); /* Images without caption */ jQuery(".post img").each(function() { var maxwidth = centerwidth - 10 + 'px'; var imgwidth = jQuery(this).width(); var imgheight = jQuery(this).height(); var newimgheight = (centerwidth / imgwidth * imgheight) + 'px'; if (imgwidth > centerwidth) { jQuery(this).css({width: maxwidth}); jQuery(this).css({height: newimgheight}); } }); /* Images with caption */ jQuery("div.wp-caption").each(function() { var captionwidth = jQuery(this).width(); var maxcaptionwidth = centerwidth + 'px'; var captionheight = jQuery(this).height(); var captionimgwidth = jQuery("div.wp-caption img").width(); var captionimgheight = jQuery("div.wp-caption img").height(); if (captionwidth > centerwidth) { jQuery(this).css({width: maxcaptionwidth}); var newcaptionheight = (centerwidth / captionwidth * captionheight) + 'px'; var newcaptionimgheight = (centerwidth / captionimgwidth * captionimgheight) + 'px'; jQuery(this).css({height: newcaptionheight}); jQuery("div.wp-caption img").css({height: newcaptionimgheight}); } }); /* sfhover for LI:HOVER support in IE6: */ jQuery("ul li"). hover( function() { jQuery(this).addClass("sfhover") }, function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("sfhover") } ); /* End IE6 */ } /* Since 3.7.8: Auto resize videos (embed and iframe elements) TODO: Parse parent's dimensions only once per layout column, not per video */ function bfa_resize_video() { jQuery('embed, iframe').each( function() { var video = jQuery(this), videoWidth = video.attr('width'); // use the attr here, not width() or css() videoParent = video.parent(), videoParentWidth = parseFloat( videoParent.css( 'width' ) ), videoParentBorder = parseFloat( videoParent.css( 'border-left-width' ) ) + parseFloat( videoParent.css( 'border-right-width' ) ), videoParentPadding = parseFloat( videoParent.css( 'padding-left' ) ) + parseFloat( videoParent.css( 'padding-right' ) ), maxWidth = videoParentWidth - videoParentBorder - videoParentPadding; if( videoWidth > maxWidth ) { var videoHeight = video.attr('height'), videoMaxHeight = ( maxWidth / videoWidth * videoHeight ); video.attr({ width: maxWidth, height: videoMaxHeight }); } }); } bfa_resize_video(); jQuery(window).resize( bfa_resize_video ); <?php if ($bfa_ata['table_hover_rows'] == "Yes") { ?> jQuery(".post table tr"). mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).addClass("over"); }). mouseout(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("over"); }); <?php } else { ?> jQuery(".post table.hover tr"). mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).addClass("over"); }). mouseout(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("over"); }); <?php } ?> <?php if ($bfa_ata['table_zebra_stripes'] == "Yes") { ?> jQuery(".post table tr:even"). addClass("alt"); <?php } else { ?> jQuery(".post table.zebra tr:even"). addClass("alt"); <?php } ?> <?php if ($bfa_ata['highlight_forms'] == "Yes") { ?> jQuery("input.text, input.TextField, input.file, input.password, textarea"). focus(function () { jQuery(this).addClass("highlight"); }). blur(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass("highlight"); }) <?php } ?> jQuery("input.inputblur"). focus(function () { jQuery(this).addClass("inputfocus"); }). blur(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass("inputfocus"); }) <?php if (function_exists('lmbbox_comment_quicktags_display')) { ?> jQuery("input.ed_button"). mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).addClass("ed_button_hover"); }). mouseout(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("ed_button_hover"); }); <?php } ?> jQuery("input.button, input.Button, input#submit"). mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).addClass("buttonhover"); }). mouseout(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass("buttonhover"); }); /* toggle "you can use these xhtml tags" */ jQuery("a.xhtmltags"). click(function(){ jQuery("div.xhtml-tags").slideToggle(300); }); /* For the Tabbed Widgets plugin: */ jQuery("ul.tw-nav-list"). addClass("clearfix"); <?php if ( $bfa_ata['sticky_layout_footer'] == "Yes" ) { ?> /* Strech short pages to full height, keep footer at bottom. */ /* Set a compensation value to fix browser differences and an overall misalignment with this method */ if (jQuery.browser.msie || jQuery.browser.safari) { var bfacompensate = 41; } else { var bfacompensate = 21; } /* Fix a jQuery/Opera 9.5+ bug with determining the window height */ var windowheight = jQuery.browser.opera && jQuery.browser.version > "9.5" && jQuery.fn.jquery <= "1.2.6" ? document.documentElement["clientHeight"] : jQuery(window).height(); /* Top and bottom padding may have been set on the BODY */ var paddingtop = parseInt(jQuery("body").css("padding-top")); var paddingbottom = parseInt(jQuery("body").css("padding-bottom")); /* Get the height of the header, footer, and the layout as a whole */ var headerheight = jQuery("td#header").height(); var footerheight = jQuery("td#footer").height(); var layoutheight = jQuery("div#wrapper").height(); /* Adjust height of middle column if (layout height + body padding-top + body padding-bottom) is smaller than height of browser viewport */ if ( windowheight > (layoutheight + paddingtop + paddingbottom) ) { var newmiddleheight = windowheight - paddingtop - headerheight - footerheight - paddingbottom - bfacompensate; jQuery("td#middle").css({height: newmiddleheight + "px"}); } <?php } ?> }); //]]> <?php #if ( function_exists('wp_list_comments') AND $bfa_ata['include_wp_comment_reply_js'] == "Yes" ) # include (ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js'); // Currently not used. Enable in bfa_theme_options as well /* if ( $bfa_ata['javascript_compress'] == "Yes" AND !( $bfa_ata_debug == 1 AND $bfa_ata['allow_debug'] == "Yes" ) ) { ob_end_flush(); } */ if ( isset($bfa_ata_preview) OR $bfa_ata['javascript_external'] == "Inline" OR ( isset($bfa_ata_debug) AND $bfa_ata['allow_debug'] == "Yes" ) ) { echo "</script>\n"; } ?>