File: eu.po
msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: iNove 1.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 13:45+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-07 14:02+0900\n" "Last-Translator: mg12 <wuzhao.mail@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: NeoEase <http://www.neoease.com/themes/>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Basque\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _e;__\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: 404.php:8 #: header.php:27 msgid "RSS 2.0 - all posts" msgstr "RSS 2.0 - bidalketa denak" #: 404.php:9 #: header.php:28 msgid "RSS 2.0 - all comments" msgstr "RSS 2.0 - iruzkin denak" #: 404.php:22 msgid "Talker" msgstr "Hizlaria" #: 404.php:25 msgid "Welcome to 404 error page!" msgstr "404 errore orrialdea!" #: 404.php:26 msgid "Welcome to this customized error page. You've reached this page because you've clicked on a link that does not exist. This is probably our fault... but instead of showing you the basic '404 Error' page that is confusing and doesn't really explain anything, we've created this page to explain what went wrong." msgstr "Nabigatzaileak ez du dokumentua aurkitu. Beharbada orri hori desagertu egin da, izena aldatu diote edo oraintxe ez dago eskuragarri. Mesedez, begiratu ea helbidea zuzena den." #: 404.php:27 msgid "You can either (a) click on the 'back' button in your browser and try to navigate through our site in a different direction, or (b) click on the following link to go to homepage." msgstr "Bi aukera dauzkazu (a) 'atzera' botoian klik egin eta beste modu batean saiatu, edo (b) ondorengo loturan klik egin orrialde nagusira joateko." #: 404.php:29 msgid "Back to homepage »" msgstr "Itzuli orrialde nagusira »" #: archive.php:10 msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Bilaketaren emaitzak" #: archive.php:11 #, php-format msgid "Keyword: ‘%1$s’" msgstr "Keyword: ‘%1$s’" #: archive.php:14 msgid "Archive" msgstr "Artxiboa" #: archive.php:19 #, php-format msgid "Archive for the ‘%1$s’ Category" msgstr "‘%1$s’ atalaren artxiboa" #: archive.php:22 #, php-format msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%1$s’" msgstr "‘%1$s’rekin etiketatutako sarrerak" #: archive.php:25 #: archive.php:28 #: archive.php:31 #, php-format msgid "Archive for %1$s" msgstr "%1$s (r)entzako artxiboa" #: archive.php:25 #: archive.php:47 #: archives.php:14 #: comments.php:91 #: functions.php:563 #: index.php:22 #: links.php:25 #: page.php:8 #: single.php:15 #: twitter.php:15 msgid "F jS, Y" msgstr "Y(\\e)\\k\\o Fk j" #: archive.php:28 msgid "F, Y" msgstr "F, Y" #: archive.php:31 msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: archive.php:34 msgid "Author Archive" msgstr "Egilearen artxiboa" #: archive.php:37 msgid "Blog Archives" msgstr "Blogaren artxiboak" #: archive.php:49 #: archives.php:15 #: comments.php:95 #: functions.php:571 #: index.php:24 #: links.php:26 #: page.php:9 #: single.php:17 #: twitter.php:16 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editatu" #: archive.php:50 #: index.php:25 msgid "No comments" msgstr "Iruzkinik ez" #: archive.php:50 #: index.php:25 msgid "1 comment" msgstr "Iruzkin 1" #: archive.php:50 #: index.php:25 #, php-format msgid "% comments" msgstr "% iruzkin" #: archive.php:50 #: index.php:25 msgid "Comments off" msgstr "" #: archive.php:54 #: index.php:29 msgid "Read more..." msgstr "Gehiago irakurri..." #: archive.php:58 #: index.php:33 #: single.php:29 msgid "Categories: " msgstr "" #: archive.php:59 #: index.php:34 #: single.php:30 msgid "Tags: " msgstr "" #: archive.php:64 #: archives.php:39 #: index.php:39 #: links.php:59 #: page.php:26 #: single.php:68 #: twitter.php:36 msgid "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria." msgstr "Barkatu, irizpide horiek betetzen dituen bidalketarik ez da aurkitu." #: archive.php:72 #: index.php:47 msgid "Newer Entries" msgstr "Sarrera berrienak" #: archive.php:73 #: index.php:48 