VERSION DATE TYPE CHANGES 1.4.6 2009/08/07 NEW Added 'web analytics' options. NEW Added 'twitter' options. NEW Added Kurdish language support. (Thanks Sia) MODIFY Optimize SQL to select the copyright years. MODIFY Show tag cloud on all the pages. MODIFY Changed the mode of WP-EasyArchives to 'none' in sidebar. MODIFY Changed font-family of text boxes. MODIFY Set the delay time for the menus on mouse out action. MODIFY Split links by category in links page (links.php). MODIFY Updated style for Thread Twitter. MODIFY Updated Polish translation. MODIFY Updated Dutch translation. MODIFY Updated Janpanese translation. MODIFY Update Simplified Chinese translation. MODIFY Update German translation. FIX Fixed the comments, they are XHTML valid!. 1.4.5 2009/06/09 MODIFY Changed text 'Remove sidebar from all pages.' to 'Hide sidebar from all pages.' FIX Fixed 'Google adsenses to cover the menus'. (Thanks bolo) 1.4.4 2009/06/09 MODIFY Show the AJAX loader icon when change page in WP-RecentComments. FIX Fixed 'comments doesn't show in the pages'. (I am so sorry for my stupid mistake.) 1.4.3 2009/06/07 NEW Change the style of multi-level menus. 1.4.2 2009/06/06 NEW Change the style of sidebar separating. FIX Fixed a plugin conflict (wp_head was not found in header.php/wp_footer was not found in footer.php). 1.4.1 2009/06/06 NEW Multi level menu is now supported. NEW Added Indonesian language support. (Thanks 4MB) MODIFY Move the '404 talker' image from Flickr to localhost. MODIFY Updated Italian translation. MODIFY Updated Finnish translation. MODIFY Updated Lithuanian translation. (Thanks Mantas Malcius) MODIFY Updated Israeli Hebrew translation. (Thanks Yonatan Levy) MODIFY Update Traditional Chinese translation. MODIFY Updated Bulgarian translation. FIX Fixed the style of right-to-left layout. 1.4 2009/05/11 NEW Added 'nosidebar' option that allow you to remove sidebar from all pages. NEW Added 'Add link' button in link template. NEW 'Mail To Commenter' plugin is now supported. (via '@+user+blank') NEW Added searchbox tip. NEW Added Finnish language support. (Thanks Petteri Laine) NEW Added Korean language support. (Thanks Hackie) MODIFY Changed header. MODIFY Changed the link of CSS validator. MODIFY Updated Italian translation. MODIFY Updated Janpanese translation. MODIFY Update Simplified Chinese translation. MODIFY Moved author link below post title. FIX Fixed the error that broke admin comments interface. FIX Fixed submenus with a large title. FIX Fixed banner in right-to-left layout. FIX Fixed display bug about icons. FIX Fixed 'sidebar being pushed down in IE6'. 1.3 2009/04/19 NEW Compatible with IE8. NEW 'AJAX Comment Pager' plugin is now supported. (Comment list ID: thecomments | Callback method name: custom_comments) NEW 'Thread Twitter' plugin is now supported. (twitter.php) NEW Added 'Feed readers' option in 'Current Theme Options' page. NEW 'WP-Poll' plugin is now supported. NEW Added style for calendar widget. NEW Added banner options. NEW Added 'Submit comments with Ctrl+Enter' option. NEW Added Uyghur language support. (Thanks ahbar) NEW Added Ukrainian language support. (Thanks Jurko Chervony) NEW Added Icelandic language support. (Thanks Undandi) NEW Added Swedish language support. (Thanks Robert Kajic) NEW Added Vietnamese language support. (Thanks Thắng Mạo) NEW Added Basque language support. (Thanks Ibon Igartua) NEW Added Lithuanian language support. (Thanks Aivaras Kivillius) NEW Added Thai language support. (Thanks Kazama) MODIFY Changed '<?' to '<?php'. (Thanks Florent DURGET) MODIFY Changed table style. MODIFY Improved style for image captions. MODIFY Changed searchbox. MODIFY Update Simplified Chinese translation. MODIFY Update Traditional Chinese translation. FIX Fixed 'Change »' and 'Close »' output in comments.php. FIX Multicol tags when there are many tags on the posts. FIX Show default cursor when mouse move out of the menu. FIX Fixed 'some unapproved spam comments were being taking into consideration'. (Thanks Marcelo Silveira) FIX Someone got 'this.menu is undefined' error message and the feed combobox could not show up, the problem got fixed. REMOVE Removed description and keywords options, because there is conflict between this feature and some SEO plugins. REMOVE Removed JS and CSS about image switcher. 