msgid "Older Entries" msgstr "Sarrera zaharrenak" #: archives.php:17 #: comments.php:31 #: links.php:28 #: page.php:11 #: single.php:19 #: twitter.php:18 msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Iruzkin bat egin" #: archives.php:18 #: links.php:29 #: page.php:12 #: single.php:20 #: twitter.php:19 msgid "Go to comments" msgstr "Iruzkinetara joan" #: comments.php:5 msgid "Enter your password to view comments." msgstr "Iruzkinak ikusteko zure pasahitza idatzi." #: comments.php:25 #: comments.php:28 #: functions.php:367 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Iruzkinak" #: comments.php:26 msgid "Trackbacks" msgstr "Aipuak" #: comments.php:34 msgid "Trackback" msgstr "Aipua" #: comments.php:58 msgid "No comments yet." msgstr "Momentuz ez dago iruzkinik." #: comments.php:72 msgid "Comment pages" msgstr "Iruzkinen orrialdeak" #: comments.php:91 #: functions.php:563 #, php-format msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s(e)tan" #: comments.php:91 #: functions.php:563 msgid "H:i" msgstr "H:i" #: comments.php:108 msgid "No trackbacks yet." msgstr "Momentuz aipurik ez." #: comments.php:123 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Iruzkinak itxita." #: comments.php:134 #, php-format msgid "You must be <a href=\"%s\">logged in</a> to post a comment." msgstr "Iruzkinak egiteko <a href=\"%s\">saioa hasi</a> behar duzu." #: comments.php:150 msgid "Logged in as" msgstr "Saioa honela hasita:" #: comments.php:151 msgid "Log out of this account" msgstr "Saioa itxi" #: comments.php:151 msgid "Logout »" msgstr "Saioa itxi »" #: comments.php:157 #, php-format msgid "Welcome back <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> Ongi Etorria berriro." #: comments.php:158 msgid "Change »" msgstr "Aldatu »" #: comments.php:159 msgid "Close »" msgstr "Itxi »" #: comments.php:166 msgid "Name" msgstr "Izena" #: comments.php:166 #: comments.php:170 msgid "(required)" msgstr "(beharrezkoa)" #: comments.php:170 msgid "E-Mail (will not be published)" msgstr "E-posta (ez da publikoa izango)" #: comments.php:174 msgid "Website" msgstr "Webgunea" #: comments.php:191 msgid "Subscribe to comments feed" msgstr "Iruzkinen jariora harpidetu" #: comments.php:193 msgid "Submit Comment" msgstr "Iruzkina bidali" #: footer.php:17 msgid "Top" msgstr "Gora" #: footer.php:27 msgid "Copyright © " msgstr "Copyright © " #: footer.php:39 #, php-format msgid "Theme by <a href=\"%1$s\">NeoEase</a>. Valid <a href=\"%2$s\">XHTML 1.1</a> and <a href=\"%3$s\">CSS 3</a>." msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">NeoEase</a>(e)k egidako itxura. <a href=\"%2$s\">XHTML 1.1</a> eta <a href=\"%3$s\">CSS 3</a> zuzenak." #: functions.php:180 #: functions.php:189 msgid "Current Theme Options" msgstr "Uneko itxuraren aukerak" #: functions.php:194 msgid "Search" msgstr "Bilatu" #: functions.php:198 msgid "Using google custom search engine." msgstr "Googleen bilaketa motore pertsonalizatua erabiltzen." #: functions.php:201 msgid "CX:" msgstr "CX:" #: functions.php:204 msgid "Find <code>name=\"cx\"</code> in the <strong>Search box code</strong> of <a href=\"%1$s\">Google Custom Search Engine</a>, and type the <code>value</code> here.<br/>For example: <code>014782006753236413342:1ltfrybsbz4</code>" msgstr "Find <code>name=\"cx\"</code> in the <strong>Search box code</strong> of <a href=\"%1$s\">Google Custom Search Engine</a>, and type the <code>value</code> here.<br/>For example: <code>014782006753236413342:1ltfrybsbz4</code>" #: functions.php:213 msgid "Menubar" msgstr "Menubar" #: functions.php:217 msgid "Show pages as menu." msgstr "Orrialdeak menu gisa erakutsi." #: functions.php:221 msgid "Show categories as menu." msgstr "Atalak menu gisa erakutsi." #: functions.php:231 msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "" #: functions.php:235 msgid "Hide sidebar from all pages." msgstr "" #: functions.php:246 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Oharra" #: functions.php:248 #: functions.php:272 #: functions.php:307 #: functions.php:430 msgid "HTML enabled" msgstr "HTML gaituta" #: functions.php:254 msgid "This notice bar will display at the top of posts on homepage." msgstr "Ohar-barra hau orrialde nagusian bidalketaren goiko partean ikusiko da." #: functions.php:270 msgid "Banner" msgstr "" #: functions.php:276 msgid "This banner will display at the right of header. (height: 60 pixels)" msgstr "" #: functions.php:278 #: functions.php:313 msgid "Who can see?" msgstr "Nork ikus dezake?" #: functions.php:281 #: functions.php:316 msgid "Registered Users" msgstr "Erregistratutako erabiltzaileak" #: functions.php:285 #: functions.php:320 msgid "Commentator" msgstr "Iruzkingile" #: functions.php:289 #: functions.php:324 msgid "Visitors" msgstr "Bisitariak" #: functions.php:305 #: sidebar.php:56 msgid "Showcase" msgstr "Kartela" #: functions.php:311 msgid "This showcase will display at the top of sidebar." msgstr "Kartel hau albo-barraren goiko partan ikusiko da." #: functions.php:329 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Izenburua:" #: functions.php:345 msgid "Posts" msgstr "Bidalketak" #: functions.php:349 msgid "Show author on posts." msgstr "Egilea bidalketetan erakutsi." #: functions.php:353 msgid "Show categories on posts." msgstr "Atalak bidalketetan erakutsi." #: functions.php:357 msgid "Show tags on posts." msgstr "Etiketak bidalketetan erakutsi." #: functions.php:371 msgid "Submit comments with Ctrl+Enter." msgstr "" #: functions.php:381 msgid "Feed" msgstr "Jarioa" #: functions.php:385 msgid "Show the feed reader list when mouse over on feed button." msgstr "" #: functions.php:390 msgid "Custom feed." msgstr "Pertsonalizatutako jarioa." #: functions.php:392 #: functions.php:398 msgid "URL:" msgstr "URL:" #: functions.php:396 msgid "Email feed." msgstr "Eposta jarioa." #: functions.php:407 #: sidebar.php:42 msgid "Twitter" msgstr "" #: functions.php:411 msgid "Add Twitter button." msgstr "" #: functions.php:414 msgid "Twitter username:" msgstr "" #: functions.php:428 msgid "Web Analytics" msgstr "" #: functions.php:435 msgid "Add web analytics code to your site. (e.g. Google Analytics, Yahoo! Web Analytics, ...)" msgstr "" #: functions.php:446 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Aldaketak gorde" #: functions.php:567 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Erantzun" #: functions.php:568 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Aipatu" #: functions.php:573 msgid "Advanced edit" msgstr "Edizio aurreratua" #: functions.php:579 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Zure iruzkina moderazioaren zain dago." #: links.php:18 msgid "Add link" msgstr "" #: links.php:19 msgid "Edit links" msgstr "Loturak aldatu" #: sidebar.php:25 msgid "Subscribe to this blog..." msgstr "Blog honetara harpidetu..." #: sidebar.php:25 msgid "<abbr title=\"Really Simple Syndication\">RSS</abbr>" msgstr "" #: sidebar.php:28 #: sidebar.php:29 #: sidebar.php:30 #: sidebar.php:31 #: sidebar.php:32 #: sidebar.php:33 #: sidebar.php:34 #: sidebar.php:35 msgid "Subscribe with " msgstr "Harpidetu honela" #: sidebar.php:28 msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" #: sidebar.php:29 msgid "Youdao" msgstr "Youdao" #: sidebar.php:30 msgid "Xian Guo" msgstr "Xian Guo" #: sidebar.php:31 msgid "Zhua Xia" msgstr "Zhua Xia" #: sidebar.php:32 msgid "My Yahoo!" msgstr "My Yahoo!" #: sidebar.php:33 msgid "newsgator" msgstr "newsgator" #: sidebar.php:34 msgid "Bloglines" msgstr "Bloglines" #: sidebar.php:35 msgid "iNezha" msgstr "iNezha" #: sidebar.php:40 msgid "Subscribe to this blog via email..." msgstr "Blog honetara eposta bidez harpidetu..." #: sidebar.php:40 msgid "Email feed" msgstr "Eposta jarioa" #: sidebar.php:42 msgid "Follow me!" msgstr "" #: single.php:7 msgid "Go to homepage" msgstr "Orrialde nagusira joan" #: single.php:7 msgid "Home" msgstr "Orrialde nagusia" #: templates/header.php:66 msgid "Type text to search here..." msgstr ""