1.2.3 2009/01/19 NEW 'WP-EasyArchives' plugin is now supported. NEW Added Romanian language support. (Thanks Paul Iercosan) NEW Added Hungarian language support. (Thanks Furus Calix) NEW Added Bulgarian language support. (Thanks Emil Minev) NEW Added Hindi language support. (Thanks sanjay bengani) NEW Added Persian language support. (Thanks Farzad Sagharchi) NEW Added Portuguese language support. (Thanks Luís Mota) MODIFY Change letter-spacing to -0.05em on H tags. MODIFY Optimize SQL to select the copyright years. (Thanks kouz) MODIFY Change the width of submenus from 125px to 150px. MODIFY Update Italian translation. MODIFY Update Traditional Chinese translation. (Thanks Allen) MODIFY Update Simplified Chinese translation. FIX Added link of the author to archive pages and search page. FIX Added 'do_action('comment_form', $post->ID);' tag to comment from. FIX Fixed style for right-to-left layout (rtl.css). FIX Changed the images of link in 'Links' page. FIX Fixed 'Edit link'. FIX Removed redundant code about options. 1.2.2 2009/01/05 NEW Added Croatian language support. (Thanks Fuzz Fais) 1.2.1 2009/01/04 NEW Added Russian language support. (Thanks Yury Zemskov) NEW Added Traditional Chinese language support. (Thanks nozumu) MODIFY Hide trackbacks tab when trackbacks and pingbacks not allow on this post FIX Added 'rel="external nofollow"' tag to the comment links. 1.2 2009/01/02 NEW Added right-to-left layout support. NEW Added link of the author of the current post. NEW Added a new template without sidebar. NEW Added Czech language support. (Thanks Ladislav Prskavec) NEW Added Turkish language support. (Thanks posta) NEW Added Dutch language support. (Thanks Johan Scholten) NEW Added Israeli Hebrew language support. (Thanks David Abutbul) MODIFY Combine 'search.php' with 'archive.php'. MODIFY Moved all the .mo files to 'languages' directory. MODIFY Rewrite code and create some templates. MODIFY Using conditional comments as CSS hack for IE6. MODIFY Update German translation. MODIFY Update Polish translation. MODIFY Update Italian translation. FIX Fixed the comments template of page. FIX Apply translations to 'Current Theme Options'. FIX Submenu are disabled when remove feeds from sidebar, this bug now fixed. 1.1.4 2008/12/15 FIX Fixed translation files. 1.1.3 2008/12/15 NEW Added Polish language support. (Thanks Tomasz Wisniewski) REMOVE Removed supported for 'SRG Clean Archives' plugin. 1.1.2 2008/12/14 NEW 'Quick Comments' plugin is now supported. NEW Added Japanese language support. (Thanks をかもと) NEW Added Brazilian Portuguese language support. (Thanks Welington Rodrigues Braga) NEW Added French language support. (Thanks Gasquez Florian) NEW Added Italian language support. (Thanks Gianni Diurno) FIX Fixed a weird problem when people updated to WordPress 2.7. FIX Apply translations to 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.'. FIX Fixed the width of title. FIX Fixed REPLY and QUERY events in Opera Browsers. 1.1.1 2008/12/01 FIX Fixed trackbacks in WordPress 2.7. 1.1 2008/10/29 NEW Added Norwegian language support. (Thanks Rune Gulbrandsøy) NEW Added Spanish language support. (Thanks Alberto Gonzalez) NEW Added 2-level menu and feed readers. NEW Added style for image captions. NEW Added 'Show categories as menu' option. NEW Comment pages ready. MODIFY light.png => light.gif. MODIFY Changed '<?=' to '<?php echo'. MODIFY Changed the style of 'Submit comment' button. FIX Changed the icon of 'Edit links' button. FIX Fixed login/logout links on comment page, again. FIX Fixed the mothod to get copyright term. 1.0.5 2008/10/15 FIX Fixed login/logout links on comment page. 1.0.4 2008/10/15 FIX In the pass version, sidebar was misplaced when searchbox widget was activated. FIX Fixed <pre> style for IE6. 1.0.3 2008/10/11 NEW Created this CHANGLOG file. NEW Added German language support. (Thanks Nicola Tiling) NEW Added Danish language support. (Thanks Soeren Eskildsen) FIX Fixed style for Firefox2. FIX Fixed trackback style. FIX Fixed 'Categories & Tags' options.